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Annotated Bibliography

"Is Democracy Dead in the Birthplace of the Arab Spring?" Pew Global Attitudes Project. Pew Research Center
!"#$. Global Issues In Context. %eb. & Apr. !"#'.
(his so)rce specifies on the changes or lac*+there+of d)ring and after the Arab Spring. (he ()nisians were )pset
abo)t the lac* of changes happening within their go,ernment. In this so)rce it states that the ()nisians were
inter,iewed and less than half of them had a fa,orable opinion abo)t the interim President -oncef -ar.o)*i. In
this article it specifies that the ()nisians will not gi,e )p specific democratic principles that they feel are
important s)ch as/ fair elections free speech and an )ncensored media.
0-)slim 1iews on %hether Protests %ill 2ead to Democracy/ !"##.3 Global Issues in Context Online
Collection. Detroit/ 4ale. Global Issues In Context. %eb. & Apr. !"#'.
Perry -ar*. 0A fire in the minds of Arabs/ the Arab Spring in re,ol)tionary history.3 Insight Turkey #5.# 6!"#'7/
!89. Global Issues In Context. %eb. & Apr. !"#'.
(his so)rce seems to specify on when the conflict originally began. It seems to specify on a single e,ent bac* in
!"": where the Islamic Resistance -o,ement ;amas was in,ited to address a small gathering of <.S. and
=)ropean senior retired go,ernment officials. (he p)rpose of the meeting was to disc)ss the growing strength of
politically moti,ated Islamists. (he rest of this article disc)sses how this one meeting spread o)t to become so
m)ch more.
(amimi 0>rom democracy to military dictatorship/ =gypt !"#$ ? Chile #&8$.3 Insight Turkey #5.#
6!"#'7/ ':9. Global Issues In Context. %eb. & Apr. !"#'.
(his article spea*s abo)t an e,ent that occ)rred at the =gyptian theatre in @)ly of !"#$. (his article contin)es on
to specify who was affected in this e,ent and how. It also goes on to tal* abo)t how people were able to cope
with this e,ent and how they mo,ed past it.
Behb)di Behroo.. 0(he sla)ghter of democracy by religio)s tyranny.3 The Middle East >eb. !"#'/ !'9. Global
Issues In Context. %eb. & Apr. !"#'.
(his article disc)sses the series of calamities bro)ght by the tyrannical and dictatorial regime in Iran. It also
spea*s abo)t how religio)s tyranny and repression tore IranAs social fabric and go,ernance of S)preme 2eader
Ayatolla Ali Bhamenei is a total dismantling of the tyrannical regime.
"(he Arab Spring was ne,er what it seemed." Independent C2ondon =nglandD #$ Sept. !"#!/ #8. Global Issues
In Context. %eb. & Apr. !"#'.

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