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Adventure Island 3: Boss FAQ by TheSpelunker

Version: 1.1 | Last Updated: 2008-04-25 | View/Download Original File Hosted by

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==- =-= =- = - -===- -= - ." BOSS FAQ by: The Spelunker
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Copyright - 2004 - 2008, All Rights Reserved.


Version 1.1: Corrected e-mail, rewrote some text
Version 1.0: First submission
I. L E G A L I N F O
This guide may not be used for any purpose other than personal use without
the written consent of the author, and the only e-mail address that may give
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Please contact me if this is the case.
Woohoo! Except for one on the Turbo-16 and the original, this completes my
coverage of the Adventure Island bosses, stateside or otherwise. I may cover
the Turbo one some day; I have considered buying the system. But covering the
bosses in the NES version could be redundant; all of them are similar in it.
There would be no point.
The usual spiel: Adventure Island III is not too different from II
aside from a few different music pieces(final boss music, thunder clash stage,
cave and one of the overworld maps) and some graphical changes. There are one
or two new level templates, but for the most part it's the same game with a
different premise -- and, of course, new bosses. These are what my guide is
attempting to cover.
I realize my strategies may not be the best; if you have any suggestions
please send them my way at I'll try to respond
STRATEGY: Rule one when fighting Antlion is always bringing a tomahawk. Not
doing so causes a harder fight. Rule number two is never bringing
the rolling, green dinosaur found in its level. Bringing this means
you'll need to land on Antlion to damage it, and that can lead to
undesirable problems.
Antlion is the easiest boss, and his attacks are rather simple to avoid. You
start on the left side of his lair but will gradually begin to slide down when
the quicksand is in motion and Antlion appears. When this happens, start to
toss tomahawks at it and prepare to jump over the two damage balls it shoots.
In a short while, it will turn red which signals the second phase, but just
keep firing until Antlion is dead. You shouldn't have trouble as long as you
lure both damage balls to the same level and aren't jumping around
STRATEGY: The boomerang is definitely ideal here for its long-range, and with
it you should never be in danger during the fight. The tomahawk can be used,
but it has serious range limitations and could put you at risk of being hit by
the petal rain. Start off the fight by going to the far left of the screen and
getting on the top leaf platform. The Evil Flower has a set pattern in which
it appears, as follows: Center - Right - Left. The cycle then repeats.
Knowing this, you can always stay out of range of its petal rain, which is
basically a downpour of stuff that'll put Higgins to rest with a quickness.
Just move to where you need to be when one of the Evil Flowers curls up and
prepare to toss your boomerang at it some more. Once again, this is an
extremely easy battle. The Evil Flowers speed up some more during the second
phase, but the threat remains negligible with a boomerang in hand.
Strategy: Tomahawks are useful here simply because of how fast you can throw
them. You can also opt for a fire dinosaur if you bring one in from the level.
That way you can move about the area without having to worry about fire.
Either way, Salamander can be marginally tough if you don't know what to do.
Like Evil Flowers, he has a set pattern. His first appearance is on the center
platform and from there it's left then right and back to the center. His
damage balls are rather easy to avoid, but what you definitely need to watch
out for is when he disappears and in his wake causes a fire ring.
Things can get hairy here if you're unprepared, but -- lucky for you -- you
will be. To dodge the fire ring, just get on the opposite side of the screen
from Salamander when he starts to disappear. In this way the ring won't touch
you, and you can prepare to whack him some more when he reappears. The only
time this is somewhat tricky is when he's in the center. During these times
you'll have to do a short hop to get onto the platforms in the lower corners
and only once you're up against the edge of the screen down here will you be
Salamander's second phase finds him turning blue opposed to red(well, he can't
exactly turn red again can he?) and also tossing a few more damage balls
your way. Alas, by this time he'll be nearly out of steam and victory should
be yours after a few more fire spits from your dino or tosses from your
endless supply of tomahawks.
STRATEGY: This is probably the landmark where bosses start to get tougher.
Armored Fish is no joke; he has a ton of henchmen who rise from the
ground wherever you're standing. You'll definitely want to go into this fight
with a boomerang(tomahawks make you fight from awkward angles and you have to
swim on the top which means it's easier to fall into Armored Fish) as it will
do more damage and put you in a better position to win the battle.
You might also want to enter this fight with a water dinosaur at your side
because it will allow you both more mobility and the possibility of taking
that one extra hit where you goofed up. But it's not necessary. Your main
focus once the battle starts should be on the jellyfish coming up from the
ocean floor. Armored Fish does a charge attack when he appears on the screen
and, like most bosses, has a set pattern of which side he appears on(bottom
right - bottom left - top right - top left)
With the boomerang, you can hit Armored Fish while he's on the top without
even getting on his level by swimming just a little under and in front of him
and tossing it. On the bottom you can hit him as well, but not in the same
manner; you'll need to be in front of him. Continue dodging jellyfish and
never try to take more than one shot at Armored Fish because it could distract
you from your ultimate goal -- evading jellyfish.
When Armored Fish enters his second phase, you definitely do not want to attack
him on the bottom. Just float up top and then descend after he appears from the
bottom left and charges off-screen to the right. Then, and only then, start
attacking. The reason we hold off from an all-out assault here is because he
charges significantly faster when he's in his second phase, which can cause
trouble especially if you don't have a water dinosaur at that point.
STRATEGY: First things first: you don't want a dinosaur here. Hitting Bone
Horror becomes nearly impossible on any type of dinosaur, and it's also
difficult to lose your dinosaur against him without losing your life in the
process. Tomahawks are the prefered weapon because most of the times you'll be
able to hit Bone Horror will be at that particular arc.
Once in the arena, get on the lower platform in the center. Bone Horror
appears on the bottom right platform first and then the top right one. As he
appears on the bottom, toss tomahawks at this head. You can do this without
jumping. You'll be lucky to get two shots in before fire balls start to
surround him. At this point, retreat to the higher of the platforms on the far
Bone Horror will release his fire balls in succession. Just when the first is
about to hit you, fall off the platform(to the left of course) and jump
back on it once its safe. Ideally, this will cause the first three fire balls
Bone Horror shoots at you to go over your head(as they were guided toward the
platform) and the last two to go under you(as you jumped back onto the
platform). This isn't difficult to do but you'll have to do it a lot. Try to
pay attention.
Bone Horror's second attack comes once he's done tossing all of his fire
balls. His body will actually disappear and only his head will be visible. At
this point you should be jumping up in the air and launching tomahawks over
the higher platform in the center(but still standing on the higher platform on
the left). With the right arc you will get a good many hits in before the
detached head even reaches you. But when it does start to come close, quickly
drop down to the lower left corner. Detached heads will never be able to hit
you here.
Now, Bone Horror will appear in the top right. The strategy for this is
similar except you'll need to stand on the higher center platform and actually
jump to toss your tomahawks at him. Still, when the fireballs and detached
head come out, you know the drill. Most probably you'll get fewer hits during
this cycle, but just be patient and you should win. Bone Horror is easier than
the last boss, though his stage certainly isn't.
STRATEGY: No dinosaur, you ask? Yeah, granted the ice dinosaur will prevent
you from sliding around, it's too easy to bump into Ice Crab's mace while
riding on it. Instead, just go solo and use tomahawks(though boomerangs will
work equally well, you'll have to bring them in before starting the stage) Ice
Crab is the hardest boss yet, and his attacks are rather hard to avoid even if
you know what to look for.
Unlike the rest of the bosses, he doesn't teleport at all. He always stays on
the center platform and swings a mace around that, after doing a full rotation
around him, extends towards where you're at. But thankfully it doesn't reach
the distance of the screen and thus can't get you in the corners. So, this is
the plan: start out the fight by jumping on the right platform and leaping
whilet tossing tomahawks at Ice Crab. When his mace starts to come back
around, quickly run to the left corner of the screen.
It will extend outwards but not come that close to you. Now, from the corner
you should run just left of where the mace is still extended. An icicle will
fall in the corner where you were standing and then the mace will go back to
Ice Crab's side. Run to the right platform again and repeat this pattern. The
things you need to watch out for are sliding too much and mainly the icicles.
Two always drop after Ice Crab extends his mace. However, once he goes into
phase two(signalled by turning red) this number increases to three.
You won't need to adjust your strategy, though, since you'll still be running
towards the right after the first icicle drops and the mace goes back to its
original position. Just keep pounding Ice Crab with tomahawks and avoiding the
icicles in the left-hand corner. You should be fine.
STRATEGY: Doom Moth can be tricky at first until you realize that you can jump
over it. When you do, it's pretty smooth sailing. I recommend tomahawks for
this fight because while they aren't too great to combat Doom Moth in its
first position, they can pack a wallop when it goes to its second. Start out
on the second platform from the left. Start jumping and throwing tomahawks
when Doom Moth appears. It will shoot three damage balls and then swoop down.
Get on the far left platform now.
When it comes close, jump over it to the platform you were just on.
Immediately turn around now and unload on it as it starts to ascend. When it
does reach its peak, you'll probably want to head over to the right side and
prepare for it to transfer to the right spot again. Do this by staying on the
far right platform and once again jumping over Doom Moth's head when it comes
near(but not before tossing some tomahawks). Get back on the second platform
from the left and repeat the pattern.
STRATEGY: This is a two-parter and, as expected, the toughest boss fight in
the game. But it's still not terribly hard if you know what to do. You'll want
to burn any crystals you have because if you can get through the stage without
getting hit that means you'll be able to take an extra hit during this long
boss segment. If not, it's still not a big deal. Grab the tomahawk in the
center when the fight begins and then get on the upper platform in the center.
The Alien Spaceship will appear.
It's possible to hit this with tomahawks while standing, but you'll have far
less accuracy. Instead, jump and throw them, but be careful. The spaceship is
coming straight for you, and when it comes close you'll want to get on the
lower-left platform BUT NOT STAND IN THE CORNER. Here is where our trick comes
in for evading the damage ball every round: stand directly beside the spikes,
but on the left side of them.
When the Alien Spaceship comes by and shoots its damage ball it will either
come straight down or in the pattern of a backslash. This means all you have
to do when you see it is step to the right. Then, immediately after dodging
the damage ball, jump on the upper platform in the center again to your repeat
your assault. The only thing you will need to watch out for while repeating
this pattern is that Alien Spaceship shoots a damage ball while on the right
side, too. This means it will come straight for you as you're attacking it
again, so be careful.
You shouldn't be coming close to its beam weapon at all, and if you are,
review this strategy again because you're doing something wrong.
When you dispose of the spaceship, the real guys come out and the music
changes to a surreal, muted affair. This is where things get a bit tougher,
but not much. Stand on the lower platform in the center. You will notice when
the Aliens first appear that there are three of them -- yikes! But this is
sort of an illusion, assuming you hit the right one before all three can fire
at you.
And right one it is, as the first alien you should aim for is on the right.
After nailing him as much as possible(while preparing for his inevitable
launching of a damage ball), he will disappear. Now, the pattern of which
alien you should hit is left and then center. The cycle repeats after that.
But this isn't as easy to do as it sounds.
Hitting the guys on the sides is simple enough as you can toss tomahawks right
over the neighboring platforms, but the guy on the top-center is tougher.
You'll need to get on either the upper-right or upper-left platforms and jump
to hit him. Even then his damage balls are more difficult to avoid because of
how he is aligned to you and the end of the screen obstructing you on one
However, this isn't nearly as tough as when the aliens go into phase two. The
cycle(right-left-center) is still the same, but each alien now shoots two
damage balls at you. Most times you will be able to jump in between the two of
them(one going high and one going low) but sometimes they can both go low or
high which can get hairy. Still, it'll be the same pattern, just with more
risk. Oddly, the second phase seems to be quite short compared to the first.
After it's all over, you will have won, so good luck.
Adventure Island 3: Boss FAQ by TheSpelunker
Version: 1.1 | Last Updated: 2008-04-25 | View/Download Original File Hosted by
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