12 CSE Syllabus 2012 13

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B.Tech Programme
(3rd to 8th Semester)
(Declared U/S 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Effective From
Academic Session 2012-13
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 1 )
(3rd and 4th Semesters)
(Effective from 2011 Admission Batch)
Semester 4
MA201T Mathematics III 3-1-0 4 MA202T Mathematics IV 3-1-0 4

Engineering Economics
Organisational Behavior
3-0-0 3

Organisational Behavior
Engineering Economics
3-0-0 3
Analogue & Digital
Electronic Circuits
3-1-0 4 CS203T Computer Architecture 3-1-0 4
EE201T Network Theory 3-1-0 4 CS204T Operating Systems 3-1-0 4
CS201T Data Structures 3-0-0 3 CS205T
Object Oriented
Programming Structure
3-0-0 3
CS202T Computer Organization 3-0-0 3 MA203T
Discrete Mathematical
3-0-0 3
Total 21 Total 21
CS201P Data Structure Lab 0-0-3 2 CS203P
Numerical Methods
using MATLAB
0-0-3 2
Computer Organization
0-0-3 2 CS204P Operating Systems Lab 0-0-3 2
EC203P ADEC Lab 0-0-3 2 CS205P OOPS Lab 0-0-3 2
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 27 Grand Total 27
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 2 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series, Functions of any period p = 2L, Even and odd functions, Half-range expansions,
Fourier Integrals, Fourier Cosine and Sine Transforms.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Partial Differential Equations: Basic Concepts, Modeling, Vibrating string, Wave equation, Separation of
variables, Use of Fourier Series, D'Alembert's Solution of the wave equation, Heat Equation : Solution by
Fourier series, Two-Dimensional wave equation, Rectangular membrane, Use of double Fourier series, Laplacian
in Polar coordinates, Solution by Laplace Transform method.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Complex Analysis (I): Introduction of Complex Numbers, Derivative, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann
Equations, Laplace's Equation, Geometry of Analytic Functions : Conformal Mapping, Exponential Function,
Trigonometric Functions, Hyperbolic Functions, Logarithm, General Power, Linear Fractional Transformations,
Line Integral in the Complex plane, Cauchy's Integral theorem, Cauchy's Integral formula, Derivatives of Analytic
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Complex Analysis (II): Taylor's series and Maclaurin series, Laurent's series, Zeros and Singularities, Point at
infinity, Residue Integration Method, Evaluation of real integrals, General properties of Harmonic Functions.
Text Book:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E Kreyszig (John Wiley), 8th Edition.
Reference Book:
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B.V.Ramana, Tata Mc Graw Hill, (2007)
Module-I (10 hrs)
Engineering Economics - Meaning, Nature and Scope of Engineering, Economics, Economics Applied to Industrial
Demand - Demand Function, Law of Demand; Elasicity of Demand, Methods of Measuring Price Elasticity of
Demand: The concept Supply, and Law of Supply.
Module-II (6 hrs)
Economics Applied to Industrial Production and Cost - Production Function, Law of Variable Proportion, Laws
of Return to Scale.
Module-III (6 hrs)
Cost Funstion, Short - run and long-run cost functions; Input-output Models - Open and Models: Break - Even
Analysis - Liner and non-liner analysis.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Evaluation of Engineering Projects - Time Value of Money, NPV, IPR, BCR, PBP methods of evaluating single
and alternative projects, Replacement Analysis, Depreclation Analysis.
Text Book :
1. P. A. Samueison and W.D. Nordhaus, Economics, TMH.
2. P. Cassimatis, A Concise Introduction to Enggineering Economics, Unwin Hyman Publication.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 3 )
3. D. Hay and Marris, Industrial Economics, Oxford University Press.
4. Thuesen & Fabrycky, Engineering Economy, PHI.
Module-I (6 hrs)
The study of Organizational Behaviour: Learning objective, Definition and Meaning, Benefits of studying OB, OB
Model and New Challenges of OB in the context of Business Globalization.
Learning- Nature of Learning, How Learning occurs, Learning and OB.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Perception-Meaning and Definition, Perceptual Process, Importance of perception in OB, Attitudes, Values and
Ethics, Motivation- Nature and Importance, Herzberg's Two factor theory, Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory,
Alderfer's ERG Theory, Theory X & Theory Y, Evaluations, Emotional intelligence, Creativity.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Foundations of individual Behaviour: Personality-Meaning and definition, Determinants of Personality, Personality
Traits, Personality and OB, Johari window, MBTI.
Organizational Behaviour Process : Communication-Importance, Types, Gateways and Barriers to
communication, Communication as a tool for improving Interpersonal Effectiveness, Group Dynamics and Team
Building, Leadership.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Conflict- Nature of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, Problem Solving.
Organization Culture- Definition, Functions, Creating and sustaining culture. How employees learn culture,
Creating an ethical organizational culture.
Organizational Change and Development-Importance of change, Planned Change and OD Techniques, Case
Text Book :
1. Organizational Behaviour, Quick, by James C & Nelson Debra L. Cengage Learning
2. Organizational Behaviour, by Robbins Stephen, Pearson
3. Organizational Behaviour, by K. Aswathappa, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Organizational Behaviour by Keith Davis, Mc Graw Hill.
5. Understanding Organizational Behaviour by Udai Pareek Oxford University Press.
Module-I (10 hrs)
DC Biasing of BJTs and FETs : Load lines, Operating point, Voltage divider bias, Bias stabilization., Small
Signal Modelling of BJT and Analysis: The remodel, Hybrid Model, Graphical determination of h-parameters.
Low Frequency Small Signal Analysis of CE & CC Circuits, Small signal modelling and analysis of CS.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Number systems and Codes (review). Complements (r's complement and r-1's complement), Signed binary
numbers, 1's complement and 2's complement arithmetic, binary codes - BCD code, Gray code, ASCII character
codes, Hamming code., Minimization: Canonical and Standard Forms; Minterms and Maxterms. Gate level
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 4 )
minimization; K-maps (upto 5 variables); SOP & POS and its simplification; Don't Care Condition., Implementation:
NAND, NOR implementation of Boolean function, Parity generation and checking, introduction to HDL.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Ideal Operational Amplifiers : Differential and Common Mode Operation, Equivalent circuit, Analysis of
Inverting and Non-Inverting Circuits, Practical Opamps: DC Offset Parameters, Frequency Parameters, Gain-
Bandwidth Curve. Active filters of first order (Low pass, High pass and Band pass)., Feedback and Oscillators
circuits using BJTs: Feedback concept, types of feedback circuits, Practical feedback circuits, Effects of
negative feedback, Barkhausen criterion of oscillation. Oscillator operation, RC Phase shift oscillator.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Combinational Logic : Combinational circuits, Analysis and Design Procedure, Binary adder, Subtractor,
Multiplier, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, HDL for Combinational Circuits. Design of Combinational Circuits
using HDL, Synchronous Sequential Logic. Sequential Circuits, Latches, Flip Flops, HDL for Sequential Circuits,
Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Modulo-n Counters, HDL for Registers and Counters.
Text Book :
1. Robert L. Boylestad and Lowis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 8th Edition,
Pearson Publication.
2. M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education.
References Books :
1. Floyd Digital Fundamentals, 8th Edition, Pearson Education.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Review of Thevenin's & Norton's theorem with and without dependent sources, Maximum power transfer theorem,
Reciprocity theorem, Millman's theorem, Tellegen's theorem, Topological description of networks.
Coupled Circuits : Dot Convention for representing coupled circuits, coefficient of coupling, Loop analysis of
coupled circuits, Tuned coupled circuit.
Transients : Study of RL, RC and RLC networks by Laplace transform method with DC and AC excitation,
Response to step, impulse and ramp inputs in s-domain.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Two port networks: Z, Y, h & ABCD parameters, T & Pi networks, Series, Parallel and Cascade connection of
two port networks, Reciprocity and symmetry condition in two port networks, Image and iterative impedances,
Network Functions & Response: Concept of complex frequency, driving point and transfer functions for one port
and two port networks, poles and zeroes of network function, restrictions on locations of poles and zeros of a
network function, Impulse response and complete response, Time domain behavior from pole zero plot.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Resonance : Resonance in series and parallel circuit, Q-factor, Bandwidth
Filters : Design of low pass, high pass, band pass and band elimination filters both Passive and Active Filters
(First order)
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Network synthesis:
Driving Point functions, Hurwitz polynomial, Positive real function, Foster's & Cauer form of synthesis of LC, RC
and RL networks.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 5 )
Text Book :
1. Electrical Networks, by Alexander & Sadiku, TMH Publisher.
2. Network Synthesis, by M.E. Van Valkenberg, PHI Publisher.
References Books :
1. Network Analysis, by M.E. Van Valkenberg, PHI Publisher
2. A Course in Electrical Circuits and Analysis, by M.L. Soni, J.C. Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publication
3. Network Analysis & Synthesis, by S P Ghose and A. K. Chakraborty, TMH.
ModuleI (6 hrs)
Introduction to data structures, ADT, Algorithms, Time and Space complexity. Arrays: Address calculation, row
major order and column order major representation. Sparse matrix: 3-tuple representation of sparse matrix,
transpose of sparse matrix, addition of two sparse matrices.
ModuleII (8 hrs)
Linked lists: Single linked lists and its operations, Double linked lists and its operations, circular single/double
linked list, linked list with header nodes. Polynomials and their operations (addition and multiplication). Stacks
and Queues: representation using array & linked list, operations and their applications (infix to postfix conversion,
postfix expression evaluation), Dynamic storage management-garbage collection and compaction.
ModuleIII (8 hrs)
Trees: Tree terminology and representation, Recursive/Non-recursive Tree traversals (inorder, preorder, postorder);
Binary tree representation and operations, Binary search tree representation and operations, AVL tree
representation and operations, Multiway search tree, B tree representation and operation, B+ tree.
ModuleIV (10 hrs)
Graphs: Graph terminology, Representation of graphs, path matrix, BFS (breadth first search), DFS (depth first
search), Topological sorting, Sorting and Searching techniques: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort,
Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Radix sort. Linear and binary searching techniques, Hashing and hash
Text Book :
1. Data structure in C, Tanenbaum, PHI publication.
2. Data Structure using C, Reema Thareja, Oxford University Press.
References Books :
1. Data Structures & Algorithm Concepts Techniques & Algorithms, Gav Pai, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Fundamentals of data structure in C, Horowitz, Sahani & Freed, University Press.
3. Schaums Outline Data Structure with C , Lipschutz, Mc Graw Hill.
ModuleI (10 hrs)
Basic structure of computers: Functional units, operational concepts, bus structure, software, performance,
multiprocessor and multicomputer , machine instruction and programs, memory location and addresses, memory
operations, instruction and instruction sequencing, Execution cycle, instruction format, addressing modes,
basic I/O operations, subroutine, additional instructions, RISC, CISC.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 6 )
ModuleII (10 hrs)
Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction of signed number, design of fast adders, multiplication of positive numbers,
signed operand multiplication, fast multiplication, integer division, Design of arithmetic logic shift unit, Floating
point numbers (IEEE) and operations.
ModuleIII (6 hrs)
Basic processing units: Fundamental concepts, execution of complete instructions, Multibus organization,
hardwired control, Micro programmed control.
ModuleIV (6 hrs)
Memory system: Basic concepts, semiconductor RAM memories, ROMs, secondary storage, cache memory
and performance consideration Virtual memory, memory management requirements.
Text Book :
1. V. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic, Sajwat G. Zaky, Computer Organization and Architecture
& Computer Organization , McGraw Hill .
2. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3
Edition, PHI.
References Books :
1. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, Elsevier.
2. John P Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, 3
Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Experiment No.1
Program to perform the following operations:
i) Array Operations: Insertion, deletion of elements in a one dimensional array.
ii) Matrix addition and multiplication.
Experiment No. 2
Program to represent a sparse matrix in 3-tuple method and perform the following operations:
i) Transpose of a sparse matrix.
ii) Addition of two sparse matrices.
Experiment No. 3
Program to perform the following operations on single linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Reversal v) Sorting vi)Traversal
Experiment No. 4
a) Program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Double linked list:
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal
b) Program to create and traverse a circular single linked list.
Experiment No.5
a) Program to create a stack using array and linked list to perform the following operations:
i) push (ii) pop iii) display
b) Write a program to create a queue using array and linked list to perform the following operations:
i) insert ii) delete iii) display
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 7 )
Experiment No. 6
Program to perform the following stack applications:
i) Convert infix to postfix and expression
ii) Evaluation of postfix expression
Experiment No. 7
Program to perform the following operations in Binary Search Tree (BST):
i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal
Experiment No. 8
a) Program to implement linear search.
b) Programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform binary search operation.
Experiment No.9
Programs that implement following sorting techniques:
i) Bubble sort
ii) Insertion sort
iii) Selection sort
Experiment No.10
Programs that implement following sorting techniques:
i) Quick sort
ii) Heap sort
iii) Radix sort
Experiment No.11
Program that implements the different methods used in hashing.
1. Using floppy drive trainer kit show the read and write process by the movement of R/W head.
2. Show the above experiment using CD drive trainer kit.
3. Using dot matrix printer trainer kit show the printing of character by giving the ASCII code and strobe
1. Study of different parts of computer like mother board, SMPS, CD drive, Floppy drive etc.
2. Assembly of different components of a computer along with study of connectors, ports, chipsets etc.
Show the working of a CPU using CPU trainer kit.
A study project on some hardware technologies memory, serial bus, parallel bus, USB standard etc.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 8 )
Simulation of basic adder, subtractor, incrementer, shifter etc. using MATLAB or C program.
Simulation of fast multiplication and division algorithm using MATLAB or C program.
Experiment -IX:
Study on MIPS programming.
Simulation of MIPS programming using PC-SPIM or Qt-SPIM.
EC203P ADEC LAB (0-0-3)
Group A
List of Experiments
1. Design & test of BJT Bias Circuit (Fixed, voltage divider, self).
2. Design and test of BJT Common-emitter Circuit: DC & AC performance, A.C. voltage gain, input
impedance and output impedance with bypass and unbypassed emitter resistor.
3. Design and testing of JFET Bias Circuit.
4. Design and test of JFET common -source and common drain amplifiers: DC and AC performance
(voltage gain, input impedance, output impedance).
5. Frequency response of common-emitter amplifier.
6. Square wave testing of an amplifier.
7. Design and verification of R-C Phaseshift Oscillator/ Wein Bridge Oscillator using OP-amp.
Group B
List of Experiments
1. Gate level minimization, two level and multilevel implementation.
2. Designs of a 2 bit parallel adder and use additional circuit to eliminate carry propagation delay.
3. Design of multiplexer and demultiplexer and realization of full adder using 4 x 1 MUX.
4. Design and construction of 4-bit multiplier.
5. Design of all flip flops using J-K flip flop.
6. Investigation of the operation of all type of shift register.
7. Design of synchronous counter with skipping state.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Numerical Methods (I) : Introduction, Solution of equations by iteration : fixed point iteration, bisection, Newton
Raphson and secant methods. Interpolation : Lagrange interpolation, Newton's divided difference interpolation,
Newton's forward & backward interpolation. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules, Gauss
Legendre integration formulas (2 point and 3 point rules).
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 9 )
Module-II (10 hrs)
Numerical methods (II) : Gauss elimination, Linear systems: LU factorization, Solution by Iteration: Gauss-
Seidel and Jacobi. Numerical methods for First Order Differential Equations : Euler-Methods, Runge - Kutta
methods(2nd and 4th order methods).
Module-III (10 hrs)
Probability : Probability: Classical and axiomatic definitions of probability, addition and multiplication rules of
probability, conditional probability. Baye's theorem and independence.
Random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, mean and variance of a distribution. Binomial, Poisson
and Normal distributions, Distribution of several random variables.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Mathematical Statistics : Sampling distribution : Sample mean and Sample variance, t-, (chi) square test,
Random Sampling, Estimation of parameters, Point Estimation, Confidence interval, Testing of hypothesis, (for
sample mean and sample variance), Correlation and Regression Analysis.
Text Book :
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by E Kreyszig (John Wiley )8th Edition
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, by B.V.Ramana, Tata Mc Graw Hill, (2007)
ModuleI (8 hrs)
Input output organization : Accessing I/O devices programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, DMA, buses and Interface
circuits, standard I/O interfaces (PCI, SCSI, and USB).
ModuleII (12 hrs)
Architectural classification of parallel processing(Flynns), Pipelining: Basic concepts, instruction and arithmetic
pipelining, data hazards, instruction hazard, control hazards influence on instruction sets, data path and control
consideration, superscalar operation, performance consideration, pipeline reservation table, pipeline memory
organization, job sequencing and collision prevention, pipeline scheduling.
ModuleIII (10 hrs)
Array processor : SIMD array processor, SIMD interconnection network, SIMD computers and performance
enhancement : the space of SIMD computers, the ILIAC-IV and BSP systems, the massively parallel processor,
performance enhancement methods.
ModuleIV (10 hrs)
Multiprocessor : functional structure, interconnection networks, parallel memory organizations, some example
of multiprocessor: C.MMP, CRAY X-MP.
Text Book :
1. Kai Hwang, Faye A. Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing. McGraw-Hill.
2. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, Elsevier.
References Books :
1. V.Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic, Sajwat G. Zaky, Computer Organization and Architecture
& Computer Organisation, Mc. Graw Hill Publication.
2. Hwang, Jotwani, Advanced Computer a Architecture, Mc. Graw Hill Publication.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 10 )
ModuleI (10 hrs)
Introduction : Fundamental Concepts, Architecture of OS (Monolithic, Microkernel, Layered), Operating system
objectives and functions, Evolution of operating systems Simple Batch Systems, Multiprogramming and Time Sharing
systems. Personal Computer Systems, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems and Real time Systems. Operating
system structures: OS Services, system calls operating system structure. Process Management: Process, Process
description, Process states, Process control, Cooperating Processes, Inter-process communication. Threads: User
and Kernel level threads, Processes and Threads. Uniprocessor Scheduling: Types of scheduling, Scheduling
algorithms: FCFS, SJF, Priority, Round Robin, Multi-level feedback queue scheduling.
ModuleII (10 hrs)
Process Communication and Synchronization: Principles of Concurrency, Mutual Exclusion, H/W Support,
software approaches, Semaphores, Message Passing, Monitors, Classical Problems Of Synchronization:
Readers-Writers Problem, Producer Consumer Problem, Dining Philosopher problem. Deadlocks: System model,
Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock
Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.
ModuleIII (10 hrs)
Memory Management requirements, Memory partitioning: Fixed ,dynamic, partitioning, Buddy System Memory
allocation Strategies (First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit, Next Fit), paging, Swapping, Segmentation, Segmentation
with paging. Virtual Memory: Background, Demand paging, Page Replacement Policies (FIFO, LRU, Optimal),
ModuleIV (10 hrs)
File-system: File concept, Access Methods, Directory structure & implementation, Allocation Method, Free
space management. I/O Management and Disk Scheduling: I/O Devices, Organization of I/O functions, Operating
System Design issues, I/O Buffering, Disk Scheduling (FCFS, SCAN, C-SCAN, SSTF), Disk Caches, Disk
Management, Swap space Management. File Management: Overview, File Organization and access, File
Directories, File Sharing, Security issues, Record Blocking, Secondary Storage Management. Case study of
Windows and UNIX file system.
Text Book :
1. Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Bear Galvin, Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley.
2. Elmasri, Operating System: A Spiral Approach, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
References Books :
1. Milenkovic, M , Operating Systems concepts and Design, McGraw Hill Publication.
2. H.M Deitel, Operating System, Addison Wesley.
3. Andrew, S Tannenbaum, Operating System, PHI.
ModuleI (10 hrs)
Introduction to object oriented programming : Programming Paradigm, object oriented concepts (Class, object,
encapsulation, aggregation, inheritance, polymorphism). Basics: C++ program structure, Data types,
expressions, operators, control structures. Functions: definition, parameter passing, references, inline function,
function overloading, function with default arguments and namespaces.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 11 )
Class: Structure & class comparison, data members, member functions, static members, constant member
function, array of objects, pointer-to-members and this pointer.
ModuleII (10 hrs)
Class : friend function, friend class, nested class, local classes, constructors, Types of constructor, destructors,
pointer to objects, Dynamic memory management (new, delete). Inheritance : Derived classes, member
accessibility, function overriding, forms of inheritance, deriving by different access specifiers, multipath inheritance
and pointers to objects in inheritance. Dynamic Polymorphism: virtual functions, abstract class and virtual
ModuleIII (8 hrs)
Overloading Operators : Overloading using member function and friend functions. binary, unary operators,
increment, decrement operators, stream operators. Type conversion (Using constructor, Operator function),
new style casts and RTTI.
Stream Handling : hierarchy of stream classes, Unformatted I/O operations, formatted I/O operations manipulators,
user defined manipulators, Unformatted/ formatted I/O with files, file pointers, random access and error handling.
ModuleIV (6 hrs)
Exception Handling : structure of exception handling, raising an exception, handling exceptions, rethrowing,
stack-unwinding and handling uncaught exceptions. Templates : Function template, Class Template and
Introduction to STL. Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis, Design & Development.
Text Book :
1. S. Sahay , OOP with C++ , 2/e, Oxford University press.
2. E. Balagurusami, Object oriented programming with C++, Mc Graw Hill
References Books :
1. Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, s/e, Pearson Education.
2. H. Schildt, C++ The complete reference, 4/e, TMH
3. Deitel & Deitel , C++ How to program , 4/e, PHI.
4. A.K. Jagadev, A.K.Rath, S. Dehuri , Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, 1/e, PHI.
Module-I (6 Hrs)
Logic, Propositional Equivalences, Predicates & Quantifiers, Nested Quantifiers, Methods of proof, Induction,
Module-II (6 Hrs)
Counting, Permutation & Combination, Pigeonhole Principle, Advanced counting techniques, Principles of
Inclusion-Exclusion, Recurrence relation, Generating function. Relation, Equivalence Relation, Partial order
Module-III (10 Hrs)
Graphs, Kinds of Graph, Adjacency matrix, Isomorphism, Euler & Hamiltonian path, Planar graph, Graph
Coloring, Trees, Spanning trees, Minimal spanning trees. Boolean Algebra, Two element Boolen algebra,
Disjunctive & conjunctive normal forms, Minimal sum product, Karnaugh Maps
Module -IV (8 Hrs)
Algebraic structure, Monoid , Semigroup, Properties, Isomorphism, Cyclic group, Coding theory, Rings, Fields,
Integral Domain, Finite fields, Polynomial rings.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 12 )
Text Book :
1. Discrete Mathematics & its Application (5th Edition) K. H. Rosen, (TMH Publishers).
2. Elements of Discrete Mathematics (2nd Edition) - C.L. Liu (McGraw Hill publications).
References Books :
1. Discrete Mathematical Structures (Theory & Application) D.S. Malik & M. K. Sen (Thomson).
2. Discrete & Combinatorial Mathematics (5th Edition) - R. P. Grimaldi B.V.Ramana - (Pearson).
1. Introduction to MATLAB : Program Structure, Control Structure, Array, Matrix.
2. Matrix Manipulation, Files, Plotting Graphs.
(Each of the following programs to be implemented in C and MATLAB)
3. Inverse of a Matrix
4. Generation of Random Numbers
5. Solution of Equation using fixed point iteration method and bi-section method.
6. Solution of Equation using Newton Raphson and Secant method.
7. Interpolation using Newton's divided difference method and forward & backward interpolation.
8. Numerical integration using Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules.
9. Solution of Linear System of Equation using Gauss elimination.
10. Solution of Linear System of Equation using Gauss - Seidel and Jacobi methods.
11. Solution of first order differential equations using Euler method.
12. Solution of differential equations using Runge-Kutta 2nd & 4th order methods.
1) It is required to provide the overview of a UNIX system architecture, directory structure before conducting
Experiments I - VI.
2) Similarly before starting experiments VII-IX, the idea of kernel space, user space, system boot process,
virtual memory, UNIX file system must be given to the students.
General Linux/Unix and Windows Commands along with their options
1) Example List of Commands (not restricted to).
Linux: Who, date, cal, ls, cd, mkdir, pwd, touch, cat, cp, mv, wc, sort, head, tail, bc.
Windows : equivalent commands.
More commands : file permission mode using chmod, etc.
Shell programming : Basic reading, writing, arithmetic expressions.
Experiment -III
Shell programming -II : Programs on control structure.
Experiment -IV
Shell programming -III : string processing, file handling.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 13 )
Experiment V
Programs on : sed, grep, AWK.
Experiment VI
UNIX system CALL: fork, signal.
Experiment VII
UNIX system CALL: pipe, IPC , File locking.
Experiment -VIII
UNIX system CALL: message queues, semaphore.
Experiment -IX
Programs on threads. (pthread library).
Experiment X
Programs on threads (continued).
References Books :
1) W. Richard Stevens, UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2, 2/e, Prentice Hall.
2) Sumitava Das, Unix Concepts And Applications, TMH.
CS205P OOPS LAB (0-0-3)
Experiment No.1
Programs using control structure.
Experiment No.2
Programs using structures, pointers.
Experiment No.3
Programs on overloading, inline function, reference, function with default arguments, namespaces.
Experiment No.4
a) Programs on Classes, Objects.
Experiment No.5
a) Programs on friend function, friend class, constructor destructors, nested class, local/global classes.
Experiment No.6
Programs on dynamic memory management, inheritance, function overriding.
Experiment No.7
Programs on multipath inheritance, virtual function and polymorphism.
Experiment No.8
Programs on Overloading Operators.
Experiment No.9
Programs on type cast and new style casts.
Experiment No.10
Programs on I/O and files.
Experiment No.11
Programs on Exception handling, Templates and STL.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 14 )
(5th and 6th Semesters)
(Effective from 2011 Admission Batch)

Semester 6
Optimization in
Engineering /
Soft Computing



Soft Computing /
Optimization in


CS302T Database Engineering 3-1-0

Data Communication &
Computer Networks
3-1-0 4
Design & Analysis of
3-1-0 4 CS306T Software Engineering 3-1-0 4

Digital Signal Processing
Microprocessors &
3-1-0 4

Microprocessors &
Digital Signal Processing
3-1-0 4
CS305T Computer Graphics 3-1-0 4 CS308T Theory of Computation 3-1-0 4
Total 19 Total 19
CS302P Database Lab 0-0-3 2 CS301P Soft Computing Lab 0-0-3 2
CS303P Algorithms Lab 0-0-3 2 CS304P Computer Network Lab 0-0-3 2

Microprocessors &
Microcontrollers Lab
Digital Signal Processing
0-0-3 2

Digital Signal
Processing Lab
Microprocessors &
Microcontrollers Lab
0-0-3 2
Total 6 Total 6
Grand Total 25 Grand Total 25
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 15 )
Module-I : Deterministic Models (10 hrs)
(i) Introduction to Linear Programming
(Two variable LP model, Graphical LP solution)
(ii) The Simplex Method
(LP solution in equation form, The simplex method, Artificial starting solution, Special cases in simplex
method application)
(iii) Duality and Sensitivity Analysis
(Definition of the dual problem, Primal Dual relationship, Dual Simplex Method)
Module-II : Deterministic Models (8 hrs)
(i) Transportation Model
(Definition, Transportation Algorithm)
(ii) The Assignment Model
(The Hungarian method)
(iii) Network Models
(Network definitions, Shortest route problem, Dijkstras and Floyds Algorithm, Maximal Flow Model)
(iv) Integer Linear Programming
(Branch & Bound Algorithm, Cutting plane algorithm)
(v) Dynamic Programming
(Knapsack Model)
Module-III : Probabilistic Models (8 hrs)
(i) Decision Analysis and Games
(Decision under uncertainty, Game theory.)
(ii) Queuing Systems
(Elements of a Queuing model, Role of exponential distribution, Pure Birth & Death models.)
(iii) Simulation Modeling
(Monte-Carlo simulation,Generation of random numbers.)
Module-IV : Non Linear Models (6 hrs)
(i) Classical Optimization Theory (Unconstrained and constrained problems)
(Necessary and sufficient conditions, Equality constraints, Inequality constraints, Direct search
method, Gradient method.)
Text Book :
1. Operations Research- an Introduction: Hamdy A.Taha, Pearson - Seventh Edition.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Introduction to Neural Network : Neuron, Biological and artificial neuron, supervised and unsupervised learning,
Neural model and neural architecture, Signal and weight vector space, Neural network topologies, Activation
functions, applications. Single layer perceptions : Least-Mean-Squares algorithm, Perceptron learning rule,
Linear separability. Non-linearly separable problems Multilayer perceptions: Back propagation learning algorithm,
solving the XOR problem by MLP. RBF: RBF Network architecture and working principle only. Self organizing
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 16 )
map: Principles of self organization, Kohonen's self organizing network Topology, learning algorithm and
Module-II (10 hrs)
Fuzzy set theory: Fuzzy vs. crisp set, crisp set operation, membership function, basic fuzzy set operation,
properties of fuzzy set. Fuzzy relation: Fuzzy Cartesian Product, operation on fuzzy relation: Union, intersection,
complement, composition of relation. Fuzzy logic : Modus ponnens, modus tollens, fuzzy inference, fuzzy rule
based system, sugeno-mamdani inference, defuzzyfication methods.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Evolutionary computing: Background of genetic algorithm (GA), working principle of GA, search space. Encoding:
Binary, Octal, Fitness function, single objective and multi objective optimization. Reproduction: Roulette -wheel
selection, Tournament selection.Genetic operators: cross-over, single point and multi-point, mutation, inversion,
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Bio-inspired computing :Basic concepts on ant colony optimization(ACO), bacteria colony optimization(BCO),
particle swarm optimization (PSO). Application of PSO and GA in solving travelling sales man problem, Introduction
to Hybrid models.
Text Book :
1. N.P. Padhy, "Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent System", Oxford University Press.
2. Satish kumar , "Neural Networks : A class room approach", Mc Graw Hill.
References Books :
1. Hagan, Demuth, Beale, "Neural network design", Cengage Learning, India.
2. Sivanandam, Sumathi, Deepa, "Introduction to Neural networks Using Matlab", Tata Mc Graw Hill.
3. S.Rajasekharan, G.A Vijaylakshmi Pai, " Neural network, fuzzy logic and GA", PHI publication.
ModuleI (10 hrs)
Introduction to Database : Database System Architecture: Data abstraction, Schema, Instances, Three Schema
Architecture and data Independence, Types of Database users, DBA, Data base languages, Data Models:
DML, DDL, DCL, Entity Relationship (ER), Relational mapping ER model to Relational Model, Object oriented
data model , Object relational data model..
ModuleII (10 hrs)
Relational Query Language : Relational algebra, Tuple and Domain relational Calculus and SQL. Relational
Database Design : Informal Design Guidelines for Relational schema. Relational database design : 1NF, concept
of functional dependency, Relation keys, canonical cover, Decomposition of relational schemas, 2NF, 3NF,
BCNF, Multivalued dependency, 4NF.
ModuleIII (10 hrs)
Query Processing and Optimization : Evaluation of Relational Algebra Expression, Query Equivalence, Join
strategy, Query optimization algorithms. Introduction to Transaction Processing : Transaction, Properties of
Transaction, Serializability, Recoverability. Concurrency Control Techniques : Locking, Timestamp ordering,
Multi version scheme.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 17 )
ModuleIV (10 hrs)
Storage Strategies : Indices, B-Trees, Hashing. Database Recovery: Failure classification, Recovery and Atomicity,
Log-based recovery and Check pointing. Introduction to advanced querying: Data mining and Data warehousing.
Introduction to Object Oriented Database and distributed databases.
Text Book :
1. Seilberschatz, H. Korth, S Sudharsan, "Database System Concepts", McGraw-Hill.
2. Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant Navathe, "Fundamental of Database Systems", 4th Edition, Pearson
References Books :
1. C.J. Date, "An Introduction to Database Systems", Pearson Education.
2. Gupat, " Datbase Management System ", Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication.
3. Bipin C. Desai, "An Introduction to Database System", Galgotia Publication.
ModuleI (10 hrs)
Introduction to design and analysis of algorithms: Introduction to Algorithms, Growth of functions, asymptotic
notations, Different algorithm design techniques. Recurrences: Solutions of Recurrences by Substitution,
Recursion Tree method and Master methods. Design and Analysis of Divide and Conquer Algorithms (Binary
Search, Merge sort and Quick sort), Heap sort: Heaps, Building Heaps, Heap sort Algorithm and Priority
Queue. Lower Bound for Sorting.
ModuleII (12 hrs)
Dynamic Programming Algorithms: Matrix Chain Multiplication, Elements of Dynamic Programming vs Greedy
Programming, Longest Common Subsequence. Greedy Algorithms: Activity Selection Problems, Elements of
Greedy Strategy, Fractional Knapsack Problem, Huffman Codes. Data Structures for Disjoint Sets: Disjoint-set
operations, Linked-list representation of disjoint sets, Disjoint-set forests.
ModuleIII (10 hrs)
Graph Algorithms: Representation of Graphs, Breadth-first Search, Depth-first Search, Minimum Spanning Trees,
Prim's algorithm and Kruskal's Algorithm, Single -Source Shortest Paths (Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's
Algorithms).All-Pairs Shortest Paths (Floyd-Warshall Algorithm). Backtracking (N Queen Problem, Sum of
ModuleIV (8 hrs)
Network Flow: The Ford-Fulkerson method, Applications of network flow, Rabin karp string Matching, NP-
Completeness: Polynomial time, Polynomial-time verification, NP-Completeness and Reducibility, NP-Complete
Problems (without proof). Approximation Algorithm (Traveling Sales Man problem).
Text Book :
1. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms". 2nd edition,
McGraw-Hill, PHI.
2. J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos, "Algorithm Design". Addison Wesley.
References Books :
1. Horowitz E. & Sahni S, " Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", Galgotia Publications.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 18 )
2. A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman , " The Design and Analysis of. Computer Algorithms",
Addison Wesley.
3. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia:, "Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis and Internet
Examples", John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Introduction to Discrete Time Signals & Systems : Discrete time signals, Elementary examples,
Classification, Discrete Time Systems, Block diagram representation, Classification.
Analysis of discrete time LTI System : Response of LTI systems to arbitrary inputs (convolution sum), properties
of convolution and the interconnection of LTI systems, causal LTI systems, stability of LTI systems, systems
with finite- duration and infinite-duration Impulse response, Recursive and non-recursive discrete time systems,
LTI systems characterized by constant coefficient Difference Equations, Solution of linear constant coefficient
Difference equations.
Implementation of Discrete time systems : Structures for the realization of LTI systems (Form I, Form II,
Cascade, Parallel, Lattice), Recursive and Non-recursive realizations for FIR systems.
Correlation of Discrete time signals : Cross correlation and auto correlation sequence, Properties of the
autocorrelation and cross correlation sequence.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Z transform : The Z-transform and one sided Z-transform properties of Z transform, Inversion of the Z-transform,
solution of difference equations, causality and stability of LTI systems in the Z-domain.
The Discrete Fourier Transform : DFT and IDFT, DFT as a linear transformation, relationship of DFT with Z-
transform, properties of the DFT, Circular convolution, circular correlation, filtering of long data sequences:
overlap-add and overlap-save method.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Fast Fourier Transform : Direct computation of DFT, Radix-2 FFT algorithm, DIT and DIF FFT, Applications of
FFT: efficient computation of DFT of two real sequences, efficient computation of DFT of a 2 N point real
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Digital Filter : Causality and its implications, characteristics of practical frequency selective filter, FIR filter
design using different windows (Rectangular, Hann, Hamming, Bartlet, Kaiser), FIR filter design using frequency
sampling method, Design of IIR filters: Impulse invariant method, Bilinear transformation method.
Text Book :
1. Digital Signal Processing- Principles, Algorithms and Applications by J.G. Proakis & D.G. Manolakis
2. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing by Schilling & Harris, Thomson Learning.
References Books :
1. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing by J.R. Johnson (PHI).
2. Digital Signal Processing : A Computer Based Approach by Sanjit K. Mitra (Tata McGraw Hill).
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 19 )
Module-I (15 hrs)
8085 Microprocessor: Microprocessor and Microcomputer Architecture, Pins & Signals, Register Organization,
Timing & Control Module, 8085 Instruction Timing & Execution. Instruction set of 8085, Memory & I/O Addressing,
Assembly language programming. Interfacing EPROM & RAM Memories, 8085 Interrupts.
Module-II (15 hrs)
8051 Microcontrollers: Microcontrollers and embedded processors, Architecture & Pin description of the
8051 Assembly Language Programming: Assembling and Running an 8051 Program, 8051 data types and
Directives, Loop and Jump Instructions, Call Instructions, Time Delay : I/O port Programming , 8051 Addressing
Modes , 8051 Interrupts.
Arithmetic & Logic Instructions and Programs: Arithmetic Instructions, Signed number concepts and
Arithmetic Operations, Logic and Compare Instructions, Rotate Instruction and data Serialization, BCD, ASCII,
and other Application Programs
8051 Interfacing: Interfacing with External ROM, 8051 Data Memory space, Accessing External data Memory,
8255 Interfacing, Programming for the 8255
Module-III (8 hrs)
8086 Microprocessor: Register Organisation, Architecture, Signal Description, Bus Operation, Minimum Mode
Timings, Maximum Mode Timings, Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines, Interrupt Cycle , Non-Maskable
Interrupt, Maskable Interrupt
8086 Instruction Set & Programming: Addressing Modes, Instruction Set, Assembler Directives and Operators,
Assembly language programming.
Module-IV (7 hrs)
Basic Peripherals and Their Interfacing with 8086: Semiconductor Memory Interfacing, Dynamic RAM
Interfacing, 8255, Programmable Interval Timer 8253, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259, DMA Controller
80386 Microprocessor: Introduction, Architecture, Pins & Signals, Memory System, Registers, Paging
Technique, Protected Mode Operation.
Text Book :
1. R.S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor architecture, programming & application with 8085, Penram
International Publishing. (India) Pvt. Ltd.
2. Mazidi & Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems- Pearson / PHI publication
3. A.K. Roy & K.M. Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals (Architecture, Programming
& Interfacing)- TMH Publication
References Books :
1. Ghosh & Sridhar,0000 to 8085-Introduction to Microprocessor for Scientists & Engineers, PHI
2. M. Rafiqzzaman, Microprocessor - Theory & Applications. (Intel & Motorola ), PHI
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 20 )
Module-I (10 hrs)
A survey of Computer Graphics: Overview of graphics System: Video Display Devices, Raster-Scan and Random
scan systems, Input Devices, Hard Copy Devices. Graphical User Interface and Interactive Input methods: The
User Dialogue, Input of Graphical data, Input Function, Initial Values for input Device parameters, Interactive
Picture construction. Output primitives: points and lines, Bresenham's Line Algorithm, Mid-Point Circle Drawing
Algorithm, Filled Area Primitives.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Two Dimensional Geometric Transformation: Basic transformation (Translation, rotation, Scaling) Matrix
Representation and Homogeneous coordination, Composite Transformations, Reflection, shears, Transformation
between coordinate system. Two Dimensional viewing: viewing Pipeline, Viewing coordinate reference frame,
window-to-view port coordinate Transformation. Two-Dimensional Clipping: Line Clipping (Cohen-Sutherland
Algorithm) and polygon clipping (Sutherland-Hodgeman Algorithm).
Module-III (10 hrs)
Three Dimensional Object Representations: Polygon Surface, quadratic surface, spline representation, Bezier
Curves and surfaces, B-spline Curve. Three dimensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations: Translation
Rotation, Scaling, Reflections, shear, Composite, Transformation, Modelling and Coordinate Transformation.
Three Dimensional viewing: Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Coordinates, Projections (Parallel and Prospective).
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Visible surface detection method : Back Face detection, Depth buffer, Scan line, Depth sorting, Area subdivision.
Illumination Models: Basic Models, Displaying Light Intensities, Halftone Pattern and dithering Techniques.
Surface Rending Methods: Polygon Rendering Methods, Gouraud and Phong shading.
Text Book :
1. Z.Xiang and R.Plastock, "Computer Graphics", MGH.
2. D.Hearn & M. Baker, "Computer Graphics", Pearson Education.
References Books :
1. M.Hanmandlu, "Computer Graphics", BPB Publication.
1. Use of SQL syntax: insertion, deletion, updating using SQL.
2. SQL querying using Oracle functions.
3. Table creation using constraints and referential integrity.
4. Sub queries and Join.
5. Exploring Oracle objects like view, index sequence etc.
6. Introduction to PL SQL.
7. Introduction to Procedure and Function and Programming procedure and functions.
8. Use of Cursor for the programming approach.
9. Introduction to Trigger and Packages for programming approaches.
10. Program segments in embedded SQL using C as host language to find average grade point of a student,
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 21 )
(All the problems have to be implemented either writing in C programs or C++ programs )
Elementary Problem
1. Using a stack of characters, convert an infix string to a postfix string.
2. Implement polynomial addition using a single linked list.
3. Implement insertion routine in an AVL tree using rotation.
4. Implement binary search and linear search in a program.
5. Implement heap sort using a max heap.
6. Implement DFS/ BFS routine in a connected graph.
7. Implement Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm using BFS.
Divide and Conquer Algorithm
1. Write a quick sort routine, run it for a different input sizes and calculate the time of running. Plot in graph
paper input size verses time.
2. Implement two way merge sort and calculate the time of sorting.
Dynamic Programming
1. Given two sequences of character, find out their longest common subsequence using dynamic programming.
2. Implement the Matrix Chain Multiplication.
3. Write the program to find the binomial coefficient using dynamic programming.
Greedy Algorithm
1. Given a set of weights, form a Huffman tree from the weight and also find out the code corresponding to
each weight.
2. Take a weighted graph as an input, find out one MST using Kruskal / Prim's algorithm.
3. Given a set of weight and an upper bound M - Find out a solution to the Knapsack problem.
Network Flow
1. Implementation of Ford-Fulkerson method of flow network.
2. Implement the n-Queens problem using backtracking.
NP Complete and NP Hard problems
1. Find out a solution to Traveling Salesman problem of an input graph.
1. Different types of Signal generation using MATLAB. (both continuous and discrete.)
2. Linear Convolution of sequences. (Without using the inbuilt function conv() available in MATLAB.)
3. Circular Convolution of two Sequences
i) Computation of circular convolution
ii) Computation of linear convolution using circular convolution & comparison of result with the
result obtained from linear convolution.
4. Correlation between sequences
i) Finding auto correlation of a sequence
ii) Finding cross correlation of 2 sequences.
iii) Finding power spectral density of a sequence.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 22 )
iv) Finding correlation using convolution
v) Finding circular correlation between sequences
5. Finding the convolution (linear and circular) and correlation (linear & circular) of periodic sequences
using DFT and IDFT.
6. Implementation of DFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and IFFT algorithms using
i) Decimation in Time (DIT)
ii) Decimation in Frequency (DIF)
7. Design of FIR filters (lowpass, highpass, bandpass) Using windowing technique (hamming window,
hanning, window rectangular window, Kaiser window) and comparison of their frequency responses.
8. Design of IIR filter.
i. Design of Butterworth Filter
ii. Design of Chebyshev filter
9. Convolution of long duration sequences using overlap add & overlap save methods using DFT and
10. Working with a DSP processor. (fixed point -TMS320C-5X / Floating point ) series.
i) Implement convolution (Linear & circular convolution )
ii) FIR & IIR filtering implementation.
NOTE: Total 10 (Ten) Experiments Have To Be Completed.
(2 from Gr - A , 4 from Gr - B , 2 from Gr - C, 2 from Gr - D)
A) 8085
1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of two 8 bit numbers resulting 8/16 bit numbers.
2. Smallest /Largest number among n numbers in a given data array
3. Binary to Gray Code / Hexadecimal to decimal conversion.
B) 8051 MICROCONTROLLER (Compulsory )
1. Initialize data to registers and memory using immediate, register, direct and indirect addressing mode
OPTIONAL (any one)
2. Addition, subtraction of 16 bit numbers.
3. Multiplication, Division of 16 bit numbers
4. Transfer a block of data to another memory location using indexing.
C) INTERFACING (Compulsory)
1. Operation of 8255 using 8085 & 8051 microcontroller
2. Generate square waves on all lines of 8255 with different frequencies (concept of delay program)
3. Study of stepper Motor and its operations (Clockwise, anticlockwise, angular movement, rotate in
various speeds).
4. Study of Elevator Simulator.
5. Generation of Square, triangular and saw tooth wave using Digital to Analog Converter.
6. Study of 8253 and its operation (Mode 0, Mode 2, Mode 3).
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 23 )
7. Study of Mode 0, Mode 1, BSR Mode operation of 8255.
8. Study of 8279 (keyboard & Display interface).
9. Study of 8259 Programmable Interrupt controller.
10. Study of Traffic Light controller.
D) 8086 (Compulsory)
1. Addition, subtraction, Multiplication , Division of 16 bit nos + 2's complement of a 16 bit no.
Optional ( any one)
2. Marking of specific bit of a number using look-up table.
3. Largest /Smallest number of a given data array.
4. To separate the Odd and Even numbers from a given data array.
5. Sorting an array of numbers in ascending/descending order.
6. Finding a particular data element in a given data array.
ModuleI (8 hrs)
Introduction to Computer Network : Networks, Overview of the Internet, Internet History, Standards. Protocol
Layering : TCP/IP, OSI. Application Layer: Client-Server Paradigm, Applications: World Wide Web and HTTP,
FTP, Electronic Mail, TELNET, Secure Shell (SSH), Domain Name System (DNS) P2P Networks: Distributed
Hash Table (DHT), Chord, Pastry, Kademlia, BitTorrent, Socket Interface.
ModuleII (14 hrs)
Transport Layer : simple protocol, stop-and-wait protocol, go-back-n protocol (gbn), selective-repeat protocol,
bidirectional protocols : piggybacking, internet transport-layer protocols. UDP: datagram and applications TCP:
segment, TCP connection, state transition diagram, windows in TCP, flow control, error control, TCP congestion
control, TCP timers, TCP options. Network Layer: Network layer services, packet switching, network performance,
network congestion, structure of a router, Internet Protocol: IPv4 datagram format, IPv4 Addressing, subnetting,
supernetting, CIDR, forwarding IPv4 Datagram format, DHCP, ARP, ICMPv4, Unicast Routing: distance-vector,
link-state, path-vector, unicast routing protocols. multicst routing: addressing, IGMP, multicast forwarding,
multicast routing protocols. IPv6 Addressing, Transition from IPv4 to IPv6.
ModuleIII (8 hrs)
Data Link Layer : Nodes and links, Switching, LLC and MAC sub layers, framing, flow and error control, Error
Detection and Correction, Data link control protocols: HDLC, PPP Multiple Access: random access, controlled
access, channelization. Local Area Network: link layer addressing, Ethernet, standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet,
Gigabit Ethernet, 10-gigabit Ethernet, VLAN Connecting Devices: Repeaters, Hubs, L2 switches, Routers.
Wireless Networks : IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, Wi-Max.
ModuleIV (10 hrs)
Physical Layer : Data and signals : Analog digital signals, Transmission Impairment, data rate limits, Network
performance, Digital-digital conversion, Analog-digital conversion, Digital-Analog conversion, Analog-Analog
Bandwidth Utilization : Multiplexing and spread spectrum. Transmission Media: Guided and Unguided Media,
Network Management : Configuration Management, Fault Management, Performance Management, Security
Management, Accounting Management, SNMP and ASN.1.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 24 )
Text Book :
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Firouz Mosharraf, "Computer Networks: A Top-Down Approach", 1/E, McGraw-
2. James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, " Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach", 6/E, Pearson/
References Books :
1. Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie , "Computer Networks:A system Approach", Third Edition,
2. A.S. Tannenbaum, "Computers Networks", PHI.
3. William Stallings, "Data and Computer Communication", PHI.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction to Information System Development: Overview of System Analysis and Design, Categories of
Information Systems, System development Strategies, Implementation and Evaluation, Tools for System
Development, Introduction to software Engineering: Basic concepts about software and program and Evolution
of Software Engineering, Basic concepts on process and life cycle models.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Models: Waterfall, Prototype, Evolutionary, Incremental, Spiral, V Model, RADM. Requirement Analysis:
Introduction to software specification, its needs and importance, formal specification methods. SRS: Attributes
of good SRS and organization of SRS document. Software design: Methods and strategies, desirable design
attributes, Concept of good design, Cohesion and coupling.
Module-III (12 hrs)
Function-Oriented Software Design: Structured system analysis and structured design, formal approach design,
data flow oriented design. Software Coding and Testing: Coding Standard and Guidelines, Code Review, Software
Inspection, Testing: Unit, Integration, System Testing, Black box and White box testing, Incremental Testing,
Formal Proof of Correctness, Software Matrix. Introduction to Software Verifications.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Software Reliability and Quality Management : S/W and H/W Reliability, Reliability Matrices, S/W Quality, ISO
9000. Software Engineering Management : Introduction to Capability Maturity Model, Quality Assurance and
Software Cost Estimation (Delphi, COCOMO), Introduction to Computer Aided Software Engineering, Software
Reuse and Maintenance.
Text Book :
1. Rajib Mall, "Fundamentals of Software Engineering", PHI.
2. R.S. Pressman, "Software Engineering, A practitioner's approach", McGraw Hill.
References Books :
1. P. Jalote, "An integrated approach to software engineering". Narosa, New Delhi.
2. G. Booch, "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design", Benjamin / Cumming Publishing Co. New York.
3. James A. Senn, "Analysis and Design of Information Systems", McGraw Hill
4. Hong Zhu. "Software Design Methodology", Elsevier.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 25 )
Module-I (12 hrs)
Review of Mathematical Priliminaries : Set, Relations and functions, graphs and trees, string, alphabets and
languages, Principle of Induction. Introduction to automata theory: Definition, description, finite automata (DFA
& NFA), transition systems, languages, equivalence of DFA & NDFA, Finite automata with epsilon-transition
and equivalence to NDFA and DFA, Regular expressions and languages, properties of regular languages,
equivalence of finite automata and regular xpression. Finite automata with output (Mealy and Moore models).
Pumping lemma, closure properties & decision properties for regular sets, Myhill-Nerode theorem and
Minimisation of finite automata. Applications of finite automata. An introduction to two-way finite automata (2-
Module-II (12 hrs)
Formal Languages : Definition & description, Phrase structured grammars & their classification, Chomsky
classification of languages. Context-Free grammar: Properties, derivations, parse tree, ambiguity in grammars.
simplification of CFG. CFG normal forms, Pushdown automata(PDA), language of PDA, Deterministic & Non-
deterministic in PDA & related theorems, PDA and context-free languages, Relation of PDA with CFG, Properties
of Context-Free languages, Pumping lemma for Context-Free Languages(CFL), closure properties and decision
properties of CFL.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Turing Machine : Model, design, representation of TM, language accepted by TM, Universal Turing machine,
determinism & non-determinism in TM, TM as acceptor/generator, multidimentional, multitracks, multitape,
Two way infinite tape, multihead, Church-turing thesis, Halting problems of TM.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Computability : Concepts, Introduction to complexity theory, Introduction to undecidaibility, recursively enumerable
sets, primitive recursive functions, recursive set, partial recursive sets, concepts of linear bounded automata,
context sensitive grammars & their equivalence.
Text Book :
1. John. C Martin, "Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation", The McGraw- Hill
2. J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani & J.D. Ullman, " Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and
Computation", Pearson Education.
References Books :
1. Michael Sipser, "Introduction to the theory of Computation", Cengage Learning.
2. Sunithaa and Kalyani. "Formal Languages and Automata Theory", Mc graw hill.
3. Peter linz, "An Introduction to formal language and automata", Third edition, Narosa publication.
Lab 1: Fundamental program on matlab.
Lab 2: Implementation of a single neuron.
Implementation of Perceptron learning rule.
Lab 3: Solving AND ,OR problem using perceptron.
Lab 4: Implementation of back propagation algorithm.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 26 )
Classification of any dataset using back propagation.
Lab 5 : Implementation of different fuzzy inference and fuzzy composition rules.
Lab 6 : Implementation o fuzzy-neural techniques.
Lab 7: Implementation of genetic algorithm to solve XOR Problem.
Lab 8: Implementation of different selection techniques, real coded GA.
Lab 9: Implementation of PSO technique.
Lab 10: Solving the Travelling Sales Man problem by GA and PSO.
Lab 11: Using GA to tune neural network parameter for faster convergence of the network.
1) C programming on structures, pointers, files and command line arguments.
Experiment -II
1) Network related commands on Linux and Windows.
a. telnet, ftp, ping, tracert, finger, etc.
2) Continuation of C programs.
Experiment -III
1) TCP client server (iterative) program with one way communication.
Experiment -IV
1) Two way communication.
2) Echo, Time Server design.
3) Simulation of ftp, telnet.
Experiment -V
1) TCP Concurrent server.
2) Simulation of web server.
Experiment -VI
1) UDP Client Server.
2) More Programs on TCP and UDP Servers.
Experiment -VII
1) Simulation using any Network Simulator.
Experiment -VIII
1) Network Simulation continued.
Experiment -IX
1) Performance (Throughput, Delay) measurement.
Experiment -X
1) Demonstration of cables, switch, connection, configuration of networks.
References Books :
1) W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff, Unix Network Programming : The Sockets
Networking API, Volume 1, Adison-Wesley.
2) NS Manual, http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc/index.html.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 27 )
(7th and 8th Semesters)
(Effective from 2011 Admission Batch)
Semester 8


Introduction to
Management /
3-0-0 3


Engineering /
Introduction to
3-0-0 3
Programming with
3-1-0 4 CS404T
Cryptography and
Network Security
3-1-0 4
CS405T Web Technology 3-0-0 3 Elective III 3-0-0 3
Elective I 3-0-0 3 Elective IV 3-0-0 3
Elective II 3-0-0 3
Total 16 Total 13
Programming with
Java Lab
0-0-3 2 CS402S Seminar -II 0-0-3 2
CS405P Web Technology Lab 0-0-3 2
CS402J Major Project 0-0-12 8
CS401S Seminar-I 0-0-3 2
CS401J Minor Project 0-0-6 4
Total 10 Total 10
Grand Total 26 Grand Total 23
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 28 )
Electives-I & II
Departmental Electives
Advanced Operating Systems CS432T
Mobile Computing CS433T
Distributed Database Systems CS434T
Advanced Computer Networks CS435T
Digital Image Processing CS436T
Advanced Computer Architecture CS437T
Compiler Construction CS438T
Institutional Electives
Entrepreneurship ME411T
Renewable Energy Sources EE411T
Free Market Economy HS411T
Essentials of IT CS411T
Disaster Management CE411T
Environmental Climatology CY411T
Electives-III & IV
Departmental Electives
Data Mining CS451T
Parallel Computing CS452T
Java EE Programming CS453T
Embedded Systems Design CS454T
Wireless Sensor Networks CS455T
Service Oriented Architecture CS456T
Bio Computing CS457T
Cluster & Grid Computing CS458T
Institutional Electives
Leadership Development HS412T
Web Designing CS412T
Introduction to Nanotechnology PH412T
Intellectual Property Rights HS413T
Management Information System CS413T
Safety Engineering ME412T
One has to take at least one Institutional Elective either in 7th or in 8th Semester.
If some one takes two Institutional Electives, it should be one in 7th and one in 8th Semester.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 29 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction to Management : Management Science or Art ? Evolution of Management throught, System
approach Functions of Management, Social responsibility of Managers, Japanese Management and Theory-Z.
Planning - Definition, Types of plans, strategy, policies steps in planning, Management by objective - Concept,
process, strategies & policies, Decision making - evaluation of alternatives, selecting an alternative.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Organising : Formal & informal organisation, Organizational Division, Organisation level & span of Management
Authority & Power, Line & staff concept, Functional authority, Delegation of authority - Art of delegation.
Staffing : Definition, System approach to staffing, Managerial job, desired skill, matching job requirement with
Module-III (12 hrs)
Leading : Managerial function of leading, Human factors in managing.
Motivation : Maslows Hierarchy of needs, Expectancy Theory, Mc Clellands Theory, motivational techniques,
Mc Gregors theory X & Y.
Leadership : Definition, Leadership style, Likerts four systems of Management.
Communication : Definition, communication function, process, noise & feed back in communication, downward
& crosswise communication, types of communication, Barriers in communication, towards effective
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Controlling : Definition, planning & controlling, basic control process, establishment of standards, types of
stardards, measurement of performance, correction of deviation, control as a feed back system.
Text Books :
1. Essentials of Management, Harold Koontz, C ODonnell, H-Weihrich, Tata McGraw Hill, 8th Edition,
Module-I (8 hrs)
Fundamentals of Ecology : Components and structures of Eco-system. Levels of organization in the biotic
components of the Eco-system. Eco-system processes- Energy flow-primary and secondary production, trophic
level, food chain & food web and Bio-magnification. Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling- Biogeochemical cycles
of nature- Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle and Hydrological cycle. Fundamentals of Chemistry & Microbiology
Water chemistry : Concentration expressions, mole concept and Stoichiometry. Physical & chemical properties
of water, Organic chemical properties and their measurement, parameters like BOD, COD, and TOC & TOD;
Inorganic properties like pH, Alkalinity, Hardness, conductivity and Solubility; Atmospheric chemistry - structure
of atmosphere, chemistry of primary and secondary air pollutants; Chemical Reaction- Chemical & Bio-chemical
Reactions, fundamentals of reaction kinetics, Reactor configurations and material balances. Microbiology -
Important microbes in Environmental Engineering, Microbial growth and decay rates, Aerobic & Anaerobic
group of bacteria.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 30 )
Module-II (8 hrs)
Water Pollution: Water quality standard and parameter (Indian Standard Drinking Water Specifications, IS
10500, 1991), Physical, Chemical and Biological methods of assessment of water quality, Aquatic Pollution,
Fresh Water Pollution : Organic Pollution, Oxygen Sag Curve, Eutrophication and Acidification, Estuarine
water quality, Marine Pollution and Ground water pollution, Parameters of organic content of water quality, DO
and BOD in streams, Deaeration and Reaeration kinetics in streams (Streeter - Phelps oxygen sag formula).
Air Pollution : Primary and Secondary pollutants, units of concentration,Global air pollution-Acid rain , Global
warming and ozone layer depletion. Air pollution meteorology - Ambient and Adiabatic lapse rate, Atmospheric
stability Lapse rates and Dispersion, Atmospheric Dispersion.
Noise Pollution : Sources of noise, Physical properties of sound, resultant and equivalent sound levels , Noise
control measures and impact of noise on human health.
Module-III (12 hrs)
Water Treatment: Conventional water treatment comprising of Pretreatment - Screenings, Aeration and
Equalisation; Primary Treatment - Sedimentation, Coagulation, Filtration; Disinferction - Chlorination, Breakpoint
chlorinatioin; Advanced water treatment - Fluoridation, Deflouridation, Ion-Exchange and Reverse Osmosis.
Wastewater Treatment (Domestic waste water); Wastewater flow and characteristics; Wastewater Pretreatment-
Screenings, Grit chamber, Equalization and storage; Primary treatment - Sedimentation and coagulation;
Biological treatment (Aerobic); Activated Sludge Process (ASP) with complete mix reactor and design parameters.
Biological treatment ( Anaerobic); Municipal Solid Waste (MSW); Physical, Chemical and Energy properties of
MSW; MSW Management - Composting; MSW Management - Landfill Operations; Hazardous Waste
Management; Characterization; Hazardous Waste Treatment - Incineration; Industrial Air Emission Control;
Gaseous Emission Control - Absorption, Adsorption and Condensation; Particulate Emission Control - Gravity
Settling Chamber, Cyclone Separator, Bag Filter and Electrostatic Precipitator; Flue gas desulpherisation,
NOx Emission Control and Fugitive Emission
Module-IV (4 hrs)
Evolution of environmental legislation in India; Environmente, Development and Sustainable Development; ISO
14,000- Environmental Management Systems - Life Cycle Assessment; Elements of waste minimization-
strategy-Reduction at source, Recycling/Reuse/Recovery, Waste treatment and Disposal; Waste minimization
program; Cost benefit analysis and advantage of clean technology; Environmental Impact Assessment; Stages
of EIA procedure - Screening, Scoping, Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Public Participation and Review;
Generic Structure of EIA report:- Project Profile, Baseline Data Collection, Impact Prediction and Assessment,
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Post EMP Monitoring.
Reference Book :
1. Environmental Engineering - Gerard Kiely; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2007
2. Environmental Engineering; Peavy, Rowe and Tchobanoglous; Tata McGraw Hill Company
Ltd.1981,(International Edition).
3. Environmental Pollution Control Engg. By C.S.Rao; Wiely Eastern Ltd, New Delhi,1999.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 31 )
Module-I (10 hrs)
Introduction to Java Programming Language: History and Evolution of Java, The Java Language Specification,
API, JDK, and IDE, Buzzwords, Elementary Programming, Data Types, Variables, Arrays and Vectors, Selection
Statements, Loops, Methods, Command-Line Arguments, Simple type Wrappers.
Object-Oriented Programming: Introducing classes and objects, Thinking in objects, Constructors, Implementing
and Designing classes, The use of static, final and this keywords, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Extending
Classes, Using super keyword ,Method Overriding vs. Method Overloading, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using
Abstract Classes, using final with Inheritance, Final Class and Final Method, Inner classes, The Object class,
Abstract classes and Interfaces, Packages, Object-Oriented Design and Patterns, Enumeration, Autoboxing,
and Annotations, New Features of Java.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Dealing with Errors, Exception Types, Using try & catch, Multiple catch,
throw, throws, finally, Rethrowing Exceptions, Chained Exception, Java's Built-in exceptions, User defined
exceptions, Assertion, Debugging Techniques.Multithreaded Programming: The Java Thread Model, Creating a
Thread, Creating multiple Threads, Thread priorities, Thread Synchronization, Interthread Communication. String
and Text I/O: String Handling, String constructors, String length, Character Extraction, String Comparison,
Modifying a String ,I/O classes and interfaces, Stream classes Byte Stream, Character Stream, serialization,
File Management in Java.
Module-III (12 hrs)
GUI Programming: GUI Basics, Introducing the AWT, Graphics, Event-Driven Programming, Creating User
Interfaces, Applets and Multimedia. Advanced GUI Programming: Introducing Swing, Containers, Layout Managers,
and Borders, Menus, Toolbars, and Dialogs, Exploring Swing, MVC. Generic Programming: Generics, Java
Collections Framework, Collection Interfaces and Classes, More Utility Classes.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Java Database Programming: Fundamentals, Types of JDBC Drivers, Statement, PreparedStatement,
CallableStatement, Retrieving Metadata, Database connectivity programs. Network Programming: Networking
Basics, Socket overview, Networking classes and interfaces, TCP/IP client sockets, URL connection, TCP/IP
Server Sockets. JavaBeans and Bean Events: Introduction, JavaBeans, Bean Properties, Creating Custom
Source Components.
Text Book :
1. Herbert Schildt, "Java: The Complete Reference", 8th Edition, 2011, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Private Limited (India), New Delhi.
2. Y. Daniel Liang, "Introduction to Java Programming: Comprehensive Version", 9th Edition, Pearson
Education, PHI.
References Books :
1. E. Balagurusamy, "Programming with Java: A Primer", 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education (India),
New Delhi.
2. Cay S. Horstmann, "Big Java", 3rd Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Shirish Chavan, "Java for Biginners", SPD.
4. SL-275-SE6 Java Programming Language, Sun Solaris.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 32 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Internet Basics: Basic concepts, Communication on the Internet, Internet Domains, WWW, MIME, TCP/IP
and Internet, UDP, Idea of Web Server, Web browser, Idea on protocols like HTTP, SMTP, TELNET, FTP.
Web Design: Introduction to HTML, Basic tags and attributes, Tags used for text formatting, image, creating
hyperlink, List, Ordered List and Unordered List, Table, Clickable Map, Frame, Designing Forms & Controls,
Module-II (8 hrs)
Scripting: Programming Fundamentals, Java script document object Model (DOM), Working with data, Flow
Control Structure, operators, Custom function & objects, built in objects, form object and element, Event Handling
in JavaScript, Data entry and validation using tables & forms using JavaScript, Introduction to Ajax, VB Script.
Module-III (10 hrs)
.NET Framework: Introducing .NET framework, Brief history, Building blocks of .NET platform, Role of .NET
class libraries, understanding CTS, CLR, CLS, ASP.NET Details, Server Controls and Web Controls, Validation
Controls, Database Processing, ActiveX Controls.
PHP: Introduction, Simple PHP Program, Converting between Data Types, Arithmetic operators, Initializing and
Manipulating Arrays, String comparisons, String Processing with Regular Expressions, Form Processing and
Business Logic, Reading from a Database, Using Cookies, Dynamic Content.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
XML: Introduction to XML, Well-formed XML document, Components of XML document, XML Style sheets,
XSL, CSS, XML Schemas, DTD, Parsing valid XML, DOM & SAX Parser
Introduction to Web Services: Overview of Web Service, Web Service Architecture, Service Oriented Roles &
Architecture, Enterprise Web Architecture.
Introduction to COM/DCOM.
Text Book :
1. Ivan Bayross, "Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript,
Perl CGI ", BPB Publication.
2. Achyut S Godbole & Atul Kahate, "Web Technologies-TCP/IP Architecture, and Java Prgoramming",
TMH, New Delhi.
3. Deitel & Deitel, Goldberg, "Internet and World Wide Web- How to Program", Pearson Education
Asia, 2001.
Reference Books :
1. G.Buczek, 2002, ASP.NET Developers Guide, TMH.
2. Ullman, "PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide", Pearson Education.
3. Rebecca M. Riordan, "Head First Ajax", SPD, O'REILLY.
4. Xavier, C, "Web Technology and Design", New Age International.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 33 )
Creating, Compiling & Executing a java program.
Program with data types, variables and Control Statements.
Program using Command-Line Arguments, Wrapper Classes.
Program with classes and objects.
Implementing inheritance.
Implementing polymorphism.
Program with Abstract class, interface and inner classes.
Implementing packages.
Usage of String related operations.
Program with Exception Handling.
Program with Multithreaded Programming.
Thread synchronization and Interthread Communication.
Program with I/O handling and File Management.
GUI Programming using AWT/SWING.
Event-Driven Programming in AWT/SWING.
Program with Layout Manager and Borders.
Program with advanced GUI Features.
Implementing Generics and Collection Framework.
Database Programming using JDBC.
Network Programming using Java.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 34 )
1. Page formatting using HTML (Using simple text formatting tags)
2. Web page designing using HTML (Using tags, Table, Image, Clickable map)
3. Web page designing using DHTML and CSS.
4. Client side scripting through Java script (Simple script)
5. Java Script (Working with properties and methods)
6. Java Script (Event Handling)
7. Java Script (Form Validation)
8. VBScript (Objects and functions)
9. Building Ajax-based Applications
10. Building Server side applications using ASP.NET (Server Controls& Web Controls)
11. Server side Programming using ASP.NET(Validation Controls)
12. Database Programming using ASP.NET
13. Server side Programming using PHP (Form Processing and Business Logic)
14. Database Programming using PHP
15. XML Programming
CS431T OOAD (3-0-0)
Module-I (8 hrs)
Overview of Object Oriented Concepts: Basic mechanisms, Key concepts, related technical terms,
Advantages of OOD. Object-Oriented S/W design: Object oriented vs. function-oriented design, The Importance
of Modeling, Principles of Modeling, Object oriented modeling.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Introduction to UML : Overview, conceptual model Architecture, software development life cycle, Rational
Unified Process. Basic structural Modeling: Classes, Relationships, Common mechanisms, Diagrams, class
Module-III (10 hrs)
Advanced structural Modeling: Advance classes and relationship, Interfaces, types and Roles Object diagrams,
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Basic behavioral Modeling: Use cases, use case diagrams, Interaction diagram, Activity diagrams, state
chart diagrams, component diagrams, deployment diagrams, patterns and frame works.
Text Book :
1. Peerson Grady Booch, Rambaugh, Ivar Jacohson: Unified Modeling language, User Guide, Pearson
2. Rajib Mall Introduction to Software Engineering by, PHI.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 35 )
References Books :
1. Pankaj Jalote , An Integrated approach to SW Engineering .
2. H. Srimathi, H. Sriram, A. Krishnamurthy, Object Oriented Analysis & Design Using UML, Scitech
3. Craig Larman : Applying UML and Patterns.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Process Synchronization : Introduction to advanced OS, It's evolution , Categorization, Distributed operating
system: Architectures, issues in Distributed operating systems, Limitation of Distributed Systems, Lamports
logical clock, Global states Chandy Lampert's global state recording algorithm, Basic concepts of Distributed
Mutual Exclusion, Lamport Algorithm, Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm, Suzuki-Kasami Broadcart Algorithm.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Distributed File System : Basic concepts of Distributed deadlock detection, Distributed File System
Architecture, Design issues, Basic concepts of Distributed shared memory, Basic concepts of Distributed
Scheduling, Load balancing, Load sharing, Process Migration.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Distributed CS Implementation: Models, Naming, Process migration, Remote Procedure Calls. Fault Tolerance
and Recovery: Backward and Forward recovery, Checkpoints, Synchronous Check pointing and recovery ,
Commit protocol, Voting protocol, Multiprocessor System : Motivation, Classification, Multiprocessor
Interconnections, Types, Multiprocessor OS functions & requirements, Design & implementation Issue,
Introduction to parallel programming, Multiprocessor Synchronization, Performance, Coprocessors.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
RISC & data flow: Introduction, Necessity, Measures, Techniques, Bottlenecks & saturation, Feedback loops,
Coprocessors, RISC. Security and Production: Security-threats & goal penetration attempts, Security Policies
& mechanisms, Authentication, Protections & acess control Formal models of protection Cryptography worms
& viruse.
Text Book :
1. Mukesh Singnal and Niranjan G. Shivaratri , Advanced Concepts in operating System, TMH.
References Books :
1. Milan Milenkovic, System Concepts & Design, TMH
2. H.M. Beitel, Operating System, Pearson.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Mobile Communications Overview: mobile computing architecture, Mobile devices, Mobile system networks,
cellular, WLAN, mobile IP, ad-hoc, data dissemination. Mobility management. Cellular network and frequency
reuse, mobile smart phones, smart mobile, hand held pocket computers and devices, smart systems and
limitation of mobile devices. GSM: services and system architecture, radio interference, protocols, localization,
call handling, handover, security, data services: GPRS
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 36 )
Module-II (8 hrs)
Wireless MAC: controlling MAC, spread spectrum: DSSS, FHSS, CDMA: coding methods, IS-95, IMT-200 3G
standard, WCDMA 3G standard, CDMA2000 3G standard, I-Mode, OFDM, HSPA 3G Network, Broadband
wireless access, 4G networks. Mobile IP: packet delivery, handover, location management, registration, tunneling
and encapsulation, route optimization.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Mobile Ad-hoc and sensor networks: Intro to MANET, Routing protocols(DSR, AODV, TORA), Intro to WSN:
data dissemination and application of WSN, Mobile Transport Layer: UDP/TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP,
Mobile TCP, fast retransmit/recovery, selective retransmission, T-TCP, Explicit notification, TCP over 2.5G/3G
mobile networks.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Client-server computing for mobile computing, power aware & context-aware mobile computing. Classification
of data-delivery mechanisms, broadcast models, selective tuning and indexing techniques. Digital audio and
video broadcasting. Data synchronization, software and protocols, syncMl: synchronization Language for Mobile
Text Book :
1. Mobile Computing, 2nd Edition, Raj Kamal, Oxford Higher Education.
References Books :
2. J. Schiller, Mobile Communication, Pearson Education.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Introduction to Distributed Data Processing and Distributed Database system, Relational DBMS Concept-
Normalization, Integrity Rules, Relational Data Languages, Functional Layers of Relational DBMS, Data
Communication Concepts-Types of Computer Networks, Protocol Standards, Broadband Networks, Wireless
Networks, Internet, DBMS Standardization, Distributed DBMS Architecture and Models.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Distributed Database Design Strategies and Issues, Fragmentation, Allocation, Semantic Data Control, View
Management, Data Security, Complexity of Relational Algebra Operations, Objectives and Characterization
Query Processing, Layers of Query Processing, Query Decomposition and Data Localization.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Distributed Query Optimization Introduction to Transaction Management: Properties of Transaction, Types of
Transaction, Distributed Concurrency Control, Serialization, Concurrency Control Mechanisms, Concurrency
Control Algorithms, Deadlock Management, Relaxed Concurrency Control.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Reliability concepts and Measures: Failures and Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems, Failures in Distributed
DBMS, Local and Distributed Reliability Protocols, Network Partitioning, Fundamental Object Concepts and
Models, Object Distribution Design, Client/Server Architecture, Object Management and Storage, Object Query
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 37 )
Text Book :
1. OZSU & Valduriez, Principles of Distributed Database System, Pearson Education.
2. C. J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Introduction, TCP/IP Protocol suite, High speed networks; Frame Relay, ATM, High speed LANs
Module-II (10 hrs)
Performance Modeling and Estimation: overview of probability and stochastic process, Queuing Analysis, Self-
similar traffic. Congestion and traffic management: Congestion control in Data networks & Internets, link level
flow and error control, TCP traffic control,
Module-III (8 hrs)
Internet Routing: Overview of Graph theory and least-cost paths, Interior routing protocols, Exterior routing
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Quality of service in IP Networks: Integrated and differentiated services, protocol of QOS support, Compression:
Overview of Information Theory, Lossless compression, Lossy compression.
Text Book :
1. William Stalling : High-speed Networks and Internets , Pearson Education.
References Books :
1. B. A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, McGraw Hill.
2. D. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1, Third edition. Prentice-Hall.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Introduction : Gigital Image Fundamentals : Image sampling and quantization, relationship between pixels,
Intensity transformations and spatial filtering, some basic intensity transformation functions, Histogram
processing, spatial filters for smoothing and sharpening.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Filtering in the Frequency Domain : Preliminary concepts, 2D DFT and its properties, basic filtering in the
frequency domain, image smoothing and sharpening.
Image Restoration and Reconstruction : Image restoration / degradation model, noise models, restoration in
the presence of noise only, estimating the degradation function.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Color Image Processing : Color models, Color transformation.
Wavelets and Multi-resolution Processing : Multiresolution expeansions, wavelet transforms in one and two
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 38 )
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Image Compression : Fundamentals, Some basic compression methods.
Morphological Image Processing : Erosion and Dilation, Opening and Closing.
Text Books :
1. R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education.
2. S. Sridhar, Digital Image Processing, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Reference Books :
1. R.C. Gonzalez, Woods and Eddins, Digital Image Processing using Matlab, 2nd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill.
Module- I (12 hrs)
Introduction: Overview of Computer Architecture, Performance evaluation of processors, pipelining, super-pipelines,
advanced pipelines, static and dynamic scheduling, instruction-level parallelism, loop unrolling.
Module-II (8 hrs)
VLIW and Super scalar processors, Vector processing and array processing. Memory: bandwidth issues,
memory organization, cache coherence.
Module-III (6 hrs)
Symmetric multiprocessors (SMP), NUMA-MPs, Massively parallel processors, Cache coherence protocols.
Module-IV (12 hrs)
Interconnection networks, I/O processing, multiprocessing, multiplexing, Examples of contemporary
architectures, RAS (Reliability, Availability, Scalability) features, Multi Core Architecture.
Text Books :
1. J.L. Hennessey and D.A. Patterson, Computer Architecture - A Quantitative approach, Morgan
Kaufmann Publication.
2. Kai Hwang, Briggs, Computer architecture and parallel processing, McGraw Hill.
Reference Books :
1. Kai Hwang, Advanced computer Architecture, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Heuring, Jordan, Computer System Design and Architecture, 5th Edition Person.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Introduction to Compiling: Analysis of the source program, the phases of a compiler, The grouping of phases,
Compiler-construction tools. A Simple One-pass compiler: Syntax definition, Syntax-directed translation, Parsing,
A translator for simple expressions, Lexical analysis, Incorporating a symbol table, Abstract stack machines,
Lexical Analysis: The Role of lexical analyser, Input buffering, Specification of tokens, Recognition of tokens, A
language specifying lexical analyzers, Finite automata(DFA & NFA), Design of a lexical analyzer generator.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 39 )
Module-II (10 hrs)
Syntax Analysis: The role of parse, Context-free grammars, Top-down parsing, Bottom-up parsing, Operator-
precedence parsing, LR parsers, Using ambiguous grammars, Syntax- Directed Translation: Syntax directed
definitions, Construction of Syntax tree, Bottom-up evaluation, L-attributed definitions, Top-down definition,
Bottom-up evaluation, Recursive evaluators, Space for attribute values at compile time.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Type Checking: Type systems, Specification of a simple type checker, Equivalence of type expressions, Type
conversions, Overloading of functions and operators, Polymorphic functions, Run-Time Environments: Source
language issues, Storage organisation, Storage allocation strategies, Intermediate code generation: Intermediate
languages, Declaration, Assignment statements, Boolean expressions, Case statements, Back patching,
Procedure calls.
Module-IV (7 hrs)
Code Generation: Issues in the design of a code generator, Target machine, Run-Time storage management,
basic blocks and flow graphs, Next-use information, A simple code generator, Register allocation and assignment,
The dag representation of basic blocks, Generating code from dags. Code Optimization: The principal sources
of optimisation, Optimization of basic blocks, Loops in flow graphs, Introduction to global data-flow analysis,
Iterative solution of data-flow equation, Code-improving transformations, Data-flow analysis of structured flow
graphs, Efficient data-flow algorithms.
Text Book :
1. A.V. Aho, R. Sethi & J.D. Ullman, Compilers Principles, Techniques, and Tools, Pearson Education
References Books :
1. Torben Egidius Mogensen, Basics of Compiler Design, DIKU, University of Copenhagen.
2. Niklaus Wirth: Compiler Construction, Computer Science-Department, ETH Zurich Addison-Wesley
3. Pat Terry, Compilers and Compiler Generators: an introduction with C++ International, Thomson
Computer Press.
4. Engineering a Compiler, Keith D Cooper, Linda Torczon - 2004, Elsevier
Module-I (10 hrs)
Entrepreneurship :
Concept, Historical background, Economic development and entrepreneurship, role of Entrepreneurship in
Industrialisation, Entrepreneurship Development programmes (EDPS) in India, Indian middle class values.
Entrepreneurial Qualities :
Motivation, Creativity, Perception, Risk taking, Entrepreneurial goal setting, Group activities, Excerise connected
with motivation, training-ring toss, Boat making, Tower building.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Environmental Scanning, Business oppertunity guidance, Product selection, Market research.
Assistance of Govt. agencies - role of DIC, SFC, SISI, TCO and banks. Procedure in setting up of an enterprise.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 40 )
Module-III (10 hrs)
Assessment of Working Capital, Preparation of project report, Project appraisal elementary knowledge on
costing, Book keeping, Balance sheet preparation, Ratio analysis, Income tax, Excise duty.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Management of small scale Industry - Decision making, Leadership, Communication skill, Stress Management.
Sickness in industry, Revival of sick industries.
Text Book :
1. Entrepreneurship of small Industries - By M.U. Deshpande - Deep and Deep Publication.
2. A Hand Book of small scale Industry - By ED II Pub., Ahamedbad.
3. Management of small scale Industry - By Vasant Desal, Himalaya Pub. House.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Fossil fuel based systems, Impact of fossil fuel based systems. Non conventional energy - seasonal variations
and availability. Renewable energy - sources and features, Hybrid energy systems, Distributed energy systems
and dispersed generation (DG).
Other sources of energy : Solar energy, Wind energy system, Wave energy, Energy from biomass, Energy
from OTEC, Geothermal energy system.
Module-II (12 hrs)
The Sun : The Solar constant; Solar radiation spectrum, Solar radiation measurement, Solar radiation at
earths surface, Solar radiation data, radiation geometry, empirical relations predicting availability of solar radiation,
rediation on horizontal and tilted surface.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Flat plate collectors, Basic energy balance equation and its principle, concentrating collectors, Its classification
and working principle.
Application of solar thermal technologies : Heating, cooling, Drying, Distillation, Power generation, Solar PV
system, its principle and application.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Energy Economics : Present worth, Life cycle costing (LCC), Annual life cycle costing (ALCC), Annual saving
calculations for solar thermal system, Solar PV system, Wind system, Biomass system.
Text books:
1. S.P. Sukhatme, Solar energy : Principles of Thermal storage, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. G.D. Rai, Energy Resources, Khanna Publications.
Reference books:
1. Non Conventional Energy Sources by B.H. Khan, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Solar Energy Utilization by G.D. Rai, Khanna Publishers.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 41 )
Module-I (9 hrs)
Fundamental Concepts & the Open Economy : History of economic thought, Capitalism, the Hampered
Market Economy, Socialism, Mixed Economy, Social Cooperation and the Market, Economic System, Macro-
economic scenario
Module-II (9 hrs)
International versus Domestic trade, the principle of comparative advantage, Supply and Demand Analysis of
trade and types, Determination of foreign exchange rates, The Balance of Payments
Module-III (9 hrs)
Macroeconomic Policies in India : An Overview of Monetary Policy, Problems in Monetary Policy, the Fiscal
Policy, Economic Stabilization, Industrial Policy, EXIM Policy, FERA & FEMA
Module-IV (9 hrs)
Economic Environment : Economic Reforms & Liberalization in India, Globalization and its impact on Indian
Economy, The IMF & World Bank WTO & India, Economic Planning in India.
Text Book :
1. Paul Justin; Business Environment - Text and Cases; Mc-Graw Hill
2. Misra S.K , Puri V.K; Economic Environment of Business; Himalaya Publishing House.
Reference Books :
1. Mittal Vivek; Business Environment; Excel Books
2. Cherunilam Framcis; Business Environment - Text and cases; Himalaya Publishing House.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture-Introduction-Organization of computer, Central Processing Unit-Execution
Cycle- Instruction categories- measure of CPU performance, Memory-Input/Output devices-BUS- addressing
modes, System software-Assemblers-Loaders and Linkers-Compilers and Interpreters.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Operating system-Introduction- Process management scheduling-Memory management-Threads, Problem
Solving with Algorithms, analysis of algorithms-Asymptotic notations.
Module-III (10 hrs)
RDBMS-data processing-the database technology-data models, ER-modelling concepts-notations-Extended
ER features, Logical database design-Normalization, SQL-DDL statements-DML statements-DCL statements,
SQL tuning techniques, Objects oriented concepts-object oriented programming, UML class Diagrams-
relationships-Inheritance-Abstract classes-Polymorphism, and Object Oriented Design methodology.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
System Development Methodologies-Software Development Models, Components of Web Application-Browsers
and Web servers, World Wide Web, URL-HTML-HTTP protocol-Web Applications-Application Servers-Web
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( 42 )
1. Table Creation and Queries using SQL.
2. A Simple project on Database Design.
3. Design the Bio- Data From using HTML.
4. All the assignments will be done in the Computer lab.
Text Book :
1. Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Bear Galvin, Operating system concepts, Addison welsley.
2. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Computer Organisation & Design , Elsevier.
3. R. Elmasri, S. Navatne : 4th Edition, Fundamental of Database Systems, Pearson Education.
4. Blaha, Rumbaugh, Object-oriented Modelling & Design with UML,: PHI.
References Books :
1. Infosys course materials.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Hazards and Disaster : Meaning and Concept. The Concept of Disaster Management and Major requirements
for coping with Disaster.
Types, Occurrences, Characteristics and Counter Measures of the Disasters (Earth quake, Flood, Cyclone,
Drought, Volcanic Eruption, Tsunami, Landslides, bushfire, Epidemic)
Module-II (10 hrs)
The Concept of Disaster Management Cycle : Post Disaster Review, Prevention (Needs, Problem Areas,
Positive Approaches, Relevant Resources) Mitigation (Guiding Principles, Problem Areas, Requirements, Major
Mitigation Components, Relevant Resources, Formulation and Implementation of Mitigation Programs),
Preparedness (The Nature of Preparedness, Problem Areas, Preparedness Needs, Maintenance of Preparedness
Levels, Funding, Warning Aspects, Precautionary Measures Prior to Disaster Impact, Relevant Resources),
Disaster Impact, Response (Characteristics, Problem Areas, Requirements, Follow on, Relevant Resources)
Recovery (The basis for Recovery Action, Problem Areas, Major Requirements, Human Factors, Relevant
Resources) Development (Impact on National Development, National Development and Disaster Management
Module-III (10 hrs)
Public Health and its role in Disaster Management : Public health systems, Health promotion and disaster
Introduction to risk evaluation: Definition of risk and fundamentals of risk analysis, environmental hazards,
exposure and risk assessment, risk evaluation and management, Basic methodology in risk assessment,
Dispersion analysis, and HAZOP study. Risk assessment applications for disaster mitigation and management
Module-IV (8 hrs)
The Disaster Management Support Requirements : Training, Public Awareness and Research The Role of
Community, Government, NGOs and International Agencies in Disaster Management.
Case Studies of Major Disasters : Earthquake, Cyclone, Flood and Drought (From India and Abroad)
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 43 )
Text Books :
1. Goel S.L. and Kumar Ram, Disaster Management, Deep and Deep Publications, 2001
2. Disaster Management by Mukesh Kapoor - Saurav Publication, New Delhi.
3. Collins Larry R. and Scheind Thomas D. (2000). Disaster Management and Preparedness. Taylor
and Francis.
Reference Books :
1. Egbort Bocker and Rienk Van Grondille, Environmental Physics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1999.
2. Barbar W. Murk et. al., Environmental Geology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.
3. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation 1984 : UNDRO Publications, Geneva.
4. World Disaster Report 1993, International Federation of Red Cross.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction : The science of Climatology; Elements of Climate, Climatic controls ; Atmospheric Composition,
Structure, Earth and Sun relations, Rotation and Revolution ; Energy, Radiation, Radiation laws ; Seasons,
Energy in the Atmosphere ; Temperature, Controls on Temperature ; Temperature and pressure belts of the
world ; Atmospheric Pressure, Gradients ; General Atmospheric Circulation, Atmospheric stability and instability;
Wind Pressure Gradients, Atmospheric Moisture, Water Vapor, Humidity
Module-II (10 hrs)
Adiabatic Processes, fog, dew ; Uplift, Stable & Unstable Air, Clouds ; Spatial and temporal patterns of climate
parameters in India ; Precipitation Processes ; Types and distribution of precipitation; Indian Monsoon jet
streams & general circulation; Air masses and fronto- genesis; Temperate , Mid Latitude and tropical cyclones;
Severe Weather, Tornadoes ; Tropical Storms, Hurricanes.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Global Climate, Classifications; Koppen's, Thornthwaite's and Trewartha's classification of world climates;
Climates of Indian region; Tropical Climates and Deserts; Mid Latitude, High Latitude, and Highland Climates;
Natural Climate Variability, Applied climatology; Elements of Agro-Climatology, Human and Animal Bio-
Climatology; Urban Climatology.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Human impact upon the atmosphere: Carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the atmosphere, Man induced
changes in Atmospheric temperature, water vapor, clouds and precipitation; Planned weather modification;
Urbanization and balances of radiation and heat; Pollutants in the atmosphere; Inversion and Smog; Glacial Ice
as a recorder of Air pollution; Harmful effects of atmospheric pollution; Global effects of particles in atmosphere;
Testimony of Glacial Ice layer
Impacts of Global Warming; Causes and consequences of Global Warming, Ozone hole; Sea level rise in
climate; Climatic considerations in Industrial locations, city planning, landscape architecture and abatement/
mitigation of pollution.
Text Books :
1. Atmosphere, Weather and Climatology: A text book on Climatology - K Siddharth, Kisalaya
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 44 )
2. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate- R G Barry and R J Chorley, (1998). Routledge Publishing
Reference Books :
1. Understanding Weather and Climate - Edward Aguado and James E. Burt, (2007). 4th edition,
Pearson/Prentice Hall.
2. Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming - Michael Manning and Lee R. Kump, (2009).
3. Environmental Geology - K S Valdiya (1984)..Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. The nature of the Environment - A Goudie (2001). Blackwell Publishing.
5. Global Environmental Issues - D.D.Kemp, (1994). Routledge Publishing.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Introduction to Information Security : Security Goals, Attacks, Security Services and Mechanisms,
Mathematical Background: Integer and Modular Arithmetic, Matrices, Linear Congruence. Groups, Rings,
and Fields, GF(p), Euclidean and Extended Euclidean Algorithms, Polynomial Arithmetic, GF(2n). Random
Number Generation, Prime Numbers, Fermat's and Euler's Theorems, Primality Testing Methods, Factorization,
Chinese Remainder Theorem, Quadratic Congruence, Discrete Logarithms.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Traditional Encryption Methods: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Ciphers, Transposition Ciphers, Block
and Stream Ciphers, Rotor Cipher, Steganography. Symmetric Key Ciphers: Data Encryption Standard, Advanced
Encryption Standard. Asymmetric Key Ciphers: RSA Cryptosystem, ElGamal Cryptosystem, Elliptic Curve
Module-III (8 hrs)
Message Integrity, Authentication: Message Integrity, Random Oracle Model, Message Authentication, MAC
Algorithms. Cryptographic Hash Functions: MD Hash Family, Whirlpool, Secure Hash Algorithm. Digital Signature
and Authentication: Digital Signature Schemes, Variations and Applications, Entity Authentication.Key
Management: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Network and System Security:Security at the Application Layer: e-mail security, PGP and S/MIME. Security
at the Transport Layer: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). Security at the Network
Layer: IP Security. System Security: Malicious Software, Malicious Programs, Viruses, Worms, Malware,
Intrusion Detection System, Firewalls.
Text Book :
1. B. A. Forouzan & D Mukhopadhyay, Cryptography and Network Security., McGraw Hill, 2nd ed.2010
References Books :
1. B. Menezes ,Network Security and Cryptography., Cengage Learning, 1st ed.2010.
2. W. Stallings ,Cryptography and Network Security., PHI, 4th ed.2010.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 45 )
CS451T DATA MINING (3-0-0)
Module-I (12 hrs)
Introduction: Fundamentals of data mining, Data Mining Functionalities, Classification of Data Mining systems,
Major issues in Data Mining, OLAP Technology for Data Mining, Multidimensional Data Model. Data Preprocessing:
Needs Preprocessing the Data, Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction,
Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Mining Association Rules in Large Databases: Association Rule Mining, Mining Single-Dimensional Boolean
Association Rules from Transactional Databases, Mining Multilevel Association Rules from Transaction
Databases, Mining Multidimensional Association Rules from Relational Databases and Data Warehouses,
From Association Mining to Correlation Analysis, Constraint-Based Association Mining.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Classification : Issues Regarding Classification and Prediction, Classification by Decision Tree Induction,
Bayesian Classification, Classification by Back propagation, Classification Based on Concepts from Association
Rule Mining, Other Classification Methods.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Prediction : Classifier Accuracy. Cluster Analysis Introduction: Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, A Categorization
of Major Clustering Methods, Partitioning Methods, Density-Based Methods, Grid-Based Methods, Model-
Based Clustering Methods.
Text Book :
1. Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber Harcourt India., Data Mining - Concepts and Techniques.
References Books :
1. David J. Hand, Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth, Principles of Data Mining, MIT Press, Fall 2000.
2. Mehmed Kantardzic, Wiley, Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithm, IEEE Press,
3. Daniel T. Larose, John Wiley, Discovering Knowledge in Data : An Introduction to Data Mining,
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Introduction to parallel computing: Motivation and Scope. Parallel Programming Platforms: Trends in
microprocessor Architectures, Limitations of Memory System Performance, Dichotomy of parallel Computing
platforms, physical Organization of parallel platforms, communication costs in parallel Machines, Routing
Mechanisms for interconnection Network, Impact of Process Processors mapping and mapping Techniques.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Principles of parallel Algorithm Design : Preliminaries, Decomposition Techniques, Characteristics of Tasks
and Interactions, Mapping Techniques for Balancing, Methods for containing. Interactions overheads, Parallel
Algorithm Models. Basic Communication Operations: One-to-All Broadcast and All-to-One Reduction, All-to-All
Broadcast and reduction All-Reduce and Prefix sum operations, scatter and Gather, All-to-All personalized
communication, circular shift, improving the speed of some communication operation.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 46 )
Module-III (8 hrs)
Analytical Modeling of Parallel Programs: Performance Metrics for Parallel Systems, Effect of Granularity of
Performance, scalability of parallel system, Minimum Execution Time and Minimum Cost-optimal execution
Time, Asymptotic Analysis of parallel Programs, Other scalability Metrics. Programming using the message
passing paradigm.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Dense Matrix Algorithm : Matrix-vector Multiplication, Matrix-Matrix algorithm, Solving a System of linear
equations. Sorting : Bubble Sort and its variants, Quick Sort. Graph Algorithms : Minimum spanning Tree
(Prim's Algorithm) shortest path (Dijkstra's Algorithm)
Assignment : MPI Implementation of any two Parallel Algorithms.
Text Book :
1. Ananth Gram, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Parallel Computing,
Second Edition, Person Education.
References Books :
1. M. J. Quinn: Parallel Computing, Theory & Practise, McGraw-Hill.
2. Joseph J'a J'a, An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms, Addison- Wesley
3. David E, Culler & Jaswander Pal Singh , Parallel Computing Architecture, Morgan Kaufman, 1999.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition: Programming for the Enterprise, Enterprise Architecture (Single
tier, two tier, three tier, N tier, Enterprise) and Technologies, Exploring the Features of the Java EE Platform,
Introduction to Web Application, Introducing Web Servers, and Application Servers, Usage of IDE.
Working with JDBC: Introducing JDBC, JDBC Drivers, JDBC APIs, Exploring Major Classes and Interfaces,
JDBC Processes with the java.sql Package, Exploring JDBC Processes with the javax.sql Package.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Java Servlets : Introduction to Web Containers, Servlet Programming, Servlet vs. Applet, Servlet API,
GenericServlet Class, HttpServlet Class, Servlet Architecture, Servlet life Cycle, Working with Servlet, Servlet
Sessions, Cookies, Context and Collaboration, Servlet Filters, Working with Database.
Java Server Pages : Basics and Architecture, Life Cycle of JSP Page, JSP Directives, Scripting Elements,
Standard Action Elements of JSP, Implicit Objects and scope, Writing JSP application with standard Tag Libraries,
Connecting to Databases, Integrating Servlets and JSP - MVC architecture.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Java Server Faces : Introduction to JSF, Standard JSF Components.
Distributed Computing Using RMI : Basics, RMI Architecture, Locating Remote Objects, RMI Exceptions,
and Developing Applications with RMI, Declaring & Implementing remote interfaces-stubs & skeletons,
Registering remote objects, writing RMI clients RMI over Inter- ORB Protocol, Understanding Directory Services
and JNDI.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 47 )
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Enterprise Java Beans : Introduction, EJB vs. Java Beans, EJB architecture, Features/ Benefits of EJB,
Types of EJB, Working with Session Beans, Entity Beans.
Java EE Design Patterns & Framework, Introducing Struts & Hibernate Framework.
Text Books :
1. Sharanam Shah, Vaishali Shah, "Java EE 6 for Beginners", SPD, 2010.
2. Kongent S., "Java Server Programming (JEE 6) Black Book, Platinum Edition", 2008, Dreamtech
/ Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Jim Keogh, "The Complete Reference J2EE, 1st Edition. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
Reference Books :
1. Ivan Bayross and Others, "Java Server Programming for Professional covers JAVA EE 5", SPD.
2. J. McGovern,R. Adatia,Y. Fain, "J2EE 1.4 Bible", Wiley-dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,2002.
3. Subrajmanyam Allamaraju and others, "Professional Java Server Programming J2EE 1.3 Edn.,"
4. SL-134 Web Component with Servlets & JSP Technologies, Sun Solaris.
5. FJ-310-EE5 Developing Applications for the Java EE Platform, Sun Solaris.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Introduction : An Embedded System, Processor in the System, Other hardware units, Software embedded into
a system, Exemplary Embedded System-on-Chip (SOC) and VLSI circuit.
Devices and Device Drivers: I/O Devices, Timer and counting Devices, Serial communication using IC, CAN and
advanced I/O buses between the networked multiple devices, Host system or computer parallel communication
between networked I/O multiple devices using ISA,PCI, PCI-X and advanced buses, Device Drivers, Parallel
Port Device Drivers in a System, Serial Port Device in a system, Interrupt servicing (Handling) mechanism.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Software and Programming Concepts: Processor selection for an embedded system, memory selection for an
embedded system, Embedded programming in C++, Embedded Programming in JAVA, Unified modeling language
(UML), Multiple Processes and Application, Problem of sharing data by multiple tasks and routines, Inter
Process Communication.
Module-III (12 hrs)
Real Time Operating System : Operating system services, I/O subsystem, Network Operating System, Real
time and Embedded System, Need of well tested and debugged Real time Operating System (RTOS), Introduction
to C/OS-II. Case Studies of Programming with RTOS: Automatic vending machine, Adaptive Cruise Control
System for a Car, Smart Card.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Hardware and Software Co-design: Embedded system project management, embedded system design and co-
design issues in system development process, Design cycle in development phase for an embedded system,
Use of software tools for development of an embedded system, Issues in embedded system design.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 48 )
Text Book :
1. Raj Kamal, Embedded systems-Architecture, Programming and Design. Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Stephen A. Edwards, Kluwer Languages for Digital Embedded Systems, 2000, ISBN:
References Books :
1. Stuart R. Ball, Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, Butterworth-Heinemann
Publishers, 3rd edition, 2002.
2. Jack G. Ganssle, The Art of Programming Embedded systems, academic Press,1992.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Introduction: Networked wireless sensor devices, Applications, design challenges. Network deployment:
Structured versus randomized deployment, Network topology, Connectivity, Connectivity using power control,
Coverage metrics, and Mobile deployment. Localization: issues & approaches, Network-wide localization,
Theoretical analysis of localization techniques. Synchronization: Issues & Traditional approaches, Fine-grained
clock synchronization, and Coarse-grained data synchronization.
Module-II (12 hrs)
Wireless characteristics: Basics, Wireless link quality, Radio energy considerations, SINR capture model for
interference. Medium-access and sleep scheduling: Traditional MAC protocols, Energy efficiency in MAC
protocols, Asynchronous sleep techniques, Sleep-scheduled techniques, and Contention-free protocols. Sleep-
based topology control: Constructing topologies for connectivity, constructing topologies for coverage, Set K-
cover algorithms.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Routing: Metric-based approaches, Routing with diversity, Multi-path routing, Lifetime-maximizing energy-aware
routing techniques, Geographic routing, Routing to mobile sinks. Data-centric networking: Data-centric routing,
Data-gathering with compression, Querying, Data-centric storage and retrieval, the database perspective on
sensor networks.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Reliability and congestion control: Basic mechanisms and tunable parameters, Reliability guarantees, Congestion
Control, Real-time scheduling.
Text Book :
1. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, Taieb Znati , Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols,
and Applications, Wiley Inter Science.
2. Edgar H. Callaway, Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols, Jr. Auerbach
Publications, CRC Press.
References Books :
1. C.S Raghavendra, Krishna M, Sivalingam, Taieb Znati , Wireless Sensor Networks: Edited Springer.
2. Bhaskar Krismachari, Networking Wireless Sensors, Cambridge University Press
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 49 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introducing SOA, Characteristics of SOA, tangible benefits of SOA, Comparing SOA to client-server and distributed
internet architectures, Anatomy of SOA, How components in an SOA interrelate, Principles of service orientation.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Web service Framework, Service descriptions with WSDL, Messaging with SOAP, Message exchange patterns,
Coordination , Atomic Transactions, Business activities, Orchestration, Choreography, Service layer abstraction,
Application Service Layer, Business Service Layer, Orchestration Service Layer.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Service oriented analysis, Benefits of Business-centric SOA, Deriving business services, service modeling,
Service Oriented Design, WSDL basics, SOAP basics, SOA composition guidelines, Entity-centric business
service design, Application service design ,Task-centric Business service design.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
SOA platform basics, SOA support in J2EE, Java API for XML-based web services (JAX-WS), Java architecture
for XML binding (JAXB), Java API for XML based RPC (JAX-RPC), Web services Interoperability Technology,
SOA supports in .NET, ASP.NET web services, WS-BPEL basics, WS-Choreography, WS-policy, WS-Security.
Text Books :
1. Thomas Erl, "Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design", Pearson Education,
2. Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow, "Understanding SOA with Web Services", Pearson Education, 2005.
Reference Books:
1. Thomas Erl, "SOA Principles of Service Design "(The Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing
Series from Thomas Erl), 2005.
2. Sandeep Chatterjee, James Webber, "Developing Enterprise Web Services, An Architect's Guide",
Pearson Education, 2005.
3. Dan Woods and Thomas Mattern, "Enterprise SOA Designing IT for Business Innovation" O'REILLY,
First Edition, 2006.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Basic Concepts of Molecular Biology: Cellular Architecture, Nucleic Acids (RNA & DNA) Transcription and
Translations, Open reading frame, Genetic code, Protein structure and function, Molecular biology tools. Suffix
Trees: Definition and examples Ukkonen's linear-time suffix tree algorithm, Applications longest common sub
strings of two strings, Recognizing DNA contamination. Pair wise Sequence Alignment (Edit distance, Dynamic
Programming Calculation of edit distance, string similarity, gaps).
Module-III (12 hrs)
Pair wise sequence alignment local, Multiple String Alignment, Need of MSA, Family & Super Family
representation, multiple sequence comparison for structural inferences, Multiple alignments with sum-of- pairs,
consensus objective functions. Database searching for similar sequence (FASTA, BLAST), PAM, BLOSOM
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 50 )
Module-III (6 hrs)
Sequencing (DNA sequencing, shortest superstring problem, DNA Arrays, sequencing by Hybridization)
Module-III (8 hrs)
Phylogenetic analysis (Evolutionary Trees, Distance and character based true reconstruction, Reconstructing
trees from additive matrices, Evlutionary trees and hierarchical clustering -VPGMA Neighbors Joining,) small
and large parsivrony problem.
Text Book :
1. Dan Gusfield, Algorithm on strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer Science & Computational
Biology, Cambridge University Press, 1997 (Chapters: 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 & 15 relevant portions)
2. N. C. Jones and P. A PEVZNER- An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms- MIT press, 2009
(chapters 3, 8 7 10 - relevant portions).
3. D. E. Krane & M. L. Raymer- Fundamental concepts of Bioinformatics - Pearson Education, 2003
References Books :
1. D. Baxevanis, B. F. Francis one llitte Bioinformatics, Wiley- Interscience.
Module-I (10 hrs)
Introduction : High Performance Computing (HPC), Grand Challenge Problems-Computational and communication
intensive, Parallel Architectures-Classifications-SMP, MPP, NUMA, Clusters and Components of a Parallel
Machine, Conventional Supercomputers and it's limitations, Multi-processor and Multi-Computer based Distributed
Module-II (10 hrs)
Cluster and Grids: Cluster Components-Processor/machine, High Speed Interconnections-goals, topology,
latency, bandwidth, Example Interconnect: Myrinet, Inifiniband, QsNet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Light
weight Messaging system/Light weight communication Protocols, Cluster Middleware-Job/Resource Management
System, Load balancing, Scheduling of parallel processes, Enforcing policies, GUI, Introduction to programming
tools such as PVM, MPI.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Cluster Operating Systems Examples : Linux, MOSIX, CONDOR, Characteristics of Grid, Computational services,
Computational Grids, Data grids/Storage grids, management and applications, Different components of Grid-
Grid fabric, Grid middleware, Grid applications and portal, Globus toolkit Ver.2.4, web services, MDS,GRAM.
Module-IV (6 hrs)
Grid Security -Cryptography, Authentication, Integrity, Digital Signature, Digital Certificates, Certificate Authority,
MD-5, RSA, GSI,GSSAPI, Directory Service, LDAP,GRID FTP,GASS Fault Tolerance: Fault detection and
diagnosis of Clusters and Grids.
Text Book :
1. D. Janakiram, Grid Computing, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
2. R. K. Buyya, High Performance Cluster Computing: Programming and Applications, Vol 2, Prentice
Hall, NJ, USA, 1999.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 51 )
3. Pankaj Jalote, Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems, Prentice Hall, 1994.
4. J. J. Jos & R. K. Buyya, High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems, Vol I,
Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 1999.
5. R. K. Buyya & K. Bubendorfer, Market Oriented Grid and Utility Computing, Wiley, 2008.
6. J. Jaseph & C. Fellenstein, Grid Computing, Pearson, 1st Ed, 2004.
Module-I (9 hrs)
The Nature and Importance of Leadership: The meaning of Leadership - Leadership as a Partnership -
Leadership Versus Management - The impact of Leadership on Organizational Performance - Leadership Roles
- The Satisfactions and Frustrations of Being a Leader.
Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of Leaders: Personality Traits of Effective Leaders Leadership Motives
- Cognitive Factors and Leadership
Module-II (9 hrs)
Effective Leadership Behaviors and Attitudes : Task-Related Attitudes and Behaviors - Relationship - Oriented
Attitudes and Behaviors - Super Leadership: Leading Others to Lead Themselves - 360- Degree Feedback for
Fine-Tuning Leadership Approach.
Leadership Styles : The leadership Continuum: Classical Leadership Styles - The Boss - Centered Versus
Employee-Centered Leadership Continuum - The Leadership Grid Styles - The Entrepreneurial Leadership Style
- Gender Differences in Leadership Style - Selecting the Best Leadership Style.
Module-III (9 hrs)
Contingency and Situational Leadership : Situational Influences on effective Leadership Behavior - Fidler's
Contingency Theory of Leadership Effectiveness - The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership Effectiveness - The
Hersey - Blanchard Situational Leadership Model - The Normative Decision Model of Vroom, Yetton, and Jago
- Contingency Leadership in the Effective Suite.
Power Politics and Leadership : Sources and Types of Power - Tactics for Becoming an Empowering Leader
- Factors that Contribute to Political Behavior - Political Tactics and Strategies.
Module-IV (9 hrs)
Developing Teamwork : Team Leadership Versus Solo Leadership - Advantages and Disadvantages of Group
Work and Teamwork - The Leader's Role in the Team-Based Organization - Leader Behavior and Attitudes that
Foster Teamwork.
Leadership Development, Succession, and the Future: Development through Self -Awareness and Self-
Discipline - Leadership Development Programme.
Text Book :
1. Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, Andrew J DuBrin, All India Pulishers &
2. Leadership in Organizations, Gary Yulk - Pearson Education
3. Leadership Myths and Realities, Robert J Allio - TMH
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 52 )
Module-I (8 hrs)
Internet Basics : Basic concepts, Communication on the Internet, Internet Domains, WWW, MIME, TCP/IP
and Internet, UDP, Idea of Web Server, Web browser, Idea on protocols like HTTP, SMTP, TELNET, FTP.
Web Design : Introduction to HTML, Basic tags and attributes, Tags used for text formatting, image, creating
hyperlink, List, Ordered List and Unordered List, Table, Clickable Map, Frame, Designing Forms & Controls,
Module-II (10 hrs)
Scripting: Programming Fundamentals, Java script document object Model (DOM), Working with data, Flow
Control Structure, operators, Custom function & objects, built in objects, form object and element, Event Handling
in JavaScript, Data entry and validation using tables & forms using JavaScript, Introduction to Ajax, VB Script.
.NET Framework: Introducing .NET framework, Brief history, Building blocks of .NET platform, Role of .NET
class libraries, understanding CTS, CLR, CLS, ASP.NET Details, Server Controls and Web Controls, Validation
Controls, Database Processing, ActiveX Controls.
Module-III (10 hrs)
PHP: Introduction, Simple PHP Program, Converting between Data Types, Arithmetic operators, Initializing and
Manipulating Arrays, String comparisons, String Processing with Regular Expressions, Form Processing and
Business Logic, Reading from a Database, Using Cookies, Dynamic Content.
XML: Introduction to XML, Well-formed XML document, Components of XML document, XML Style sheets,
XSL, CSS, XML Schemas, DTD, Parsing valid XML, DOM & SAX Parser.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Introduction to Web Services: Overview of Web Service, Web Service Architecture, Service Oriented Roles &
Architecture, Enterprise Web Architecture.
Introduction to COM/DCOM.
Text Book :
1. Ivan Bayross, "Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript,
Perl CGI ", BPB Publication
2. Achyut S Godbole & Atul Kahate, "Web Technologies-TCP/IP Architecture, and Java Prgoramming",
TMH, New Delhi.
3. Deitel & Deitel, Goldberg, "Internet and World Wide Web- How to Program", Pearson Education
Asia, 2001.
Reference Books :
1. G.Buczek, 2002, ASP.NET Developers Guide, TMH.
2. Ullman, "PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide", Pearson Education
3. Rebecca M. Riordan, "Head First Ajax", SPD, O'REILLY.
4. Xavier, C, "Web Technology and Design", New Age International.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Introduction : Background and definition of Nanotechnology, Top-down & Bottom -up approaches to
nanotechnology, Major fields of nanotechnology.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 53 )
Properties of Nanoscale structure : Brief idea about Crystal structure and defects, Solid disorder Nanostructure
(Failure mechanism of conventional grain sized materials, Its different properties, Metal Nanocluster composite,
poros Silicon), Effect of size dependence on electrical properties, Magnetic properties, Mechanical properties
(Hall-Petch relation), Chemical properties.
Module-II (10 hrs)
Quantum Well, Wires, Dots : Preparation of Quantum nanostructure, quantum size effect, Conduction Electrons
And Dimensionality, Femi gas and Density of states, Potential well, Partial confinement, Properties Dependent
on Density of states, Exitrons Single electron tunneling, Applications (Infra red detectors, Quantum dot laser),
Carbon Nanotubes : Introduction, fabrications Structure, Electrical properties, Mechanical properties, Vibrational
properties, Applications of CNT.
Module-III (8 hrs)
Technique of Nanomaterials Fabrication & Methods of measuring properties : Mechanical & Chemical
approaches, (Inort gas Condensation, high energy ball miling, , Sol-gel, Pulse Laser deposition, Chemical
vapour deposition), Brief discussion of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy
(TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD).
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Nanomachines : Microelectromechanical System (MEMSs) : Intoduction to Micro/Nano sensor and actuator,
Materials and Fabrication ( Oxidation on Si, Lithography, Photoresist, Etching) surface micro/nanomachining.
Introduction to Nanomedicine : (Medical Applications of Nanomaterials: drug delivery, Cancer, Surgery,
Nano robots, Cell repair etc)
Text Books :
1. Introduction to Nanotechnology by C.P. Poole (Jr) & F.J. Owens, - John Villy & Sons,
2. Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices by S. K. Kulkarni, Capital Publishing Co. (2007)
Reference Books :
1. Principle of Nanotechnology, Edited by Bharat Bhusan, Spinger Verlag (2003)
2. Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, by G. L. Hornyak, H. F. Tibbals, J. Dutta, J. J.
Moore, CRC Press, New York (2009).
Module-I (8 hrs)
1.1 Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
1.2 The evolution of Intellectual Property Law
1.3 Standards and concepts of Intellectual Property
1.4 Conventions & Treaties relating to Global administration of Intellectual Property Rights
Module-II (10 hrs)
Types and Classifications of Intellectual Property rights:
2.1 Industrial Property Rights (Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications)
2.2 Copyrights [Copyrights and its Neighbouring Rights (of performing artists, producers of phonograms, and
of broadcasters)]
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 54 )
2.3 Intellectual Property Rights & Information Technology
2.4 Intellectual Property Rights & Biotechnology
Module-III (10 hrs)
Jurisdiction & Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights :
3.1 Introduction to the Patents Act, 1970 and Patents (A) Act, 2005
3.2 Salient features of the Trademarks Act, 1999 and the Designs Act, 2000
3.3 Introduction to the Copyright Act, 1957 (as amended from time to time)
3.4 The IT (A) Act, 2008 and its implications on infringement of IPR through Internet
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Issues in the protection of Intellectual property :
4.1 Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge as Intellectual Property and emerging trends in Traditional Knowledge
4.2 Management of different types of Intellectual Property assets
4.3 Intellectual Property Rights and Ethical issues
4.4 Knowledge driven Economy and Intellectual Property Rights
Text Book :
1. "Intellectual Property Law" by P. Narayanan, Eastern Law House Publication.
2. "Law Relating to Intellectual Property" by Dr. B.L. Wadhera, ISBN: 9788175345888, 2012
EditionUniversal Law Publication.
Reference Books :
1. Chakravarty's Intellectual Property Law. Ashoka Law House. 2010 Edition.
2. Law Relating To Intellectual Property Rights. Author: VK Ahuja. ISBN: 978-81-8038-143-0, 2007
(Reprint 2010) Edition.
3. Intellectual Property Law by K.K. Acharya.
Module-I (8 hrs)
Fundamentals of Information Systems, Systems approach to problem solving, Developing information system
solutions. Information system components, Information quality.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Data resource management, Database, Data models, Information Systems in marketing, manufacturing, HRM,
Accounting and Finance.
Module-III (10 hrs)
Information analysis and design tools : Decision tools, Decision Table, Structured Analysis, Dataflow Analysis,
Tools for dataflow strategy, Developing dataflow diagrams, Leveling, Data dictionary, Structured flow chart,
HIPO, Warnier/ORR diagram.
Module-IV (10 hrs)
Planning & implementation of Information Systems, Transaction Processing Systems, Executive information
Systems, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Knowledge Management. Computer crime, Security
(Goals, risks, controls, security & recovery measures of IS, economics of information security) & ethical challenges.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 55 )
Text Book :
1. James A. O'Brien, George M. Marakas, Management Information Systems, Eighth Edition, 2008,
McGraw-Hill Education (India), New Delhi.
2. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon, Management Information Systems, Tenth Edition, Pearson
Education Inc., New Delhi.
References Books :
1. Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall , System Analysis and design, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New
2. James A. Senn ,Analysis & Design of Information Systems, McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi
3. Effy Oz, Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition, 2009, CENGAGE Learning India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
Module-I (12 hrs)
Industrial Safety : History of Safety Movement in India, UK, USA. "The Accident Problem", Nature and Size,
Need for safety, legal, humanitarian, economic and social considerations.
Safety Management : Role of Management in Industrial Safety, Safety Management Principles & Practices.
Principles of Accident Prevention : Incident, Accident injury, Dangerous occurances, unsafe acts, unsafe
conditions, hazards, error, oversight, mistake etc.
Planning for Safety : Definition, purpose, nature scope and procedure, Range of planning variety of plans.
Safety Education and Training for Safety : Element of training cycle, assessment of needs. Techniques of
training, design and development of training programmes. Training methods and strategies. Types of training.
Evaluation and review of training programmes.
Organizational behaviour and Safety, Human Behaviour : Individual difference, behaviour as function of
self and situation, perception of danger and acceptance of risks, knowledge, and responsibility vis--vis safety
performance, theories of motivation and their application to safety, role of management, supervisors and safety
deptt. in motivation.
Module-II (8 hrs)
Economics of Safety Cost of Accidents : Financial costs to individual and family, organization, society.
Compilation procedure, utility and limitations of cost data. Budgeting for safety.
Safeguarding of Machines : Principles of machine guarding, Ergonomics of machine guarding. Type of guards
and their selection. Guarding of different types of machinery including further precautions for wood working,
paper, rubber and printing machinery etc., built in safety devices, maintenance and repairs of guards, incidental
safety devices and methods.
Manual handling and Storage of Materials : Kinetics of manual material handling, Maximum loads that
could be carried. Lifting and carrying of objects of different shapes, size and weight. Safe use of accessories for
manual handling. Storage of materials; Safety in stacking and un-stacking, floor loading conditions. Layout
conditions for safety in storage, ergonomics of manual handling and storage.
Mechanical Handling of Materials : Lifting machinery, lifts and hoists: Safety aspects in design and
construction, testing, use and care, signaling, inspection and maintenance, Safety in design and construction,
operation, inspection and maintenance of industrial trucks, lifting tackles and losse gears, conveyors, safety
features, safe locations, testing, inspection and maintenance of lifting tackles, safe working load for all mechanical
material handling equipments, the competent persons in relation to safety legislations-duties and responsibilities.
Effective from Academic Session 2012-13 Syllabus : Computer Science & Engineering
( 56 )
Module-III (8 hrs)
Working at Heights : Incidence of accidents, Safety features associated with design, construction and use of
stairways, ramps, working platforms, gangways, ladders of different types, scaffolds of different types including
Boatswain's chair and safety harness, working on roofs. Other safety requirements while working at heights.
Hand Tools and Portable Tools : Main causes of tool accidents. Control of tool accident, Cetralised and
personal tool issue system. Purchase, storage and supply of tools. Inspection, maintenance and repairs of
tools. Causes for tool failures. Tempering, safe ending and dressing of certain tools. Safe use of various types
of hand tools used for metal cutting, wood cutting, miscellaneous cutting work, other hand tools such as torion
tools, shock tools, non-sparking tools. Portable power tools and their selection, inspection, maintenance,
repair and safe use. Importance of standards and codes of practice for plant and equipments.
Industrial Lighting : Purpose of Lighting. Benefits of good illumination. Phenomenon for lighting and safety.
Lighting and the work. Sources and types of artificial lighting. Principles of good illumination. Recommended
optimum standards of illumination. Design of lighting installation. Maintenance. Standards relating to lighting
and colour.
Module-IV (8 hrs)
Electrical Hazards : Hazards of electrical energy. Safe limits of amperages, voltages, Safe distance from
lines. Capacity and protection of conductors. Joints and connections. Means of cutting protection. Earth fault
protection. Earth insulation and continuity tests. Earthing standards. Protection against surges and voltage
fluctuation. Hazards arising out of 'borrowed' neutrals. Other precautions. Types of proection for electrical
equipment in hazardous atmosphere. Criteria in their selection. Installation, maintenance and use. Control of
hazards due to static electricity.
Fire & Explosion : Factors responsible for fire, Chemistry of fire. Classification of fires. Common causes of
Industrial fires. Determination of fire load. Fire resistance of building materials. Design of building plant, exits,
etc. for fire safety. Prevention of fire. Portable extinguishers. Water systems. Carbon-di-oxide systems. Foam
extinguisher system. Dry chemical extinguishing system. Industrial fire detection and alarms. Sprinkler systems.
Special precautionary measures for control of fire and explosion in handling/procession flammable liquids,
gases, vapors, mists and dusts etc. BLEVE (Boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion) Confined and unconfined
vapour cloud explosion/Fighting fires involving pesticides. Fire emergency action plan/deflagration and detonation.
References Books :
1. James Govan, Safety Engineering.
2. Asfahl & Rieske, Industrial Safety & Health Management.
3. B.S. Dhillon, Engineering Safety.
4. Encyclopaedia of occupational Health & Safety, Vol-I, edited by Jeanne Mager Stellmam.
5. Keith Davis, Human Behaviour at Work (Organizational behavior).
6. Dean Petersen, PE, CSP & Nestor Roos, Industrial Accident Prevention (A safety management
Approach), DBA-McGraw-Hill Book Company.

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