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Lino Cutting Scheme

"#$%& '( )*+&,&- Piintmaking

Lino Cutting.
Subject Nattei: Stuuy of silhouette shapes,
piops anu composition, iefeiencing
Costumes Paiisiens Fashion plates, 1912-
.'/ '( 0&11'21-
4x4u mins ovei 4
"'$3% "#,&- 1u
houis 2u mins
45'67- Seconu yeai
.'/ '( 867#%1- 21
Intiouuce stuuents to the ait anu ciaft of the lino cutting piocess, fiom uesign, cutting,
iegisteiing, piinting anu the safety pioceuuies involveu.
Investigate the histoiy of the lino cut
Exploie the contextual influences of the Costumes Paiisiens fashion plates 1912-1914, Chestei
Beatty Libiaiy.
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Analayse the Costumes Paiisiens Exhibition plates in teims of (a) fashion anu clothing of the
peiiou (The Belle Epoque), (b) fashion illustiations anu piinting techniques anu (c) the aitists
anu uesigneis iepiesenteu., (u) contextual value.
Recognize the chaiacteiistics of a lino piint anu the piocesses involveu in making a lino piint.
Plan a suitable uesign using line, contoui anu textuie to cieate a lino cut, using a silhouette anu
a piop, baseu on the 'Costumes Paiisiens" Exhibition at the Chestei Beatty Libiaiy.
Bemonstiate the use of lino cutting tools safely anu coiiectly.
0nueistanu the "ieuuction methou" of lino piinting.
Leain to "iegistei" a piint coiiectly anu piouuce a clean piint.
Recognize the impoitance of taking youi time cutting lino, planning a suitable woik aiea foi the
piinting piocess, anu allowing enough time foi paint to uiy.
Exploie the histoiy of the lino piint anu aitists who useu it effectively.
Intiouuce stuuents to a cultuial centie anu a cuiient exhibition.

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Silhouette & piop Siue piofile Fiont face with mask

The Costumes Paiisiens, Fashion plates taken fiom the }ouinal ues Bames Bes Noues, ieflect the aitistic
cultuie of the Paiisian elite uuiing the close of the Belle Epoque. These illustiations of contempoiaiy
fashion weie piouuceu thiough a combination of coppeiplate engiaving anu stencil technique
(ponchoii) biinging the stiong lines anu viviu colouis to life. Nany of the women shown aie
paiticipating in vaiious activities, golf, skiing but even moie uepict women in vaiious poses, highlighting
theii casual uayweai oi elegant evening gowns. Theie aie uiesses foi the gaiuen paity, tea uiesses,
mouining iobes, visiting clothes, afteinoon clothes. Nillineiy with exotic featheis featuie, togethei with
tuibans anu anu }apanese piinteu silks. Each illustiation also incluues a piop eg biius, uins, incense
holueis, in its composition.

Cieate thiough uiawing a seiies of sketch's no biggei that A4 incoipoiating one silhouette anu a piop,
fiom a selecteu plate. Consiuei the scale, composition anu uetail involveu, with suitability to lino.
Incoipoiate an element of youi own uesign woik to the composition, thiough textuie in the backgiounu.
Select one finisheu uesign anu tiace onto lino. Naik the aieas to be cut fiist, leaining to woik fiom light
to uaik coloui. 0ne coloui (black) will be useu togethei with the backgiounu coloui.
Stuuents will leain how to make a iegistei anu the impoitance of coiiect iegisteiing. Apply the watei-
baseu piinting ink evenly with a iollei anu iegistei the papei. 0se a woouen spoon to apply piessuie on
the papei to ensuie an even piint. Ensuie that the paint is fully uiy befoie the next coloui is applieu.

(left) Naik out aieas of coloui befoie cutting anu (iight) Lino cut of single shoe in black anu white.

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The fashion plates Costumes paiisiens pioviue a snapshot of cultuie anu fashion in eaily 2u
Fiance. This peiiou The Belle Epoque (Beautiful Eia) staiteu in 1871 anu enueu when Woilu Wai 1
began in 1914. It was peiiou chaiacteiizeu by optimism. The peace anu piospeiity in Paiis alloweu the
aits to flouiish, anu visual ait gaineu iecognition. The most fiequently iepiesenteu aitist in the plates
was uesignei ueoige Baibiei. 0theis incluueu Leon Bakst, who uesigneu costumes foi the Ballet Russes.
Fashion houses like Woith helpeu make Paiis a leauei in fashion uesign. By the eaily 2u
centuiy Paul
Poiiet was piouucing ievolutionaiy uesigns, eliminating the coiset anu cieating clothes that followeu
the contouis of the bouy. This giounubieaking achievement helpeu to open the uooi to young uesigneis
like Chanel.

The eaily 191u's weie uominateu by a iich anu exotic opulence. Besigneis uiaw upon the low neckline,
empiie waist anu naiiow skiit of Neo Classical Fiance anu weie inspiieu by 0iientalism to piouuce
mouein Fiench veisions of pantaloons, tuibans anu kimonos. Stimulation also came fiom contempoiaiy
ait movements like Ait Nouveau with the use of biight colouis, iich fabiics anu bolu patteins.

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Linocut is a piintmaking technique, a vaiiant of wooucut in which a sheet of linoleum (sometimes
mounteu on a woouen block) is useu foi the ielief suiface. A uesign is cut into the linoleum suiface with
a shaip knife, with the iaiseu (uncaiveu) aieas iepiesenting a ieveisal (miiioi image) of the paits to
show piinteu. The linoleum sheet is inkeu with a iollei anu then impiesseu onto papei oi fabiic. The
actual piinting can be uone by hanu oi with a piess. Linoleum as a flooi coveiing uates to the 186us, the
linocut piinting technique was useu fiist by the aitists of Bie Bicke in ueimany between 19uS-1S
wheie it hau been similaily useu foi wallpapei piinting. They initially uesciibeu these piints as
wooucuts, which sounueu moie iespectable. Aitists who use lino cutting effectively in teims of subject
mattei incluue Picasso anu Natisse, Fianz Cizek.

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PPT showing aitists who use lino piint effectively.
PPT showing a selection of plates fiom the Costumes Paiisenes Exhibition.
viueo fiom the Chestei Beatty Libiaiy of the exhibition.
0#$&53*E 32C .6,&53*E
Belle Epoque, ponchoii, Neo Classical, 0iientalism, Ait nouveau.
Registei, ielief, tiace.
Stuuents will make anu measuie a iegistei using a iulei, suitable foi piinting an A4 sheet,
ensuiing that the piint is centeieu on the page.
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PPT showing a selection of the Fashion Plates, togethei with a shoit viueo of the exhibition fiom
the Chestei Beatty Libiaiy. Coloui photocopies will be shown anu useu to intiouuce the subject
mattei to the stuuents.
PPT of aitists who useu lino-cutting effectively.
veibal instiuction, uiscussions thiough asking questions.
Teachei will uemonstiate how to use lino cutting tools anu the safety issues involveu. A stuuent
will also paiticipate in the uemonstiation to check foi leaining.
A uemonstiation of how to make anu use a caiuboaiu iegistei will be shown.
The technique of applying paint evenly on the iollei will be uemonstiateu togethei with how to
use a woouen spoon to apply piessuie on the papei. A stuuent will woik simultaneously with
the teachei uuiing this uemonstiation.
Stuuents will be encouiageu thioughout the lino cut piocess, as it iequiies skill anu patience.
Besign; Papei, pencils, tiacing papei, felt tip pen. Coloui photocopies.
Cutting: LIno cutting tools with a selection of nibs, lino. Lino cutting safety boaiu.
Registeiing: Thick caiu boaiu to make a iegistei, masking tape, small pieces of caiu foi the
coinei, papei, iulei. Stuuents will biing in a caiuboaiu box to make theii own iegistei.
Piinting: Rollei, watei-baseu piinting ink, glass plate, woouen spoon. Sponge.
Cleaning: Papei towels
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Bemonstiate how to use lino-cutting tools safely, using a lino cutting boaiu to holu the lino.
Nevei put youi hanu in fiont of the lino-cutting tool.
Ensuie all tools aie collecteu aftei class anu put in theii uesignateu place.
0ne stuuent in this class hau uyslexia.

Be cleai anu concise.
Repeat infoimation slowly anu cleaily anu on a step-by step basis
Allow time foi note taking - leave any instiuctionswoius on the boaiu foi a long time
0se a minu map to highlight key woius on the whiteboaiu.
0se yellow papei foi any hanuouts oi wiitten woik.
Recap seveial times uuiing class, to aiu shoit-teim memoiy associateu with uyslexia.
Ensuie classioom is oiganiseu to limit visual movement anu backgiounu noise, which can be
uistiacting foi uyslexic stuuents.
Key stages foi piinting lino will be pinneu on the wall neai wheie the piinting station will be.

A stuuy buuuy system will opeiate wheie stuuents will encouiage anu motivate each othei.
Plates with moie uetail will be uiiecteu towaius stuuents with appiopiiate ability.

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O&&G P BQ&1&35*+ 32C M&1#<2H R) SPM
Intiouuce the subject mattei thiough showing a PPT of the fashion plates, anu a shoit viueo
fiom The Chestei Beatty Libiaiy of the exhibition. Biscuss the plates in teims of the fashion
clothing of the peiiou, the illustiations anu piinting techniques anu the aitists anu uesigneis it
iepiesenteu, contextual value. Explain the uesign biief to the stuuents. 0se the silhouette, piop
anu boiuei fiom the plate, incoipoiating theii own element of textuiepattein into the
backgiounu, size to fit an A4 sheet
Stuuents will begin initial sketches baseu on the plates in theii sketchbooks.
Stuuents will then select theii finisheu uesign piece anu tiace it onto tiacing papei anu tiansfei
it to the lino.
O&&G R/ B8'1#$#;& 32C 2&<3$#;& 75#2$#2<H R ) SP M
Leain about "positive" anu "negative" cutting in the lino piint piocess.. 2S +1B
Stuuents will uiaw theii initials twice onto two 4x 4 squaies,
They will tiace them anu tiansfei them onto a piece of lino.
A Bemonstiation will be shown of how to use lino cutting tools anu safety issues involveu. A
stuuent will be selecteu to paiticipate in the uemo to check leaining. 0ne siue will be cut out as
a ielief piint, the othei as a negative piint, so stuuents can see cleaily the uiffeience between
the two techniques.
They will make a iegistei anu piint the initials with black ink, leave to uiy, anu examine the two
O&&G T/ BA6$$#2< 32C 75#2$#2<H R) S PM
Stuuents will begin to cut out the backgiounu of theii linopiint (Papei). They will make a
iegistei fiom caiuboaiu with the appiopiiate iegistiation maiks anu stait inking anu piinting
the fiist coloui.
A uemonstiation will be shown of the piinting piocess anu the impoitance of keeping the aiea
of the piinting station clean. A stuuent will be askeu to paiticipate in the uemo. A guiue to the
key points iegaiuing piinting will be placeu at the piinting woikstation neai the sink.
O&&G U/ B A6$$#2< 32C 75#2$#2<H R) S PM
Continue with cutting anu piinting piocess
Recap on the lino cutting anu piinting piocess, with attention to the safety issues involveu anu
coiiect iegisteiing. Stuuents who aie aheau may piint theii uesign on a biown papei bag,
showing an enu use foi the lino cut, which coulu be useu in the Libiaiy shop.
Finisheu woik will be piesenteu on the wall foi a collective ieview.

911&11,&2$ Q6V5#*: see sepaiate sheet.

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