Tthudhtad 136

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability
to use language to read, write, listen, and spea! In "odern conte#ts, the word refers to reading and
writing at a le$el %1& ''''' for co""unication, or at a le$el that lets one understand and co""unicate
ideas in a literate society,( so as to tae %)& ''''' in that society! The *nited +ations, Educational,
Scientific and Cultural ,rgani-ation %*+ESC,& has drafted the following definition. /0iteracy is the
ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, co""unicate and co"pute, using printed and written(
"aterials %1& ''''' with $arying conte#ts! 0iteracy in$ol$es a continuu" of learning to enable an
Indi$idual to achie$e his or her goals, to de$elop his, or her %2& ''''' and potential, and to participate
fully in the wider society!3
4any policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial "easure of a region(s hu"an capital! This
clai" is "ade on the %5& ''''' that literate people can be trained less e#pensi$ely than illiterate people,
generally ha$e a higher socio6econo"ic %7& ''''' and en8oy better health and e"ploy"ent prospects!
Policy "aers also argue that literacy increases 8ob opportunities and access to higher education! In
9erala, India, for e#a"ple, fe"ale and child "ortality rates declined %:& ''''' in the 197;s, when girls
who were educated in the education refor"s after 192< began to raise fa"ilies! Recent researchers,
%<&''''', argue that correlations such as, the one listed abo$e "ay ha$e "ore to do with the effects of
schooling rather than literacy in general! Regardless, the %9& ''''' of educational syste"s worldwide
includes a basic %1;& ''''' around co""unication through test and print, which is the foundation of
"ost definitions of literacy!
=uestion 1! A! i"portant >! ade?uate C! adaptable @! suitable
=uestion )! A! control >! co"fort C! part @! honor
=uestion 1! A! associated >! wored C! appropriated @! related
=uestion 2! A! ability >! nowledge C! beha$ior @! perfor"ance
=uestion 5! A! basics >! ways C! foundations @! grounds
=uestion 7! A! status >! re?uest C! condition @! state
=uestion :! A! actually >! dra"atically C! e#tre"ely @! accurately
=uestion <! A! therefore >! howe$er C! conse?uently @! additionally
=uestion 9! A! "ain >! "a8ority C! focus @! de"and
=uestion 1;! A! concept >! content C! contact @! conte#t
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest
in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
=uestions 11. A! represent >! disco$er C! e#perience @! ad$enture
=uestions 1). A! $anish >! an#ious C! focus @! success
=uestions 11. A! acti$ity >! epide"ic C! philosopher @! significance
=uestions 12. A! ine#pensi$e >! psychiatry C! patriotic @! scientific
=uestions 15. A! e"ission >! encounter C! i"pudence @! outnu"ber
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
=uestions 17. A"ong the worldAs 22 richest countries, there has been not war since 1925!
A > C @
=uestions 1:. After Allan had searched for twenty "inutes, he reali-ed that his 8acet had been
A >
laying on the table the entire ti"e!
C @
=uestions 1<. The carpenters tried to 8oin together the pieces of the broen bea", but found it
A > C
i"possible to do!
=uestions 19. A s"ile can be obser$ed, described, and reliably identifyB it can also be elicited and
A >
"anipulated under e#peri"ental conditions!
C @
=uestions );. After the rain had let out, the 4itchells continued their hie up the "ountain!
A > C @
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Chere one stage of child de$elop"ent has been left out, or not sufficiently e#perienced, the
child "ay ha$e to go bac and capture the e#perience of it! A good ho"e "aes this possible 6 for
e#a"ple, by pro$iding the opportunity for the child to play with a clocwor car or toy railway train up
to any age if he still needs to do so! This principle, in fact, underlies all psychological treat"ent of
children in difficulties with their de$elop"ent, and is the basic of wor in child clinics!
The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery! E$en the youngest baby is taught by gradual
stages to wait for food, to sleep and wae at regular inter$als and so on! If the child feels the world
around hi" is a war" and friendly one, he slowly accepts its rhyth" and accusto"s hi"self to
conforming to its de"ands! 0earning to wait for things, particularly for food, is a $ery i"portant
ele"ent in upbringing, and is achie$ed successfully only if too great de"ands are not "ade before the
child can understand the"! E$ery parent watches eagerly the child(s ac?uisition of each new sill. the
first spoen words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing! It is often
te"pting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feelings of
failure and states of an#iety in the child! This "ight happen at any stage! A baby "ight be forced to use a
toilet too early, a young child "ight be encouraged to learn to read before he nows the "eaning of the
words he reads! ,n the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too "uch, or without any learning
opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for hi"self!
0earning together is a fruitful source of relationship between children and parents! >y playing
together, parents learn "ore about their children and children learn "ore fro" their parents! Toys and
ga"es which both parents and children can share are an i"portant "eans of achie$ing this co6operation!
>uilding6bloc toys, 8igsaw pu--les and crosswords are good e#a"ples!
Parents $ary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children! So"e "ay
be especially strict in "oney "attersB others are se$ere o$er ti"es of co"ing ho"e at night, punctuality
for "eals or personal cleanliness! In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and
the $alues of the co""unity as "uch as the child(s own happiness and well6being!
Cith regard to the de$elop"ent of "oral standards in the growing child, consistency is $ery
i"portant in parental teaching! To forbid a thing one day and e#cuse it the ne#t is no foundation for
"orality! Also, parents should reali-e that /e#a"ple is better than preceptD! If they are hypocritical and
do not practise what they preach, their children "ay grow confused and e"otionally insecure when they
grow old enough to thin for the"sel$es, and reali-e they ha$e been, to so"e e#tent, decei$ed! A sudden
awareness of a "ared difference between their parents( ethics and their "orals can be a dangerous
=uestions )1! The principle underlying all treat"ent of de$elop"ental difficulties in children '''''!
A! is in the pro$ision of clocwor toys and trains
>! is to send the" to clinics
C! is to capture the" before they are sufficiently e#perienced
@! offers recapture of earlier e#periences
=uestions ))! 0earning to wait for things is successfully taught ''''''!
A! in spite of e#cessi$e de"ands being "ade >! only if e#cessi$e de"ands are a$oided
C! because e#cessi$e de"ands are not ad$isable @! is achie$ed successfully by all children
=uestions )1. The encourage"ent of children to achie$e new sills ''''''!
A! should be focused on only at school >! can ne$er be taen too far
C! will always assist their de$elop"ent @! should be balanced and "oderate
=uestions )2. Parental controls and discipline ''''''!
A! ser$e a dual purpose >! are designed to pro"ote the childAs happiness
C! reflect only the $alues of the co""unity @! should be a$oided as far as possible
=uestions )5. The practice of the rule /E#a"ple is better than preceptD ''''''!
A! only wors when the children grow old enough to thin for the"sel$es
>! would help a$oid the necessity for ethics and "orals
C! will free a child fro" disillusion when he grows up
@! is too difficult for all parents to e#ercise
=uestions )7. In the 1st paragraph, the author lays so"e e"phasis on the role of the '''''' in helping
the child in trouble!
A! psychiatrists >! co""unity C! fa"ily @! nursery
=uestions ):. The phrase Econforming toA in the )
paragraph "eans ''''''!
A! adapting to >! accepting C! agreeing with @! following
=uestions )<. The word EestA in the )
paragraph can be best replaced by ''''''!
A! appetite >! e#cite"ent C! enthusias" @! en8oy"ent
=uestions )9. The word EimposedA in the 2th paragraph is closest in "eaning to ''''''!
A! e#cepted >! introduced C! "ade @! constrained
=uestions 1;. Fypocrisy on the part of the parents "ay ''''''!
A! result in their childrenAs wrong beha$iour >! "ae their children lose faith in the"
C! dis?ualify their teachings altogether @! i"pair their childrenAs "ind
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
=uestion 11! +o "atter how hard I tried, I couldnAt open the door!
A! Try as hard as I "ight, I couldnAt open the door!
>! I tried hard to open the door!
C! It was difficult for "e to open the door!
@! I could open the door with difficulty!
=uestion 1)! /IsnAt it an interesting fil"GD
A! It is not an interesting fil", is itH C! Is it an interesting fil"H
>! It is not an interesting fil"! @! It is an interesting fil"!
=uestion 11! People say that he did it for his own sae!
A! Fe is said to do it for his own sae! C! Fe is said that he did it for his own sae!
>! Fe is said to ha$e done it for his own sae! @! It is said to do it for his own sae!
=uestion 12! It was a "istae for her to "arry Peter!
A! She and Peter werenAt "arried in the right way!
>! She shouldnAt ha$e "arried Peter!
C! Peter didnAt want to get "arried, so it was his "istae!
@! She ought to thin again before she "arries Peter!
=uestion 15! @onAt get angryG Ce are 8ust pulling your leg!
A! @onAt get angryG Ce are 8ust teasing you!
>! @onAt pull your leg when you are angry!
C! Pulling your leg "aes you angry!
@! @onAt get angry because we are ha$ing your leg pulled!
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best sentence made from the
gi!en words.
=uestion 17! youI entitleI dri$eI carI your dri$ing license! II
A! Jou are not entitled to dri$e a car with your dri$ing license!
>! Jou are not entitled to dri$e a car without your dri$ing license!
C! Jou do not entitle to dri$e a car without your dri$ing license!
@! Jou are not entitled to dri$ing a car without your dri$ing license!
=uestion 1:! thereI no pointI tryI e#plainI itI herI sheI incapableI understand!II
A! There is no point in trying e#plaining it to herB she is incapable to understand it!
>! There is no point trying to e#plain her to itB she is incapable in understanding it!
C! There is no point in trying to e#plaining it to herB she is incapable on understanding it!
@! There is no point trying to e#plain it to herB she is incapable of understanding it!
=uestion 1<! not untilI you I grow I understand I the "atter!II
A! It is not until you grow up that can you understand the "atter!
>! It is not until you grow up that you can understand the "atter!
C! +ot until you grow up that you can understand the "atter!
@! +ot until you grow up that can you understand the "atter!
=uestion 19! legendI that I teaI be$erageI disco$er I ):1:>!C!II
A! 0egend has it that tea as a be$erage was disco$ered in ):1:>!C!
>! 0egend said that tea was a be$erage was disco$ered in ):1:>!C!
C! 0egend told it that tea as a be$erage which disco$ered in ):1:>!C!
@! 0egend "aes it that tea was a be$erage disco$ered in ):1:>!C!
=uestion 2;! nu"berI factorI relateI $oiceI re$ealI personalityI speaer!II
A! The nu"ber of factors related to the $oice re$ealed the personality of the speaer!
>! A nu"ber of factors that related to the $oice re$ealing the personality of the speaer!
C! A nu"ber of factors related to the $oice re$eal the personality of the speaer!
@! The nu"ber of factors relating to the $oice re$ealed the personality of the speaer!
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
The ad$ent of the Internet "ay be one of the "ost i"portant technological de$elop"ents in
recent years! +e$er before ha$e so "any people had access to so "any different sources of infor"ation !
Kor all of the InternetAs ad$antages, howe$er, people are currently beco"ing aware of so"e of its
drawbacs and are looing for creati$e solutions! A"ong the current proble"s, which include a general
lac of reliability and nu"erous security concerns, the "ost crucial is speed!
Kirst of all, the Internet has grown $ery ?uicly! In 199;, only a few acade"ics had e$er heard of
the Internet! In 1997, o$er 5; "illion people used it! E$ery year, the nu"ber of people with access to the
Internet doubles! The rapid growth has been a proble"! The co"puter syste"s which run the Internet
ha$e not been able to eep up with the de"and! Also, so"eti"es, a re?uest for infor"ation "ust pass
through "any routing co"puters before the infor"ation can be obtained. A re?uest for infor"ation
"ade in Paris "ight ha$e to go through co"puters in +ew Jor, 0os Angeles and Toyo in order to
obtain the re?uired infor"ation! Conse?uently, the ser$ice is often slow and unpredictable! Ser$ice also
tends to be worse when the Internet is busiest 6 during the business day of the Cestern Fe"isphere 6
which is also when co"panies need its ser$ice the "ost!
So"e people are trying to harness the power of networed co"puters in such a way as to a$oid
this proble"! In 1995, a group of A"erican uni$ersities banded together to for" what has co"e to be
nown as Internet II! Internet II is a s"aller, "ore speciali-ed syste" intended for acade"ic use! Since it
is "ore speciali-ed, fewer users are allowed access! Conse?uently, the ti"e re?uired to recei$e
infor"ation has decreased!
>usinesses are beginning to e#plore a possible analogue to the Internet II! 4any businesses are
creating their own /IntranetsD! These are syste"s that can only be used by the "e"bers of the sa"e
co"pany! In theory, fewer users should translate into a faster syste"! Intranets are $ery useful for large
national and international co"panies whose branches need to share infor"ation! Another benefit of an
Intranet is an increased a"ount of security! Since only co"pany e"ployees ha$e access to the
infor"ation on the Intranet, their infor"ation is protected fro" co"petitors! Chile there is little doubt
that the Internet will e$entually be a fast and reliable ser$ice, industry and the acade"ic co""unity ha$e
taen their own steps toward "aing "ore practical global networs!
=uestion 21! According to the passage, which of the following is true of the InternetH
A! It tends to be unreliable!
>! It has created a sense of financial security!
C! It is too e#pensi$e to access!
@! It has beco"e increasingly less popular!
=uestion 2)! According to the passage, which of the following state"ents was true in 199;H
A! The Internet was a secure "eans to gain infor"ation!
>! The Internet e#perienced enor"ous growth rates!
C! Internet data pro$ed to be i"practical!
@! Kew people were using the Internet!
=uestion 21! According to the author, what is one reason why the Internet is so"eti"es slowH
A! Phone lines are often too busy with phone calls and fa# trans"issions to handle Internet traffic!
>! 4ost people do not ha$e co"puters that are fast enough to tae ad$antage of the Internet!
C! ,ften a re?uest "ust tra$el through "any co"puters before it reaches its final destination!
@! Scientists tae up too "uch ti"e on the Internet , thus slowing it down for e$eryone else!
=uestion 22! The word /obtainedD is closest in "eaning to ''''''''!
A! understood >! ac?uired C! purchased @! distributed
=uestion 25! The word /harnessD in line 15 is closest in "eaning to ''''''''!
A! utili-e >! disguise C! steal @! bloc
=uestion 27! According to the passage, what benefits does Internet II ha$e o$er the Internet H
A! There is no go$ern"ental inter$ention regulating Internet II!
>! S"all businesses pay higher pre"iu"s to access to the Internet!
C! Internet II contains "ore infor"ation than the Internet!
@! Internet II has fewer users and therefore is faster to access!
=uestion 2:! The word /analogueD in line ); "ost nearly "eans''''''''''!
A! si"ilarity >! alternati$e C! use @! solution
=uestion 2<! The word /theirD refers to ''''''''''!
A! co"petitors >! co"pany e"ployees C! Intranets @! co"panies
=uestion 29! Cith which of the following conclusions would the author probably agreeH
A! An Internet syste" with fewer users would be ?uicer!
>! Kewer acade"ic co""unities need to create their own Internet syste"s!
C! The technology used by Internet creators is too co"ple# for co"puter owners to understand!
@! Co"panies who de$elop their own Intranets are li"iting their infor"ation data base!
=uestion 5;! All of the following are ad$antages of business / "ntranetsD "entioned in the passage
A! they pro$ide a higher le$el of security!
>! they share infor"ation with other co"pany branches!
C! they are cheaper than other alternati$es!
@! they "o$e data faster!
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
=uestion 51 . JouA$e got to be '''''''certain before you decide!
A! deathly >! dead C! dearly @! badly
=uestion 5) . She spoe ?uietly to hi" ''''''' nobody else could hear a word!
A! so that >! although C! if @! because
=uestion 51. Ce saw the girl '''''''you say is beautiful!
A! who" >! who C! whose @! which
=uestion 52 . In the '''''''of proof, the police could not tae action against the "an!
A! lac >! shortage C! want @! absence
=uestion 55 . >y @ece"ber, Ti" '''''''enough "oney to buy a "ountain bie!
A! sa$es >! will sa$e C! has sa$ed @! will ha$e sa$ed
=uestion 57 . Ce need a lot "ore action and a lot ''''''' tal!
A! few >! fewer C! little @! less
=uestion 5: . As an adult, I a" independent '''''''"y parents financially!
A! on >! of C! out @! with
=uestion 5< . It is i"perati$e that e$ery parcel on board ''''''' before the flight!
A! be checed >! is checed C! "ust be checed @! were checed
=uestion 59 . Cho was the last one '''''''the classroo" yesterdayH
A! had left >! to lea$e C! left @! lea$ing
=uestion 7; . The Eiffel Tower is still'''''''! "an 6 "ade structures in the world!
A! a $ery high one >! highest one C! one of the highest @! the higher one
=uestion 71. ,nly if you pro"ise to study hard '''''''to help you!
A! agree I >! I agree C! I will agree @! will I agree
=uestion 7). ''''''' so aggressi$e, weAd get on "uch better!
A! If she werenAt >! CerenAt she C! She was not @! Fad she not
=uestion 71 . @ifferent cultures ''''''' drea"s in different ways!
A! associate >! interpret C! interfere @! e#press
=uestion 72 . 4a# is not a%n& '''''''driner but he lies a glass of wine occasionally!
A! addict >! drun C! hea$y @! obsessed
=uestion 75 . Although MohnAs grand"other passed away "any years ago, he still holds her in fond
A! nostalgia >! senti"ent C! "e"orial @! re"e"brance
=uestion 77. E"peror +ero of Egypt was one '''''''!ruler in history who was cruel to his sub8ects!
A! unusual >! e#ceptional C! infa"ous @! odd
=uestion 7: . This encyclopedia is no good. itAs co"pletely out of '''''''!
A! ti"e >! date C! age @! hours
=uestion 7< . >ecause of '''''''weather conditions, California has an ad$antage in the production of
fruits and $egetables!
A! fa$ourite >! fa$our C! fa$ourable @! fa$ourably
=uestion 79 . The fil" starts in half an hour! Ce really "ust be "aing '''''''
A! up for >! a "o$e C! belie$e @! "ess
=uestion :; . 0etAs not decide yet where to stop on the 8ourney N weAll 8ust play it by '''''''and see
how we feel!
A! lip >! eye C! ear @! hand
=uestion :1 . The delay to the flight was brought '''''''!by bad weather!
A! about >! in C! up @! down
=uestion :). Chen you do so"ething , you should '''''''!
A! weigh up the pros and cons C! go down well with
>! get through to @! turn o$er a new leaf
=uestion :1 . 4any old people donAt lie change! They are $ery set in their '''''''
A! ways >! routines C! habits @! life
=uestion :2 . IAll be '''''''! an English e#a" ne#t 4onday!
A! sitting %for& >! writing C! failing @! gi$ing
=uestion :5 . IA$e ne$er heard such '''''''! words fro" his "outh before!
A! unattracti$e >! terrible C! delightful @! cruel
=uestion :7 . /Could you lie to do so"ething tonightHD
N /'''''''''''''''''D
A! Sure! IAd lo$e to! C! +o, I hate it!
>! Jes, I do! @! Jes, itAs $ery e#pensi$e!
=uestion :: . /If only I hadnAt lent hi" all "y "oneyGD
N /'''''''''''''''''D
A! IA" afraid youAll ha$e to do it!
>! Cell, you did, so itAs no use crying o$er split "il!
C! All right !JouAll be ,9!
@! Sorry, I ha$e no idea!
=uestion :< . /ChatAs the "atterH Jou donAt loo $ery well!D
N /I feel a little '''''''''''''''''!D
A! out of the blue C! out of order
>! under the weather @! under the i"pression
=uestion :9 . /It worsG Thans for your helpGD
N /'''''''''''''''''D
A! Fey, thatAs what friends are for! C! JouAre right!
>! ,! Must be careful! @! ReallyH I donAt now if thatAs such a good idea!
=uestion <; . N /'''''''''''''''''D
/,h, than you! I 8ust got it yesterday!D
A! Chen ha$e you got this beautiful dressH
>! ThatAs a beautiful dress you ha$e onG
C! Fow a beautiful dress youAre wearingG
@! JouA$e 8ust bought this beautiful dress, ha$enAt youH

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