The Wolfish Stalker Part 11

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Mike had never felt his feet burn as much as they did now, he had been running for

the past ten

minutes for home and was desperately trying to get there still. He still could not believe what he had
heard on the phone, his father.....well something had happened to him and he had to find out what.
He was now in the forest and was running easily at about 25mph, this was extremely fast for any
human being with his build.

Mike didnt hear the other members of the pack behind him, he was too focused on his own
footsteps and how he fast he was going but he guessed they were still behind him. A thousand
different scenarios were going through his mind, had someone broken in or had there been some
sort of accident. All of those things were likely but he couldnt rule anything out.

He was still travelling through the forest until he felt something grab him from behind and slow him
down. He felt like biting the hand off from whoever was holding him. When he looked around he
seen Dimetri panting from the strain on his body and then looked further behind and seen Bobby
and Derek attempting to catch up.

What the fuck are you stopping me for Dimetri, let me go now said Mike snarling at Dimetri. He
looked at the concerned look that had appeared on Derek but he didnt care, something had
happened to a member of his family.

Mikey listen to me, we cant go on like this. Even with our speed were going too slow to reach your
house in time said Dimetri as he held his chest slightly. Mike was feeling the same way but he
wouldnt slow down for anything.

I need to get there Dimetri, now let me go said Mike as he threw Dimetris arm off of him with a
thrust. If Dimetri had been human he would have broken his arm.

Derek now took the time to get involved in the debate. Mikey, enough this isnt going to help
anyone. We need to get there quickly so we run he said as he began taking off his clothes he was
wearing. Dimetri and Bobby followed suit while Mike was left speechless. It wasnt anything he
hadnt seen but they took a large exposure risk for the sake of time.

Derek I.....fine lets run he said and in the blink of an eye Bobby, Dimetri and Derek stood in their
Moon-Born forms ready to run. Mike took a second to pack up their clothes and then put them into
his bag. He then took off his clothes and put them in also.

Feeling the familiar pulse of his being he felt the fire take a hold of him and change him into his
animal self. Mike felt his body change to become the Moon-Born and then looking through his wolf
eyes he instantly knew the best way to get home and knew they would be there in no time at all.

Mike was careful to grab their clothes in his mouth without ripping the bag or anything and then off
they set. They ran faster than most times they had been able to go out together, with Derek taking
the lead but Dimetri and Mike on his left and right. Bobby brought up the rear.

Mike was careful to keep all his senses on high alert for any sign of something wrong. He didnt know
what had happened to his father and he wasnt going to take any chances.

Finally they were near Mikes small row of houses in his neighbourhood. They couldnt risk coming
out of the forest but they were all on alert for any signs of trouble.

Derek quickly changed back to his human self and then said Bobby, Dimetri check the area, look out
for anything wrong then meet us in the crowd. Im sure all of you can smell the large group of
humans nearby said Derek as quietly as he could.

Mike nodded and then quickly phased back, managing it quicker than ever before. Both Derek and
Mike took the time to get dressed very quickly into light clothes. Bobby nodded at Derek and then
both of them jogged off a little to the surrounding area.

Mike and Derek quickly exited the forest to the part they would be able to walk up to Mikes house.
As they got there the noise became very noticeable and loud for Mike, not so much for Derek but he
was still looking a little uncomfortable.

As Mikes house came into view Mikes face was one of horror, quite a few of the neighbours were
out and forming a crowd around Mikes house. There were about five police officers on the outside
with two police cars and an ambulance outside as well. It as the ambulance that made Mikes heart
feel faint.

Mike and Derek approached the crowd and then blended in, before finally making their way to the
front. The gate into the front had been sealed off by tape and Mike couldnt see much of what was
going on inside.

Watch what your doing said a man in the crowd, Mike didnt recognize him from anywhere, maybe
he was new. However Mikes temper rose slightly at the remark, however Derek interfered.

Get bent, my friend lives here said Derek to the stunned man.

It looked like there was going to be an exchange before Mike decided to make a move. He went over
the tape and then began to run into the house. As he did he was stopped by several officers.

Im sorry son, your not supposed to be in here one of them said to Mike.

Mike however wasnt going to hear anything of the sort and instead in a feat of strength pushed past
all of the officers. As he went in the house he smelled two scents he recognized immediately, his
mom and dad.

Mom, Dad whats happened said Mike, however before he could go much further one of the
officers stopped Mike dead before he could take another step.

Before Mike could break the policemans arm a voice from the kitchen said that
you? and sounded hysterical. At this the policeman had the sense to let Mike go through to his

As Mike came into the kitchen his heard skipped a beat and his eyes began watering as he beheld his
Father being held by his Mother. His Mother looked at him with eyes of sorrow and remorse. She
looked like she had been crying for days, however the phone call had come in less than a half hour

Mikes eyes moved to his Father and he felt his throat begin to constrict. Mikes Dad had medical
equipment on him and he looked like he had been fighting for his life....and lost. He was no longer
breathing and his body was limp. He was wearing his work suit which suggested that he had been
working before he had come home and then whatever had happened.

The other strange thing was that Ethan Ryanson looked like he had claw and bite marks all over his
body. He had several gashes on his arms, most of which looked painful but not life threatening. He
had several marks on his chest, some more serious ones but the one that must have been fatal was
the mark that was almost center in his chest. It looked like a large cat had sunk its claws into him. It
made Mike nearly be sick from looking at him as he had blood all over him.

Mike didnt know what to do he couldnt tear his eyes from his fathers body as if staring at him and
feeling the tears begin to well up could bring him back. However as it was the injuries could hurt
even a Moon-Born, no human could have survived it as it must have been close enough to his heart
to pierce it.

Kid, come with me you really dont want to be here right now said a policeman as he grabbed
Mikes hand and led him outside. Mike didnt say anything about it, he didnt even look at his

As he was led outside Derek noticed him and came to comfort him. He said Mike, Mikey what
happened, whats going on? in a careful voice.

Mike didnt say anything right away, as he felt the misery of what had transpired begin to infect him.
His father, how could anyone have attacked him. He hadnt done anything to anyone and was well
respected individual in the community. Mike couldnt figure it out.

My....Dad...hes..... but Mike couldnt finish the sentence as tears began to burst again. Derek took
him in an embrace.

Mikey....Im so sorry... was all he could manage as he simply let his boyfriend cry into his arms.

He was bleeding all over....and the marks, the gashes said Mike as he let the tears slide down his
face. This was the first time in years Mike had cried and he wasnt afraid of letting it show now.

Marks....gashes...Mike what are you talking about? asked Derek as he let the question hang until
Mike was ready to answer.

Mike thought about it for a second until he said I....he was attacked by some kind of animal...some
kind of cat I think said Mike. However Mike said this to Derek he could tell that Derek was finding it
hard to believe, even to Mikes ears it sounded strange.

Could it have been a very big canine? asked Derek as his face became as hard as stone at this

Mike quickly thought back to the injuries as he cleaned his eyes and then thought about it.
No...but...why, what could have done this? asked Mike to himself and to Derek. Mike went into a
small narrative about what he had seen in the last five minutes, even the grizzly details.

Derek couldnt figure it out but he was sure that a Moon-Born had to have done it. There was no
normal wolves in the area and no big cats and from what Mike had said the gashes had to have been
caused by something...Moon-Born sized.

You dont you Derek? asked Mike as he looked at Derek and then to the ground.

As he waited for a reply he happened to look around to something he had caught on the breeze, a
strange scent.

Mike turned his head to see where it was coming from, it had to be close since the breeze was so
light. Mikes nose homed in on it and when he looked to the source his heart once again skipped a

Standing on four legs in the shadows of the houses a little away from both Mike and Derek was none
other than that Black Wolf. The shadow of the beast was just as large as the monster itself. It simply
waited for the two Moon-Born to notice him.

Mike let out a large growl that got the attention of the woman who was standing next to him. Mike
leapt like a bullet off the mark, he knew who had done the deed now. He had found his Fathers

Mike was being followed by Derek who also appeared to have noticed the wolf. He heard he was
being called to but he didnt care too much. He wanted the Black Wolf to pay for what he had done,
an eye for an eye and a life for a life.

The wolf darted away from the two who were now chasing him. The black wolf went fast enough so
that he could keep away from Mike and Derek but not fast enough to completely lose them. This fact
had not escaped Derek but Mike seemed too blinded by rage. They ran up the road away from the
main housing in the area, this slowly led them to the more wooded area.

Mikes teeth seethed and he was completely clouded by anger. As soon as Mike noticed that they
were in the cover of the wood he felt his body begin to erupt in hair and a burning sensation go
through him. He soon blinked for a split second and let his hands become his front paws, and in a
second he was his Moon-Born self.

Mike could smell Derek behind him and even the change in his scent as Derek too became his Moon-
Born self. The two wolves headed after the black wolf with full speed.

They must have been running for no longer than five minutes when they were in quite a deep part of
the forest, Mike vaguely knew where though he had not been through this area a lot.

The black wolf finally grinded to a halt up ahead, and Mike did likewise as he dug his claws in and
used them to slow his momentum until he stopped just a little from the black wolf.

Mike inhaled the scent of the area, using it to learn where the black wolf was and roughly how he
was breathing. Mike also scented Derek stopping right next to him, it always amazed Mike how
precise Derek could be, it was no wonder he was the leader of the pack.

Mike however didnt take his eyes off the black wolf, he had never looked at anyone with such
hatred now. His father, one of the people he loved was gone and by the hands of this wolf. And then
he had the nerve to stay in the area to taunt Mike and to see the damage he had done. This would
be his final mistake, he could take the attacks on himself but this had gone too far, and it would end
here and now.

Mike felt something from Derek, it felt like there was something invisible in front of him that only he
could see. Despite this however his focus remained on the black wolf. He did however turn to the
side slightly to see Derek looking at him with piercing blue eyes.

Mike growled and then leapt off the mark and headed straight for the throat of the black wolf
intending to spill his blood.

The black wolf however must have seen this coming from a mile away as it side stepped a little and
then caught Mike on the throat himself. He swung Mike around using his own momentum and was
even powerful enough to take him off his own four paws.

Mike was powerless to resist the black wolf, it now had him in its jaws. Mike felt blood coming out
from his neck where the black wolf had his teeth in, however before he could suffer the pain much
longer he felt the black wolfs jaws release him with a jolt.

As Mike landed on the ground roughly he looked through his eyes to see Dereks silver form trying to
bite into the black wolf and the black wolf doing the same to him. The two of them were lying on the
ground but soon got to their feet and both still attempting to get a lock on the others throat.

Derek had a couple of scrapes on him but the black wolf looked relatively uninjured in comparison
except for his hair being ruffled.

Mike looked for a shot and then ran toward the black wolf intending once again to get him on the
throat. Unlike last time with Derek distracting the black wolf Mike was able to attack him and pierce
the black wolfs jaws in much the same way the black wolf had did to him.

Mike felt the black wolfs fur and skin in his mouth as Derek was now tearing into the black wolfs
underbelly trying to tear it open. The black wolf must have been in a lot of pain at this point, but
Mike didnt care he was going to avenge his fathers murder even if it meant killing in return. He
knew that this might be wrong in some level, but the black wolf was too dangerous to be kept alive.

Mike felt blood in his mouth, he was clearly doing some damage to the black wolfs throat. However
as he did he suddenly felt something in his head. His head felt like it was going to split from the noise
it was so loud. Mike whined and then got off the black wolf and moved his head from side to side as
if trying to rid himself of a fly.

The noise wasnt going away though, he heard a large thud and then seen Derek land next to him
through blurred eyes. The black wolf was like a black blur heading into the forest now that he didnt
have the two wolves holding him down. Mike was amazed that the black wolf could still run but
Moon-Born were resilient.

Derek whined a little at Mike as he knew he was in a lot of pain for some reason he could not
fathom. Mike felt like he had an alarm clock going off louder than anything he had felt in his head.
He couldnt get rid of it no matter what, and Derek couldnt even seem to hear it.

A couple of minutes later Mike could hear a couple of insects and birds as well as his own and
Dereks heavy breathing. He got up from the ground and shook his head a few times. He could hear
perfectly again.

He then came to his senses and remembering what he had been fighting for before the loud noise
had stopped him he looked around for the black wolf intending to rid his head off.

Mike didnt see the black wolf, and he couldnt smell anything in the air except for the fading trail of
the black wolf. Mike intended to follow it again until he caught up but before he could he felt the
irritating feeling that meant that Derek was wanting him to do something. When he turned he seen
Derek staring at him with a bit more concern on his face before.

Derek then used his front legs to flip himself onto his back paws and then in that time turned back to
his human form, his very naked human form.

Mikey, what happened there. We had him but then you sort of looked like you were in pain said
Derek expecting an answer from Mike.

Mike snarled at Derek right at his face as their eyes met, human to wolf. It would have intimidated
anyone normal, but not Derek. Derek looked at Mike directly without blinking or otherwise showing
any emotion.

Mike shift back, something is wrong with you said Derek.

Mike then growled again before turning and looking the way he knew that the black wolf had went.
He was so angry at this present moment that he was having a harder time controlling his inner wolf.
He had to make sure that nobody rubbed him the wrong way otherwise there would be an accident
he wouldnt be able to prevent.

Mike felt his body change back to the way it had been before, human and on two legs but his face
and eyes stayed very much the same, torn and angry.

Happy now Derek, thanks for letting that murderer get away said Mike as he kicked a branch back
into the tree it came from without much effort.

Derek watched this and then looked a lot more sympathetic at Mike. Mikey, I know please look at
me. I know what youve lost but revenge isnt going to bring your Dad back said Derek.

Mike turned to Derek as he looked somewhere between hitting Derek and crying into him.
Revenge, Derek this is so much more than that. This wolf has been hunting me and now that I am
protected by the pack he went after me where I was most vulnerable and decided to kill one of the
people I love said Mike as he dropped back down to his knees. I should have protected my
parents, I shouldnt have..... said Mike before he felt Derek pick him up to his feet.

Listen right now Mike, this wasnt your fault. This was something caused by that fucker. You never
did anything to deserve this. That black monster will die, that I promise you but well do it as a pack
said Derek as he hugged into Mike despite being bigger than him.

Mike felt the tears flow down his cheeks as he felt Dereks strength for him from his words. He knew
that if they worked together they would eventually discover the identity of the black wolf and kill
him once and for all. Mike was angry but he didnt relish killing another being, especially one of their

Soon enough Derek and Mike were on their way back to Mikes house where they knew that Dimetri
and Bobby would be waiting for them.

Hey where did you two go, we got the scent of our black friend but..... said Dimetri as he noticed
Mike and Dereks faces. He knew something was wrong.

The locals are saying that someone was murdered pretty close to here tonight. Do you two know
anything..... said Bobby but he too stopped as he seen the pain on Mikes face as the words were

Derek nodded and then gestured to Mike and then began to explain what they had discovered.
Dimetri looked shocked and then said to Mike Im so sorry Mikey, I....I didnt know.

Bobby looked sympathetic also but Derek knew that this was like a flashback for Bobby since his
Mother had been murdered as well and he had killed her killers. He also knew he had promised his
father, and Derek had no intention of letting him break that promise.

Mike stood with his head down as he heard the other three wolves talk about him and their plans
for the future. He heard them now talking about what needed to be done now, their parents all
needed to be protected which would be hard considering that Mikes mom didnt even know about
him being Moon-Born and all of them living in different parts of town.

Mike lived in the relatively well off area, Dimetri lived in the posh area and Bobby and Derek lived in
the smaller area. They continued discussing tactics and parts about how they would be able to
protect their parents.

Guys, if its OK Im going to go down and see my mom.... asked Mike as he turned to leave without
an answer.

Derek nodded to the other members of the pack and then said Let me know if anything comes up,
no matter how small he smiled slightly and then gave them a thumbs up as he followed Mike.

As they went into the crowd Mike noticed his Mom and what he presumed to be his Fathers body.
He slowly went over to his mom until she noticed him.

Not saying anything both of them hugged as Derek stayed back a respectful distance. Although he
wasnt the smartest person in the world he knew when to be respectful.

Mike, what could have done this? asked Dominique as she looked at her husbands body and then
started crying again.

Mike didnt know what to say about it, he knew what had done it but he couldnt even tell anyone.

As they stood a couple of people came up to Derek, Mike and his Mom.

The first person was the ambulance driver who wanted to speak to Mikes Mom. Im very sorry Mrs.
Ryanson, it looks like some kind of very big animal....did this. We havent found it yet but I can assure
you we will find whatever did it and take care of it accordingly he said to her.

Dominique dipped her head very slightly as Mike and Derek exchanged a look with each other
knowing full well what this type of news meant.

Meanwhile the other person came up to Mikes Mom. It was Dereks Mom Amy.

Mom, what are you doing here? asked Derek to his own Mother.

At this she shot him a glare and then said Im here for Dominique, now listen to me... she said
addressing Mikes Mom now.

Your going to come and stay at our house for a few days she said as she looked at both Mike and
Derek and then nodded to both of them. Derek Im sure youll make Mike feel welcome? she
asked as she took Dominiques hand and led her to the hospital.

Derek however still looked slightly confused at his Mothers appearance here. Mom I... he was
about to say but he was stopped due to the situation.

Mom, Derek and I will meet you and Mrs. Bradshaw at the hospital. Im going to go and collect
some things from the house said Mike as he gestured toward the house.

There was still some police in the house but Mike was sure they would let him in considering all of
their things were still there.

OK son, please dont be too long. I couldnt bear it if something.... she said but she burst into a
weeping state again.

Mike however knew exactly what she had been trying to say and indeed he went over and hugged
her one last time feeling like a heel for having to leave her like this.

As the woman left to go to the hospital Mike looked at Derek and then said I swear that son of a
bitch is going to die.

Derek then followed Mike into the house which wasnt taped anymore but was still being guarded.
Mike was able to get in to collect his things but Derek wasnt due to not living there.

When Mike came back with a couple of suitcases full of his Moms things as well as his own things.
As Derek looked at the suitcases he took the one containing the womans items.

As they walked to Dereks house Derek asked Mike Did you know our Moms knew each other?

Mike looked at him with genuine confusion and then said Yes of course, how could you not? he
asked genuinely stunned.

I dont know but what do we do now. Of course your welcome to stay at my house said Derek as
he tried to think of something to say to cheer Mike up.

I know Derek, Im just not....not sure whats going to happen to my mom and me now said Mike as
he felt a tear coming up from his eyes. He couldnt believe his Dad was gone now, how on earth
were they going to survive without him, either emotionally or materially. Mike didnt even want to
think about it right now but it was going to be a reality they would have to face.

Neither of the two said anything until they were at Dereks house. Derek opened the door and they
both went inside.

Derek took all the bags with him and put them into the kitchen for safe keeping right now. He knew
that it wasnt really where they went but they were past the point of caring right now.

As soon as he had done this Derek called to Mike Mikey, come on we have to get moving and with
that Mike came into the kitchen still looking very sore and sad.

Both of them left the hospital and then went directly to the hospital, it only took them about ten
minutes thanks to their enhanced speed which let them get there much quicker.

They stood outside looking for any sign of Mikes mom and Dereks Mom. They didnt see anything
except the usual business you would usually associate with the medical profession. Derek where do
you think they are? asked Mike as he looked at his phone. No missed calls, as he did this he then
tried to ring his mom. He didnt get through, she was obviously inside the hospital due to the laws
about having your phone on.

I dunno Mikey, dont worry well find them though said Derek as he took Mikes shoulder and then
led him through the large front door. The reception was a large square shape with enough room to
easily sit about 50 people at once, and as Mike knew there were two more reception rooms.

Mike had to wait in line for about five minutes his temper rising all the second, he thought about
swinging a chair to see if that would move people faster but didnt think it too wise with Derek

Hello there, how can I help you boys? asked the receptionist shaking Mike from his daydream of

Hi...Hi there, were here to see my friends father. He was brought here earlier in an ambulance
said Derek as he stared at Mike and then back to the receptionist.

The receptionist typed in a couple of commands into the computer with a speed even greater than
Mikes, something he would never admit but in a few seconds she had the file with Mikes father on

Sure, second floor, the morgue she said as she gave them the rest of the directions.

Mike didnt even wait a second later after she had said this but instead leapt off the mark and to the
elevator. Mike pressed the button with a great fury in an attempt to get it to move despite Derek
not even being in it.

Im sorry about this but thanks said Derek as he then ran toward the elevator before Mike took it

Mikey would you wait up said Derek sounding a little annoyed as he listened to the terrible music
from the elevator and waited to see what was going to happen.

No way Derek, Im not waiting any longer said Mike slightly irritably, he knew he probably
shouldnt considering that Derek was both his boyfriend and his alpha.

Finally they arrived at the second floor which was jam packed and full of people, some who were
injured, some in wheel chairs and some that worked there, like doctors and nurses.

Mike navigated with the directions that he was given by the receptionist and after a few minutes he
finally found the room he was seeking. It was quite a dark room compared with the rest of them as
was befitting its purpose.

When he looked upon it he seen Dereks mother Amy outside the room on a chair. She waved
slightly to them as she seen them.

Derek, Mike Im glad to see your OK she said as she looked slightly grim but still able to function.
Mike couldnt help but wonder how his Mom was.

Hey mom, his is Mikeys Mom asked Derek as he offered Mike the other seat. Mike just shook his

You should go in and see her Mike, she was asking for you said Amy as Derek sat next to her and
the two of them began to talk.

Mike went into the room and as he did he seen his Mother and a doctor. They were both looking at
a body that Mike could only assumed belonged to his Dad. Seeing it Mike skipped a few breaths.

Michael said Dominique as she extended her arm to let Mike hug her. Mike did so and the two of
them hugged for a few seconds.

Mrs. Ryanson, as I was saying your husband sustained several scratch and bite marks to his body
that were bleeding quite profusely. He had several deeper ones on his body but his life was ended by
the large mark that pierced his heart said the doctor as he adjusted his glasses and then looked at a
note pad.

What could have done this asked Mike, although he knew perfectly well what had done it, he also
knew that he needed to find out as much information the doctors had about what actually did kill

Well Mrs. Ryanson thats the strangest part about it, no normal animal could have made the marks
on your husband he said as he showed them a picture of a really large scratch on his arm. At the
sight of it Mikes stomach revolted and it made a fresh set of tears on Dominique.

Nothing we have here in White Valley could have made these marks, and to have happened in a
residential area. These marks should have been made by something even bigger than a lion said the
Doctor. He then looked at a few other notes before saying Im very sorry Mrs. Ryanson but there
isnt anything you can do here. You should go home and get some rest said the doctor.

No, I want to stay.... she said to the doctor quite defiantly but as she did Mike could tell that she
didnt really want to stay and she only said it out of duty to stay by her husbands side.

Mike on the other hand was only half paying attention, this wasnt good. The doctors knew that no
normal animal could have done the deed, and this may even put an alert out on the town about
looking out for large animals which might lead to people being put to hunt down a large animal in
the forest.

Mikes mind raced as he heard the doctor and his mother exchange a few words.

Thank you doctor, and....please call me when we can bury my husband she said as she burst into
tears again. Mike took her out of the room where they found Derek and his Mom.

They must have heard Mikes Mom crying because they both looked ready. Amy put her arms
around Dominiques shoulders and led her out of the hospital through the elevator.

Mike attempted to do the same but Amy simply said Maybe I should do this Mike, you go with
Derek. Mike initially resisted but he thought he should let his Mom have her space to cry without
Mike seeing. It would give Mike and Derek a chance to talk anyway, which is exactly what they did.

Finally they arrived back at Dereks house and Dereks Dad Daniel and Derek helped Mike unpack a
few things for both Mike and his Mom. You boys be OK sharing a room for a couple of days, a week
maybe said Daniel to the two boys. Derek gave a small nod paying more attention to Mike. Of
course Daniel said a week but he knew that Mike and Dominique were welcome for as long as Amy

Dominique more or less went to lie in Dereks bed as they had agreed, with Mike and Derek sharing
the guest room they had converted from their attic.

As Mike unpacked some of the things he had brought from the house he couldnt help but think of
the nights events in silence. His Dad was gone now, what would become of both he and his Mom.
He didnt know how they would afford the mortgage for the house now, Ethans job was what paid
for it primarily. Mike tried not to dwell on it but this was questions that were going to have to be
answered eventually.

Mikey....You...Ok? asked Derek quite nervously as he approached Mikes back and then took his
arms and then kissed Mike a little. Mike didnt seem to have the drive that he had before as he
didnt melt when Derek kissed him.

Ill be Ok Derek....I just cant believe hes gone. Why did the wolf do this, my Dad hadnt hurt
anyone said Mike as he embraced Derek more now. Mike knew that Derek would never allow
anyone else to see this side of him.

Mike sat down on the bed while Derek lay on the floor on an inflatable bed. Me neither Mikey but I
promise you I wont let anything happen to your mom said Derek as he put the covers over himself.
Mike did the same as he looked at the time. It was almost half 12 at night now. Normally Mike would
have insisted on going for a run as a Moon-Born but Derek and Daniel had completely went against
this so they wouldnt alert Mikes mom to what was really going on.

Mikey there is something else were going to have to consider said Derek as he looked up at Mike
on the normal single bed.

Mike looked down at him for a second trying to figure out what he was talking about. He couldnt
figure it out though. What do you mean Derek, havent we been through enough said Mike.

Derek nodded at this and then said Yeah but....well your mom doesnt even understand why your
Dad was killed, why her husband had his life taken. We....we have to tell her the truth said Derek.

Mikes mouth widened to an O shape as he thought about what Derek had said. All of this would
look very strange to Dominique but could she handle the truth of discovering that a giant canine had
murdered her husband and Mikes Dad. He hoped so because this would also bring about telling
what Mike and the pack actually were.

I see where youre coming from Derek, and I do agree but lets wait until after the funeral said
Mike as he lay down again. As he did he felt sleep begin to catch him up. Good night Derek said
Mike as he let himself slowly fall asleep.

Night Mikey was the last thing that Derek had said to him before he fell into a state of

Over the next week and a half Mike went through a whole range of emotions. He never let himself
get too cheery as he was constantly reminded of what he had lost. Mike and his mom were still
welcome at the Bradshaw household and even stayed there through Christmas because Dominiques
family mostly lived in France.

Everyone had soon heard of Ethans Death and had reacted to it in different ways. Both Kyle and
Amanda had been horrified and Kyle had said that he should come and stay with him but he had
simply said that he was staying at Dereks house and that Kyles house wouldnt be big enough

Mikey, if you ever need anyone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on please just tell me. And...Im sorry
about your Dad said Kyle a couple of days after the incident. This made Mike feel a little better
knowing that he could come to Kyle.

Even Kevin and his bully friends had shown him a little respect by completely staying away from him
and even showing him some courtesy in the hallways of school.

Christmas had come and gone but it really hadnt felt like much to celebrate. Mike had gotten some
presents from his friends and family but it hadnt felt all that special this year.

Finally on the day of the funeral Mike had felt sadness unlike anything in his entire life. He had let his
tears be shown and had cried for his parent who had been killed by the black monster. His mother
had been quite distraught with the whole affair and was very silent through it except when she had
to speak on her husbands behalf. The funeral was pretty small as well with some of Dominiques
family but none of Ethans due to the fact that nobody else was alive now as far as they knew. Some
of his fathers work mates had shown up and even the mayor had come. To his utter annoyance Mr.
Granger had come as well as an accomplice to the mayor.

However the greatest surprise of the day had come when the mayor, Mr. Benton had asked to speak
to Dominique personally. He had taken her to the side and said that he had made a special payment
from both himself and Mr. Granger to their home to completely pay off the mortgage so that they
wouldnt have to move.

Mayor....I...I dont know what to say said Dominique as she brought her hands over her mouth
unsure of what to say.

As the mayor shook her hand he said Im just sorry that your husband passed away, he was one of
my best and I think this is one of the ways I can honor him said Mr. Benton as he nodded to her and
then moved somewhere else in the party.

As the mayor moved away Mr. Granger who had been beside the mayor through the whole
conversation spoke to Dominique. Im so sorry for your lose Mrs. Ryanson. I knew Ethan as I had
met him a few times through work. He was a fair and decent man and his life was ended
prematurely he said as he kissed her hand.

She then blushed slightly before saying I know I miss him terribly and I dont know what Im going
to do without him said Dominique as she looked at the floor and then closed her eyes, a tear
forming. As the tear fell Mr. Granger wiped her eye.

Let me get us both a drink to honor your husband said Mr. Granger as he got a couple of wine
glasses from the table. Both of them had a small drink before Mr. Granger said Im sorry Mrs.
Ryanson I shouldnt keep you from the guests. However if you need anything then please give me a
call said Mr. Granger as he put gave Dominique a card with his telephone number on it.

The rest of the party went quite smoothly until around 7 o clock that night. Mike only had a few
drinks during that party and he didnt get one bit intoxicated as his Moon-Born side absorbed any of
the effects of the alcohol.

Derek had came with his family but Dimetri and Bobby had stayed away to give Mike some room
despite Mike saying that they should be there. He still couldnt believe that Mr. Granger had bought
them their house, partly with the mayor but what was Mr. Granger up to. He still couldnt believe he
would have done it to be nice.

A couple of weeks later just after new year Mike was laying donw. Mikey are you feeling OK asked
Derek as he lay on his bed looking down at Mike whom had taken to sleeping on the floor on this
particular night. He watched Mike for a few seconds and then took to looking at the roof again.

Mike then turned to look up at Derek and then said Yeah, Im fine just a sore head Derek. Mike put
his hand on the middle of his head and then said I didnt think I could get headaches anymore and
then stood up off the floor and stretched.

Derek got up to join Mike and then took Mikes hand before saying You shouldnt be, it must be you
giving yourself them. Not that I blame you said Derek as he went behind Mike and putting his larger
hands all over his body.

Mike then groaned as he grabbed Dereks hands, they felt very good and Mike moved them to the
spots he liked. He moved Dereks hand to his nipples and then to the rapidly erupting tent in his
pants. Mike groaned louder as he felt Derek slowly make his way inside his pants until it reached his
dick which was now getting bigger and bigger as Derek stroked his dick.

Behind him Mike could feel Dereks cock getting bigger and bigger and poking into his backside a
little. Mike could tell that Derek was feeling really horny. Mike almost forgot his headache at this

You want me to take care of this Mikey said Derek as he turned Mike around and then played with
his cock a little more stroking it up and down. Mike was powerless against it, he simply enjoyed it
too much.

Ye....Yeah he said as he nodded his head up and down.

Derek then got down to roughly where Mikes cock was hard and rough. Mike wasnt nearly as big as
Derek but he wasnt tiny either. Derek got his dick out fully and then quite skillfully he put it into his
mouth and then began sucking Mike off as only Derek could. Derek let his tounge do a lot of the
work on Mikes cock, playing with it and wrapping his tounge around It and then deep throating it.

Mike groaned and grabbed Dereks head and made him come closer to his dick and take it into his
mouth. Mike made Derek deep throat him for a minute while Derek skillfully sucked him off. Mike let
out a large breath as he felt his hardness being taken by Derek. He always loved this feeling from his
boyfriend. It was one of the things he did so well.

Derek Im gonna...Uhhhhh said Mike as he spilled his seed within Dereks mouth. Derek managed
to swallow it quite well for the sheer amount. When Mike felt he was done Derek came up and then
touched Mikes hand and brought it down to his own cock.

You want to take care of me? said Derek although Mike knew it was more of a command than
anything else. Derek had a way of making his meaning very known to people.

Mike smiled like a kid and then he too got down to his knees in front of Derek. When he pulled
Dereks jeans down at the crotch he seen that it looked ready to break out the front of his jeans by
itself. When it came out the sheer length scared Mike slightly as it always did. It seemed alive by

Come on Mikey suck me said Derek and immediatly Mike took the first part of Dereks length into
his mouth. Derek let out a large sigh of relief as soon as Mike did. It was almost like he was going to
demand this all night. Mike got to work as Derek let out a lot of precum already, Mike swallowed it
as he always did for Derek. Mikey you do this righ...right said Derek as he moaned and then let out
a large sigh.

Mike continued this for about ten minutes until Derek said Mikey, why dont we try something

At this Mike looked up and into Dereks eyes. It was then and there that Derek was determined to
take Mike. What do you mean Derek? he said as Derek pulled him to his feet.

This Mikey he said as he kissed him hard and fast, his tounge demanding entrance to his mouth. At
the same time though Mike yelped as he felt Dereks finger make its way to the entrance of his ass.

Mike felt it and moaned even harder as Derek continued to ravage both his ass and his mouth. Derek
moved his finger in and out while trying hard not to hurt Mike. Mike seemed to be enjoying it as he
began to adjust to the intruder in his body.

OK then Derek, lets go for it said Mike as he looked around. Derek did likewise until they simply
decided to do it on the bed.

As they did Mike removed his pants and then lay on his back on the bed and then got ready for what
was to come. Are you absolutly sure Mikey said Derek as he got the lube out to put on his cock.

Absolutly said Mike as he smiled quite widely at Derek. Derek smiled back in that evil way he used
to do. OK Derek said Mike as he lay back.

Derek made his way and then putting some lube on his finger he smeared it on and then used it on
his dick. He did likewise to Mikes ass being careful to put on a lot, although he was Moon-Born this
would still hurt since it was Mikes first time.

Breath carefully because when I begin to dominate you I wont want to stop said Derek as he
positioned himself with his dick close to Mikes ass. Mike in turn began to slightly feel Dereks meat
at his ass.

Slowly but carefully he began to push slightly at Mikes rear, there was quite a lot of resistance at
first especially with the amount of lube but slowly it began to break in until the head went into
Mikes ass.

Fuck, how big....too big said Mike as he felt intense pain at the intrusion. Derek eased it up slightly
but waited with his dick in Mikes ass.

After a couple of minutes he put a bit more in and then more and more. Mike was still seething
slightly from the pain, which was intense at the minute.

Fuck Mikey, I never imagin....imagined itd be this tight youve definetly never been fucked he said
as he was about half way in. Soon enough though Derek was moving much easier until he finally got
all the way in.

Derek I dont know how anyone could ever survive you said Mike as his face was as red as a
tomato. Mike felt like he had something lodged in his ass, like a golf ball or bigger.

Me neither Mikey said Derek as he pulled his cock out and then began putting it back in. Mike
didnt look in as much pain this time but he was still seething slightly. Soon enough though Derek
was building up a good rythm. He loved being inside Mike as Mike was a wolf his insides were
burning on Dereks cock.

In turn Mike was beginning to get used to Dereks cock in his ass and its length and height. He was
loving feeling the big powerful man inside of him and using his hole. This....Arghhh this is awesome
said Mike as Derek nodded but continued pounding Mike.

After a couple of minutes they both had a good rhythm going, Mike was helping to make Derek feel
like Mike was clamping down on him. Mikey Im not gonna last much longer said Derek as he
began to up the tempo quite a bit.

Go for it Der....Derek said Mike as he felt himself getting worked up again. He knew he was going
to cum.

Im Arghhh cumming said Derek as he felt his dick explode with the hot juices from his body and
go from his dick to inside Mikes ass.

Mike was feeling his ass being filled with Dereks cum as he himself let out another load onto his
body and dick hair. It was a messy situation. When Derek was finished he remained inside Mike for a
minute longer just savoring everything they had done. He breathed quite heavy but quite proudly as
he managed to claim Mike as his own.

That was intense said Mike as he felt Derek pull out from him and the leak that followed after.
Derek was fast enough to get a towel though to clean it up. All the while smiling quite broadly at
what they had just done.

Mike seemed to have a very large grin on his face for the first time in ages. It felt like such a long
time since he had enjoyed himself doing anything now. He had been that used to living with a large
cloud above him and as bad as he felt now for doing it he knew that he had been both taking it out
on Derek and ignoring him on several occasions but everytime Derek never retaliated or stopped
waiting for him.

Thanks for that Derek, I think I needed it said Mike as he lay on the ground to go to sleep on the
matress. He closed his eyes slightly to go to sleep but knew he would be talking for a bit longer.

Your welcome Mikey, its good to see a smile on your face said Derek as he too lay down but
before he did he leaned down and gave Mike a kiss.

Mike took the kiss and smiled much broader now. He felt like he might actually be able to sleep a
little sounder tonight rather than the constant nightmares that had been plaguing him for days now.

Time began to move forward now as New Years came and went. By the time January 5
came Mike
and Dominique had moved back into their own house, which has a new kitchen installed courtesy of
Mr. Granger. The house was now theirs and the deed proved this that they didnt have to pay the
mortgage anymore. Dominiques job would be enough to keep food on the table and the house
running but they couldnt buy themselves a lot of nice things anymore.

Mike resolved to get a part time job if he could, which would be tough considering the black wolf
was still out there.

OK Mom Im off to school, will you be OK? asked Mike as he got his keys and bag ready for the day
ahead. Mike let out a large yawn and then went into the kitchen. His mom was making a couple of
slices of toast as she gave Mike two of them.

Yes Michael, Ill be fine Amy is coming over later and were going out to lunch and then I am going
to see Mr. Granger later to pick out a new carpet for the living room. That man has been so nice
recently she said to Mike but the last part she seemed to say to herself more than anything else.

Mike picked up on what she was saying and with looked silently to the ground. Mr. Granger was
trying to find excuses to hang around with his mom. What did he want with her he thought to

As he thought about it for a few second his mom said Shouldnt you be getting to school.

At this Mike looked at the clock and then finishing the last few bites of toast he said Yeah, thanks
mom and then giving her a hug he ran out the door and then out the gate.

When he got outside he waited for any sign of the car belonging to Kyle. He waited for a few seconds
until he heard the familiar noise of the engine. Thanks to his Moon-Born hearing he heard it much
clearer and much earlier than before. He found the notion slightlyu ironic. The Moon-Born gift had
given him so much but it had paid the ultimate price for him.

Howdy stranger, how you feeling? asked Kyle to Mike as he opened the door to let Mike in.

Mike got in but didnt say very much besides morning.

As they got closer to school they talked a little bit about what each of them had gotten up to over
the winter holiday, except from Mikes dad. Kyle was careful to avoid that subject. Yeah the guy is
insane Mikey, I swear he is keeping Amanda locked up like a prisoner in her own home said Kyle
although Mike gave him a funny look. Kyle countered the look by saying Come on Mikey, for all
intents and purposes it is her home now. Amanda lives with that maniac she calls a father said Kyle
but as he did he immediatly recognised what he had said.

Its OK Kyle, the world isnt going to stop for me and then looked down silently at his hands in his
lap. Both boys were quiet until the end of their journey at school.

Well Ill meet you at lunch Mikey, if you wanna sit with me said Kyle as he waved and then headed
off in the other direction, Mike assumed to look for Amanda.

Mike nodded his head to him and then waited in the parking lot. As he did he kept on hearing the
sounds around him more sharply than he was meaning to, and smelling things a lot more sharply
than he should be. He shut his eyes in order to avoid having a sensory overload.

He waited for about five minutes until it was 5 minutes to the bell until he scented what he was
waiting for. He opened his eyes and then smiled slightly as he seen Derek coming toward him. He
wasnt with Dimetri and Bobby this time which was unusual to say the least since they were pack.
Morning said Derek as he smiled at Mike.

Mike smiled back although not quite as big, Mike couldnt help but feel good being around Derek.
Derek seemed to have picked up on this and then smiled more broadly. Cocky asshole said Mike as
he laughed a little.

Derek let out a bark of laughter at the outburst of Mike. It wasnt like him to come out with the first
insult. OK princess you wanna get to class said Derek as he took Mikes hand and pulled him to his
feet fully. When he did he began walking to the school.

Yeah dufas lets go said Mike as he began walking toward the school.

As usual school was crowded and as usual Mike had to practically hold his breath for some of the
students that didnt shower nearly often enough. This was perhaps the second most painful part of
being Moon-Born, the first being his temper. He had found out just how dangerous it could be in the
days following his Fathers death. He had almost lashed out at Dimetri and Bobby and also Derek.
The bullies if they had annoyed or antagonized him would have had their heads up their asses by
now. Kyle had also gotten it too but to a lesser extent since he hadnt seen him as much over

So what you in first? asked Derek to Mike as he woke him from his daydream.

Im in maths first, I hate it said Mike as he rolled his eyes at thinking of their teacher.

Cool well Ill see you at lunch OK said Derek to Mike and smiled warmly at him.

Mike smiled back but a flashback suddenly made him think of something else. Ummm is it OK if Kyle
joins us? asked Mike feeling a little awkward asking. He often tried to see his best friend and
boyfriend seperatly since they didnt get on as much but sometimes things would conflict.

Dereks smile faded and he thought about it for a second before saying sure, but we need to talk
after school then and then turned and went to class.

Sure, Ill see you later said Mike as he turned and headed to the maths rooms.

The morning went through very quickly for some strange reason, it seemed to be granting him his
wish of the day going fast.

As he went to the lunch hall he seen both Kyle and Derek sitting in a table together with a seat for
him. Mikes heart skipped a beat when he seen this as he thought it would be very uneasy for him

As he sat down he greeted both of them.

Hey Mikey said Derek as he took a bite out of a sandwich he had brought with him for a change.

Hey whats up man said Kyle who didnt appear to have any lunch in front of him at all.

Kyle arent you getting something to eat asked Mike as he put his bag down and then got to his
feet to get something from the cafeteria. He didnt like the smell of what he saw up there but he
liked what Derek had. As he looked at Dereks sandwich Derek caught him and then covered it
before smiling.

Mike sighed at having to eat the food from school. As he left the table Kyle followed him intending
to talk to him, or so he guessed.

Whats going on Kyle I didnt think you liked Derek said Mike.

Kyle laughed and then said Yeah I dont, hes an asshole but hes an OK asshole he said typical of
him. I just thought I would tell you Im going to stick around for another five minutes then Im going
to have to book. I have to talk to Amanda before she goes home because her Dads picking her up
and shes talking of running away from him he finished all in one breath.

Mikes mouth opened agape as he looked stunned at Kyle. He didnt think she would but he didnt
know how far her Dad had pushed her. Thats wrong Kyle, whats he doing to her to push her that
far asked Mike.

I dunno man, but according to what she said hes treating her mom like crap and even worse trying
to get with another girl. I dont know who said Derek as he shook his head.

Mike nearly fell to the ground as he realised exactly who it was that Kyle had meant. Kyle, I think
hes wanting to go out with my mom he said.

Other people in the line looked at him like he was crazy but Mike paid them no mind. As long as they
didnt say anything to him.

You sure man? asked Kyle with a disgusted look on his face.

Mike looked slightly pissed at Kyle for his face.

Sorry man its not your mom Im thinking about, its Amandas Dad. This is wierd so soon after, well
you know said Kyle as he stopped himself.

Kyle did bring up a good point though as he thought to himself about all the times Mr. Granger had
left her flowers and called up to see if there was anything she needed, and then the new kitchen and
helping to pay the mortgage for the house. No he had been blind to have missed it.

Geez Kyle, thats just....yuck said Mike as he made a rather grossed out face at Kyle.

Mikey you cant let your mom date that freak you cant said Kyle as he looked at the watch and
then said I have to meet Amanda but you have to make sure they dont get together. You already
know what hes like with Amanda, he treats her like shes his own property. Dont let that happen to
your mom said Kyle as he dashed away to meet with Amanda.

OK I wont, I promise said Mike as he was about to be served at long last.

As he got back to the table Mike explained everything that had happened and what he had found
out to Derek. Derek looked a little stunned and then thought back to the times he had seen the man.

Is that the thug we met that attacked Kyle? asked Derek as he remembered the occasion.

The same, hes trying to go out with my mom. Over my dead body said Mike as he sat down and

As the bell rang for the next class Derek told Mike that he wanted to talk to him about pack
meetings at night time and how they were going to do them.

OK Derek Ill be there said Mike in a rather bored voice as he wished him good luck for the rest of
the classes. After lunch the day seemed to go fast enough. Chemistry was something that Mike
didnt seem to take in at all today despite normally being good at it.

As the final bell rang Mike suddenly became more alert as he looked up from his little doodle of his
wolf form. It didnt look anything like it but Mike could see it and thats what counted.

As the whole school was trying to get out Mike simply waited to go out last. He didnt want to give
his Moon-Born side any chance to come out at all in the middle of school. After a minutes he was
able to get out of the class. He turned a few corridors rather slowly until he made his way to the
main doors.

As he got outside he looked around to see if he could see Derek. He couldnt scent him inside so he
must be out here somewhere. He could scent Dimetri and Bobby and soon after Derek. He then seen
them coming up from the car park and he greeted them.

We got out a few minutes early after practice said Derek as he ruffled Mikes hair which was
getting quite long.

Yeah the coach thinks were gonna squash these posers next week in the game said Bobby as he
sniggered at the thought.

Mike rolled his eyes and then said Well just dont break any bones OK and then laughed out loud.

The four of them began talking among themselves as they walked through the car park while it
wasnt too busy.

As they did Mike looked up and then noticed something he had scented on the wind. As he took a
few sniffs he felt a dread tug at him like nothing else. It brought out a large frenzy of bloodlust for

Derek and the pack looked at him concerned and then Dimetri asked Hey mate, whats the hold

Mike looked around toward the forest and then back toward the school building before saying Hes
here, the black wolf and he had to restrain himself from exploding and going to the source.

As soon as Mike said this he heard Bobby and Derek growl under their breath, Dimetri had to break
them out of it saying Guys we need to get out of here, somewhere we wont be seen he said as he
continued looking through with the others. Mike and Dimetri were staring at the school while Bobby
and Derek looked toward the forest.

I cant see him and I cant scent him coming from the forest said Derek as he and Bobby turned to
look back at the school.

Mike however could smell the scent getting stronger as he began to walk back. As he scanned the
crowd he seen a small gathering of students in the one spot where the scent was coming from. As he
did he seen three people he recognised.

Noooo, it cant be said Mike as his mouth opened wider and wider. As he said this Derek noticed
what he was looking at also. Up almost at the school was Kyle and Amanda and they were arguing
with Amandas father Mr. Granger.

Mike could smell the scent, it was that of the black wolf coming from that direction. It was so strong
so it wasnt a lingering scent.

Mikey come on said Derek as he took Mikes neck while Bobby and Dimetri took his arms and they
walked backwards as quickly as possible without drawing attention.

Mike was protesting and flailing his arms and even began muttering Let me go and kill that

When they were in the forest a good distance Bobby and Dimetri let him go, but Derek didnt.

Mikey, I know what your feeling but if you go and charge at him not only do you risk your own life
and your friends but ours and the whole student body said Derek as he looked furious with the

Mike however was too worked up to listen. So you think we should let that fucking murderer
escape said Mike as he thought of a hundred things at once, his Mom, she didnt know what Mr.
Granger was. Kyle and Amanda, she Amanda know what her Father must be.

Mikey get a grip, we need to prepare. Come on said Derek as he began to strip down and put his
clothes into his bag. As he did Bobby and Dimetri did the same, Mike followed suit unwillingly.

As he did he felt his furry body hit the ground with his senses blazing. Even here he could still scent
the murderer. Mike heard Derek roar at him as he was telling him to stay close.

As he growled slightly in aknowlegement Mike ran into the forest following his pack.

However in his mind he knew exactly what must happen, he was going to kill Mr. Granger, the black
wolf or die trying.

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