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27.04.2014. !.
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At one time, bullying only happened in the playground, in the canteen or maybe
on the school bus. But since social networking, mobile phones and Instant
messenger have become a part of everybody's lives, bullies have a new outlet for
their threats and insults.
Last year, the first person in the U was sent to prison for cyber!bullying. "he
was #ust $%.
eeley &oughton and 'mily (oore had been enemies since they were at school.
')e never got on from the start,' says eeley. In fact, eeley had even been
e*pelled from school for bullying 'mily. +wo years later, when they were $,,
eeley kicked the door of 'mily's house. "he was arrested.
By the age of $%, eeley and 'mily were still -uarreling. After another
confrontation with 'mily, eeley posted an update on .acebook. It said/ 'eeley
is going to murder 'mily (oore.' eeley realised she shouldn't have posted a
threatening message and she deleted it. But it was too late. 'mily had already
seen the message and gone to the police.
In Britain, any type of harassment, including harassment at school, in the street
and online is illegal. In the worst cases, you can be sent to prison for it.
In court, eeley tried to defend her actions by saying she made the threat late in
the evening when she was drunk. &owever, .acebook records showed that she
had posted the message at 0 pm. '1yber!bullies leave a strong trail behind them,
much stronger than with other types of bullying' says evin 1ummins from the
Internet advice site 'dgala*y. If eeley had said those insults in the street and
not posted them online, it would have been hard to prove she was guilty.
+he #udge sent eeley &oughton to prison for three months. +he #udge also
banned eeley from contacting 'mily for five years and banned her from using
.acebook for si* months. eeley has since left prison.
2ow, a year later, eeley says/ 'I do feel bad for writing that. I would have been
very upset if I had seen a comment like that about me ... I regret everything I've
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27.04.2014. !.
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aP are very active on social networking sites
bP usually use mobile phones to insult people
cP have some new means to offend people
dP mainly threaten people using instant messages
2. >**1*. 7+% (&#-*6 )& 1*+?* %-8&&1 +) )8* +,* &( 14
aP because she had maltreated 'mily
bP because she had beaten 'mily
cP because she had broken the door of 'milyQs house
dP because she had kicked the door of 'milyQs house
@. A8* 1B-.*+#-&16 >**1*. 7+% +##*%)*6 (&#
aP deleting a message on a site
bP threatening her classmates
cP posting a message on .acebook
dP a verbal confrontation with 'mily
4. I' 5#$)+$'9 .&0 -+' /* $;:#$%&'*6
aP if you bully someone in any way
bP if you seriously disturb someone in public
cP if you tease somebody at home
dP #ust if you torment someone when there are witnesses
4. I' -&0#)9 >**1*. -&016'C) 6*(*'6 8*# +-)$&'%
aP because she had been drunk that night
bP because her message was recorded on .acebook
cP because she had posted too many messages
dP because she hadnQt deleted her message
D. I) $% *+%$*# )& :#&?* -./*#-/011.$',)8+' ?*#/+1 /011.$', /*-+0%*
aP there are so many witnesses
bP people often admit their crime
cP itQs easier to find evidence
dP the police work harder on finding cyberbullies
7. =&79 )8* -&'?$-)*6 ,$#1 (**1% /+6 /*-+0%*
aP she has seen some bad comments about herself online
bP she e*pects people to write bad comments about her on .acebook
cP she realiRes what she has done is serious
dP she cannot now contact her friends on .acebook

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