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Name: _________________ Student number: ____________ Class: ____

Worksheet 3 Questions from Gat 2

Conversation :
Choose the best answer.
1. A: Can I borrow your pencil?
B: ________ Take the one on the desk Im not using it.
1. Sure 2. Really 3. Well done 4. Not again
2. A: ______________?
B: She's lovely. I really like her.
1. How do you see Jane 2. How do you meet Jane
3. How do you go with Jane 4. How do you find Jane
3. Janet: I heard you passed the screening test.
Vichai: Yes. And Im invited for an interview next Friday.
Janet: ________________
1. I'll keep my fingers crossed. 2. See you at the interview.
3. What are you doing on Friday? 4. Don't miss it. will you?
4. A: lve been very busy. So much work to finish before the exams.
B: _______________. You'll be surprised how quickly it'll all be over.
1. So far so good 2. Good for you
3. Hang in there 4. Get back on track
Questions 5-7
Susan: What are you doing?
Supa: Im studying for the final exams.
Susan: _____5______! I havent done anything yet. Im not in the mood.
Supa: Well, the exams arent that far off. __ 6__ I won't have enough time to prepare.
Susan: Do you think the exams will be difficult?
Supa: Of course. Thats why I'm preparing for them.
Susan: Well then. I think ____7_____ to study for the exams now.
Thanks for reminding me.
5 1. How clever I am 2. How happy you are
3. What a good student 4. What a nice occasion
6. 1. Im sorry 2. I'm afraid
3. I cant imagine 4. I cant believe
7. 1. its a good idea 2. it will be very hard
3. it's very interesting 4. things will be all right
Questions 8-10
Paula: Linda, did you manage to get hold of Jane after work yesterday?
Linda: No, Im sorry Paula. ____ 8_______ last night. And this morning I tried again, but
nobody answered.
Paula: Don't you have her cell phone number?
Linda: __ 9 __. Have you got it?
Paula: Of course I do. You should have called me last night.
Linda: Well, I thought you were busy preparing for the meeting and I didnt
want to disturb you. ____l0______?
Paula: The meeting starts in 10 minutes. Thats out of the question. She'll
never get here in time.
8. 1. I didnt put her through 2. I didn't have her number
3. Her line was always busy 4. Her phone wouldn't answer
9. 1. I have a question 2. I'm sorry, I dont
3. You mean her phone number 4. That's not possible

10. 1. Should I call her now 2. When is the meeting
3. How soon is the meeting 4. Would you take her call

Questions 11-12
Alec: Have you made a decision about the accommodations yet?
Liz: Yes. I have chosen a cottage, not a hotel this time.
Alec: __ 11 __ Why?
Liz: I want to make our trip a romantic one.
Alec: So, we have to buy things and cook ourselves.
Liz: Certainly. Therere a few places where we can do the shopping.
______12________. It'll be fine.

11. 1. Oh. I like it. 2. Its superb.
3. A cottage - 4. What is it?
12. 1. Don't worry 2. Take your time
3. No kidding 4. Have fun

Questions 13-15
Manop: What are those policemen doing?
Prapan: Theyre stopping motorcyclists.
Manop: _____13 ______
Prapan: I guess those cyclists are ______14 ______
Manop: Yes. I think youre right. Many of thcm aren't wearing helmets.
Prapan: __ 15 __ Now I understand why we need policemen here.
13. 1. Who are those motorcyclists?
3. Why are they doing that?
2. I didn't see the red lights.
4. We should be patient with them.
14. I. trying to ride very s lowly
2. not telling the police the truth
3. not following traffic rules
4. try ing to run a\\ ay from the police
I 5. I. 'Ibey don' t buy helmets.
2. When will they learn whar s good for them'?
3. Aren' t they aware that the policemen arc here?
4. They don' t know where to buy helmets.
Part Two: Vocabulary (Items 16-27)
Items 16-19: Odd One Out
Three of the words in each group relate to one another in their meaning.
Choose the word that does NOT belong.
16. 1. grab
3. snatch
1 7. I . percche
3. attain
" sew:
4. rise
2. achic\'e
4. acquire
18. I. chubby
3. uvcrn eight
19. I. violent
3. aggressive
Items 20-23: Meaning Recognition
.., overload
4. plump
" forceful
4. exciting
Choose the alternative which has the same meaning as the underlined word
in the given .sentence.
20. Applv some moisturizer on your !>kin" hen it gets dry.
I. Students should :.ipplv what they have learned in their real lite.
2. I had to fil?plv the brake very quickly.
3. I will applv a plaster on the cut co your finger.
4. My sister wants to rum.Ir for a new job.
21. A Nev. York pol ice officer is armed with a gun and a club.
l. I always \\ ork out at that sports club.
2. He was hit with a heavy club.
3. His new golf club is very ex-pensive.
4. The next card player is waiting for a club.

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