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This question is pertaining to memory allocation and

fragmentation as a result of allocation rules adopted by storage
systems. Here comes your question . With regards to memory
allocation by storage systems the space between the last byte of
the file and the first byte of the next cluster is a form of internal
fragmentation called
File Slack
Slack Space
Cluster Overhang
All The Above+
In an Engineering College number of Professors: Lecturers:
Asst. Lecturers is in the ratio 1: 8: 11. They are paid salary in the
ratio 11:8:6. If the monthly salary of Asst. lecturers is Rs.24000
and number of Asst. Lecturers is 220, how much more salary
does a Professor gets when compared to a Lecturer.


Rs.12000 +
None of these.
Answer Explanation:
Number of Asst. Lecturers 220.
Let the total number of Professors, Lecturers and Asst. Lecturers
be P
Also, Professors: Lecturers: Asst. Lecturers is in the ratio 1: 8:
Therefore 11 / ( 1 + 8 + 11) x P = 220
Or P = 220 x 20/11 = 400
Number of Lecturers - 8 / ( 1 + 8 + 11) x P = 8 / 20 x 400 = 160
Number of Professors - 1 / ( 1 + 8 + 11) x P = 1 / 20 x 400 = 20
Let S represent the sum of salaries of a Professor, Lecturer and
Assistant Lecturer.
Ratio of their salaries = 11:8:6
It is given that, Salary of Asst. Lecturers - Rs.24000 p.m.
Therefore, 6 / (11 + 8 + 6) x S = 24000
Or S = 24000 x 25 / 6 = 100000
Now we have to find the difference in salaries of a Professor and
Salary of a Professor = 11 / (11 + 8 + 6) x S
Salary of a Lecturer = 8 / (11 + 8 + 6) x S
Salary of Professor - Salary of a Lecturer = 11 / (11 + 8 + 6) x S
- 8 / (11 + 8 + 6) x S = 3 / (11 + 8 + 6) x S = 3 / (11 + 8 + 6) x
100000 = Rs 12000 per month.
Which of the following can lead application crash (resulting in
operating system signalling an exception to the application)

Passing invalid arguments to system calls

Accessing other system resources to which the application does not have permission

Executing privileged or invalid instructions

All the above+
Indian cricket Team started from Mumbai on Tuesday 10

January 2012 for a tour. On 17
January, 2012 they played a
match against Australia and lost it. On 25
of January 2012 they
met Sri Lanka and managed to win the match. The cricket team
returned from the tour five days before yesterday and today it is
Sunday, 19
February 2012. On which day did the Indian team
return from its foreign tour?

Answer Explanation:
Just like first question, questions like these test candidates
ability to read the matter fast, understand. In this problem first
three lines are given only to see whether the candidate can
differentiate wanted from unwanted information. The first two
sentences can be ignored as they are not going to help us in
solving the problem.
It is given that Today 19
February 2012, is a Sunday.
Then Yesterday should be Saturday. Five days before yesterday
should be Monday
The present age of Visakh, father of Nisha is 3 years more than
three times the age of his daughter. Three years hence, Visakhs
age will be 10 years more than twice the age of Nisha. Find the
present age of Visakh.

44 years
55 years
66 years
33 years+
Answer Explanation:
Let F be the age of the father and let N be the age of Nisha
It is given that father of Nisha is 3 years more than three times
the age of his daughter. Therefore we have, F = 3N + 3 -> eq 1
After 3 years, Visakhs age will be 10 years more than twice the
age of Nisha. This can be represented as F + 3 = 2(N+3) + 10 ->
eq 2
Substituting eq 1 in eq 2, we get, 3N + 3 +3 = 2N + 6 + 10
3N 2 N = 16 6 = 10
N = 10. Therefore, Nishas present age = 10.
From eq 1, Present age of Visakh = 3N + 3 = 3 x 10 + 3 = 33
The sum of age of Hariram and his wife Aishwarya is 49.
Hariram is twice as old as Aishwarya was the day he was the
age she is today. Find the present age of Hariram.

28 +
none of these.
Answer Explanation:
Let the age of Hariram be H and that of Aishwarya be A
As sum of age of Hariram and his wife Aishwarya is 49, we
have, H + A = 49 ..(1)
Let before x years Hariraj's age was equal to present age of
Aishwarya. Therefore H - x = A or x = H - A -> eq 2
Aishwarya's age before x years = A - x
Hariram is twice as old as Aishwarya was the day he was the
age she is today. This means, Hariram's current age is twice that
of Aishwarya's age before x years.
In other words, H = 2[ A x]
Substituting the value of x from eq 2 in above equation we get,
H = 2[ A (H-A)]
H = 4A - 2H
4A - 3 H = 0 -> eq 3
3A + 3 H = 147 (1) multiplied by 3
Adding above two equations, we get, 7 A = 147
A = 21
H = 28
Therefore Hariram's current age is 28 years
Stalin Raj is twice as old as Arunagiri Raj but was thrice as old
as Arunagiri Raj ten years back. Present age of Stalin Raj and
Arunagiri Raj is:
20, 40
40,20 +
40, 60
Answer Explanation:
Let the ages of Stalin Raj and Arunagiri Raj be S and A
As Stalin Raj is twice as old as Arunagiri Raj, we have, S = 2 A
-> eq 1
10 years before Stalin Raj was thrice as old as Arunagiri Raj.
Therefore, (S-10) = 3 (A-10) -> eq 2
Substituting eq 1 in eq 2, we get, 2A -10 = 3A - 30 or
A = 20 and
S = 40
Stalin Raj and Arunagiri Raj are 40 and 20 years old

Sourav Ganguly proposes to leave Chennai tomorrow and reach
Kolkata one day before the day after tomorrow as on tomorrow.
If day before yesterday was Friday on which day will he be
reaching Kolkata?

Tuesday +
Answer Explanation:
Day before yesterday was Friday. So today is Sunday.
Tomorrow will be Monday. Day after tomorrow as on tomorrow
i.e as on Monday will be Wednesday.
Therefore One Day before the day after tomorrow as on
tomorrow will be Tuesday.

The crash occuring due to sanity checking logic is

Website server crash
Application Crash
Operating System Crash +
All The Above
Answer Explanation:
Website server crash occurs when the script( like php, asp) is not
able to connect to database (sql,sql server) and application crash
is due to application level issues like Passing invalid arguments
to system calls etc. However a failure in sanity checking logic
means, operating system is not consistent as expected especially
with regards to arithmetic operations.
Pozhichalur village is nearer to Chennai city. Though Chennai is
the capital of Tamil Nadu and Pozhichalur is situated very close
to Chennai, still the village has not developed. Government
clinic of the village is visited by a Doctor once in three days
including Sundays. It is 21
February 2012- Tuesday today. On
which date/day is the doctor expected to visit next time, if the
doctor has started visiting from 18
January, 2012?

23/Thursday +
none of these.
Answer Explanation:
Today 21
February 2012 Tuesday.
Number of days between 18th January and 21
February = 13
(during January) + 21 (during February) = 34 days.
Doctor visits once in 3 days. That is he will be visiting on Jan
followed by 3 days after Jan 18
, 6 days after Jan 18
so on...
Eventually Doctor will visit on 33
day and 36
day from
January 2012.
But 34
day is 21
February : Tuesday (as given in question).
Hence 36
day will be a Thursday. Also the date would be
i.e. 23
A prominent Transport company has been running call taxi
service for the last five years. The business has been going on
improving steadily. A Tata Indigo call taxi started from Salem at
7.30 am and was running at an average speed of 40 km per hour.
The call taxi had some break down issues and could not run
from 8.30 am to 9.30 am. Thereafter the Indigo call taxi ran at
30 km per hour. At 11.30 am Poornima Transports sent another
Innova call taxi with an important parcel to be handed over to
Tata Indigo call taxi driver. Innova call taxi travelled at 55
km/hour to catch up with Indigo. The driver was successful in
catching up and he handed over the parcel to the other driver.
Find the time of delivering the parcel.

3 pm
3.30 pm +
4.30 pm
none of these.
Answer Explanation:
Tata Indigo has run initially for one hour (from 7.30 am to 8.30
am) at 40 km/hour. Distance travelled during this one hour - 40
km -> eq 1
Thereafter it has run for 2 hours at 30 Km/hr (from 9.30 to
11.30) before Innova started . Distance travelled during this 2
hours = 30 x 2 = 60 km. -> eq 2
Total distance travelled by Indigo before the Innova car started =
40 + 60 = 100 km -> eq 3 (adding equations 1 and 2)
Innova car has crossed the Indigo car in 4 hours.
Innova travelled at 55 Km/hr.
Relative speed of Innova with respect to Indigo = Speed of
Innova - Speed of Indigo = 55 - 30 = 25 Km/hr
Hence time taken by Innova to meet Indigo = time taken to
cover 100 Km (refer eq 3) travelling at 25 Km/hr = 100/25 = 4
Hence, it has taken 4 hours from 11.30 to deliver the parcel
which means that the parcel was delivered at 3.30 pm.

Call Taxi No 112 started running from Chennai to Vijayawada
at an uniform speed of 60 km per hour for 2 hours and stopped
enroute at 9 am in Ongole. From Ongole, another Call Taxi No
114 started running towards Vijayawada at 9 am at uniform
speed of 30 km/hour. At 11 am Call Taxi No 112 resumed
running from Ongole towards Vijayawada at 60 km per hour.
Call Taxi 112 will cross Call Taxi 114?

1 pm +
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
Answer Explanation:
First sentence is only for information.
From Ongole call taxi 114 runs at 30 km per hour and has run
for 2 hours 60 km before call taxi 112 starts at 11 am.
Taxi 112 runs at average speed of 60 km per hour.
Relative speed of Taxi 112 with respect to 114 = Speed of 112
taxi - Speed of 114 taxi = 60 - 30 = 30 km per hour.
Time taken for taxi's to meet = Distance between the taxi's when
Taxi 112 started from Ongole / Relative speed of Taxi 112 =
60/30 = 2 hours.
Hence after 2 hours since 11 am, the taxi's will meet. In other
words, taxi's will meet at 1 pm.
A cinema actress was asked to tell her age in a movie
celebration function. Her reply was Take my age four years
hence, multiply it by 4 and then subtract 4 times my age four
years ago and you will know how old am I. What was the age
of the cine actress?

Answer Explanation:
Let x be the age of the actress then.
(x + 4) 4 - 4 (x 4) = x
4x + 16 - 4x + 16 = x
x = 32 years.

Ramakanth and his son went to a ball shop. There were 37 balls
in the shop. Out of these one ball alone was weighing 6 gms
whereas the other balls weighed 7 gms. How many minimum
weighings are required to find out the 6 gm ball.( You are given
a balance with two pans for weighing.)

4 +
not possible to determine.
Answer Explanation:
1. Divide balls into three groups of 12, 12 and 13 balls each.Put
one set of 12 balls into one pan and another set of 12 balls in
another pan.Assume one pan shows lesser weight than the
other.(a pan will go up and the other down).Discard the balls in
the pan weighing more and the13 balls. .The ball weighing 6
gms has to be one among the 12 balls that were there in the pan
that weighed less.
2.Now divide the 12 balls into 4,4 and 4. Put one set of 4 balls
and another set of 4 balls in each pan. In case one of them
weighs less
3.Divide 4 into 2 and 2. Put them in two pans with 2 balls each
from this lot. One pan will weight less.
4.Take the balls from the pan weighing less and then weigh one
in each pan. The ball in the pan going up is the lesser weighing
ball.(6 gm). So, in this case minimum 4 weighings are required

England cricket captain and Indian cricket team captain went to
a ball shop in Chennai. There they were told that there are 22
balls and out of them one weighs 15 gms whereas other balls
weigh 16 gms. They were given a balance with two pans for
weighing. How many minimum weighings are required by them
to find out the ball weighing 15 gms.

3 +
none of these.
Answer Explanation:
1. Divide the balls into groups of 7, 7 and 8 balls each. Put the 7
balls in one pan and another set of 7 balls in another pan.
Assume one pan goes up indicating that there is a ball which
weighs 15 gms.(lesser weighing ball)
2. Discard the balls in the pan weighing more. Also discard the
group of 8 balls set aside. Divide 7 balls in lesser weighing pan
into 2,2 and 3. From these put 2 balls in one pan and another set
of 2 balls in another pan.
3. Assume both weigh same. Then the lighter ball has to be one
among the 3 balls set aside. So in third weighing put one ball in
one pan and another ball from these in another pan. If one pan
goes up then the ball in that pan is weighing 15 gms. If they
weigh same then the third ball in this lot is the lighter ball.

Ramesh Khanna wanted to buy 87 balls of the same weight
say 12 gms each. In a shop that he visited they were showing 88
balls. Out of them one weighed 14 gms and all others weighed
12 gms. How many minimum weighings are required to find out
the heavier ball?

5 +
none of these.
Answer Explanation:
Now in this problem we are going to use a shortcut which we
haven't used in the above two problems. We could had said this
earlier, but knowing the formula after knowing the actual
solution would make you more knowledgeable and equipped to
solve these kinds of problems.
If the number of objects (balls in our example) is > 3^n-1 and
<= 3^n, then n weighings would be required to find the one odd
object (ball) that will be weighing lesser or heavier than the rest.
Based on the above formula, for determining lighter or heavier
one ball among 9 balls (3^2 balls) 2 weighings are required.
For determining lighter or heavier one ball from 10 to 27 balls
(3^3 balls) 3 weighings are required. From 28 to 81 4
weighings are required. From 82 to 243 balls 5 weighings are
required. (follow the same principle of dividing into three parts.)

Most important advantage of an IC is its

Easy replacement in case of circuit failure

Extremely high reliability+

Reduced cost

Low power consumption
A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of
existing or hypothetical systems is

Data transmission

Data flow+

Data capture

Data processing
What could cause a fixed disk error.

No-CD installed

bad ram

slow processor

Incorrect CMOS settings+
Turbo-C is a / an

IDE and C compiler/linker. +
C .
code generator.
A device or system not directly connected to the CPU is




A large computer designed to handle complex scientific

may use only a firmed word-length storage approach+

will likely require a character addressable storage unit

must use fixed length words of four character each

will not use numbered address locations
A Transport bus started from Bangalore Central Bus Terminal at
5 am and travelled at an average speed of 50 km per hour till
7.30 am. This bus halted at the on-way hotel for breakfast till
8.30 am and travelled at an average speed of 30 km per hour
thereafter till its destination. Another express bus started from
Bangalore Central Bus Terminal at 11 am and travelled at an
average speed of X km per hour. The Express bus crossed the
transport bus at 4 pm on the same day. Find the value of X?

60 km/hour
70 km/hour +
80 km/hour
40 km/hour
Answer Explanation:
Distance which first bus has run for 2 1/2 hours (from 5 am to
7.30 am) at the rate of 50 km per hour = 125 km -> eq 1
Thereafter it has run from 8.30 am. At 11 am the second bus has
Distance run by first bus for another 2 1/2 hour from 8.30 am to
11 am at the rate of 30 km/hour = 75 km. -> eq 2
So by the time the second bus starts at 11 am the first bus has
travelled 200 km. (adding equations 1 and 2)
The second bus crosses the first bus at 4 pm. i.e. after 5 hours
since it started at 11 am. In other words, the second bus with its
relative speed has covered 200 Kms in 5 hours.
Relative speed of second bus with respect to first = 200/5 = 40
But, Relative Speed = Speed of Second Bus - Speed of First Bus
Or Relative Speed + Speed of First Bus = Speed of Second Bus
We all know that the speed of first bus 30 km per hour.
Therefore, Speed of Second Bus = 40 + 30 = 70 Km/hr
Naresh Kumar, father of Dimple Kumar is 4 years more than
four times the age of his daughter. Four years hence, Naresh
Kumars age will be 12 years more than twice the age of his
daughter after 4 years. Find the present age of Naresh Kumar.
Answer Explanation:
Let the age of daughter be x years. Then Naresh Kumars age
will be 4x + 4
Therefore (4x + 4 + 4) = 2 (x + 4) + 12
4x + 8 = 2x + 8 + 12
2 x = 12.
x = 6
Age of Naresh Kumar now = 4x + 4 = (4 X 6) + 4 = 28

A 6xx indicates a problem with the:

floppy drive+

hard drive


In a certain code language '123' meansMahendra is Able',
'345' means'Sunita is unlucky', '526' means'Mahendra was
unlucky', then what is the code used for unlucky?




None of these+
If Sand is coded as Brick, Brick as House, House as Temple,
Temple as Palace then where do you worship?




If UDOMETER is coded as DUMOTERE then how will
SUBLEASE be coded?




If 'KRN' means'Callous collission life', 'RTP' means'Life
very sad', 'NPD' means'Collission sad future' then what is the
code used for 'Callous' ?




Cannot be determined
Which code has been used for Hardworking?




6 or 5

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