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Mike paced up and down the same spot once again as he watched Derek talk with both Dimetri

Bobby. They had decided to meet up here, more deeply in the forest than they had ever met before.
Derek had decided to make them meet here for now on because they had never scented the black
wolf there and he assumed it would be safe for them.
I just dont know what we can do about it said Derek to the three of them although he was talking
more to Bobby and Dimetri since Mike had shown himself incapable of controlling himself when it
came to the black wolf now.
I know mate, I know. I just wanna know how he managed to hide it from us all this time? said
Dimetri completely agreeing with what Derek had said so far. We should have scented that lunatic
from a mile off said Dimetri as he thrust his hand into his other palm.
I bet he found out how to hide from us, he must know more about us as a race than we do said
Bobby. Dimetri nodded to him while Derek just thought for a minute or so.
I think you all know what we have to do. We have to get rid of him said Mike finally speaking up
for himself instead of just pacing up and down. He had already made quite a mark on the ground
from how long he had been walking in the same pattern.
Derek got up from the spot and looked at Mike directly in the eye, in Mikes eyes he seen a man that
could go through with what he was suggesting. In Mikes eyes he no longer seen the meek human he
had once been. In Mikes eyes he saw exactly what Mr. Granger had turned him into, a ruhtless
Mike we cant go and simply strike down Mr. Granger like an animal, and yeah I know hes little
more than a cold blooded killer but have you thought it though on what would happen if you did?
he asked Mike trying to make him see sense.
Mike looked to the side with his eyes as if annoyed by Derek, of course Mike had went through
everything and he knew what might happen but rationality wasnt at the forefront of his thoughts
anymore. Yeah I know Derek but he has to pay for what hes done said Mike as he stamped on the
ground and then sat down on a tree trunk.
As he did Derek approached him and then said Mikey, I need your word as my boyfriend, a Moon-
Born and as a member of the pack that you wont go against me and try to do anything until were
decided on what to do. All four of us? said Derek trying to get his point across to Mike on his
serious his actions could be.
Mike snorted and then looked at Derek but without as much anger as before. OK Derek I promise I
wont said Mike as he put his hand on his heart and the other one in the air, like a child would do.
Derek smiled at him and then said Keep yourself ready, we wont take forever deciding this and
when we do well make sure that he pays.
Mike trusted Derek and the rest of the pack but he still wished that he could do it on his own. Mike
hadnt forgotten their last encounters, the black wolf was a very powerful opponent and it was only
through numbers they were able to drive him off. It also made Mike remember the times Derek and
Dimetri had driven him off on their own.
When he asked them about it both of them looked a little lost for words. I dont know Mikey,
maybe he didnt know how we fought or wasnt expecting us said Dimetri to the question. It
lingered for Mike a little longer before he moved onto something else.
Mike also remembered having dinner with Kyle and Mr. Granger, if he had been a Moon-Born back
then he would have been able to smell the wolf within the house and he would have acted there and
then. Mike wasnt sure exactly what Derek and the pack had in mind or how long it would take them
to act on it but they were right he had to keep it under control. He couldnt risk going anywhere near
town for fear of bumping into him there. School was a big risk as well but he had already had enough
time off from when he had found out about Derek.
As Mikes mind drifted off from the others Derek shook him slightly and then said Do you have any
ideas on how to deal with this? as he asked Mike the question. Dereks serious eyes lingered on him
for a second.
Mike despite everything would have liked to kiss Derek then and there but not with his current state
of mind. I dont know Derek, I just want to make him pay for what hes done he said as he closed
his eyes and felt a stinging sensation.
I dont think theres much we can do here tonight mates said Dimetri to the others. Bobby and
Derek turned to look at him as he looked at their gazes also. Mike avoided the look as the others
silently wondered what to do.
A couple of hours later Mike lay in his bed thinking about the whole situation. It was messed up to
be sure and no clear cut way out of it. They had to do something about Mr. Granger and fast
because if what Kyle said was true then he would be after Mikes Mom to try and go out with her. At
this Mike almost lost control again as he seethed, he had murdered Mikes Dad in order to get closer
to his Mom. No that didnt make sense, he wouldnt risk it all for that. There had to be something
more to this puzzle.
As Mike fell asleep his head kept on buzzing with the same questions again and again, how and why?
He didnt know the answer to either of those things and this is what he needed to know before time
ran too short.
Over the next week Mike spent a lot of time indoors either on his computer or reading. He hadnt
spent anymore time at school than neccesery or any time outside at all if he could help it. Mike had
avoided talking to his Mom about his Dad also because he knew she would never understand. His
biggest fear though is if Mr. Granger happened to call and ask to meet his Mom. Thankfully the week
had gone by pretty much uneventful except for the occasional visit from Mikes friends.
Mike had begun to feel a little strange after the first few days which he tried to ignore but after six
days he was beginning to feel something much worse. When he had called Derek he had only then
explained about his Moon-Born self needing to be outdoors more than once a week. ...And you
didnt tell me this because....? was what Mike finished with on that conversation. Derek had
sounded slightly sheepish when he had said he had forgotten.
Mike had arranged to go out and run about with Derek in the forest tonight, just the both of them.
Mike was looking over his notes on physics for school the next day when he seen his door open out
the corner of his eye and when he did he seen Kyle come in. Mike looked shocked because he had
not expected Kyle to visit today considering that it was Thursday and they had school the next day.
Hey man, whats up I didnt expect you said Mike although as he looked at Derek his face looked
slightly red as if he had been crying.
Kyle looked a little upset at something and when he didnt say anything this drew even more
concern from Mike. Im...Im OK Mikey, its just that Mr. Granger has stopped me from seeing
Amanda altogether now and stopped me from going into the house to see her he said looking down
at the ground.
At this Mike stood up and blinked a few times in disbelief, Mr. Granger was indeed pushing every
little nerve that Mike had left. Mikes face turned to a slight rage that even Kyle noticed it. Come on
Mikey, I know its bad but Ill help her said Kyle trying to help Mike calm down. This didnt really
help since Kyle didnt understand all of Mikes conclusions and thoughts.
Im OK Kyle, just a little pissed at this guy, he seems to be out for control. By the way what were
you guys arguing about....the other day? he asked Kyle.
Kyle snorted as he remembered the conversation. He wanted to help me pick out a college for after
graduation. I went over to his house later that day but truth be told I dont even remember most of
what we talked about he said.
Mike thought about this for a second as Mike and Kyle continued all the small talk. Mike was very
distracted as he usually was most times now.
For the rest of the day Mike stayed in again and didnt really go outside, he had promised that he
would run with Derek and the pack again tonight like he did with Derek the previous night. He
actually really enjoyed it and it did let his Moon-Born half off the chain for a while as well, just
enough for it to stop trying to control him from the inside out.
His mother hadnt really noticed anything wrong with him as much because she herself was still
recovering from the shock of what had happened, even though it happened about a month ago now.
Hey mom, how you feeling? asked Mike to Dominique as he walked into the kitchen for dinner.
Dominique had made some hamburgers for them to eat. They werent anywhere near as big as the
things Derek and the pack ate but they were good though.
Im OK Mike, just keeping busy she said in a very short answer. Gio has been quite a dear though,
I have seen him a few times since the funeral and had lunch with him a few times. It had helped take
my mind off it though she said as Mike looked at her strangely.
Oh come on, dont look at me like that. Its not what your thinking. Mr. Granger is just being nice,
and goodness knows I need all the help I can get she said.
Mike felt like a heel for ruining his Mums happiness in regards to the small amount she was getting
but there was no way that this was going to go on for much longer. Sure Mom, just be careful and
dont let yourself get too upset. Dad wouldnt want us to forget him but he wouldnt want us to
dwell on him forever said Mike to his Mom.
Dominique came and hugged Mike a little as she said Thanks my little boy, Youve really grown into
a young man I can be proud of, and so could your Father said Dominique.
Mike flashed red slightly, even more so than his face was nowadays and smiled. Thanks mom, that
means a lot Ill always do my best to look after you he said to her.
They continued for the last little while watching a DVD until Dominique went to her bed. It was at
that time that Mike decided to sneak out the house and go meet with Derek and the pack. As he did
he quietly shut the front door and locked it.
He crept through the houses and quietly entered the forest, instead of bursting into his wolf form
like he usually did he simply ran through in his trainers. As he did he smelled all the different scents.
He smelled all of the wolves from the area, including the black one but there wasnt any recent
scents which meant he hadnt been out recently.
Finally Mike approached the area where he seen Derek, Dimetri and Bobby sitting in a tree. As he
slowed down all three of then looked at him with mixed expressions.
You didnt come on four legs, strange things do happen mate said Dimetri as he sniggered to
Derek looked at him and then smacked him on the head slightly, Dimetri fell off the tree in a fit of
laughter at the hit and then said Come on my nanny hits harder than you mate.
None of them laughed with him which would normally have made any other person feel self
conscious but not Dimetri.
Ok then, down to business, Mikey I think we finally might have discovered what to do about our big
problem said Derek as the others gathered around to listen, even Dimetri who had stopped acting
like a child, or a wolf pup.
So come on Derek, spill what are we going to do about our Mr. Granger wolf problem asked Mike
anxiously awaiting the answer.
Were going to break into his house and scope out something incriminating about him said Bobby
as he looked specifically at Mike for any reaction to this news.
At first Mike wasnt even sure he had heard Bobby right for what he had said, he didnt think that
this could ever make sense in any planet or language. Are you kidding me on Bobby, because if you
are this isnt funny. What do you mean go into his house? Where hes going to be waiting and
probably half a dozen innocent people said Mike ridiculing Bobby.
Bobby looked severely pissed at Mike for shooting him down like this but it was Derek that spoke to
him Mike, thats enough he finally snapped at his pack mate. At this Mike seemed to have realised
that he had stepped over the mark.
Bobby, Dimetri, wait here I think I need to have a little chat with Mike said Derek to the others. At
this Bobby simply looked at Mike with an annoyed expression and Dimetri looked concerned for
As Derek bobbed his head in a specific direction Mike followed it and Derek followed behind him.
They walked for a good twenty minutes away from the others until Derek spoke, as he did he spoke
in a very calm and a very controlled way like you would speak to a four year old who had done
something wrong.
Mike picked up on this and was on guard to answer Derek.
Care to explain what that was about Mikey? asked Derek in a very short and blunt question. As he
said this he could see the gears in Mikes head working to try and answer in a way that would satisfy
the Alpha of their pack.
Mike knew he had done wrong but he wasnt about to be tossed around. Derek, that plan is crazy,
you know it and I know it. How do you think I would feel? asked Mike.
Derek shook his head and then said in a rather chiding voice Mikey, you shot down Bobby and
made him feel like a complete idiot. If you werent in the pack you would be dead by now said
Derek in a reference to the size difference between them. If Bobby had wanted Mike dead then
Derek wasnt even sure if he would be able to protect Mike.
I dont think so Derek I..... said Mike but he was cut across by Derek who continued.
Bobby isnt a vengeful person but you didnt even get our reasons for this before you butted it said
Derek as he sat down on a lot and gestured for Mike to join him. Obviously killing Mr. Granger is out
of the question, and were just now beginning to understand why your Dad is dead. If we can find
some kind of evidence that he is connected then we could sneak into his house and get it and then
hand it into the police and get him arrested said Derek.
As Derek said this pictures began forming in Mikes head, it sounded like a very radical idea to begin
with but as Derek explained it began to make sense. They would have to go a night where Mr.
Granger was out for the night but that would be possible to arrange, next they would need time to
get through the security cameras and sensors. This would be harder but not impossible thanks to
their Moon-Born abilities, the security was designed for humans.
As they talked for another ten minutes Derek said to Mike You see Mikey, your attitude over the
last couple of weeks has been well stinking to put it lightly. You need to realise that were here for
you. Bobby, Dimetri and me, were all here for you no matter what. We promised to protect you and
thats just what we intend to do said Derek.
Mikes heart melted a bit as Derek said this, it almost made him feel completely normal again over
the past month. He kissed Derek on the mouth a little, then more fiercely.
Come on Mikey, is this really the time? asked Derek through the kiss but as he did he felt Mikes
tounge enter his mouth. OK so it was time apparently.
They kissed for a couple of minutes before they got up off the log. As Mike looked at the moon, it
had moved a fair bit since he had first come out.
Lets go I think we should all get home soon before it gets any later said Mike as they moved back
through the forest to the others.
Bobby and Dimetri had taken to playing Tic Tac Toe while they had been gone and looked releaved
when they came back. Mike made his way over to Bobby looking remorseful.
Listen Bobby, I want to apologize for the way I....I acted earlier. Its not usually like me to get
emotional like this said Mike to Bobby as he looked down at the ground and then up to the larger
Bobby didnt respond right away but merely stared at him for a moment. As he composed himself he
said Dont sweat it too much Mike, just remember Im here for you like your bf and the clown are.
Dont try to do everything yourself he said as he made a bro fist and this time Mike did it without
hesitation on his part.
This made Derek and Dimetri relax a little more relaxed as they all sat down again, or in Dereks case
climbed the tree to talk again. As they talked they made plans to break into the house, Mike was
slightly familiar with it but he didnt know the complete layout as the house was too large to
memorise after just one meal.
Eventually they decided to call it a night as it was well into the morning now and they would end up
sleeping in the next day. OK, lets take one more run and then well head home said Derek as he
pulled off his shorts and shirt and then with a slight jump he landed on the ground in his large silver
four legged form. He looked though his blue eyes to the others. All three of them followed suit.
Bobby turned into his large gray form, Dimetri into his dark brown form and then Mike turned into
his wolf form.
As Mike breathed in the smell of life from the forest, his insides burned with energy from the world
around him. He loved being in his wolf form, it made him feel more alive than ever. It just wished it
hadnt cost him so dearly. If he could have his Dad back then he would gladly go back to being
human. However he came to the realisation that he didnt work that way and he resigned himself to
the fact that he was a wolf now and forever.
As he looked around to the others he noticed Bobby eyeing him curiously and Dimetri sitting on his
hounches also slightly confused. Derek had taken to sniffing him as if looking for something. As he
finished he eyed Mike with a very serious expression that was notable like it was in his human form.
Derek gestured for them to follow him and they, almost like clockwork did so.
They ran through the forest for a good five minutes, as far as Mike could tell they were heading back
to town but taking a slight detour while doing so. The forest seemed to blend into one big blur for
Mike, he could easily distinguish details if he needed to but his mind was so confused as of late.
Finally the four arrived at a lake and slowed almost to a stop. As they looked around Derek gestured
for Mike to follow him, as he did Bobby and Dimetri lay down for a minute on the ground simply
watching what they were doing with confused expressions.
Mike and Derek approached the water and Derek dipped his head to look in the crystal clear water.
As he did so Mike looked at him and then into the water himself, as he did he seen Dereks reflection
but upon further investigation of looking at himself he noticed something off about himself.
Mike turned his head to the side slightly and then looked at himself. He looked to the side of his face
and lifted his head and then to the side and then up and again his reflection looked off. As Mike
looked at himself he didnt see the usual brightly colored brown wolf he had turned into, instead he
seen a brown wolf of a much darker shade.
Mike looked at Derek again and whined, while he did that Derek changed back to his human form, a
very naked human form.
Mikey, what has happened to you? asked Derek as he approached Mike and touched his fur. At
this both Dimetri and Bobby came over as well and looked Mike all over, even under his underside.
Mikey, you were a light brown wolf when you became Moon-Born and....well now your not. Your
darker than before, how can that be? asked Derek to the others.
Mike turned back to his human form now as well and then said I dont know Derek, how did it
happen? he asked Derek hoping he would have an answer.
I dont know Mikey, nothing like this has happened to us. We were always the colors you see us as
now he said gesturing to them in order.
Mike couldnt figure it out, no wolf in real life could change its color so suddenly. They changed
them through life but not within one night. He had even been light brown when earlier today but
not now. Was it something to do with the fact that his wolf hadnt gotten enough excercise. He
wouldnt have thought so but he didnt know all about being a Moon-Born.
Maybe its natural said Mike trying to work out the possibilities.
True Mikey, maybe it is but well keep an eye on you. Just call us if anything else happens said
Derek to Mike.
As they finished up at the river they each headed their own ways home. Derek his own way, Mike his
own and Bobby and Dimetri to their own houses.

Over the next week Mikes life kept at the pace it had been for the last month and a half. He was
constantly trying to keep his Mom away from her dates with Mr. Granger. It was helped somewhat
because Kyle seemed to know a bit about when Mr. Granger was going to be out thanks to Amanda.
Amanda and Kyle were going through as rough a patch as ever as well, Kyle seemed to look very
tired and gaunt than before which was becoming sort of normal for him. Amanda didnt spend much
time outside her Fathers home either, Kyle seemed to be spending a lot more time there as well he
presumed with Amanda.
When Mike talked to Kyle about it he seemed to shut off or just make up some excuse. Mike didnt
understand it he thought his friend would have wanted to get some of the stuff off his chest, they
were supposed to be best friends. He had even told him everything about Derek and himself, well
except the sexual things and of course the wolf things.
Mike continued to go out every night but there was no sign of the black wolf at all, and his color
hadnt changed back which made Mike think that the change was going to be long term, which made
him a little angry since he liked his light brown color. It wasnt that he didnt like his new color but it
made him look more like Dimetri and took away some of his unique atttibutes.
Mike sat in class in another warm Wednesday afternoon. It was uncharacteristically warm for this
time of year. He sat doodling once again during maths since it was on fractions and he pretty much
knew everything. He wished he could change places with Dimetri for this since he needed it more so
than he did.
When it came time to get out of there Mike didnt take another second to get out of his seat and
then head toward the door. He made his way through the people trying not to get stressed out to
cause a scene. His nose however went on overdrive as it normally did, smelling such things as
peoples body odors, the people who smoke or take drugs and even the people who have had sex in
the last couple of days.
As Mike got outside he expected to see his pack waiting for him but instead he only seen Dimetri
with his bag, he was still in his shorts and shirt from his practice sessions.
Hey Mikey boy, where you off to? asked Dimetri as he jumped down the path and came to Mike.
Mike looked around for the rest of the pack but seen only Dimetri, he wasnt really disappointed per
say but he did want to speak to Derek.
Nowhere, just home said Mike trying to see what Dimetri was up to.
Put that on hold Mikey, lets go for a bit of fun at the arcade said Dimetri as he took Mikes hand
and led him away from the school. Mike resisted at first but soon enough went along with it as he
figured it might be fun and his Mom wouldnt worry about it too much if he wasnt in the exact
minute he usually was, as long as he wasnt too long.
As they made their way to down town Mike asked Dimetri Where is Derek and Bobby, I thought
they would have been with you? he asked his pack mate.
Dimetri looked at him like he thought Mike might cry if he told him the wrong thing. Nothing bad
mate, Bobbys at the boxing and Derek had to stay and practice a bit later for the big game next
week said DImetri to Mike. At this Mike nodded slightly obviously his mind at ease again.
Mike didnt even have to say anything for Dimetri to know what was going in inside of Mikes head.
Although he didnt blame himself for his Dads death he did still believe that he would have been
able to prevent it and he now tries to compensate by keeping his family, pack and friends closer than
ever, especially his Mom, Bobby, Dimetri, Derek, Kyle and Amanda.
Cool, so will they be around later then? asked Mike to Dimetri as they entered the arcade.
Immediatly Mike went to the game Time Crisis. It had always been one of his favourites. Dimetri
joined then and they played in the arcade for a little over an hour.
When they had finished Mikes mom contacted him over the phone. Hi there Mike, where are
you? she asked him as he answered.
Im at the arcade for a little while, Ill be home soon enough he said to her.
At this Dominique said Thats OK Mike take your time, Im going out for a little while with Gio
tonight. He thought I had been working hard recently and he needed some time off so thats how it
happened she finished all in one breath.
Gio? he asked her as he tried to figure out who this person was. Maybe someone from her work
had invited her out?
Yes, Amandas Father. I was shocked when he asked me but he is a nice man and I think its a good
idea said Dominique.
Mike nearly dropped the phone when she had said this, of course he should have known. Gio was
Giovanni Granger, the black wolf. He couldnt let her go out with him.
Mom, are you...Umm are you sure you want to go out tonight? I mean I could come home and
make us both something to eat. Its not really very nice out anyway he said despite it being a
pleasant evening. Mike had to do anything he could to avoid Mr. Granger going out with his Mom.
Dimetri looked quite alarmed at this as he listened into the conversation.
Oh dont be silly Mike, I know you hate cooking and this way I get out of doing it tonight as well
she said laughing slightly.
Mike began to panic slightly as he went through the potential things that could happen to his mom.
Dimetri however made a gesture for Mike to put down the phone. Mike made his a face which
looked like he could tear Dimetris heart out.
OK mom, you have fun now said Mike as he waited for his Mom to reply.
Dominique then said OK Mike you dont stay out too late and do your homework before tomorrow
OK? she said as she said goodbye again.
Mike also said goodbye before he put down the phone and then walked quite fast outside. Dimetri
followed him and then said Mikey, what are you going to do? asked Dimetri as they walked quite
fast up the street.
Mike then turned to Dimetri and then said I have to get to my mom and stop Mr. Granger from
seeing her he said as he panicked about what could happen.
Dimetri shook his head before saying Come on Mikey, your not thinking straight. We should use this
in order to do what we need to? Dimetri answered to Mike.
Mike didnt say anything but instead looked at Dimetri like he had just grew horns. What do you
mean Dimetri? asked Mike eventually.
Dimetri then said Mikey, Granger wont hurt your mom he said as Mikes face changed slightly and
then said We can use this time to check out Grangers pad and then we might be able to figure out
our best move to get into his house. Then we can get him put in jail if we can find out what hes up
to said Dimetri as he watched Mikes face checking his reaction.

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