Overtaking The Thought

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Overtaking the Thought-Realm

Many years ago I had a profound revelatory encounter in which I was shown the
Mississippi River. In the experience he was told of a significant application of this
river in the strategy of Heaven. It was portraying the River of the Spirit with specific
application to the Lord's plans for this nation.

Recently, I was given another experience in which I saw the Mississippi River again.
Only this time I also observed four evil spirits that were represented by crocodiles.
Although I was given a sharp sword to deal with these evil opposition's, I was
instructed to harness their mouths and render them powerless. I put a bridle on their
mouths and used their strength to move through the River at a great pace.

That in itself is a prophetic message to the church. Putting a bridle on our mouths can
help nullify many of the schemes of the adversary set against Christians through
words we speak. Oftentimes we articulate the plans of the enemy when our revelation
unknowingly comes from the second heaven rather than the third heaven where the
plans of God are formulated.

The River was originally intended for fruitful spiritual purposes. Unfortunately
counterfeit spiritual authority hijacked the high purpose of Heaven for the River and
the Lord is indicating His intent to take back possession of the River. According to
Psalms 74:13-14,

You divided the sea by your strength; you broke the heads of the sea monsters in
the waters. You crushed the heads of Leviathan; you gave him as food for the
creatures of the wilderness. (Psalms 74:13-14)

There is a present work of the Spirit to sanctify the gifts and callings of Heaven so
that they can be used for their ultimate destiny. Many of the false prophetic voices, the
occult and psychics to this generation actually possess genuine gifts that have not yet
been sanctified. Once purified, then the gift becomes food of the people. The same is
true for many musical and creative gifts that are being utilized in the world rather than
its highest purpose. The Lord is announcing His intent to redeem and reclaim those
spiritual endowments.

Authority is being given to pull down the strongholds, arguments and every high thing
that has set itself against the pure knowledge of God. This is the River that is to be
purified. The Bible declares,

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the
destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing
raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive
to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever
your obedience is complete. (2 Corinthians 10:4-6)

The weapons of our warfare empower us to refute unrighteous thoughts set against the
knowledge of God. Every proud and lofty imagination that is harnessed against the
true knowledge of God will be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. That
is the sanctification process presently unfolding.

Unrighteous thoughts do not merely consist of sinful actions that we perceive as
incorrect behavior. More fully, it includes any thought process we have that is not
consistent with the nature and character of God and His word. These are the
strongholds and dominions that attempt to taint our knowledge of God and the plan of
heaven for this generation. The Lord's thoughts for us are lofty and powerful we
must come into agreement with that perspective.

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