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Dept. of Electrical Engg.

Sub.: EMC1

1) As compared to Delta- Delta bank, the capacity of the V-V bank of the transformer is
2) At 50Hz operation, a single phase transformer has hysteresis loss of 200watt and eddy
current loss of 100watt its core loss at 60Hz operation will be
3) It is desired to measure parameter of 230V\115V, 2KVA, single phase transformer.
the following wattmeter are available in a laboratory:
W1: 250V, 10A, low power factor
W2: 250V, 5A, low power factor
W3: 150V, 10A high power factor
W4: 150V, 5A, high power factor
The wattmeter used in open circuit test and short circuit test of the transformer
will respectively be
4) A 20 KVA, 2000V/200V 1-phase transformer has name plate leakage impedance of 8%.
Voltage required to be applied on the high voltage side to circulate full load current with
the low voltage winding short circuited will be
5) A 500 KVA transformer has constant loss of 500W and copper losses at full load are
2,000W then at what load, is the efficiency maximum
6) A single phase transformer has a maximum efficiency of 90% at full load and unity
power factor efficiency at half load at the same power factor is
7) A 400/100V, 10kVA two winding transformer is reconnected as an auto transformer
across a suitable voltage source. The maximum rating of such an arrangement could be
8) The core flux in transformer depends mainly on
9) If the supply frequency of a transformer is increased, keeping the supply voltage
constant, then
10) On no-load phasor diagram of transformer, the core loss component of the current
remains in phase with
11) When a V-V system is converted into a Delta- Delta system increase in capacity of the
system is
12) What is the phase difference between low and high voltage of a Yd5 power transformer?
13) A delta-star three-phase transformer can have the following symbol:
14) Out of the following choices for polyphase transformer connections which one will you
select for three to two phase conversions?
15) The essential condition for parallel operation of two 1 phase transformers is that they
should have the same
16) For satisfactory parallel operation the circulating current should not exceed ------- normal
load current.
17) A delta-star transformer has a phase to phase voltage transformation ratio of N (delta
phase) : 1( star phase). Then the line to line voltage ratio in the same transformer is given
18) The vector group of a transformer is designated as Dy11. The relationship between the
primary and secondary emf is that
19) Which of the following connection of transformer will give the highest secondary voltage ?
20) In Scott-connection the teaser transformer operates on 0.866 of its rated
21) In which transformer tertiary winding is used
22) In the polarity test if voltmeter reads less than supply voltage V1 then polarities are ------- in
23) In practice, transformer windings are wound such that the polarities are -------- in nature.
24) In Star star connection , phase voltage on secondary side is -----------times voltage on primary
side if K is the transformation ratio
25) Three single phase transformer, each with a 10 kVA rating are connected in a closed delta
arrangement. If one transformer is taken out, the output capacity of the system will be
26) At ------------
load power factor, each transformer of a V-V connection operates at a p.f. of cos
i.e. 0.866
27) The two transformers A and B having same KVA rating share a load of 120 KVA at 0.8 p.f.
lagging. Their impedances are Z
= 0.8 + j 10= 10.031<85.42
and Z
=1.66 + j 8.33 = 8.4937<
The load carried by transformer A is -------------.
28) The two transformers A and B having same KVA rating share a load of 120 KVA at 0.8 p.f.
lagging. Their impedances are Z
= 0.8 + j 10= 10.031<85.42
and Z
=1.66 + j 8.33 = 8.4937<
The load carried by transformer B is -------------.
29) The two transformers A and B having same KVA rating share a load of 120 KVA at 0.8 p.f.
lagging. Their impedances are Z
= 0.8 + j 10= 10.031<85.42
and Z
=1.66 + j 8.33 = 8.4937<
. If the no load secondary voltages of the two transformers are 207 V<0
and 205 V<0

respectively, then calculate the circulating current.
30) The two transformers A and B having same KVA rating share a load of 120 KVA at 0.8 p.f.
lagging. Their impedances are Z
= 0.8 + j 10= 10.031<85.42
and Z
=1.66 + j 8.33 = 8.4937<
. If the no load secondary voltages of the two transformers are 207 V<0
and 205 V<0

respectively, then which transformer will get overloaded?
31) Cores of large power transformer are made from which one of the following
32) In step down autotransformer the Cu saving =
33) In step up autotransformer the wt. of Cu =
34) The results of s.c. test are - 12 V, 4 A, 100 W, then Ze =
35) For a single phase transformer R1 = 0.2 ohm, R2 = 0.04 ohm, if K = 4 find the value of
equivalent resistance referred to primary side
36) The test results of o.c. test are 230V, 2 A, 40 W, then the iron loss of transformer is
37) For a single phase 230 V/115V, 50 Hz , 1 KVA transformer secondary half load current
would be
38) For a single phase transformer full load iron loss is 400 W, then the iron loss at 1/2 load
39) If c/s area of core of transformer is increased, then e.m.f. induced
40) In o.c. test ------------ side is connected to supply

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