UU News You Can Use: The Farewell Tour

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Page 1 UU News You can Use May 9, 2014

This Sunday at UUFW

This Sunday: May 18, 2014, 11:00 12:00
The Farewell Tour:
Honoring Jane and Paul Derrick

Religious Education: 9:45 AM
Nursery (Ages 0-4): Staffed by Natalie Allen
Pollywogs RE (Ages 4-7): Led by Joy Hayes-Gates
Phrogs (ages 8-11) and Youth (ages 12+): Led by Melissa Garn

Sunday Service: 11:00 AM

12:00 Farewell Reception 12:00 PM.
Please bring a refreshment item for the reception to follow this weeks service
celebrating UUFW founders and our dear friends, the Derricks.

Reminder: UUFW Board Meeting at 12:30 PM.

UUFW News www.uuwaco.org
UUFW Womens Group meeting. Wed, May 28 at 6:30-9:00 PM. POC: Jane Kittner

First Sundays Adult RE. In 2014, Bruce Allen is going to lead Adult RE from 9:45am to 10:40am on
the first Sunday of each month in 2014. We will meet in our newly refurbished sofa room. We are
going to start by using Marcus Borg's Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time to consider the
meaning of the life of Jesus of Nazareth (as understood from Dr. Borg's perspective on the historical
Jesus, rather than from the perspective of the Christ of faith from a traditional Christian perspective).
Of course, the goal of this venture is to see how a fresh perspective on Jesus relates to and possibly
enriches each of our unique UU faith journeys. If you have any questions, please email Bruce Allen at
bruce.allen@uuwaco.org .

Meals on Wheels: Every Wednesday and Friday. POC: Cheryl Foster, cheryl.foster@uuwaco.org

Childrens Religious Education Announcement.
The Religious Education Team has decided that childrens and youth RE will be on hiatus for the
summer beginning after Memorial Day. This means that we will have RE for children and youth
this Sunday, May 18, and a final lesson on Sunday, May 25
. After that there will be no childrens
RE classes until after Labor Day.
On first Sundays, if the adult class is meeting, we will have supervised playtime on the playground.
Please be aware that we will need volunteers to provide supervision.
We will have 3 Family Potluck Play nights- on the second Wednesdays of each month in June, July,
and August. Stay tuned for more details on these fun summer events for the family.
Page 2 UU News You can Use May 9, 2014
UUFW Directory
Your Guide to Leadership and Other Important Information at UUFW


The members of UUWaco covenant to be in right relations with one another, and our true covenant is
shown by our actions. Please feel free to speak with a board member if you have concerns about the
Fellowship. If your concern involves activities which are potentially unsafe or illegal, please contact a
member of the Board immediately.
Need help resolving a conflict at UU?
1. First, try to work it out respectfully with the person(s) in question.
2. If that fails, report the issue to the team lead in charge of the area (e.g., religious education,
social action, etc.).
3. If the conflict is still unresolved, report it to any member of the Board and request resolution via
the Right Relations Team.
4. The Board will create an ad hoc Right Relations Team (generally comprised of a small selection
of non-conflicted Board members) to review and respond to the issues raised. Non-board
members and/or outside persons may be included as appropriate.
5. Every effort will be made to create a Right Relations team agreeable to all parties.

2014 UUFW Leadership
The Leadership Roster has been finalized! Listed below are our board members, at-large
directors, and team leaders for 2014.

2014 Board of Directors
President - Mary Cunningham
President Elect - vacant
Secretary Shari Heino
Treasurer - Marty Van Wagner
ALD #1 - Joy Hayes-Gates
ALD #2- John Moody
ALD #3 - Becky Warren
Past-President - Bruce Allen

ALD #1 Team Chairs:
Adult Programs - Joy Hayes-Gates
RE Joy Hayes Gates
Worship - Kris Cervantes

ALD #2 Team Chairs:
Hospitality - Sheryl Huff
Membership - Joe Cunningham/Kris Cervantes

ALD #3 Team Chairs
Social Action - Becky Warren/Ashley Blinkhorn
Care Team - Marty Van Wagner
PR/Communication Joy Hayes-Gates

Reports to the Board:
House and Grounds - Lee Van Wagner/Joe
Finance - Jane Kittner
Ministerial Search Team - Kris Cervantes

Got a news item or announcement to share?
Send it by Wednesday at noon, at list@uuwaco.org.
Don't want to receive the weekly digest? Give us a heads-up and it's "as you wish" all the way.
Events and announcements should be brief (not in paragraph form). If further elaboration is necessary for a UUWaco
event, an article can be submitted to the website and a link will be provided from the weekly digest.

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