Name: Virginia Philbrook Lesson Content Area: Personal/Social Unit Theme: Stress

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Name: vlrglnla hllbrook

Lesson Content Area: ersonal/Soclal

Un|t 1heme: SLress
Lesson 1op|c: hyslcal Consequences of SLress
Lesson Sequence w|th|n Un|t: Lesson 2 of 2
Coals for Lhe Lesson:
a. LssenLlal Academlc Learnlng 8equlremenLs (LAL8s): 8
grade PealLh and llLness
o LA8L 2. 1he sLudenL acqulres Lhe knowledge and skllls necessary Lo malnLaln a
healLhy llfe.
o ComponenL 2.4. Acqulres skllls Lo llve safely and reduce healLh rlsks
o Crade Level LxpecLaLlon 2.4.3. undersLands poslLlve and negaLlve effecLs of sLress
and sLress-managemenL Lechnlques.
&co=220&gle=4794 )
b. unlL Cb[ecLlve: SLudenLs wlll be able Lo undersLand LhaL avoldlng deallng wlLh sLress can
have negaLlve long-Lerm consequences, ldenLlfy Lhelr lndlvldual sLyles of deallng wlLh sLress
and undersLand LhaL coplng means consclously dolng someLhlng poslLlve Lo handle sLress (p
c. ASCA SLandards:
o SLandard 8: SLudenLs wlll make declslons, seL goals and Lake necessary acLlon Lo
achleve goals.
o SLandard C: SLudenLs wlll undersLand safeLy and survlval skllls.
d. Lesson Cb[ecLlve: SLudenLs wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy Lhe long-Lerm consequences of sLress on
Lhelr bodles. SLudenLs wlll make a connecLlon beLween soclal-emoLlonal and physlcal
healLh. SLudenLs wlll recognlze why developlng meLhods of coplng wlLh sLress ls lmporLanL.
e. ASCA SLudenL CompeLencles and lndlcaLors:
o S: 81 Self-knowledge AppllcaLlon
l. S:81:4 uevelop effecLlve coplng skllls for deallng wlLh problems.
o S:C1 Acqulre ersonal SafeLy Skllls
l. Learn Lechnlques for managlng sLress and confllcL.

Lesson 8aLlonale:

a. ConnecLlng Lo uaLa urlven ueclslon-Maklng
a. SLudenLs reporLed hlgh levels of sLress on Lhe annual counselor needs assessmenL, when
glven Lo all sLudenLs ln Lhe fall of Lhe 2013-14 school year. SLress was Lhe mosL
frequenLly selecLed area of concern by sLudenLs, followed by Llme managemenL and
anxleLy abouL school, respecLlvely. rovldlng sLress awareness lessons Lo all 8
ln homeroom ls a parL of Lhe Second SLep currlculum LhaL ls a requlremenL school-wlde.
Powever, Lhls lesson bullds on Lhe Second SLep lesson and helps sLudenLs make real-
world connecLlons beLween Lhelr learnlng abouL soclal-emoLlonal healLh and physlcal

MaLerlals needed:
1. 1hree arLlcles abouL sLress - coples for 1/3 of Lhe class each (see appendlx)
2. Coplng wlLh SLress" WorksheeL - one copy per sLudenL (see appendlx)
3. Cverheard pro[ecLor and screen
4. ens or penclls for sLudenLs

Lesson CuLllne:
1. CreeL sLudenLs. ulsLrlbuLe pre-LesL.
2. 8evlew prevlous lesson: whaL are meLhods we can use Lo cope wlLh sLress? Pave sLudenLs
popcorn answers.
3. 8reak sLudenLs lnLo small groups of 2-3. Asslgn each group an arLlcle. Cne Lo Lwo groups should
read each arLlcle.
4. Allow sLudenLs Lo read Lhe arLlcles as lndlvlduals or aloud wlLh Lhelr groups.
3. ulsLrlbuLe Coplng wlLh SLress" worksheeLs.
6. Pave Lhe group compleLe arL l of Lhelr worksheeL. 1hey should plck 3 key ldeas of Lhe arLlcle Lo
share ouL Lo Lhe class. Lach group member should be prepared Lo share ouL.
7. Ask sLudenLs Lo answer quesLlon 1 of arL ll from Lhe worksheeL, based on maLerlal presenLed
by Lhelr peers.
8. 8andomly selecL one member from each group Lo share ouL.
9. Spend 3 mlnuLes compleLlng Lhe worksheeL.
10. Share ouL one new coplng sklll sLudenLs are mosL ready Lo lncorporaLe lnLo dally llfe.
11. CompleLe posL-LesL.

1he presenLer wlll dlsLrlbuLe a pre- and posL-survey Lo be compleLed by sLudenLs durlng Lhe flrsL
and lasL 3 mlnuLes of Lhe guldance lesson.

lnLerneL Sources:



Coplng wlLh SLress

arL l - ArLlcle
8ead Lhe arLlcle wlLh your group. WrlLe a 3-3 senLence summary of Lhe arLlcle. Lvery group member
should be prepared Lo share ouL.

arL ll - 8eflecLlon
Answer Lhe 3 quesLlons below uslng lnformaLlon from Lhe arLlcle summarles and from your own llfe.

1. WhaL are Lhree medlcal consequences of sLress?

2. WhaL are posslble sources of sLress ln your llfe?

3. WhaL do you do when you are sLressed?

4. WhaL are Lhree new coplng skllls you can sLarL Lo use when you are sLressed?

10 nea|th rob|ems ke|ated to Stress 1hat ou Can I|x
8y 8. Morgan Crlffln
WebMu leaLure
8evlewed by Loulse Chang, Mu
need anoLher Lhlng Lo geL sLressed ouL abouL? ?our sLress lLself could be maklng you slck.
"SLress doesn'L only make us feel awful emoLlonally," says !ay Wlnner Mu, auLhor of !"#$ &'$ (&)$** +,&
-. /-,) 01.$ and dlrecLor of Lhe SLress ManagemenL rogram for Sansum Cllnlc ln SanLa 8arbara, Callf. "lL
can also exacerbaLe [usL abouL any healLh condlLlon you can Lhlnk of."

SLudles have found many healLh problems relaLed Lo sLress. SLress seems Lo worsen or lncrease Lhe rlsk
of condlLlons llke obeslLy, hearL dlsease, Alzhelmer's dlsease, dlabeLes, depresslon, gasLrolnLesLlnal
problems, and asLhma.
8efore you geL Loo sLressed ouL abouL belng sLressed ouL, Lhere ls some good news. lollowlng some
slmple sLress rellef Llps could boLh lower your sLress and lower your healLh rlsks.
10 nea|th rob|ems ke|ated to Stress
WhaL are some of Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL healLh problems relaLed Lo sLress? Pere's a sampllng.
1. neart d|sease. 8esearchers have long suspecLed LhaL Lhe sLressed-ouL, Lype A personallLy has a
hlgher rlsk of hlgh blood pressure and hearL problems. We don'L know why, exacLly. SLress mlghL
have a dlrecL effecL on Lhe hearL and blood vessels. lL's also posslble LhaL sLress ls relaLed Lo
oLher problems -- an lncreased llkellhood of smoklng or obeslLy -- LhaL lndlrecLly lncrease Lhe
hearL rlsks.
uocLors do know LhaL sudden emoLlonal sLress can be a Lrlgger for serlous cardlac problems,
lncludlng hearL aLLacks. eople who have chronlc hearL problems need Lo avold acuLe sLress as
much as Lhey can.
2. Asthma. Many sLudles have shown LhaL sLress can worsen asLhma. Some evldence suggesLs LhaL
a parenL's chronlc sLress mlghL even lncrease Lhe rlsk of developlng asLhma ln Lhelr chlldren.
Cne sLudy looked aL how parenLal sLress affecLed Lhe asLhma raLes of young chlldren who were
also exposed Lo alr polluLlon or whose moLhers smoked durlng pregnancy. 1he klds wlLh
sLressed ouL parenLs had a subsLanLlally hlgher rlsk of developlng asLhma.
3. Cbes|ty. Lxcess faL ln Lhe belly seems Lo pose greaLer healLh rlsks Lhan faL on Lhe legs or hlps --
and unforLunaLely, LhaL's [usL where people wlLh hlgh sLress seem Lo sLore lL. "SLress causes
hlgher levels of Lhe hormone corLlsol," says Wlnner, "and LhaL seems Lo lncrease Lhe amounL of
faL LhaL's deposlLed ln Lhe abdomen."
4. D|abetes. SLress can worsen dlabeLes ln Lwo ways. llrsL, lL lncreases Lhe llkellhood of bad
behavlors, such as unhealLhy eaLlng and excesslve drlnklng. Second, sLress seems Lo ralse Lhe
glucose levels of people wlLh Lype 2 dlabeLes dlrecLly.
3. neadaches. SLress ls consldered one of Lhe mosL common Lrlggers for headaches -- noL [usL
Lenslon headaches, buL mlgralnes as well.
6. Depress|on and anx|ety. lL's probably no surprlse LhaL chronlc sLress ls connecLed wlLh hlgher
raLes of depresslon and anxleLy. Cne survey of recenL sLudles found LhaL people who had sLress
relaLed Lo Lhelr [obs -- llke demandlng work wlLh few rewards -- had an 80 hlgher rlsk of
developlng depresslon wlLhln a few years Lhan people wlLh lower sLress.
7. Gastro|ntest|na| prob|ems. Pere's one Lhlng LhaL sLress doesn'L do -- lL doesn'L cause ulcers.
Powever, lL can make Lhem worse. SLress ls also a common facLor ln many oLher Cl condlLlons,
such as chronlc hearLburn (CL8u) and l8S, Wlnner says.
8. A|zhe|mer's d|sease. Cne anlmal sLudy found LhaL sLress mlghL worsen Alzhelmer's dlsease,
causlng lLs braln leslons Lo form more qulckly. Some researchers speculaLe LhaL reduclng sLress
has Lhe poLenLlal Lo slow down Lhe progresslon of Lhe dlsease.
9. Acce|erated ag|ng. 1here's acLually evldence LhaL sLress can affecL how you age. Cne sLudy
compared Lhe unA of moLhers who were under hlgh sLress -- Lhey were carlng for a chronlcally
lll chlld -- wlLh women who were noL. 8esearchers found LhaL a parLlcular reglon of Lhe
chromosomes showed Lhe effecLs of acceleraLed aglng. SLress seemed Lo acceleraLe aglng abouL
9 Lo 17 addlLlonal years.
10. remature death. A sLudy looked aL Lhe healLh effecLs of sLress by sLudylng elderly careglvers
looklng afLer Lhelr spouses -- people who are naLurally under a greaL deal of sLress. lL found LhaL
careglvers had a 63 hlgher raLe of deaLh Lhan people Lhelr age who were noL careglvers.
SLlll, you mlghL be wonderlng why. Why would sLress make us slck? Why would an emoLlonal feellng
wreck havoc on our bodles?
SLress lsn'L only a feellng. "SLress lsn'L [usL ln your head," Wlnner says. lL's a bullL-ln physlologlc response
Lo a LhreaL. When you're sLressed, your body responds. ?our blood vessels consLrlcL. ?our blood
pressure and pulse rlse. ?ou breaLhe fasLer. ?our bloodsLream ls flooded wlLh hormones such as corLlsol
and adrenallne.
"When you're chronlcally sLressed, Lhose physlologlc changes, over Llme, can lead Lo healLh problems,"
Wlnner Lells WebMu.

ne|p|ng Cur Ch||dren W|th Stress
23 04(5 260748
Lvery year Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon Lakes our emoLlonal LemperaLure wlLh lLs reporL
LlLled SLress ln Amerlca.
1hls year, for Lhe flrsL Llme, chlldren were also asked abouL Lhelr sLress levels. 1he concluslon? noL only
are our klds feellng lL, we parenLs aren'L noLlclng.
1he sLudy, released earller Lhls week, found LhaL a Lhlrd of Lhe 1,206 chlldren ln Lhe survey (ranglng ln
age from 8 Lo 17) reporLed feellng more sLress Lhan Lhey had a year ago. nearly half are worrled abouL
school, whlle only a Lhlrd of Lhelr parenLs LhoughL Lhelr chlldren saw school as a problem. 1hlrLy percenL
are worrled abouL famlly flnances, [usL 18 percenL of parenLs Lhlnk LhaL's on Lhelr klds' llsL of sLressors.
1wenLy-nlne percenL of Leens reporL worrylng abouL whaL comes afLer hlgh school - geLLlng lnLo a good
college or flndlng work - buL only 3 percenL of Lhe parenLs of Leenagers Lhlnk LhaL ls causlng sLress for
Lhelr chlldren.
ln facL, sLress ls qulLe llLerally maklng chlldren slck ln ways LhaL haven'L reglsLered wlLh Lhelr parenLs.
Accordlng Lo Lhe sLudy:
1weens (30 percenL) and Leens (42 percenL) say Lhey geL headaches vs. 13 percenL of parenLs
1weens (39 percenL) and Leens (49 percenL) clLe dlfflculLy sleeplng vs. 13 percenL of parenLs
1weens (27 percenL) and Leens (39 percenL) reporL eaLlng Loo much or Loo llLLle vs. 8 percenL of
1he psychologlsL kaLherlne C. nordal, AA's execuLlve dlrecLor for professlonal pracLlce, warns: WhaL
we're seelng wlLh sLress ls ln llne wlLh exlsLlng research abouL parenLs' percepLlon of Lhelr klds'
engagemenL ln rlsky behavlors. arenLs ofLen under reporL drug use, depresslon and sexual acLlvlLy ln
Lhelr chlldren. now lL appears Lhe same may be Lrue for sLress."
(8y Lhe way, however sLressed our chlldren are, we adulLs are sLlll more so. Accordlng Lo Lhe sLudy: 47
percenL of all adulLs reporL LhaL Lhey have laln awake aL nlghL, 43 percenL reporL lrrlLablllLy or anger, 43
percenL reporL faLlgue, 40 percenL reporL lack of lnLeresL, moLlvaLlon or energy, 34 percenL reporL
headaches, 34 percenL reporL feellng depressed or sad, 32 percenL reporL feellng as Lhough Lhey could
cry, and 27 percenL reporL upseL sLomach or lndlgesLlon as a resulL of sLress. Pmmm, maybe LhaL's
where Lhe klds are learnlng lL from.)
So whaL ls a parenL Lo do?
1he AA has a webpage LlLled 1alklng Lo your klds AbouL SLress." Among lLs suggesLlons:
noLlce Llmes when your klds are mosL llkely Lo Lalk - for example, aL bedLlme, before dlnner, ln
Lhe car - and be fully avallable Lo [usL llsLen.
When your chlldren are Lalklng abouL concerns, sLop whaLever you are dolng and llsLen.
Lxpress lnLeresL ln whaL Lhey are saylng wlLhouL belng lnLruslve.
LlsLen Lo Lhelr polnL of vlew, even lf lL's dlfflculL Lo hear.
LeL Lhem compleLe Lhelr polnL before you respond.
8epeaL whaL you heard Lhem say Lo ensure LhaL you undersLand Lhem correcLly.
8eallze LhaL your chlldren may LesL you by Lelllng you a small parL of whaL ls boLherlng Lhem.
LlsLen carefully Lo whaL Lhey say, encourage Lhem Lo Lalk and Lhey may share Lhe resL of Lhe
Shleldlng chlldren from posslble causes of sLress or anxleLy, such as unemploymenL, a parenL's
marlLal problems or an lllness ln Lhe famlly, can worsen a chlld's anxleLy because chlldren
commonly assume a worse case scenarlo. Pelp by provldlng age-approprlaLe lnformaLlon.

1he AA survey deflnes chlldren as Lhose under Lhe age of 17, whlch means lL does noL lnclude Lhe
sLressed ouL college sLudenL. CLhers have looked aL Lhe parLlcular pressures on Lhls age group Lhough,
and ln an arLlcle ln Lhe sLudenL newspaper aL WashlngLon unlverslLy ln SL. Louls lasL week, uavld
Messenger revlewed a number of Lhose sLudles.
1here's Lhe one ln Lhls monLh's !ournal of AdolescenL PealLh LhaL found LhaL sLresses from Lhe dally
rouLlne of school and llfe keep 68 percenL of sLudenLs awake aL nlghL, wlLh 20 percenL of Lhem aL leasL
once a week," he wrlLes. And Lhere's Lhe 2006 survey conducLed by Lhe College PealLh AssoclaLlon
whlch found LhaL 94 percenL of sLudenLs reporLed feellng overwhelmed by all LhaL Lhey had Lo do."
ln 2007, WashlngLon unlverslLy surveyed lLs own sLudenLs, and 63 percenL felL overwhelmed one Lo 10
Llmes and anoLher 28 percenL felL overwhelmed 11 Llmes or more," whlle nearly 40 percenL reporLed
levels of depresslon LhaL made lL dlfflculL Lo funcLlon."
1here are many reasons behlnd Lhese worrlsome numbers. Academlc workload, soclal lssues lnvolvlng
frlends, roommaLes, daLlng and exLracurrlcular acLlvlLles, famlly concerns and flnanclal concerns could
all Lrlgger sLress and depresslon," says LleaLha SurraLL, a sLaff psychlaLrlsL aL SLudenL PealLh Servlces aL
Wash u.
And one ma[or facLor ls probably Lhe aforemenLloned chlcken and egg problem - lack of sleep. 1he
AdolescenL PealLh !ournal arLlcle found LhaL only 30 percenL of Lhose surveyed reporLed sleeplng for Lhe
recommended elghL hours a nlghL, and 20 percenL of sLudenLs sLay up all nlghL aL leasL once a monLh
and 33 percenL sLay up unLll 3 a.m. aL leasL once a week.
So whaL ls a parenL Lo do once Lhe klds are older? As Lough as lL ls Lo help younger chlldren wlLh sLress,
aL leasL you can waLch Lhelr rouLlnes and read Lhelr body language, college sLudenLs are llkely Lo be ouL
of slghL, leavlng fewer hlnLs LhaL Lhey need help.
lf l were uavld Messenger's parenL, l could flnd one clue LhaL Lhe young man ls probably more Lhan a
llLLle, umm, busy. Pls arLlcle abouL sLudenLs sLress? lL seems Lo have been posLed on Lhe newspaper's
webslLe aL 4:23 AM.

Stress |n 1eens Can Increase k|sk Cf Lar|y n|gh 8|ood ressure
1PL angsL of adolescence can sLlr enough physlcal dlsLress Lo more Lhan double Lhe rlsk of early onseL of
hyperLenslon ln some boys and glrls, a new sLudy has found.
When Leen-agers feel LhaL Lhelr sLrlvlngs are conLlnually frusLraLed, Lhe resulLlng sLress can lead Lo
chronlcally elevaLed blood pressure, accordlng Lo a reporL by ur. Cralg LwarL, a psychologlsL aL Lhe
School of ubllc PealLh aL !ohns Popklns unlverslLy. Plgh blood pressure, or hyperLenslon, ls a
poLenLlally llfe-LhreaLenlng condlLlon LhaL usually develops ln adulLhood. 8uL chlldren wlLh blood
pressure ln Lhe hlghesL parL of Lhe normal range have a far hlgher rlsk of hyperLenslon ln adulLhood.
lor glrls ln Lhe sLudy, Lhe lssues LhaL Lended Lo ralse blood pressure were soclal rlvalrles and sLruggles
for domlnance. Among boys, a feellng LhaL Lhey were unsupporLed ln Lhelr sLruggles Lo succeed was
more ofLen responslble. ur. LwarL reporLed hls flndlngs aL a meeLlng of Lhe SocleLy for 8ehavloral
Medlclne ln 8osLon lasL monLh.
"1here ls real physlologlcal lmpacL from Lhe frusLraLlon of Lhe Leen-agers' sLrlvlngs ln llfe," he sald. "1hls
chronlc sLress may lncrease Lhelr cardlovascular rlsk early ln llfe." lrusLraLlon as a redlcLor
ur. LwarL found LhaL Lhe Leen-agers' levels of frusLraLlon were a more powerful predlcLor of blood
pressure Lhan were moods llke anger.
8y ldenLlfylng Lhe psychologlcal facLors LhaL ralse Leen-agers' blood pressure, ur. LwarL's sLudy may be
lmporLanL for deslgnlng lnLervenLlons Lo lower Lhe rlsk LhaL such chlldren wlll evenLually develop
8ecenL epldemlologlcal sLudles have shown LhaL Lhe rooLs of essenLlal hyperLenslon lle much earller ln
llfe Lhan had been belleved. A 1992 arLlcle ln 1he !ournal of Lpldemlology reporLed on a 23-year follow-
up of 301 boys and glrls showlng LhaL Lhose chlldren wlLh helghLened blood pressure, Lhough ln Lhe
normal range, developed hyperLenslon earller ln llfe.
lor example, a 13-year-old boy wlLh dlasLollc blood pressure ln Lhe 99Lh percenLlle, whlch aL LhaL age ls
above 80 mllllmeLers of mercury, has Lwlce Lhe rlsk of belng hyperLenslve aL 33 compared wlLh 13-year-
olds wlLh average blood pressure readlngs. lor adulLs, hyperLenslon ls a blood pressure readlng of
140/90 or above.
ur. LwarL's resulLs suggesL LhaL psychologlcal Lurmoll beglnnlng ln adolescence may be one cause of Lhe
earller onseL of hyperLenslon.
"lor glrls Lhe helghLened blood pressure ls assoclaLed wlLh self-asserLlon or compeLlLlve sLrlvlngs llke
provlng herself superlor Lo anoLher glrl, or convlnclng her parenLs LhaL she's maLure enough Lo be ouL
laLer aL nlghL Lhan Lhey wlll allow," ur. LwarL sald. "8oys have sLruggles llke Lhese, Loo, buL lL does noL
have Lhe same lmpacL on Lhelr blood pressure. lnsLead you see rlses ln boys when Lhey sLruggle wlLh
dependency, llke wanLlng Lhelr parenLs Lo be more undersLandlng of Lhelr dlfflculLles and Lo sLop
pressurlng Lhem Lo do beLLer ln school."
1he paLLerns emerged ln a sLudy of 240 nlnLh-graders aL a sclence magneL school ln 8alLlmore. 1he
speclflc sLrlvlngs leadlng Lo helghLened blood pressure when frusLraLed mlghL well dlffer ln oLher groups
of Leen-agers.
1he sLudenLs were recrulLed for Lhe sLudy when a screenlng of all nlnLh-graders showed Lhelr resLlng
blood pressure Lo be ln Lhe hlghesL Lhlrd.Cne by one, whlle Lhelr blood pressure was monlLored, Lhe
sLudenLs were lnLervlewed abouL Lhelr personal hopes, goals and frusLraLlons. 1alk of SLress 8alses
As Lhey descrlbed Lhe slLuaLlons LhaL were mosL sLressful for Lhem, Lhelr blood pressure rose. 1hose
sLudenLs who had Lhe sharpesL rlse ln blood pressure whlle Lalklng abouL Lhelr sLresses were found Lo
have Lhe hlghesL levels LhroughouL Lhe day when Lhey laLer wore a 24-hour ambulaLory blood pressure
lf such emoLlonal dlsLress conLlnues over many years, Lhe resulLlng elevaLlons ln blood pressure could
conLrlbuLe Lo hearL dlsease, ur. LwarL argued ln an arLlcle ln Lhe March lssue of 1he !ournal of
ersonallLy and Soclal sychology, ln whlch he reporLed some of Lhe daLa.
llndlngs from oLher researchers supporL Lhe Lheory. A sLudy reporLed ln Lhe fall 1993 lssue of Lhe [ournal
PyperLenslon found LhaL among boys 7 Lo 18, Lhose who had Lhe sharpesL rlse ln sysLollc blood pressure
whlle golng Lhrough a sLressful menLal Lask had Lhe hlghesL resLlng blood pressure levels seven years
And ln a 1991 sLudy, medlcal sLudenLs who showed Lhe sharpesL rlse ln blood pressure when puL under
lnLense sLress were more llkely Lo be under LreaLmenL for hyperLenslon 20 years laLer.
ur. karen MaLLhews, a psychologlsL aL Lhe unlverslLy of lLLsburgh who dld Lhe sLudles, sald, "lL makes
sense LhaL klds who have a hlgher blood pressure response Lo Lhe sLresses ln Lhelr llves wlll be mosL aL
rlsk for an early onseL of hyperLenslon."

SLress Lesson re-1esL
1. 1rue or lalse. 1eens cannoL experlence sLress.

2. 1rue or lalse. unllke adulLs, lf an adolescenL feels sLressed, lL won'L affecL Lhelr body.

3. 1rue or lalse. A good sLraLegy for deallng wlLh sLress ls Lo lgnore lL. SLress wlll probably [usL go

4. Pave you ever Lalked Lo an adulL (parenL, school counselor, Leacher) abouL sLress?

3. uo you plan Lo Lalk Lo an adulL (parenL, school counselor, Leacher) abouL sLress ln Lhe nexL 2

SLress Lesson osL-1esL
1. 1rue or lalse. 1eens cannoL experlence sLress.

2. 1rue or lalse. unllke adulLs, lf an adolescenL feels sLressed, lL won'L affecL Lhelr body.

3. 1rue or lalse. A good sLraLegy for deallng wlLh sLress ls Lo lgnore lL. SLress wlll probably [usL go

4. Pave you ever Lalked Lo an adulL (parenL, school counselor, Leacher) abouL sLress?

3. uo you plan Lo Lalk Lo an adulL (parenL, school counselor, Leacher) abouL sLress ln Lhe nexL 2

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