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Chapter 1: Sexuality
Why study human sexuality?
improve understanding
how people communicate on sexual topics to improve relationships
sexual diversity
educate others
critical about research
Sex research has Emerged from Converging Perspectives
sexuality - feelings, behaviors, and identities associated with sex
sexology is the unified academic discipline
Began with Aristotle
two ways organisms reproduce: sexual and asexual
humans reproduce sexually
guessed only fathers contributed to formation of fetus
sexism - discrimination against one sex, usually women
anatomists described external and internal organs, focused on male reproductive
organs over women
sperm or spermatozoon - male gamete produced in testes
thought there was a human being (homunculi) inside the head of sperm (Johan Ham)
ovum - female mature gamete or egg
gamete - male and female reproductive cells that unite at fertilization
Sexual Ethics & History
5th century: all sexual behavior was a sin because driven by passion than will
sex negative tradition
13th century: procreative sex within marriage was part of God's design, but other
sexual behavior was forbidden
18th century (enlightenment): replace tradition with reason and freedom
Jeremy Bentham argued that sex between people should be based on the greatest
happiness to the greatest number
early feminists argued that women had a right to sexual pleasure
18-19th century period in which people began to consider whether sex for pleasure
was acceptable
"womb" - physical and mental problems thought to be caused by the womb
choking, breathlessness, faintness, weight gain and loss, too much/little
interest in sex, sleep problems, depression, etc
2nd most common medical diagnosis up to 19th century
blamed on womb because all doctors were males
male body was perfect, women were imperfect
caused by lack of sexual stimulation
tried to manually stimulate clitoral until orgasm
Freud claimed it was in the mind not womb, resulted from child molestation
19th century Sex researchers
victorian period
female purity
sex researchers or sexologists - scientific study of sex, especially sexual
Richard von Krafft-Ebing
case histories illustrating different kinds of sexual deviations
right to name sexual disorders and diagnose people
personal accounts of unusual forms of sexual expression
he had sexual fixation on female urination
people were engaging in wide range of sexual activities than imagined
plea to tolerate sexual diversity
sexual problems in the unconscious mind
sex surveys
high prevalence of then stigmatized or illegal sexual behaviors such as sex
between men or contacts with animals
14% of women experienced multiple orgasms
Masters and Johnson
studied sexual responses physiologically
sexual behavior such as solitary, heterosexual and homosexual
how men and women's bodies perform during sexual behavior
could look at sexual problems
Freud vs. Hirschfeld
Freud though that normal profession toward adult heterosexuality could be
reached in different ways
perversions - mental states in which the sexual desires was directed
toward atypical targets such as people of same sex, inanimate
objects, etc
neuroses - sexual element was supposedly repressed from
consciousness and reemerged in form of nonsexual traits and
two neural centers in brain that were responsible for sexual attraction
all fetal life have these centers but when they grow, one becomes
in men it was the center for attraction to women and vice versa
mental vs. non mental phenomena
Cultural Anthropologists and non western perspectives on sex
new guinea
islanders belief was opposite of Aristotle
believed mother contributed to making of fetus (Matrilineal society)
children engaged in play sex, open about sex before marriage
pride among Samoan girls to have as many lovers as possible
left them well adjusted and prepared for successful marriage life
said that Mead's informants tricked her and that virginity is prized
liberal attitudes toward sexuality across parts of polynesia
Feminists campaigned for sexual reforms
feminism - belief that women are entitled to the same social economic and political
rights as men
opened birth control clinics and develop new contraceptives
boys are socialized to be sexually aggressive whereas girls are socialized to be
Greer dismissed that biological factors might contribute to gender differences
Bright revelled in female sexuality and celebrate unorthodox sex
Chicana lesbians were inspiration for 3rd wave feminism, sexual freedom to female
gay rights were inspired to demand rights
Biomedical research impact on people's sex lives
sex hormones - chemical messengers that influence sexual and reproductive
development of drugs for prevention or treatment of reproductive cancers
reproductive physiology - study of fertility and pregnancy; lead to development of
microbiology - study of microscopic organisms; effective treatments for many STI
and HIV/AIDS, vaccination against cervical cancer
viagra 1998
erectile dysfunction ED
drugs for premature ejaculation
less successful in women
neuroscientists - chemical differences between brains of men and women
prenatal development and partial explanation for differences in sex and
sexual orientation (direction of sexual feelings)
Sexuality Can be Studied with a Wide Variety of Methods
Biomedical research focuses on the underlying Mechanisms of sex
animal research
MRI of teenagers to show how structure of boys and girls diverged during
spatial skills area where males do better than females, area thicker in boys
impulse control better developed in females
single gene regulates brain sensitivity to testosterone that contribute to
differences in gender characteristics
Psychology and Sexuality
social psychology - how we think about influence and relate to other people, sexual
matters too like attraction and relationships, violence, anti gay prejudice
descriptive or experimental
study between dating behavior and motivation
both men and women go on dates in hopes to find a LT partner
study in UCLA
portrayal of violence and porn have effect on men's view on sexual
violence like rape
male students who watched sexually violent motives expressed
significantly more accepting attitudes toward sexual
violence than the men in control group
could be predisposition for men to commit sexual assault
Cognitive psychology - internal mental processes
low sexual desire as they get older
hypothesis is that women with low desire because they were too
distracted by irrelevant thoughts or events
monitor genital responses as they watched erotic videos with
distracting non sexual material
no difference between the two groups
no evidence to support hypothesis
Evolutionary psychology
genetic endowment to prefer certain patterns of sexual feelings and
females are picky
males engage in competitive and risky sexual displays
observed how men and women cross the street and how much risk
students took in crossing and who else was present when they
men took more risks than women, especially when there was a female
women didn't care who was around but took less risks
cultural psychology and psychological anthropologists
ethnic and cultural diversity on thought, behavior, and interpersonal
Clinical psychologists
emotional, behavioral, and personality problems
sex therapists
Marriage and Family Counselors
couples early in marriage and VDO them while discussing sensitive
some begin with harsh start ups while other begin with gentle
harsh start ups predict break ups
communications and strategy to improve relationship
Sociologists focus on the connection between sex and society
sociology - study of society
how sexual expression varies with age, race, origin, religion, political beliefs, place of
residence, etc
sex surveys
National health and social life survey (NHSLS)
masturbation in addition to engaging in partner sex not as substitute for it
women with partners masturbate more than women without
national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles (NSSAL)
national survey of sexual health and behavior (NSSHB)
more men than women experience orgasm during intercourse
general social survey (GSS)
not about sexual behavior but about changes in US attitudes on topics such
as premarital sex and homosexuality
script theory - society gives us a script to present ourselves in social interactions,
where we can select from many different scripts and ad-lib on them
sociologists take an ethnographic approach
study of a cultural group by means of extended individual fieldwork
eg. Sander
observe lives of prostitutes
took position as health outreach worker
highly structured world inside illegal brothels
off street prostitutes are not the passive victims of poverty or drugs but
women who negotiate the risks and benefits of their trade
money can buy intimacy
ethnographers of sex have to go where sex is transacted
Economic approach weighs costs and benefits
costs and benefits of sexual encounters and sexual relationships
sex ratio has effect on sexual negotiations
Sex research is becoming a discipline in its own right
factors that make sex research challenging
hard to obtain appropriate subjects
difficult to phrase subject survey questions
difficult to extrapolate from animals to humans
difficult to get funding for research
Sexual Health for the Millennium
1. recognize, promote, ensure and protect sexual rights for all
2. advance toward gender equality and equity
3. condemn, combat and reduce all forms of sexuality related violence
4. provide universal access to comprehensive sexuality education and information
5. ensure that reproductive health programs recognize the centrality of sexual health
6. halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDs and other STIs
7. identity and treat sexual concerns, dysfunctions and disorders
8. achieve recognition of sexual pleasure as a component of holistic health and well-being
Religions offer Diverse Teachings on Sexuality
Catholicism: Conservative
sex negative
supports procreation
timing of marital sex so as to avoid pregnancy
opposed to non martial sex, homosexuality and contraception most
right and wrong way to behave
9/10 never married catholic have ignore these teachings only 2% follow the fertility
awareness method
Evangelicals are similar
Protestant: Flexible
concerned with social justice than with sex
oppose gay ordination
no sex outside marriage
no sex during menstrual
no homosexuality, masturbation or lustful thoughts
halaklah reduce temptation with rules that enforce modest dress that bar unrelated
men and women from spending time in private together
conservative judaism vs. orthodox judaism
reform judaism is liberal on sexual matters - make own decisions
Global religions are embedded in diverse societies
Islam: sexual expression is limited to marriage and similar to those in orthodox
judaism, punishment to sex offenders
Hindu: sex positive religion, kama is one of the 4 main purposes of life but must be
expressed for right behavior or dharma; marriage
Buddhism: only monks can't have sex, common in tibet for women to have more than
one husband (polygamy)
Sex Education
refer to powerpoint
comprehensive programs lead to greater use of contraception by teens
abstinence only programs have mixed results but most do not cause students to post pone
sexual initiation

Chapter 2: Women's Bodies
Vulva: Mons, Labia, Vaginal Opening and Clitoris
external genitalia - structures outside of body
vulva - entire external genital area in a woman
mons veneris - fatty tissue covered by skin and pubic hair
sensitive, cushion for pubic area, hair vaporize odors
visual trigger for sexual arousal
pubic hair: leave pattern, less hairy is sexually attractive for better access, japan
prefer more hair
hair removal: can cause problems like inflammation, infection, younger women under
24 tend to remove all hair while older women only remove partial
labia minora (inner lips) - two thin folds of hairless skins, between two labia majora; can be
hidden or protrude
glands, blood vessels, erotic
appearance varies
can be surgically reduced
vasocongestion - swells and darken during rsexual arousal
clitoral hood - where labia minora meet at back and front
vestibule - left and right labira minora touch in midline and area encircled by the labia
Clitoris - organ; erectile organ in females
shaft of clitoris runs from glans under the hood
shaft and glans are erectile
shaft becomes erect during sexual stimulation
clitoral glans - external part
covered or partly by clitoral hood
very sensitive for sexual arousal only
prefer indirect stimulation
remains soft during sexual arousal
stimulation may occur on the hood rather than on glans
corpus spongiosum - erectile tissue within the glans consists of a single corpus
smegma - when ointment like secretions from underside of the clitoral hood lubricate
the motion of the hood over the clitoris with bacteria and dead cells
can wash it
crura - two internal extensions of the clitoris diverge backward and down from the
clitoral shaft (wishbone structure)
vestibular bulbs - erectile tissue that surround the vestibule and underlie the labia
minora; internal portions of the clitoris and help stiffen vagina
Genital Cosmetic Surgery
labioplasty - reduction in size of labia minora
other surgeries: reduction of clitoral hood, labia majora, and tightening of vaginal
women in Rwanda lengthen labia to increase their sexual pleasure
women who don't like their vulva are insecure during sex
clitoral length: 5-35mm
Vaginal Opening
introitus - entrance into vagina, covered by hymen in early life
imperforate hymen - completely closes the introitus
annular hymen
septate hymen
cribriform hymen
afterchild birth
indication of virgin? can tear without sex
middle east: may have fake blood to put on sheets to show she was virgin
can reconstruct it
urethra - between vaginal opening and clitoris
perineum - erotic sensitive area between vaginal opening and anus
pelvic floor muscles; pubococcygenus muscle - forms a sling around vagina and
stiffens walls of vagina during sex to increase sexual sensations
can do kegel exercises
Female circumcision
29 countries
Islamic cultures
sunnah - clitoral hood is incised or removed
clitoridectomy - entire clitoral glans and shaft may be removed, along with hood and
nearby labia minora
infibulation - sudan/somalia, remove entire labia minora and inner parts of the labia
majora; stitched back with small opening left
cutting or forced penetration to open for sex
to make her "clean", reduce sexual activity especially outside of marriage
want to ban it; banned in america
but it is tradition
Internal Genitalia
reproductive tract - T shape, formed by vagina, cervix, and uterus, fallopian tubes
vagina - runs 3-4 inches upwards and back from vaginal opening, vagina plays a role in
sperm transport
vaginal walls elastic and has 3 layers
muscosa - thin cellular lining; pink when not aroused
intermediate muscular layer
outermost fibro-elastic layer; near vaginal opening, more tight and muscular
and more innervated; most sensitive
mildly acidic pH 4-5.0 to prevent growth of bad bacteria
candidiasis - fungal overgrow, inflammation of vaginal walls, itchy, white discharge
(yeast infection)
due to frequent douching maybe - rinsing vagina with cleansing or deodorizing
arousal changes
walls become vasocongested and contraction of musculature and erection of
vestibular bulbs to become tight
pink to purple
photocell in vagina can tract the color
lubrication - slippery secretions in vagina during sexual arousal; mucus by
glands in cervix
near neutral pH that is sperm friendly than acidic non aroused vagina
makes coitus and stimulation of vulva easier and pleasurable
can use speculum to open and observe
coitus or sexual intercourse - penetration of vagina by penis
birth canal - where fetus is delivered
Grafenberg spot
front wall of vagina from vaginal entrance
desire to urinate but can be arousing and can trigger orgasm
paraurethal glands - between front wall of vagina and urethra (same embryonic
tissue as man)
larger in women who experience orgasm from vaginal stimulation than those
that don't
opening of where feces are released
anal sex
tight because of contraction of external and internal anal sphincter muscles
can control
internal sphincter is not under control
rectum - exterior via anus
not lubricated
Uterus - hallow organ that lies within the pelvic cavity
3 layers: endometrium (inner) - transport of sperm up reproductive tract and
implantation/nourishment of embryo, myometrium (muscular wall) - involuntary
contractions during labor or cramps during period, perimetrium (outer)
endometrial cancer - uterine cancer; 3x as common as cervical cancer
hysterectomy - removal of uterus
puts end to menstruation and infertility
should not interfere with coitus
study: women derive more pleasure from sex after operation
Fibroids - noncacerous tumors that grow in or outside of uterus; usually after
30 before menopause; can cause pain and abnormal bleeding, can be
Endometriosis - endometrial tissue growth at odd places maybe from cells in
menstrual discharge that pass backward up; pelvic pain and can cause
infertility; no simple cure
Prolapse - sagging of the uterus into vagina; caused by weak muscles that
support uterus and pelvic floor; older women, obesity and smoking,
surgical to treat and kegel exercises to prevent uterine prolapse
pelvic examination - put two fingers in vagina wild pressing down on
abdominal wall
menstruation - shedding of endometrial lining
Cervix - protrudes into the deep end of the vagina
cervical cancer
infection with human paillomavirus, smoking, chlamydia infection, immune
system dysfunction
pap tests - pelvic examination when become sexually active or age 21, once
every 2 years or 3 years from 30+
speculum to open vagina
colposcopy - examine cervix with microscope
symptoms: abnormal vaginal discharge, pain during sex, bleeding during sex
Os - connects the vagina to a canal that runs through cervix; glands that secrete mucus that
changes with the menstrual cycle
Oviducts - site of fertilization or fallopian tubes
takes place in outer third of an oviduct
cilia - interior surface of oviducts lined with hairlike structures; sperm swim against
fimbria - fringe at the end of the oviduct, finger like extensions near the ovary on the
side of the body and lined with cilia
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - STI causing inflammation in reproductive tract or
pelvic cavity
Ovaries - woman's gonads are paired organs located on either side of the uterus; same size
as man's testes
follicles - fluid filled sac that contains an egg with its supporting cells within the ovary
ovum - contained in a follicle, female has about a million ova in each ovary and by
puberty have 200,000
ovaries: release ova (ovulation) ad=bd production and secretion of sex hormones
one per menstrual cycle
sex steroids - fatty compounds derived from cholesterol: estrogen and
progesterone and androgens (testosterone)
refer to page 38 for table of hormones and functions
female hormone production: feedback loop
pituitary gland in brain and ovaries
hypothalamus secretes GnRH into vessel to pituitary gland -->
FSH and LH (gonadotropins) --> ovaries
FSH stimulates follicle growth
LH triggers ovulation
feedback influence is inhibitory at low estrogen levels but switch
to stimulation at high levels
both sexes have all three but in different amounts
females secrete mainly estrogen and progesterone and very little
ovarian cancer
symptoms: abdominal swelling, feeling of urinating, digestive problems,
pain in pelvis back or leg
low survival rate 1/2
ovarian cysts - fluid filled sacs that cause pain, common
polycystic ovary syndrome - high levels of androgens, not curable
Menstruation is a Biological Process with Cultural and Practical Aspects
Attitudes toward menstruation vary
american have divergent attitudes
getting rid of menstrual cycle?
abolishing menstrual has no effects on body, but could have negative psychological
men view menstruating women with distaste
Judeo Christian thinks its unclean, Christian think it is sinful
sleep away from household in Africa
most of time they are pregnant or breast feeding
menstruating women have to sleep in menstrual hut for 5 nights and cannot
be close to husband
knowing when women are menstruating lets men know when they are most
likely to get pregnant
father and male relatives have common interest in guarding against mistaken
paternity attitudes so each male line has own menstrual hut
Pads, Tampons, Cups
tampons are linked to toxic shock syndrome from bacteria
anyone who has a high fever should remove tampon if on period
menstrual cups
Menstrual Cycle has 3 Phases
9. Menstrual phase (1-5 days)
ovulation the release of an ovum, may feel abdominal pain, from left or right ovary
10. preovulatory or follicle phase (6-14) - maturation of follicles in ovaries, ovulation at 14
11. postovulatory or luteal phase (15-28) - between ovulation and beginning of
menstruation, corpus luteum is present (hormone secreting structure formed in single
follicle ruptured at ovulation
most constant usually lasts 14 days
12. Hormone changes
menstrual phase: endometrium goes out to prepare uterus for new endometrium,
drop in progesterone and estrogen drops
preovulatory: rise in FSH levels to develop 15-20 immature follicles in ovaries that
secrete Estrogen and Androgens (rising levels), estrogen cause endometrium to
thicken, end (36 hours before ovulation) estrogen levels rise high so feedback
turns into stimulation to secrete GnRH, LH and FSH --> one follicle is released
into oviduct and ready for fertilization within 24 hours
postovulatory: ruptured follicle turns into corpus luteum that secretes progesterone
and some estrogen to stimulate endometrium to thicken, latter cervix secretes
mucus that makes it hard for sperm to pass through
if no fertilization then corpus luteum deteriorates and hormones drop and
endometrium sheds
13. Does menstrual cycle influence sexuality?
women's sexuality is not strictly regulated by hormonal fluctuations of menstrual
studies show that women are more interested in sex during six fertile days than on
the other days of the cycle
high levels of estrogen and androgens before and at time of ovulation increase
sexual interest
group received no hormone replacement therapy
other group got monthly injections of estradiol
last group got monthly injections of estradiol and androgen
women who got estradiol and androgen experienced great increase in levels
of desire, fantasies and arousal
women with ovaries and adrenal glands removed, experience decrease in sexual
Menstrual Problems are Common but Treatable
may reflect underlying pelvic disease
menstrual cramps - contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus the myometrium
similar to childbirth
dysmenorrhea - pain that accompanies menstruation
primary - begins at menarche and common among young women
alleviate with heat, calcium, fluid, ibuprofen, exercise, high fiber diet
oral contraceptives
secondary - pelvic disorder
during woman's reproductive life
endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, ovarian
intrauterine devices and tampons can cause menstrual pain
Premenstrual syndrome has physical and psychological aspects
Premenstrual syndrome - PMS - 1-2 weeks before period such as anxiety/tension,
mood swings, aches, cramps, decrease interest in activities
3-10% are severely effected to be diagnosed
exercise, quit smoking, reduce intake of alcohol, sleep, manage stress
Menstruation stops during pregnancy
amenorrhea - absence of menstruation or become irregular
pregnant, feeding baby, reached menopause
factors that can interfere
hormonal contraceptives
drugs like steroids, antidepressants
loss of weight
medical conditions
primary amenorrhea - fail to begin menstruation at puberty
due to one of the factors above
can be corrected by lifestyle
treatment with drugs
Sex Steroids
other significant affects of sex hormones
estrogens responsible for anatomical changes at puberty, androgens
responsible for pubic hair and armpit hair
estrogen maintain bone density and protect from blood clotting
progesterone acts on neural centers that control body temperature, temp rises
at least .22C after ovulation
Progesterone influences mood; anti reducing agent
estrogen and androgen influence sexual feelings and behavior
mammary glands - milk producing glands within breast
secondary sexual characteristics - anatomical characteristics that differ between sexes
women have more breast tissue than men
some times men/women have extra nipple or extra beast
breast tissue - between skin and muscle of chest wall with 15-20 lobes (subdivision of a
gland or other organ) that are separated from each other by fibrous and fatty tissue
alveoli - microscopic cavity, sacs, lined by glandular cells that secrete milk into its central
areola - dark skin that surrounds nipple
stimulation of breasts/nipples is arousing
variation in size and shapes
Breast Cancer mortality can be reduced
1/8 american will be diagnosed with breast cancer
mastectomy - removal of the breast
not leading cause of death for women, heart disease more
lung cancer is leading cause of cancer for women
Factors that affect risk of breast cancer
genes (damaged BRCA1 and BRCA2 have 80% risk)
Age: primarily for older women over 50
Reproductive history: early menarche or late menopause, no kids or had first child
after 30 increase risk
Alcohol: 2-5 drinks per day have 1.5 fold risk in developing
Medical history: history of breast cancer, radiation treatment increases risk
Hormones: use of oral contraceptives by young women is associated with slight
increase in risk
tamoxifen or raloxifene drugs provide partial protection
Early detection
self exams
mammography - breast cancer screening techniques that use low dose x rays to
image tissues of breasts
difficulty in weighing positive and negative effects of screening programs
if lump is cancerous
removal of lump
radiation therapy
radical mastectomy is less common now
invasive breast cancer
surgical treatment
hormone blocking therapy
prothesis - artificial replacement for a body part (breast)
silicone implants can cause rare treatable cancer, anaplastic large cell lymphoma
most women with breast cancer return to active sex life
can have effects such as grief, fear, interfere with sexual feelings and activities,
hormonal or other effects that decrease physiological arousal, those who got
mastectomy may think they aren't attractive anymore
most women report no change in aspects of sexuality after mastectomy
4/5 are satisfied with results of reconstructive surgery and increase in sexual satisfaction

Chapter 3: Men's Bodies
Male External Genitalia are the Penis and Scrotum
The penis combines erotic, reproductive and urinary functions
penis - erectile erotically genital organ in males
equivalent to clitoris, urethra, vagina
involved in sexual arousal, urine, transfer of sperm
mean flaccid length: 3.5 inches, mean erect length: 6.2 inches, mean
circumference: 4.8 inches
how long you can stretch a flaccid penis is about how long it will be
when erect
study found that 55% men (UCLA) were not satisfied with size, but 80%
females were happy with partner's size
can lengthen penis by cutting suspensory ligament and stretching it
with weights that only lengthens flaccid penis size
usually men are dissatisfied with results and do not experience
improved sex lives
retraction of penis into bodies can be because of obesity
koro - a social panic or fear that penis will retract and disappear,
causing death (in Asian countries)
has 3 visible parts when uncircumcised:
foreskin - loose tubular fold of skin that partially or completely covers
the glans; on some males may extend beyond tip of glans
3 erectile structures
two corpa cavernosa - lie side by side and account for
most of the erection; extend back into body under
pubic bone
both diverfe forming two crura
corpus spongiosum - midline near the undersurface of
penis; extends from shaft into the glans; extend back
into body under pubic bone
urethra - discharges urine from bladder and
semen, close to corpus spongiosum
penile bulb - rounded mass of erectile tissue, filled with
nerves and blood vessels important for sexual
glans - terminal knob of the penis
corona - rim that encircles penis; most erotic
frenelum - skin that runs between glans and shaft; most erotic
pubococcygenus muscle assist with erection, ejaculation and orgasm
male circumcision - surgical removal of the foreskin
can occur at any age, in US is after birth - 30% men worldwide but
numbers are declining
use Plastibell to remove skin
if done when man is adult then have to refrain from masturbation and
sex for 4-6 weeks
benefits and risks involved
reduction in UTI in infancy and protection in adulthood
from infection of STI/STD like AIDs, herpes and
cervical cancer (benefit to male's female partner)
hygiene benefits from smegma; which builds up faster
under foreskin
hemorrhage, infection, rarely damage to penis
unsanitary circumcision done in Africa
study found that circumcision is associated with slightly lower
incidence of sexual dysfunctions like erectile dysfunction
AAP (american academy of pediatrics) believes benefits are not
sufficient enough AAP to recommend that all infant boys be
canadian paediatric society has negative view
but centers for disease control (CDC) says they should take
positive stance towards it because of recent studies on
Morris says that benefits outweigh the risks, highly recommended
Travis believes we all have right to self-determination
superincision - a form of male circumcision where the upper part of the
foreskin is incised but not removed, no tissue is removed
done in Polynesian cultures
subincision - a form of male circumcision where a cut is made along the
underside of the penis that exposes the urethra
Penis piercing
increasingly popular, but there can be some potential problems like scaring,
damage to erectile tissue, nerve damage, interfere with urination,
infections, HIV
Medical Problems with Penis
Balanitis - inflammation of glans, by infection or bad hygiene; common in
uncircumcised men and can be treated with antibiotics/cleansing
Phimosis - inability to retract foreskin back to reveal the glans; normal
condition, not bad if can still urinate, may need surgery
Paraphimosis - entrapment of a retracted foreskin behind corona of glans,
can be because of retracting a phimotic foreskin, emergency condition
Peyronie's disease - unnatural curve of erect penis caused by scar formation
on corpora cavernosa, surgery
penile cancer - rare, HPV is predisposition to penile cancer, may have to
amputate organ, but still possible to experience orgasm by stimulating
nearby areas of skin
Penile Erection involves Nerves, Blood, and Chemistry
genital-end-bulbs - nerve endings found in the genital area that probably detect the tactile
stimulation associated with sexual activity
around the corona of glans and frenulum, most erotic
specialized to detect tactile stimulation that occurs during sexual behavior
stimulation triggers a spinal reflex, sends signal to penis to trigger erection so even
after spinal injury it can still be stimulated to cause an erection
if stimulation is in the brain then after an injury, erection cannot occur
erection is not voluntary
Erection is filling of the penis with blood
two corpora cavernosa of penis
sponge tissue
flaccid the arteries are constricted state so little blood can flow into spaces in tissue
erection when arteries of penis expand and veins contract so blood flows in, resulting
in expansion of corpora cavernosa
vasocongestion causes more swelling when climax is approaching, especially glans
and makes it seem purple
nitric oxide - neurotransmitter, triggers erection
viagra and other drugs that produce erections increase levels of nitric oxide in
erectile tissue
complete erection means no additional blood can enter so stops blood flow
priapism - condition where erection wont go down, can starve tissue of oxygen and
cause damage
connective tissue capsules causes resistance to expansion, causing rigidness of
erect penis
corpus spongiosum does not contribute as much stiffness to erection or else urethra
would be compressed and ejaculation may be impossible
Muscles involved in Erection
pelvic floor muscles and pubococcygeus muscle
hanging down erect penis, if touch around sensitive area of penis can cause penis to
lift up, possible for man to do this voluntarily by contracting pelvic floor muscles
but main process of penile erection is not voluntary
Erections during sleep
accompany REM of sleep (vivid dreams)
nocturnal orgasms or nocturnal emissions - erotic dreams that lead to
ejaculation/orgasm during sleep
erection accompany all REM phases whatever the dream content
4/5 men experience it at some time in their life
serve to oxygenate erectile tissue and to prevent scarring and loss of elasticity
1/5 women experience orgasm during sleep
Scrotum regulates temperature of testicles
scrotum - sac behind the penis that holds the testes
testicles - male gonad, one of the two glands within the scrotum that produce sperm
and secrete sex hormones
scrotum has sweat glands that help to regulate temperature of the scrotal contents
muscle under scrotum that contracts when it is cold and sexual arousal, thickens the
skin to keep it warm
Testicles produce Sperm and Sex Hormones
male gonads are analogous to ovaries
produce sperm - male gamete
secrete sex hormones
large numbers of sperm and other secretions - semen
fluid goes to urethral opening for ejaculation
testicles (left hands lower, right is larger)
epididymis - structure attached to each testicle where sperm mature and stored
before entering vas deferens
spermatic cord - testicle's lifeline, bundle of structures that connect testicle with
organs inside the body, vas deferens, blood, vessels & veins that transfer heat,
cremaster muscle
runs through inguinal canal - canal passing through abdominal wall in groin
vas deferens - inside the spermatic cord, carries mature sperm away from
cremaster muscle - wraps the spermatic cord and forms a sling around testicle;
contracts to pull testes closer to body
testicles temperature range 4-7C below core body temperature
warming testes to core body temp for long periods reduces fertility
inside testicles
seminiferous tubules - thousand tubes that occupy lobes of testicle, site of
sperm production or spermatogenesis
interstitial cells - space between tubules that secrete hormones
Sperm cell
each has 64 day process of cell division and maturation within seminiferous
150 mill sperm a day
sperm leaves seminiferous tubules, immature sperm --> epididymus (a week here to
become more concentrated and mature) --> vas deferens (into abdomen, past
bladder and down toward prostate gland) or the ejaculatory duct (which are
joined with urethra) -->
right/left vas and right/left epididymus storage for mature sperm
sperm travels by muscle contraction where each contraction squeezes a bit of
sperm into urethra before ejaculation
prostate gland - located at base of bladder and surrounds urethra, secretion are
component of semen
secretes cloudy, alkaline fluid pumped into urethra by muscle contractions
seminal vesicles - side of the prostates and contribute to semen
not for storage, only add to semen expelled at ejaculation
bulbourethral glands
secrete clear, alkaline mucous fluid into urethra
may help neutralize acidic environment in urethra of man and vagina of
does not contain sperm! but become mixed with sperm with remaining sperm
from previous ejaculation, especially if he don't urinate after sex
there could be consequence if practicing withdrawal method
precum may contain diseases
seminal fluid
up to 1 teaspoon
contains sperm (tadpole structure), 100-700 mill in a ejaculate, 1% of semen
mixture contains 70% Seminal vesicle, 30% prostate gland, and small from
epididymis and bulbourethral gland, plus water, proteins, enzymes, antioxidants
and water/salt AND
sugar fructose - sperm use as energy
buffer that keeps pH of semen alkaline 7.2-7.8
men with disease causing viruses like HIV or hepatitis B may be in the
seminal plasma
Disorders of the Testicles
14. Testicular cancer - 7400 men in US annually
15. men in 20s or 30s but could strike at any age
16. risk: undescended testes, abnormalities, Klinefelter syndrome
17. lump or increase in size in teste, pain, ache, accumulation of fluid
18. treatment: lymph node dissection, radiation, chemo
effects on erectile function and sperm production
can deposit semen in sperm bank
19. orchitis - inflammation and swelling of testicle, caused by infection or sexually
20. epididymitis - inflammation of epididymis caused b trauma or infection with E coli or
STI, active young men
21. variocele - enlargement of veins that drain testicles, can impair fertility but can be
surgically corrected
22. hydrocele - fluid in membrane line space surrounding one testicle, discomfort
23. testicular torsion - twisting of testicle and spermatic cord, cut off blood supply, must
be treated immediately
Disorders of the Prostate Gland
can check condition by inserting finger into anus and feeling gland through rectum
check for tenderness, size, lumps, get fluid from urethra
prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland, men all ages, acute or chronic
from infection with E coli or other microorganisms invade prostate via urine
UTI precedes or coexists with it
pain during ejaculation, urination, pain in pelvic area, fever
chronic these symptoms last for years, no inflammation in prostate gland (chronic
pelvic pain syndrome) is used
benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate)
grows rapidly at puberty and continues slowly in adulthood
can constrict urethra
bladder has to work harder to expel urine
chronic urinary problems
use testosterone blocking drugs or other or surgery
operation done through uretha can damage sphincter at bladder so may experience
retrograde ejaculation --> infertile
Prostate Cancer
common nonskin cancer among american men
second only to lung cancer for men but less people die form it
average at is 70 years
African american men more likely to get it and die of it
history of it and high fat diet increase risk
symptoms similar to prostatic hyperplasia
prostate specific antigen in high blood means prostate cancer
radical prostatectomy - surgical removal of enter gland and nearby lymph nodes -
puts end to ejaculation & cause erectile dysfunction
radiation and testosterone blocking drugs
Ejaculation Requires Coordination of Muscles and Glands
emission - loading of constituents of semen into the posterior urethra immediately before
ejaculation (vas deferens, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, urethra)
few seconds, inevitable ejaculation
caused by rhythmic contractions of muscular walls of urethra and pelvic floor
muscles, every .8 seconds
squeeze semen filled urethra especially between prostate and root of penis
10-15 seconds
urethral sphincter is constricted so pressures semen from flowing into bladder
Testicles secrete sex hormones
androgens (testosterone), estrogens (estradiol), progesterone - synthesized by
interstitial cells
T levels are tenfold higher than in women
estrogen and progesterone are tenfold times lower than women
before birth, T drives development of fetus and genitalia in male direction
T also responsible for changes in puberty
expresses male gendered traits and sex drive
T influences feature of brain organization, anabolic hormone that promotes
buildup of tissue like muscle and increases oxygen carrying capacity of
used in muscle development for athletes
DHT dihydrotestosterone - androgen that plays role in development of male
genitalia, T sometimes converts into this - blockage of this is used to treat
enlargement of prostate
DHT and androgens like T strongly influence distribution of head, body and
pubic hair in both sexes
help maintain bone density
terminate growth of limb bones after puberty, insensitive to estrogen results in
more growth after puberty
required for male fertility because promote maturation of sperm
metabolic precursors for androgens and estrogens
drugs of this lower sex drive
Brain and Pituitary Gland regulate hormone levels
testicles linked with hypothalamus and pituitary gland by hormonal control loop
GnRH, FSH and LH play role in two sexes
GnRH secreted by hypothalamus, stimulates secretion of FSH and LH by pituitary
FSH stimulates spermatogenesis in testes
LH stimulates secretion of sex hormones
male sex steroids can exert negative feedback effect that damp secretion of
hormones from hypothalamus and pituitary
T peaks every 3 hours, higher between midnight and noon
Steroids and Sports
T has anabolic effects - increase muscle and strength
designer steroid are drugs that have anabolic effects but are not picked up in urine or
blood tests
eg. THG
hyperandrogenism - women whose T levels are much higher than normal, no fault of their
exclude women from competitions with T levels in the male range
Nudity is culturally regulated
private parts
required to cover vulva while in public
even in societies where women go without clothes like New Guinea, men look aside when
they approach women and cover genitals
prohibition of public nudity reduces sexual arousal, sexual coercion and disputes over
potential sex partners

Chapter 4: Sex and Gender Differences
Only need to read pages 119-127 (Transgenderism for midterm)

Gender Development is Interactive
nature and nurture
eg. toy preference in childhood
observations of atypical toy preference in CAH girls suggest prenatal hormone
exposure contributes to gender differences
parents give gender specific toys to their child, where gender specific play
emerges (~9 months)
will prefer to play with with these toys
Transgender People Cross Society's Deepest Divide
transsexual - person who identifies with the other sex and who seeks to transition to the
other sex by means of hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery (male to
female or female to male)
Transsexuals are more than one kind
they don't feel like they are in the right body
gender dysphoria - unhappiness caused by discordance between a person's
anatomical sex and gender identity
trans men (female to male) share similar life history
try to express masculinity at young at with clothes, hair, friendships, activities
may want to hide developing signs of womanhood by hiding such as covering
usually attracted to women but are not homosexual or lesbian, identity self as
heterosexual men
trans women (male to female) - 2 kinds:
classical male to female transexuals
opposite of F to M
as young boys they want to be girls, dress like girls, play with girls,
don't like man body
more feminine than many females
usually sexually attracted to men but identity self as heterosexual
women, not gay man
usually seek sex reassignment
autogynephilia - form of male to female transexuality characterized by man's
sexual arousal at the thought of being or becoming a woman
transvestism - wearing clothes of other sex for purposes of sexual
arousal, cross dressing
boys are mild gender nonconformists or not at all
grow up they are attracted to women, so they are heterosexual men but
have fetishistic elements such as wearing women clothes
aroused by idea and being in a woman's body and possessing female
desire to be a coman is driven by sex drive and desire to incorporate
object of their attractions into themselves
feminine manners, gait and conversational style may not come easily
tend to seek sex reassignment later on, often after being
heterosexually married and fathered kids
some sex researchers believe most or all M to F transsexuals who are attracted to
women are autogynephilic, others don't find correlation
among M to F transsexuals have opposed concept of autogynephilia and others
have embraced the concept
causes of transexuality are not clear
there have been some reports of differences in brain structure between
transgender persons and gendered persons of same birth sex
Cross-cultural perspective
often a spiritual or sacred status
polynesia, call M to F transgenders as mahus
1 mahu per village
mahu dressed in female attire engaged in woman activities and had sex with
conventional men
may train son to be mahu
india and pakistand
called hijras
cut off genitals and work as religious dancers or prostitutes
called kathoey
entertainment field but face discrimination in male occupations
female warriors are called amazon
North America
rituals before puberty gave boy option to pick to be a conventional male or
two-spirit/berdache (male-female) person
tested this by having boy pick between bow and arrow or woman's
basket when in fire
if take bow and arrow then will be a man, if the other, then will be a
19th/20th century
some women passed as men to take advantage of opportunities
available to men
westernization has led to suffering for transgender persons in traditional societies
Changing sex is a multistage process
transitioning - changing one's physical sex and social gender
4 major elements
1. psychological and physical evaluation
psychotherapy, history, mental health, motivation, education about sex
reassignment process, and limitations of results
2. real life experience
client lives and interacts with others as a member of other sex for
period of time 1-2 years or less
make sure client can function well in desired gender role
3. hormone treatment
process of bodily change
M to F treated with estrogen and androgen blocking drugs
changes in body fat distribution, decrease in erections and ejaculations
breasts enlarge, but does not abolish facial hair or reverse baldness so
they have to go through beard removal by laser treatment
F to M are given androgens that cause beard, deep voice, body fat
distribution changes, does not alter general body shape
not all effects of hormone treatment can be reversed if they do not want
to go through with transition
4. sex reassignment surgery
for M to F - remove penis and testes, construct vagina, labia and
clitoris, vocal cords, liposuction on waist, reduce adam's apple,
changes in face
for F to M - remove breasts, ovaries, oviducts, uterus, vagina, construct
penis and testicles
can be made to have erection with pump or stiffening device,
costly and far from ideal
UTI can occur and scarring
so undergo phalloplasty by enlarging clitoris with hormonal
treatment and surgery to produce small penis
not usable for sex but can erect and orgasm
should they let partners know?
LT of sex reassignment surgery is mostly positive
survey: M to F were all satisfied and felt that surgery had improved the
quality of their lives
some studies say that some regret undergoing transition and feel
expenses of transitioning
some centers like Europe are treating children at or before puberty
how to treat them?
suffer isolation and taunting from other peers
recently parents and schools have been more willing to support gender
some children are given drugs that postpone onset of puberty, so that
later one they can make mature decision to undergo self declared
identify persisters- those children who will remain gender dysphoric
after puberty and might benefit from support in cross gender
study: persisters are most gender dysphoric children (ones who really
believe they are the other sex) as opposed to wanting to be the
other sex
Some transgenders do not want surgery
society that has problem and need to be treated
study on culture of Samoa
transgender persons rarely desire sex reassignment but because it is socially
acceptable to possess a penis and live in a gender role that is not male
some people may not have money
or dont see anything wrong with living with the wrong genitals
Struggle for Acceptance and Awareness
fought to clarify their identity
legal protections for transgender people lag behind those for gays and lesbians
at greater risk of violence and discrimination though
16 states have statutes that provide transgender people with protection from discrimination
and 13 states include gender identity in their hate crime statutes

Chapter 5: Attraction, Arousal, Response
only need to read pages 142-161 for midterm (Asexuality and Fantasies, Sexual motivation,
desire and response)

Some people do not experience sexual attraction
asexual - person who never experiences sexual attraction
can still experience romantic attraction such as intimacy with partner, but not in physical sex
different from sexual abstinence or repression or problems in sexual performance
asexual man masturbate at about same frequency as sexual man
not in pleasure but in interpersonal aspect of sexual desire
has positive and negative effects on their lives
good: more free time, less complex sexual relationships, less STD, unwanted
bad: worry about what is wrong, difficult in maintaining close relationships, rebuff
sexual advances, may enter sexual relationship to maintain relationship
some are socially withdrawn
AVEN - promotes asexuality
Sexual Arousal has Multiple Roots
sexual arousal is acute psychological state of excitement marked by sexual feelings,
attractions, desires
changes in genitalia
psychological and physiological usually go together, but not always
can be external or internal arousal triggers (even by nothing called spontaneous
sexual arousal)
Fantasy is a common mode of sexual arousal
fantasy - imagined experience, sexual or otherwise
can occur when no actual sexual behavior is possible
may accompany masturbation or sex with partner
men engage in sexual fantasy a bit more than woman
hetero men and women college students kept records of sexual
men = 7.2 per day
women = 4.5 per day
thought about sex in the last 5 mins
14-25 year olds
52% men yes, and 39% women yes
26-55 year olds
minor decrease but men more than women
study: (page 145 for graph)
hetero sexual college students
over half of both male and females said they had recently fantasized
about: touching, being touched sensually, oral-genital sex, naked
caressing, watching partner undress, seducing, sex in odd
positions, being seduced and sex in odd location
gender differences
men more likely to fantasize manually stimulating partner's
genitals, more than one partner at the same time, having
sex with virgin, watching partner undress making love with
possibility of being caught, sex with famous person, anal
and forcing partner to submit
the only thing women fantasized about more was getting married
men fantasies about things they never done before while women
things they have done before
fantasies of gay men similar to those of straight men and women
what you fantasize about is a truthful indication of what you find arousing
rather than asking directly?
Hsu et al study:
19% men and 33% women hetero, reported having at least one
recent fantasy of engaging in sex with same sex partner
men more likely to be dominant and explicit sexual behavior while women are
more romantic, affection, commitment involved
Rape Fantasies may be aversive or erotic
women may have fantasies where they are raped, coerced or forced by partner
study: 62% women had experienced rape fantasies some as often as once per week
and about 9% of all reported rape fantasies were aversive (unpleasant) in
larger number of rape fantasies around 45% were erotically exciting in nature
(due to changed consent in the course)
remaining fantasies contained mix of erotic and aversive elements (consented
to not such as anal sex)
aversive fantasies interpreted as fears about possibility of rape and attempt to
deal with fears by gaining some control over situation
women who had these fantasies rated them as positive experiences (warrior
actual rape denies victim of any control of situatoin
women reported engaging in force fantasies were better adjusted sexually
than those who did not, they suffered less guilt about sex
also engaged in more sexual fantasies than other women
Arousal occurs in response to a partner
sexually attractive sex partner is a trigger to arousal
both men and women aroused by looking at partner's face
men find looking at partner's genital area arousing
men more likely than women to say that they are highly aroused by watching their partner
men tend to look at people's crotches, but women don't
arousal increases as sexual contact in initiated due to sensory signals from genitals and
other body regions that feed into brain circuits that mediate arousal
show erotic film to people who are undergoing functional brain imaging
areas of brain that activate are cerebral cortex named anterior cingulate cortex
lights up when people who are in love view a picture of their partner and given
euphoric drugs
happy states
sexual arousal operates in more specific manner in men than in women
most men aroused by erotic images appropriate to their sexual orientation
straight men aroused by women and gay men aroused by men
most women aroused about equally aroused by images of women and men
bi and lesbian women experience more arousal towards women than men
tracked gaze of men and women while watching erotic videos
men gazed at women
women gazed equally at men and women
reflect greater fluidity of sexual orientation in women than in men
Hormones influence sexual arousability
testosterone does not seem to have any ST influence on sexual feelings of either
men or women
hypothesized heterosexual couples would be more likely to have sex on
evenings when T of one/both partners is high
took saliva samples early and late in evening over many nights
T levels were no higher early on the sex evenings than on the no sex
evenings in either sex
T levels were higher late on the sex evenings after sex had occurred than late
on the no sex evenings - true for both sexes
suggests that sexual activity triggers a rise in T but high T does not trigger
desire for sex
T has LT influence on our capacity to experience sexual arousal
boys around time of puberty, grades 8,9,10 - those who were
experiencing rise in T associated with puberty were more likely to
experience sexual feelings and engage in sexual behavior than
boys of the same age whose T levels have not risen
consistent in research in nonhuman animals
suggests that T activates brain circuits involved in male typical sexual
sexual motivation is closely related to degree of T levels
social effects play role in determining when adolescent boys begin to
engage in sexual behavior
hypogonadal - producing insufficient levels of sex hormones
hypogonadal men suffer gradual decline in sexual desire and activity, can use
testosterone replacement therapy
doubtful that T enhances sexual desire or performance in healthy men
aphrodisiac - substance believed to improve sexual performance and
enhance sexual pleasure or desire
aphrodisiac and drugs
based on magical thinking
aphrodisiacs have been derived from things that resemble
penises or vulvas or sex organs
study with placebo:
trial of deer velvet and found no effect on sexual function
or of partners
ginseng facilitates sexual behavior in male rats and perhaps
alleviates erectile dysfunction in some men and improve in
some menopausal women
but can have side effects
amyl nitrite - inhalation, produce rush during time sexual feelings
are enhanced and orgasm intensified, dangerous to use
with other drugs and harmful to people
MDMA or Ecstasy
Heroin and other opiates
androgens and estrogens
T is low, but there may be more potential for changes in T levels to modulate
sexual arousability in women than in men
study done on children with delayed puberty:
T is more important than estrogens in influencing female sexual
decline of estrogen may cause vaginal dryness and decline of interest
in sex
Conditioning may influence Arousal
classical conditioning - form of behavioral learning where a novel stimulus is tied to
a preexisting reflex
Pavlov and salivation of dogs
influences sexual arousal
show male subjects photo of moderately attractive partially nude
some viewed by itself and others saw it with a highly arousing video of
hetero sex
men who saw photo with video were more aroused by photo than at the
start of study
experiment on women
UCS - application of vibrator to clitoris that elicits sexual arousal
vibrator paired with photo of hetero sexual couple having sex
photo without vibrator elicited genital flow more than control
control was different picture of hetero sex shown while vibrator was off
Sexual Arousal Follows a Response Cycle
24. Sexual response cycle - sequence of physiological processes that accompany sexual
25. Masters and Johnson 4 phases:
Excitement phase
when sexual arousal begins
swelling up of labia minora, vaginal lubrication,
vasocongestion (tissue swelling caused by increase filling of
blood vessels), erection of nipples and clitoris, breast swelling,
increase heart rate and blood pressure
uterus elevates (tenting effect)
erection of penis (usually 10 seconds)
corpora cavernose erects, then corpus spongiosum
can take minutes for older unhealthy men
contraction of cremaster muscle to elevate testes
thicken skin of scrotum and nipples may erect
Plateau phase
arousal is maintained for several minutes to several hours
thickening and tightening of outer third of vagina and surrounding
muscles of pelvic floor
vaginal canal narrows
orgasmic platform - outer region of vagina and surrounding tissues
inner part of vagina doe snot tighten but balloons out
clitoris disappears under hood
breasts swell, nipples swell more
flushed appearance
myotonia - muscle tension throughout body
secretions from bulbourethral glands (precum)
erection getes stronger
testes elevate more and swll
steady state, but may be brief for some people that is hard to differ from
excitement phase
climax, subjective experience of intense pleasure and release at sexual
similar in men and women
brief series of muscle contractions in genital area and other parts of body
peak levels of respiration rate, heart and blood pressure rate
emission (semen expelled)
orgasm (little difference between men and women)
contractions of pubococcygeus muscles and pelvic floor
muscles, tighten outer vagina area
anal sphincters, uterus, oviducts may contract too per 0.8
seconds about 8-10 in a orgasm
average 20 seconds
contractions for women around outer part of vagina are the
same no matter what stimulation was
studies by another group:
say clitoris and stimulation of anterior wall of vagina including G-spot
give rise to 2 different orgasmic sensations
vaginal is entire body while clitoris is restricted to clitoral area
blended orgasm of all three regions
female ejaculation
discharge of some fluid from urethra at sexual climax
small amount of opalescent fluid and/or
secretion from paraurethal glands
front wall of vagina
contains enzyme characteristic of secretion from male prostate
role of this is unknown
larger amount of clear fluid too (squirting)
studied women that expelled large amounts of this
passed catheter through urethra of some women and
past ducts of paraurthral glands into the bladder
women orgasm
if was urine, it should exit urethra via inside catheter, if
not then should exit from paraurethral glands or
other and outside the catheter
all cases, expelled exited via inside the catheter
suggests it involves expulsion of urine from bladder
Brain Imaging suggests where orgasm may be experienced
Study in Men:
used PET scanning when subject was being stimulated by
female partner but not orgasming vs. was experiencing
subtracted one scan from the other to show pattern of activity
most active region was a zone in midline of the brain, including
parts of thalamus and nearby structures
same regions to be active during heroin rush, dopamine
(pleasure and reward)
activity in cerebral cortex decreases, switches off cognitive or
behavioral processes that would otherwise inhibit orgasm
Study in women:
activation of dopamine systems and drop in activity in cerebral
heightened activity in nucleus accumbens (reward system)
given opportunity animals will stimulate their own nucleus
accumbens in preference to any real world rewards
like food or sex
in both men and women:
orgasm is accompanied by release of oxytocin from pituitary
gland (stimulates uterine contractions and secretion of
involuntary muscles contract in wall of uterus and breast tissue
release during orgasms accompany contractions and
pleasurable sensation
if block oxytocin then quality of orgasm is reduced
physiological signs of arousal reverse themselves
all changes in excitement and plateau phase subside for men and women
sense of relaxed contentment
full resolution takes about 15 mins
26. The Phases may be linked in Different Ways
individual cycles may vary
Different types of cycles:
1. Standard version - person passes sequentially through the 4 phases as
2. Failed to achieve orgasm - skips orgasm phase, passes from excitement to
plateau phase then to resoluatoin phase
can still be satisfying but can be frustrating
men are less likely than women to be satisfied with a sexual experience
that doesn't include orgasm
only 34% of men compared with 50% of women believe sex
without orgasm can be satisfying
men can suffer blue balls
27. Some people experience multiple orgasms
multiple orgasms - sequence of at least 2 orgasms, between which the person
descends only to the plateau level of arousal
not refer to having orgasm, losing arousal completely then entering another
cycle that culminates a second orgasm
more common in women than men
43% of women experience it
reports of multiple orgasms are based on masturbation rather than from coitus
serial orgasms - two or more orgasms with no more than few seconds between
them (maybe up to 20 seconds to a minute)
few men experience multiple orgasms, usually the last in series is accompanied by
ejaculation and previous are dry
small number of men are naturally capable of experiencing multiple ejaculatory
28. Men experience a Refractory Period
refractory period - a period of reduced or absent sexual arousability after orgasm
30-90 mins
early part of the refractory period may be absolute followed by relative refractory
period (related to coolidge effect)
29. Masters and Johnson cycle critiques
do physiological markers of sexual arousal correspond to psychological or subjective
arousal, meaning the person's sense of being sexually excited?
difference between men and women
man's physiological arousal is tied to his genital arousal
women do not alway feel sexually excited when their genitals are
showing signs of arousal
where does sexual desire fit into the overall response cycle?
Kaplan: sexual desire is the psychological state that precedes and leads to
physiological arousal
accepted for men, but women is different
Many women especially in relationships are motivated or interested in sex that
flows from intimacy or from an expectation of benefits that may flow from
sexual interaction
triggers sexual arousal and a feedback stimulus that reinforces sexual interest and sexual

Chapter 6: Sexual Behavior
Only need to read pages 165-172 (masturbation for midterm)

People Derive Pleasure from Diverse Sexual Behaviors
pleasure is main sexual motivator for most people
2000 men and women called at random to ask what they were doing and how happy
they were
happier making love than at any other time
least likely to be distracted while they were making love
focus on sexual activities contributes to the pleasure of sex
National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviour
6000 Americans
when they masturbated, oral sex, coitus, anal within period 12 months
masturbation, oral, coitus are all common
anal is less common
most sex is heterosexual, low figures for homoesexual
Masturbation is a Very Common Form of Sexual expression
masturbation - sexual self stimulation or manual stimulation of genitals, including partner
autoerotic - providing sexual stimulation to oneself or being aroused sexually by oneself
can be done alone, with partner, or in group (circle jerk done by teen boys sometimes)
Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation are still Prevalent
can trigger embarrassment, guilt, denial
viewed negatively in sex surveys that it had to be taken out
Victorian times
considered sinful and disgusting and unhealthy
lead to "degeneracy" to the masturbator and offspring
Kellogg's and Graham foods produced to reduce prevalence of masturbation and
sexual arousal
19th century
devices that would make masturbation impossible
bad rep is belief that it is an activity practiced by people who can't get access to real sex
can come with guilt after especially those in the youngest age group (18-24)
Demographic Factors that influence Masturbation
30. data from NHSLS and NSSHB
people over 50 especially women masturbate less than those in younger age groups
African American masturbate less than other ethnicities
more educated a person, the more they likely masturbate
women but not men who have religious affiliation masturbate less than women who
have no religious affiliation
people who lack a regular sex partner masturbate slightly more than people who
have a partner
31. men experience orgasm during masturbation more frequently than women do
women less likely than men to have orgasm during sex with partner too
women more likely to experience orgasm when masturbating
32. do it to relieve sexual tension, physical pleasure, partner was not available, women do
it to relieve menstrual pain or migraine headaches
33. Masturbation and education
men and women masturbate increasingly more as they progress in their education,
and more men masturbate overall more than women
34. men and women without partners do masturbate more than those who have, but not a
big difference
Women use more diverse techniques of masturbation than men
manually stimulating area of clitoris with circular or to and fro motion of finger
pulling on labia minora causes clitoral hood to move back and forth on clitoral glans
cross legs and squeeze them together rhythmically
rub or press genital area onto some object
can put fingers into vagina but less common than clitoral stimulation
stimulate nipples or breasts - some can orgasm from this alone
small number of women can orgasm by fantasy alone
grasp shaft of penis and move it up and down, glans, corona and frenulum
thrusting against object like pillow or edge of bed
may stimulate nipples or anus
2-4 mins
4 mins for women
Gay people masturbate more than heterosexuals
gay people's own bodies are sex that they are attracted to
autoerotic behavior
NHSLS data - gays and lesbians do masturbate more than heterosexual men and women
gays also derived greater pleasure from masturbation
gays more likely than straight male students to masturbate in front of a mirror
48% done so in past 12 months vs 18% of straight
suggest that gay people's relatively greater interest in masturbation may result from greater
erotic response to their own bodies
but lesbians and gay men are as other directed in sex lives as heterosexual men and
Different Cultures have different attitudes toward masturbation
International Encyclopedia of Sexuality
reports from about 50 countries
commonly practiced by children and adolescents, adults rarely do it
main findings are from western
Study in New Guinea
no shame in masturbation, they never use hands but feet (women)
suggested that low frequency of masturbation by girls might hinder their development of the
ability to experience sexual pleasure and orgasm in partnered sex
evolutionary point
male masturbation increases fertility by getting rid of sperm that have passed their
use by date
evidence in Japanese macaque monkeys
may improve sperm quality but decreases number of sperm in ejaculate
keep in mind that many behaviors may not have adaptive significance and could be by
products of other traits

Chapter 7: Sexual Relationships
Only need to read pages 198-202 (History) for midterm

Sexual Relationships are Motivated by many factors
what propels people in sexual relationships? physical attraction and romantic love
can be replaced by wide variety of other motives
involve more than just two people
Moral judgement about Sex depends on its context
Reiss: people judge the morality of heterosexual behavior by the relationship within
which it occurs: more affectionate, intimate, or committed the relationship, more
likely people are to consider sexual acts morally acceptable
3 perspectives reflecting different ideas about the purpose of sex
traditional - those who think purpose of sex is procreation, disprove of
nonmarital sex
Relational - those who think purpose of sex is to cement relationships ,
disprove of extramarital or casual sex
recreational - purpose of sex is for fun, pleasure, morally acceptable
Demographic factors affect sexual attitudes
women more likely than men to have traditional perspective
women take more relationship oriented view of sex, but not more conservative on
abortion issues
premarital sex seen as wrong more in women than men, more do not support
premarital sex as they age, less disprove premarital sex with more education
more rural areas disprove premarital sex
older people more likely than younger to have traditional perspective
increasing educational level is associated with relatively permissive attitudes
Northeast or west coast of US less likely to have traditional perspective
southern are more traditional
not strong predictor of sexual attitudes, but african americans and hispanics tend to
be less approving of homosexuality and abortion
conservative protestants have traditional perspective, no religious affiliation are more
recreational view
American's Attitudes have changed over Time
GSS has found
decline in % of population who consider sex before marriage always wrong and rise
in % who consider it not wrong at all
extramarital sex opinion has become more negative, % that do not agree with it
increased over time
gay sex rate of changed, less people are against it than before
Other countries
16 countries
India, Singapore, Taiwan, US, Guatemala, Thailand, Mexico more to less % that
believe it is morally wrong for couple to have baby out of wedlock
Europe countries were more accepting
cohabitational and non-cohabitational sexual relationships were viewed as morally protected,
most people place a high moral value on lasting sexual relationships and see sexual
monogamy as an important factor to preserve them

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