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By Tobias Sammet
Part I
Mainz, 1602 AD
The sun has already risen a few hours ago when Gabriel Laymann, a young novice of
the Dominican monks of Mainz, assed the gate to leave the monastery of his work!!!
Maybe he was honored for his great struggle during the last trial when he attended to
"lse #ogler$s soul in devil$s hand, before she was fed to the urifying flames! %e didn$t
know for sure, but it seem like the older monks back in the monastery & esecially his
kind of mentor 'akob with whom he had had the resonsibility for "lse$s soul together &
liked the way he faced the situation in the rison cell of the #ogler witch, who was
denounced because of being discovered reading heathen writings! 'akob must have
been roud of him, because he mentioned many times, how imressed he was by
Gabriel$s sensitiveness( how the one acted in all those situations, when the devil came
back into her body to talk through her mouth and when he drove out to come back
again!!! )nd although it was not easy to see the human being behind the hysteric woman
Gabriel had never forgotten that she once had been a human&being like himself as well(
until the old evil sirit had taken away her sanity!
So, immediately he got the reward* Today he was sent on his own to the witches$
tower, where those who had lost the right way awaited what they deserved! +or the first
time!!! But when he had oened the heavy wooden door to take a look at the one, who
was lying there on the cold, scanty straw covered stone floor, he felt like a thunder
striking down right into the back of his head! %e looked once, once more and finally
couldn$t take his eyes away from his ,client, anymore* )nna %eld- She was lying there
looking u to him, and it seemed like she was too weak to recognize him! To recognize
her own stebrother, that had been like a real brother to her when they had been young
children! .hen he had had to leave her then at the age of nine to /oin the Dominicans,
he had romised her that they would surely meet again one day! But this way0 )nna
%eld0 ) witch0 .hen he was a child, he had never thought that the devil would be able
to ossess her ever! But of course he hadn$t known anything about witchcraft and the old
demon$s game then!!! .hatever it was, seaking over her lis to him, it told him that she
must have been innocent! Doubtless, a demon was not a demon, if it disclosed its
identity that fast! Sometimes it took weeks until it made the body, in which it lurked,
confess! But there had to be at least a little chance, that her imrisonment was /ust a big
mistake by law! )nyway, there was /ust one way to find that out* 'akob- %e would hel
Gabriel if there was anything wrong going on! )nd he would find out 1+ there was
anything&2ueer business!!!
!!! 3arefully Gabriel oened the door and the shine of a few candles enlightened the
monastery hallway through the slit of the door from inside the library! Gabriel had looked
for 'akob during the whole late afternoon and early evening, but since he couldn$t find
him anywhere he determined on visiting him in the library latter! 'akob was always oen&
minded for any roblem while he was sitting there reading( and the chance to meet him
there was 2uite good, because he was there almost every night! So Gabriel set foot in
the room and as the old monk became aware of him, the latter immediately shut the
book he was reading in and ut it back on the shelf( well, he threw it more than he ut it
and he threw it more behind the shelf than on it! Did he want to hide anything0 4o way,
'akob was one of these guys who could really sink into the still they read and so he must
have been really startled, when he realized that he was not alone in the room!
4one the less the old monk listened consciously to Gabriel$s matter and romised,
that he would make )nna$s imrisonment and trial as comfortable for her as ossible,
until her innocence & or guilt & would be roved! +urthermore he told the worrying novice,
that he would start investigations about the file to find out if there was anything wrong!
.ith some soothing words he left Gabriel, who went back to his monk$s cell to find no
slee at all!
.hat was going on around the novice0 5f course, 'akob romised to hel( but were
his words meant honestly0 %e acted so strangely, when Gabriel entered the library! )nd
why did he give a start at him surrising him reading0 Maybe there was something
wrong with the book!!! 6es, the book, it could eventually bring some light into Gabriel$s
thoughts! )nd if not0 )t least it could be a heathen book that Gabriel wasn$t meant to
know anything about! Maybe it was one of the satanic books, they confiscated from "lse
#ogler, the witch! )lthough he was involved in the trial, he had never seen the books she
was accused of having read in! But how could it hel him to free his stesister )nna0
5r!!! could it0 5r shouldn$t he better try to free his stesister0 .asn$t she maybe really
ossessed by the 5ld Dragon0 .hatever, Gabriel couldn$t slee anyways and so he
thought that it was worth an endeavor to kee an eye on the book! Silently he sneaked
back to the library!!! )nd even if the book could be a otential danger for its reader,
Gabriel$s belief was surely strong enough to face and stand any evil forces!
5ld, it seemed to be very old! )nd the smell made Gabriel know for sure* The book
was evil! 'ust evil- +i7ed in the inner sleeve of the leather cover there was a triangular
la2ue as big as a hand, which seemed to be made of a kind of metal! %e wasn$t able to
understand most of the things in the book because he didn$t know the language it was
written in! 5nly a few scribes, someone had added afterwards, robably a long time after
the book itself had been written! But although he could read those words he didn$t
manage to get their meaning!
Many ways lead to Rome. Seven times one way for all that leads to a world beyond
our imagination.
.hoever might be able to understand it, Gabriel was not, wherefore he carried on
leading through the strange writing, hoing to find something else readable for him! )nd
he was rewarded for his efforts! 8earmost he found a letter ut into the book, which had
been written by a certain Lugaid #androiy to "lse #ogler- )nd now Gabriel knew what
kind of book it was- But still he couldn$t get loose of it and so he started to read the letter,
although he didn$t feel very comfortable while reading something robably very rivate,
that obviously hadn$t been destined for him!
#androiy had written that he had heard from a Gaulish merchant, that the one had
sold the book to "lse #ogler once! But the writer of the letter claimed to be the righteous
owner of the book that was stolen from him some time ago! )nd because he wanted the
book back he let her know, that he would be going to visit her during the days around
midsummer night to reurchase the book!
Gabriel was a little bit confused, because he had e7ected something much more
e7citing when he had thought of a witching book! Disaointed he ut the book back to
the lace he had taken it from and left the library to go to bed and have a little rest
notwithstanding that he couldn$t slee a wink at all! 3onceivably there was a chance to
find out something the ne7t day!
1t had to be around eight o$clock in the morning when Gabriel stood at the fountain to
wash his fingers! But the black stains on his fingers didn$t disaear, no matter how he
tried! .as it the black death, creeing around within the monastery walls0 Gabriel was
scared by the thought, but in the same moment he forgot about his fears, because
someone was calling him from behind his back, so that the novice turned around! 'akob
welcomed him heartfelt, e7cusing himself for having behaved a little strange the night
before! Gabriel heaved a sigh of relief for his fatherly friend was not angry of him! )nd
there was no reason for the old monk to be angry /ust because the novice had entered
the library 2uite aart from the fact that he wasn$t able to guess that his mentor was
reading something maybe secret! But /ust in the same moment the old one scowled!
,6ou have been alone in the library without being allowed,, he screamed and ointed at
Gabriel$s black fingertis! )nd now Gabriel knew what the stains on his hands were!
Someone had marked the book for no one should be able to read inside clandestinely!
,6ou have misused my trust and read in the forbidden book! Go to the chael!!! and ray
for forgiveness,, 'akob clamored in rage! ,+or the one and only may have mercy with
the one, who has broken the holy monastery law!,
That was the last time the friar talked to Gabriel, because when 'akob /oined the
mercenaries to arrest the novice kneeing in front of the altar, the old one /ust stared at
the floor, remaining in silence!!!
Scene 1:
Meanwhile it must be night out in the streets of Mainz because only a very dim light
falls through the window on the wall on the cold stony ground of the rison cell anymore!
Gabriel sits on the floor, s2uatted down, hardly aying attention to his cell&mate, who is
acing the floor imatiently, nevertheless they had sent some hours together in
common imrisonment! )ll the time Gabriel uzzles his brain about what has haened
during the ast hours and the more 2uestions he asks, the more 2uestions come to his
%e tells his cellmate his whole story( why he 9 a monk 9 is in rison! )nd although the
stranger obviously won$t be able to hel him, Gabriel feels a lot better after talking about
it all! 1n the conversation the stranger with a foreign accent says that somebody had
waylaid him when he came to Mainz because he is the one, who once had signed the
letter Gabriel has talked about!
Thereuon the two converse the whole night long! The stranger reveals that he is one
of the last druids in the entire world, a member of an ancient secret clan of 3elts in
1reland! )nd he corroborates that the investigations of the young novice have been
nothing wrong at all!
1. Prelude
2. Reach Out For The Light
Lord above - why don't you tell me
why I'm here in agony
I've been serving! I've been "raying
now I'm #aught in misery.

I've been "raised by friar $a%ob!
I misused his #onfiden#e.
&heated by this wor% of evil '
feigning (nna's inno#en#e.
)h what have I done
So many ways lead to the fallen one!
Lu#ifer! fallen light...
)h what have I done
*hat is going on
*e should bring salvation!
not give in to his tem"tation - no+
Read and "rea#h the holy world
and no forbidden lies that hurt.
I remember words of ,seven,.
Set me bree - sanity+
Rea#h out for the light
far beyond #onfines.
-ou have read the magi# lines
leading to the light in your mind...
*hat is right and what is wrong now
Is it a trial of "aradise
Is anna a wit#h or do they sti#% to an error
*hat's the boo% and the seal inside
(m I a #leri# or maybe a sinner
.nbeliever Renegade
*as it the devil who led me to ,seven,
)h redeemer is it all too late
)h! what have I done
I have been led by the smelling one!
Lu#ifer! fallen light...
/ell me stranger! what have I done
)h what's going on
*e should bring salvation!
not give in to his tem"tation - no+
Read and "rea#h the holy world
and no forbidden lies that hurt.
I remember words of ,seven,.
Set me free - sanity+
Rea#h out for the light
far beyond #onfines.
-ou have read the magi# lines
leading to the light in your mind...
In your mind
)nd although the young novice doesn$t understand very much of what the old gray
bearded guy has been talking about, the few things he can understand show him total
new views of life:
3. Serpents In Paradise
Reading the madness they too% her away
under the #ross.
0ailiff and bisho" and mon% -
Malleus Malefi#arum - the law
1rayed for salvetion! I fought for her soul -
s#ared by the horned.
/he devil was #ree"ing around
until she died in the flames as he saw.
2ather forgive me for I've hardly seen
the human dee" within. $ust an intention -
so holy and #lear - "aving the way to madness
for us...
Ser"ents on the way to "aradise -
dying for love! fighting for ages.
Ser"ents on their way to "aradise -
raging with anger and "ain for the #ross.
2ather forgive me for what I have done.
2or I betrayed the one that I loved li%e a son.
3emons and s"ells are they reality
/he "est and the s#hism4 the "ower of the Moor
*e've got to fight. 5ee" our "eo"le afraid...
5ee" them away from what they shall not see.
I see a mena#e to our "aradise
in these evil times.
6eaves is burning! "eo"le are yearning
for a new do#trine! they are...
Ser"ents on the way "aradise.
3on't %now they'll end in final damnation.
Ser"ents on the way to "aradise...
Raging with anger and "ain against the #ross.
Lord if I'm an unbeliever - what do I believe
&an you tell me lord what you had done
if you were me
I have stared into the eyes
of inno#en#e and fear.
I saw (nna in the tower in a la%e of tears.
Something strange is going on and
still I don't %now why.
I have stared into the se#rets
they still try to hide.
7androiy #an you tell me what you %now about it all
7androiy #an you hel" me
to leave this "rison hall
7androiy #an you hel" me
free (nna from the #hain
7androiy #an you hel" me
to be#ome a little sane
Ser"ents on the way to "aradise -
3ying for love! fighting for ages.
Ser"ents on their way to "aradise
Raging with anger and "ain...
1t is the conscience asking Gabriel again and again what kind of animals they must
have been, torturing "lse #ogler in such a hard way, because if Lugaid #androiy$s words
feature the truth, she has been robably innocent! The little slee Gabriel finds during
the forthcoming nights is no rela7ing rest( nightmares 9 sent by his conscience 9 haunt
him every single moment he closes his eyes daring to try to slee: the trial of her who
has been treated like a beast!
4. Malleus Maleficaru
[2al% von 5ronberg]
So! daughter of the old evil s"irit! you still "retend
you don't %now Maybe we have a way to ma%e you remember...
[8lse 7ogler]
I have done no wrong! blood shall #ome u"on you+
[2al% von 5ronberg]
/orturer! "ull on+
Three days after common imrisonment Lugaid #androiy can make Gabriel agree
that it doesn$t make any sense to give in to one$s fate and wait for an administration of
/ustice or 9 as it seems to haen 9 in/ustice! )nd Gabriel realizes that )nna can$t be
heled if he lies there in chains!
1t is easy for #androiy to see that Gabriel is less afraid of death reaing him than of
reaing )nna! Both know, that they have to flee, because in the eyes of law #androiy is a
heretic: and Gabriel a renegade- So in the third morning of imrisonment they await the
beadle to come as the one has done in the mornings before as well to bring them water
and a humble meal for the day! Gabriel$s gaze isn$t able to follow #androiy$s felling the
beadle from behind the door, that fast the old guy, who still bears his years well, acts!
.ith effortless ease the druid take the key of the knocked out man ;who stinks of wine
which somehow might e7lain a lot< to oen first his own foot cuffs, then Gabriel$s!
.ithout knowing at all what haened Gabriel follows the hurrying cudgel&druid through
the door! Breaking away from imrisonment: and from his hitherto e7isting view of life!
!. "rea#ing $%a&
3on't wait my friend. *e better don't thin% twi#e.
/ime to fell the "rison guard you gotta reali9e:
;o turning ba#% again. /herefor it's all too late...
;ew hori9ons wait...
I %now the time has #ome
te leave your "ast behind.
(nd now the time has #ome
to sto" them #ontrolling your mind.
0rea%ing away+
(ll we #an do now is brea% away.
)therwise she will be dying
while both of us are lying here in #hains.
0rea%ing away+
(ll we #an do now is brea% away+
)h - otherwise she will be dying
while both of us are lying here in #hains.
(lways been a novi#e in <uest for "aradise.
6o"e they will forgive me for I a"ostati9e.
I #an't be no hy"o#rite! #an't wear a mas<uerade...
;ew hori9ons wait...
[Lugaid and Gabriel]
(nd now the time has #ome to go another way.
/o learn for life and to grow ri"e
and "revent the de#ay...
0rea%ing away+
(ll we #an do now is brea% away.
)therwise she will be dying
while both of us are lying here in #hains.
0rea%ing away+
(ll we #an do now is brea% away+
)h - otherwise she will be dying
while both of us are lying here in #hains.
0rea%ing away+
It is so hard to lay down what I've been.
0ut I must go even if my way leads to 6ades...
0rea%ing away+
(ll we #an do now is brea% away.
)therwise she will be dying
while both of us are lying here in #hains.
0rea%ing away+
(ll we #an do now is brea% away+
)h - otherwise she will be dying
while both of us are lying here in #hains.
There$s nothing Gabriel rather would do than running straight to the witch tower
where )nna is lying in chains but #androiy reminds him of the fact, that the novice is not
one of those who have imrisoned )nna! %e is not a cleric anymore, but a renegade-
They would robably wait for already to lay him in chains again: and the chance to flee
then would be ne7t to nothing! 1n the end Gabriel heeds #androiy$s advice and agrees
when the old druid demands to leave the town as fast as ossible:
Gabriel doesn$t know how many aces they have gone during the day, but in the
evening of their first day on the run he can hardly feel his feet at all! )nd he feels like a
failure because )nna is still enchained! %ow he has hoed to meet her again through all
the years( now he has met her again but 9 according to his constantly returning
nightmare 9 like thoughts of )nna in chains 9 this reunion should rather never had
6. Farewell
3ays had #ome! winters had gone!
and we gamboled li%e siblings in 1aradise.
I was your %night! holding you tight
as a brother when I saw your #rying eyes.
/ime went by and we had to say goodbye.
Staring u" to the #louds above
&hildren - so little and sad.
6o"ing the saints #ould hel" one day
Lead us together again.
6olding the %ey to the alley of dreams
still in hands.
/ime telling me to say farewell
but I %new that I would fight hell
and I %new: *e will
go for another time we #an see!
for another time we'll be free!
for no more farewell.
Ste"brother tell me where have you been
when they brought me to this godforsa%en "la#e.
Sign of the #ross - they too% me away
for healing with herbs by the way of gra#e.
;ow I wait for the day to feed the flames.
I have been #aught in a #age of des"air.
My heart as a mon%'s #ell so em"ty and bare.
0ut no holy water #an ma%e me
forget you again...
/ime telling me to say farewell
but I %new that I would fight hell
and I %new: *e will
go for another time we #an see!
for another time we'll be free!
for no more farewell.
;o farewell #ould be the last one.
If you long to meet again...
Scene 2 (meanwile!:
3arriage wheels rumble across the avement! +alk von =ronberg, bailiff of Mainz,
takes a look out of the window and is very imressed by the facades of 8ome and their
unending beauty and slendor! %e has the advantage of /oining rince bisho 'ohann
)dam von Bicken$s /ourney, because it has been no one but +alk who has conducted the
trial of "lse #ogler! The trial, during which they had confiscated the book, the cleric train
is bringing to 8ome now! 1ncluding beside, the bisho of Mainz, +alk the bailiff and a lot
of mercenaries friar 'akob as well, one of the best friends of the bisho, who has been
always thankful for any advice of the clever Dominican! )lso 'akob seems to be
imressed by 8ome$s slendor, nevertheless his eyes don$t feature the flashing +alk$s
eyes do! #on Bicken is /ust reading! 1t seems like he doesn$t care about anything but the
bible in his hands and maybe his meeting with the oe, but why should he be surrised
by the streets of 8ome, he might have been there a coule of times before:
Later they all find themselves sitting at a slendid set table! The bailiff doesn$t
understand anything of what the others talk about, but he doesn$t care! %e /ust en/oys all
the courtly events in the #atican, while 3lemens 111#, the oe who has been a friend of
the bisho of Mainz since long ago as it seems, leaves the rooms to receive what he has
been looking for for such a long time by the bisho and his friend consultant 'akob*
The last book with the last seven arts of a seal! They need to bring comlete seal to
the center of the siritual world! )nd as they have been foretold by >unbelievably old,
secret and holy documents?, those who can bring the seal f the seven holy books of
illumination to the center of the siritual world will reach the ultimate wisdom, illumination
and ultimate truth! )nd wisdom means ower!
'. The (lor& Of Roe
$esus &hrist I'm #oming - terrestrial home.
I'm allowed to guide their train
to visit you in Rome.
I am si#% of "rea#hers telling to be "lain
while you got it ni#e in here.
/hey'd better feel ashamed.
[$ohann (dam von 0i#%en]
)h! ways of gold
lead is into -our bla9e of fame.
)h! are -ou waiting
for what we have brought -ou from hell
Glory of Rome! glorious home.
1raising the %ing of the %ings.
Glory of Rome! glorious home.
Rea#hing for haloes and wings.
[$ohann (dam von 0i#%en]
6eading for the angels! heading for the feast!
heading for salvation and the ruin of the beast.
Let us fight the out#ast! let us brin 'em fire!
let us lo#% the #enter of their wi#%ed! mad desire.
)h! ways of gold lead us into -our bla9e of fame.
)h! are -ou waiting
for what we have brought -ou from hell
Glory of Rome! glorious home.
1raising the %ing of the %ings.
Glory of Rome! glorious home.
Rea#hing for haloes and wings.
[1o"e &lemens II=]
6olding in my hand: Seven "arts of a seal
to unlo#% the land of illumination I feel.
(nd it's been foretold: after tou#hing the light
we shall lo#% the world.
0ut now it's our time to trans#end!
the ultimate %ey in our hand.
Glory of Rome! glorious home.
1raising the %ing of the %ings.
Glory of Rome! glorious home.
Rea#hing for haloes and wings.
So the oe invites von Bicken and his friend 'akob, who are both afraid what they
don$t show, to /oin him in a world >that eole don$t even know about its e7istence? 9 a
/ourney into another domain, in flesh and blood!
)nd so the train of Mainz leaves 8ome without 'akob and von Bicken, wondering
about why they don$t /oin the way home, but doing so!
During the following night, oe 3lemens, the bisho and 'akob sneak through the
obviously never ending hallways under 8ome, going for the mission! ) secret mission,
as 3lemens tells both no to talk to anyone about it, since it$s a very secial rivilege from
Mainz to /oin him! God usually doesn$t want eole to see what will robably see tonight
and he doesn$t want the eole to know about everything! .isdom should not illuminate
the wrong one$s minds because on earth there are too many eole who don$t have the
strength to face the whole truth! )nd as commanded by secret holy scrits, as 3lemens
says, they must lock the world of ultimate wisdom forever after having received it!
)fter having walked down endless hallways and unlocked countries doors, they arrive
at the wooden gate they$ve been looking for! Deosing the heavy sack he has carried
the oe takes out a triangular la2ue, as 'akob can recognize looking very similar to
the triangular la2ue he has seem on the cover of the book they have confiscated from
"lse #ogler once! God$s satra on earth, 3lemens, takes the la2ue in his hands and
with both hands he holds it against another la2ue fi7ed on the heavy door! )nd without
using a key or ressing any door&handle it oens! %eavy winds blow into their faces and
although the oe tries to look very rela7ed, the other two 9 which are scared to death 9
can see that 3lemens too doesn$t feel comfortable at all! .ith mi7ed feelings they enter
the room behind the door( a ste into the unknown:
). In *oine Patris
Gabriel wakes u, headache ounding in his head and his body covered with
abrasions! But where is #androiy0 Gabriel tries to remember*
Together they have been escaing from the rison in Mainz and from those who are
interested in having them arrested! #androiy and him have been and the way to 8ome
;well, to von Bicken$s train on the way to 8ome, because Gabriel has known that there
was a train about to leave Mainz to go to 8ome around that time, and #androiy had
guessed to know why:<, when strangers 9 robably a gang of brigands 9 assaulted
them to leave them back alive for any reasons! #androiy had wanted that book under
any circumstances before it had disaeared behind the #atican$s walls, because 9 as
he had e7lained 9 one must not allow that the leaders of one mighty organization could
decide who should have access to the siritual world! During their escae, the druid had
told Gabriel a lot about he book! There e7isted si7 more of their kind and every single
one was the key to a gate, through each one could ass into the siritual world in flesh
and blood, although the access to that world should actually be a rivilege of the sirit!
The entry with the body through these gates with were sread all over the earth should
be ossible every time, for )vantasia 9 as #androiy used to call the siritual world 9
shouldn$t become forgotten by any generation! .ell, )vantasia has been oen all the
time for everyone$s sirit, but every single day more and more eole forget about that
world! )nd to revent from that, the books shall be there to go to )vantasia with the body
9 to remember what is it about, and how to go there with the sirit and without the gates
and books:
Somehow #androiy must have felt that all the books were nearly in one hand and a
scary vision had caused their hurry on their way to 8ome! %uman beings can be that
egoistic when it comes to ower and influence, that they are even willing to do harm to
whole eoles and races! )nd if the seals are brought to a certain ominous tower, the
darkest lace in the center of )vantasia, the siritual world will be locked forever, so
#androiy has said! )lthough it made no sense to Gabriel first, he begins to realize that it
is a fact* @eole are interested in killing the 2uest for truth in their contemoraries$ minds
to get a bigger influence on them! )nd more ower over them, to make them be
sineless marionettes! )cting so the >controllers? totally ignore the oint that even their
own leaders$ followers would forget about )vantasia some generations later! But if they
are conscious of that or not, Gabriel slowly realizes why #androiy needs to get back the
.ell, #androiy: %as he been abducted0 8ight when Gabriel wants to look for him,
the druid aears with a lot of herbs in his hands to tend theirs wounds with them!
#androiy e7lains what Gabriel has guessed* They had been abducted by a gang of
brigands and miraculously they /ust had been knocked out and not killed by them!
#androiy look sad since he seems to know there is no chance to catch&u with von
Bicken$s carriage train to 8ome anymore, as long as the train has left Mainz unctually!
1f the book would be handed by the oe, he would immediately go to )vantasia and the
scary vision that #androiy once had would come true! There is /ust once chance to
revent from that as Gabriel will come to know soon:
But before he can ask him a 2uestion, the old druid reveals Gabriel another lan*
)n inner voice tells the druid that somewhere not far there is a glade in the forest, an
old siritual lace where they can continue their mission in a different way! )nd while
they walk through the woods he tells Gabriel about his intentions*
)t the siritual lace they look for, where ancient owers and forces of the earth
come together at a oint of intersection, #androiy wants to try to make Gabriel$s sirit
transcend to )vantasia: a dangerous act for Gabriel! %" e7lains that he can$t go by
himself because he will watch over Gabriel$s siritless body ;for sure, soldiers from
Mainz must search for the two escaists and although there is /ust a little risk they could
find them 9 if that would haen he had to call Gabriel back immediately<! But he will
stay in contact with Gabriel$s soul over there in )vantasia and communicate with him!
)nd although everything sounds very strange and unbelievable for Gabriel, somehow he
trusts in the old guy$s words ;well, somehow he has no chance to do anything else
because: yes: oh, )nna<!
) few minutes later they are standing at a glade in the woods in the center of a circle
of large stones, as Lugaid tells Gabriel that old friends of the druid over there, creatures
of )vantasia, will give him a new body for his visit in the other domain! %e /ust wants to
see his stesister 9 now he$s so far away from her and now about to leave this world-0
Godfather, who can ask that much from a little novice0 .%50
)nd then Gabriel falls aslee 9 and transcends:
+. $,antasia
)"en my eyes
and see my bleeding wounded hands...
2eeling the "ain too hard to stand. /o stand...
&aught in the 'now and here'
while they are on the way.
6iding imagination! leading us astray...
.se your mind+
-ou will leave the flesh dimensions behind.
Sanity #an be the toll -
leading to the #ore of your soul.
[Gabriel and the voi#es in his head]
*e are the "ower inside! we bring you fantasy.
*e are the %ingdom of light and dreams!
gnosis and life: (vantasia+
*e are the "ower inside! we bring you fantasy.
*e are the %ingdom of light and dreams!
gnosis and life: (vantasia+ - (vantasia...
*al%ing along the i#y gallery of "ain.
/ell me now: *hat #an %ee" the flame alive
La#% of imagination - raising u" the tower
where they hold our souls
to ta%e away the "ower.
.se your mind+
-ou will leave the flesh dimensions behind.
Sanity #an be the toll -
leading to the #ore of your soul.
*e are the "ower inside! we bring you fantasy.
*e are the %ingdom of light and dreams!
gnosis and life: (vantasia+
*e are the "ower inside! we bring you fantasy.
*e are the %ingdom of light and dreams!
gnosis and life: (vantasia+
)h - (vantasia
)h - I hear the voi#es
)h - into the light
)h - (vantasia...
Scene 1:
Gabriel wakes u, having a little headache again, and feeling strange somehow! )nd
it takes him a little while until he realizes that is him but not really him, but still him in a
way! .hen he looks down his body to his feet and touches his nose, he knows his body
is not the body he has used to live in! But his mind, his soul: that is definitely him!
Maybe he would have wondered a lot more about the fact he looks different than he
usually does, but there are more circumstances to take his thoughts of his own( his
environment* Blue sky, far domains, beautiful mountains at the horizon! 6es, indeed, it$s
the first time he sees and feels how beautiful life is!
1-. $ *e% .iension
1n this moment a little man aears from behind to welcome him to )vantasia 9
8egrin, the dwarf, as he introduces himself! %" leads Gabriel to the caital of )vantasia,
the elves$ town Sesidhbana, where they talk to "lderane, the rince of the elves and
head of )vantasia! %e e7lains Gabriel who and what they are!
11. Inside
*e're the little #reatures
dee" inside your mind.
Some #all us their fantasy
but some to never find.
*e #an tea#h "hiloso"hy
but still we must #ommend...
/he state of our e>isten#e
right into your hand
*el#ome to this "la#e in here #ome overste" all your fears...
*here have you all been on#e
when I was alone
*hen I was a hero in their #ra9y wi#%ed show
you've sent no little s"ar%
into my dar%ened view of life.
3id not ma%e me as% for what is wrong
and what is right.
(nd still I regret to be here.
I'm dreaming of (nna in tears.
Inside - so dee" inside
you will die if I don't dream anymore
Inside - so dee" inside
you will die if I don't dream anymore
Scene 2:
8egrin and "lderane tell Gabriel what$s going on in )vantasia! )ncient evil forces
have mobilized a strong army raging in )vantasia, sreading terror, letting nobody ass
through to the tower, the center of the dream world, e7cet the ones with the seven arts
of the seal! )n eternal war between hilosohy and decay, between sirit and
stuefaction, mental life and death! Gabriel$s is told that his mission will be to /oin the
human beings who must have entered )vantasia ;as they have been informed about<
and take back the seal to revent all the nice creatures from being forgotten and
12. Sign Of The /ross
2rom a world of reign they #ome...
In a world of mammon we have found it all+
2ighting for "ride and for gold.
0ut the %ey to the reign! to the ultimate #ontrol:
wisdom of the old.
*e have been ele#t to drain the wine
of Gnosis to hide it and "ray.
Got to save our #hildren from the beast.
*e are on the way.
Remaining in dar%ness
the land of salvation will drown.
(nd when we'll have vanished
slavery will ta%e your freedom down.
Seven eyes to be blind forever in time:
Sign of the #ross...
6ell arise+ &astigation under the sign!
sign of the #ross - ma%e us drown in altar wine.
[0isho" von 0i#%en]
In the heart of ?usti#e #alled 6oreb long ago
Moses got #arvings in stone.
Im"osed to ?udge those who do not fear
the only! the holy! the lord.
/he blood of anger and "ain:
In% of the )ld /estament.
I %now they'll end their #rusade!
drown in the blood of the lamb.
Remaining in dar%ness
the land of salvation will drown.
(nd when we'll have vanished
slavery will ta%e your freedom down.
Seven eyes to be blind forever in time:
Sign of the #ross...
6ell arise+ &astigation under the sign!
sign of the #ross - ma%e us drown in altar wine.
-ou have been the #hosen one!
so wel#ome to this "la#e.
7androiy's told us you would #ome
to hel" us win the ra#e.
0ring ba#% the seal from the men
who don't %now what they do.
Seemed to be a fool without and own way of life.
0ut you've been a slee"ing mind
and you wo%e u" on time.
-ou've got the "ower to save us and finally you.
( dream is forever.
/he land of salvation #an't drown.
/hese en#hanting #olors -
who #ould have the might to tear it down
@all these #olors - fantasy...A
Seven eyes to be blind forever in time:
Sign of the #ross...
6ell arise+ &astigation under the sign!
sign of the #ross - ma%e us drown in altar wine.
1t will be his mission, since holy laws of )vantasia forbid )vantasians to turn violent in
human business!
.ith a strange flying machine, the scared ;and more and more wondering, but less
and less trying to know< novice is brought to the way that leads to the tower and droed
at a lace, where a few hours later the three clerics ass by! 4ot recognizing him
because of the new way he looks! %e /oins them, telling them that he is the one to show
the way to the tower!
Meanwhile #androiy gets interested in and old 2uestion he always had! .hat is the
secret of the tower0 .hy does )vantasia get locked when the seals reach the tower0
But "lderane, who is in contact with #androiy ;and Gabriel as well< doesn$t want to talk
about the secret, because he thinks that sometimes it$s better for mankind not to know
)nd Gabriel-0 %e wonders all the time about how to hell he could hel )nna in
running through a world of whose e7istence he hasn$t know until a few hours ago! But
dee inside his mind he can hear #androiy talk to him, who constantly e7horts him to
heed "lderane$s orders and finally get back the seals! )nd slowly the young novice
begins to realize what is really going on 9 or not:
.ar is everywhere, as far as Gabriel can see! Like thousands of ants soldiers of the
united forces of )vantasia fight against the black armies! 5n his mind he always hears
Lugaid talking to him, so far away in the material world and yet so close, telling him to
steal the seal away from the three clerics!
#androiy kees asking "lderane 9 who has returned to Sesidhbana after have droed
Gabriel 9 for the name of the voice seaking from inside the tower, waiting for the three
clerics all the time, but the elf doesn$t answer to the druid! )ll that the latter knows is that
the siritual world would be lost if the )vantasia invaders would manage to throw the
seal over the tower$s wall!
)nd as they stand in front of the tower, Gabriel worries about how could he steal the
seal away 9 even though the others don$t know that he is he! But if he$d take the seal
then, they would know and then he would have a whole army against him! That makes
no sense to the novice!
There they stand and then the oe starts talking to the force in the tower! Gabriel
and #androiy come to know the true reason why the clerics brought the seal to the
tower! 5bviously they haven$t know what they have done since they have trusted in
forged documents without knowing, guessing to read holy documents! Documents which
had romised to bring them ultimate illumination, 'esus 3hrist! )nd only when the voice
in the tower starts to scream louder, demanding the seal and becomes imatient,
#androiy realizes that it was something hard to believe, that "lderane has tried to cover!
)nd when #androiy asks again for the secret of the tower, the elf gives in to his re2uest
and starts to talk*
Thousands of years ago three magicians of the universe had created seven gates,
seven books and seven arts of a seal! They knew there would be mankind someday
and they knew that mankind had to go through bad times, but as well that human beings
could be light and love of creation! .hen the seven gates where built and the seven
books of wisdom with the seven arts of the seal were handed to the seven eoles of
the world they soke*
>5ur work in the name of the mother earth is done! 4ow it$s mankind$s turn! May
)vantasia remain in eternal beauty* may the human eoles comrehend each other
and utilize the ossibilities of the lanet?
.hen the earth had been without form, and void, and the darkness had been uon
the face of the dee, they have damned their father to the tower! Their father, they had
broken with, because he had wanted to bring chaos to the earth! The tower, a rison he
could only escae from if mankind would lock )vantasia someday, in bringing the seal to
the tower! Antil then the magicians$ father could /ust osses those who have given u
their sirits and souls anyway!
#androiy is scared as he hears this! )gain and again he tells Gabriel to take the seal,
which is still in the oe$s sack! Because somehow the latter doesn$t trust in the
romises made by the secret documents under the #atican anymore, since they don$t
feel something illuminating at all! Slowly he ulls the seal out after a while, while the
>holy? ower is getting more and more imatient and doesn$t sound that >holy? at all! Like
von Bicken, 'akob stand ne7t to the oe getting more and more afraid of the screaming
dee voice! %e goes one ste back as he struggles and as he tries to cling to the oe$s
robe he makes one struggle as well! .ithout thinking twice Gabriel knows it$s his turn
now, icks u the seal from the dusty ground and starts to run! +aster and faster through
the dark soldier$s armies! Gabriel doesn$t think( he /ust kees on running, running and
running ;dodging and sidesteing through the enemy$s lines as Lothar MatthBus
through the defense of the oonent in his best years: 6es, dear listener, 1 wouldn$t be
Tobias Sammet if 1 hadn$t written something like that anywhere---<! 8unning and running
until a few minutes later! ) shadow aears from behind to gri in his shoulders and ull
him in the air:
.hen the elves$ flying machine dros him in Sesidhbana he at first wonders how he
could have been that fast in a human body, but then he remembers that he has no
human body here in )vantasia, and maybe that$s what has saved his life!
13. The To%er
*here do I go
;ever had a very real dream before.
;ow I got a vision of an o"en door.
Guiding me home! where I belong!
dreamland I have #ome.
)h where do I go
;ever had a flesh and blood li%e this before.
Got a new a""earan#e when I "assed the door.
Is it a dream I am withing )h what's going on

3own! down! down
Go down! go down! go down
I roam into nowhere.
3on't see an end: eternal wastelands.
(nd I hear the voi#e! the voi#e! the voi#e! the voi#e...
6allelu?ah! hallelu?ah! hallelu?ah! hallelu?ah...
;ever been a fighter! never been a man.
0ut I must hel" 7androiy! he's my only friend.
;owhere to go and I %now that he %nows how
we will get her out...
Magi# of trans#enden#e
brought me to this "la#e
( 7androiy in reality lead me on my ra#e.
/old me to bring ba#% the seal
but still I don't %now where I shall go.
&an't you 'feel' the voi#e
-ou don't have a #hoi#e.
*hat a %ind of life:
2reedom in flesh - sha#%les on your mind...
Go all the way to the tower+
2ind out the se#rets behind+
Go all the way to the tower+
2or all the wisdom of ages doesn't die.
Men have good intentions
on their way to the light.
0ut some of them are venal
and end u" in the night.
Maybe it's better for you! man%ind!
not to %now what's going on.
Sometimes we must go
ways that seem to be wrong.
*hat a %ind of life: 2reedom in flesh!
sha#%les on your mind...
Go all the way to the tower+
2ind out the se#rets behind+
Go all the way to the tower+
2ind out the name of the one
who reigns from inside...
[7oi#e in the /ower]
-ou have #ome the long way through ages
to bring me the seven "arts of the seal.
So now throw it over the walls of the tower.
/hrow the seal+
0ut first Godfather! what about the "ro"he#y *hat
about your reward: /he ultimate illumination! the
gnosis and the "ower to defend your %ingdom on
earth with a strong hand *hat about the "ro"he#y
I reali9e...
2or the glory! for the glory! for the glory!
2or the glory. )h - what is going on
2or the glory! for the glory! for the glory!
2or the glory. )h - what is going on
Gabriel I #an feel:
-ou have it ba#% - boo% and seal.
Still no war is won! we have ?ust begun...
Go all the way to the tower+
Long for the se#rets behind+
Go all the way to the tower+
2ound out the name of the one
who reigns from inside...
Go all the way to the tower+
Long for the se#rets behind+
Go all the way to the tower+
2ound out the name of the one!
)f the one...
)h! how #ould the stranger steal the seal away
*as it my fault )r was it no one's fault at all
Back in Sesidhbana, Gabriel is raised by the )vantasians, but he can$t en/oy it al all!
%e has failed, what$s all that worth 9 without her 9 who is still imrisioned! Still waiting for
hel from a fool, who failed in freeing her, oh )nna:
Part II
Scene #:
.hile Gabriel has been taken away from the battlefields around the tower, bringing
back the seals, the three clerics & oe, bisho and 'akob &cannot believe they have
failed! The voice in the tower screams and swears and the three become afraid of
CGodCsC wrath!
During the following days, while being in Sesidhbana Gabriel realizes more and more
about what is going on and about the imortance of what heCs done! %ow much influence
the dark force in the tower has on its unsusecting servants, reaing souls of those who
believe without calling anything in doubt( erhas not intentionally but still!!!
1. The Se,en $ngels
2ire falling from the s%y
Rage of god is #oming down
(rmaggeddon's drawing nigh
Sinner #ry + 6eathen die +
6ear the toll of "ain! gloria! gloria
In the fiery rain
2ire falling from the s%y
Rage of god is #oming down
(rmaggeddon's drawing nigh
Sinner #ry + 6eathen die +
6ear the toll of "ain! gloria! gloria
;ow the time has #ome! the end's begun
(nd the only one will #ome
It has been foretold
0y the visions of the old
(nd the madness in their eyes
Said his angel will arise
/hat's what they %now : ,6oly Lord it's over! oh god
*e have done no wrong
So we go where we belong
/o the neverending dream
0ut for those who lived in sin,
/hey #laim to %now : ,6oly Lord it's over! oh god,
6ey (ngel! #an you tell me
*ill you lead us to the "la#e
2ull of heat! in the fire
2or we only brought disgra#e
6e is not the one. If they only %new
6ey (ngel! will you ta%e us
/o the ?udgement of his rage
6ey will we die
2or we #ouldn't #lose the gate
/o the %nowledge as they have been told
I don't %now how #ould I "rove
;othing but the #loven hoof
Reigning over them as well
*hile they %ee" on fighting hell
0abylon the s#arlet whore has #ome
*e are the seven! ?udgement of heaven
*hy don't we %now : *e are the angels
It's revelation! soul #astignation
2ire will burn us away
*e are the seven! ?udgement of heaven
*hy don't we %now : *e are the angels
It's revelation! soul #astignation
2ire will burn us away
Redeemer! devastion
6o"e it only has been ment
2or the sin of the dreamer
who bro%e the law you'd sent
6e is not the one. If they only %new
6ey! don't %now but i wondered:
*hen we lost the seal again
Maybe stoned by the in#ense
3o we rise or ?ust des#ent
6e is not the one. If they only %new
I don't %now how #ould I "rove
;othing but the #loven hoof
Reigning over them as well
*hile they %ee" on fighting hell
0abylon the s#arlet whore has #ome
*e are the seven! ?udgement of heaven
*hy don't we %now : *e are the angels
It's revelation! soul #astignation
2ire will burn us away
*e are the seven! ?udgement of heaven
*hy don't we %now : *e are the angels
It's revelation! soul #astignation
2ire will burn us away
[Solo: 6en?o Ri#hter]
[7oi#e of the tower:]
*oe to you longing for the wisdom
*oe to you longing for the light
(ll my sons bring me ba#% what is mine
)r you'll end burning in this night
*oe to you longing for the wisdom
*oe to you longing for the light
(ll my sons bring me ba#% what is mine
)r you'll end burning in this night
[Solo: /imo /ol%%i]
)n#e I have been lost in what they told me to believe
.ntil I felt in burning dee" inside to set my s"irit free
(nd I es#a"ed to another world to hel" the little men
who ma%e me "lunge into "hiloso"hy - to feel my
mind again... ;o one left to hold me tight - on the
BrealBother side - but her in #hains
I had been alone till the madman #ome along
*ith the %nowledge and silver long beard
6e was the first man ever tea#hing how I #ould be free
6el"ing me to find - oh - the mind and the soul
/hey've been trying to hide away...
(nd he "romised we'd hel" (nna if I'd hel" him to
go all the way
Go all the way into the world of minds
)"en the gate and do not #lose behind
1revent them from hiding the light away
1revent them from tellin' us tales
)r the end of all they s#are us with will be a
million em"ty brains...
I #ould bring you what you told me
/he seal they need to #lose the gate forever
0ut still I haven't found a meaning
(nna will we ever be together
-ou've been fighting for your soul
(nd sometimes it ta%es a toll
6o"e one day you'll understand
*hat it means to hold in hands
*hat they #all a fantasy
It is nothing but a %ey
/o the world that now you're in
/hat they #all a wi#%ed dream
*hen you're wal%ing on your own
*hen you're bro%en and alone
-ou may feel us from inside -
on the other side of life.
I've been fighting for my soul
(nd sometimes it ta%es a toll
6o"e one day we'll understand
*hat it means to hold in hands
*hat we #all a fantasy
0ut it's nothing but a %ey
/o the world that now I'm in
/hat we #all a wi#%ed dream
)h! wal%ing on my own
*hen I'm bro%en and alone
I may feel you from inside
2rom the other side of life
Sending some time in Sesidhbana, the beautiful art of )vantasia, Gabriel decides
to get to know more about the siritual world, this beautiful non&materialistic art of
2. *o Return
Mental vigour's been right on the egde
/o a 'stu"efying' hole of no return
;ow we dan#e a holy war is won
0ut there must be more we got to learn
3on't you %now that I'm here I must go
Into the morning light - illuminate the night
0e the guide on our side - the Gnosis
;o return - I will go! follow the #all of my s"irit
;o return - I must %now all that I never #ould as%
;o return
;o I still #an't leave the world in here
Soon I feel that I am gonna get her free
0ut I've smelled at and I long for more
/a%e me in! oh i beg! "hiloso"hy
)h I got to %now! more now so I must go on
Into the morning light - illuminate the night
0e the guide on our side - the Gnosis
;o return - I will go! follow the #all of my s"irit
;o return - I must %now all that I never #ould as%
;o return
Solo: 6en?o Ri#hter
;o return - maybe you must "ay
Many've been in <uest for truth
Insanity has swallowed away
;o return - but I wish you all the best
Go and fa#e the tree of %nowledge and be free
;o return - I will go! follow the #all of my s"irit
;o return - I must %now all that I never #ould as%
)fter having talked to "lderane about his desire Gabriel gets told that he may find the
answers to his 2uestions at the Tree of =nowledge and as a reward for his hel the elves
offer him to bring him to the Tree of =nowledge, to get answers and views that may hel
him, but might confuse him as well! .hatever the truth may be like! Driven by an inner
longing for wisdom and truth and of course curiosity he accets! .hen he finally stands
in front of the tree he finds a lovely but 2uite cynic being that confuses Gabriel even
more than anything he had ever been before
3. The Loo#ing (lass
3rawn by the sound of that wild raving "ound
;o one has told me
I gotta %now all about hell and below
/hey never told me
/he <uest for ne>us
In your life and for all that's beyond...
*hen I ga9e at the man who is ga9ing at me
*hen I stare into the loo%ing glass
*hen I as% what he sees
/hen I'm as%ing for more and the more
that i wanna %now
I %now what I'll never %now
[/ree of 5nowledge:]
2rom far away! from the state of de#ay
-ou've #ome to wisdom
Many've been led! into madness instead
/oll of my %ingdom
/he <uest for ne>us has brought
Many men of genius to insanity
*hen I ga9e at the man who is ga9ing at me
*hen I stare into the loo%ing glass
*hen I as% what he sees
[/ree of 5nowledge:]
/hen you're as%ing for more! and the more that
you wanna %now
-ou %now what you'll never %now
[Solo: 6en?o Ri#hter]
[/ree of 5nowledge:]
(s long as you long for the whole
-ou #an't get a "art of at all
6ow "roud would the buildings of Rome
Loo% without a single stone
*hen I ga9e at the man who is ga9ing at me
*hen I stare into the loo%ing glass
*hen I as% what he sees
/hen I'm as%ing for more and the more
that i wanna %now
I %now what I'll never %now...
Sometimes you have to lunge into troubled waters to come out urified!
4. In 0uest For
[/ree of 5nowledge:]
&oming from the wastelands
2ull of reason! #ommon sense
*here their "rin#i"les are blo#%ing minds
(nd you don't understand
Giving you belief!
-ou never tou#h! you never see
0ut if you dare to try to gri" it
you're a##used for heresy
6ere I stand to find the truth
and for ought I %now
-ou're the one to show me
-ou #an tell my s"irit how to grow
;o! the more I try
/he more #onfusion on my mind
(nd no matter how I try
I feel my eyes seem to stay blind
[/ree of 5nowledge:]
;o use in analysing! forget about al#hemy
0e#ause the se#ret of all truth
Is the <uest for - and you'll feel
*hen you %no#% right on the door
,2orever lo#%ed, they say
( little man will let you in!
2or you have always tried - to get inside
-ou're in <uest for more to find the #ore
-our ?ourney still ain't over
-our <uest is your "ur"ose! go on
-ou're in <uest for more to find the #ore
It will be - never- over
-our <uest is your "ur"ose! go on ...
-ou're in <uest for more to find the #ore...
)fter telling Gabriel carefully that there is no reason to break down because of not
being able to understand everything, while he still shall try to oen his eyes as wide as
ossible to learn as much as ossible, new views reveal something to Gabriel!
The lake which the tree is standing ne7t to begins to become choier! The sky turns
darker and the waves get bigger! 1mmediately the lake seems to come alive! Screaming
faces aear in the waves and Gabriel cannot believe his eyes when he hears 'akobCs
voice yelling at him while Gabriel recognizes a young face in the waves looking a bit like
'akob, but much younger! ) moment later he realizes that itCs not 'akobCs younger
brother, but 'akob himself in his early years!
!. The Final Sacrifice
Staring into the la%e! wat#hing for heaven's sa%e
fa#es s#reaming in fear
&rying li%e at the sta%e! in the fiery waves
I #an see all the souls how they suffer and howl
in their eternal "ain
Servi#e ta%ing its toll! living life in hades
(ll the souls that left their mortal
frame if it's been dead or not
(ll the deaf who did not hear the truth
Get ready for the brimstone-
getting blisters on the eyes
/he "ower of the s"irit was their final sa#rifi#e
Get ready for the brimstone-
getting blisters on the eyes
/he "ower of the s"irit was their final sa#rifi#e
[$a%ob's voi#e:]
Someone "ullin' me out to #ome ba#% to my flesh
)r I'm going insane +
In a world under Rome! in the fiery waves
&an't you see all the souls! how we suffer and howl
In our eternal "ain
Servi#e ta%ing the toll! living life in hades...
)h I see you standing on the
shore of #astigation now
*e don't wanna burn no more so "ull us out!out!out
Get ready for the brimstone-
getting blisters on the eyes
/he "ower of the s"irit was our final sa#rifi#e
Get ready for the brimstone-
getting blisters on the eyes
/he "ower of the s"irit was our final sa#rifi#e
Get ready+
[Solo: $ens Ludwig]
Get ready for the brimstone...
Scene $:
Meanwhile the three clerics rove aimlessly through the wastelands of )vantasia,
searching for the guy who stole the seals and wondering if their roaming through that
Ckind of hellC is /ust GodCs unishment for their failure! Being 2uite aware of and not
seeing anything bad about the fact that some eole know more than other eole!!! +or
some it may be better to know less and /ust believe! 5therwise things would maybe get
out of order!
1. *e,erland
&ought in neverland! no "ur"ose to be seen
/here's no "oint of destination
;everending wastelands! su#h a wi#%ed odyssey
3on't %now what we have done wrong
Lead us ba#% to Rome to follow you again
0ring you the "ower! get salvation
I %now less than all but more
than many who %now less
I %now it's %ee"ing us strong
(nd while they are "ulling strings
*hile they are in #ommand
/hey're hanging on strings
(nd fate they do #ommend into another hand
&ought in neverland! heat and fire! snow and i#e
/hey #all nether world what we #all a "aradise
&ought in neverland and their s"irits #annot rise
2rom the nether world! they #an't see a "aradise
(nd the Roman whore! the masters and the slaves
Raging on without they don't %now
Good intentions on their minds
&an't as% for why they bow out
Lead us to 8den! ?udge those who bite off more
than they #an #hew to serve! without they as%
)r #all in doubt the as%
&ought in neverland! heat and fire! snow and i#e
/hey #all nether world what we #all a "aradise
&ought in neverland and their s"irits #annot rise
2rom the nether world! they #an't see a "aradise
[Solo: 6en?o Ri#hter]
&ought in neverland in the "la#e of many eyes
Ma%e it be what they are allowed to reali9e
&ought in neverland! heat and fire! snow and i#e...
Scene % :
Meanwhile Gabriel determines to & no matter how much he wants to go home and
hel )nna and how much he misses her & comly with the entreaty of the CyoungC 'akob
and free the art of his soul that might have been stolen from him slowly but surely years
ago which is being imrisoned under 8ome now!
&. An'were
1 remember it was long ago
But when 1 think of her 1 fell it grow
Something begs me to come home again
Something 1 can hardly stand
But 1Cm to defy, 1 have to ignore her cry
1 donCt know what to do, 1Cm missing you so bad
.aiting for tomorrow, for a little ray of light
.aiting for tomorrow /ust to see your smile again
Take away my sorrow from a blistered heart of mine
.here are you now if you are there anywhere
@lease forgive me for how 1 decide
But before 1 can come with raid strides
DonCt e7ect youCll have to understand
'akob needs my heling hand
+irst 1 have to go one out of two ways
.ich both are wrong and 1Cm to go
So afraid, so ashamed
So deranged & but 1 know!!!
.aiting for tomorrow, for a little ray of light
.aiting for tomorrow /ust to see your smile again
Take away my sorrow from a blistered heart of mine
.here are you now if you are there anywhere
DSolo* %en/o 8ichterE
.aiting for tomorrow, for a little ray of light!!!
1 canCt wait for you & )re you there & anywhere
Back in Sesidhbana Gabriel talks to "lderane about his ambition to free 'akobCs soul!
"lderane doesnCt want Gabriel to waste his life, but finally tells him all that he knows
about the hallways under 8ome, knowing 2uite well that freeing those souls under 8ome
could hel the )vantasianCs in their war against the armies of the dark force that take all
their ower by sucking it out those souls! "lderane tells Gabriel what to take care of,
about a beast in stone guarding a golden chalice filled with the souls that had been
reaed during the ages, the chalice with all the souls that give strength to the evil force
in the tower!
)lthough being warned Gabriel and 8egrin take one of the seals to unlock the gate
from )vantasia to 8ome and deart for another /ourney!
%aving arrived in 8ome the two ass the gate to the materialistic world to sneak
through the endless hallways under the city until they arrive at a big hall with an
unbelievably huge chalice in the center! .ith their combined effort they manage to knock
down the chalice and they feel immediately that something magical is filling the room!
Millions of souls escae from the chalice, through the building in all directions!
1t takes a few moments until one of the walls starts to move and the beast carved
into the wall comes alive( chasing as many scared souls as ossible back into the
chalice while trying to catch Gabriel and the slow short&legged dwarf, the latter with
success! .hile Gabriel reaches the gate back to )vantasia and locks the door behind
himself, wondering if 'akobCs soul managed to come free, the dwarf doesnCt make it and
gets killed by the beast! But although Gabriel feels resonsible for 8egrinCs death and
although he doesnCt know if 'akobCs soul has been rescued, it has been a success for
)vantasia! Back in Sesidhbana he is told, that a lot of ower has been taken away from
the dark forces due to their loss of many souls which also has an influence on the battle
that rages around the dark tower!
). /halice Of $gon&
(h - 6ugh +
Show me the way to he hallways
below Rome! I will be there
I've seen them burning in fire
/hey all bear too mu#h to bear
*hy don't you thin% of all those who will #ome
3on't you waste your life
3on't you try show me the way
3on't need 'good advi#e'
&old hallways so old! a #hali#e of gold
( guard as they say! "araly9ed
2ollow the #ries from out of the blood
/he wine in the #u"
)ut of the wine! out of the #hali#e of agony
*el#ome to (vantasia
)ut of the wine! out of the #hali#e of agony
*el#ome to (vantasia
Regrin my friend we are "assing the gate
0a#% into my world
I am afraid of the guard and I wish
*arnings had been heard
*el#ome to Rome! it's our mission
to ma%e tortured s"irits free
Something's in here! oh I wish I #ould hide
from its staring eyes
&old hallways so old! a #hali#e of gold
(nd I feel a #hill
Staring eyes! while I hear the #ries
2rom out of the blood! the wine in the #u"
)ut of the wine! out of the #hali#e of agony
*el#ome to (vantasia
)ut of the wine! out of the #hali#e of agony
*el#ome to (vantasia
[Solo: 6en?o Ri#hter]
;o way out! we got to run to the gate
;o way out ! for some of the souls it's too late
$a%ob are you free
)ut of the wine! out of the #hali#e of agony
*el#ome to (vantasia
)ut of the wine! out of the #hali#e of agony
*el#ome to (vantasia
That evening Gabriel is sent back into the world of flesh and blood into his body that
is still lying ne7t to Lugaid!
Scene 1:
Both slee one more night to free )nna in Mainz the morning after! Since Lugaid has
been suorted by Gabriel all the time and )nna must be in rison still, he commands
Gabriel to set off to the druidCs home! 1t may be too dangerous back in Mainz and so
Gabriel is given instructions how to make it to 1reland! The druid romises to do
everything he can to free )nna! 4ot really leased but acceting the druidCs authority
Gabriel follows the instructions!
Scene 2:
Together with some men he hires in a tavern Lugaid returns back to Mainz working
out a lan to free )nna!
During one of the following nights, when they arrive at the tower, )nnaCs rison, they
find an oen door! 'akob is already there, willing to free )nna! The monk is really
confused about what he is doing, a thousand thoughts and 2uestions on his mind,
feeling reborn and fresh and yet confused and sad! Lugaid tells )nna about Gabriel and
where the one has been sent by him in brief words! There is no chance to say a lot
because from outside they hear voices and noises! )s they hel )nna to climb out of one
of the little windows in the wall, Lugaid runs to the door to take a look out there! 1n that
moment +alk and some men ste in and knock down the druid out of their way! The
druid dies! Someone must have seen something and called the bailiff! )fter looking
around for a moment the bailiff takes his raier and strides 2uickly into the direction of
'akob, who takes one of the iron tools ne7t to him to defend himself! Blinded by rage,
being like hynotized and not aying attention the bailiff gets the iron lunged into his
+. Meor&
)h! I dare not to slee" anymore
&ause I see her fa#e in every nightmare
In all the windows of my haunted house
(nd when I dream a dream of flowers
I wa%e u" in my hand a bloody rose
'0lood shall #ome u"on you'
So she s"o%e to me
;ever %new she'd #ome ba#%
;ow she's on my dreams
2rom the fa#es in my dream
2rom an evil memory
(s foretold in their "redi#tion
2rom the fa#es in my dream
/hey are #oming ba#% for me
(s it was told in their "redi#tion
Is it ?ust a dream
)r ?ust a wi#%ed memory ... )h
;ow I see her #oming on her besom...
/he smell of brimstone
(nd the mar% of the beast
2rom the o"en window
Is it ?ust a dream
(s she's "ulling out the dagger to stab
( thousand times into my hurting breast
*a%e u" from the nightmare
S#reaming when I see her stand
with the fa#e of $a%ob
( bloody dagger in her hand
2rom the fa#es in my dream
2rom an evil memory
(s foretold in their "redi#tion
2rom the fa#es in my dream
/hey are #oming ba#% for me
(s it was told in their "redi#tion
Is it ?ust a dream
Maybe his #ons#ien#e
*ill send him a dream in his dreams
If I only %new - oh (nna -
If his soul also #ame free
)r maybe if $a%ob
*ould tal% to the bailiff for you
I #an't #ome for you
I don't %now how many souls were set free
/o start a rebellion! don't %now if I'll still have to flee
[Solo: $ens Ludwig]
)h that fa#es in my dream...
2rom the fa#es in my dream
2rom an evil memory...
)lthough even during this night guards and soldiers haven been turning Mainz
uside down to find the fugitive, )nna has not been found by them anymore!!!
Scene #: & "nd

1-. Into The 2n#no%n
6eading for another life
In a new world far away
*hy not me! oh Lord
*hy did 7androiy have to die! why
3reamers #ome and go
0ut a dream's forever
2reedom for all minds
Let us go together
;everending ways
Got to roam forever
(lways #arry on
*al%ing down a misty road into the un%nown
6eavy winds may blow into our fa#es
-ou #an't %ill the dream in %illing the dreamer
&an't tear it down
(lways #arry on
3reamers #ome and go
0ut a dream's forever
2reedom for all minds
Let us go together
;everending ways
Got to roam forever
(lways #arry on
I've seen dreamers #ome and go
[Solo: /imo /ol%%i]
(Te Me)al O*era( (2001!
/obias Sammet - novi#e Gabriel @C! D! E! F! G! H! II! IC J IDA
8rnie - druid Lugaid 7androly @C! E! F! H! J IDA
3avid 3efeis - friar $a%ob @D J IDA
Ralf Kdiarste% - baliff von 5ronberg @L J GA
Sharon 3en (del - (nna 6eld @FA
Rob Ro#% - bisho" von 0i#%en @G J ICA
)liver 6artmann - 1o"e &lemens II= @G! IC J IDA
(ndre Matos - 8lderane! the elf @II! IC J IDA
5ai 6ansen - Regrin! the dwarf @II J ICA
/imo /ol%%i - voi#e in /he /ower @IDA
8each 5ut +or The Light
Serents 1n @aradise
Malleus Maleficarum
Breaking )way
The Glory 5f 8ome
1n 4omine @atris
) 4ew Dimension
Sign 5f The 3ross
The Tower
(Te Me)al O*era P). 2( (2002!
Tobias Sammet * as novice Gabriel
Michael =iske * as druid Lugaid #androiy
David Defeis * as friar 'akob
8alf Fdiarstek * as bailiff +alk v! =ronberg
Sharon den )del * as )nna %eld
8ob 8ock * as bisho von Bicken
5liver %ardmann * as @oe 3lemens #111
=ai %ansen * as 8egrin, the dwarf
Bob Batley * as Tree of =nowledge
)ndre Matos * as "lderane the "lf
The Seven )ngels
4o 8eturn
The Looking Glass
1n Guest +or
The +inal Sacrifice
3halice 5f )gony
1nto The Anknown

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