Singharavelan CV

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Mobile: +919486420794 Email:

To obtain a responsible and challenging position where my education and work experience
will have valuable application and a better future in my field by utilizing my experience,
qualification and skills.
Education : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (73%)
ear : !pril"#$$%
Additional Qualifications:
&icrosoft !pplications : &icrosoft 'ord, Excel ( )ower)oint
Technical *kill : +&& programming and operation
: +,+ &illing programming and operation
Professional Experience:
Organization : EXEED LIE!"EE L L !
"ole : Assistant Engineering
Duration : #ul$%& to #an '(

-nvolved in Erection work of entire plant.
-nvolved in Erection of !utoclaves and .oilers.
-nvolved in maintenance of Transfer car, screw conveyors,
.ucket Elevators, /ong +utting &achine, +ross +utting
-nvolved in Erection work of entire plant in pre cost products machines.
Organization : I)DO"E ! ) ! P"I*AE LI+IED
"ole : Qualit$ Inspector
Duration : A,- %. to /E0 %1
&0* Eicher &otors /td
&0* 1industan &otors /td
&0* .a2a Tempo, pune
&0* Eicher Tractor, .hopal
&0* 3a2ra 3ears, 4ewas
Ensure on time supply of components in the production Assembly to reduce down time.
Co-ordinate with manufacturing to solve problem like analysis the root cause of
reection and take corrective action.
!o inspected all incoming material in accordance with company standard.
Ensure defect free components to the "roduction and assembly section
#aintain $-% activities on lines.
&eveloped new gauges if re'uired to correct check process.
Calibrated all line gauges and (nstruments to standard room as per (%)-*+++ schedule
Organization : 23A43I P"E!I2IO) P*5LD5
"ole : Qualit$ Inspector
Duration : +A6 %1 to +A6 %&
7O"4I Q,LI6 I)2PE!E" )- A"EA:
5. 6nowledge on !"AL 8EI22 74 !++.
#. )reparing PPAP9APQP 4ocuments.
7. 4oing 2P! 2tudy.
%. 8sed to work with #4 measurement instruments 9"I+O2:.
;. !ll types of 3auges.
+onfidence to new challenges
!ctive and 1ard work
3ood public relation
Personal profile:
&ate of -irth : 1.-+.-1*/.
0athers 1ame : #r.#urugesan. 2
#arital status : %ingle
3anguage 2nown : English4 !amil 56indi
%alary E7pected : 1egotiable
"assport no : f */+8,98
"ermanent address : 1o.$,4 Ayyampalaym - "t.
-havani : !k4 Erode : &ist
!amil 1adu - ;9/.$$. (ndia.
I do hereby declare that the information furnished above it true to the best my knowledge.
"lace: <%(1=ARA>E3A1.#?

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