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Doha, 17 May 2014: Vodafone Qatar is inviting all parents to join its first AmanTECH Twitter Chat on
Tuesday May 20th, from 7.00 8.00 pm, Doha-Qatar time. Accessed through individual Twitter handles
and the Vodafone Qatar Twitter account (@VodafoneQatar) with hashtag #AskAmanTECH, parents and
other interested stakeholders can take part of the dialogue which will be led by Frederick Lane and
Vodafone Qatar in both English and Arabic. Vodafone Qatar will also be running a draw for everyone
participating and asking questions related to digital parenting for the chance for one person to win a
Samsung S5.
Frederick Lane is an international author, attorney, educational consultant, expert witness and lecturer
who appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and a variety of global broadcast networks such as
CNN, BBC, CBS and others, owing to his wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of digital safety.
Lane has seven books to his name including the most recently published Cybertraps for the Young.
Parents will have the opportunity to ask this privacy expert any questions they have regarding
maintaining their childrens safety and privacy in todays ever-expanding digital world in addition to any
other question they have about digital parenting in general.
Dana Haidan, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability at Vodafone Qatar, said:
Were very happy to launch the AmanTECH Twitter Chat and this edition is the first in a series of similar
online conversations falling under the bigger programme, AmanTECH. In a digital world that is growing
at unprecedented rates, it is essential for parents and related stakeholders to gain access to tools and
platforms that help provide them with the necessary technical knowledge and information to navigate
this world with their children and youth safely and making the best out of its ample opportunities. Fred
Lane will be supporting the Vodafone Qatar AmanTECH team to impart of his experience in this area and
engage parents in a dialogue that is central to the understanding of technology and its safe use.
Vodafone Qatar recently launched AmanTECH, the companys aid programme for online child and youth
safety. AmanTECH, which stands for Safe Technology, aims at promoting digital literacy amongst
parents and improving childrens digital safety. Vodafones AmanTECH helps to raise parents and
childrens awareness about safe internet use and their digital rights.
In its first year, AmanTECH will reach out to 50,000 students aged between 5 to 17; 15,000 teachers;
and 25,000 parents. The programme will adopt a three-pronged approach with a focus on awareness,
education and technical support. This entails a number of awareness campaigns during 2014, an
online source for information and tips for parents and teachers, magazines and newsletters, ongoing
education and discussion groups for parents, teachers and mothers, and dedicated Vodafone Tech
Experts to impart valuable knowledge and advice for digital parenting, in addition to how-to guides and
childrens educational games.
Fred Lane will be contributing with monthly digital parenting columns addressing a number of topics
which will be accessible via
About Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C.
Vodafone Qatar Q.S.C. ("Vodafone Qatar") is the holder of the Second Public Mobile and Fixed
Telecommunications Networks and Services License in the State of Qatar. Vodafone Qatar switched on its mobile
network on 1 March 2009 and shortly after started delivering great value to its customers with a range of exciting
products and services.
Having built a world class converged IP network, Vodafone launched fibre-based consumer and enterprise fixed-
line services commercially in October 2012 and is expanding its fibre services in conjunction with Qnbn
deployment of Fibre to Homes and Corporates.
Vodafones objective is to be one of the most admired brands in Qatar and the Company is committed to
providing world class telecommunications infrastructure to support Qatar National Vision 2030. Please
visit for more details.
For press enquiries, please contact:
Hala Kassab, Media Relations Manager, Vodafone Qatar

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