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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: March 5-6, 2014

2014- 03- 09 13:03:02 GKToday
1. The Bosporus St rait is t he worlds narrowest st rait used f or int ernat ional
navigat ion connect s which of t he f ollowing seas? [A]Black Sea and
Medit erranean Sea [B]Black Sea and Sea of Marmara [C]Indian Ocean and
Arabian Sea [D]Caspian Sea and Sea of Marmara
Black Sea and Sea of Marmara
The Bosporus st rait also ref erred t o somet imes as t he Ist anbul st rait , is a
st rait t hat f orms part of t he boundary bet ween t he Asia and Europe. The
Bosporus st rait connect s t he Black Sea and Marmara Sea.
Show Answer 2. At present , India import s largest amount of coal f rom ___?
[A]Aust ralia [B]Indonesia [C]Net herland [D]Japan
Show Answer 3. The Gulabi Gang is a group of women vigilant es and
act ivist s originally f rom which st at es? [A]Madhya Pradesh [B]Ut t ar Pradesh
[C]Haryana [D]Punjab
Uttar Pradesh
The Gulabi Gang is an ext raordinary womens movement f ormed in 2006 by
Sampat Pal Devi in t he Banda dist rict of Ut t ar Pradesh. The gang was init ially
int ended t o punish oppressive husbands, f at hers and brot hers, and combat
domest ic violence and desert ion.
Show Answer 4. Which of t he f ollowing count ries have f ormed t he Indian
Ocean t rilat eral group on marit ime securit y? 1. Sri Lanka 2. India 3. Maldives 4.
Maurit ius Chose t he correct answer f rom t he codes given below: [A]1, 2 & 3
[B]1, 2 & 4 [C]2, 3 & 4 [D]1, 3 & 4
1, 2 & 3
Show Answer 5. Which among t he f ollowing Universit ies has ranked number
one in t he list of recent ly released Times Higher Educat ions world reput at ion
ranking of universit ies? [A]Cambridge Universit y [B]Harvard Universit y
[C]Oxf ord Universit y [D]Universit y of Calif ornia
Harvard University
Harvard Universit y has ret ained it s number one spot on t he Times Higher
Educat ions world reput at ion ranking of universit ies 2014. Massachuset t s
Inst it ut e of Technology and St anf ord f ollow t o make up t he t op t hree.
Show Answer 6. Recent ly, which among t he f ollowing st at es has become
f irst Indian st at e t o observe Child Prot ect ion Day? [A]Tripura [B]Sikkim
[C]Assam [D]Meghalaya
Assam became t he f irst st at e in t he count ry t o observe Child Prot ect ion Day
on March 3rd. The day was observed across t he st at e and a cent ral f unct ion
was organised under t he aegis of Assam st at e commission f or prot ect ion of
child right s in collaborat ion wit h t he UNICEF.
Show Answer 7. INS Sumedha which has been recent ly induct ed int o Navy
is an indigenously designed and built ___? [A]Submarine Ship [B]Aircraf t carrier
[C]Of f shore Pat rol Vessel [D]Coast Guard Ship
Of f shore Patrol Vessel
The Indian Navy induct ed INS Sumedha, an indigenously designed and built
st at e-of -t he-art new generat ion Of f shore Pat rol Vessel (NOPV). INS Sunedha
vessel is t he t hird in t he series of f our new classes of NOPVs designed and
built by Goa Shipyard Limit ed f or t he Indian Navy.
Show Answer 8. Consider t he f ollowing rivers: 1.Godavari 2.Krishna 3.Tapi
4.Narmada Which of t he above rivers originat e in Maharasht ra? [A]Only 1 & 2
[B]Only 2 & 3 [C]Only 1, 2 & 3 [D]1, 2, 3 & 4
Only 1 & 2
Show Answer 9. Consider t he f ollowing st at es: 1. Sikkim 2. Mizoram 3.
Nagaland 4. Arunachal Pradesh Which among t he above have only one
parliament ary seat each? [A]Only 1 & 2 [B]Only 1 & 3 [C]Only 1, 2 & 3 [D]1, 2, 3
& 4
Only 1, 2 & 3
Sikkim (1); Mizoram (1); Nagaland (1); Arunachal Pradesh (2); Tripura(2).
Show Answer 10. At present , how many polit ical part ies in India have been
recognized as Nat ional Part ies? [A]5 [B]6 [C]7 [D]8
Bahujan Samaj Part y (BSP); Bharat iya Janat a Part y (BJP); Communist Part y
of India (CPI); Communist Part y of India (Marxist ) CPI (M); Indian Nat ional
Congress (INC); Nat ionalist Congress Part y (NCP)
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