Viper - Investor 26-05-2013

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Embassy of Brazil

Madinat Zayed Street n. 5, Villa n.3 - PO BOX 3027- Abu Dhabi - A!

( "#$7%& 2 '32-0'0' ( )a*+ "#$7%& 2 '32-7727
,eb-ite+ htt.+// !-0ail+
O66i4e 72ur-+ $ a0 t2 % .0 "all -er3i4e-&
)2rei1n in3e-t2r- 0ay 62r a .er0anent 3i-a in 2rder t2 li3e and .er-2nally run their bu-ine--e- in Bra8il. 9he
re:uire0ent- are li-ted in the ;2r0ati3e <e-2luti2n n= >?, 26 %0.02.200$ 26 the ;ati2nal @2un4il 62r A00i1rati2n. 9he te*t
i- a3ailable in the Beb-ite 26 the Mini-try 26 Cab2ur and !0.l2y0ent+
htt.+//$/de6ault.a-.. Per0anent 3i-a- ba-ed 2n in3e-t0ent 0ay be
1ranted t2 a..li4ant- Bh2 Bill in3e-t a 0ini0u0 26 <S %50,000.00 "a hundred 6i6ty th2u-and reale-& in Bra8il, Bhi4h 0u-t
be .r23ed by a -tate0ent i--ued by the Bra8ilian @entral BanE. Auth2ri8ati2n 62r thi- ty.e 26 3i-a 0u-t be re:ue-ted by
the a..li4ant, 2r hi-/her dire4tly in Bra8il in the Mini-try 26 Cab2ur and !0.l2y0ent. A6 the a..li4ati2n i-
a..r23ed, the !0ba--y Bill be auth2ri8ed t2 i--ue the 3i-a, .r23ided that the a..li4ant 0eet- the 42n-ular re:uire0ent-
"-ee bel2B& and .ay- the a..r2.riate 42n-ular 6ee-.
9he auth2ri8ati2n 62r a 3i-a t2 be i--ued i- 3alid 62r -i* "'& 02nth- 42untin1 6r20 the date it i- re4ei3ed by the !0ba--y.
On4e the @2n-ular Se4t2r 26 thi- !0ba--y ha- been auth2ri8ed t2 i--ue the .er0anent 3i-a, the a..li4ant 0u-t .re-ent
2r -end the 62ll2Bin1+
1. Vi-a A..li4ati2n )2r0 "2ne .er a..li4ant& 0u-t be 6illed in at https://sc!"#srpro#$o"#br# )ill in the 62r0. @li4E
FS!;DF t2 re4ei3e y2ur .r24e--in1 nu0ber and re4ei.t. Print the re4ei.t. Atta4h 2ne .a--.2rt--i8e .h2t21ra.h
".lea-e d2 n2t -ta.le the .h2t2G 1lue it, i6 .2--ible&. Si1n the re4ei.t. )2r 0in2r- "under %> year-&, the re4ei.t 0u-t be
-i1ned by b2th .arent-. ,hen 6illin1 in the a..li4ati2n 62r0 it i- 3ery i0.2rtant t2 -tate y2ur .arent-H 6ull na0e-, a- it
i- in y2ur birth, 2r 0arria1e, 4erti6i4ate. A6 de4ea-ed, their 6ull na0e- Bill -till be re:uired.
2. A..li4antH- .a--.2rt, 3alid 62r n2 le-- than ' 02nth-, Bith at lea-t tB2 blanE .a1e-. Plea-e n2te that .a1e- re-er3ed
62r a0end0ent- 4ann2t be u-ed 62r 3i-a .ur.2-e-. S2iled, da0a1ed 2r de6a4ed .a--.2rt- Bill n2t be a44e.ted.
3. @erti6i4ate 26 122d beha3i2r "internati2nal 02del& i--ued by the 42untry 26 re-iden4e and -ta0.ed by the Mini-try 26
)2rei1n A66air- in A!. 9he 4erti6i4ate 0u-t be i--ued n2 02re than $0 day- .ri2r t2 deli3ery at thi- !0ba--y
"le1ali8ati2n 6ee+ A!D >0,00&.
?. One "%& re4ent 3*? 40 .h2t2, 6r2nt 3ieB, Bhite ba4E1r2und.
For !p%!a%ts: &oc'm%tatio% r('irm%ts to rtri" th "isa for th spo's a%! mi%or chil!r%:
1. De.endantH- passport, 3alid 62r n2 le-- than ' 02nth-, Bith at lea-t tB2 blanE .a1e-. Plea-e n2te that .a1e-
re-er3ed 62r a0end0ent- 4ann2t be u-ed 62r 3i-a .ur.2-e-. S2iled, da0a1ed 2r de6a4ed .a--.2rt- Bill n2t be
2. Vi-a A..li4ati2n )2r0 "2ne .er a..li4ant& 0u-t be 6illed in at https://sc!"#srpro#$o"#br# )ill in the 62r0. @li4E
FS!;DF t2 re4ei3e y2ur .r24e--in1 nu0ber and re4ei.t. Print the re4ei.t. Atta4h 2ne .a--.2rt--i8e .h2t21ra.h
".lea-e d2 n2t -ta.le the .h2t2G 1lue it, i6 .2--ible&. Si1n the re4ei.t. )2r 0in2r- "under %> year-&, the re4ei.t 0u-t be
-i1ned by b2th .arent-. ,hen 6illin1 in the a..li4ati2n 62r0 it i- 3ery i0.2rtant t2 -tate y2ur .arent-H 6ull na0e-, a- it
i- in y2ur birth, 2r 0arria1e, 4erti6i4ate. A6 de4ea-ed, their 6ull na0e- Bill -till be re:uired.
3. One .a--.2rt -i8e .h2t21ra.h, 6r2nt 3ieB, Bhite ba4E1r2und.
?. @erti6i4ate 26 122d beha3i2r "internati2nal 02del& i--ued by the 42untry 26 re-iden4e and -ta0.ed by the Mini-try 26
)2rei1n A66air- in A!. 9he 4erti6i4ate 0u-t be i--ued n2 02re than $0 day- .ri2r t2 deli3ery at thi- !0ba--y
"le1ali8ati2n 6ee+ A!D >0,00&. Polic rcor! is %ot r('ir! for mi%or chil!r% )'%!r *+ yars ol!,. Ce1ali8ati2n
6ee+ A!D >0,00
5. Ori1inal Marria1e and Birth 4erti6i4ate-, Bhi4h Bill be le1ali8ed by thi- !0ba--y. Plea-e n2te that 4erti6i4ate- i--ued in
2ther 42untrie- than A! 0u-t be le1ali8ed by the Bra8ilian Di.l20ati4 < in the 42untry Bhere they
Bere i--ued. 9hi- !0ba--y 4an 2nly le1ali8e d24u0ent- i--ued in 2ther 42untrie- i6 they are .ri2rly le1ali8ed by the
di.l20ati4 in A!. "Ce1ali8ati2n 6ee+ A!D >0,00 .er d24u0ent&.
I% all cass- th Embassy may r('st a!!itio%al i%formatio% or !oc'm%tatio% as !m! %cssary#
A!D >00,00 62r the 3i-a.
Additi2nal .r24e--in1 6ee 26 A!D '?0,00+ S .a--.2rt h2lder- "2n a re4i.r24ity ba-i-&.
Additi2nal .r24e--in1 6ee 26 A!D 220,00 62r A! .a--.2rt h2lder- "in re4i.r24ity ba-i-&G
A..li4ati2n 4an be deli3ered in .er-2n 2r by 42urier. A..li4ati2n- n2t -ub0itted in .er-2n 0u-t .ay an additi2nal
6ee 26 A!D >0,00, re1ardle-- 26 nati2nality# 9hi- additi2nal 6ee i- n2t a..li4able t2 6a0ily 0e0ber-G
Briti-h 4iti8en- are -ubIe4ted t2 a A!D '20,00 .r24e--in1 6ee 62r all 3i-a- Bhi4h 3alidity e*tend- the
.eri2d 26 %>0 day- "2n a re4i.r24ity ba-i-&.
Ca-t u.dated+ 2'/05/20%3

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