CV Form - Fsoft

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(Please be advised that all the fields marked with an * are compulsory)
Full name* : Nguyen Van A
Day of Birth* : 030!"#!!
$ender : %aleFemale
%arital &tatus : &ingle%arried
Address* : "' (h)i (h*nh + ,-ng ,a + ./ N0i
12mail* : nguyen3ana4gmail56om
7hone num8er* : 0#"'539:5;<!
7osition a==lied* : <Developer, Tester, Comtor, QA>
A==lied te6hnology* : <C/C++, Java, .NET>
.ow did you find out this 3a6an6y*>
www56areer5f=t2software56om ?ni3ersity@s forum Fa6e8ook Aahoo
Vietnamworks Bther forum Fsofter:
Co8 Fair Friends Bthers:
&trong skills*
7rogramming languagesDoles Dank (":8eginning :: eE=ert) %onths Aears of eE=erien6e
Ca3a " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
5N1( " # 3 9 : %onth (s) $%& Aear (s)
FFGG " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
7.7 " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
Android " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
1m8eded " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
%o8ile " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
(ester " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
Huality Assuran6e " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
Fomtor " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
Head Offie, HN !ra"#$ %&T !'ildi"(, D') Ta" *t., Ca' +ia) Distrit, Ha"oi, ,iet"am-
DN !ra"#$ %&T Da"a"( !'ildi"(, No.. /d., Da"a"( 0"d'strial 1o"e, A" Hai !a 2ard, *o" Tra Distrit, Da"a"(, ,iet Nam
HC3C !ra"#$ 4ot T5, D. street, Distrit 6, HC3C
BA " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
7% " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
Bthers: " ' 3 9 : %onth (s) Aear (s)
Foreign languages Dank (":8eginning :: eE=ert) Notes Iast ?sed
1nglish " ' ' 9 : (B1JF: :;0 '0"'
Ca=anese N: N9 N3 N' N"
Hi(#l) s7illed 0T professio"al 8it# t8o )ears professio"al e9perie"e i"l'di"( appliatio"
developme"t, impleme"tatio", deplo)me"t, i"ter"al a"d 'stomer s'pport.
Cooperative a"d a:le to perform 8it#i" a team;orie"ted atmosp#ere
E9elle"t E"(lis# omm'"iatio"
-atabases etc$ Orale < to .=(, 3)*Q4, *Q4 *erver 5==>;5==<
Pro.rammi/. La/ C?, *#are&oi"t, ,!, A*&, Java, &ro(ress, @34, @/HT34,
Java*ript/,!*ript, T;*Q4, C, C++
Pro.rammi/. Tools0 ,is'al *t'dio 5==>;5==<;5=.=, Elipse, Net:ea"
App server 1 Middle2are: 3irosoft 00*, Tomat, Apa#e
"rame2or3: .NET A.>, *tr'ts 5
Co/4i.uratio/ Ma/a.eme/t tools: ,**, C,*, *,N
5ro2sers: 0E <+, %irefo9 .=+, C#rome .=+
A-1P: O:Bet Orie"ted A"al)sis COOAD, O:Bet Orie"ted Desi(" COODD, O:Bet Orie"ted
&ro(rammi"( COO&D, E"ified 3odeli"( 4a"('a(e CE34D
perati/. Systems: 2i"do8s @&, 2i"do8s F, 4i"'9 /ed#at G
)ard2are0 0!3;ompati:le &erso"al Comp'ters C&e"ti'mD, A/3 3iro#ip
?ni3ersity* :
%aLor* :
$raduation month M year* : %%AA
%arks $7A* : '5<'9
(hesis to=i6 :
(hesis grade :
Head Offie, HN !ra"#$ %&T !'ildi"(, D') Ta" *t., Ca' +ia) Distrit, Ha"oi, ,iet"am-
DN !ra"#$ %&T Da"a"( !'ildi"(, No.. /d., Da"a"( 0"d'strial 1o"e, A" Hai !a 2ard, *o" Tra Distrit, Da"a"(, ,iet Nam
HC3C !ra"#$ 4ot T5, D. street, Distrit 6, HC3C
&6holarshi=s :
Fertifi6ates : %F(& + A==li6ation De3elo=ment Foundation (5N1( '50 FN '00:)
Bther training 6ourses :
At uni3ersity At 6om=any
7roLe6t@s name* ABFD1
Fustomer@s name
&tarting date* 0"2Can2'0"3 Finishing date:
(eam siOe : Aour role*: De3elo=er
7roLe6t des6ri=tions* De3elo= a we8 a==li6ation to manage human resour6e in a software 6om=any5 Jt
in6ludes following modules:
&taff management
Fontra6tor management
Fontra6t management
Aour res=onsi8ility M
DesignP 6oding and =erform unit testing on &taff management module
(e6hnologies ?sed 5N1( 35:P &HI &er3er '00!P V& '00!P CQuery
At uni3ersity At 6om=any
7roLe6t@s name* ABFD1
Fustomer@s name
&tarting date* 0"2Can2'0"3 Finishing date:
(eam siOe : Aour role*: De3elo=er
7roLe6t des6ri=tions* De3elo= a we8 a==li6ation to manage human resour6e in a software 6om=any5 Jt
in6ludes following modules:
&taff management
Fontra6tor management
Fontra6t management
Aour res=onsi8ility M
DesignP 6oding and =erform unit testing on &taff management module
(e6hnologies ?sed 5N1( 35:P &HI &er3er '00!P V& '00!P CQuery
#% 9R7I!*
Full2time 7art2time
&tarting date 0"2Can2'0"3 Finishing date :
Fom=any De=artment RAS
7osition De3elo= we8 a==li6ations K
Head Offie, HN !ra"#$ %&T !'ildi"(, D') Ta" *t., Ca' +ia) Distrit, Ha"oi, ,iet"am-
DN !ra"#$ %&T Da"a"( !'ildi"(, No.. /d., Da"a"( 0"d'strial 1o"e, A" Hai !a 2ard, *o" Tra Distrit, Da"a"(, ,iet Nam
HC3C !ra"#$ 4ot T5, D. street, Distrit 6, HC3C
Des=onsi8ilities De3elo= some 5N1( we8 a==li6ation toK
Aour a6hie3ements
Full2time 7art2time
&tarting date 0"2Can2'0"3 Finishing date :
Fom=any De=artment RAS
7osition De3elo= we8 a==li6ations K
Des=onsi8ilities De3elo= some 5N1( we8 a==li6ation toK
Aour a6hie3ements
A6ti3ity :
BrganiOer Io6ation :
Aour role :
Aour a6hie3ements :
9)( "PT S"T9ARE;
"5 Thy do you 6hoose F7( &oftware*>
Be6ause work in F7( &oftwareP J ha3e many o==ortunities for ad3an6ement5
'5 Thy do you a==ly for that =osition*>
J ha3e a =assion for =rogramming s=e6ial =rogramming 5N1(
35 That makes you think that you will su66eed in that =osition*>
.a3e a =assion to su66eed5
95 Jf you are re6ruitedP when 6an you start working*> (%% AAAA)
Jf you are re6ruitedP J 6an you start working 03'0"35
:5 .a3e you =arti6i=ated in F7( &oftware as a 6andidate*>
Aes Then: %%AAAA No
;5 Are you willing to work in:
.a Noi Da Nang .F% Fity
Head Offie, HN !ra"#$ %&T !'ildi"(, D') Ta" *t., Ca' +ia) Distrit, Ha"oi, ,iet"am-
DN !ra"#$ %&T Da"a"( !'ildi"(, No.. /d., Da"a"( 0"d'strial 1o"e, A" Hai !a 2ard, *o" Tra Distrit, Da"a"(, ,iet Nam
HC3C !ra"#$ 4ot T5, D. street, Distrit 6, HC3C

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