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Legislative Items of Interest to:

Route 40 Business Association

By: Rowan Glidden (V.P., G.W. Stephens, Jr. & Assoc., Inc.), Chair- Legislative Discussions - May 7, 2014

Circulation: Emailed to Active Members of the Route 40 Business Association

VOLUME 1 No. 9
Frequency - Monthly
Bus. Mtg./Work Session 05-05-14 (4PM).
Next Council meeting 05-19-14 (7PM). Public
Hearing on FY 2014-15 Budget.
Ord. No. 14-O-04, Grading and Sediment
Control; Catch up with State Regulations.
Introduced 03-24-14; Approved 04-14-14.
Ord. N0. 14-O-07, Amend TOD Zoning Map.
Public Hearing 04-28-14. Vote pending.

Harford County
Hotel Room Tax
The State of MD passed enabling legislation for a
Room Tax for Harford County. Now the County
Council needs to enact, to put us on even footing
with the other 22 counties.

Water Non-Moratorium
From the Executive Summary of the Annual
Growth Report, The Maryland Department of the
Environment is currently reviewing the Water
Supply Capacity Management Plan submitted by
the Maryland American Water Company, a
private water company which serves the Town of
Bel Air and parts of the Greater Bel Air area.
Currently, all new preliminary plans, recorded
plats, and building permits in the Maryland
American service area are on hold until the
conclusions of this plan review are received.

Harford County Regional Water & Sewer
Authority Formation Study
The efforts to create the regional authority
continue. All three municipalities agreed to
participate in Phase II of Study.
MD Stormwater Remediation Fee
State Legislature is over. No change to SWM

* In Route 40 corridor, neither Aberdeen nor Havre de
Grace is subject to the SWM Remediation Fee, at this

The State of MD is preparing a program called
Accounting for Growth which will involve
nutrient offsets to be required for developing land
that drains to the Chesapeake Bay. Read their
webpage for up to date details.

TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) a term
related to the Fed/State assigned maximum
allowed quantity of discharge of any number of
water born or dissolved elements, nutrients, or
chemicals within a given watershed.
Co. Council Bills Introduced in April 2014
Bill 14-16 (Rental Property Inspections-
Livability Code) Public Hearing scheduled for
May 6
(6:30 PM).
Bill 14-18 (Charter Amendment Dept. Dir.
Classification) Public Hearing scheduled for
May 13
(6:30 PM).
County Council Bills Approved in April 2014
Bill None of Interest.
County Council Bills Introduced in Mar. 2014
Bill 14-10 (SRA Modifications & Std. Update)
Public Hearing scheduled for April 15
PM). Amendments introduced and pending
Co. Council Resolutions Approved in April 2014
Resolution None of Interest.
Co. Council Resolutions Introduced in April 2014
Resolution None of Interest.

Havre de Grace
Council met on 04-07-14:
o Ordinances No.955: Water & Sewer
Rate Increase.
o No Resolutions introduced.
Council met 04-21-14:
o Public Hearing Held Ordinance No.955
Water & Sewer Rate Increase.
o Resolution approving Annexation of
multiple properties along Bulle Rock
May Council Meetings:
o May 5
Adopted: Ordinance No.955 - Water &
Sewer Rate Increase. Effective July 1,
o May 19

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