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Psych 315: Childhood & Adolescence Syllabus [Sections 1 & 2, Sept. 2013]
Dr. Susan Birch
Office: Douglas Kenny Psychology Bldg. Room 2031 (corner of West Mall and University Blvd.)
Office hours: TBA prior to quizzes and exams and by appointment
Primary (Shared) Email:
Secondary (Private) Email:
Teaching Assistants (TAs):
There are 2 TAs for this course that will share an email: Kyle Danielson and Will Kendall
Email: (Emails will be checked twice per week)
Office Hours: TBA prior to quizzes and exams and by appointment
Office Location: In Douglas Kenny Psychology Bldg. See either Kyle (Room 1005) or Will (Room 3010)

Course Description:
This course will provide an introduction to the major theories and empirical research that is fundamental to
Developmental Psychology. In addition to an overview of the theories and foundations of childhood and adolescent
development, this course will provide an introduction to some of the most influential recent findings in the developmental
psychology literature. Such topics include: language and conceptual development; social cognition, emotional
development; gender development; and peer and family relations. In learning about typical development it is important to
discuss how atypical development can shed light on many key issues. In accord with this, we will also touch on examples
of atypical development.

Course Time and Location: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays in Buchanan A102 (Section 1 = 2pm; Section 2 = 3pm)

Required Text (Available at the UBC Bookstore as well as other on-line sources):
Siegler, S, Deloache, J, & Eisenberg, N., How Children Develop. 3rd Edition. Worth Publishing.
Note: The THIRD edition (published in 2011) of the text is required; several second-hand texts are available as
this text has been used previously and is also the required text for Psychology 302: Infancy
* ~5-10 additional readings will be required (e.g. recent articles or readings for discussion). These will be made
available on-line through the Connect course website under Required Readings. The timeline for completing
these readings will be announced in class.

Course Website:
Please ensure you can access this site within the first 2 weeks of classes.

A Text Website is available for ancillary materials such as chapter outlines and practice quizzes:
*Please note: This website is provided by the publishing company of the textbook. Neither the instructor nor UBC are
responsible for guaranteeing the quality of the material on this site nor the availability of these resources. This site
has been known to go down during peak usage periods (e.g., the night before exams), so plan ahead.

Grade Breakdown:
Quiz 1 worth 20% of your final grade (Held in class) (with the exception below*).
Quiz 2 worth 30% of your final grade (Held in class) (with the exception below*)
* If you miss a quiz and are unable, or elect not to, write a make-up the other quiz will count for 50% of your final grade.
Final Exam (During Exam Period; Date TBA) worth 50% of your final grade (with the exception below**)
** Students who receive the top 10 marks on Quiz 1 will be given the option to do a 5 to 10-min in-class oral presentation
(with slides) summarizing an article from a pre-set list. It is optional, not mandatory. TAs will provide guidance to ensure
quality. If students elect to do the presentation they can choose to have their presentation grade count for 20% and their final
exam 30% or have their final exam remain worth 50% (whichever results in the highest grade). Students may work in pairs. If
these students forgo the option, the option will be made available to others based on their Quiz 1 grade and expressed interest.

Format: The final exam and quizzes will consist of approximately 80% Multiple Choice, Fill-in-the-Blanks, and
approximately 20% list questions (e.g., list 4 pieces of evidence that support the claim that) and one-page
essay(s) (e.g., From a socio-cultural perspective describe 3 factors that have the most influence on).

Topic Timeline
Note: Information on this syllabus is subject to change. To ensure you have the most up-to-date information you must attend class!
1. Introduction to Childhood and Adolescence [Sept 4, 6, 9, 11]
Course Introduction & Course Mechanics
Developmental Research Methods and Enduring Themes & Key Concepts (e.g., Nature vs. Nurture)
Reading: Chapter 1
2: Cognitive Development: Theories and Approaches [Sept 13, 16, 20, 23]
Reading: Chapter 4 & Additional Reading: Berk, 1994 Why Children Talk to Themselves

*****QUIZ 1****** in Class Friday Sept. 27 [Quiz Review in Class Sept 25]
3. Social Development: Theories and Approaches [Sept. 30, Oct 2, 4]
Reading: Chapters 9
4. Gender Development [Oct 7, 9, 11]
Reading: Chapter 15
5. Language, and Symbol Use [Oct 16, 18, 21, 23]
Reading: Chapter 6

*****QUIZ 2****** in Class Friday Oct 25

6. The Development of Social Cognition [Oct. 28, 30, Nov 1, 4, 6]
Reading: Ch. 7 up to p. 279 and additional readings TBA

7. Emotional Development [Nov 8, 13, 15]
Reading: Chapter 10

8. Moral Development & Peer Relations (e.g. Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior) [Nov 18, 20, 22]
Reading: Chapter 14 and parts of Ch. 13

9. Family, Parenting, and General Applications and Conclusions [Nov 25, 27, 29]
Reading: Parts of Chapter 12 and all of Chapter 16
*The Final Exam will take place during exam period (2.5 hours) and covers material from the entire term with a greater
emphasis on material covered since Quiz 2.
Psychology Departments Policy on Grade Distributions and Scaling
To reduce grade inflation and maintain equity across multiple course sections, psychology courses are required to comply with departmental
norms regarding grade distributions. According to departmental norms, the mean grade in a 300-level class is 70% for a good class, 68 for
an average class, and 66 for a weak class, with a standard deviation of 13%. The corresponding figures for 100- and 200-level Psychology
courses are 67, 65, and 63, with a standard deviation of 14. Scaling is likely to be used in order to comply with these norms; grades may be
scaled up or down as necessary. Official scaling is applied at the end of the course.
Psychology Departments Position on Academic Misconduct
Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic misconduct are very serious concerns of the University, and the Department of
Psychology has taken steps to alleviate them. In the first place, the Department has implemented software that, can reliably detect cheating
on multiple-choice exams by analyzing the patterns of students responses. In addition, the Department subscribes to TurnItIn--a service
designed to detect and deter plagiarism. All materials (term papers, lab reports, etc.) that students submit for grading will be scanned and
compared to over 5 billion pages of content located on the Internet or in TurnItIns own proprietary databases. The results of these
comparisons are compiled into customized Originality Reports containing several, sensitive measures of plagiarism; instructors receive
copies of these reports for every student in their class.
In all cases of suspected academic misconduct, the parties involved will be pursued to the fullest extent dictated by the guidelines of
the University. Strong evidence of cheating or plagiarism may result in a zero credit for the work in question. According to the University
Act (section 61), the President of UBC has the right to impose harsher penalties including (but not limited to) a failing grade for the course,
suspension from the University, cancellation of scholarships, or a notation added to a students transcript. All graded work in this course,
unless otherwise specified, is to be original work done independently by individuals. Do not use Google/Yahoo/MSN Search/etc. to find
articles for assignments in this course. Do use any of the indexes and databases listed under Indexes and Databases, Subject Resources,
OneSearch or Metasearch on the Librarys website at (Not sure which index to use? Click HELP on the library
homepage at or try Subject Resources.) If you have any questions as to whether or not what you are doing is even a
borderline case of academic misconduct, please consult your instructor. For details on pertinent University policies and procedures, please
see Chapter 5 in the UBC Calendar (

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