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Annotated Bibliography

Cawley, J., Frisvold, D., & Meyerhoefer, C. (2012). The Impact of Physical Education on
Obesity among Elementary School Children. Discussion Paper Series, 6807, 1-40.

This journal describes the Impacts of Physical Education on obesity among
Elementary School Children. It discusses the different aspects of physical
education and that when it is taken away it drastically increases the obesity rate in
children. It talks about how important the health of children is and that taking
away the recommended time of physical activity it can affect the way a child
learns and grows.

Daniels, S. R., Jacobson, M. S., McCrindle, B. W., Eckel, R. H., & Sanner, B. M. (2009,
March 30). American Heart Association Childhood Obesity Research Summit. American
Heart Association Childhood Obesity Research Summit. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from

This website has important statistics summarizing how childhood obesity in the
United States has quadrupled in 20 years. This statistic is staggering, if the
amount of children suffering from obesity has grown to such a high rate, why
does the prevention methods keep getting smaller? This website shows the scary
effects of childhood obesity, such as high blood pressure, increase risk of cancer,
and a shorter life expectancy.

NASPE National Standards for Physical Education. (n.d.). NASPE National Standards
for Physical Education. Retrieved April 3, 2014, from

This website is important when talking about physical education. This website
describes the requirements that are to be implemented and followed in schools.
One of the requirements is that children are supposed to get 60 minutes of
physical activity a day.

Stevelos, J. (n.d.). Obesity Action Coalition BULLYING, Bullycide and Childhood
Obesity. Obesity Action Coalition BULLYING Bullycide and Childhood Obesity
Comments. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from
This website talks about the emotion effects that obesity has on children,
especially bullying. Bullying has a huge impact on a childs self-esteem. When I
child doesnt feel good about him or herself it can lead to other problems such as

Sturm, R. (2004, December 15). Abstract. National Center for Biotechnology
Information. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from
This article talks about how obesity can effect children. It talks about how
childhood obesity can lead to obesity in adulthood.

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