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Transport of Energy, Impact in Managing Energy

Industry Costs
Mdlina Mihil
University of Craiova
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Craiova, Romania

Abstract- In the current economic context it is necessary to
mobilise policies in support of competitiveness and growth.
The supply of affordable and sustainable energy for economy is
crucial in that respect. This is why the European Council agreed
on a series of guidelines for urgent completion of a fully
functioning and interconnected internal energy market,
facilitation of the required investment in energy, diversification
of Europe's supplies and enhanced energy efficiency. The EU's
energy policy must ensure security of supply for households and
companies at affordable and competitive prices and costs, in a
safe and sustainable manner. This is particularly important for
Europe's competitiveness in the light of increasing energy
demand from major economies and high energy prices and costs.
Significant investments in new and intelligent energy
infrastructure are needed to secure the uninterrupted supply of
energy at affordable prices.
Keywords- energy, transport, costs, investment
Among the forms that consume energy, a special place is
occupied by electricity, proven by the continuous increase in
the share of primary energy converted into electricity (over
40% today). The merits that the energy in relation to other
forms of energy - can be obtained in good yield by any form of
energy can be transmitted over long distances quickly and
economically, it can be distributed to a large number of
consumers with various powers, it can turn into other forms of
energy, on favorable terms, "clean", once produced is not
polluting lends itself well to automation, etc. ,can be measured
accurately. - Led to the continued expansion of its areas of use
and therefore the number and power plants for this purpose.
Since electricity is required by consumers can not be stored,
it should be used even when its production. This condition is
satisfied as generation, transmission, distribution and use of
electricity are related to one another and result in a set of
facilities that make up the energy system (ES).
The power system (ES) or electrical system means the
electric power system, from electric generators to power
receivers including. Within the ES, waste generation,
transmission and distribution of electricity use are linked in
some way and have a common and continuous electricity
production and consumption.
Necessary electricity supply to consumers of power
systems is produced by generators in power plants at medium
voltage (6-24) kV. In power plants, various forms of energy
from primary resources becomes successively using machines
and aggregates, mechanical energy and then into electricity.
The relationship between electric power (generators) and
consumers is provided by transmission and distribution
facilities of electricity, electricity grid (EG).
The relationship between electric power (generators) and
consumers is provided by transmission and distribution
facilities of electricity, the electricity grid (EG). The grid
consists of the following main elements: overhead lines (OHL)
and cable (LEC), stations and substations, secondary elements.

Figure 1. How energy works, as pocess [1].
Overhead lines are easily accessible, but occupy large
spaces and permanently subject to destructive action of
atmospheric factors and pollutants. Underground power lines
do not crowd airspace, do not have direct electrical shock, have
high safety in operation but are expensive and difficult to
access, so use when joining submarines near airports, under
Nominal voltage of the line is one of the standardized values:
380V, 6kV, 10KV, 20KV, 35KV, 110KV, 220KV, 40kVA.
Energy system (ES) presence in transmission and
distribution facilities of electricity is required for the following
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Transporting energy over long distances from
production areas to consumption centers, electricity
transport as being economical solution;
Accept the difference between the nominal voltage
generators and consumers, the difference between the
nominal voltage transmission lines and the consumer,
the difference between the transmitted power and the
individual requested by receivers;
The interconnected operation of the plants in the ES,
interconnected operation belonging to different
territorial areas requires a network connection.
The main requirements imposed grids are:
Continuity of supply of electricity to consumers;
The quality of electricity supplied to consumers;
Further development of the network;
Economic efficiency;
Additional requirements for environmental impact.
Continuous supply of electricity to consumers is an
essential requirement that must fulfill a grid. Power consumers
should be provided with virtually no interruption (or an
accepted interrupt level, low value), regardless of the regime
and system status. This goal is achieved by first choosing an
appropriate configuration of the network but directly dependent
on the operational
Interruption of power supply affect consumers differently.
Depending on the effects of interruption of power supply,
receivers fall into the following categories:
Category zero, which interrupt the power supply can
lead to explosions, fires, destruction of equipment or
loss of life. This includes, for example, process
computers, ventilation and exhaust hazardous or
explosive mixtures, cooling etc induction furnaces.
Category I, which leads to disruption of supply
interruption in continuous flow processes, requiring
long periods to resume work on quantitative and
qualitative parameters existing at the time disruption or
significant waste of raw materials, auxiliary materials
and so on, without the possibility recovery of
unrealized production. May fall into this category: the
cranes in the steel foundry, glass melting furnaces,
incubators, water pump stations in me and so on;
Category II included receivers that leads to loss of
power production failures basically only disruption and
unrealized production can be usually recovered. In this
category can be included: chemical treatment furnaces,
air compressors, extraction plants, manufacturing
machines for mass production and so on;
Category III includes receivers of minor importance
which do not fall into the preceding categories, such as
receivers in workshops, warehouses, auxiliary sections,
as well as those belonging to households and rural.
The functional safety of electrical network means its ability
to withstand the loads that occur in its operation without
unacceptable consequences for plant and equipment composing
it without injury to operating personnel for construction or
neighboring targets.
Due to the diversity of elements that make up the grid and
the numerous incidents that occur in its operation, achieving
absolute safety in the operation of power systems is particularly
difficult and unreasonable. In the operation of an electrical
network may prompt large or more simultaneous failures,
independent of each other, the frequency of occurrence is very
low in both cases.
The quality of electricity supplied to consumers is a key
requirement in the operation of power grids and assessed
according to the following parameters: voltage, frequency,
degree of symmetry of the system and purity phase voltage of
the voltage wave, sinusoidal desired.

Figure 2. How energy works in numbers [1].
A good quality of energy supplied requires supply voltage
and frequency to be close to the nominal values, and voltage
and frequency fluctuations around these values to be
minimized both in value and in frequency. Permissible
deviations are about. 5% for voltage, or 0.5% frequency.
Further development of the network is a requirement that
existing grid must allow an extension (development) future
without this level of safety and ease of maneuvers they suffer
significant changes.
Economic efficiency is the requirement which requires that
the transmission and distribution of electricity with minimum
cost to achieve a certain power transferred. Increased economic
efficiency is achieved by:
Minimize the investment costs of the cheapest
solutions by adopting a number of possible solutions
that meet the technical requirements;
Reduction of power losses in the network elements, the
choice of equipment and facilities that present high
yields and their rational exploitation.
Additional requirements imposed by environmental
impact act as restrictions to be followed compulsorily.
For example, restricting aesthetic pollution, noise, air
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or diversion routes in case of urban areas (even if
technical and economic solution indicates that a high-
voltage lines pass through the center of an urban area,
this solution can not be accepted and the route is
changed accordingly).
Environmental impact of electrical networks can be seen in
at least two respects, namely:
the influence of grids on the environment;
the influence of the environment on grids
The main types of pollution that electricity networks
generate on the environment are:
Visual, due to potential damage to the landscape;
Changing the landscape caused by electrical wiring
Noise, mainly due to: noise generated from operation
of electricity networks and in particular transformers;
or noise generated by corona discharge lines high and
very high voltage
Electromagnetic determined by: lighting effects of
corona discharge;
Radio interference in TV electric and magnetic field
influences on living organisms;
mental hazards due determined objectively:
Fear generated near electrical networks and their visual
and sound effects;
Accidents, the generation of major cases (deaths);
Ecological, due to: occupancy of land; degree of
deforestation; influence on plant and buildings etc.
If lines of medium and low voltage electrical hazards
that may cause impact to the environment relates
mainly to: the occupation of land, the degree of
deforestation, pollution degree visual impact of various
constructions and installations.
Wireless transmission of electricity is the transmission of
electricity from a power source to the consumers of electricity
without wires interconnected artificial (without wires). This
mode of energy transport is very useful as interconnecting
wires are expensive, dangerous or impossible (in some places
can not be installed electrical wire [high voltage]).
Transmission of wireless problem is different from that of
wireless telecommunications, such as radio and television. The
proportion of energy received becomes critical only if the
signal is too weak to be distinguished from background noise.
Wireless electricity, efficiency is the most significant
parameter. A large part of the energy production plant sent
must arrive at the receiver or receivers for the system to be
The most common form of wireless power transmission is
transported through direct induction followed by resonant
magnetic induction. Other methods considered include
electromagnetic radiation in the form of microwaves or lasers.
Various methods of transmitting power wirelessly have
been known for centuries. Probably the best known example is
electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves. While such
radiation is excellent for wireless transmission of information,
their use is not possible for electric power transmission. Since
radiation spreads in all directions, most of the electricity would
waste scattered in space.
The concentration of electromagnetic radiation at one point,
such as lasers, it is a good idea but this is not very practical and
can be very dangerous because this method requires continuous
contact with any objects between the source and the receiver,
and and a sophisticated tracking mechanism when the device is
Another method is to use the principle of resonance for the
most efficient transport of energy from the transmitter to the
receiver. An MIT experiment used two coils generating an
alternating electromagnetic field. As soon as a coil resonates
with each other, the transfer of energy between the coils is at its
maximum, energy losses are minimal outside. The process is
somewhat similar to that used for transforming electrical
induction if lines of medium and low voltage electrical hazards.
In most EU countries to work on the principle that if the
industry supports easier energy costs then, there will be
influence on social life, such as prices of products will be
Lack of investment in infrastructure to date production is
one reason why prices are lower now than the future. A
component of tariffs, today is responsible for the increased cost
of electricity is the "network losses." These are of two kinds:
technical and commercial. The configuration related technical
and commercial transport infrastructure caused by theft year.
This phenomenon exists today and contribute to some extent
and the price paid currently. There are regulations which
require reduction targets of this phenomenon for energy
If current energy laws and policies remain unchanged
throughout the period until 2035, global energy demand will
increase by almost 50% compared with 2007, which means to
challenge the National Power System solutions for monitoring,
control and reduction cost.
[1] Annual Report of the Council of European Energy Regulators, 2012,
[2] Transeletrica,, available: 10
Sep. 2013.
[3] Anre, Autoritatea Nateionala de reglementare in domeniul energiei,, available: 10
Sep 2013.
[5] Elemente de strategie energetic pentru perioada 2011 2035,
1.pdf, available: 10
Sep 2013.

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August, 26. - 30. 2013
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