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THIS UNSECURED LOAN AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as o the !"
da# o $%&#'()!* +#
M,s-.................. re/resented +# ................... and +et0een' M,s- .......................
re/resented +# Mr-.................. 0ith a /rin1i/a& +%siness address &o1ited at Under .............
........................................................................ (the "Lender2)' and M,s .......
............' 0ith a /rin1i/a& +%siness address &o1ated at ....................................' (the"3orro0er22)-
4HEREAS'the 3orro0er 0ishes to +orro0 rom the Lender' and the Lender 0ishes to &end to the 3orro0er %/ to the s%m
o EURO ())MLN (EURO T0o h%ndred Mi&&ion)-
4HEREAS' The 3orro0er and the Lender 0ish to memoria&i5e terms o s%1h &oans to set orth their m%t%a& %nderstanding
0ith res/e1t to ho0 the re/a#ment o s%1h amo%nts sha&& +e a11om/&ished-
NO4 THERE6ORE' the /arties here+# set orth their %nderstanding as o&&o0s7
!- Loan- S%+8e1t to and %/on the terms and 1onditions herein set orth' the Lender sha&& &end to the 3orro0er and the
+orro0er sha&& +orro0 rom the Lender as Unse1%red Loan %/ to the s%m o EURO !)) MLN (EURO H%ndred Mi&&on) in
the irst tran1he o&&o0ed +# the other t0o Dis/esments-
(- Note- A&& +orro0ings here%nder sha&& +e e9iden1ed +# a /romissor# note to the order o the Lender s%+stantia&&# in the
orm o E:hi+it A hereto (the ;Note<)' in the aggregate /rin1i/a& amo%nt o %/ to o EURO ()) MLN (EURO T0o
H%ndred Mi&&ion)- The Note sha&& +e /a#a+&e o9er 6i9e #ears ten%re 0ith a&& o%tstanding /rin1i/a& /a#a+&e at mat%rit# o the
Note- The Unse1%red Loan sha&& 1arr# Interest at rate o Ei+or = +/s' /a#a+&e e9er#> months- (The 3orro0er sha&& ha9e the
right to re/a# a&& or an# /art o the o%tstanding /rin1i/a& +a&an1e o the Note 0itho%t /ena&t#)
*- Further Assurances- The 3orro0er sha&&' at its so&e 1ost and e:/ense' %/on re?%est o the Lender' d%&# e:e1%te and
de&i9er to the Lender s%1h %rther a1ts' as ma#+e ne1essar# or /ro/er in the o/inion o the &ender to 1arr# o%t the /ro9isions
and /%r/oses o this Agreement-
@-Modification and Waiver- No modii1ation or 0ai9er o an# /ro9ision o the Note or o this Agreement and no 1onsent
+# the Lender to an# de/art%re thererom +# the 3orro0er sha&& +e ee1ti9e %n&ess s%1h modii1ation or 0ai9er sha&& +e in
0riting and signed +# the Lender' and the same sha&& then +e ee1ti9e on&# or the /eriod' on the 1onditions and or the
s/e1ii1 instan1es and /%r/oses s/e1iied in s%1h 0riting No noti1e to or demand on the 3orro0er in an# 1ase sha&& entit&e
the 3orro0er to an# other or %rther noti1e % demanding simi&ar or other 1ir1%mstan1es-
>- Appica!e La"- The Note and this Agreement sha&& +e 1onst%red in a11ordan1e 0ith and go9erned +# the &a0s o
3ritish Airgin Is&and-
B- Notices- A&& noti1es' re?%ests' demands'or other 1omm%ni1ations /ro9ided or herein sha&& +e in 0riting and sha&& +e
deemed to ha9e +een gi9en 0hen sent +# registered or 1ertiied mai& ret%rn re1ei/t re?%ested' addressed to the /arties'at the
addresses set orth a+o9e' or to s%1h other address as either /at# sha&& designate to the other rom time to time in 0riting
or0arded in &iCe manner-
D- Captions- The 1a/tions o the 9ario%s se1tions and /aragra/hs o this Ageement ha9e +een inserted on&# or the /ro/oses
o 1on9enien1eE s%1h 1a/tions are not a /art o this Agreement and sha&& not +e deemed in an# manner to modi#' e:/&ain'
en&arge' or restri1t an# o the /ro9isions o this Agreement-
F- 3eneit o Agreement- This Agreement sha&& +e +inding %/on and in%re to the +eneit o the 3orro0er and the Lender and
their s%11essors and assigners' and a&& s%+se?%ent ho&der o the Note-
(e) I the 3orro0er sha&& +e ad8%dged a +anCr%/tE or a 1o%rt o 1om/etent 8%risdi1tion sha&& enter an order' 8%dgment'or
de1ree a//ointing re1ei9er' tr%stee' &i?%idator' or 1onser9ator o the 3orro0er or o the 0ho&e or an# s%+stantia& /art o its
/ro/ert#'or a//ro9e a /etition i&ed against the 3orro0er seeCing reorgani5ation or simi&ar re&ie %nder the United States
edera& +anCr%/t1# &a0s or an# simi&ar &a0 or stat%te o an# state or 1o%ntr#' or i' %nder the /ro9isions o an# other &a0
or the re&ie and aid o de+tors'a 1o%rt o 1om/etent 8%risdi1tion sha&& ass%me 1%stod# to 1ontro& o the 3orro0er or o the
or 0ho&e or an# s%+stantia& /art o its /ro/ert#E or i there is 1ommen1ed against 3orro0er an# /ro1eeding or an# o the
oregoing re&ie or i a /etition in +anCr%/t1# is he&d against the 3orro0er and s%1h /ro1eeding or /etition remains
%ndismissed or %nsta#ed or a /eriod o T0o H%ndred 6ort# ((@)) da#sE or i the 3orro0er +# an# a1t indi1ates is
1onsent to' a//ro9a& o or a1?%ies1en1e in an# s%1h /ro1eeding or /etitionE
(D) I an# 8%dgment against the 3orro0er or an# atta1hment or e:e1%tion against an# o its /ro/ert# or an# amo%nt in
e:1ess o EURO ") MLN (EURO 6it# Mi&&on) remains %n/aid'%nsta#ed'or %ndismissed or a /eriod o more than *>)
(Three H%ndred G Si:t# da#sE or
@-( Suits for Enforce#ent' I an# one or more E9ents o Dea%&t sha&& o11%r and +e 1ontin%ing' the Lender ma# /ro1eed to
/rote1t and enor1e its rights or remedies either +# s%it in e?%it# or +# a1tion at &a0' or +oth' 0hether or the s/e1ii1
/erorman1e o an# 1o9enant' agreement or other /ro9ision 1om+ined herein' in the Note' or in an# do1%ment or instr%ment
de&i9ered in 1onne1tion 0ith or /%rs%ant to this Agreement'or to enor1e the /a#ment o the Note or an# other &ega& or
e?%ita+&e right or remed#-
@-* Ri$hts and Re#edies Cu#uative% No right or remed# herein 1onerred %/on the Lender is intended to +e e:1&%si9e o
an# other right or remed# 1ontained herein' in the Note' or in an# instr%ment or do1%ment de&i9ered in 1onne1tion 0ith or
/%rs%ant to this Agreement' and e9er# s%1h right or remed# sha&& +e 1%m%&ati9e and sha&& +e in addition to e9er# other s%1h
right or remed# 1ontained herein and therein or no0 or hereater e:isting d &a0 m in e?%it# or +# stat%te' or other0ise-
@-@ Ri$hts ard Re#edies Not 4ai9ed- No 1o%rse o dea&ing +et0een the 3orro0er and the Lender or an# ai&%re or de&a#
on the /art o the Lender in e:er1ising an# rights or remedies here%nder sha&& o/erate as a 0ai9er o an# rights or remedies
o the Lender and no sing&e a /artia& e:er1ise o an# rights or remedies here %nder sha&& o/erate as a 0ai9er or /re1ede the
e:er1ise o an# other rights or remedies here%nder-
Event of Defaut
@-! Events of Defaut& I an# one or more o the o&&o0ing e9ents ("E9ents o Dea%&t) sha&& o11%r and +e 1ontin%ing (and
0hether s%1h o11%rren1e sha&& +e 9o&%ntar# or in9o&%ntar# or 1ome a+o%t or +e ee1ted +# o/eration o &a0s /%rs%ant to or
in 1om/&ian1e 0ith an# 8%dgment' de1ree' tr order o an# 1o%rt or an# order' r%&e' or reg%&ation o an# administrati9e or
go9ernmenta& +od#)' the Lender ma#' its o/tion' de1&are the Note to +e immediate&# d%e and /a#a+&e'0here %/on the
mat%rit# o the then %n/aid +a&an1e o the Note sha&& +e a11e&erated and the same' together 0ith a&& interest a11r%ed thereon'
sha&& orth0ith +e1ome d%e and /a#a+&e 0itho%t resentment' demand'/rotest' or noti1e o an# Cind' a&& o 0hi1h are here+#
e:/ress&# 0ai9ed' an#thing 1ontained herein or in the Note to the 1ontrar# not 0ithstanding-
(a) I dea%&t sha&& +e made in /a#ment o the /rin1i/a& or interest %nder the Note' 0hen and as the same sha&& +e1ome d%e
and /a#a+&e'0hether at mat%rit#' +# a11e&eration'or other0iseE
(+) I dea%&t sha&& +e made in the /erorman1e or o+ser9an1e o' or sha&& o11%r %nder' an# 1o9enant' agreement' 1r other
/ro9ision o this Agreement or in an# instr%ment or do1%ment de&i9ered to the &ender in 1orre1tion 0ith or /%rs%ant to this
Agreement' or i an# s%1h instr%ment or do1%ment sha&& term ha9e or +e1ome 9oid or %nenor1ea+&e 0itho%t the 9nitten
1onsent o the Lender-
(1) I an# re/resentation or 0arrant# or an# other statement o a1t herein or in an# 0riting 1ertii1ate' re/ort' or statement at
an# time %rnished to the &ender /%rs%ant to or in 1orre1tion 0ith this Agreement' or other0ise' sha&& +e a&se or mis&eading
in an# materia& res/e1tE
(d) I the 3orro0er sha&& admit in 0riting its ina+i&it# to /a# its de+ts genera&&# as the# +e1ome d%e' i&e a /etition in
+anCr%/t1# or a /etition to taCe ad9antage o an# inso&9en1#' maCe an assignment or the +eneit o 1reditorsE 1ommen1e a
/ro1eeding or the a//ointment o a re1ei9er' tr%stee' &i?%idator' or 1onser9ator o itse& or o a 0ho&e or an# s%+stantia& /art
o its /ro/ert# i&e a /etition or ans0er seeCing reorgani5ation or arrangement or simi&ar re&ie %nder the United states
edera& +anCr%/t1# &a0s or an# simi&ar &a0 or stat%te o an# state or 1o%ntr#7
!)- E'ecution in Counterparts- This Agreement ma# +e e:e1%ted in 1o%nter/arts' a&& o 0hi1h taCen together sha&& +e
deemed one origina&-
!!- USE of (roceeds7 The Hro1eed 0i&& +e %sed +# the 1om/an# or its 4orCing Ca/ita& re?%ired Co%/&ed 0ith Inorgani1
gro0th 0hi1h the 1om/an# /&ans to do G the same is iss%es or 1or/orate /%r/oses-
IN 4TINESS 4HEREO6'the /arties hereto ha9e set their hands and sea&s as o the da# and #ear irst set orth a+o9e-
I' Mr-....................' (A%thori5ed Signator#)o M,s-......................................' /romise to
/a# M,s-................................................. or its order'ater"(6i9e)Iears the s%m o EURO ())
Mi&&ion (EURO()) Mi&&ion) 0itho%t interest or 9a&%e re1ei9ed-
Date 7
S%+ 7 Hro/osa& or in9estment in o%r Hro8e1t
Dear Sir'
4e %nderstand rom re&ia+&e so%r1e that #o% /ro9ide %nding in Hro8e1t , 4orCing Ca/ita&' thereore'0e are en1&osing o%r
Hro8e1t, 4orCing Ca/ita& s%mmar# 0ith the tota& %nd re?%irement o EURO ()) Mi&&ion or #o%r 1onsideration o
Hresent&# 0e need %nding in the amo%nt EURO!)) mi&&ion or o%r aoresaid Hro8e1t, 4orCing Ca/ita&-
As desired +# #o% 0e are a&so en1&osing o%r CIS 0hi1h 0e tr%st #o% 0i&& ind in order- On re1ei9ing #o%r 1onirmation ,
san1tion o %nding o the a+o9e in Hro8e1t, 4orCing Ca/ita&' 0e 0o%&d re?%est #o% send %s the Agreement to +e signed and
e:e1%ted +et0een %s' 0herein the /ro1ed%re sho%&d +e set o%t or transer o %nds san1tioned +# #o% thro%gh s0it rom
3anC to 3anC-
Io%rs aith%&&#'
6or EURO a11o%nt


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