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Annotated Bibliography: The Deep Web effects

Joel Rivas
University of Texas at El Paso
ENGL 1311
Jorge Gomez

Gordon, C. (2013, October 24). Inside the Dark Net: The Internet's thriving underworld.
ALJAZEERA AMERICA. Retrieved from:
This news article starts by introducing a recent report that immediately links the Deep
Web with the criminal world. It then proceeds to explain the meaning of Dark Web (not
to confuse with the term Deep Web) which is a piece of the big world of the Hidden
Webs, but this first one is dedicated to the online black market. Later it goes to explain
the origin of TOR of The Onion Router, which is relevant because it answers the question
of how to enter in the Deep Web and besides that it mentioned why it was created. In the
body of this article we found the effects of this Dark Web and its positive and negative
consequences. At the end the journalist makes a point that may generate debate among
my future audience: is your privacy worth your security? This is an important point
because it helps me to determine the conclusion that the decision of whether the Deep
Web should be illegal or legal is personal.

Guernsey, L. (2001, January 25). Mining the 'Deep Web' With Sharper Shovels. The New York
Times. Retrieved from:
What does it causes on web users?
This news article bases its information mainly in facts and numbers. It talks about the
problem that the surface web, the normal web, present in contrast to the Deep Web.
This problem is that the information in the surface web is older in comparison with the
one in the Deep Web, but the information in the Deep Web could be too brought in
comparison to the Surface Web. I choose this article to help me to compare and contrast
the Deep Web with the Surface Web and the effects on communication media which
involves the effects on non-web users effects.

He, B., Patel, M., Zhang, Z., Chen-Chuan, C.K. (2007, May). Accessing The Deep Web.
Communications of the ACM - ACM at sixty: a look back in time. Volume 50 (Issue 5),
Pages 94-101. Retrieved from:
This scholarly article retrieved from a communication magazine also mentioned the
disadvantages of the Surface Web over the Deep Web, it uses recent facts and graphs to
prove and explain its point. It explains how it works in a more technical way than the
other articles I choose, which will help me to explain how to enter the deep web in a
more specific way. At the same time it can help to explain the way the Deep Web works.
This article maintains neutral about the argument of whether the Deep Web is good or
bad for the general communities (web users and non-web users).

Lee, T., Zetter, K. (2013, Octover 10). The dark side of the internet. The Washington Post.
Retrieved from:
In this video the reporter Henderson, N., start mentioning the news of the arrest of a black
market founder of a dark net web site interviewing Lee, T., who explain what is the Deep
Web. Later Zetter, K., also interviewed by Henderson, clarify that the Deep Web should
not be confused with the Dark Web and explains who uses it and with what purpose. And
this is important and relevant for my research. Zetter and Lee take mainly a defensive
position for the Deep Web and the search engine Tor.

Liebelson, D. (2013, August 7). QUANTUM LEAP: The US Special Ops Project to Exploit Your
Twitter Account. Mother Jones. Retrieved from:
In this article Liebelson writes about the special forces of the U.S. Quantum Leap that
uses the Deep Web to capture criminals, and explains what it does to protect the nation.
Besides of thinking that it combats the Deep Web, the Quantum Leap ops. uses it to
combat the crime. This reporter also mentioned that in order for this Special Forces to do
a successful job the web users have to sacrifice their privacy. This article is relevant to
my research because it shows the use of the Deep Web and how it helps the non-web

Williams, M. (2014, January 24). Bitcoin Is Not Yet Ready for the Real World. The New York
Times. Retrieved from:
This article do not talk directly about the Deep Web but it is important because it helps
me to show its effects further than the criminal world. Williams writes about the Bitcoin
(a digital world wide money denomination) and argues that the Bitcoin is far from being
a successful method of money transactions because the insecurity that the dark side of the
Deep Web represent. The author support his accusation by relating the event of the
takedown of Silk Road in October by saying that it exposes the Bitcoin reputation since it
has relations with drugs, guns, prostitution, assassins and money laundering. Over all it
helps me to show the relation of the Deep Web with the economy.

Wright, A. (2009, February 22). Exploring a Deep Web That Google Cant Grasp. The New
York Times. Retrieved from:
Wright, A. exposes the disadvantages of the search engine like google have against the
power of the Deep Web. He also tell us how to access to the Deep Web and why we
should do it. He uses facts to show the benefits that the use of the Hidden Webs brings to
the business there fore to the economy. Wright uses an imagery to explain the crawlable
Web (programs that gather information from the web). This article helps me to show the
effects of the Deep Web on the economy from a different perspective. Also explains how
the Deep Web works.

Madhavan, J., Afanasiev, L., Antova, L., Halevy, A. (2009, September 9). Harnessing the Deep
Web: Present and Future. Cornell University Library. Retrieved from:
In this scholar article the multiple authors define the Deep Web as a search engine that
has larger results than Google. They also debate its usefulness and exposes the content of
the Deep Web and its problems. This is a useful article because it mostly emphasizes in
the contrast of the Surface Web and the Deep Web. It is also important because they
define the Deep Web.

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