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Sharique Akhtar

A-J-60, Abul Fazal Enclave,

Jamia Nagar Okhla
New Delhi 110025
To be a roac!i"e member o# a $y%amic !eam where & coul$ make a sig%i#ica%! co%!ribu!io%
a%$ he%ce become a ro#essio%al always i% $ema%$.
'as!er i% commerce i% (ccou%!s #rom )eriyar *%i"ersi!y+ ,alem Tamil Na$u i% year
200-. ./y $is!a%ce mo$e0
/achelor i% 1ommerce i% (ccou%!s #rom 2i%obha /ha"e *%i"ersi!y+ 3a4aribagh i% year
)asse$ 1052 i% year 2006 #rom Jharkha%$ (ca$emic 1ou%cil+ 7a%chi
i% year 2002 #rom Jharkha%$ seco%$ary e8ami%a!io% /oar$ +7a%chi
Technical Qualification
Organisation :- NIIT
Description :- ,i8 mo%!hs cer!i#ica!io% course i% TALLY ERP
E!"lo#e!ent Sca!
Tech $ahin%ra As an A&&O'NTANT #rom (ug 2012 !o Oc!. 2019
(uties an% res"onsibilities
1. Maintenance of oo!" # Account" u$ to %#& an' alance ()eet.
*. %+e$a+ation of ,a") # Fun' flo- "tate.ent on a .ont)l/ ba"i".
3. %+e$a+ation of u'0et # va+iance 1e$o+t.
4. %+e$a+ation of an! 1econciliation (tate.ent on .ont)l/ ba"i".
5. 2ebto+" # ,+e'ito+" Mana0e.ent # fun' cont+ol.
6. Maintainin0 Fi3e' A""et" 1e0i"te+.
7. Activel/ %a+tici$ate in annual Au'it.
8. 1econciliation of ,+e'ito+" Account".
9. %+oce"" "u$$lie+ $a/.ent on .ont)l/ ba"i".
10. 4an'lin0 $ett/ ca"), c)ec!in0 befo+e $a/.ent.
11. ,)ec!in0 $)/"ical 5nvento+/ on .ont)l/ ba"i".
1*. %+oce""in0 $a/+oll on .ont)l/ ba"i".
13. %+e$a+in0 t)e bu'0etin0 an' anal/zin0 t)e +e$o+t".
7ea$i%g %ewsaer
7ea$i%g curre%! a##airs maga4i%es
:ea$ershi ;uali!ies
,mar! worki%g skills
,i%cere a%$ ho%es!
"ass"ort (etails
Pass"ort no* ) +,--./
E0"ir# %ate* -/123132-/
Personal (etails
4ather5s Na!e * :a!e ,.(.(<3T=7
(ate of 6irth * 10>01>1-?7

Lan7ua7es 8no9n * =%glish+ 3i%$i+ a%$ *r$u
Per!anent A%%ress * I4har 'a%4il+ 'illa! 1olo%y
@asseyur+ Dha%ba$
(ate * -,:2;:32-.
Place * Ne9 (elhi .,harique (kh!ar0

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