Lecture 2 Hvac

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Chapter 3
Moist air and the standard atmosphere
Ideal gas equation for air:

= Universal gas constant

= 1545.32 (ft-lbf)/(lb mole-R) = 8314 J/ (kg mole-K)
= molecular mass of dry air = 28.965
Similarly, the molecular mass of water is 18.015, so gas constant for
water vapor is
U.S. standard atmosphere
ASHRAE Handbook, Fundamentals Volume gives the following
definition of the U.S. Standard atmosphere:
1. Temperature at sea level is 59.0 F, 15 C, or 288.1 K
2. Pressure at sea level is 29.921 in. Hg (101.039 kPa)
3. Acceleration due to gravity is constant at g = 32.174 ft/s
= 9.807
4. The atmosphere consists of dry air, which behaves as a perfect
Standard atmospheric pressure is also commonly taken to be 14.696 lbf/in
101.325 kPa, which corresponds to 30.0 in. Hg, and standard atmospheric
temperature is sometimes assumed to be 70 F (21 C).
Higher altitudes
Atmospheric pressure may be estimated as a function of
elevation by the following relation up to 60,000 ft (18,291 m):
Daltons law of partial pressures
Moist air up to about 3 atm pressure obeys the perfect gas law with sufficient
engineering accuracy
The Dalton law for a mixture of perfect gases states that the mixture pressure
is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the constituents:
Various constituents of the dry air may be considered to be one gas called
dry air, so
Consider a saturated mixture of air and water vapor at 80 F. Saturation
pressure p
of water is 0.507 psi. The mass density is calculated as below:
Humidity definitions
Humidity ratio W is the ratio of the mass m
of the water vapor to the
mass m
of the dry air in the mixture
Relative humidity f is the ratio of the mole fraction of the water vapor
in a mixture to the mole fraction x
of the water vapor in a saturated
mixture at the same temperature and pressure
Saturated air is air that has all the water vapor that it can hold
Relative humidity of 100% indicates the dew point is equal to the
current temperature and the air is maximally saturated with water
For a mixture of perfect gases, the mole fraction is equal to the
partial pressure ratio of each constituent. Therefore, the mole
fraction of the water vapor is
Since the temperature of dry air and water vapor are assumed
to be same in the mixture,
Using perfect gas laws for water vapor and dry air separately
Definitions contd.
Degree of saturation m is the ratio of the humidity ratio W
to the humidity ratio W
of a saturated mixture at the same
temperature and pressure:
Dew point t
is the temperature of saturated moist air at
the same pressure and humidity ratio as the given mixture
As a mixture is cooled at constant pressure, the
temperature at which condensation first begins is the dew
Definitions contd.
Enthalpy i of a mixture of perfect gases is equal to the sum of
the enthalpies of each constituent,
and for the air-water vapor mixture is usually referenced to the
mass of dry air.
This is because the amount of water vapor may vary during
some processes but the amount of dry air typically remains
Each term in the above equation has the units of energy per
unit mass of dry air. With the assumption of perfect gas
behavior, the enthalpy is a function of temperature only.
If 0 F or 0 C is selected as the reference state where the
enthalpy of dry air is 0, and if the specific heats c
and c
are assumed to be constant, simple relations result:
= enthalpy of saturated water vapor at 0 F = 1061.2 Btu/Ibm
= specific heat of dry air = 0.240 Btu/ (Ibm-F)
= specific heat of water vapor = 0.444 Btu/ (Ibm-F)
Plugging in these values, we get in IP units,
Or in SI units,
Dry bulb temperature
Wet bulb temperature
Dry-bulb temperature is the temperature of air measured by a thermometer
freely exposed to the air but shielded from radiation and moisture.
Dry bulb temperature is the temperature that is usually thought of as air
temperature, and it is the true thermodynamic temperature.
It is the temperature measured by a regular thermometer exposed to airstream.
Wet-bulb temperature is a type of temperature measurement that reflects the
physical properties of a system with a mixture of air and water vapor.
Wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached by the
evaporation of water only.
It is the temperature one feels when skin is wet and is exposed to moving air.
Unlike dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature is an indication of the amount
of moisture in the air.
Adiabatic saturation
The apparatus is assumed to operate so that dry air enters
at point 1 and completely saturated air leaves at point 2:
At temperature t
, the relative humidity f
is defined as adiabatic saturation temperature or
thermodynamic wet bulb temperature
Plugging in and solving equations,
Humidity ratio of an air-water vapor mixture can be
determined from the entering and leaving temperatures
and pressures of the adiabatic saturator
Wet bulb temperature and Psychrometric chart
A practical device used in place of the adiabatic saturator is
the psychrometer.
This apparatus consists of two thermometers, one of which
has a wetted cotton wick covering the bulb.
The temperatures indicated by the psychrometer are called
the wet bulb and the dry bulb temperatures.
The dry bulb temperature corresponds to t
and the wet bulb
temperature is an approximation to t
and P
are both atmospheric.
Psychrometric chart
Physical quantity Position in psychometric chart
Dry-bulb temperature Straight, vertical lines
Wet-bulb temperature Slanted lines within confines of chart
Humidity ratio Horizontal lines within confines of chart
Relative humidity Curved lines within confines of chart
Specific volume of air Slanted lines within the confines of chart
Area to the left of chart; major lines of constant
enthalpy also extend through the chart
Saturation temperature Left boundary of chart; used for dew-point temperature
Nomograph Upper-left corner; can be used to find enthalpy
Upper left corner; used for determining the sensible
heat ratio, SHR, and the ratio of (Di/DW)
Read the properties of moist air at 75 F db, 60 F wb, and standard sea-level
pressure from ASHRAE psychrometric chart.
The intersection of the 75 F db and 60 F wb lines defines the given
state. This point on the chart is the reference from which all the other
properties are determined.
Humidity Ratio W. Move horizontally to the right and read W = 0.0077
lbmv/lbma on the vertical scale.
Relative Humidity f. Interpolate between 40% and 50% relative humidity
lines and read f = 41%
Enthalpy i. Follow a line of constant enthalpy upward to the left and read i
= 26.4 Btu/lbma on the oblique scale.
Specific Volume v. Interpolate between the 13.5 and 14.0 specific volume
lines and read v = 13.65 ft
Dew Point t
. Move horizontally to the left from the reference point and
read t
= 50 F on the saturation curve.
h b
g c
f e d
a humidification
b heating and humidifying
c sensible heating
d chemical dehumidifying
e dehumidifying
f cooling and dehumidification
g sensible cooling
h evaporative cooling
Basic air conditioning processes
Selected air conditioning processes
1. Heating or cooling of moist air
2. Cooling and dehumidifying of moist air
3. Heating and humidifying moist air
4. Adiabatic humidification of moist air
5. Adiabatic mixing of two streams of moist air
Heating or cooling of moist air
Ex. 3-4
Find the heat transfer rate required to warm 1500 cfm
/min) of air at 60 F and 90% relative humidity to 110 F
without the addition of moisture.
Cooling and dehumidifying of moist air
The last term is very small and usually neglected
Cooling and dehumidifying process involves both sensible
and latent heat transfer
Sensible heat transfer rate is associated with the
decrease in dry bulb temperature
Latent heat transfer rate is associated with the decrease
in humidity ratio
Total heat transfer rate is
Sensible Heat Factor (SHF) is defined as
SHF is negative if absolute value of is greater than
Numerical problem
Air is cooled from 80 F db and 67 F wb until it is saturated
at 55 F. Using Chart 1a, find
(a) the moisture removed per pound of dry air,
(b) the heat removed to condense the moisture,
(c) the sensible heat removed, and
(d) the total amount of heat removed.
3 2
Heating and humidifying moist air
Energy balance equation
Mass balance equation
Solving, or
which describes a straight line that connects the initial and
final states on the psychrometric chart.
Adiabatic humidification of moist air
When moisture is added to moist air without the addition of
heat, = 0.
Theoretically, the adiabatic humidification process can take
many different paths depending on condition of water used.
In practice, water will vary from a liquid at about 50 F (10 C)
to a saturated vapor at about 250 F (120 C).
Practical range of is shown on the chart and protractor of
next figure.
Ex. 3-6
Moist air at 60 F db and 20% relative humidity enters a heater
and humidifier at the rate of 1600 cfm. Heating of the air is
followed by adiabatic humidification so that it leaves at 115 F db
and a relative humidity of 30%. Saturated water vapor at 212 F is
injected. Determine the required heat transfer.
Combined heating and humidifying process
Adiabatic mixing of two streams of moist air
Energy balance:
Mass balance on dry air
Mass balance on water vapor:
Combining all equations and eliminating
Ex. 3-7
2000 cfm of air at 100 F db and 75 F wb are mixed with 1000 cfm of air
at 60 F db and 50 F wb. The process is adiabatic, at a steady flow rate
and at standard sea-level pressure. Find the condition of the mixed
stream using the lever rule.
Lever Rule: The lengths of the various line segments are proportional
to the masses of dry air mixed.
Space air conditioning
The complete air-conditioning system may involve two or more
of the processes just considered.
In air conditioning of space during the summer, the air supplied
must have a sufficiently low temperature and moisture content
to absorb the total cooling load of the space.
As the air flows through the space, it is heated and humidified.
Some outdoor air is usually mixed with the return air and sent to
the conditioning equipment, where it is cooled and dehumidified
and supplied to the space again.
During the winter months, the same general processes occur,
but in reverse.
The cooling and dehumidifying coil cannot cool all of the air
passing through it to the coil surface temperature.
This fact makes the coil perform in a manner similar to what
would happen if a portion of the air were brought to
saturation at the coil temperature and the remainder
bypassed the coil unchanged.
where t
is the apparatus dew point of the cooling coil
The resulting mixture is unsaturated air at this point.
Sensible Heat Factor and Bypass Factor
Or , where b is the fraction of air bypassed
The coil sensible heat transfer rate is
The bypass factor is not used extensively for analysis
The ability to model coils with a computer makes the
procedure unnecessary.
However, some manufacturers still use the concept in
catalog data, where the bypass factor is determined from
simulation and experiment.

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