Night Games Permission Slip

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Night Games

Permission Form
Participants Name__________________________ Birth
Any allergies, including food? Yes No
If yes, what are they?
Are you taing any medication? Yes No
If yes, when does it need to !e taen?
"Please note that all medication, including o#er the counter, must !e gi#en to
li!rary staff mem!er upon arri#al$
I, __________________________, understand that I will !e e%pected to
participate, follow rules and respect li!rary staff mem!er decisions& I further
understand that failure to do so will result in a phone call to my parents to !e
piced up no matter what time it is& I also reali'e that since it is a (loc in) if I
choose to lea#e for any reason, I will not !e admitted !ac inside the li!rary and I
will only !e allowed to lea#e with the presence of a parent or guardian&
Please ha#e your parents fill in the information !elow*
I, ______________________________, gi#e my permission for my teen,
______________________________, to participate in the +,+- Night .ames
After/0ours program, 1une 23, 2345, from 6pm to 7*83pm at the +i!rary, 2233
Pioneer A#enue, ,heyenne, 9Y& I understand that I am responsi!le for my
teens transportation to and from the li!rary as well as any une%pected early pic
up& :eens must !e piced up !y 7*33 pm& I also understand that there will !e
physical acti#ity, food and other challenges;contests in#ol#ed in the e#ent&
I gi#e the +aramie ,ounty +i!rary -ystem permission to see emergency medical
care for my child should the need arise&
Name of Insurance ,ompany
Name of Insured*
Policy num!er
Please list a num!er where you can !e contacted*
Lucie/contract/YA 2K Loc1 05/16/2014
In exchange for the opportunity to participate in the Laramie County
Library Systems Night Games After!ours" a## participants sha## un$erta%e
any an$ a## ris%s& 'he participant an$(or his or her parent or guar$ian sha##
be #iab#e for any an$ a## ris%s& 'he Laramie County Library System" its
e#ecte$ an$ appointe$ officia#s" emp#oyees an$ agents sha## not be #iab#e
for any in)uries or $amages to any participant in the Laramie County
Library Systems Loc%in" or the property of the participant" or be sub)ect to
any actions" causes of action" $amages" c#aims or $eman$s" inc#u$ing
*ithout #imitation" those $amages resu#ting from acts of neg#igence on the
part of the Laramie County Library System its e#ecte$ an$ appointe$
officia#s" emp#oyees an$ agents& +urther" any participant" for
himse#f(herse#f an$ on beha#f of his or her heirs" persona# representati,es
an$ assigns" $oes hereby" fore,er *ai,e" re#ease an$ $ischarge the
Laramie County Library System" its e#ecte$ an$ appointe$ officia#s" its
emp#oyees an$ agents from a## %no*n or un%no*n persona# in)uries"
property $amage or $eath resu#ting or arising out of his or her participation
in Laramie County Library Systems Loc%in&
-igned ______________________________, Parent or +egal .uardian
If you ha#e any <uestions or concerns please call
Andrew As<uith at ==8/=234 or email aas<uith>+,+-online&org&
Lucie/contract/YA 2K Loc1 05/16/2014

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