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12 Babies Die During Vaccine Trials in Argentina

Dr. Joseph Mercola

August 3 2!!"

At least 12 in#ants who were part o# a clinical stu$% to test a pneumonia &accine ha&e $ie$ in
Argentina o&er the course o# the past %ear.
The stu$% was sponsore$ b% 'la(oSmith)line an$ uses chil$ren #rom poor #amilies. Accor$ing to
the Argentine *e$eration o# +ealth ,ro#essionals the #amilies are -pressure$ an$ #orce$ into
signing consent #orms..
The &accine trial is still ongoing $espite the $enunciations.
Sources: / Tra$ing Mar0ets Jul% 1! 2!!"
Dr. Mercola Dr. Mercola's Comments:
'la(oSmith)line is counting on its e(pan$e$ &accines research to boost its bottom line wor0ing
on 1protection. against a wi$e &ariet% o# the worl$2s most common $iseases. 3t2s un#ortunate that
so man% people are still clueless about the ruthless &accine practices o# pharmaceutical
companies li0e 'S) an$ the $angers an$ outright nee$lessness o# most o# these &accines.
Accor$ing to a 'la(o spo0eswoman 14Sa#et% is alwa%s our primar% concern in the $e&elopment
o# an% new treatment or &accine. All stu$ies are con$ucte$ accor$ing to the highest ethical an$
scienti#ic stan$ar$s an$ in compliance with international stan$ar$s o# 'oo$ 5linical ,ractice
6'5,7.. But the Argentine *e$eration o# +ealth ,ro#essionals claim it is being con$ucte$ 1without
an% t%pe o# state control. an$ 1$oes not compl% with minimum ethical re8uirements..
9ho $o %ou belie&e: The local health pro#essionals or the $rug giant citing compliance with
some #orm o# international stan$ar$:
Is a Pneumonia Vaccine Even Necessary?
,neumonia is a se&ere #orm o# acute lower respirator% in#ection that speci#icall% a##ects %our
lungs. As a result pus an$ #lui$ can collect in the al&eoli o# %our lungs which inter#eres with
o(%gen absorption an$ ma0es breathing $i##icult.
Danger signs o# pneumonia inclu$e cough an$ #ast or $i##icult breathing.
Accor$ing to the 2!!; <=35>* report ,neumonia: The *orgotten )iller o# 5hil$ren pneumonia
0ills more chil$ren than ai$s malaria an$ measles combine$. An estimate$ 2 million chil$ren $ie
#rom pneumonia each %ear accounting #or almost 1 in ? $eaths o# chil$ren un$er the age o# #i&e
worl$wi$e with South Asia an$ sub@Saharan A#rica bearing the bur$en o# more than hal# o# the
total number o# pneumonia cases.
That pneumonia is a serious a##liction is not un$er $ebate. Anl% the 8uestion o# what the most
appropriate pre&ention metho$ is.
Accor$ing to <=35>* the most e##ecti&e #orms o# pre&ention o# pneumonia inclu$e:
/ >(clusi&e breast #ee$ing
/ ,romoting a$e8uate nutrition an$ Binc supplementation
/ Ce$ucing in$oor air pollution
/ >(pan$ing &accine co&erage
=ow to highlight an$ compare the e##ecti&eness le&el that a pneumonia &accine can o##er
compare$ to simple an$ ine(pensi&e nutritional inter&ention consi$er this: A#ter re&iewing a total
o# 1! stu$ies in&estigators at Johns +op0ins <ni&ersit% in Baltimore Mar%lan$ an$ the 9orl$
+ealth ArganiBation 69+A7 reporte$ that Binc supplementation alone re$uces the ris0 o#
pneumonia b% D1 percentE
5ompare that to another recent 'S) &accine trial in 'ambia that boaste$ about a 3F percent
re$uction in pneumonia cases4
An$ in an ironic twist a $rug re&iew b% the *DA recentl% #oun$ that 'S)2s rota&irus &accine
6Cotari(7 is associate$ with a signi#icant increase in pneumonia@relate$ $eaths in chil$ren
compare$ to a placebo. 3n essence 'S) is contributing to the &er% problem the%2re suppose$l%
tr%ing to resol&e with %et another &accine.
How Many Deaths Due to Vaccines are Acceta!le?
An interesting stu$% publishe$ in the American Journal o# >pi$emiolog% calle$ Cota&irus Vaccine
an$ 3ntussusception: +ow Much Cis0 9ill ,arents in the <nite$ States Accept to Abtain Vaccine
Bene#its: gi&es a glimpse into how much planning an$ orchestrating goes into the mar0eting o#
an% $rug or &accine G $own to the e(act number o# 1acceptable $eaths. that parents will put up
with an$ still get their chil$ &accinate$ an$ how much the%2re willing to pa% #or the &accine base$
on its state$ ris0s.
The stu$% rea$s: 1As the proportion o# the population protecte$ #rom pre&iousl% common
chil$hoo$ $isease has increase$ concern has shi#te$ to possible &accine@associate$ si$e
e##ects4 Despite the ob&ious bene#its o# &accination no &accine is completel% sa#e. The impact
o# ris0 on parental acceptance o# new &accines is important to ascertain. 1
The% #oun$ that the higher the e$ucation an$ income brac0et o# the parents the lower the
acceptable ris0. 3n or$er to achie&e a H! percent acceptance rate 6a t%pical target #or
recommen$e$ chil$hoo$ &accines7 the% #oun$ that parents woul$ accept no more than 1FHD
cases o# &accine@relate$ intussusception 6a problem with the intestine in which one portion o# the
bowel sli$es into the ne(t7 cause$ b% the rota&irus &accine per %ear.
This inci$ence rate correspon$s to 3?H surgeries an$ 1D $eaths 11 o# which coul$ be relate$ to
the rota&irus &accine.
+owe&er this an$ other stu$ies o# parental attitu$es towar$ &accination ha&e repeate$l%
$emonstrate$ that parents still pre#er their chil$ $%ing #rom an actual $isease than $%ing #rom si$e
e##ects associate$ with &accination.
"ou#re $ein% &loo'e' !y Nee'less Vaccines
Iast month 3 wrote an article about the +,V &accine 'ar$asil at which time the VA>CS $atabase
containe$ ;F;! a$&erse e&ents inclu$ing 1; $eaths.
To$a% less than a month later 3 ha&e the $istinct $ispleasure to report that the situation with
'ar$asil is onl% getting worse. The Ju$icial 9atch Special Ceport >(amining the *DA2s +,V
Vaccine Cecor$s $ate$ June 3! 2!!" re&iews recor$s obtaine$ #rom the *DA un$er the
pro&isions o# the *ree$om o# 3n#ormation Act. Those recor$s paint an e&en grimmer &ersion o#
this $angerous &accine whose si$e e##ects now inclu$e:
/ A total o# "";D reporte$ a$&erse e&ents
/ A minimum o# 1" but possibl% 2! reporte$ $eaths. 11 occurre$ less than one wee0 a#ter
&accination an$ F within two $a%s
/ D? cases o# miscarriages an$ spontaneous abortions
/ F" outbrea0s o# genital warts plus a$$itional cases o# #acial warts an$ warts on han$s an$
#eet e&en in patients who ha$ teste$ negati&e #or +,V an$ genital warts prior to &accination
A$$itionall% Merc0 correspon$ence inclu$e$ in these recor$s state that 'ar$asil has =AT been
e&aluate$ #or its potential to cause carcinogenit% or genoto(icit% A=D the% were permitte$ to use
an aluminum@containing placebo instea$ o# a stan$ar$ saline placebo.
Since 'ar$asil contains 22? mcg o# aluminum using an aluminum@containing placebo ma% paint
an entirel% inaccurate picture o# its le&el o# sa#et%.
But 0eep in min$ #ol0s that stu$% a#ter stu$% has shown that onl% about 1 to 1.? percent o# all si$e
e##ects are e&er reporte$E An$ the statistics #or reporting more serious si$e e##ects inclu$ing
$eath is not much better. The =V35 3n&estigati&e Ceport on the Vaccine A$&erse >&ent Ceporting
S%stem #oun$ that in =ew Jor0 onl% 1 o# about D! $octorKs o##ices 62.? percent7 con#irme$ that
the% ha$ reporte$ a $eath or inLur% #ollowing &accination.
Jet the go&ernment an$ the me$ical communit% C>IJ on these #igures which are up to HH
,>C5>=T 3=A55<CAT>E
Can Pneumonia $e E((ectively Prevente' an' )reate' *ithout a Vaccine?
As 3 mentione$ earlier e##ecti&e pre&ention metho$s inclu$e e(clusi&e breast #ee$ing #or the #irst
si( months o# li#e re$ucing in$oor air pollution an$ proper nutrition inclu$ing appropriate
amounts o# Binc.
This is a great remin$er o# the therapeutic &alue o# Binc. The loBenges are e(cellent #or col$s an$
upper respirator% in#ections but %ou shoul$ also consi$er it #or more se&ere problems li0e
$iarrhea or pneumonia.
Bear in min$ howe&er that it is &er% eas% to become Binc o&erloa$e$. 3# %ou get nauseous shortl%
a#ter ta0ing the Binc it is highl% li0el% that %ou alrea$% ha&e enough Binc an$ shoul$ hol$ o## on
ta0ing an% more.
Another little@0nown pneumonia@buster is goo$ ol$ #ashione$ essential oils.
Cesearchers ha&e #oun$ that some essential oils @@ oregano th%me an$ rosewoo$ oils in
particular @@ create an autol%tic reaction in organisms inclu$ing Streptococcus pneumonia.
Spra%ing these essential oils in the laborator% simpl% ma$e the pneumonia cells #all apartE
The best results occurre$ with oregano th%me an$ rosewoo$ an$ interme$iate inhibition o# the
pathogens was achie&e$ with cinnamon oil an$ clo&e oil.
Dr. +orne the lea$ author o# the stu$% pointe$ out that the oils also showe$ e##icac% against >.
coli an$ se&eral species o# #ungi.
This is goo$ news #or an% o# %ou who are culti&ating a gar$en. Aregano is a har$% perennial that
returns %ear a#ter %ear an$ can pro&i$e %ou with a natural ine(pensi&e wa% to sta% health%.
3 woul$ recommen$ the 'ree0 oregano which onl% grows about 1" inches tall. A&oi$ the taller D
#oot plants 6Aregano &ulgare7 as the% $o not ha&e as much o# the e##ecti&e essential oils. Jou can
also purchase pure oregano oil in %our local health #oo$ store.
9hate&er %ou $o please please $o %our homewor0 be#ore subLecting %our chil$ren to an%
&accine. A great wa% to get starte$ is to simpl% use the Search *eature at the top o# each o# m%
web pages an$ search m% site as it contains a litan% o# research on &accine sa#et% an$ the lac0

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