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Oracle Financials Test No.

9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006

#.$hat are %i&&erent t'(es o& in)oices*
#. Credit Memo. An ne+ati)e a,o-nt in)oice 'o- recei)e &ro, a s-((lier
re(resentin+ a cre%it &or +oo%s or ser)ices (-rchase%.
2. Debit Memo. A ne+ati)e a,o-nt in)oice 'o- sen% to noti&' a s-((lier o& a cre%it
'o- recor%e% &or +oo%s or ser)ices (-rchase%.
.. Interest. An in)oice that Pa'a/les a-to,aticall' creates in)oices to (a' interest
&or o)er%-e in)oices i& 'o- ena/le a-to,atic interest calc-lation &or a s-((lier0
an% i& 'o- (a' an o)er%-e in)oice &or the s-((lier in a (a',ent /atch or 1ith a
2-ic3 (a',ent.
4. Expense Report. An in)oice 'o- enter to recor% /-siness5relate% e,(lo'ee
7. Mixed. A tan%ar% or 8re%it9De/it :e,o in)oice &or 1hich 'o- can enter /oth
(ositi)e an% ne+ati)e a,o-nts an% (er&or, /oth (ositi)e an% ne+ati)e ,atchin+.
6. PO Default. A tra%e in)oice 'o- 1ant to a-to,aticall' ,atch to a s(eci&ie%
(-rchase or%er an% then ,an-all' ,atch to the in%i)i%-al shi(,ents on the
(-rchase or%er. A&ter 'o- -se this in)oice t'(e to co,(lete the ,atch0 the in)oice
1ill /eco,e a tan%ar% t'(e in)oice.
;. Prepayment. An a%)ance (a',ent 'o- ,a3e to a s-((lier or e,(lo'ee. "& 'o-
enter Te,(orar' &or the Pre(a',ent T'(e &iel%0 then 'o- can later a((l'
(re(a',ent to an in)oice.
8. QuickMatch. A tra%e in)oice 'o- 1ant to a-to,aticall' ,atch to all the
shi(,ents o& a s(eci&ie% (-rchase or%er.
9. tandard. A tra%e in)oice 'o- recei)e &ro, a s-((lier.
#0. !ithholdin" #ax. An in)oice 'o- ha)e +enerate% to (a' a ta6 a-thorit'.
2.$hat is Pre!(a',ent in)oice* $hat are the %i&&erent t'(es o& Pre!(a',ent in)oice*
$hat is the acco-ntin+ entr' &or Pre!(a',ent at %i&&erent sta+es*
Prepayment. An a%)ance (a',ent 'o- ,a3e to a s-((lier or e,(lo'ee. "& 'o- enter
Te,(orar' &or the Pre(a',ent T'(e &iel%0 then 'o- can later a((l' (re(a',ent to an
T1o t'(es o& (re(a',ents are there0 na,el'0 Te,(orar' an% Per,anent. "n case o&
earlier one0 it is treate% as a%)ance to the s-((lier an% 1ill /e a%<-ste% a+ainst an'
in)oice on or a&ter the settle,ent %ate /-t in case o& later one0 it is treate% as %e(osit 1ith
the s-((lier.
..$hat is the acco-ntin+ entr' &or a stan%ar% in)oice*
"n case o& :atchin+ $ith PO ! AP accr-al A9c Dr ===
To Lia/ilit' A9c ===
"n case o& Distri/-tion ! 8har+e A9c Dr ===
To Lia/ilit' A9c ===
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 # OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
"n case o& Distri/-tion ? Pre(a',ent ! 8har+e A9c Dr ===
To Pre(a',ent A9c ===
To Lia/ilit' A9c ===
"n case o& Distri/-tion ? Pre(a',ent0 ! 8har+e A9c Dr ===
$ithhol%in+ Ta60 ales Ta6 To Pre(a',ent A9c ===
To Lia/ilit' A9c ===
To $ith >ol%in+ Ta6 ===
To ales Ta6 ===
4.E6(lain the conce(t o& @Pa' Aro-(B. Brie& the ste(s to %e&ine an% assi+n @Pa' Aro-(C.
Pa' Aro-( 'o- 1ant to assi+n to an' s-((liers that 'o- create &ro, e,(lo'ees %-rin+
"n)oice ",(ort. Yo- can %e&ine a%%itional )al-es &or Pa' Aro-( in the P-rchasin+
Loo3-(s 1in%o1.
Purchasin" $ookups
Note that in the Oracle P-/lic ector P-rchasin+ Loo3-(s 1in%o1 'o- can a%% )al-es &or
the &ollo1in+ loo3-(s that Pa'a/les -ses:
%. &O'
(. &rei"ht #erms.
). Minority *roup
4. Pay *roup. Aro-(s in)oices in (a',ent /atches.
+. upplier #ype.
De&ine (a' +ro-( a' loo3-(s!(-rchasin+. "t can /e assi+ne% at (a'a/le o(tion ! s-((lier
ta/ (a+e0 s-((lier screen ! (a',ent ta/ (a+e an% s-((lier site ! (a',ent ta/ (a+e.
7.$hat is the %i&&erence /et1een PO %e&a-lt an% 2-ic3 :atch "n)oices*
"& 'o- 3no1 the n-,/er an% a,o-nt o& the (-rchase or%er to 1hich 'o- 1ant to ,atch0
Pa'a/les (ro)i%es 'o- 1ith t1o in)oice t'(es0 PO De&a-lt an% 2-ic3:atch0 to hel(
s(ee% -( in)oice ,atchin+.
Enter PO De&a-lt as the in)oice t'(e i& 'o- 3no1 the (-rchase or%er 'o- 1ant to ,atch
to0 /-t 'o- %o not 3no1 to 1hich (-rchase or%er shi(,ents or %istri/-tions 'o- 1ant to
,atch. $hen 'o- enter a PO De&a-lt in)oice in the "n)oice $or3/ench0 Pa'a/les
(ro,(ts 'o- to enter the (-rchase or%er n-,/er an% a-to,aticall' co(ies the s-((lier
na,e0 s-((lier n-,/er0 s-((lier site0 an% c-rrenc' &ro, that P-rchase or%er to the
in)oice. $hen 'o- choose the :atch /-tton0 Pa'a/les 1ill retrie)e all (-rchase or%er
shi(,ents or recei(t lines associate% 1ith the s(eci&ie% (-rchase or%er. Yo- can then
,atch to an' shi(,ent0 %istri/-tion0 or recei(t line.
Enter 2-ic3 :atch as the in)oice t'(e i& 'o- 1ant to ,atch an in)oice to all shi(,ents or
recei(t lines on a (-rchase or%er. $hen 'o- enter a 2-ic3 :atch in)oice in the "n)oice
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 2 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
$or3/ench0 Pa'a/les (ro,(ts 'o- to enter the (-rchase or%er n-,/er an% a-to,aticall'
enters the s-((lier na,e0 s-((lier n-,/er0 s-((lier site0 an% the (-rchase or%er c-rrenc'
&or the in)oice c-rrenc'. $hen 'o- choose the :atch /-tton0 Pa'a/les a-to,aticall'
na)i+ates to the ,atch 1in%o10 an% selects all shi(,ents that ha)e an -n/ille% D-antit'.
Yo- can choose to co,(lete the ,atch or o)erri%e the ,atchin+ in&or,ation.
6.$hat %o 'o- ,ean /' :i6e% "n)oice*
:i6e% "n)oices are in)oices or cre%it9%e/it ,e,os &or 1hich 'o- can (er&or, /oth
(ositi)e an% ne+ati)e ,atchin+ to (-rchase or%ers an% to other in)oices.
For e6a,(le0 'o- can enter an in)oice &or 5E#00 1ith "n)oice T'(e :i6e%. Yo- can
,atch to an in)oice &or E52000 an% ,atch to a (-rchase or%er &or E#00.
#o enter a Mixed in,oice-
#. Enter the in)oice or cre%it9%e/it ,e,o in the "n)oices 1in%o10 an% enter :i6e% as the
in)oice T'(e.Yo- can enter either a (ositi)e or ne+ati)e in)oice a,o-nt.
2. :atch to (-rchase or%ers0 an%9or in)oices
;.$hat are the %i&&erent (a',ent ,etho%s*
Payment Method.
Check. Pa',ent in a (a',ent /atch0 2-ic3 (a',ent0 or ,an-al (a',ent.
Electronic. Yo- (a' electronic (a',ents either thro-+h the e58o,,erce
Aate1a'0 or /' %eli)erin+ a (a',ent /atch &ile to 'o-r /an3. For /oth ,etho%s0
Pa'a/les creates a &ile %-rin+ (a',ent /atch creation. For e58o,,erce Aate1a'
(a',ents0 the &ile is (rocesse% thro-+h the e58o,,erce Aate1a' an% %eli)ere%
to 'o-r /an3 to create (a',ents. For electronic &-n%s trans&ers0 the &ile is
&or,atte% an% %eli)ere% to 'o-r a(.o-t %irector' &or 'o- to %eli)er to 'o-r /an3.
!ire. A (a',ent ,etho% 1here 'o- (a' in)oices o-tsi%e o& Pa'a/les /'
noti&'in+ 'o-r /an3 that 'o- 1ant to %e/it 'o-r acco-nt an% cre%it 'o-r s-((lierCs
acco-nt 1ith a((ro(riate &-n%s. Yo- (ro)i%e 'o-r /an3 1ith 'o-r s-((lierCs /an3
in&or,ation0 an% 'o-r /an3 sen%s 'o- con&ir,ation o& 'o-r transaction. Yo-r
s-((lierCs /an3 sen%s 'o-r s-((lier con&ir,ation o& the (a',ent. Yo- then recor%
the transaction ,an-all'.
Clearin". Pa',ent ,etho% 'o- -se to acco-nt &or inter&-n% e6(enses 1hen 'o-
%o not act-all' %is/-rse &-n%s thro-+h /an3s. Aenerall'0 'o- %o not +enerate a
(a',ent %oc-,ent 1ith the 8learin+ (a',ent ,etho%
8.$hat is cash clearin+ acco-nt* An% 1hen it 1ill /e -se%*
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 . OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
Cash Clearin". "& 'o- ha)e ena/le% the Acco-nt &or Pa',ent $hen Pa',ent 8lears
Pa'a/les o(tion0 enter the cash clearin+ acco-nt 'o- are associatin+ 1ith a (a',ent
%oc-,ent. $hen 'o- create a (a',ent0 Pa'a/les creates acco-ntin+ entries &or 'o-r
-nreconcile% in)oice (a',ents to cre%it this cash clearin+ acco-nt -sin+ this acco-nt.
A&ter 'o- reconcile 'o-r in)oice (a',ents -sin+ Oracle 8ash :ana+e,ent0 Pa'a/les
creates acco-ntin+ entries to %e/it this cash clearin+ acco-nt an% cre%it this /an3
acco-ntCs cash acco-nt. The acco-nt 'o- enter here o)erri%es the 8ash 8learin+ Acco-nt
'o- entere% in the AL Acco-nts re+ion o& the Ban3 Acco-nts 1in%o1.

For &-t-re %ate% (a',ents0 1hen the (a',ent is recor%e% as ,at-re0 Pa'a/les %e/its the
&-t-re %ate% (a',ent acco-nt an% cre%its the cash clearin+ acco-nt. $hen 'o- reconcile
the (a',ent0 Pa'a/les %e/its the cash clearin+ acco-nt an% cre%its the cash acco-nt.
9.$hat is (a',ent &or,at an% 1hat is it -se% &or*
Payment &ormat. The &or,at 'o- 1ant Pa'a/les to -se to &or,at (a',ents &or a
(a',ent %oc-,ent.
"& 'o- ena/le the Fse :-lti(le 8-rrencies Pa'a/les o(tion0 select 'o-r &-nctional
c-rrenc' as 'o-r /an3 c-rrenc'0 an% %e&ine 'o-r /an3 acco-nt as ,-lti(le c-rrenc'0 'o-
can select an' o& the (a',ent &or,ats 'o- %e&ine%0 1hether the' are ,-lti(le c-rrenc' or
not. "& 'o- %o not %e&ine 'o-r /an3 acco-nt as ,-lti(le c-rrenc'0 'o- can onl' select
&or,ats that are %e&ine% in the sa,e c-rrenc' as 'o-r /an3 acco-nt.
#0.$hat is %istri/-tion hol%* 8an it /e release% ,an-all'*
.old "n Oracle Pa'a/les0 an Oracle A((lications &eat-re that (re)ents a transaction &ro,
occ-rrin+ or co,(letin+ -ntil the hol% has /een release%. Yo- can (lace a hol% on an
in)oice or an in)oice sche%-le line. All hol%s in Pa'a/les (re)ent (a',entG so,e hol%s
also (re)ent (ostin+ to 'o-r +eneral le%+er.
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 4 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
Distri/-tion hol% arises %-e to i,/alance o& %istri/-tion total0 this can /e release% onl'
/' correctin+ the %istri/-tion total. No0 it cant /e release% ,an-all' &ro, action 1in%o10
as 1e ha)e to correct the entr'.
##.$hat is the selection criteria &or conc-rrent (ro+ra, @(a'a/les a((ro)alC to a((ro)e
the in)oices*
Parameters- O(tion0 "n)oice Batch Na,e0 Fro, "n)oice %ate0 to "n)oice %ate0 -((lier
Na,e0 Pa' Aro-(0 "n)oice N-,/er0 Entere% B'.
#2.List the %i&&erent 1a's o& (a',ent to in)oices.
Thro-+h "n)oice $or3 Bench ? Pa',ent $or3/ench
#..$hat are the %i&&erent stat-ses o& (re!(a',ent in)oice* $hat is the rele)ance o&
settle,ent %ate*
#. Ne)er a((ro)e%
2. Fna((ro)e%
.. Fn(ai%
4. A)aila/le 5 Te,(orar'
7. F-ll' A((lie% ! Te,(orar'
6. Per,anent
;. 8ancelle%
ettlement Date The %ate /e&ore 1hich 'o- cannot a((l' a (re(a',ent to an in)oice.
Pa'a/les (re)ent 'o- &ro, a((l'in+ a te,(orar' (re(a',ent to an in)oice -ntil on or
a&ter the ettle,ent Date o& the (re(a',ent.
#4.$hen " a, tr'in+ to enter an in)oice0 @NE$C /-tton is %isa/le%. $hat co-l% /e the
reason &or that*
"& 'o- chec3e% the Fse /atch control 8hec3 /o6 at "n)oice ta/ Pa+e in Pa'a/les O(tion
@NE$C /-tton %isa/le%.
#7.8an " assi+n a s-((lier t'(e o& /an3 acco-nt to ,ore than one s-((lier*
/llo0 /ssi"nment to Multiple uppliers- Ena/le this o(tion i& 'o-r /an3 acco-nt
/elon+s to an or+aniHation that recei)es (a',ents &or ,-lti(le s-((liers Ia &actor
or+aniHationJ. $ith this o(tion ena/le%0 Pa'a/les allo1s 'o- to enter an' co,/ination o&
s-((liers an% sites in the -((lier Assi+n,ents re+ion. "t 1ill ,a3e the acco-nt al1a's
a)aila/le in the list o& )al-es &or the &iel%s IBan3J Na,e an% IBan3J N-,/er in the Ban3
Acco-nts re+ion o& the -((liers an% -((liers ites 1in%o1s.
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 7 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
#6.$hat is the reD-est na,e to )ie1 the list o& 8re%it ,e,os*
The 8onc-rrent (ro+ra, is 8re%it :e,o :atchin+ Ke(ort.
Para,eters: -((lier Fro,0 -((lier To0 Be+in 8re%it :e,o %ate an% En% 8re%it ,e,o
#;.List the %i&&erent /an3 acco-nts -ses in oracle (a'a/les.
#. "nternal
2. 8-sto,er
.. -((lier
#8.E)en tho-+h " ha)e %e&ine% a s-((lier an% s-((lier site0 " a, not a/le to enter an
in)oice &or that. $h'*
"& 'o- are not chec3in+ the circle% ite, in s-((lier site le)el.
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 6 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
#9.On 1hat /asis Oracle (a'a/les ca-tion the -ser 1hile enterin+ a De/it ,e,o98re%it
,e,o0 as it is a D-(licate.
Those /ases are0 na,el'0
#. -((lier
2. -((lier site
.. 8-rrenc'
4. A,o-nt
#.$hat are the ,an%ator' ste(s &or Pa'a/le ,o%-le /e&ore enterin+ transactions*
8reate a((lication -ser si+n5ons an% (ass1or%s.
De&ine 'o-r chart o& acco-nts.
De&ine 'o-r acco-ntin+ (erio% t'(es an% acco-ntin+ calen%ar (erio%s.
De&ine a set o& /oo3s. (eci&' a set o& /oo3s na,e an% assi+n it a calen%ar0
&-nctional c-rrenc'0 an% a chart o& acco-nts str-ct-re.
A&ter choosin+ 'o-r set o& /oo3s0 -se the A((lication De)elo(er res(onsi/ilit' to
set the AL et o& Boo3s "D (ro&ile o(tion to F(%atea/le.
A&ter choosin+ 'o-r set o& /oo3s0 -se the 'ste, A%,inistrator res(onsi/ilit' to set
the AL et o& /oo3s Na,e (ro&ile o(tion. "& 'o- are not -sin+ ,-lti(le
or+aniHations &eat-re0 set the o(tion &or the Oracle Pa'a/les a((lication. "& 'o- are
-sin+ ,-lti(le or+aniHations &eat-re0 set the o(tion &or each -niD-e co,/ination o&
or+aniHation an% res(onsi/ilit'.
De&ine Pa'a/les Loo3-(s.
De&ine P-rchasin+ Loo3-(s.
Enter locations.
Enter e,(lo'ees. "& 'o- ha)e Oracle >-,an Keso-rces installe%0 -se the Peo(le
1in%o1. ee: Enterin+ a Ne1 Person (Managing People Using Oracle HRMS). "&
'o- %o not ha)e Oracle >-,an Keso-rces installe%0 -se the Enter Person 1in%o1.
"& Oracle "n)entor' or Oracle P-rchasin+ is installe%0 'o- ,-st %e&ine at least one
"n)entor' Or+aniHation /e&ore %e&inin+ Financials O(tions.
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 ; OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
De&ine (a',ent (ro+ra,s.
"nstall or -(+ra%e Pa'a/les.
elect 'o-r (ri,ar' set o& /oo3s.
Fse the 'ste, A%,inistrator res(onsi/ilit' to assi+n 'o-r set o& /oo3s to a
De&ine Financials o(tions.
De&ine Pa'a/les o(tions.
De&ine 'o-r (a',ent ter,s.
"& 'o- (lan to -se a-to,atic 1ithhol%in+ ta60 %e&ine Ta6 A-thorit' t'(e s-((liers.
Yo- ,-st %o this /e&ore %e&inin+ ta6 co%es an% ta6 +ro-(s.
De&ine /an3 acco-nts.
De&ine -((liers.
O(en 'o-r Pa'a/les acco-ntin+ (erio%.
et -( Print t'les an% Dri)ers &or the -((lier :ailin+ La/els Ke(ort.
2.$hat is @(a' %ate /asisC* E6(lain the %i&&erent o(tions a)aila/le in it.
Pay Date 'asis. The Pa' Date Basis %e&a-lt &or each ne1 s-((lier 'o- enter. The Pa'
Date Basis &or a s-((lier %e&a-lts to the ne1 s-((lier sites 'o- enter &or the s-((lier. Yo-
can o)erri%e the %e&a-lt &or each s-((lier an% s-((lier site.
Discount. Pa'a/les selects in)oices &or (a',ent /ase% on the sche%-le% (a',ent
%isco-nt %ate.
Due. Pa'a/les selects in)oices &or (a',ent /ase% on the sche%-le% (a',ent %-e %ate0
re+ar%less o& an' a)aila/le %isco-nts.
..>o1 to recor% a re&-n% &ro, a one!ti,e s-((lier* E6(lain acco-ntin+ entries also.
B' enterin+ the De/it :e,o 1e can recor% the reco)er &ro, s-((lier0 The one ti,e
s-((lier is onl' &or the in&or,ation on s-((liers not &or the controllin+.
The acco-ntin+ entries &or the sa,e as &ollo1s
/ccountin" entries for enter in,oice at /ppro,al-1
8har+e A9cL.Dr ===
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 8 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
To Lia/ilit' A9c ===
/ccountin" entries for enter in,oice at Payment-1
Lia/ilit' A9cL.Dr ===
To 8ash 8learin+ A9c ===
"n this case i& 1e 1ant re&-n% &ro, the s-((lier to raise the De/it ,e,o a+ainst the
Aoo%s or er)ices.
/ccountin" entries for Debit Memo at /ppro,al-1
Lia/ilit' A9cL.Dr ===
To 8har+e A9c ===
/ccountin" entries for enter in,oice at Payment-1
8ash 8learin+ A9cL. Dr ===
To Lia/ilit' A9c ===
4.$hat %o 'o- ,ean /' (a' thro-+h %ate an% a%%itional (a' thro-+h %a's*
Pay #hrou"h Date. Pa'a/les selects all a((ro)e% an% -n(ai% in)oices that ha)e a %-e
%ate on or /e&ore the Pa' Thro-+h Date. Yo- cannot -(%ate this &iel% a&ter in)oice
selection &or a (a',ent /atch.
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 9 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
/dditional Pay #hrou"h Days. N-,/er o& %a's /et1een 'o-r re+-lar (a',ent /atches.
Pa'a/les -ses the a%%itional (a' thro-+h %a's to %eter,ine the %e&a-lt Pa' Thro-+h Date
1hen 'o- initiate a (a',ent /atch. For e6a,(le0 i& 'o- %e&ine 7 as the )al-e in this &iel%0
Pa'a/les a%%s 7 %a's to the s'ste, %ate to calc-late the %e&a-lt Pa' thro-+h Date 1hen
'o- initiate a (a',ent /atch.
7.>o1 to %e&ine a (a',ent ter,0 i& 'o- reD-ire to (a' a s-((lier 70M on %eli)er' an% 70M on installation*
This can /e sol)e% in so ,an' 1a's0 /' -sin+ s(ecial calen%ar 1e can resol)e this
6.>o1 to i%enti&' the et o& Boo3s na,e in (a'a/les*
#. 8hoose set o& Boo3s
2. Pa'a/les o(tions Acco-ntin+ :etho%s Ke+ion
.. Pro&ile O(tions
;."n case o& )oi% an% re!iss-e0 1hether the sa,e %oc-,ent 1ill /e iss-e% or ne1 %oc-,ent 1ill /e iss-e%*
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #0 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
/llo0 2oid and Reissue. "& 'o- ena/le this o(tion0 'o- can reiss-e a 2-ic3 (a',ent.
Yo- ,a' nee% to reiss-e a chec3 &or a 2-ic3 (a',ent i& it is s(oile% %-rin+ (rintin+.
$hen 'o- reiss-e a chec30 Pa'a/les )oi%s the ol% chec3 an% creates a re(lace,ent chec3.
The chec3s are i%entical e6ce(t that the ne1 chec3 as a ne1 chec3 n-,/er0 (a',ent %ate0
an% (a',ent e6chan+e rate i& 'o- are -sin+ ,-lti(le c-rrencies. Yo- cannot select the
Noi% an% Keiss-e o(tion &or &-t-re %ate% (a',ents
8.$hat are %i&&erent calc-lation le)els o& A-to,atic ta6 calc-lation*
Calculation $e,el. "& 'o- ena/le the Fse A-to,atic Ta6 8alc-lation o(tion0 select the
le)el at 1hich 'o- 1ant Pa'a/les to a-to,aticall' calc-late sales ta6. This )al-e %e&a-lts
to ne1 s-((liers 'o- enter.
.eader. A-to,aticall' create ta6 %istri/-tions /ase% on the "n)oice A,o-nt an% Ta6
8o%e in the "n)oices 1in%o1:
#ax Code. A-to,aticall' create ta6 %istri/-tions /ase% on the %istri/-tion A,o-nt0 Ta6
8o%e0 an% "ncl-%es Ta6 chec3 /o6 in the Distri/-tions 1in%o1. $hen calc-latin+ ta6
a,o-nts0 +ro-( lines 1ith the sa,e ta6 co%e an% "ncl-%es Ta6 chec3 /o6 settin+ to+ether0
calc-late ta60 an% then ro-n% the ta6 a,o-nt.
$ine. A-to,aticall' create ta6 %istri/-tions /ase% on the %istri/-tion A,o-nt0 Ta6 8o%e0
an% "ncl-%es Ta6 chec3 /o6 in the Distri/-tions 1in%o1. $hen calc-latin+ ta6 a,o-nts0
calc-late ta6 &or each %istri/-tion0 ro-n% the ta6 a,o-nt0 then a%% the ta6 a,o-nts.
9."s it (ossi/le to -n!a((l' a (re!(a',ent in)oice i& it is alrea%' a((lie% to a stan%ar%
Yes0 1e can -na((l' the (re(a',ents at an' stat-s e6ce(t 1hen it is cancelle%.
Pre(a',ent a((l' 1ill not calc-late %isco-nts as it is alrea%' (ai%.
#0.1hat o(tions are to /e ena/le% i& in)oice 8-rrenc' an% Pa',ent 8-rrenc' are %i&&erent*
As the in)oice c-rrenc' an% (a',ent c-rrenc' sho-l% /e sa,e %-e to 1hich there is no
o(tion a)aila/le 1ith res(ect to this.
##.List an' &i)e stan%ar% re(orts in oracle (a'a/les.
Fi)e tan%ar% Ke(orts
#. "n)oice A+in+ Ke(ort
2. "n)oice A-%it Ke(ort
.. Pa'a/les acco-nt anal'sis Ke(ort
4. Pa',ent Batch 8ontrol Ke(ort
7. Pa',ent %istri/-tion Ke(ort
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 ## OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
#2.>o1 to set %i&&erent interest rates &or %i&&erent s-((liers*
There are no s-ch o(tions a)aila/le &or %e&inin+ %i&&erent interest rates &or %i&&erent
s-((liers. There are onl' -ni&or, interest rates.
#..$hen @ta6 co%eC at in)oice hea%er 1ill /e ,an%ator'*
Re3uire #ax Entry at .eader. "& 'o- ena/le this o(tion0 Pa'a/les reD-ires 'o- to enter
a Ta6 8o%e an% Ta6 a,o-nt in the "n)oices 1in%o1 1hen 'o- enter an in)oice.
The calc-lation sho-l% /e >ea%er0 in this sit-ation the ta6 co%e at hea%er le)el sho-l% /e
#4."s @"n)oice recei)e% %ateC ,an%ator' or o(tional*
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #2 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
"n)oice recei)e% %ate is o(tional i& the ter,s %ate is set to other than "n)oice Kecei)e%
#7.E6(lain the rele)ance o& @Poole% Acco-ntC.
Pooled /ccount. "& 'o- -se A-to,atic O&&sets an% 'o- 1ant to associate ,-lti(le
co,(anies 1ith this /an3 acco-nt0 then ena/le this o(tion. $hen 'o- ena/le the
A-to,atic O&&sets Pa'a/les o(tion0 Pa'a/les creates one o&&settin+ lia/ilit' %istri/-tion
&or each in)oice %istri/-tion. "& 'o- then (a' the in)oice &ro, a (oole% /an3 acco-nt0
then 1hich Pa'a/les acco-nts &or the in)oice (a',ent0 Pa'a/les creates one
corres(on%in+ cash acco-ntin+ entr' &or each lia/ilit' %istri/-tion.
#6.$hat is acco-ntin+ entr' i& 1e ta3e an' %isco-nt on (a',ent*
Lia/ilit' A9c LLDr ===
To Disco-nt A9c ===
To 8ash 8learin+ A9c ===
#;. $hen "C, tr'in+ to @A((ro)eC in)oice0 A((ro)e /-tton is +ra'e% o-t. $hat co-l% /e the reason*
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #. OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
/llo0 Online /ppro,al. Ena/le this o(tion i& 'o- 1ant to allo1 -sers to s-/,it
Pa'a/les A((ro)al in the "n)oices 1in%o1 an% the "n)oice Batches 1in%o1.
"& 'o- are not ena/le the a/o)e circle% ite, then the a/o)e case 1ill arise.
#8.>o1 to resol)e the &ollo1in+ error: OThe (a',ent %ate ,-st /e on or a&ter the s'ste, %ateB.
The a/o)e error can /e resol)e% /' chec3in+ the circle% ite,
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #4 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
Allo1 Pre5Date. "& 'o- ena/le this o(tion0 Pa'a/les allo1s 'o- to create (a',ents 1ith a
(a',ent %ate /e&ore the s'ste, %ate &or an' (a',ent e6ce(t a ,an-al (a',ent.
#9.$hat is the acco-ntin+ entr' &or &orei+n c-rrenc' (a',ent in case o& realiHe% +ain or realiHe% loss*
Lia/ilit' A9c L Dr ===
To KealiHe% Aain A9c ===
To 8ash 8learin+ A9c ===
Lia/ilit' A9c L Dr ===
KealiHe% Loss A9c L Dr ===
To 8ash 8learin+ A9c ===
1) What are the different types of Interfaces?
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #7 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
Ans Refer Laxman Vendor import notes in scanned documents
a) Vendor conversion / Import
A vendor is any company or person that we buy goods or services from
Interface table !!! we need to create our own custom interface tab"e
Base tables
#$%V&'($R) *)egment1!Vendor number is uni+ue)
b) Legacy Invoice
Interface Tables
A#%I'V$I,& %I'-&R.A,& is the header info
A#%I'V$I,&)%LI'&)%I'-&R.A,& is the "ines tab"e
R/' #A0A1L&) INVI!" I#P$T ,$',/RR&'- #R$2RA3
Base Tables
A#%I'V$I,&%ALL is a"so the header information is stored
A#%I'V$I,&)%(I)-RI1/-I$')%ALL is the "ines information tab"e
A#%#A03&'-)%),4&(/L&)%ALL *A3$/'-%R&3AI'I'2 stores ba"ance
amount to be paid)
AP%INT"$&A!"%$"'"!TIN( *R&5&,-%L$$6/#%,$(& stores the error
occurred during the invoice import ex7 account re+uired8 inva"id supp"ier site )
9) What is the process of Vendor ,onversion?
-his is a"ways custom wor: -here is no predefined program to import the
vendors;supp"ier from "egacy system to orac"e We need write the )<L=Loader fi"e to
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #6 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
custom interface tab"e and write p";s+" programs to hit the base tab"es direct"y into
the po%vendors tab"e8po%vendor%sites%tab"e and po%vendors%contacts
>) In which tab"e and co"umn Vendor 'umber stores?
In #$%V&'($R) tab"e )&23&'-1 stores the vendor number /ser doesn?t :now
about the *vendor id) ids on"y the deve"oper :nows them
@) After conversions how do you get the 'ext Vendor co"umn?
We need to resync the P%)NI*)"%I+"NTI&I"$%!NT$L *fie"d ca""ed
!)$$"NT%#A,%)NI*)"%I+"NTI&I"$) with the se+uence ca""ed
P%V"N+$(%( -his resync was run after inserting into vendors and updating the
info in the sites tab"e -he current max uni+ue identifier shou"d be e+ua" to the
nextva" in the po%vendors%s se+uence
A) What are the setups re+uired for vendor conversions?
1efore "oading from the "egacy system to base tab"e we need to define
)upp"ier type8 #ayment type8 #ayment terms8 #ayment group
B) Which modu"e is the owner for vendor *supp"ier) tab"es?
Ans!!! #urchasing modu"e is the owner of the supp"ier tab"e
C) What is the process of creating an Invoices and transferring it to 2L?
a) create batch
b) create invoice
c) create distribution
d) va"idate the invoice
eJ actions ! approve
f) if individua" create accounting c"ic: o:
g) If batch go to batch create accounting
h) ,reate accounting hits #ayab"e Accounting*-ransfer) ??#rogram
which wi"" create accounting
i) Run -ransfer to 2L ,oncurrent #rogram
D) 5ourna" Import
:) #ost Dourna"s
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #; OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
") 4its ba"ances
E) 4ow do u -ransfer from A# to 2L?
Ans!!!F#ayab"es transfer to 2L programG is used to transfer from A# to 2L
H) What are the Interface and base -ab"es for payab"es; open invoice ?
1I) 4ow many types of -ransactions are there in A#?
a) )tandard Invoice 7 -he amount is g
b) (ebit memo *increases ba"ances owed to supp"ier)
1 Raised by organiJation
9 Raised by )upp"ier
c) ,redit memo
d) #repayment
e) 3ixed Invoices both debit K credit
f) &xpense Report emp"oyees
g) <uic: 3atch
h) #$(efau"t
11) -e"" me about #$ cyc"e* #rocure -o #ay )?
a) Re+uisition
b) 3anager
c) Approva"
d) Re+uest .or <uote *R.<)
e) <uotation
f) <uote Ana"ysis *-rac:;chec: record)
g) Issue #urchase $rder *#$)
h) 2oods Receipt 'ote*2R')
i) Invoice
D) -ransfer -o 2L *#ayab"es transfer to 2L program)
:) 5ourna" Import
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #8 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
") 2L 1a"ances
19) 4ow many types of purchase order types;agreements are there?
a) )tandard #urchase $rder
b) #"anned #$ 7 A p"anned purchase order is a "ong!term agreement committing to buy it
items or services from a sing"e source 0ou must specify tentative de"ivery schedu"es and
a"" detai"s for goods or services that you want to buy8 inc"uding charge account8
+uantities and estimated cost
&L7 1uying goods for ,hristmas from a specific dea"er
c) ,ontract #$ 7 0ou create contract purchase agreement with your supp"ier to agree on
specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services that you wi"" be
purchasing ie for M amount you must supp"y this much +uantity 0ou can "ater issue
standard #$ referencing your contracts and you can encumber these purchase orders if
you use encumbrance accounting
d) 1"an:et #$ 7 0ou create b"an:et purchase agreements when you :now the detai" of
goods or services you p"an to buy from a specific supp"ier in a period 8 but you do not yet
:now the detai" of your de"ivery schedu"es 0ou can use b"an:et purchase agreements to
specify negotiated prices for your items before actua""y purchasing them
A 1"an:et #urchase Agreement is a sort of contract between the you and ur supp"ier
about the price at which you wi"" purchase the items from the supp"ier in future 4ere you
enter the price of the item not the +uantity of the items When you create the re"ease you
enter the +uantity of the items -he price is not updatab"e in the re"ease -he +uantity =
price ma:es the Re"eased Amount 'ow suppose your contract with your supp"ier is such
that you can on"y purchase the items worth a fixed amount against the contract
1>) What is 9!way8 >!way8 @!way matching?
9!way matching7 9!way matching verifies that #urchase order and invoice +uantities
must match within your to"erances as fo""ows7
<uantity bi""ed NO <uantity $rdered
Invoice price NO #urchase order price
*NO sign is used because of to"erances)
$ften used for services where no receiver is generated
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 #9 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
>!way matching7 >!way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information match
with the +uantity to"erances defined7
<uantity bi""ed NO <uantity received
@!way matching7 @!way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice
information match within the +uantity to"erances defined7
<uantity bi""ed NO <uantity accepted
*Acceptance is done at the time of Inspecting goods)
Whether a #$ shipment has 9!way8 >!way or @!way matching can be setup in the
)hipment (etai"s Jone of the &nter #$ form *character)
Receipt re+uired Inspection re+uired 3atching
0es 0es @!way
0es 'o >!way
'o 'o 9!way
AP et-( ! /oo3 an in)oice in one c-rrenc' an% (a' in %i&&erent c-rrenc' I80072 )ie1sJ
E%it 9 Disc-ss 9 >istor' 9 "n)ite Peers 9 8onnect I2.; connectionsJ
:a<or E%itors: Kan<eet Q-L R sachin82#; Da)i% Q. DL9 AllR
et-( ste(s &or &orei+n c-rrenc' (a',ents I&or &orei+n c-rrenc' in)oicesJ. Forei+n
c-rrenc' (a',ents can /e ,a%e thro-+h
#.Ban3 acco-nt ,aintaine% in &-nctional c-rrenc' /-t ,-lti!c-rrenc' ena/le% an%
rele)ent (a',ent %oc-,ent attache%. I"n this case the (a',ent transaction can /e in
&orei+n c-rrenc' or &-nctional c-rrenc' %e(en%s -(on the %oc-,ent selecte% &or the
2.Ban3 acco-nt ,aintaine% in &orei+n c-rrenc' 1ith rele)ent (a',ent %oc-,ent
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 20 OF 2#
Oracle Financials Test No.9 Dt: 28th Jan 2006
#.Ena/le -se ,-lti!c-rrencies o(tion at Pa'a/les O(tions o& (a'a/les in the c-rrencies
2.8reate a (a',ent &or,at 1hich has ,-lti(le c-rrenc' ra%io /-tton ena/le%.
..8reate a /an3 an% /an3 acco-nt.Ena/le :-ltic-rrenc' (a',ents in the /an3 acco-nt at
(a',ent o(tions re+ion.
4.Attach the &or,at create% in ste(2 at the %oc-,ents screen o& the /an3 acco-nt.
7.8reate an in)oice in a &orei+n c-rrenc'0)ali%ate it an% ens-re there are no hol%s.
6.Pa' the in)oice thro-+h an' o& the three o(tions:
a.Thro-+h in)oice 1or3 /ench
/.D-ic3 (a',ents
c.Batch (a',ents
;."n an' o& the o(tions0enter the /an3 acco-nt create% in ste( . an% enter the %oc-,ent
create% in ste(4.
8.a in)oice 1or3/ench
"F %one thro-+h this0alrea%' (a',ent is re&erence% to the in)oice an% so 'o- nee% to
ena/le the &or,at an% (rint onl' an% clic3 o3.
/.D-ic3 (a',ents
>ere 'o- ,a' ha)e to enter s-((lier na,e0site an% clic3 the in)oices /-tton an% choose
the in)oice create% in ste(70clic3 o30an% then ena/le &or,at an% (rint.
c.(a',ent /atches
"n this case0s'ste, 1ill (ic3 -( the in)oice i& all entere% con%itions in the /atch are
satis&ie%.Other1ise 'o- can &orce the in)oice &or (a',ent.A&ter &or,attin+ an% (rintin+
the /atch0con&ir, the /atch in or%er to release the %oc-,ent &or &-t-re.
"n all the a/o)e three scenarios0'o- ,a' &in% that the (a',ent c-rrenc' &iel% 1ill /e
sho1in+ onl' the in)oice c-rrenc' an% 'o- cannot enter an' other c-rrenc' thereIE-ro
co-l% /e an e6ce(tionJ 1hich s-/stantiates the (oint that (a',ent c-rrenc' 1ill al1a's
/e sa,e as in)oice c-rrenc'.
DATE 5 28T> Jan 2006 2# OF 2#

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