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Hey guys, new chapter up again and what a chapter it was to write. It had quite a story behind it.

had to move house quite fast on account of my boiler breaking down and leaking some poisonous
gas into the house. I was without my computer or the internet for a few weeks (Good few weeks).
The good side about that is that I know fully what to do with the story now and even how many
chapters it is going to be divided into.

You will probably have noticed that I have not put a lot of sex into the chapters, it is just simply due
to the fact that I am not very good with writing sex scenes and I am still a relatively inexperienced
writer. This is my first story I have done and hopefully it will not be my last.

Anyway same as usual any thoughts, concerns or questions then feel free to write to

And I have a special thanks to everyone who wrote to me about the story. It was very exciting and
humbling to know that many people do enjoy the story. Thank you.

Mike moaned slightly louder as Dereks hand made its way down to his crotch on the inside of his
pants. He did not know what Derek was doing to him right now but he did not want him to stop at
all. He was simply enjoying getting lost in the passion he felt for the much taller, much hotter jock.

Dereks mouth came away from his and Mike let out a small whimper as he liked kissing on Derek.
Derek looked into his eyes with his own and made Mike look at him in return as he worked Mikes
dick that his hand had found its way into. Mike put his hand forward and felt Dereks chest. It was
hard, harder than anybodys he had ever felt. Not that this would be hard but he didnt care. He felt
his hand go up and down to the unmoving flesh.

Derek felt Mikes hand and with his other one and put it down a little further until it hit Dereks pair
of jeans. Mikes hand fought with Dereks jeans to gain entry just as Dereks was doing. It was quite
amazing that Derek had been able to get his hand in so easily when his jeans were much tighter.
Although he was able to do so eventually and what the hell. Mike had known that Dereks dick was
larger than his but this was something else it felt like a pole all hard and ready for action.

Mike began to rub it up and down and to this Derek made a strange half growl half moan noise and
actually moved forward slightly each time Mike moved his hand as if he was trying to fuck. Mike
then put his face to Dereks for a kiss. And Derek did not deny him. They kissed passionately for a
few minutes just enjoying the feeling of each others dicks getting stroked.

It was just then that a Derek broke all contact and then looking rather angry said I think Im gonna
treat you Mikey and then got onto his knees in front of Mike. At this Mike did not have a clue on
what to do. He had enjoyed what they were doing before but was he ready for this thrill.

Mike and Derek pulled up their pants quite slowly. Each of them enjoying the thoughts of what they
had just done. Mike had no idea that he was that good at giving head and Derek had acted like it was
the best that he had had ever. Mike wondered if he had put Derek off a little with the way he had
resisted a little during their encounter.

Mike turned to look at Derek who was now pulling up his zip. He noticed Mike looking at him and
then smiled with that evil smile he usually did if he was thinking of Mike or thinking of something he
probably shouldnt be doing. Did know enjoy that? asked Mike.

Derek left out a bark of laughter and then when his mirth had cleared muttered Well if I had waited
any longer to get you alone I think I would have done it in my boxers. Mike had not heard all of
what he had said but picked out bits and pieces.

Mike looked at him with one eyebrow raised and his mouth at an awkward angle before stating I
dont speak mumble.

Derek watched Mike for a second his smile dropping and then said back Yeah I did enjoy it Mikey, I
wanted to milk it for everything it was worth. Derek picked up a small stone at his feet and threw it
to see how far he could toss it. He went quite far into the distance quicker than Mikes eyes could

Nice throw and.....thanks answered Mike to the statement Derek had made. He then pulled his
bag up to his shoulder and let it hang from one side. Derek did the same and then looking at each
other. Mike with apprehension and Derek with a lot of excitement they headed toward the forest.

As they approached Mike stopped for a second and then took in a deep breath. Derek noticed his
reaction and then whispered to him I promise nothing will happen. At this they both headed in.

As they made their way through the forest Mike noted that Derek seemed to know where he was
going. He owed it all down to different footprint markings, or so he had told Mike that they had
made a couple of times and that they would follow during the competition. However like the sports
car Mike was clueless in regards to such things and let Derek lead.

The walk, or run as they did sometimes was quite peaceful. The forest truly was a beautiful place
and he could tell that Derek loved being in it as well.

Yeah Mikey its true, me and the guys come in here sometimes just to run. Are you kidding me if you
seen the amount of food and beer that Bobby and me can put away you would understand why we
exercise a lot said Derek as he stood on top of a log and then jumped down from it.

Mike went over the same log but with a little more care as he did not want to come down on his
face. I still cant believe how much you guys do in one day, let alone the entire week. Makes me feel
like a slacker giggled Mike to himself.

Derek noted a small opening in the forest that he wanted Mike to go through and pointed to it. It
seemed to be brighter than the forest which indicated that it was out in day light.

Mike came out and was shocked to see that there was a large clear field similar to the one they had
parked the car. Although this one had no such entrances for cars, only a large clearing with several
rocks in it. Derek looked around and nodded proudly. OK no sign of them being here. I think were
the first said Derek as they headed to sit down on the rocks for a few minutes.

Derek seemed to be OK from the workout but Mike was slightly drenched in sweat. It was obvious by
now that he did not get out as much as he should. However he was not overweight or far or
anything. He just did not have as much energy as the three jocks seemed to display.

Both teens sat down and dug out a couple of bottles of water from their bags. Geez, I think this
walk is going to kill me! said Mike in a rather loud statement as he felt his fingers. His fingers looked
slightly swollen from what he could see and his skin was a little red.

Derek turned to see what he had been looking at and then took a closer look at both sides of Mikes
face for a second and then his fingers. Yeah you do look a little strange but I dont think its going to
kill you said Derek. He took Mikes hands and felt them.

You should be fine after a couple of hours sleep when you get home he stated as he raised to his

I wonder where those other two guys are. I thought they would have met us here? said Mike as he
looked around to see if he could see or hear them coming out of the forest. Derek also looked
around but as he did something caught out of the corner of his eye.

He looked over and then seen a stick sticking up from the ground in a pile of mud. In the pile of mud
was a crude drawing of two people and one of them sticking out his or her tongue. Also next to it
was a note saying See you at the finish line. Dimetri.

Mike picked up the stick and then whispered to himself Dimetri is beginning to concern me in a
sarcastic tone. He had no idea that he had such a childish sense of humour. It was a little scary for
Mike but it made him interesting to be around.

I didnt notice this before. We should get a move on! he said to Mike in a flat statement. You OK
for that Mikey boy? asked Derek.

Mike took his eyes away from the drawing he thought was supposed to be Dimetri and Bobby
judging by the expression on one of the figures. However it was hard to tell. Mike looked at the way
they had come and the way they were going to make their way back. Yeah Ill survive sighed Mike
as he began to move in the direction of the trees.

About ten minutes later when they were well and truly covered in brush Mike noticed that Derek
was going slower than before. More than likely in an attempt to let him keep up and not be out of
breath all the time. It was strange for him to see Derek purposely lose a competition. As far as he
was aware he was one of the most competitive people he knew. It was something that he
understood but didnt really share too much.

Come on Mikey, Im trying to let ya keep up but its not easy. Part of me wants to run. A very big
part said Derek in a mock voice as made his steps go with exaggerated slowness. Mike laughed at
this and then followed him but went faster so they would not be kept behind.

They were quiet for a couple of minutes as they moved quicker. Mike spent the time listening to the
sounds around them, he was looking for something specific though. That being approaching foot
sounds. He felt a little better having told Derek and not having him laugh in his face. He seemed to
genuinely believe him.

It had only been this week since Derek had made the large bombshell that not only had he been
watching the younger teen but also that he liked him. At first he thought that it might have been
extremely awkward but as far as he could tell he had felt nothing like that. Sure he was a little jumpy
at first but now he felt OK being with the three jocks. They had taken Mike for a day out and then
they were going for something to eat together.

Mike was brought back to reality with Derek calling his name a little further up the path. He
appeared to have fallen behind slightly in his day dreaming. Hey get your little ass up here and take
a look at this he shouted to Mike.

Mike rushed toward him and then looked around to see if he could figure out why Derek had
stopped. When Derek pointed toward the ground Mikes heart skipped a beat. Down on the ground
was a wolfs paw print and it seemed to be fresh. Mike quickly got up and looked away from the paw
print. Mike felt his heart beating at what must have been 100 beats per minute.

Derek quickly came over to him and wrapped his arms around them. Mike always liked this bit
because of how warm the older teen was. Mike, I promised you didnt I? I promised I wouldnt let
anything happen didnt I? he asked Mike.

Mike turned to look at him and then nodded. He searched his feelings about the paw print and
wolves in general and in that instant he knew true fear. It was that fear which would have prevented
him from coming in here if he were on his own. Mike come on, lets go said Derek as he led Mike

Mike looked as they left the part where they had seen the paw print and they continued down the

About a half hour later both Mike and Derek emerged back into the clearing where they had entered
the woods. They had come out at a very different part from where they had went in and you could
almost trace a route from where they had travelled.

Hey guys, come on move it Im growing old said Dimetri as he and Bobby approached the two
other teens. Derek put up his hand and waved to them.

Mike came out looking a little more repressed than he had been before and Bobby and Dimetri were
quick to pick up on this.

What happened in there? asked Bobby concern on his face that was echoed on Dimetri also but he
did not say anything on it.

Derek looked back and then said Its nothing guys, Mikey boy is just feeling a little sick huh?.

It felt good to smile for Mike but he was not going to be quite himself until they got away from the
forest. He did not want to step foot in it for ten years if he could help it. Well it looks like someone
didnt enjoy our little trip into the forest! commented Dimetri to Mike trying to wind him up a little.

Mike smiled back to him and still smiling quite wide said I did man, it was fine I just felt a little sick
in there. I dont think Im used to this like you guys are. Mike made a strange expression while
looking at his body and then said I need to get in shape.

Derek laughed and then all four of them went and sat in the car as soon as Derek opened it. You
just need to work out a little more. Your body isnt overweight or anything you just dont have total
muscle definition like us bodybuilders do he said making a muscle on his arm.

Dimetri took Mikes arm and then looked it and pretended to examine it before saying Yeah Mate I
dunno if you would qualify for lightweight or featherweight in boxing. Seriously have you even lifted
anything other than a book? he asked to Mike giving him back his arm with exaggerated slowness
pretending to try to not break it.

Mikes eyes dropped and then he looked at Dimetri with fake hatred in his eyes. In a mock tone of
anger he said I shall wake you in your nightmares and then haunt you.

At this both Derek and Bobby began howling in laughter.

All four of them quickly finished eating and then headed back into town back along the road they
had come. The trip did not seem to have taken as long this time but still Mike was quiet most of the
way back although this time he was sit in the back with Bobby as Dimetri took the seat up front. He
did not feel awkward with Bobby but he did not know how to talk to him since he was the member
of the trio that he did not know the most.

Instead of going back into town the four teens took the car back to Dereks Father. His father
seemed like a nice enough man from what he could see. The two of them looked quite alike it was
scary but Mike liked Dereks dad and he even knew about Derek being gay.

From Dereks house they made their way back to the town to have some fun.

All through the rest of the afternoon and early evening the four of them had fun. They started at the
arcade where they played a few games. They played a few shooting games with the large gun. Mike
was the best at this with Bobby coming a close second. It made Mike think that he probably did
some shooting or did in his past.

On a dare Dimetri and Mike even did a DDR dancing game to a Lady Gaga song. Mike did not
recognize it but Mike was sure that they would not let him live it down. Dimetri was way better than
him at this though and won the round.

When they had enough of the arcade they headed toward the mini soccer pitches. They did two on
two matches with rotation on teams. Each of the three jocks had played before so it was a little
unfair for Mike, or so he had thought until he played. While the three jocks were all good at running
with the ball and were very coordinated, Mike was surprisingly good at being a goalkeeper and
saving goals. Derek was the only other one who did this better than him. Mike did actually enjoy it.
Perhaps he might try out if the school had a team.

From there at Mikes insistence they tried Mikes sport of tennis. Each of them played two on two
and every time either Bobby, Dimetri or Derek would go with Mike they would win. They took it
quite well but Dimetri could not help utter a cry of Shit this game is fixed when the racket he held
flew out of his hand and nearly knocked Derek out. Derek had not been happy at this.

From the tennis courts the four teens made their way to a place where they usually ate. It was a
little restaurant that they had been coming to for a little while. So much so that the employees, well
most of them knew each of them by name and thought it strange when they came in with Mike.
Yeah Johnny the usual for the three of us, for my friend here.... said Derek as he looked at Mike
and considered him for a second as the waiter stood over the four of them. ....What about a
hamburger and fries and then well see what else he can eat said Derek to the waiter.

The waiter named Johnny looked at Mike as if gauging if or not he could eat a meal the size of what
Derek had ordered for him. Coming right up guys, should be about five minutes. Drinks will be out
sooner though he said as he made his way back to the kitchen.

Mike looked about the restaurant and then took it in. It had a bright red design around it with
shades of white and black also dotted around. However he paid it no mind. The tables and chairs
looked quite comfy like you could sit next to someone and still feel like you were all alone except
with those you chose to sit next to. Strangely he even thought that he had seen Amanda and her
family, at another table. He couldnt tell. This is quite a nice place. How long you guys been coming
here? asked Mike as he looked around the three of them.

Bobby was the first to answer this one. Well Dimetri has been coming here for years with him living
here longest. Ive been coming here for about a year and Derek.....Hmm maybe a bit longer he said
to Mike. Its a good place and sometimes they even have all you can eat which is good news for guys
our size he smiled as he knew that Mike had watched them a few times.

Yeah I know, dont remind me! said Mike as he remembered how much they could eat in one go. If
he ate that much he wouldnt have to eat for a month.

As Mike was lost in thought the food arrived and as Mike had known the three jocks ordered
something different each but at the same time they each had a mountain to eat.

Once they had left the restaurant and paid the bill they each decided to go on their way home.
Bobby and Dimetri made their own ways home on account of both of them living relatively near the
town. Derek decided to take Mike home himself. Mike did not like being babied but he appreciated
it. He was not sure but he thought that Derek understood his feelings a little better than he himself
did sometimes. He wanted to make sure that Mike would not worry about anything they had seen

Well, how was it? asked Derek out of the blue as they walked along the side of the road, Mike in
front and Derek at the back. Derek seemed to like looking at Mikes ass, or so he could feel at the
back of his mind.

Mike turned back smiling and his face red and then said Which part? sarcastically. He heard Derek
start laughing out loud before he said The day has been great, the walk through the forest I did
enjoy it even if....well you know. When we got back to town, that was awesome and dinner. Well
lets just say Im gonna put on a few sizes said Mike pointing to his stomach.

Derek pulled him back slightly and then kissed him. Mike looked out the corner of his eye to see that
nobody was looking. Mike was slightly red though, even more so than a second ago. Youll still look
great Mikey boy count on that. But....if it really bothers you than would you come running with me
after school tomorrow? asked Derek.

Mike studied him for a second while he tried to decide if Derek was serious or not. He knew that it
was going to get slightly complicated since he had promised that he would spend a bit more time
with Kyle tomorrow. He hadnt seen him all weekend and he wanted to see exactly what happened
with Amanda and her father. Maybe he could make time for both.

I cant say for sure Derek, I wanted to speak to Kyle tomorrow after school. Its just....well its a long
story but Ill see if I can said Mike thinking of a way around it still.

Derek stopped him and then said Cool, let me know OK it would be fun to run with someone else.
Even if they cant keep up he said as a joke toward Mike.

At the joke Mike began to feel a little hot under the collar and then smirked Hey you wont be so
fast when Im not running through the forest and Im not sick! He announced to the jock. Mike was
confident that he could at least keep up with Derek. Well maybe as Derek looked quite fast in the
forest even with all the logs and other things in it. He would hate to see what he would be like on
open field. Maybe challenging him wasnt the smartest thing to have done.

Well what about my other question. You still havent answered me that one? asked Derek
sounding quite serious again. When Mike stared into his brown eyes he saw something he could not
identify, perhaps a longing in them. Mike knew exactly what question he was meaning at.

Mike considered him for a very long moment, how could he say yes to Derek and yet he had not
even said yes to his dearest friend so long ago. Would that make him a bad person. But on the other
hand Kyle seemed to have no hard feelings, in fact he seemed happier than even now with Amanda.
Mike on the other hand had no such happiness from such things these days. Maybe he should

Mike finally looked up after a solid three minutes had passed where Derek had let him think it over
without interrupting. Mike flashed a smile and then said to Derek Yeah Derek, I will go out with you.
I know Im probably insane but..... he said as he seemed to be lost in his words. ....I like you a lot
you know. I know we have only known each other for a little under a week but.... he was about to
finish before Derek cut across him.

I know Mikey boy, I feel the same way but as I said. I feel drawn to you he said before pulling Mike
closer and kissing him again. Mike felt his lips go warm followed by just about every other part of his
body own as it went closer to Dereks. I wanna spend more time with you during the week but
dont worry Im not gonna cramp your style he said winking at him.

Mike was not sure how to take that but he didnt say a word about it. He remembered the words
echoing in his head about Derek being drawn to him. He still didnt get it but it didnt bother him
too much. He liked Derek as a person and he was comfortable with him now.

Mike then nodded to Derek and then said I will run with you for a little while tomorrow, what time
to you think he asked the big jock as they broke apart. Mike needed to work his day around
meeting all of his friends.

Well I usually begin right after school, if you want to then I could maybe pull it back a bit if you want
to meet your friend? asked Derek as he checked his watch despite it only showing the time.

Mike thought about it for a minute and then decided to run with Derek after school. Just a little later
than originally suggested. Well what about we run at around 5 o clock and then we can have
something to eat together? asked Mike to Derek.

Derek looked up to the sky pretending to think for a second before saying count on it and then
smiled in his usual evil looking smile. Derek grabbed Mike again and then pulled him toward him.
You going to tell everyone about us, or would you prefer to keep it to yourself for a while? he
asked Mike.

Mike considered this for a second before finally making his mind up, Yeah, I would prefer to keep it
between us as well as Dimetri and Bobby if thats alright? asked Mike. He was not worried about
people knowing about himself and Derek but he didnt want Kyle to find out about it just yet. On the
other hand he was a little worried about what Kyle might think, but he needed to know.

Thats perfectly fine Mikey boy. Dont worry about it he said as he kissed Mikes neck again, almost
making his knees buckle from under him. He seemed to know that Mike liked this. We should get
you home Mikey boy said Derek as he kissed him one last time.

About ten minutes later they reached Mikes front garden where they stopped. Derek stopped a
second before Mike which in turn made Mike turn to look back at him for a second. You not coming
in? asked Mike to his new boyfriend. The word still made a knot in his stomach.

Derek shook his head and then with a flash of a smile, a nice one for a change Derek answered
Nope, not tonight Mikey boy. I got to get home and get some things packed for tomorrow he

Mike understood perfectly what Derek meant, they were going out now but they still needed time to
themselves. Instead of saying anything in protest Mike simply smiled back and then said Good night
my.....boyfriend he said still feeling a little strange saying it. Mike stepped inside the gate and then
went into the house through the front door. Mike could not resist looking out the window at his new
boyfriend. For some reason Derek was still there looking back at him, as if he knew that Mike would
look out.

After a few moments Derek turned and left from Mikes line of sight. Mike was sure that Dereks
home was not too far away and he was not worried about him in the slightest as he was a big
enough man to be able to defend himself.

Mikes Mother and Father were both in for a change although Mike did not talk with either of them
for too long. He was too preoccupied with everything that had happened that day. From the trip into
the woods to dinner together. It had been an amazing day, the best one Mike had in a while.

Mike quickly got into the shower to make himself a bit more tired. It was now around 10 oclock and
Mike needed to get some sleep for the day ahead tomorrow. He couldnt wait to speak to Kyle about
everything as well as to spend more time with Derek. It was going to be a good day, at least he
hopes so.

The next morning Mike was up by crack of dawn. His body seemed to be more alive with energy at
the thought of going into school today, it was strange but he didnt feel as excited last week when
the semester began. He quickly got up, got dressed and then got some breakfast.

As he sat down to make sure all his items were in his bag his Mother walked into the kitchen and
nearly had a heart attack when she noticed him. Michael, youre up, I didnt know it was a blue
moon out there she said pretending to look out the window.

Mike smiled at her in a smile that Derek might have used and then finished putting things into his
bag. As he got to his feet he slung it over his shoulder. Well its a school day I cant be a slacked all
my life he shrugged his shoulder trying to get around the real reason he was up. His mother
seemed to have noticed this.

I see, well your Father should be home tonight thank goodness. I get bored sitting here alone when
he is out and youre at school she said absent mindly into the air. She then came back Earth when
she seen that Mike was looking at her. She then hugged him and then said I should probably get a
few more female friends. On the plus side you look a lot happier this week. Im glad she wiped his
T-shirt down to make sure there was nothing on it.

OK thanks Mom Im gonna get to school he stated as he began walking out the room. He made
sure he had everything before he went his wallet, keys, pass and his bag of course. Finally he went
out the door and made his way to school.

It was a good thing he left earlier because he had decided to walk around the longer way to school in
order to avoid going into the forest. Although he had been in it the last weekend he was still not
going in it again. He could not stomach the fear and it clutched to him every time he thought of it.

When Mike got in the front door he immediately looked around for Kyle. He did not spot him at first
but after a few minutes he seen him chatting with Amanda. Both of them looked like they were
having quite a deep discussion about something. He was not close enough to them that he could
hear it. However as soon as he was close enough Kyle turned to Mike and smiled at him. Amanda
turned away from them both for a second before leaving.

At this Kyle looked a little uneasy and then whispered to Mike and said Dont take it personally
Mikey, her father is making it hell for her and me to be together. He.....expects certain things he
finished also looking very uneasy. Perhaps even more so than a few moments ago.

Mike was glad to see his friend but he could not think of what to say to make him feel better about
their predicament. Well its good to see you. How was your weekend? asked Kyle to his friend.

Mike thought about what to say and how to say it, he wasnt sure about how much to tell Kyle or
even worse how to tell that he and Derek were now going out. Well the weekend was...different Ill
say that much. You see on Saturday Dereks friend Dimetri came down and I helped him with a few
things on the computer he said almost taking pride in that. Mike had a bit of an ego trip when it
came to his know how on a computer.

No way, you serious? asked Kyle with a large grin on his face. Mike had missed that during the
weekend, he was glad to see it again. Go on! said Kyle.

Mike continued with his narrative with Yeah, it went OK I think. Then Sunday came, they invited me
down to spend Sunday with them....and I did he took a short pause as Kyles face became more
unbelievable. Well on Sunday we went for a hike on the woods, then we.... said Mike but before
he could continue Kyle interrupted him.

His face took on a look of extreme curiosity as passersby stared at him. He usually never displayed a
face like this. The woods...the same words you got attacked in. Thats not really the smartest thing
to do Mike chastised Kyle.

Mike was shocked that Kyle had criticized him like this in front of the whole school. Well....nothing
happened. We just had run in it and then came back out. We then went into town for a bit of fun like
tennis and stuff like that and then we had something to eat finished Mike before Kyle could butt in
again. It was actually quite fun you know. Derek and his buddies arent that bad. At least I dont
think so said Mike feeling slightly sheepish.

Kyle looked at him with concern on his face at Mike but relented and then said Well it sounds like
your weekend was better than mine said Kyle staring at the other teens walking by and hurrying to
class. As he did Kyle came back to his senses and then turned to Mike and then said Ill see you a bit
later on. You can tell me about it he asked as more of a statement than a question.

Mike smiled to himself slightly at what Kyle had said. It sounded like his best friend actually
understood at him hanging around with the jocks and going out with them at the weekend. He
didnt think that Kyle would have said anything too bad, he was too good a friend. He did however
worry about how he might have taken it knowing how Kyle felt about them. He had assumed for a
very long time that Derek had been the one who was bullying Mike, and now that he knew
otherwise it was going to be hard to change his view of the jocks.

Mike went to his locker and then swiping his card in the lock system and then got his books that he
would need for the day. He silently went to class, his thoughts set for the day. It was completely
different from last week when his mind had been all over the place.

The day went in quite fast for Mike. He aced his subjects mostly except for PE since it happened to
be dodge ball and although he was good at dodging he was not good at actually throwing the ball.
Kevin thought it might have been funny to throw a ball at Mikes back when Mike was trying to
throw a ball and hit someone else. Mikes back hurt for a while after that.

Finally the bell rang for the end of the last period. Mike packed his books up and packed them into
his bag before heading out of the building. Mike passed quite a few people he knew. Nobody really
noticed him picked on him either. He made his way outside and set his eyes on Kyle and Amanda.
Amanda seemed to have picked up a little since earlier.

Hey guys, hows things going? asked Mike as he stopped before the couple.

Kyle didnt notice Mike at first as he was busy yawning his head off that he never even heard Mike.
He put his hand away from his face and then did a fist with Mike. Hey Mikey, how was the day for
you? he asked Mike.

Mike went through the day in a brief description of what happened, from his maths test to the
slaughter he had at PE. It was a humbling exercise for Mike as he knew that he was bad at dodge
ball. However he was not going to let it get in his way. He was in too good a mood for that.

How were things for you two today he asked both of them looking from one to the other. Amanda
was the one who answered first.

My day was fine, the math test was easy. It was the one in chemistry that made me stumble said
Amanda as she pulled out a book from her bag to show Mike what she meant. Mike studied it and
found why she struggled. Mike did also. Other than that it was fine she said putting it back.

Yeah ditto on that, were just waiting on Amandas Father he is picking us up said Kyle. He could
sense that Mike was going to ask about it and he was correct.

Wasnt he causing trouble for you Amanda? asked Mike to them both waiting for one of them to
answer him. He had never actually seen Amandas father but he had met her Mother and she did
seem like a nice enough person, if a little scatter brained.

Yeah..... said Amanda as she looked at the ground looking a little subdued. She was clearly worried
or upset about something.

Kyle was the one who filled in the blanks for him. They waited until most of the people were out of
ear shot before Mike heard Kyles explanation. see Amandas parents are divorced now and her Mother has full custody but you see
her Father is a very powerful businessman and he likes to throw his money around he said as Mike
listened quite eagerly. As they listened Amanda put her hands on her face as Kyle put his hands
around her. He wants to have a relationship with Amanda and normally she would have said
no....but the thing is that he could do something to her Mom and she knows that said Kyle.

Thats why were waiting here......I wont be able to come to see you today man he said as his eyes
betrayed his sorry he actually was. It pained Mike to see either of them like this as both he and
Amanda had been good friends to Mike.

Its alright dont worry about me said Mike as they heard a rather loud car coming toward the
school car park. They had moved there while they had been walking. The car was a limo, the nicest
one that Mike had ever seen. Amanda and Kyle both looked annoyed, Amanda more so but they
quickly were able to hide it.

A figure got out the car as it stopped. Mike guessed that it was Amandas Father. The man was
incredibly tall, almost 610. It was a wonder he could fit in the car. He had bulging muscles that lay
beneath his suit of black that he wore. He seemed to unnerve Mike. He had piercing blue eyes and
very short black hair.

Amanda, its good to see that you decided to come to my house for dinner. And Kyle, you as well
this is certainly a treat he said as he hugged Amanda and shook Kyles hand. Amanda looked
annoyed when he could not see her face but when they were face to face she remained impassive as
normal. Kyle smiled a little if only to be polite to her Father.

When he nudged both of them into the limo he set his eyes on Mike. Mike did not know what to say
but was about to walk home to get away from the man. Whats your name son? asked the man.

Mike turned back to him as a chill crept up his spine. He extended a hand as the man did the same
and then said Im Michael, or Mike for short he replied to the mans question. It was more out of
fear than anything as the man could more than likely crush him like a grape.

The mans grip was tight but not so much so that it would crush his hand. The one thing that Mike
noticed was that the mans hand was cool to the touch. Your Amanda and Kyles friend Mike, its
good to meet you in person. Amanda talks about how you help her through Biology all the time he
said as he let go of Mikes hand. Im Giovanni Granger, Amandas Father. Its good to meet you and
I look forward to seeing you around he said as he turned to leave and then gave Mike a rather
creepy looking smile.

Mike simply put his hand up to say goodbye and then said to himself Good meeting you too! and
then turned to leave as the limo roared to life. It appeared that once again he would not be able to
speak to Kyle. The man seemed nice enough but he knew never to judge something by appearance.
How could Amanda be so nice having been Mr. Grangers Daughter.

On the way home Mike looked at the path the whole way. He did not go through the forest for fear
of running into any of the wolves again. As much as he liked the silver wolf and as much as he
admired the one that had saved him the last time, his common sense was now his ruling factor and
he was not going to go anywhere near the forest as long as he lived.

Where the fuck could the wolves have come from, the three of them. They did not live there long.
Someone would have spotted them by now and captured them, or there would have been more
attacks or deaths like his but when he had checked the newspaper it had not said anything. He was
at a standstill for information.

Mike finally got home and once again found his house empty again. He wondered if his Mother was
at work or simply out getting some shopping. It did not matter too much he was going out running
with Derek today. He wondered how that would go, he could not wait to see Derek in his running
gear. The guy was hot as fuck most times and this would be even hotter.

Mike grabbed his running pants and then got into another T-Shirt and then went down the stairs to
grab his running shoes. The weather was quite right for running, sunny but with a bit of a breeze.
Mike quickly grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and then took a large gulp of it.

While Mike was taking a drink he heard a knock at the door that made him almost swallow the
whole bottle. He quickly coughed a few times and then put the bottle on the table before going
sitting heading to the door.

When he opened it his heart skipped a beat and he beheld Derek. Derek was wearing a pair of white
shorts that showed off his package very nicely to those who knew where to look. He was wearing a
black rock T-Shirt with a man with his two middle fingers up and thumbs up on the other hand. He
looked hot to Mike.

Umm.....Hey was all that Mike could mutter when he checked his new....boyfriend over. That word
was still hard to get used to.

Hey Mikey boy, you gonna invite me in or am I going to have to kiss you for it? he asked to Mike.
Mike was knocked back to reality by this but gestured with his hand that Derek should go past him
into the house.

When they were inside Mike closed the door and then the moment he turned around Derek had him
in his arms and was pinning him against his body. In an instant Mike felt his mouth getting invaded
by Dereks tongue and as usual he was powerless to resist. Mike tried to fight back against it but he
was too small for that. He just went along for the ride and enjoyed it as best he could.

Derek finally broke the kiss and walked a few steps away from Mike looking a little sheepish with
himself as he did his almost signature evil smile. Sorry make me lose control he
said with a smile to Mike.

Mike smiled back and then said If your body is as hot as that all the time then your forgiven he
finished. Mike went up to Derek and they kissed a little more gentle that Derek would have liked for
a minute or so. Mike listened to anyone coming in. This was the last thing that he wanted his Mother
or Father to see.

Mike and Derek stopped kissing and Mike noticed what Derek was wearing. Well you look good in
those clothes, they suit you more than your usual pants do, the ones you were to school he said to
Derek. He did not mean this as a flirty remark but like with half the things that Mike said Derek took
them like that.

Sorry no can do Mike boy. I cant wear this shit all the time else I would he said as he winked at
Mike. Mike felt himself getting hot slightly in his cheeks. Mike offered Derek a bottle of water from
the fridge and when Derek took it both of them went out the door and off to start their run.

As they walked to where they would begin Mike asked So, how often do you run and where do you
go?. He was more curious than anything but he did want to know where they would be running to
and how often they might be doing it.

Well I like to run once, maybe twice a week. Time permitting of course but sometimes football or
basketball call me away he said as he took another sip of his water bottle. I usually start near the
school football fields and then end at my house on the other side of the forest. Is that OK with you
Mikey? he asked Mike. Mike knew why he was asking but in truth Mike felt safe with Derek and he
knew that Derek would help him overcome his fears, if he had the courage to do so himself.

Mike thought about it for a good minute before answering and Derek gave him the time to consider
it. Mikey, I wont force you to come into the forest but believe me nothing will get you. Not any
wild animals and not these wolves you keep talking about he said. He did not mock Mike but he
confidence seemed to roll over into Mike as he said it.

Mike thought for a minute more and then finally came to a choice. Alright then Ill run with you the
full way he made up his mind, and in doing so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Derek let out a small breath as well and then smiled at Mike before saying Thanks Mikey, Ill make it
worth your while tonight wait and see he said.

At this both he and Mike began running toward the fields in the school. At first it was a gentle run,
nothing more than a simple jog. However this did not last as they both started getting faster, starting
with Derek and following suit with Mike and then both of them were running at full speed. This
meant for Mike being tired again before long. Derek was off like a train with his stamina and speed.
It was like watching poetry in motion for Mike watching his boyfriend run.

Finally both of them arrived at the school and then sat down for a few minutes to regain their
strength. Mike felt like he had already ran a marathon and they still actually had to run. Wow, how
do you do this all the time? asked Mike as he drunk from his bottle.

Derek didnt answer at first but seemed to be finding a way to dodge the question. However in the
end he simply said Im just more naturally fit than you are Mikey. Dont take that personally thats
just how it is. You spend more time studying and shit and your smarter than me because of it he
said as he pondered something. Whats the square root of 400 huh? he asked Mike.

Mike immediately responded with 20 without even thinking and when he did answer he thought
about what Derek had said and realised that it was true. I see what you mean he said before
looking at a small rock he had found on the ground. That doesnt mean Im not going to try and get
more stamina and get more fit he said as he got off the ground and demanded to Derek Come on
my lady, lets start this run and Ill kick your ass.

Derek seemed to like this spark of competition from Mike and then said Your on, little man, Ill
leave you sitting on a rock twiddling your thumbs.

Mike stood up and then said Lets move then and with that both of them went running.

As they ran for about ten minutes both of them were panting slightly, Mike more so than Derek.
They ran through town from the school until they arrived at the forest again. This time it was a
different part than Mike would normally go into. Mike could not help but silently hope that nothing
would go wrong today. He wanted a normal day with his boyfriend.

As they went further and further in Mike smelled the difference in the air, it was almost like a
different world in here with the lighting, the smells and the sounds. Mike liked it, it felt refreshing.

They ran for over a half hour until they began to slow down. In that time Mike had began to get a
sore stomach. At first he thought it might have been a stitch but as the pain spread to one of his
arms and then began to give him a sore head he knew that something more must be wrong. Maybe
he was coming down with a fever. It happened the other day also but had been gone by night time.

You OK Mikey boy you dont look so good? said Derek as they sat down on a small pile of rocks in
the clearing. He was now concerned about it. Perhaps Mike was allergic to something in the forest
or perhaps he was coming down with something. Im sorry man, I wouldnt have brought you out if
I had known you were sick said Derek roughly.

Mike laughed a little and then said Its strange, I felt fine until we came in here. I think there is
something wrong with me but its not your fault he said as he got to his feet. Slowly he gestured to
Derek and they began walking back toward Mikes house in order to get Mike to lie down for a

Both of them walked for a couple of minutes with Mike occasionally being supported by Derek but
mostly walking by himself. He looked a little red and was a little sweaty but he was breathing just
fine now. Derek still took it quite serious though as any boyfriend would.

Mike stopped for a second to tie his shoe laces which had come undone. However as he got up for a
second and looked at Derek. Derek himself was looking around with an angry scowl on his face
which meant that something was wrong. Derek, whats wrong with you. You look like you seen......
he was interrupted as Derek covered his mouth and then continued looking around.

Finally he turned to a specific spot in the trees and then began walking backwards with Mike as he
grabbed his hand. Mike began to feel very afraid as he knew what was going to come out.

As Mike predicted something did come out of the woods. Like a black shadow coming from the dark,
the black wolf that he hated and feared came before them. Mikes heart must have stopped beating
because he could not feel it anymore. God, no..... he said as he and Derek continued backing away.

As they did the roaring sound got louder as the paw prints of the wolf got closer to them. It was
obvious what the wolf wanted to do to Mike, but what would it do to Derek. Would it rape him or
simply kill him. He did not know but he didnt want to see it. Run Derek, it doesnt want you. It
wants me. If it does maybe you can escape said Mike to Derek, whispering. Although it was obvious
from its snarl that the wolf could still hear them.

No way Mikey, your my boyfriend and Ill defend you to my dying breath said Derek through
clenched teeth and a snarl that could unnerve a bull. Derek let Mikes hand go and then nudged him
backwards. Mike did not know what to do now. Derek was going to get himself killed.
Noooo....Derek dont he said as he was about to grab his boyfriends arm. However as he did
Derek threw him back, a little less gentle than he might have meant but Mike nearly shit himself
when he seen Dereks eyes.

As he turned they had turned from his nice usual brown eyes to turn to a glowing blue color. What
the fuck. As Derek was about ten feet from the wolf he said You are going to pay for fucking with
my boyfriend and when Im done with you Ill kill you he said making the threat very clear.

Mike backed away even more from the two of them. The Black wolf did not look intimidated but
paid more attention to Derek now. Mike could still hear a clear low growl in the black wolfs chest.

Derek began to shake a little, his whole body seemed to tremble as if in response to something.
When Mike squinted his eyes as he seen that hair was beginning to grow on Dereks body. Every part
of his body began to grow a gray looking silver hair. Mikes eyes widened at this but that was not the
strangest part of what was happening.

Dereks body began to also change shape. He started by going onto his hands and knees, his mouth
grew outward and began to reveal two lines of sharp pointed teeth that were snow white in color.
His ears drew back slightly until they were absolutely pointed in design. His arms and legs quickly
turned into a different shape, and his hands and feet turned into paws. The paws were massive to
Mike. Almost as large as his hands.

Derek also grew a fail from the back of his pelvis region. The tail was long and furry just like the rest
of his body.

Derek had become a wolf, a real living wolf. Mikes breathing became erratic as Mike took two large
breaths. He did not know what he was seeing. Derek was the silver wolf, his silver wolf.

Mike felt behind him so that he could move away very slowly. He knew that a fight was coming and
he wanted no part of it. He felt himself go back a few steps but as two large growls echoed through
the forest he stopped and had to turn and look.

Derek, as he knew it was now leapt off the mark and quickly took a bite out of the large wolf. The
other wolf whined slightly but then bit into Dereks neck. The black wolf must have had the stronger
bite as Derek let go and whined now and then leapt back slightly.

Both wolves circled very slightly and continued growling, making their stances very much known.

Mike used this time to get behind a tree, not that it would protect him but he was not going to make
himself so obvious to either of the....wolves he wondered if that was the right word.

The black wolf now took a bite toward Derek and as Derek tried to get out the way his hind leg was
caught in the monster wolfs bite. The wolf lifted Derek from the ground and then hurled him into a
tree. It was hard for Mike to watch, as Derek was heavy enough. He did not know how the creature
did it.

Derek got up but Mike could see a bit of blood on his back through his usually silver skin. He looked
at the tree and seen a bit of large wood sticking out. It had obviously impaled him slightly.

He did not however back down and got in front of Mike to protect him. Was Derek still in there, or
was he an animal now. The black wolf charged toward Derek but Derek was faster this time and
leapt out the way before grabbing the black wolf by the tail and sending him sprawling into the dirt
on the ground. He could see brown on the wolfs black coat but it was less obvious.

The black wolf got up and snarled at Derek. Derek replied in kind with a larger snarl which seemed to
shake the black wolf a little. However it also did something else as well.

The black wolf focused its gaze, not in Derek in his wolf self but on Mike.

Derek seemed to notice this also but he was not fast enough. The black wolf had leapt toward Mike
and was intending on ripping his throat out for even being in the area.

This was something that Derek was not going to allow. Derek ran as fast as he could and jumped in
between his boyfriend and wolf rival and took the large teeth meant for Mikes human skin.

The sickening crunch that could be heard from Dereks stomach was unsettling. It went by so fast
that Mike did not have time to even see it fully. The black wolf had jumped for him and Derek had
intercepted it and instead got his stomach torn slightly. When Derek landed he looked in bad shape.
He was bleeding much heavier now and was breathing quite heavy.

The wolf now growling in his chest again slowly approached Mike and Derek. Mike went between
the two wolves and was determined to protect his helpless boyfriend. Derek had tried to save him
and now he was hurt because of it. If he did not get medical help he was going to die.

The wolf did not look concerned by Mike, on the contrary he looked smug in his wolfish features.
Mike wanted to punch him in the face but thought better of it.

The snarling seemed to be getting louder as the wolf stopped advancing toward the two of them and
the black wolf looked around. It finally settled on Mike again, or so he thought. It was actually
looking behind both of them at something in the forest.

Two distinct sets of growling could be heard behind Mike and Derek. He also began to hear footsteps
coming toward them from the other direction.

When the footsteps came close enough Mike finally set eyes on what was making them. When he
beheld what it was Mikes heart nearly stopped beating.

The other black wolfs growls intensified at the new arrivals. Coming toward them was two new

Mike was familiar with the first one that was coming. He had met it in the forest when he had been
attacked for the second time by the black wolf. It was the dark brown wolf that he had met before
with the green eyes. It was much smaller than its companion that had came with it.

The forth wolf in the area was much bigger than the other one and a little bigger than Derek. It was
nearly the size of the black one. It had a very dark gray fur to it which was a little shaggier than Derek
or the other one. It had gleaming white teeth like most of the others though with a larger muzzle. It
also had chocolate brown eyes as well as a white mark on his forehead.

Mike was not sure if the wolves were male or female but they seemed to be aggressive toward the
black wolf.

The black wolf looked a little uneasy now following the arrival of the two new wolves. It had lost to
one of them before and facing two was clearly not on the agenda. It soon began to back off slightly a
bit at a time.

The wolf eventually snarled slightly and then turned and ran into the forest. It might not have been
able to face three wolves but it seemed to have done enough damage to Derek.

Mike took his eyes off the fight as his heart finally stopped hammering like a jackhammer. He
concentrated his attention on Derek who was breathing a little more normal now.

When he focused on him he noticed that while the blood mark on his fur remained he no longer
bore any signs of the wound that had inflicted him a few minutes ago. As for the mark on his
stomach some blood remained from it but the mark had already closed and was healing nicely. It
looked like the scar covering it was days, almost a few weeks old.

Mike could not believe what he was seeing. Derek seemed to have healed faster than anything he
had ever seen. What was going on?

Derek got up and then stood up to his full height. He seemed to be alright now from what Mike
could tell.

He raised his muzzle and then began to sniff Mike a little, he sniffed his neck and his head and some
of his body before Mike pushed him away with his hand rather viciously. It was that fast that Derek
growled very slightly. Not in an angry way but in a more pissed off manner.

Derek......I.....what are you? he asked as fear began to grip at him again. Fear from the attack, fear
of what he had now seen and fear of what it meant. His boyfriend was a wolf.

Mike turned and began to run back to the town or the school. He did not care which but he was not
going to stay in the forest anymore and he would be damned if he was ever going to go into the
forest again. This time he had seen too much. This time he had seen something he knew he was not
meant to see. Something that nobody was meant to see.

His boyfriend, Derek Bradshaw was a wolf shape shifter.

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