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Observation Result
to Bali
Proposed to complete practice assignment at semester 2
Education 2010-2011
By :
Erma Inda Prati!i
Ira "ur #rba$atul %anna
&o' #yub #ndi (irmansya
"uarisa )iana Ri*+i
Riandy ,aya
-lass :
.I /ains-2
Bandar+edungmulyo /enor 0ig /cool
Education 2010-2011
Rati1ication /eet
Tittle : /tranger$s opinion about Bali
Group : #nimal
Tere are :
Erma inda Prati!i 2 03 4
Ira "ur #rba$atul %anna 2 15 4
&o' #yub #ndi (irmansya 2 20 4
"uarisa )iana Ri*+i 2 26 4
Riandi ,aya 2 27 4
(rom :
.I /ains-2 -lass
Proposed to complete practice assignment at semester 2'
%ombang8 17 &arc 2011

0ead &aster8 9eader8
:ainal (atoni8 /'Pd8 &'&'Pd )idi+ #gus Pramono8 /'Pd
"IP' 13570527 133306 1 00; "IP' 13770<25 20050; 1 01;
(irst o1 all let$s tan+ to #lla /=T !o bless us so !e can !rite tis Englis
Report about our Observation in Bali'
/econd8 /ala!at and /alam !e deliver to Propet &uammad /#= !o
guides us to te trut'Te 1unction o1 tis Report to complete te study practise
Tird8 tan+ to &r')idi+ Pramono as our leader !o ave great motivation
to us until !e can compile tis Report'
=e ope tis Report use1ul 1or te reader !o read our Englis Report and
building critic please !elcome'
T#B9E O( -O"TE"T/
Page title 1
Rati1ication /eet 2
Pre1ace 6
Table o1 -ontents ;
-apter 1' Preliminary <
1'1' Bac+ground
1'2' Problem (ormulation
1'6' >oal
1';' Bene1its
-apter 2' Reader Revie!s 5
2'1' ?arious +inds o1 culture in Bali' 5
2'2' /cenic beauty o1 te beac in Bali' 5
2'6' Te presumption tat Bali is not Indonesia' 5
2';' Te presumption tat te Bali (ear Tey@ll be te Bali bombings a tird' 7
-apter 6' Researc &etodology A
6'1' Place and time study
6'2' Tools and materials
6'6' 0o! it !or+s B te types o1 data collection
-apter ;' Observation Results 3
-apter <' )iscussion
-apter 5' -onclusions and /uggestions 2A
5'1' -onclusion
5'2' /uggestion
Bibliograpy 23
#nneCes 60
1.1. Background
Bali is o1ten visited by 1oreign tourists8 !en it comes to Indonesia8 do
not 1orget to visit te region tey dubbed te Island o1 te >ods itu' Tere
are many attractions tat can be visited8ranging 1rom te beac
!it panoramic beauty o1 beaces and sun also re1erred toas
te -oast sunset D/unset beacE !it is opponent sanur beac'
"ot deny tat to tis day8te tour !as a
blessing to Bali8toug not uni1orm becausetere is a group
o1 local people !o receive a large portion8 but in general because o1te
multiplier e11ect o1 an increase in per capita income B purcasing po!er'
Bali dependence on tourism 1or survival is so large modern Bali8 tourism as beco
mete mainstay 1or replacing agriculture and small industry'
=ile te Balinese also !itnessed and 1elt te
drastic canges tat appen aroundtem8 especially since te Bali
bombing in 2006@s' "egative impacts began to emerge8 but over time8te
1ear o1 a1tersoc+s bomb is not tere anymore' &ost o1 Bali@s economy depends
on tese tourists' Tere1ore8 many 1oreign visitors are very important to
te economy o1 Bali'
1.2. Problem Formulation
a' =at do people on BaliF
b' =at about te 1eelings o1 te 1oreign tourists to BaliF
c' Is it true tat 1oreign tourists consider Bali is not included !itin IndonesiaF
d' =at eCactly is teir purpose to go to BaliF
e' )o tey not 1ear te treat o1 te Bali bombings a tirdF
1.3. Goal
a' -ompleting Tas+s semester Even 1or te preparation o1 Observation Reports in
b' Obtaining an eCperience related to environmental issues and 1oreign state
against te culture o1 Indonesia'
1.4. Benefits
a' Gno!ing te culture o1 te Balinese'
b' Gno!ing te most com1ortable resorts commonly visited by 1oreign tourists'
c' Gno!ing a variety o1 reasons 1oreigners come to Bali' Is Hust to enHoy te
panorama o1 nature or to an interest in te business'
d' ECamining te notion o1 1oreign tourists to Bali it !as not a statement tat
includes Indonesia'
e' ECamining o! tey react about te Bali bombings !ic could ta+e many
victims are 1oreign tourists'
2'1' ?arious +inds o1 culture in Bali'
Brie1 o1 Balinese Traditional Per1orming #rts )ynamics in te -onteCt o1
-ultural Tourism Bali in T!o =orlds ' Bali is no! living in t!o !orlds' T!o very
di11erent !orld8 mutual attraction8 gaining real spaces natural spaces Bali and Bali
uman psyce'
Te most tangible eCpression o1 te traditional agrarian !orld o1 Bali are
undreds o1 types-religious rituals tat are still dila+oni people o1 Bali8 almost
every time8 and o1ten involve per1orming arts8 bot sacred and secular Dpro1ane8
entertainmentE' Being te presence o1 te modern !orld can be seen 1rom te
cange in agrarian villages into te cities and tourist areas li+e Bali8 /anur8 Guta8
"usa )ua8 Ibud and continue to spread to oter areas as !ell as Balinese people
are increasingly enamored !it te product- modern products suc as cars8
motorcycles8 electronic goods and oter
2'2' Beauti1ul scenery o1 te beac in Bali'
Guta Beac is a tourist spot located in te sout o1 )enpasar8 te capital o1
Bali8 Indonesia' Guta is located in Badung' Tis area is a tourist destination abroad8
and as become a mainstay tourist island o1 Bali since te early 70@s' Guta Beac is
o1ten re1erred to as sunset beac Dsunset beacE as opposed to te /anur beac'
Te Bali beac is a ideal location to enHoy te sunrise or sunrise' It ma+es it
more interesting sigts8 tere is even a segment on /anur beac is a beac called
te Rising /un at sunrise because te scenery is very beauti1ul !en seen 1rom
2'6' Te presumption tat Bali is not Indonesia'
&isunderstanding or a deliberate or ignoranceF I@ve been tin+ing te same
ting !en I attended a yout eCcange to >ermany8 one o1 our agenda is to visit
te scool and !e appened to go to geograpy class' 0ig scool +ids did not
+no! about Indonesia but tey +no! Bali and tey !ere ama*ed !en I sa! parts
o1 Indonesia on te map'
Tat Bali is better +no!n tan Indonesia certainly not te 1ault o1 te island8 but
tat until no! !as not really te real central or local government e11orts to assert
Bali is part o1 Indonesia stressed te government an un1air attitude to!ards te
!ole o1 Indonesia
2';' Te presumption tat te Bali (ear Tey@ll be te Bali bombings a
Bali a1ter te bomb eCplosions in %imbaran and Guta8 Bali8 not necessarily
Juiet' ,et te !orld tourism tere remains !orried'
0o!ever8 a1ter te second Bali bombing8 some mass media participated
raised optimism tat tis time Bali !as abandoned' #mong te sentences pitced
anCiety8 are reported also te atmospere o1 Bali tat still cro!ded and 1renetic
1illed !it 1oreign tourists'
/ome entrepreneurs restaurant claims to ave passed troug di11icult times post-
bomb Bali I' Tey bac+ up slo!ly' #nd te impact o1 te Bali bombing II sedasyat
not be1ore' Tey believe more tigtened security'
RE/E#R-0 &ET0O)O9O>,
6'1' Place and time study
a' Place : Bali8 eCactly in te vicinity o1 coastal areas
b' Time : (riday8 &arc 138 2011
6'2' Tools and materials
a' "ote small
b' Pencil
c' Recording tool
6'6' 0o! it !or+s B te types o1 data collection
On te occasion o1 tis observation8 !e conducted a descriptive study' In
conducting tis researc !e tried to describe a number o1 variables B
-omposition dala activities as 1ollo!s:
a' =e tried to get te obHect o1 researc is te 1oreign tourists !o !ere
enHoying te panorama o1 nature in Bali'
b' Once get it8 !e as+ed various tings about Bali' #nd do not 1orget to also
record te conversation'
c' Te recording !as eventually used as initial stoc+ to 1orm a report tat
contains Juestions and ans!ers about !ic !e as+ suc a cronology'
=ere do you come 1romF
I come 1rom #meri+a
0ave you ever gone ere be1oreF
I ave never go to Indonesia I tin+
#nd8 =at do you tin+ about Indonesia$s countryF
?ery nice people
"o!8 you are in Bali' ' ' '
0mmmm' ' !ic place tat you visited be1oreF
Guta beac8 and One else' ' but I couldn$t remember it'
=at are you doing ereF
I Hust !al+ing !it my 1riends'
,ou go ere !it your 1riendsF
,es' ' !it siCteen people'
=at do you 1eel ereF
I !as very surprised8 it !as so beauti1ul'
)o you go ere 1or interesting only8 or 1or Hob and may be !at else' ' ' F
I go ere 1or my study8 !e !ill get a duty to teac in di11erent place in %ava'
0o! longF
(or 3 mont'
0mmmm' ' by te !ay8 I eard tat te tourist tin+ tat Bali isn$t Indonesia'
)o your neigbour in #meri+a also tin+ tatF
&ost o1 tem may be tin+ tat8 but one else +no! tat Bali is Indonesia'
#nd8 )on$t you a1raid tat Bom Bali !ill appen againF
O "o' ' not at all'
It appen at long time a go8 Rigt no! I believe te government o Indonesia
as been trying to do te best 1or us' /o do not be appen bomb 1or !ic
time again'
Brie1 o1 Balinese Traditional Per1orming #rts )ynamics in te -onteCt o1
-ultural Tourism Bali in T!o =orlds'
Bali is no! living in t!o !orlds' T!o very di11erent !orld8 mutual attraction8
gaining real spaces natural spaces Bali and Bali uman psyce' =orld tat
one is te traditional agrarian !orld tat ad ta+en root since at least ;000
years ago8 te 0indu spirit8 !it a !ide range o1 cultural eCpression8 and te
oter is te modern !orld o1 =estern civili*ation !o came to Bali as a
conseJuence o1 te eCploration and eCploitation DcolonialE =estern =orld
D"eterlandsE in te 17t century guards !o introduced Bali to te !orld
trade8 capitalism 1ollo!s +onsumerismenya an increasingly globali*ed'
Te most tangible eCpression o1 te traditional agrarian !orld o1 Bali are
undreds o1 types-religious rituals tat are still dila+oni people o1 Bali8 almost
every time8 and o1ten involve per1orming arts8 bot sacred and secular
Dpro1ane8 entertainmentE' Being te presence o1 te modern !orld can be seen
1rom te cange in agrarian villages into te cities and tourist areas li+e Bali8
/anur8 Guta8 "usa )ua8 Ibud and continue to spread to oter areas as !ell as
Balinese people are increasingly enamored !it te product- modern
products suc as cars8 motorcycles8 electronic goods and oter' Traditional
agrarian !orld are trying to survive to te modern !orld is not eroded !ile
attempting to !in because tat@s te nature o1 capitalism and consumerism'
Te Balinese li1e8 struggling bet!een t!o !orlds and try to compromise tese
t!o opposing !orld'
=orld-spirited tradition o1 Balinese 0indus !orsip !it elements o1 nature
and te ancestors are te result o1 evolution and acculturation o1 several
cultures !o came to tis island: te ancestor o1 te /out -ina around
;000 years ago and te 0indu-Buddist culture o1 India eiter directly or
troug %ava miss scenario eCpansion o1 te 0indu-Buddist +ingdom in
%ava to Bali since te beginning o1 te 3t century' -ore system and te order
o1 li1e suc as traditional village !it is banHo !ic are glued by te concept
o1 te Tree Pura8 Gayangan Tree DPuse8 -ountryside8 )alemE and Temple
(amily D/angga B meraHanE and agriculture organi*ation called /uba+ !ic
is eCpected to be applied in Bali since te beginning o1 te century 11 to no!
remain strong presence in te city all te people' Traditional social
institutions suc as village religious customs8 banHo and /uba+ is regarded as
te pillars supporting te preservation o1 Balinese culture D/ee Pitana 2002E'
=orld tis tradition teaces pilosopy o1 balance bet!een te mental-
pysical needs as a source o1 appiness tat is acieved !en a balance
bet!een te needs o1 corporate8 social and spiritual needs' Tis conception is
generally +no!n as Tri 0ita Garana'
Te modern !orld D=estE go to Bali since te early 17t century by eCplorers
ber+unHungnya-European eCplorers Dsee "eterlandsE to te arcipelago !it
a commercial motive8 1ind and trade o1 spices' Te sailors and mercants
!ere also set 1oot in Bali8 ten do te trade !it te +ings o1 Bali' Te unt 1or
spices tat continued into te arcipelago by te )utc coloni*ation' In te
1330@s bodyguard Bali !it uniJue culture began to be pac+ed by te
"eterlands to be sold as a tourism product' -ultural tourism tat initially
only a and1ul o1 elite dila+oni =est DEurope8 Inited /tatesE 1or te purpose
o1 seeing and enHoying te beauti1ul tropical island !it a ric culture and
uniJue DeCoticE is no! a tourism tat brings people 1rom di11erent parts o1 te
!orld in te number eCceeded one million every year' Tey are believed to
come to Bali 1or te same purpose8 to enHoy te culture o1 Bali8 toug not a
1e! also !o come Hust to relieve boredom intense routine o1 teir lives and to
reap te bene1its o1 business interests and instead settled in Bali' Results o1
several studies and te survey did so! tat te maHority o1 tourists coming to
Bali are motivated by te uniJue culture o1 Bali D/ee #rdi+a 200;: 26E'
Bali -ultural Tourism )evelopment E11orts )utc to dominate Bali !as
al!ays got 1ierce resistance' )utc only able to master te !ole o1 Bali in
130A troug a !idely critici*ed rutless conJuest o1 Europe' To improve te
image8 te "eterlands rused establis policies to protect and +eep Bali in
order to remain Ktraditional'K Bali studied and !ritten a detailed and
systematic by )utc scolars' # policy !ic8 according to #drian ?ic+ers8
#ustralian scolar8 in is boo+ Bali: # Paradise -reated only intends to sell
Bali as a tourism product'
"ot long ago8 in 131;8 te )utc airline /ailing DGP&E as publised a
brocure tour o1 Bali as Kpualu stunningK8 Kisland o1 temples and palacesK8
Kpualu godsK and Kplace o1 bare-breasted !oman'K Beginning in tose years
GP& continuously brings a and1ul o1 elite tourists to Bali' In 132< GP& build
te Bali 0otel in )enpasar8 Bali@s 1irst otel' #mong tese elite tourists tere
is an artist8 antropologist and autor o1 te !ritings and teir interpretations
o1 te 1360s began to tic+en in te eyes o1 te !orld@s image o1 Bali as an
island paradise' Te image tat remains attaced to te present'
/ome scolars argue tat te Balinese began to de1ine teir culture based on
te de1initions outlined by tose outside it' Te Balinese mematut sel1-matut
Ddo appropriationE continues to establis itsel1 to a traditional loo+L do
simulacra or teatrical tradisionalisasi D/ee Gurnianingsi 2002L Ruastiti
200<E' In an e11ort to maintain traditional Balinese any 9ocal >overnment8
troug te Regulation "o' 6 o1 137; Dte revision become "o' 6 in 1331E
posits tat tourism is developed in Bali -ultural Tourism' Tourism is te
gro!t and development using local culture tat is imbued Bali 0indu
religion8 !ic is part o1 te "ational -ulture as a potential basis o1 te
dominant D200;:21 #rdi+aE'
#1ter Indonesian independence era8 te attempt to maCimally develop as a
tourist destination o1 Bali became an important agenda o1 te government o1
President /u+arno8 even more so te rule o1 President /uarto8 and continued
until no!' )evelopment o1 luCury otels Bali Beac 0otel by /u+arno and te
development o1 te "usa )ua luCury tourist compleC by /oearto to te
&aster Plan in 1371 by a (renc company8 /-ETO8 !o 1ollo!ed up !it te
construction o1 12 luCury otels along !it oter supporting 1acilities are early
eCamples o1 tese e11orts DRai8 2006E' 9arge investors continue to invest teir
capital to create tourism boom o1 te 13A0sL pari!sata mass culture tat
continues to tis day' 2002 Bali bombings could ma+e Bali tourism distraugt
but slo!ly recovered'
Bali Tourism Dilemma
Te dilemma o1 tourism on natural and cultural survival o1 Bali as been
1eared by scolars since te 1360s'
)uring tis Bali Tourism connotes eCternal intervention: in te )utc
colonial era and a and1ul o1 oter 1oreigners8 and at te time o1
independence te central government Dassisted by local bureaucratsE !it
large investors outside Bali' 9ocal people and teir culture is seen as a mere
obHect or commodity: provider-a spectacle o1 cultural attractions8 and service
providers' Planning and management is not a portion o1 local involvement'
Even no! tese patterns is still running' 9atest eCample is te clearing o1
protected 1orest areas in Bedugul area 1or te otel !ic secured a license
1rom %a+arta8 !itout te +no!ledge o1 local peopleL also plan to develop
>eotermal Po!er Plant !ic is suspected as part o1 a broader scenario o1
land tenure to te development o1 resorts toug obviously received
!idespread reHection 1rom te community'
Tere@s no Juestion tat until recently te economic blessings o1 tourism to
Bali8 altoug uneven because tere is a small group o1 local people !o get
large portions' But in general8 because te multiplier e11ect8 increasing per
capita income or purcasing po!er' Te entry o1 large investors a11ects te
increasing number and Juality o1 tourism 1acilities and supporting 1acilities
including repair roads in Bali tat 1acilitate economic activity in general'
9i+e!ise8 supporting industries or 1ollo!-up gre! rapidly'
Increasing income per capita by te people o1 Bali are allocated to supporting
te needs o1 modern li1e8 suc as education8 transportation8 and oter modern
products' #s is generally te Balinese people are also tempted temptation
goods consumerism' #nd o1 course some are allocated to traditional rituals
and religious activities8 including per1orming arts are also in it' Te pattern o1
li1e in t!o !orlds is pressing te Balinese to al!ays ave money' Bali
dependence on tourism 1or te survival o1 modern Bali is so great' Pari!sata
as become a maHor mainstay8 replacing agriculture and small industry'
&ean!ile8 te Balinese also !itnessed and 1elt te drastic canges going on
around tem8 especially since te tourism boom o1 te 13A0s' Te impacts
tat tey see is a cange in agricultural lands into tourist areas and
settlementsL sea8 la+es and rivers are polluted8 especially te inorganic !aste
volume increased sarply8 energy and clean !ater scattered-scattered seed
increasing population density in part by te in1luC o1 migrants 1rom outer
island o1 Bali8 domestic or 1oreign8 as !ell as rising crime8 te misuse o1
alcool and drugs8 and te spread o1 0I? B #I)/' "ot to mention oter
problems8 and are still buried beneat te sur1ace' Te number o1 people in
Bali tat begin lapse into beaviors tat arm and violate te la! also
increased a lot'
In recent years8 since 2006 1ollo!ing te 2002 Bali bombings8 !ic no!
appears !idespread discourse called #Heg Bali' )iscourse !ic basically arise
1rom concerns or con1usion o1 te Balinese vie! o1 te negative situations tat
occurred in Bali8 including te concerns o1 people become a minority in te
island o1 Bali due to invasion o1 immigrants 1rom oter islands8 especially
%ava and 9ombo+' 9a! no' 22B1333 and PP' 2<B2000 on regional autonomy
tat 1ocuses on te 9evel II also 1eared could destabili*e Bali as a unity o1
nature and culture because o1 di11erent interpretations and interests o1 te
districts in Bali' /o tere are te discourses o1 special autonomy 1or Bali to get
autonomy at te provincial level Dsee (ormulation Team Bali Post 200;E'
Te impact or in1luence o1 tourism on Balinese culture by te researcers
described as negative and positive' Te negative impact is te occurrence o1
commerciali*ation8 commodi1ication and pro1anisasi tat lead to crusingL
being positive impact is terpacunya cultural artistic creativity o1 local
residents to meet te interests o1 tourism D/ee Ruastiti 200<L #rdi+a 200;E'
In te conteCt o1 te traditional per1orming arts o1 positive and negative
e11ects also occur' Te emergence o1 real creativity !as seen in te rapidly
developing various +inds o1 per1orming arts in Bali8 including te increasing
number o1 activist art8 but at te same time some sacred dance including
elements o1 ritual procession as started to be presented to pro1anisasi 1or
)ynamics o1 Per1orming #rts o1 Bali in te -onteCt o1 Tourism
Traditional -ultural Per1orming #rts is te most concrete cultural elements
tat can be o11ered to !isata!an+ because o1 te universality o1 dance and
music as a retinue easier to enHoy DappreciatedE tourists !itout a deep
involvement8 and easily pac+aged B pac+aged 1or imported into otels 8
including on vie! abroad in te 1orm o1 art@s mission to promote tourism'
Reputation traditional Balinese per1orming arts ave been !idely
ac+no!ledged bot by specialists and tourists mostly' Per1orming arts is one
o1 te most important asset 1or te image o1 cultural tourism'
In general8 te per1orming arts o1 Bali can be categori*ed into tree: !ali
Dsacred per1orming artsE8 !ic is only done during ritual !orsipL bebali
so! dedicated to te ceremony but also to visitorsL and bali-balian nature
to mere entertainment in public places' -ategories o1 tis con1irmed in 1371
by te #ssembly -onsideration and -ultural )evelopment D9I/TIBI,#E Bali
in response to te increasingly merambanya so! 1or tourism to te arts
tat are sacred' Tis meeting recommended tat te art o1 nature bebali
guardian and not commerciali*ed' Bandem and deBoer in is boo+ GaHa and
Gelod: Balinese )ance in Transition in detail to classi1y te various
per1orming arts in Bali until te early 13A0s' Belong to te guardian 1or
eCample: Berutu+8 /ang 0yang )edari8 ReHang and 9ine >edeL bebali li+e:
>ambu8 &as+ PaHegan8 =ayang =ongL and bali-balian including: 9egong8
Par!a8 #rHa8 Prembon8 and %oged'
=riting care1ully about Per1orming #rts )ance )rama and te 1irst Bali
diipubli+asi+an in 136A' Ironically8 and certainly not too surprising8 tat tis
boo+ !as !ritten by a stranger named =alter /pies and Beryl de :oete' Is not
te intervention o1 1oreigners as been a part o1 Bali@s istory in generalF
=alter /pies8 a Russian->erman ybrid8 is te name o1 a 1oreigner !o !as
!ell +no!n in Bali' 0e came and settled in Bali 1rom 1327 until te %apanese
occupation era in te early 13;0s8 a musician8 painter8 !o as a very deep
interest in te per1orming arts in Bali' Role in te early development o1
cultural tourism in Bali is no doubt because e !as trusted by a stranger !o
came to Bali at tat time to provide cultural eCperiences8 especially te
per1orming arts in Bali' Traditional art per1ormances became a regular menu
1or visitors in tat era' /taging per1ormed against te various %aba pura Dte
outer templeE in various villages in te area around Ibud and also staging te
Bali 0otel o!ned by )utc sipping company8 GP&'
It is conceivable tat te drama and dance per1ormances are o1ten not 1ully
understood by tourists mainly because o1 language8 in addition to general
tourists cro!ded tour scedule' Because te intervention !as carried out by
travel agents 1or te so! !ill be sortened to a 1ormat more
understandable and enHoyed by tourists' &iCed genres began to appear tat
combine !it one anoter genre8 suc as -a+ as te Ramayana story !it a
vocal blend o1 /ang 0yang )edari made by /pies and a dancer named
9imba+L or Barong and Gris dance !it eCcerpts 1rom te &aabarata' Te
so! usually lasts one our' Besides8 te emerging dance-o11 dance Ddance
o1 an independent8 not part o1 te dramaEL and staging pac+age tat
combines di11erent genres o1 dance out o1 te mas+8 line8 legong and oters'
Balinese per1orming arts sacred nature usually as a value eCoticism and
magical so sougt a1ter by tourists' Tere +etergiuran tourism service
providers also o11er pac+ages ten moc+ te sacred art' &aHor barong-
Rangda !it unying D+ris danceE is one classic eCample pro1anisasi
appened D/ee Bandem and deBoer 13A1: 1;<-1<0E'
Presumably not to commerciali*e dance idealism and bebali guardian can
not be eCecuted 1ully' "o! per1ormances 1or tourism as begun to dance
imitation mepertonton+an /ang 0yang )edariL /ang 0yang %aran8
-alonarang8 and so 1ort' #nd 1inally developing ne! pac+aging is te term
per1ormance as a combined aspects o1 te ritual procession to so! various
+inds o1 per1ormances simultaneously li+e puppets8 dance ca+ 1ire8 %oged a
tube8 and per1ormances during dinner o1 legong8 some 1reelance dance
barong dance and drama' Per1orming li+e tis is o1ten done in te tour
pac+age castle DpalaceE in te 1orm o1 royal dinner as is done in te castle
&eng!i8 Gerambitan and imitated by oter castles' &aHor otels !en carry
out te convention or gala dinner also o1ten use ne! pac+aging
per1ormance' &ar+et pressures to constantly o11er someting ne!
eventually in1luence te creation o1 ne! types o1 per1ormances'
-ultural Impact o1 Tourism on Traditional Per1orming #rts
Besides te problems o1 commodi1ication and milling8 !ic is o1ten te
tal+ o1 te problem is te lac+ o1 respect or appreciation o1 te tourism
entrepreneurs to traditional artists' In addition to payments !ic are
classi1ied as lo! per1orming arts are o1ten positioned as a complement to
te so!8 usually dinner in te otel B restaurant' #rtists !ere given te
1acility a modest and o1ten not introduced properly' 0o! deep appreciation
can occur !en te audience@s attention must be divided bet!een eating
1ood and !atcing te so!F It !as common +no!ledge tat in places
!ere tourism so! guides or drivers !o ta+e tourists get a commission o1
2<-<0M o1 te price o1 admission' /imilarly8 te art bro+er Dan intermediary
bet!een artists and buyersE ta+e a ig percentage o1 te price o11ered so
tat te !ages received by te artists is very minimal' Tis may be caused by
te large number o1 artists B groups +eseniann in Bali Dig supplyE8 coupled
!it a lac+ o1 +no!ledge and managerial s+ills most artists B artist groups8
and because o1 cultural traditions ngaya Dper1orming as a sacri1ice and
satis1action o1 mindE is still tic+ among te instigators o1 te art'
Bargaining position o1 te artists in 1ront o1 te tourism entrepreneurs to be
lo!8 as re1lected by te eCistence o1 competition in lo!ering prices bet!een
one anoter'
Indeed tere are 1e! otels and a tourism spectacle o1 trying to reposition a
traditional per1orming arts as a special to is guest' #rtists so!n are artist-
Juality or !ell-+no!n artistsL staging done not at te time o1 1eeding8 tere
!ere attempts to give good in1ormation DeducationE to te guests8 and tey
are !illing to give artists te pro11ered price' #rtists are already convinced
!it te Juality usually dare to 1iC prices8 tey ave ig bargaining po!er'
#ll tis can appen not out o1 te diversity o1 te tourists !o come' Tere
are tourists !o are satis1ied !it Hust seeing te so!8 some are !illing to
loo+ te best'
Tere are government e11orts to Bali troug is 9I/TIBI,# to protect
artists 1rom eCploitation and oter!ise provide support and guidance to
tem to maintain or even improve Juality' /uc license issued 9I/TIBI,#
decent per1ormances 1or te public B tourist named Pramana Patram
-ulture to arts groups' Te >overnment continues to urge 1or tourism
business people to give a better appreciation to te artists8 bot 1inancially
and treatment' >overnor )ecree "o' 63; and 63< in 1337 suc as ma+ing
!age standards 1or various types o1 eCisting arts groups' 0o! 1ar te
implementation o1 tis e11ort is still !ort eCploring' I still !atc a lot o1
staging is done in otel-otelBrestoran !o impressed improvise8 and read
in te media about te complaint te lac+ o1 appreciation o1 tourism to te
artists' Peraps a routine staging migt ave caused te dancer eCperiencing
burnout8 in addition tere is te assumption tat tourists can not yet
distinguis bet!een a Juality so! !it a no'
Te positive impact o1 tourism can be lin+ed !it an increased Juantity o1
tis type o1 art and o1 artists8 and generally increase in income' Te artists
ope to be able to stage opportunities in te otel because o1 more 1reJuent
or routine rater tan so! to customs B ceremonies' Please note tat
per1orming arts is never separated 1rom te rituals tat are believed to be
continued' Tese rituals involve some 1orm o1 per1ormance suc as /ang
0yang8 !ea+ puppets8 mas+s paHegan8 pendet8 various types o1 dance sacred
line8 and still !itin te conteCt o1 ritual but also 1or entertainment suc as
sado! puppets in te nigt8 candidates carcoal8 or gambu' Te
increasing purcasing po!er in general allo!s te traditional village or
banHo to buy a device tat gamelan is usually also stimulate te 1ormation o1
groups o1 drama B dance'
# prominent young artists in Bali DI "yoman Batuan8 >ianyar Budiarta o1E
te autor ad intervie!ed ave di11erent vie!s about !at is 1eared by
scolars tat te tourism eroded te Juality o1 traditional art' 0e argues
tat tourism provides more positive impact tan negative' Per1orming a
routine to give more opportunities to practice ma+ing art is more creative
and varied' 0e did not ma+e suc per1ormances are done during dinner
because it believes tat auto travelers !ill pay more attention !en te
staging o1 te so!-Juality 1ood' 9ocation o1 te main problems eCisting in
te artist-!eter e !as Juali1ied artists tat dare to 1iC te price or te
average o1 artists !o !ant lo! priced' 0e suggested tat it needs a
1acilitator !o brings tourism entrepreneurs !it artists to dialogue: tat
tey need eac oter' >overnments can also 1acilitate by ma+ing te
boundaries or signs' #bout allegation tat as occurred pro1anisasi sacred
per1ormances e suggested tat te de1inition o1 sacred empasi*ed'
#ccording to !at ma+es a sacred art is !en done to complete by means o1
ceremonial rituals8 o11erings' 0e does not blame i1 tere is a ritual art tat is
pac+ed into a spectacle so 1ar does not involve tourism o11erings' 0e even
believes tat te arts ave made a ritual or a classic moc+ !it eCtinction
and i1 need be developed'
# prominent Balinese art o1 te older generation DI >usti #gung "gura
/uparta 1rom TabananE sa! a decline in Juality or indeed values' It is
inseparable 1rom te development o1 an increasingly modern era !ere a lot
o1 tings tat sei*e te attention o1 bot te artist and te community Dte
audienceE8 coupled !it te development o1 te syndrome so 1ast8 instant8
re1lected te desire students Dincluding is parentsE in order to Juic+ly be
able to dance and dipentas+an'Tantangan 1or artists are no! not as eavy as
te 1irst' Rarely are teacers !o teac ard and seintensi1 1irst' -anges in
te dynamics o1 te audience also a11ects te Juality decline' In te era
be1ore te 1370@s artists are callenged to reac teir 1ull potential because
tere is an audience-goers !o came to test' ProCimity distance bet!een
audience and dancer since te small stage to create te conditions 1or
mutual communication appreciation8 communication mecinga+ taste'
/ystem tat separates te stage is no! a dancer !it te audience
Despecially dance aired troug te T?E negate tese mecinga+ process'
Te autor argues tat te traditional per1orming arts o1 Bali eCperienced a
decrease in Juality due to reduced intensity o1 training8 re1lection and
deepening' Ta+su or carm tat emanated 1rom te dancers present
generation is not as strong as te older generation o1 dancers'
-ommunity Based Tourism D-ommunity Based TourismE in Bali In line !it
te development discourse o1 /ustainable )evelopment D/ustainable
)evelopmentE is also gro!ing discourse o1 sustainable tourism' /ustainable
development is de1ined as development to meet te needs o1 present
!itout compromising te ability o1 1uture generations to meet teir needs
Dsee =-E)8 Our -ommon (uture 13A7E contains tree principles o1
ecological sustainability8 socio-cultural8 and economic D/ee Pitana 2002:<6-
<; 'E Tourism is believed to accommodate te concepts o1 /ustainable
)evelopment is a -ommunity Based Tourism DPB&E or synonymous !it
ecotourism8 not mass tourism it is today' PB& is te basic conception o1
tourism tat 1ocuses on maintaining Juality and sustainability o1 natural
resources and cultural tourism tat te mission o1 improving te !el1are o1
local communities !ile maintaining a balance bet!een natural and cultural
resources !it satis1action o1 tourists D/ee #rdi+a 200;: 22E' =el1are o1
local communities is possible is acieved !en tey are involved 1rom
planning troug to implementation and evaluation'
)eveloping tourism in Bali !as 1ar less once involve te active participation
o1 local communities' Te e11orts tat lead to community-based tourism is
still minimal' #utor@s +no!ledge only =isnu (oundation !it a program o1
is ?illage Ecotourism "et!or+ in cooperation !it te 1our villages namely
Tenganan8 "usa -eningan8 Pelaga and /ibetan !o seriously !or+ on PB&'
#ltoug te business !as started 1ive years recogni*ed by =isnu
(oundation as not so!n signs o1 success are meaningless because te
perpetrators are still nervous going tas+s and teir respective rolesL
misinterpret tourists desireL reason clices 0R issues8 and less total players
in implementing te program ' 9ac+ o1 success is certainly not out o1 lac+ o1
government attention8 tourism practitioners and communities temselves to
ecotourism or PB&8 as complicated8 reJuiring a long process so it is
considered not pro1itable in te sort term' 0o!ever8 =isnu (oundation
remains committed to continue te process already underta+en'
#ssociated !it te PB& concept o1 empo!erment per1orming arts or
culture in general needs to be done' Tere sould be studies on te eCtent o1
tourism impact on te per1orming arts' Tere needs to be dialogue bet!een
te government troug relevant agencies suc as departments o1 culture8
9I/TIBI,#8 tourism department !it te perpetrators o1 te arts8 te
per1orming provider o1 tourism8 as !ell as institutions or beings !o care
about te Juality o1 per1orming arts8 including te !el1are o1 artists'
/tudies on tourism in Bali !ic as been running 1or almost a century is
still Juite limited in general not proportional to te presence o1 tourism tat
as been so dominant in Bali' Te same ting appened to te traditional
per1orming arts in relation to tourism' Tourism is very big ber+onse+!ensi
against te order o1 te Balinese people need to get serious studies8
especially te e11ects o1 sort-and long-term nature o1 sustainability and
+ebudyaan Bali'
Te are many beac !it beauti1ull scenery' Tere are:
a' Guta Beac
Guta Beac is a tourist spot located in te sout o1 )enpasar8 te capital
o1 Bali8 Indonesia' Guta is located in Badung' Tis area is a tourist
destination abroad8 and as become a mainstay tourist island o1 Bali since
te early 70@s' Guta Beac is o1ten re1erred to as sunset beac Dsunset beacE
as opposed to te /anur beac'
In Guta tere are many sops8 restaurants and places bats and drying
ersel1' Besides te beauty o1 its beac8 Guta beac also o11ers various oter
types o1 entertainment suc as bars and restaurants along te beac to
9egian beac' Rosovivo8 Ocean Beac -lub8 Gamasutra8 are some o1 te
most cro!ded clubs along te beac o1 Guta'
Tis beac also as a pretty good !aves 1or sur1ing sports Dsur1ingE8
especially 1or novice sur1ers' (ield I >usti "gura Rai #irport is located not
1ar 1rom Guta.
b' /anur Beac
/anur Beac is a place o1 !ay1aring 1amous tourist island o1 Bali' Tis
place is located Hust east o1 )enpasar8 te capital o1 Bali' /anur located in te
&unicipality o1 )enpasar'
/unrise at /anur'
/anur Beac in particular is te location 1or sur1ing Dsur1ingE' Especially te
sur1 beac o1 /anur is 1amous among 1oreign tourists' "ot 1ar o11 /anur Beac
tere are also dive and snor+el sites' Because o1 is condition !ere 1riendly8
te location o1 tese submarines can be used by divers o1 all levels o1
/anur Beac is also +no!n as /unrise beac Dsunrise beacE as opposed to
1rom Guta Beac'
Because o1 its location !ic is located on te eastern island o1 Bali8 te Bali
beac is a ideal location to enHoy te sunrise or sunrise' It ma+es it more
interesting sigts8 tere is even a segment on /anur beac is a beac called te
Rising /un at sunrise because te scenery is very beauti1ul !en seen 1rom
#long te coast o1 Bali is a 1itting place to see te sunrise' Especially no! built
a +ind o1 sanderan containing tiny uts tat can be used as a place to sit to
!ait 1or sunrise' In addition8 te !aves at tis beac is relatively Juiet so it is
suitable 1or recreational beac scene +ids and not dangerous'
In addition8 visitors can see te sun rise !it a s!im at te beac' /ome areas
o1 tis beac as !ite sands o1 te eCotic' EJuipped !it sade trees8 visitors
can sit !ile enHoying roasted corn or spring rolls tat many vendors peddled'
#long te beac resorts o1 Bali ave no! been eJuipped !it tour support in
te 1orm o1 otels8 restaurants or small ca1es and art sops' One o1 te oldest
otels in Bali are built on tis beac' Te otel is named Ina >rand Bali Beac
located rigt on te beac' #lso8 along te coastline !ere also constructed
suc a pedestrian area tat is o1ten used as a Hogging pat by tourists or local
people' Te line !as stretced to te sout past te coast /indu8 -oral beac
until /ema!ang so tat tourists can eCercise !ile enHoying vie!s o1 te beac
in te morning'
c' TanHung Benoa Beac
TanHung Benoa is located at te east end o1 KsoesK island o1 Bali8 is one
tourist destination complete enoug !ater' ?arious !ater sports are
provided ere as8 banana boat8 snor+eling8 1lying 1is8 parasailing and Hets+i'
IniJuely sur1 sports tat are o1ten 1ound at oter beaces o1 te island o1
Bali8 it is not available at tis tourist attraction8 tis is because tere are
!aves tat tend to calm location tis tour8 ma+ing it less suitable 1or sur1ing'
Prices carged to visitors to enHoy various !ater sports ranging 1rom 1<0
tousand to 200 tousand' =it tat price in !riting stated tat visitors can
enHoy tem over a period o1 10-1< minutes' But te 1act tat I eCperienced
!as about < minutes' &aybe because at tat time te Jueue o1 visitors !o
!ant to try Juite a lot so allotted time reduced drastically' Even some
1oreign tourists8 trying to interrupt Jueues seem to remember tey are
paying more eCpensive tan local tourists'

(lying 1is is a ne! 1orm o1 !ater sports is my 1irst time seeing' -onsisting
o1 a rubber boat !it a capacity o1 only t!o men !it one o11icer !o sat in
te middle as a counter!eigt' Passengers sleep on er bac+ boat !ic is
ten !itdra!n by speedboat at ig speed' #s a result8 te boat became
upli1ted and 1ly over te !ater at a eigt o1 10-1< meters' )uring is stay in
te air8 te o11icer !o sat in te middle !ill try to balance te boat to avoid
spinning or capsi*e te boat because te !ind gusts tat certainly could be
1atal 1or te user' >iven tere are tree people in a boat8 sometimes can
occur a case !ere a rubber boat can not 1ly8 because it is needed in addition
to ig-velocity speedboat !ic also !inds strong enoug to be able to 1ly'
# colleague !o is less 1ortunate eCperience o1 tis incident8 as a result o1
!at appened te oter not Hust in a cras bac+s-empas by sea8 !itout
eCperiencing te sensation o1 K1lying 1isK sould be'

In addition to !ater sports8 visitors can also visit te turtle island8 a distance
o1 approCimately 60 minutes Hourney by boat can be rented location' Turtle
island is a breeding place o1 many species o1 endangered sea turtles' In tis
location8 visitors can see 1irst and and !onder about tings turtle breeding
process' Turtles are separated in di11erent places based on is si*e' Tere are
still measuring te 1inger until a large enoug !eigt to tens o1 pounds' In
tis island tere are also many oter animals li+e sna+es8 bats and rare birds
DFFFE possible 1or visitors to old Hust ta+e a picture B poto'

One pac+age !it a trip to Turtle Island8 visitors can also see te under!ater
attractions' Te boat is used8 as been designed so tat at te bottom center
o1 te boat as been 1itted glass tat allo!s 1or visitors to see te sallo!
seabed !itout te need berbasa-ria' (rom inside te boat8 visitors can see
a typical 1is-ric sea !ater color on te body' In order 1or te 1is !ould
gater 1res bread spread boat driver as an inducement sea' It did not ta+e
long to !ait 1or te 1is to come8 un1ortunately te type o1 1is tat came less
varies ma+ing it less attractive to be enHoyed'
Overall8 TanHung Benoa is !ort visiting as an alternative to !ater tourism'
It is a bit disturbing is te lac+ o1 public transportation bac+ and 1ort in
tat region in tat general visitors !o come to use tourist buses8 rental
veicles and personal'
d' Tana 9ot
@Tana 9ot@ is a tourist attraction in Bali8 Indonesia' 0ere tere are t!o
temples are situated on a large roc+' One is located in te upper crust and
te oter located on a cli11 similar to te Ilu!atu Temple' Pura Tana 9ot
temple is part o1 )ang >oda' Pura Tana 9ot sea temple is a place o1
!orsip te gods o1 te sea guard 9egend'
#ccording to legend8 tis temple !as built by a Bramin !o !ander 1rom
%ava' 0e is a success1ul "irarta Balinese people !ill strengten con1idence
and build /ad 0induism >oda at te 15t century' #t tat time te ruler o1
Tana 9ot8 Beraben8 Healous o1 im because is 1ollo!ers began to leave and
1ollo! "irarta' Beraben "irarta ordered to leave te Tana 9ot' 0e
agreed8 and be1ore leaving Tana 9ot !it its po!er to move is stone
bloc+s to te middle o1 te beac Dnot into te seaE and built temples tere'
0e also cange te sa!l into a sna+e temple guards' /na+e is still tere
today and scienti1ically sna+es include species o1 sea sna+es tat ave a
caracteristic 1lat tail li+e a 1is8 striped yello! and blac+ color as a poison
6 times more po!er1ul tan cobra sna+e' End o1 te legend states tat
Beraben @1inally@ a 1ollo!er "irarta'
Te atmospere on te beac Tana 9ot
/igtseeing lots o1 land located in te village Beraban Gediri Tabanan
)istrict8 about 16 +m !est o1 Tabanan' "ort o1 Tana 9ot Temple tere is a
temple situated on a cli11 tat Huts into te sea' Tis cli11 temple !it te
land and saped li+e a bridge DcurvedE' Tana 9ot8 1amous as a beauti1ul
place to !atc te sunset DsunsetE8 te tourists usually cro!ded in te
a1ternoon to see te beauty o1 te sunset ere'(acilities (rom te par+ing lot
leading to te temple area met many art sops and ca1es to eat or Hust a
tavern' #lso available is a toilet cleaner tat te rent is pretty ceap 1or
domestic tourists bag toug'
0ari Raya Odalan or 1east at te temple is celebrated every 210 days8 Hust
li+e to pretend te oter' Te 1all close to te celebration o1 >alungan
danGuningan is precisely on 0oly )ays -emeng 9ang+ir Buda' #t tat time8
people !o pray !ill pray at te temple is cro!ded'
Is Bali is not Indonesia?
I@m !aiting 1or movie playbac+ /alt8 !en trillers Dsmoga my
spelling correctE 1ilm Eat8 9ove and Pray playing' Te !ords spo+en by
caracters in te 1ilm Eli*abet iu !ic made me Holt8 e said more or less
li+e tis sentence: KI !ill cange my li1e8 I !ould go to di11erent countries8
1irst I@m going to Italy and ten to India ten I@m going to bali K'
Try to read te sentence above8 tere is someting !rongF Eli*abet said
se !ould travel to di11erent countries8 e said Italy and India but e later
said Bali is not Indonesia'
&isunderstanding or a deliberate or ignoranceF I@ve been tin+ing te same
ting !en I attended a yout eCcange to >ermany8 one o1 our agenda is to
visit te scool and !e appened to go to geograpy class' 0ig scool +ids
did not +no! about Indonesia but tey +no! Bali and tey !ere ama*ed
!en I sa! parts o1 Indonesia on te map'Tat Bali is better +no!n tan
Indonesia certainly not te 1ault o1 te island8 but tat until no! !as not
really te real central or local government e11orts to assert Bali is part o1
Indonesia stressed te government an un1air attitude to!ards te !ole o1
In 1act distribution o1 development as not been 1elt by all regions8
tere are areas tat 1or one reason or anoter become te government@s
golden boy and many more areas o1 a 1orgotten or even deliberately
1orgotten' In te end8 tis condition causes te cildren o1 tis nation
remembered tat Indonesia is not a uni1ied state 1rom te very beginning8
Indonesia is a country tat is actually made up o1 small areas tat became
te )utc colony8 to 1igt te "eterlands cose tese areas are united into
Indonesia' "o! !en te common enemy !as gone and te enemy o1 te
most evil and most o1 Indonesia is on te body itsel18 ten te areas it cose
to build its o!n territory8 including introducing identity o1 te original to
te international !orld8 so compared to Indonesia8 te !orld is no! more
li+ely International recogni*e #ce8 Papua8 &a+asar8 &edan8 Borneo8
/unda8 Palembang8 etc'' I1 it@s li+e tis in 5<tn +emerde+annya Juestions is
no longer !eter Bali part o1 Indonesia but K)oes Indonesia still tereFK
Bali a1ter te bomb eCplosions in %imbaran and Guta8 Bali8 not
necessarily Juiet' ,et te !orld tourism tere remains !orried'
Te location o1 a bomb blast in a ca1e and ca1e "yoman &enega8 %imbaran8
still be le1t as tey are' ,ello! tape still surrounds te site' Te cairs are
+noc+ed over8 te visitors sandals scattered on dirty sand8 also traces o1
dried 1ood on te tables !ere not disturbed'
?arious revie!s in te media is busy analy*ing te adverse e11ect o1 te
second bomb !as 1or tourism in Bali' /ome one !o pitced optimistic8
some are pessimistic' 9ocal tourism !orld as not 1orgotten te impact o1
te 1irst Bali bombings in Guta in 2002' Bali !as almost dead' Nuiet and
silent' Tourists also li+e a rare penomenon at tat time'
0o!ever8 a1ter te second Bali bombing8 some mass media participated
raised optimism tat tis time Bali !as abandoned' #mong te sentences
pitced anCiety8 are reported also te atmospere o1 Bali tat still cro!ded
and 1renetic 1illed !it 1oreign tourists'
#s reported Indo Pos8 5 October 200<8 te &inistry o1 (oreign #11airs o1
#ustralia !arned its citi*ens a!ay 1rom te /eminya+ area because it !ill be
te neCt bombing target8 but not ignored' &ost #ustralians ave even
invaded te bar and ca1O in /eminya+ are only a 1e! +ilometers 1rom Guta'
Tey still continue te rest o1 is vacation and con1ident care !ill be
tigtened a1ter te incident'
&anagers o1 bars and restaurants in /eminya+ did not care about te
!arning o1 te terror bombs8 te evidence tey remain open' Every nigt te
tourists cro!ded te restaurants along te road in /eminya+' &ost are
citi*ens o1 #ustralia'8 (ollo!ed by )utc and %apanese'
/ome entrepreneurs restaurant claims to ave passed troug di11icult times
post-bomb Bali I' Tey bac+ up slo!ly' #nd te impact o1 te Bali bombing
II sedasyat not be1ore' Tey believe more tigtened security'
Patrol car cases in te /eminya+ area' Tis area is gro!ing rapidly' It lies
nort o1 9egian' In te 1330s8 /eminya+ better +no!n as a residential area
o1 1oreigners !o ave businesses in Bali' /eminya+ is no! developed into a
tourism center !it a spar+ling nigtli1e' #1ter te bombing8 tere !as no
mass eCodus o1 1oreign tourists in Bali' In Guta8 1oreign tourists still
sunbating and sur1ing'
9i+e!ise8 te daily Gompas8 October 68 200<8 also reported no eCodus o1
1oreign tourists a1ter te eCplosion o1 a bomb %imbaran and Guta' 0o!ever8
according to -airman o1 te Bali Tourism Board Bagus /udibya8 !it suc
a climate o1 gro!ing tourism8 Bali reJuire an integrated security system'
=aiting 1or te end o1 te year8#1ter te bomb roc+ed te region %imbaran
and Guta8 Bali8 te beginning o1 October last8 te number o1 tourists visiting
Indonesia is predicted to drop' Predictions tat can be eCpected is delivered
&inister o1 /tate 1or -ulture and Tourism8 %ero =aci+' &inister pessimistic
Hunla bloody Bali tourists can reac te target8 ie 5 million'
#ccording to %ero8 !as Juoted as Tempo maga*ine edition October 268
200<8 i1 you see te eCperience o1 te 1irst Bali bombing8 te possibility o1
te number o1 tourists dropped 60 percent' Estimates smaller decline came
1rom te -entral /tatistics #gency DBP/E' 0ead o1 /ub-)irectorate o1
-onnecticut #di 9uma+sono predict te number o1 tourists !ill come do!n
10 to 20 percent o1 normal conditions'
Typically8 in October and "ovember is a time o1 Juiet tourist' -onnecticut
recorded a do!n!ard trend in tourist arrivals o1 about < percent during
slo! periods' =aves o1 tourists began to occur again in )ecember' But acts
o1 terror in Guta and %imbaran is eCpected to eCtend te period o1 Juiet until
neCt year'
In particular8 -ompass8 3 October 200<8 te report presents t!o 1ull pages
about tourism in %imbaran and Guta post-bomb Bali II' )escribed by te
)aily8 tat te attac+ !as going to ave an impact economically8 socially and
psycologically against te perpetrators o1 tourism in Bali' #ltoug till no!
tourists still come8 but 1or te 1irst time8 people in Guta and %imbaran
inabit teir o!n 1ear'
(ormer -ulture &inister I >ede #rdi+a !rite !itin te rubric o1 -olumns
maga*ine >atra October 1<8 200< edition' 9i+e oters8 e opes Bali tourism
recovering 1aster tan te post-bomb Bali I' R0 DIndonesia "e!s 0<E'
B!I I"#$"%&I" %'$"$() FT%* T+% T*G%#)
#1ter te tragedy tat soo+ te =T- and te Pentagon in te I'/' on
/eptember 11 last8 te !orld economy eCperiencing signi1icant canges' Te
tragedy tat soo+ tis superpo!er impact on te economy in oter parts o1
te !orld' (irst soc+ tat appens it te stoc+ mar+et on =all /treet8 "e!
,or+' /toc+ prices o1 te top slide until it reaces its lo!est point in te past
10 years'
Te impact o1 te tragedy in te I'/' as a considerable multiplier e11ect on
te economy in #sia !ere te economic do!nturn also as a11ected te
economy in %apan8 Gorea and /outeast #sian countries8 even toug %apan
as a very sarp decline in economic gro!t'
Te impact o1 te decline in %apan@s gro!t rate is an impact on oter
economies including Indonesia8 !ere %apan is one o1 reliable eCporters in
te country' Te decline and canges in consumption patterns tat occur in
%apan causing te demand 1or imported goods 1rom Indonesia reduced' "ot
to mention te economy is eaded 1or a better recovery pase8 te Bali
tragedy seemed increasingly di11icult 1or te government step in restoring
te economy'
#1ter te bombing in Bali on October 12 and !as also a signi1icant in1luence
on te economy in te country' Tis is Juite clearly visible decrease in te
number o1 tourist visits to Bali8 tis !as due to travel !arning 1rom a
number o1 countries suc as #ustralia8 #merica and some countries in
Europe' =en te economy is eCperiencing a delay in te recovery process8
te bombing incident in Bali8 is a blo! to te continuing process o1
economic recovery' Tese events not only a11ect te tourism sector but also
an impact on all sectors o1 te economy o1 Indonesia' Indonesia@s tourism
sector8 particularly 1or te purposes o1 Bali8 is eCpected to be blea+ 1or 1-2
years8 and is eCpected to reduce tourism income o1 1'0 to 1'2< billion I'/'
dollars8 so tat te revenue target o1 1< billion I'/' dollars 1rom tourism
may not !ill be acieved'
&ean!ile8 te economic activities o1 small and medium enterprises in Bali
also !ill be it due to business activities tat rely on tourism activities8 suc
as andicra1t businesses8 te >overnment con1irmed loss o1 1oreign
eCcange at least I'/' P A<0 million during 2002 1rom te tourism sector
due to te Bali tragedy' Te 1igure does not include losses su11ered by society
as a result o1 multiplier e11ects o1 suc events' Te loss o1 1oreign eCcange
due to te enactment o1 te travel ban by te 6 countries8 namely Inited
/tates8 #ustralia and England' Tourists 1rom te tree countries reaced 17
percent o1 total 1oreign tourists visiting Indonesia i1 te situation is te same
as 2001' I1 te 1oreign eCcange earned 2001 reaced I'/' P < billion8 ten
tere is a reduction o1 17 percent or I'/' P A<0 million' -urrently8 te
government cut its tourist arrivals to 20M 1rom <'; million to ;'6 million
people' Tis 1igure is te lo!est number since te crisis it tourism industry
in 133A'
Oter impacts o1 te Bali tragedy tat is increasingly poor investor
sentiment in te stoc+ mar+et' IndeC o1 sares listed on te %/E 1ell Juite
sarply and is at its lo!est in t!o years' In teir analysis8 te =orld Ban+
said tat economic stability and consumer con1idence not only in Indonesia8
but also eCtended to te entire region o1 /outeast #sia to te Paci1ic'
Events in Bali !as not only cause negative impact on tourism in Bali but in
general te national economy !ere te road to economic recovery more
Juic+ly con1ronted again !it te increasingly di11icult constraints suc as
investment activities8 production and eCports to be bloc+ed'
Te basic assumption in te 2006 )ra1t /tate Budget canges suc as
economic gro!t assumption o1 < percent !as revised to ;-< percent8 te
rupia against te I'/' dollar at Rp A700 to Rp AA00 - Rp 38<00 per I'/'
dollar8 6-mont /BI interest rate by 16 percent8 te in1lation rate revised to
A percent 1rom 3 to 3'< percent' &ean!ile8 crude oil price assumption o1
I'/' P 20'< per barrel in crude oil production reaced 1'2 million barrels per
day uncanged'
#noter impact !as also signi1icant tat te number o1 capital 1ligt out o1
Indonesia' Tis is caused due to concerns among employers tat tere is a
similar incident in oter places'
/ingapore businessman !o invested eavily in Batam alarming security
guarantees in Batam Island 1ollo!ing a bombing incident in 9egian8 Bali'
Tis also a11ects te 1ligt o1 capital Dcapital 1ligtE to a 1oreign country' In
addition to te Bali tourism activity decreased Juite sarply8 as so!n by
te number o1 tourist eCodus 1rom Bali a1ter te tragedy' Treat @travel
!arning@ to Indonesia also !orsened te recovery o1 Bali tourism sector in
# decrease in te tourism sector is to reduce te revenue o1 te country8
!ic in turn complicate te economic recovery o1 Indonesia' #noter
impact o1 te Bali tragedy o1 1luctuation o1 te rupia in te money mar+et
to touc above te psycological level o1 Rp 38000 per I'/' dollar' Tis
complicates te business community to eCpand its business because o1 te
ris+ o1 uncertainty is very ig'
In te a1termat o1 te Bali tragedy8 te government !as 1orced to ma+e
canges to te macroeconomic assumptions in te dra1t budget' Tis is done
to adHust te economic condition Indonesia a1ter Bali blast' #s is +no!n8 te
eCcange rate as decreased sarply to touc te level o1 Rp 38;00 per
dollar Dbe1ore te eCplosion at te sa1e level belo! Rp 38000 per I'/' dollarE'
ECcange 1actor !ic in1luences te condition o1 te state budget de1icit
mainly to pus rates so as not to s!ell' /ome basic assumptions /tate
Budget 20068 !ic eCperienced a cange tat is economic gro!t to ;-<
percent8 te rupia against te I'/' dollar to Rp AA00 to Rp 38<00 per I'/'
dollar8 6-mont /BI interest rate o1 6 percent8 te in1lation rate to be 3 to
3'< percent' &ean!ile8 crude oil price assumption o1 I'/' P 20'< per barrel
!as revised to 22'< billion I'/' dollars !it crude oil production reaced 1'2
million barrels per day !as revised to 1'27 million barrels per day'
Indications o1 te di11iculty o1 restoring te Indonesian economy tat is a
statement 1rom te -oordinating &inister 1or Economy Boediono !o said
tat te dra1t budget 2006 is not able to provide economic stimulus because
te burden o1 debt payments Ddebt servicesE tat are too big'
To anticipate te economic impact is !orse8 te government is eCpected to
immediately reabilitate te damaged areas and 1or immediate repair can be
used again' >overnments can also improve security especially in areas o1
potential security problems' It is necessary to attract 1oreign tourists to visit
again' In addition8 te government is eCpected to immediately prepare a
strategic measures to anticipate te development o1 post-Bali tragedy' Tis
action is intended 1or economic activity could run normally again8 given tis
economic activity needed to remain a support 1or Indonesia@s economic
Prediction o1 1uture post-eCplosion in Bali8 Indonesia is still bad security8
especially to 1oreigners8 tis is still less visible tan e stressed te
government in ta+ing te attitude o1 tis tragedy' Te government is
eCpected to !or+ ard and 1ast in eCposing te tragedy o1 te eCplosion in
Bali so as to convince te international community8 especially business
people tat te Indonesian government serious in creating a sense o1
security to te business !orld'
)ra!n-soluble solution o1 tis problem !ill only cause o1 Indonesia@s
economic recovery increasingly uncertain direction and getting !orse' #
toug callenge tis must be anticipated and sougt a !ay out so tat te
current government does not lose 1ace in ma+ing decisions regarding te
1uture o1 Indonesia@s economic recovery' Prediction aead to te conditions
eCperienced by Indonesia o1 Indonesia !ill eCperience constraints in
Indonesia@s economic recovery measures8 it is associated !it several
bombings and treats and terror tat gave poor assessments o1 country ris+
rating o1 Indonesia in te eyes o1 te international community' Tis
condition is Juite ris+y i1 not immediately addressed te government 1or use
by certain parties to put pressure on Indonesia to ta+e personal advantage
-onclusions and /uggestions
a' -onclusions
(rom tis researc8 !e can conclude tat te maHority o1 1oreigners came
to Bali !as to enHoy te panoramic beauty o1 te beaces o1 Guta and oter tourist
attractions' Be1ore coming to Bali8 maybe te 1oreigners tin+ Bali !as not
included in te territory o1 Indonesia8 but a1ter tey come to Bali8 most o1 tem
reali*ed tat Bali !as included in te territory o1 Indonesia'
b' /uggestions
=e recommend tat i1 you@re visiting Bali8 sould be able to sop and
abstinence oters' Because all te needs in Bali it@s tere8 i1 one can not resist te
urge to sop'Tey !ill spend a lot o1 money.
www.Google/gambar wisata
www.Google/panorama pantai di
www.Google/Bali isnt
www.Google/Bali bukan

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