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Handicrafts are unique expressions and represent a culture, tradition and
heritage of a country. The Handicraft Industry is one of the important productive
sectors. Various attempts have been made to define this broad and diversified
industry. The following definition strives to cover diversity and complexity of
Handicraft Industry.
1.1 Defining Handicrafts:
1.1.1 efinition !ccording to "nited #ations $ducational, %cientific and &ultural
'rgani(ation )Information Technology &ommunity *"#$%&')IT&+ International
%ymposium on ,&rafts and the International Trade and &ustoms
&odification0, -anila, 1hilippines, 'ctober 1223/
Handicrafts can be defined as products which are produced either completely by
hand or with the help of tools. -echanical tools may be used as long as the
direct manual contribution of the artisan remains the most substantial component
of the finished product. Handicrafts are made from raw materials and can be
produced in unlimited numbers. %uch products can be utilitarian, aesthetic,
artistic, creative, culturally attached, decorative, functional, traditional, religiously
and socially symbolic and significant.
1.1.2 Definitin accrding t !"t. f India/
Handicraft can be defined, which is made by hand4 should have some artistic
value4 they may or may not have functional utility.
1.2 Indian Handicraft Ind#str$
&rafts are unique expressions that represent a culture, tradition and the heritage
of a country. India is well .nown for its exotic crafts legacy and tradition. It is the
land of art and crafts, a country of rich culture, history and traditions. ! wide
range of Indian &rafts represents the diversity of crafts tradition in India. Variety
of designs and finishes are available in Indian that reflects excellent
artistic s.ills of craftsmen are great in demand globally. India is one of the
important suppliers of handicrafts to the world The Indian handicrafts
industry is spread all over the country in rural and urban areas. Thousands of
s.illed artisans are engaged in crafts wor..
Handicrafts Industry is playing a ma5or role in the development of Indian
economy. This sector is economically important from the point of low capital
investment, high ratio of value addition, and high potential for export and foreign
exchange earnings for India.
!s per the latest updates, there are more than 67 million craftspeople in India
today engaged in the growth of Indian handicrafts industry. 8ew more details/
%econd largest employment sector in India, second only to !griculture.
-ore than 67 -illion craftspeople.
97: of exports turnover.
2 items dominate exports of handicrafts.
These nine items which have extra edge over other products include art metal
ware, wood ware, hand;printed textiles, hand;.notted and embroidered textiles,
leather goods, stoneware, carpets and floor coverings.

1.% T&e
I'(rtance f
T&e C#)t#ra)
Handicrafts play very
important role in
representing the
culture and traditions of
any country or region. Handicrafts are a substantial medium to preserve rich
traditional art, heritage and culture, traditional s.ills and talents which are
associated with people<s lifestyle and history.
T&e Ecn'ic I'(rtance:
Handicrafts are hugely important in terms of economic development. They
provide ample opportunities for employment even with low capital investments
and become a prominent medium for foreign earnings.
India is a country of rich culture, history and traditions. India is one of the ma5or
producer and supplier of Handicrafts products in the world. India has been ma5or
producer and supplier of handicrafts products since very long time. =efore the
industrial development, this art and industry was a potential economic advantage
for the country. uring recent years, the importance of handicrafts has been
surged due to their cultural and financial values. The small scale industries ;
including handicrafts can play a ma5or role in the development of the economy of
both developed and the developing countries equally. The 2>;2?: of the total
industrial products of the world is produced in small wor.shops run by less than
1>> people.
8or instance, @apan, which is at the pea. of the economic development,
has considered AB: of it<s industries as small and medium scale industries. In
countries such as India and &hina, handicrafts are as high as the mechani(ed
products in quality and volume, and are a ma5or source of their foreign earnings.
These countries are focusing on the development of handicraft industry, in order
to strengthen the economy. The Indian handicrafts industry is highly labor
intensive, cottage based and decentrali(ed industry. The industry is spread all
1.* Handicrafts: An O"er"ie+
over the country mainly in rural and urban areas. -ost of the manufacturing units
are located in rural and small towns, and there is huge potential in all
Indian cities and abroad. Handicraft industry is a ma5or source of income for rural
communities employing over six million artisans including a large number of
women and people belonging to the sections of the society.
The Handicraft sector is highly creative sector and produces large variety of
crafts products. This industry is locali(ed segment of the domestic and
international In India the production of craft products are done on both
large and small scale. =ecause of low capital investment people can start their
business on small scale. Through this flexibility the demand and supply can be
Though Indian Handicraft industry is considered a cottage industry, but it has
evolved as one of the ma5or revenue generator over the years. There has been
consistent growth of 1?: over
few years and the industry has evolved as one of the ma5or contributor for export
and foreign revenue generation.
There is huge demand for the Indian Handicraft products in both national and
international To match the demand and supply with quality, there is need
to have greater technological support and innovativeness with the uniqueness in
1.2 Handicrafts / -e$ Facts
India<s rich cultural diversity and heritage provides a unique and huge resource
developing craft products.
The Indian Handicraft Industry is showing continuous growth rate of 6>: every
year. Handicrafts industry is one of the important segments of decentrali(ed
sector in India.
-a5or parts of industry operates in rural and semi urban areas throughout the
and has potential Indian and International with around 93>>> exporters to
tap the
!ccording to the national census of handicrafts, underta.en by the #ational
&ouncil for
!pplied $conomic Cesearch the value of handicrafts produced last year were of
Cs.69,617 &rore.
This Industry provides huge employment opportunities to artisans that include
and people belonging to bac.ward and society. This is one of the ma5or
of income there.
The Indian Handicraft Industry is a D1>> billion industry worldwide.
India<s contribution in world is 1.6:
The total exports of crafts items/ ; Cs. 17B16.26 &rore.
Industry<s share in IndiaEs exports/; 1.?1 :
In spite of having diversified products, some part of Indian are still
and is price sensitive.
1roducts are high priced in big and metro cities, which are beyond, reach of
belonging middle and lower middle class.
&raft producers have to compete on price, quality and delivery for different
There is poor promotion for craft products in national
There is lac. of awareness about new traditions and among craftsmen and there
is need
of technological support and training.
Handicrafts industry comprises diversified products portfolio and there is large
available in Handicrafts products can be distinguished into following/
-etal ware, Food ware, Hand printed textiles, $mbroidered and crocheted
goods, %hawls,
&arpets, =amboo products, Gari goods, Imitation 5ewellery, 1aintings,
$arthenware, @ute
products, -arble %culpture, =ron(e %culpture, Heather 1roducts and other
1.3 Handicrafts Centers
Handicraft industry in India is spread throughout the country with greater concentration
in rural
and suburban areas of country.
.eta) +are and 4rn5e sc#)(t#re/
-a5or -anufacturing units are located in -oradabad, %ambhal, !ligarh, @odhpur,
@aipur, elhi, Than5avur, @agadhari etc.
6den art +are and sc#)(t#re/
-a5or -anufacturing units are located in %aharanpur, #agina, Hoshiarpur, %rinagar,
@aipur, @odhpur, =angalore, -ysore, =ehrampur etc.
E'7ridered ite':
-anufacturing "nits are located in Iutch, @aisalmer, =aroda,, @odhpur, !gra,
Iullu and %rinagar.
.ar7)e and sft stnes crafts:
!gra, -adras, =astar and @odhpur are famous for these craft products.
Pa(er Crafts:
These manufacturing units are located in places of Iashmir and @aipur.
Terractta #nits are located in state of -adhya 1radesh, Ca5asthan, and =astar.
Hand (rinted te8ti)es and scar"es:
!mroha, @odhpur, @aipur, 8arru.habad, =agru and %anganer consist of manufacturing
9ari and 5ari (rd#cts are manufactured at units located at %urat, !gra, Varanasi and
Imitation @ewelry/
1arts of elhi, -oradabad, %ambhal, @aipur and Iohima consist of manufacturing units
for these 5ewelry products.
Handicraft Industry has evolved as one of the ma5or
contributors for $xport and foreign earnings/
$xports of handicrafts including hand .nitted carpets during 6>>A;2 were Cs.17B16.26 &rore.
$xport items; !rt -etal wares, Food wares, Hand printed textiles, $mbroidered and
goods, %hawls as art wares, Gari goods, Imitation 5ewelry, &arpets, Heather products,
@ute products, 1aintings, =amboo products, $arthen ware, -arble %culpture, =ron(e
IndiaEs ma5or export mar.ets are "%!, Jermany, "I, 8rance and @apan, %audi !rabia,
and Italy etc.
1.: Pr7)e's f Indian &andicrafts
The mass;produced goods are steadily replacing utility items of daily use made by craftsmen.
Himited public awareness of the cost;effectiveness, functionality and range of craft products.
The urban consumer does not have access to many of the handicrafts products.
&rafts people are bound in their struggle for survival to money;lenders, traders or middlemen
credit and raw materials and they are obliged to sell their products to them at a minimal price
decreasing their interest towards the traditional arts and crafts.
Fomen struggling to enter the economic mainstream should be encouraged to use craft to
become wage earners, provided they are shown how to get access to the
1.; Crafts Cncentratin Areas
! wide range of handicrafts are produced across the country. Though, it<s difficult to name a
particular place for particular crafts, yet following places are listed for their particular crafts.
Crafts Areas
!rt -etal ware
-oradabad, %ambal, !ligarh, @odhpur,
@aipur, elhi, Cewari, Than5avur, -adras,
-andap, =eedar, Ierala K @agadhari,
Fooden &rafts
%aharanpur, #agina, Hoshiarpur,
%rinagar, !mritsar, @aipur, @odhpur,
@agdalpur, =angalore, -ysore,
&hennapatna, -adras, Ierala K
=ehrampur *F=+
Hand printed Textiles K %carves
!mroha, @odhpur, @aipur, 8arru.habad,
%agru K %anganer
$mbroidered goods Iutch *Ju5arat+, @aisalmer, =aroda,, @odhpur, !gra, !mritsar, Iullu,
harmshala ) &hamba K %rinagar
-arble K %oft %tone &rafts !gra, -adras, =aster, @odhpur
Terracotta !gra, -adras, =aster, @odhpur
Gari K Gari Joods Ca5asthan, -adras, =aster
Imitation @ewellery
elhi, -oradabad, %ambhal, @aipur,
Iohima *Tribal+
!rtistic Heather Joods lndore, Iolhapur, %hanti #i.etan *F=+
1.1< C#ntr$/+ise E8(rts f Handicrafts
Indian handicrafts products are exported worldwide. !rt lovers of far off countries love have
Indian handicrafts products.
!rt -etalware ".%.!., Jermany, ".I. K Italy
Fooden &rafts ".%.!., ".I., Jermany K 8rance
Hand printed Textiles K %carves ".%.!., ".I. , Jermany K &anada
$mbroidered goods ".%.!., %audi !rabia, ".I., Jermany
%hawls as !rt wares %audi !rabia, ".%.!. @apan K ".I
Gari K Gari Joods ".I. ".%.!., @apan K %audi !rabia
Imitation @ewellery ".%.!., ".I., %audi !rabia K Jermany
-iscellaneous Handicrafts ".%.!., Jermany, ".I. K 8rance
!s the world is changing with a fast pace, craft products exported from India to various
countries form a part of lifestyle products in international

Indian Handicraft Industry contributes very important role in Indian economy. 8or
the proper functioning and operation of industry it is very essential to have some
policies and regulation in place. In India, the -inistry 'f Textile is responsible for
the formulation of policy, planning, development, export promotion and regulation
of the Handicraft Industry. There are several other bodies and organi(ations
which help to formulate and execute these policies. !ll policies should be
implemented for the greater development of the whole industry so that it can help
to strengthen the economy.
1.11.1 Ind#stria) P)ic$:
There are no restrictions regarding location for establishing manufacturing units.
!ll producers of handicrafts are exempt from obtaining Industrial Hicense to
manufacture. The delicenced underta.ings, however, are required to file an
Industrial $ntrepreneur -emoranda *I$-+ in 1art E!E with the %ecretariat of
Industrial !ssistance *%I!+, and obtain an ac.nowledgment. #o further approval
1.11 R)e f g"ern'ent ()icies
is required.
1.11.2 Trade P)ic$:
Handicraft products fall under the IT& *H%+ code 23.
1aintings, drawings and paintings, domestic articles of wood etc. which come
under 23>1
'riginal engravings falling under 23>6
'riginal sculptures categori(ed under 23>7
1roducts under the code 23>B are freely importable.
Imports of items in 23>? are restricted.
1.12 Assciatins Organisatins
1.12 .1 A)) India Handicrafts 4ard
The !ll India Handicrafts =oard was originally set up in 12?6 to advise the
Jovernment on problems of handicrafts and to suggest measures for
improvement and development. The =oard was also required to study technical,
mar.eting, financial, organi(ational, artistic and other aspects of handicrafts and
to formulate plans on these lines. Its function also included advice and
assistance to the state Jovernments for planning and executing schemes for the
development of handicrafts.
1.12.2 State and Unin Territries
$ach %tate and "nion Territory has a department after the development
and promotion of handicrafts. -any states including, !runachal 1radesh,
aman , iu, elhi and Joa have public sector corporations for mar.eting
handicraft products. ! few state corporations dealing with small;scale industries
and other products have ta.en up mar.eting and export promotion of handicrafts.
=esides up direct exports, these corporations are also expected to guide
and help private exporters.
1.12.% Centra) Cr(ratins=4dies
0a1 The Handicrafts and Handlooms $xport &orporation of India *HH$&+ is a
subsidiary of the %tate Trading &orporation of India, and came into existence in
@une 1296. The corporationEs policy in the field of direct exports is designed to
develop new mar.ets and expand traditional ones and to introduce new products
suitable to the needs of the consumers abroad. The &orporation and
executes wholesale orders, conducts retail sale operations through retail shops
abroad, and participates and sells in ma5or exhibitions of the world. HH$& also
helps private exporters by affiliating them as business associates. It a
number of publicity and promotional measures for the export of handicrafts and
handloom products.
071 The &entral &ottage Industries &orporation, 1vt. Htd. is a registered society
which had ta.en over from the Indian &ooperative "nion. It runs the &entral
&ottage Industries $mporium *&&I$+ at @anpath, #ew elhi, the premier sales
organi(ation in Indian handicrafts. The &&I$ has branches at =ombay, &alcutta,
-adras and @aipur. &&I$ has grown by leaps and bounds in the successive

0c1 The !ll India Handloom 8abrics -ar.eting &ooperative %ociety Htd. ,*?9;?A
-ittal &hambers, ?th 8loor, #ariman 1oint, =ombay, India.+, is sponsored and
supported by the !ll India Handloom =oard. This &ooperative runs handloom
houses in =ombay, elhi, -adras, &alcutta, !hmedabad, &handigarh,
Hydrabad, $rna.ulam, Vadodara and Visha.apatnam. It also has branches
abroad in Hagos, %ingapore, Iualalumpore, #ew Lor., -auritius and Hamburg.
1.12.*A)) India Assciatins
India has !ll India 'rgani(ations for three of its most popular handicrafts items4
hand printed textiles, carpets and (ari. These !ssociations serve as a platform
for consultations among the manufacturers and exporters on one hand and the
Handicrafts =oard on the other. The =oard uses these !ssociations to
disseminate information useful to crafts.
0a1 !ll India &arpets -anufacturers !ssociation4 1ost =ox #o. 97, =hadohi,
istrict Varanasi, "ttar 1radesh, India.
071 !ll India 8ederation of Gari Industry4 %afe eposit &hambers, %urat, Ju5arat,
0c1 !ll India Textile Handprinting Industries 8ederation, 11>9 1rasad &hambers,
%wadeshi -ill $state, =ombay, India.
1.12.2 Scia)/ >)#ntar$ Organi5atins

! number of social organi(ations including non profit registered societies
and cooperatives support the field of handicrafts. Their principal aim is to provide
wor. to the poor craftsmen. -any of them run training cum production centres,
while others are concerned with mar.eting. &ertain voluntary organi(ations are
running Cegional Handicrafts Training Institutes for Fomen, under the !ll India
Handicrafts =oard.

0a1 Handicrafts TeacherEs Training &ollege *The !rts and &rafts %ociety+, !darsh
#agar, Forli, =ombay, India.
071 Cegional Training Institute of Handicrafts *=harat %eva. %ama5+, harwar,
-aharashtra, India.
0c1 Cegional Handicrafts Training Institute for Fomen, *!ndhra -ahila %abha+
Vidya #agar, "niversity Coad, Hydrabad, India.
0d1 Cegional Handicrafts Training Institute for Fomen, *Iarma Iutir+ 76
=allygunge 1alace, Iol.ata, Fest =engal, India.

1.1% E8i' P)ic$
1.1%.1 E8i' P)ic$ (ertaining t t&e &andicraft Sectr
!ll manufacturers of handicrafts are exempt from obtaining an industrial license
to manufacture. There are no restrictions regarding the location of the
manufacturing unit
1.1%.2C&aracteristics f Indian &and crafted ite's fr e8(rts:
They are quota free and neutral to fiber content or composition, barring
1>>: sil..
They include Jarments, -ade;up and clothing accessories.
!re produced in cottage industries.
%hould not have (ippers.
-ust be ornamented using any one or more of the following Indian fol.
Hand painting, Hand printing, =ati., Tie and ye, Ialam.ari.
Hand embroidery, &rocheting.
!ppliquM wor. of sequins, wooden or glass beads, shells, mirror,
ornamental motifs of textiles materials.
$xtra wrap of welt ornamentation of sil., art sil. or (ari threads.
%hould conform to shape and styles of each item as defined in the agreed
list of different countries.
%hould satisfy the dimensional aspects.
Cising trend of the export of handicrafts *other than hand .notted carpets+ was
merely Cs. 7A3.>> crores during the year of establishment of the &ouncil i.e.
12A9;A3 rose to level of Cs. 1>B9?.1B crores in year 6>>7;>B.
In the year 6>>1;6>>6 exports of handicrafts, excluding carpets, in the year
6>>1;6>>6 have reached Cs.9392.?> crores. This amounts to an average growth
of 1?: per year for past 1> years.
The government is planning to lower the threshold limit from Cs 1,>>> crore to Cs
6?> crore in selecting Ntowns of export excellenceE, in an attempt to boost exports
of certain goods with ma5or stress on handloom and handicrafts. !dded thrust will
be for the cottage and handicrafts sector. The government is considering
granting the benefits of export house status to export performance of Cs ? crore
in the preceding three licensing years from Cs 1? crore at present. In addition to
this, the commerce ministry is also considering allowing merchant exporters to
underta.e duty free import of embellishments) consumables.
1.1* E8(rt Pr'tin C#nci)s
1.1*.1 T&e A)) India Handicrafts 4ard : *Fest =loc. VII, C.I. 1uram,
#ew elhi; 11>>66+. This board acts as a &ommodity =oard for handicrafts and
has an $xport %ection with a eputy irector *$xports+ in charge. The =oard
collects and disseminates information, arranges exhibitions, sponsers sales and
study teams, and invites foreign buyers. The regional offices of the =oard handle
registration and process requests for any specific export promotion measures.
1.1*.2 T&e !e' and ,e+e))er$ E8(rt Pr'tin C#nci) : *;1?,
&ommerce &entre, Bth 8loor, Tardeo Coad, =ombay; B>>>>1+ The council aims
at providing facilities and incentives regarding the exports of pearls, precious and
semiprecious stones, diamonds and sythetic stones4 to assist in improving and
modernising of the 5ewellery craft of the country.

1.1*.%1T&e Hand)' E8(rt Pr'tin C#nci) : *167, -ount Coad,
-adras; 9>>>>9+ It superintends the export promotion of I#dian Handlooms in
the country.

1.1*.*1 T&e Handicrafts and Hand)'s E8(rt Cr(ratin f
India:0@awahar Vyapar =havan, !nex;I, Tolstoy -arg, #ew elhi 11>>>1+. !
government of India, it supplements the export efforts of the private
sector, besides exporting directly. It various export promotional and
developmental measures such as publicity and Indian participation in foreign
exhibitions, and invites reputed designers for advise and assistance. It also has
branches, showrooms and warehousing depots abroad.

1.1*.21 T&e Indian Instit#e f Freign Trade : *!sho.a =havan, 27
#ehru 1lace, #ew elhi; 11>>6B+. =esides training courses for export
executives, this Instiute carries out surveys of various mar.ets and publishes

1.1*. 31 T&e Trade De"e)('ent A#t&rit$ f India : *=an. of =aroda
=uilding, 19 1arliament %treet, #ew elhi; 11>>>1+. Handicrafts and garments
are included in itEs trade promotion activities among other items. It also has
offices in #ew Lor., 8ran.furt and To.yo. =esides inviting buyers, it arranges
buyer; seller meets in selected mar.ets.
1.1*.?1 T&e E8(rt Credit !#arantee Cr(ratin: *Head office/
$xpress Towers, 1>th 8loor, #ariman 1oint, =ombay;B>>>>1+. It provides export
credit intelligence and issues, covers against ris.s. It also has branches in elhi,
&alcutta, &hennai and &ochin.

1.1*.:1 T&e E8(rt Ins(ectin C#nci): *1B)1;b $r(a %teet, Forld Trade
&entre, &alcutta; 3>>>>1+. This &ouncil has especially been set up to ensure the
quality control and 1re; shipment !ct. The &ouncil has also set up a number of
$xport Inspection !gencies.

1.1*.;1 T&e Federatin f Indian E8(rt Organi5atin: *!llahabad
=an. =uilding, 13 1arliament %treet, #ew elhi;11>>>1+. It is a non profit
servicing institution, set up 5ointly by the Jovernment, industry and trade. 8I$' is
an apex forum coordinating and supplementing the institutions. It also gives
special attention to the export promotional activities of small sector including

1.1*.1<1 T&e Trade A#t&rit$ f India: *1ragati -aidan, #ew elhi;
11>>>1+ The T8! is an autonomous organi(ation established by the Jovernment
of India as a company. %tarted in -arch 1233 it has today become a highly
effective organi(ation giving a new orientation to the countryEs trade promotional
activities. It unifies policy direction, controls and implements programmes of
IndiaEs participation in fairs and exhibitions, both in India and abroad. Handicrafts
continue to receive the special attention of the T8!.
1.12 Freign I'(rt Offices
-any of the developed countries are trying to help others, specially the third
world countries. There exist special cell) organi(ations which promote trade
imports from other countries to theirs. -ost of these offices some or most of the
following services/
1. %tatistical information about their countries and mar.ets.
6. Information on sale opportunities.
7. Information on import requirements and procedures.
B. Information on mar.eting techniques and business practices.
?. Histing of wholesalers, agents, importers, distributors etc.
9. !rrangements for contracts when visiting the
3. Trade fairs and exhibition assistance.
A. 1ublication concerning the mar.ets.
2. #ames of buyers suppliers of a special product in specific quantities.
1>. Training programs.
11.8ree advertising of products in trade information bulletins4 also
circulation of product
'ffers to importers.
16. %eminars on trade promotion.
17.$stablishment of regional) national trade promotion centers and show rooms
for product
1B. 1roduct test centre.

A7# D#7ai /
1. !bu ubai &hamber of &ommerce and Industry4 1.'. =ox 996, !bu habi4
66BB2 Ti5ara $m.
6. 8ederation of "!$ &hambers of &ommerce K Industry. 1.'. =ox 7>1B, !bu
ubai, 7AA7 Jharaf $m.
Afg&anistan / !fghan &hambers of &ommerce K Industry, -ohmd. @ohn Ihan
Falt4 Iabul.
A#stra)ia / &onsulate Jeneral of India, 1?7, %treet, #orth %ydney #%F
A#stria / !ustrian 8ederal $conomic &hamber4 ept. of 8oreign Trade,
%tubenring 16, !;1>1>
>ienna / 8ederal %ection of &ommerce4 *'ffice of Trade 1olicy+,
17, !;1>1> Vienna.
4e)gi#' / =elgian 'ffice for 8oreign Trade, 196 =lvd $mile @acqmain, =;1>>>,
Canada / 1. &anadian &hambers of &ommerce, %uite 7>1;6>> $lgin %treet,
Toronto, 'uterio -@@ 1=3.
6. Trade 8acilitation 'ffice4 6>> 1romonade du portage, Hull. Ouebac, I1! 'JB.
C#7a / &uban &hamber of &ommerce, &alle 61 no. 991 $sq.. !. Vedado
&omara de &oercio de &uba Habana, &uba.
C&ec&s)"a@ia / 8oreign Trade &orporation for Import and $xport of &ultural
&ommodities4 7> Ve %urec.och, 1rana 6.
Den'ar@ / Import 1romotion 'ffice, anish &hamber of &ommerce, =orsen,
I; 1613, &openhagen I.
Eg$(t / 8ederation of $gyptian &hamber of &ommerce4 B -idan $l. 8ala.i,
Fin)and / 1. The 8innish 8oreign Trade !ssociation4 !r.adian.atu B; 9, 1.'. =ox
2>A, %f>>1>1 Helsin.i 1>.
6. The 8innish Import 1romotion4 Hapaun.atu B, %8; >>1>> Helsin.i 1>.
France / =ureau de $xpertations $trangeres, &entre 8rancais du &ommerce
$xterieur, 1> avenue dElena, 8; 3?3A7 1aris.
!reece / The !thens &hamber of &ommerce and Industry 3, !cademicans
%treet, !thens; 17B.
H#ngar$ / Hungarian &hamber of &ommerce4 V Iossuth ter 1 =udapest 1>9,
Indnesia /
1. Indian &ommittee of Iadin Indonesia4 Jedung -anggala wana =a.ti, @I.
Jatota %ubroto, %enayan, Ath 8loor, Coom #o. A>3, @a.arta.
6. Indonesian &hamber of &ommerce K Industry, Jedung &handra HT 6; 7; B @I
-H. Thamrin @a.arta.
Israe) / Israel &entre for Trade with eveloping &ountries4 &haim %treet, 1.'.
=ox #o. 6>>63, Tel;!viv.
Ita)$/ Istituto #a(ionale 1er IH &ommercio $stero *I&$+4 *#ational Institute for
8oreign Trade+, Via His(t 61, 1.'. =ox 1>>?3
,a(an / @apan $xternal Trade 'rgani(ation *@$TC'+, Toranomon 6;chome,
-inato;.u, To.yo 1>?.
.a)a$sia / -alaysian Handicrafts evelopment &orporation, -inistry of Hand K
Cegional evelopment, FI%-! IC!8T!#J!#, #o. 2, @alan Tun 1era., ?>>?>
Iuala Hampur.
.a#riti#s /
1. -auritius &hambers of &ommerce K Industry, 63 Coyal Coad, 1ort Houis.
6. The Indian Traders !ssociation, &orner of %ir F. #ewton K %treet,
1ort Houis.
7. The -auritius &hamber of -erchants, 63 &orderie %treet, 1ort Houis.
Ne(a) /
1. 8ederation of #epalese &hambers of &ommerceK Industry, Tripureswar, 1.'.
=ox #o. 692, Iathmandu.
6. #epal 8oreign Trade !ssociation, Ihichapo.hari 1.'. =ox #o.?B1,
7. Trade 1romotion &entre, 1ulchow., Halitpur, Iathmandu.
Net&er)ands / &entre for the 1romotion of Import from eveloping &ountries,
The #etherlands, 1. '. =ox #o.7>>>2, 7>>1 ! Cotterdam.
Ne+ 9ea)and / eveloping &ountries Haison "nit, epartment of Trade
KIndustry, =owen %tate =uilding, =owen %treet, Fellington.
Nr+a$ / #orwegian Import 1romotion 'ffice for 1roducts from eveloping
&ountries *#'CI-1'+, 1.'. =ox #o. 1AB3, $1 #; >>77, 'slo1 #orway 1.
P&i))i(ines / 1hilippines &hamber of Handicrafts, %unvar 1la(a -a.ati, -etro
-anila, 1hilippines.
P)and / 1olish &hamber of 8oreign Trade, Trebac.a B, 1.'. =ox #o. 791, 1H;
>> 2?> Farsaw.
R'ania / 'ffice for the 1romotin 'f 8oreign Trade Celations Fith eveloping
&ountries, &hamber of &ommerce K Industry 'f the Comania %ocl. Ceb, 66 =lvd
#. =alcescu, C; =ucharest 1.
Singa(re /
1. %ingapore 8ederation of &hamber of &ommerce, B3, Hill %treet;>7;>1 &hinese
&hamber 'f &ommerce =uilding, %ingapore.
6. %ingapore Indian &hamber of &ommerce, -axwell Coad, 1.'. =ox #o. 1>7A,
S+eden / Import 1romotion 'ffice for 1roducts from eveloping &ountries
*I-1'+, #orrmalmstorg 1, 1.'. =ox #o. 3?>A, %;1>726 %to..holm.
1. International trade &entre 1alais es #ational 1611 Jeneva 1>, %wit(erland.
6. 'ffice %uisse Eexpansion &ommerciale *'%$&+, *%wiss 'ffice for the
evelopment of Trade+, !venue de !vant; 1oste B, &H; 1>>1 Hausanne.
T#r@e$ / "nion &hambers of &ommerce, Industrial K &ommodity $xchange,
!true. Vulcoei, =a.anli.lor, !n.ara.
USA / &onfederation &olubiana de &amaras de &omerci, &'#8$&!-!C!%E,
!partado !ero 623?>, =ogota, &olumbia.
United -ingd' / ".I. Trade !gency for eveloping &ountries *"IT!+, Hondon
&hamber of &ommerce K Industry =uilding, 92 &annan %treet, Hondon.
Y#gs)a"ia / Lugoslav &hamber of $conomy, Ine( -iha5lova 1>, Lu11>>>,

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