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PJC >o ol


1 Somot;m6s its diff cult to sws o\.{

$*:t,s*uEi.tq:ffi ffi ffi,ir'ii,"?:'{;TiflT,.ffi il

2 Cspitalists certainly sav il is a ooo.j thin^ t...-.-^r r-.-__-.,

mgt#*$**ti$*m'n#tj',u',re-ffi H 10

ilS.X:Ifi""1iffi ii;"if ;:":ls. i^i"-'.Tg''""'ffi !l#'?':3"';* ;:'.:";7fl:::

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allowecl democracy to,"r.p'."""!, unoorslanding "L;rx of olher culiuies and 15
3 Bul lho leglons ol demonslralors now afr,^
g j,mm,*:*iii;,#_#.f L3::Uffi ,,i:
tho g.ouh .r grrb"i J.-o;ii"l"I^u'9^11.:"' t'"0" unionists and;nti-capitaJi"r grouis
ptotulr" ff;|'.'i#:" j,i''lns, more problems lhan it sotv6s. Th6 streer
th6re is a"guin"iiJJi
i'- *nterence in seatue 20
srowins opp"ii,.iiil"irl"'[%!"';?"r".3:i3liil1j:" piov'e-i
4 Crilics say the West's gain has
been at tha Av.-^.^ ^r n^.-_.

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N6ws</1sss/02 _
\iT;F i{.:x":p; Gtoba sa on: what on

Asia's linancial crisis is stoking tho dobate over globatizaiion. lt can bo a whirlwind o1 irade
and invosirn€nt thal builds economios and spurs developmsnt ln €von lhe world's pooresl
na'lions. But ll can also bring oconomies low overnlght.

We at th6 Ovorseas Developmenl Council believe thal globalization ralses som6 ol lho most
importanl issuos tacing humanklnd today. W6 believg that these aro chsllongos that must
b€ addr€ss€d at tho high€st lovol and on a conlinuing basis. W6 propose a su-mmit mooting
ol a repr€s€ntatlve group ol world leaders to kick-start such a debate.

Globalization's 6tlocts have been overwhelmingly good. Spur.ed by unprecedented

liberalization, world trade continuos to expand lastor than overa globat economic output,
induciog a wav€ of productivity and efficioncy and croaling millio;s ol iobs, Even moro 10
impressivg is the slunning increase in int€rnalional invostmonl thai is building roads,
airports and lactories in poorer countri€s. ln tho j99os alono, foreign invostors poured gl
trillion into doveloping economies. This trade and lnvestment is raialng living standards in €
some countriss' laster than many thoughi possibte. Until recen y, it look at least two
genorations Ior living slandards to doublo, bul in China, living standards now double €very 15
1O years-

Bui wbilo globalization has €ised living standards for many, it has mado lile more difficun
for those dislocated by change and it th.eatens to leave part ol the world behind. lt js no
coincidonc€ that tho disappointjng economic pertormance in much of Sub_saharan Africa
reilects a failuro to iniegrate into the world economy and, lhus, to trade successtrllly and 20
atlracl investmenl

Th6 loremost challenge of globalization is therefore lo enslrre that its fruits oxtond to all
countries. Most torecasts say that economic grow,lh in the dev€toped world will conlinue to
slow, and that expanding markets in developing countries are neoded lo ensure that living
standards continue lo rise. 25
The second challenge ot gtobalization is to alay the fea. that tho groMh it brings
inherently destabilazing. The Asian crisis, threatenh'g some ot the most to-rmidable econbmic
competitors in the world, amplities lhsse fears- Neverthetess, lhe costs ol being lett behind
by globalization aro usually much groater than the loss€s caused by instability. (

_The third challeng€ ol gtobalization isio address the concern in weatthier nations that 30
international competition y/ill harm ljving standards. There is ampte evidence thar stagnant
wages in the United States and unemployment in Europe have other causes*technol;gicat
change, poor education, Europe,s infloxjbte labour markets, hlgh taxes anO an a-ging
workforce. But polls show more and more people believe the caus-es lie in worldwide
and investment. This undermines the kind of leadership needed to respond to the Asian 35
linancial crisis and deal with other gtobal problems.

The fou(h challenge ol globatization ls lo tackle the probtems complicated by expandod

trado and anvestment--environmental dsgradalion, disease, migration, cr;e
anct terrorlsm.
Our aiJrlity ro confront lhis set ot new, p6sr-Cotd Wu, *tfi i"-qriii g,uuru, gfobui
cooperation. There is no doubt lhat gtobatiza on ot trade
andinuestmuni hui in
w€akened the independence o{ national governments and made tite ieis preOictaOte 40
"ome-*ay" tor
many individuals. But lhose who woutd erect barriers lo traOe anC invlstmenl
recapture an €artier ora ol independ€nce conluso the cause and efl€ct
to try to
of gtobalizatio;, ln
pursuil ol higher tivrng stanoards, v./e have created lhis new wortd
oi qtOlt martets anC
lnstant Lommunicalion to deltver gains in eflici€ncy and co.npeti$on tiat
powers ol nalional governmenls. The goal is not io disenfranchise are beyond tho 45
the individual. bui to
d€t:v€r moro capirat and open more markers, si\ing ihe
rnorvrouat morg powgr .choicas,.
lo control his or h€r desliny.

!e- OioOoso fnat a gloOal economic summit bs h6td belore tho end ot 1999. Untike fh€
annuar summrl ot the G-7 induslrializgd countries.-an event that started 6sing its sense ol 50
*f*:^,: 9::199,9so-thts.salh.erins shoutd tnctude sou"rnrn"nt i""d"o tiom arr regrons
ot devotopmont. About two dozon governments woutd b€ €nouOh
ll9.l?u9l: to altow broad
panrciparron' whiro small enough for
a ro havo lnpui. the summit wo-uld oxamino lhe
cnalengos ot gtobalization and establish a lramelvork for ongoing
particlpanls. Preparation should be undsrtaken by gov"rr**ti, dlscusslon among tho
i"i".ir-i.""iorganizations 55
::9,.1?^::1,:"ll porsons. sroup,, which, after'tie
anarysrs tor the higl),lovel debato. "un-rrntt,
lnou-rl ionriril tA"d;
10 Tho challenges raised by globalizallon yleld no easy answers. They
strain the abititios of
nationai governments to contront them lnOeponOentty. Coffectiue corisiaeiail;n,
ol the proposed summit and som€ ongolng consuttative pro"-u"i-ilii-o"in the lorm 60
conf idence-buildingetfort. " "."i"1

TIME h . Expand th@ Dobalo on Gtobattza,ton

pApER A (S0 Merks)
(Nolo lhat 15 maik6 oi;i of SO wlll bo swsrded'tor your us€ o, languaga.)
Nots: Wh€n a qu€stion asks lor a0 answor lN YOUR OWN
POSSIBLE and you select the approprjate matetlat
trom ine falsage for your
answer, you must sti uso your own words,to express
gjven to answors, which only copy worOs or pnrases
it. Liille-;;€dit can be
trom ti,"'p"*"g".
Read ttaesago A and then answer the qusstions

Parcgraphs 2 and 3
'1. Briolly contrast
tho attitucies ol fh€ .capllalists, and "d€monstrators,
jrrpact of globalization. lowards the
Writo in your own words as lar as possible

Paraqrcpha 2,5,4,5 and 6

2. Supoorlers and critics ol globalization have presented

el€cls on our tives. State tteir views on the opposing vi€ws of its
beneriis and" jroblems of
in a summary or 130 words. n^"*"ir" v"ii'i*i'Jo,li" u" iu.
313":Jil*,o" ""
.l )

Paragraphs 3 and 4

4. What points do the China and Sub-Saharan African examples

illustrate? Answ€r
in your own words as far as

Pdrcgrapha 5,6,7 and I

5. ln your own words as far as oossiblo, ou ine ths four challonges posed by

Pardgraphs I and tO

6. Explain why, according to the writer, ti'Je c7 Summit failed whle a Olobat
economic summit could succeeci? I2l


7. Give the meaning of the following words aj :hey are usecl in the two passages.
You may write ihe answer in a word or a sir,..!i pbrase.

Passdge A

a) spearheading (line 2) .......... _.....

D b) coatition (line 1B).

Passage B

c) spurs (line 2). -....

d) unprecedented (iine B).

e) strain (line 58).

Appllcatlon Quostlon
Paaaagos A and B

. B. The writors raised a number ol concerns r$;ated to the impacl ol globalization on

our llves.
a) ldontify and discuss two such concerns that you believe lo b(' ol parlicular
r€levanco to your country.
b) Suggest and discuss ways in which you! counlry can best deal with them.

Draw appropriate informaiion lrom lhe lsxts. However, you should rcly largely on
your own relevanl ideas and experience ;n order to justjfy your answer. tgl

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