Parents Letter 05/11/09

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Hyde Technology School

DCSF Designated Specialist School

05 November 2009

Dear Parent / Carer

At Hyde Technology School we aim to keep all students safe, happy and able to learn. We aim
to enable staff to teach and promote learning without interruption or harassment. We will treat
all students fairly and equally and believe in everyone being valued, supported and challenged
to the best of their ability. The school has a clear system of rewards and sanctions which are
understood by all.

As many parents may be aware, there was some unrest in school the week prior to the half term
holiday. This resulted in a minority of students acting in a totally unacceptable manner. Those
involved were sent home whilst the school investigated matters thoroughly. They have now
been dealt with severely. We involved the police as we will not tolerate gang culture being
brought into our school community. We always work closely with the police to ensure the
continued safety of all our students. We know that many wild rumours have been circulating
such as knives being brought into school and we would like to reassure parents this is not the

Year 11 Exams

Monday 09th November – English Language 9.00am

Thursday 12th November – English Language 9.00am

Friday 13th November – Maths am & pm (RESITS)

Monday 14th December Year 11 mock exams week



Old Road, Hyde, Tameside, SK14 4SP Tel: 0161 368 1353 Fax: 0161 368 5099 e-mail:
Headteacher: Mrs D Spence Website:

Happiness Through Success

Hyde Technology School
DCSF Designated Specialist School
Dates for your Diary

• Tuesday 10th November 6pm – meeting at school with the Hyde Bangladeshi Welfare
Association for Bangladeshi parents and students.

• Friday 13th November Year 7 & 10 photographs

• Week beginning Monday 16th November – interim reports all years.

• Thursday 19th November 6pm – Musical event for “Children in Need”, tickets £2.

• Thursday 03rd December 7pm – Certificate Evening for the Class of 2009.

• Tuesday 08th December 7pm – Parents’ Voice Meeting.

• Monday 14th December – Year 11 mock exams week.

• Friday 18th December – School closes for Christmas.

• Monday 04th January – School re-opens normal time.

• Advance notice – Year 11 Parents’ Evening – Thursday 14th January 2010.

Parent Governor

We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. If any parent is interested in becoming a
Governor please complete the reply slip at the bottom and return to reception for the attention of
Mrs L. Lawson by Friday 27th November 2009. Our Governors work very hard for the benefit of
the school and joining the Governing body is a way of becoming more involved in the life of the

Hyde Technology School is a community high school and we wish to work with all of our
community to ensure that every student is safe, happy and successful. Thank you for your
continued support.

Yours faithfully

Denise Spence

Old Road, Hyde, Tameside, SK14 4SP Tel: 0161 368 1353 Fax: 0161 368 5099 e-mail:
Headteacher: Mrs D Spence Website:

Happiness Through Success

Hyde Technology School
DCSF Designated Specialist School

Parent Governor
Reply Slip

I am interested in joining the Governing Body.

NAME: _____________________ CHILDS NAME:_________________ FORM:______

SIGNED: ____________________ DATE: ______________________

Old Road, Hyde, Tameside, SK14 4SP Tel: 0161 368 1353 Fax: 0161 368 5099 e-mail:
Headteacher: Mrs D Spence Website:

Happiness Through Success

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