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We are Pham My Linh and Dao Khanh Ly, ESP students, Foundation Studies
Department. We are doing a research project on Hanoi Uniersity Students! response to
"#u$s %ithin their uniersity. &his 'uestionnaire is designed to he#p us o$tain data (or our
research project. We high#y appreciate your opinions %hich are apparent#y important to
the comp#etion as %e## as the 'ua#ity o( our research paper. P#ease return the comp#eted
'uestionnaire $y )* +pri# ),-.. &han/ you (or your cooperation.
1. Do you know any clubs in Hanoi Uni!"si#y$
o 0es
o 1o
If your answer is Yes, please go to Question 2. If your answer is No,
please go to question 7
%. &'a# clubs (o you know$ ) *ou can c'oos! +o"! #'an on! o,#ion-
o DEL H+1U 2Dee#oping E((ectie Leader3
o S4FE H+1U
o H+1U 5o$ "#u$
o H+1U 6uitar "#u$
o L+F 2Learning +pp#ications Fun3
o FM& 1e%s#etter
o Future Spea/er H+1U
o H+1U S4"
o H+1U +ccounting "#u$
o 7oice o( H+1U
o &ourism "ommunity
o 0oung Dee#opment H+1U
o 8thers 2 p#ease speci(y3
.. Do you b!lon/ #o any clubs in Hanoi Uni!"si#y$
o 0es 2 p#ease speci(y, go to 'uestion . and s/ip :uestion *, ;, <3
o 1o 2p#ease go to 'uestion *3
0. &'a# b!n!1i#s (o you /ain 1"o+ 2oinin/ clubs$
20ou can choose more than one option3
o 8pening re#ationship
o 6etting certi(icates (or app#ying scho#arship
o 4mproing so(t s/i##s 2communication s/i##s, team%or/ s/i##s, etc3
o =a#ancing academic #i(e
o 6aining e>periences
o Haing (un
o 1one
o 8thers2 p#ease speci(y3
3. &'a# (o you consi(!" ("awbacks w'!n #akin/ ,a"# in clubs$
o "onsuming time
o Distracting (rom studying
o 8thers 2 p#ease speci(y3
o 1one

4. Rank #'! club)s- you a"! 2oinin/ )Pl!as! #ick )5- #'! o,#ion-
E>ce##ent 6ood Fair#y =ad
"ontri$ution to
Hanoi Uniersity
6. I1 you 'a! c'anc!s #o know +o"! abou# clubs in Hanoi Uni!"si#y7 (o you
in#!n( #o 2oin any clubs$
o 0es
o 1o
If your answer is Yes, go to question 8. If your answer is No, please go
to Question 9.
8. &'a# club)s- (o you in#!n( #o 2oin$
9. &'y (o no# you wan# #o 2oin any clubs$ )*ou can c'oos! +o"! #'an on!
o Lac/ o( time
o "oncentrating on studying
o Lac/ o( con(idence
o Parents! o$jections
o 8thers 2p#ease speci(y3
1:. In you" o,inion7 w'a# (o you #'ink abou# #'! club ac#ii#i!s in /!n!"al in
Hanoi Uni!"si#y w'!n co+,a"!( #o #'! clubs in o#'!" uni!"si#i!s$
o =etter
o E'ua#
o Worse
o 8thers 2p#ease speci(y3
T'ank you 1o" you" coo,!"a#ion

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