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Come on

Let s
Compiled by Honoria Jael Blacke
Chorus Name Number
A covenant keeping God 701
A little more oil in my lamp, keep it burning 439
A little talk with Jeu make it right 739
A woman came to !ill her water pot 4"
Abraham# bleing are mine "$3
Acro the bridge, there#ll be no orrow "9%
Agnu &ei 74%
Ain#t God good 'e give u o many bleing undeerving 314
Ain#t no giving up (#ve got to go on 374
Alive, Alive 7%3
All 'onour $9$
All ( want i more o! you %4%
All )! *y &ay 7%4
All over the world the +pirit i moving 43$
All over the world, all over the world ,70
All over thi land, All over thi land, get ready "31
All -he 'eaven $99
All the way to .alvary 3$0
All we are aying, /ut give God a chance 397
Alleluia, Alleluia !or the 0ord God almighty reign %$7
Alpha and )mega 744
Although the battle may be hot and the con!lict ore 33
Am waiting down here at the river 3%1
Ancient )! &ay 7$9
And -hat *y +oul 1now 2ery 3ell 7%7
Anointing !all on me 3$1
Anywhere he went 4Anywhere he went5 13"
Arie 900
A ( looked up the road and ( wondered ,4$
A the deer panteth !or the water 399
At the cro, at the cro 9,
Awake awake my oul awake 304
Awake ) (rael 7%"
Awake, 6ion, awake 113
Aweome God 7%%
7ack to the dut, back to the dut ,49
7e bold be trong, !or the lord thy god i with thee 4repeat5 30,
7e 7old, 7e +trong $97
7e bold, be trong !or the 0ord they God i with thee 3,4
7e glori!ied %,3
7e magni!ied, ) 0ord, 8ou are highly e9alted %%4
7e not el!ih in your doing, pa it on 40
7e till and know that ( am God 3"$
7eauti!ul +aviour $94
7eauti!ul, beauti!ul 7%0
7ecaue he live, ( can !ace tomorrow "04
7ecaue o! 3ho 8ou Are 7%1
7ehold 'e come, riding on the cloud %$$
7ehold the bridegroom cometh ,",
7eliever get right in the pirit 440
7eloved, beloved, now that we are the on o! God ,91
7eloved, let u love one another %9%
7etter day are coming, by and by 74
7etter get right with God 441
7ind u together, 0ord "14
7le the 0ord, oh my oul 34$
7leed be the 0ord God almighty %39
7leed be the name ,$%
7leed 7e -he :ame $9"
7leed be the name o! the 0ord 3,"
7leed 'oly Ghot come down, !all on 6ion 1%$
7leed Jeu, 'old my hand 790
7leed ;uietne holy ;uietne 1"%
7orn again, born again, wahed in Jeu# blood "0
7orn, born, born again 1%"
7ow &own 74"
7reak down the wall, break down the wall ,,,
7reathe (nto *e $9%
7ring back thoe happy, thoe happy day "1
7ring 8e All the -ithe 79,
7urning !ire, it# burning in my oul 47"
7y and by he call me to lay my weapon down ,0%
7y and by when the morning come 73
7y your blood 0ord, (#ve been redeemed 3"%
7y 8our +ide 7%$
.arry on !or Jeu, every day, carry on %%
.at your burden upon the 0ord 3$$
.elebrate Jeu .elebrate 749
.elebrate Jeu, .elebrate 301
.hange my heart o! God make it ever true %4"
.hange my heart oh God $00
.hrit hall break every !etter %,"
.hurch o! God march !orward 1%%
.limbing up the mountain, reaching !or the top 499
.loer than a brother Jeu i to me ,00
.ome back to Jeu, .ome back to Jeu ,44
.ome ble the 0ord, all ye ervant o! the 0ord "4$
.ome bredda, ita mek wih mah dung +atan# 1ingdom ""4
.ome !orth !rom the grave ,%,
.ome 'oly Ghot come, come 'oly Ghot come ,39
.ome into my heart, into my heart ,,%
.ome /ut a you are, hear the pirit call %7$
.ome let u glori!y the name o! the 0ord "00
.ome let magni!y the 0ord 731
.ome 0et *agni!y the 0ord $0,
.ome on let# pread the new o! my God# love $%
.ome on youth, you are called today 49$
.ome thi !ar, !ind no !ault, !eel like going on ""7
.ome to my oul bleed Jeu %1,
.ome to the light #ti hining !or thee ,"4
.ome unto me, and ( will give you ret ",3
.ome, now i the time to worhip %91
.oming oon, Jeu in all 'i glory %4,
.ount *e 793
.over me, cover me %71
.reate (n *e A .lean 'eart $93
.reate in me a clean heart, ) 0ord %1"
.yrene, the man o! .yrene 717
&aniel aw the tone rolling down to 7abylon 1",
&aniel# God, urely will deliver ,,0
&eep, deep, deep very deep in my heart ,10
&etination i not !ar away "0"
&o it again 0ord, do it again 3%3
&o 0ord, do 0ord, do remember me "0,
&o you know the name o! the <ather= ,0"
&on#t board the wrong train 1$9
&on#t try to tell me that God i dead #caue 'e woke me up thi morning 31"
&on#t you know that (#m moving up "01
&own on my knee when orrow rie 47%
&o9ology $9,
&raw me cloe to you, :ever let me go 74,
&raw me nearer, nearer, nearer bleed 0ord %3"
>ach tep that ( take $"
>levate your mind, move up higher 443
>nemy# .amp 7,3
>noch walked with God 44"
>nter (n $91
>nter my chamber, be !ree 'oly +pirit %3,
>very time ( get the chance to praie 'im, ( will 444
>veryday i a victory, everyday i a victory ,"1
>veryday will be +unday, everyday will be +unday 1%1
>veryday with Jeu, i weeter than the day be!ore 1"4
>verywhere 'e went 'e wa doing good 44,
>9cellent Jeu e9cellent 3%,
>9cue me while praie the 0ord ,9,
<aith ( -he 2ictory $03
<aith!ul ( )ur God $90
<alling in love with Jeu "$9
<ather look where you brought me !rom 14,
<ill *y .up $04
<ill my cup, 0ord, ( li!t it up, 0ord %1%
<ire <ire !ire !ire !all on me %$9
<ire, !ire, !ire %01
<ire, !ire, !ire, !ire !all on me ",
<or our 0ord God Almighty reign 7,%
<or you ( am praying %$,
<orever Give 8ou ?raie $$9
<orever 'e may be ",0
<orward@ !orward@ $0%
<ree, !ree, !ree, ( am !rom in et !ree $$
<ree, !ree, !ree, ( am !rom in et !ree 447
Get a new look !rom the old book, get a new look !rom the 7ible 719
Get All >9cited@ $13
Get all e9cited, go tell everybody that Jeu .hrit i 1ing 39"
Get on the glory road, heaven i now in view ,,7
Get right in the +pirit, brother cut loe !rom in 1%,
Get together, get together, get together in the 0ord 114
Give and it will come back to you $0$
Give God -he Glory $$"
Give it in love, toring above 17"
Give me that old time religion "13
Give thank with a grate!ul heart ,99
Gloriou $$7
Glory i coming and it won#t be long $10
Go 8e (nto All the 3orld 7"9
God don#t need no matche 49%
God don#t need no matche, 'e# !ire by 'imel! 37$
God ha a way o! working it out, $17
God ha an army marching through the land 343
God ha miled on me, 'e ha et me !ree 3$"
God i a good God, ye 'e i 44$
God i getting u ready !or that great day 1""
God i love 794
God i moving along he i leading the way ,73
God i not dead 'e i till alive ,$7
God i not dead 'e i till alive "79
God i not man that 'e hould lie 79"
God i o good 79%
God ay it ( believe it 109
God will make a way when there eem to be no way 390
Goodbye world, ( am gone ""3
Goodbye world, ( am gone, goodbye world ( am gone "%
Goodbye world, ( can tay no longer with you ,93
Great change in me, great change in me ,"3
Great change ince ( wa born "7
Great ( -hy <aith!ulne $$%
Great ( 8our *ercy $$$
'allelu/ah anyhow "$%
'allelu/ah, 'e# an anwering God 471
'appy, happy, happy, happy in the 0ord ,1"
'ave a little talk with Jeu, $01
'ave -hine own way, 0ord, have -hine own way "07
'ave you got it, got it the 7ibleway= 37
'ave you heard o! the 7leed .hurch o! God ,,3
'e Alone i 3orthy $0"
'e 7rought *e )ut $11
'e gave hi li!e a ranom !or me 149
'e ha hown thee ) man 119
'e i alway looking out !or me 33$
'e ( >9alted $7$
'e i e9altedA the 1ing i e9alted on high ,9%
'e i here, hallelu/ah, 'e i here, Amen %34
'e i 0ord, 'e i 0ord ",4
'e i my everything %3$
'e i my everything 79$
'e i my everything, 'e i my all 7,1
'e i the 1ing o! king ",9
'e li!ted me up !rom the miry clay $4
'e li!ted me, he li!ted me 101
'e never !ailed me yet, he never !ailed me yet 144
'e really didn#t have to die ",,
'e et me !ree one day 3
'e that the +on hath et !ree ,7$
'e touched me %41
'e wa wounded !or our trangreion %07
'e who began a good work in me 3,7
'e wrote my name way up 3",
'e wrote my name way up, way up in glory land 79
'eal )ur 0and $$3
'ear my cry oh 0ord, attend unto my prayer 3,%
'ear )ur ?rayer $79
'ear thee praie !rom a grate!ul heart 737
'eaven i better than thi, )h how what /oy and bli ,40
Heaven now is in view, heaven now is in view ,74
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate 8ou %7"
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate you 797
'ere ( am to 3orhip 7"$
'ere ( am waiting 740
'ere we are, in your preence %37
'e# A *ighty God $1$
'e# a miracle working God "34
'e# able, 'e# able, ( know 'e# able "$1
'e# all ( need, 'e# all ( need %"9
'e# Already ?rovided $1"
'e# an onBtime God, ye 'e i %03
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand "7"
'e# my rock, my word, my hield ,4%
'e# +till 3orking )n *e $1,
'e# weet ( know, he# weet ( know $0
'ide me under the blood 0ord 377
'ide thou me, thou Cock o! Age hide thou me 143
'igh And 0i!ted Dp $$0
'igher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher "90
'i voice make the di!!erence %13
'old !at to Jeu and he#ll hold !at to you 104
'old me in the palm o! your hand "47
'oline unto the 0ord i our watchword and ong 4$4
'oline, holine i what ( long !or %47
'oly $77
'oly Are 8ou 0ord $7"
'oly ( -he 0amb $$1
'oly +pirit !ill thi room $1%
'oly +pirit move me now 34%
'oly +pirit Cain &own $7%
'oly, holy, holy 3,1
'oly, holy, holy, $09
'ome once more %04
'ooked on Jeu %%$
'oanna $$,
'oanna, hoanna, hoanna to the highet 371
'ow e9cellent i 8our name, )h 0ord %99
'ow great i our god ",%
'ow Great ( )ur God $$4
'ow ( got over 3"3
'ow much ( owe !or love divine 477
'umble yourel! and the 0ord will draw near thee "11
( am a .' 71$
( Am a <riend o! God 7"0
( am a one God, apotolic "03
( am bleed ( am bleed 344
( am bleed, ( am bleed "3%
( am bound !or the ?romied 0and, 791
( am determined to hold out to the end ,94
( am !ree praie the 0ord ,$4
( am going all the way with Jeu ,01
( am in trouble, a big big trouble 4"7
( am not !orgotten 7"1
( am on the mountain and ( won#t come down 714
( am on the rock and ( won#t come down "$,
( am redeemed 707
( am redeemed, bought with a price %97
( am redeemed bought with a price, Jeu ha changed my whole li!e 7,0
( am redeemed but not with ilver 703
( am aved, wonder!ul aved by the blood 33,
( am o glad, (#ve got alvation in time "%9
( am under the rock, the rock i higher than ( 193
( believe in baptim, ( believe in baptim ,"
( 7ow *y 1nee $%4
( can do all thing, through .hrit that trengthen me 330
( can recommend my God to any man "39
( cannot hold it out no longer 497
( do not know what the day will bring 1,$
( don#t know what you !eel, but ( know the !ire i hot 71"
( >9alt -hee $%$
( !eel good, good, good 4$0
( !eel good, good, good "40
( !eel Jeu, ( !el Jeu, ( !eel Jeu in thi place %11
( !eel like praiing, praiing 'im %0
( !eel like preing my way 340
( !eel like preing, 734
( !eel like running, kipping, praie the 0ord "%"
( !eel like running, kipping, praie the 0ord 733
( !eel like the !ire hut up within my bone ,%3
( get /oy when ( think about B what 'e# done !or me ","
( Give *yel! Away 7"%
( Give 8ou *y 'eart 770
( got my education at the cro 4$%
( have a mind to live right, wherever ( go ,%
( have decided to !ollow Jeu %0$
( have made you too mall in my li!e 73$
( have omebody with me to bear my heavy load 4$,
( 'onour 8ou $7,
( /ut want to be where you are %,4
( keep !alling in love with 'im, 19
( know it wa the blood, ( know it wa the blood ,14
( know the plan ( have !or you $19
( know where ( am going, ( know ,9"
( li!t my hand to the coming 1ing, to the great ( A* 39%
( 0i!t Dp *y 'and $%9
( like the thrill that ( !eel when ( get together "$$
( lot it on .alvary# hill 43
( love 'im better every &BAB8 4%%
( love that man !rom Galilee "3"
( love the old time way 1,9
( love 8ou 0ord and ( li!t my voice 3$7
( love you, ( love you, ( love you 0ord today 47,
( mut have the +avior with me %94
( :eed 8ou -o +urvive $73
( prayed and ( prayed, ( prayed all night long ,%4
( really !eel the pirit moving all over me 4%,
( aw the light, ( aw the light 4"9
( aw the 0ord ,$"
( ay ye 0ord ye ,79
( hall not, ( hall not be moved 4"3
( +tand (n Awe )! 8ou $%"
( want a revival in my oul 44%
( want God# way to be my way 4$3
( want to go to heaven and ret 1,0
( want to make it in, that# why (#ve tarted 4%4
( want to worhip the 0ord, with all my heart %,7
( wa down in the valley, way down in the valley 470
( wa glad when they aid 30%
( wa glad when they aid unto me 3"1
( wa glad when they aid unto me 4935 337
( wa itting down in darkne ,31
( wa wandering out in the wilderne 130
( went to the enemy# camp "%7
( will ble -hee, ) 0ord %17
( will call upon the 0ord "$0
( 3ill .elebrate $70
( will enter in 'i gate with thankgiving in my heart 4$"
( will not, ( will not, ( will not let thee go my 0ord ,%%
( will praie you 0ord with every breath that ( take 3$%
( will ay o! the 0ord, he i my re!uge 100
( will erve -hee, becaue ( love -hee %19
( wih omebody oul woulda ketcha !ire 70"
( 3orhip 8ou $%%
( worhip you, Almighty God 30"
( 3orhip 8ou, Almighty God $74
(! ever a time we need the 0ord "9$
(! ( could hear my *other pray again 141
(! the 0ord +ay (#m A 7leing 7%9
(! we love one another, you are nicely aved 4%0
(! you ak me how (#m aved, (#ll tell you how 131
(! you can ue anything 0ord, you can ue me %4$
(! you have a talent ue it !or the 0ord 14%
(! you have the !aith and believe, my brother 4"4
(! you know the 0ord i keeping you, 9
(! you mi me, don#t come earching 704
(! you only knew the bleing that +alvation bring 1,3
(! you want to be a worker !or the 0ord "%%
(! you want to know the bleing o! the 0ord "37
(! you want to ee the glory o! the 0ord 4%7
(! your concience et you !ree, pray on 4"%
(#ll never be lonely again, never again ,1$
(#ll praie the 0ord !orever, !orever and !orever 1,4
(#ll ?raie 8ou $71
(#m a new creation, (#m a brand new man 4%1
(#m building a bridge, God gave me a plan "93
(#m but a tranger here, (#m going home 199
(#m !eeling very happy 7"
(#m <orever Grate!ul $%7
(#m going home on the morning train ,07
(#m going on right on, that# all ( know 4"$
(#m going up to high place 391
(#m gonna give the 0ord the highet praie 490
(#m gonna keep right under the blood 1,"
(#m gonna lay down my burden ""$
(#m gonna walk on the golden treet 49
(#m gonna walk thoe treet o! glory by and by %9
(#m gonna work, work, work, until the cloe o! the day ,0,
(#m moving on to a higher calling 1"7
(#m on my way to heaven and (#m o glad ,34
(#m on my way to the manion $3
(#m on the battle !ield !or my 0ord 194
(#m on the battle!ield !or my 0ord 4%9
(#m one o! them praie the 0ord, (#m one o! them 4%
(#m riding with Jeu on the hallelu/ah train $,
(#m running !or my li!e 4%"
(#m running !or my li!e, (#m running !or my li!e 4,
(#m running up the hining way 19%
(#m ati!ied with Jeu 1,7
(#m o glad he laid hi hand on me ,3"
(#m o glad ( got alvation in time "70
(#m o glad the 'e want me back ",1
(#m o glad, (#m a part, o! the !amily o! God "%0
(#m too near to my home 47$
(#m too near to my home, too near to my heavenly home "3
(#m trading my orrow, (#m trading my pain 7,$
(#m training here !or that convention day 4$
(#m walking with Jeu, he# holding my hand 1,%
(n 'i preence, there# !ullne o! /oy %$1
(n moment like thee, ( ing out a ong %%"
(n the morning o! glory, in that heavenly country %0"
(n the name o! Jeu, (n the name o! Jeu "$
(n the rook (#ll hide ,7,
(n your hand ( place today and tomorrow 370
(aiah cried, (aiah cried 1$1
(aiah propheied, he aw them coming down 13
(n#t he wonder!ul, wonder!ul, wonder!ul ,3%
(t i alright, alright, alright "44
(t i mine, mine 3"0
(t i no ecret, what God can do %43
(t i ummertime in my heart 191
(t i the blood that reached my heart 3%
(t hall be light in the evening time ,,"
(t oon be done, all the trouble and trial 134
(t wa on a great day, omebody touched me %00
(t won#t be long, it won#t be long %3
(t# a hard road to travel and a mighty long way to go 4""
(t# a highway to 'eaven 479
(t# all over me and it# keeping me alive ,%9
(t# amaEing what praie can do 37,
(t# bubbling, bubbling, bubbling 90
(t# coming down, down, down it# coming down "4
(t# di!!erent now, ince Jeu aved my oul 13,
(t# glory to know (#m aved 1"3
(t# /oy unpeakable and !ull o! glory "3$
(t# raining all around me "09
(t# o weet to be aved 1%0
(#ve !ound a new li!e "7,
(#ve got a /oy, /oy, /oy, /oy down in my heart, where = 1"9
(#ve got a /ubilee down in my heart ,,4
(#ve got a longing in my heart !or Jeu "
(#ve got a manion /ut over the hill top ""
(#ve got a new look !rom the 7ible 11$
(#ve got a new man in me 4%3
(#ve got con!idence 4,1
(#ve got mine my brother, (#ve got mine ,11
(#ve got my mind made up and ( won#t turn back ""9
(#ve never aid a prayer, 'e couldn#t anwer %%9
(#ve een the 0ighthoue, Amen 17,
Jehovah Jireh, my provider "%1
Jehovah Ceign $%3
Jeu 4Jeu5 he# alright ,03
J>+D+ 4Jeu5, J>+D+ 4Jeu5 94
J>+D+ 4Jeu5, J>+D+ 4Jeu5 409
Jeu bid u hine with a clear pure light 410
Jeu# blood ha never lot it power ,%$
Jeu brought me out alright, alright 407
Jeu build a !ence, all around me everyday 11
Jeu gave me power !or the hour 40$
Jeu gave the water, that wa not in the well 1%
Jeu got a hold o! my li!e and 'e won#t let me go 3$3
Jeu hand and !eet were bleeding 40"
Jeu ha a home !or me and when ( get there 117
Jeu ha gone to prepare a manion !or me 9%
Jeu hear and anwer prayer ,,9
Jeu 'e# the way maker, Jeu 'e# the way maker 10%
Jeu 'e# the waymaker, Jeu 'e# the waymaker 411
Jeu (#ll never !orget, what you#ve done !or me $
Jeu in my li!e make all 4the5 di!!erence %7%
Jeu i all ( need 3$,
Jeu i coming again, 'e# coming !or 'i own 4$1
Jeu i here right now 7,7
Jeu i mine, Jeu i mine "30
Jeu i my &eliverer "",
Jeu i near, he i /ut at the door 1%7
Jeu i on the main line, tell him what you need ,47
Jeu i on the mainline, tell 'im what you need 4$9
Jeu i the anwer to all the world today ,1,
Jeu Jeu Jeu, (Fve got 'im on my mind, 4
Jeu keep me a an apple o! thine eye 174
Jeu name o weet, (mmanuel name o weet "49
Jeu never !ail, Jeu never !ail %%%
Jeu on the inide 4$7
Jeu on the telephone %9,
Jeu rolled the water by, ye he rolled the water by ,7"
Jeu roe !rom upper and he laid aide hi garment ,43
Jeu -here i omething about that name 7",
Jeu took my burden ( could no longer bear 40%
Jeu we love you, worhip and adore you 317
Jeu you#re the centre o! my /oy 31$
Jeu, Jeu, do you know 'im today = "1"
Jeu, name above all name %%,
Jeu, you are, you are, 8ou are the *ot 'igh God "1$
Jeu, 8ou#re my !irm !oundation 710
John aw an angel coming down !rom 'eaven 4$$
John aw them coming, John aw them coming 7%
John wa in the pirit on the 0ord# day ,"9
JB)B8, /oy, in the 'oly Ghot 41,
Joy, /oy, /oy, /oy in heaven with the angel 91
Junk mail !rom +atan, we get it every day ,7%
Jut a little longer and the trump o! God hall ound 110
Jut want to tell you %7,
1eep me true 0ord Jeu, keep me true 309
0amb )! God $"%
0earning to lean, learning to lean %14
0eave 7abylon, leave 7abylon $7
0et God arie and the enemy be cattered ,$$
0et Jeu !i9 it !or you ,$
0et the 'oly Ghot come in, let the 'oly Ghot come in ,%1
0et the 0ord have 'i way, in your li!e everyday %,$
0et -he ?eace )! God Ceign $%,
0et -he Cain )! 8our ?reence $%1
0et the redeemed o! the 0ord ay o@ 7,,
0et the weak ay 7$1
0et -he 3orhipper Arie 7"7
0et there be love hared among u %$"
0et u arie and hine, !or the light ha come 700
0et u greet omebody in Jeu name %9"
0et 8our living water !low over my oul 709
0et# talk about amaEing grace 414
0et talk about Jeu the king o! 1ing i he 10,
0i!t 'im up 3%$
0i!t Jeu higher, li!t Jeu higher ,0$
0i!t up your head to the coming 1ing 3,9
0ion )! -he -ribe )! JudahG $"9
0ive .hritian, live 349
0ook what the 0ord ha done ""1
0ook what the 0ord ha done 7,4
0ord don#t let me !ail, ( want to be the 7ride 31
0ord hold my hand while ( run thi race 401
0ord ( come to you 743
0ord ( hear o! hower o! bleing 3$
0ord ( li!t your name on high ,97
0ord ( thirt <or 8ou $"7
0ord ( will, ( will, ( will !ollow thee ,%7
0ord (#m available to 8ou 3"4
0ord (#m running, trying to make a hundred 71%
0ord Jeu receive me, no more would ( grieve thee ,4"
0ord )! -he 'arvet $%0
0ord prepare me to be a anctuary 319
0ord prepare me to be a anctuary 3,$
0ord rend the heaven 711
0ord you are more preciou than ilver ,9$
0ord 8ou#re 7eauti!ulG $"$
0ord you#re worthy to be praied, you are worthy to be praied 307
0ord, ( want to know more o! 8ou %$%
0ord, take me a ( am %33
0ove i a !lag !lown high "%4
0ove i a kite !lying high !rom the catle o! my heart 413
0ove wonder!ul love "$7
*agni!y the 0ord !or 'e i good 37%
*a/ety, worhip 'i ma/ety %,1
*eet me by the river, ome day "4%
*eet me in the rapture, ome day 3,
*ighty i our God %9$
*ighty ( )ur GodG $"4
*ine, mine, mine, Jeu i mine ,3
*ore 0ove, *ore ?ower 77,
*ore o! 8ou 771
*oe aw, *oe aw the !ire burning 1$,
*ove in thi place, today $07
*ove +atan move mek mih pa "%3
*y bible and (, my bible and ( 14
*y <ather i a millionaire, (#m tepping on gold "9,
*y God i real, real in my oul 170
*y heart i over!lowing with /oy ,""
*y heart, my mind, my oul belong to you 473
*y 'elp $""
*y home i in 'eaven 70,
*y Jeu ( Alive and 3ell $"3
*y Jeu, my +aviour, 0ord there i none like 8ou %49
*y 0ord i living today %93
*y mind# made up and ( won#t turn back $9
*y hackle are gone, my irit i !ree "$"
*y in are taken away 70$
*y in were higher than the mountain %0%
*y young companion !are you well 41"
:ever a baby like Jeu, never a baby like Jeu 1$0
:ever to be remembered any more 1$"
:o grave can hold my body down 1
:o in, no in at all 1"$
:obody but you 0ord, nobody but you 39
:ot ( that live but the .hrit that liveth in me ,"%
) Give -hank $"0
) 0ord 'ow *a/etic ( 8our :ame $49
)h come let u adore 'im %$4
)h .ome 0ord Jeu come, )h .ome 0ord Jeu come ,3$
)h glory be to God he li!ted me up ,"0
)h hail 1ing Jeu, oh hail >mmanuel 334
)h how 'e love you and me %"$
)h how ( love that man o! .alvary 30
)h ( wonder why 4( wonder why he died5 ,09
)h it i Jeu, oh it i Jeu 393
)h let the !ire !all on me my 0ord 10
)h 0ord end the power down now "9
)h magni!y the 0ord, !or 'e i worthy to be praied 30$
)h tate and ee that the 0ord i good 3,0
)h the love, the love o! Jeu 77
)h thi wide world, can never hold me 171
)h what a glory that will be ,
)h what a wonder!ul thing, a very wonder!ul thing ,$1
)h wondrou man o! Galilee ,4
)h ye ( thank youA )h 0ord 31%
)h, in#t it good to be a one 3$4
)h, 0amb o! God, weet lamb o! God %,9
)n the great /udgement morning when the book hall be opened ,37
)nce ( wa lot in in 93
)ne morning bright and !air, ( will go with Jeu there ,1%
)ne way Jeu, i alright "7$
)ne, one, one, one way to God 40,
)nly believe, only believe %77
)nly 8ou are 'oly $,4
)pen the >ye o! my heart 0ord 73%
)ur God ( A 3arrior $4$
)ur God Ceign $4"
?raie 'im $47
?raie 'im in the morning, praie 'im in the evening 4%$
?raie him, praie him 111
?raie 'im, ?raie 'im %,,
?raie ( 3hat ( do 7"3
?raie the 0ord 'allelu/ah ( don#t care what the &evil# gonna do 404
?raie -he 0ord 3ith *e $4%
?raie the 0ord, let u praie him "10
?raie the 0ord, praie 'im "94
?raie the name o! Jeu %"4
?rayer bell o! 'eaven how weetly they ring 403
?rayer .hange -hing $44
?re along aint, pre along in God# own way 310
?alm 113 773
?uh the !ire, puh the !ire 17$
?uh the !ire, puh the !ire 41%
?ut your hand in the hand o! the man who tilled the water 39,
Ceach out and touch omebody# hand %%7
Ceach out and touch the 0ord a he pae by ,41
Ceal, real, real 'e# o real to me ,17
CeBal, real, real, 'e# real to me 419
Cedeemed when my burden o! in wa high 417
Cedeemed, when my burden o! in wa high 1$%
Cedemption coming, ?raie the 0ord "3,
Ce!iner# <ire 774
Ceign Jeu, reign, reign Jeu reign %%3
Ceign, Jeu Ceign $43
Ce/oice in the 0ord alway and again ( ay re/oice "74
Celeae 8our ?ower $4,
Cevival !ire begin to burn "9"
Cing out thoe 'eaven bell when ( get there 41$
Cing out thoe heavenly bell when ( get there ,71
Cie up @ Cie up @ .hildren o! the 0ord arie "41
Coll Jordan roll, roll Jordan roll %09
Cooted and grounded in the name o! the 0ord 713
Cun -o 8ou $41
+ailing on a ( go ailing on 70
+ailing on, the li!eboat# ailing on 4,,
+ailing, ailing upon li!e# ea ,19
+ailing, ailing, ailing along ,,1
+aint don#t top praying, !or the 0ord i nigh ,"7
+atan i real, working in pirit %$0
+atan you can#t get me again 3"9
+atan you can#t prevail "43
+earch me )h God, and know my heart today %"3
+earch me )h 0ord, and know my heart each day ,,$
+ee 3hat -he 0ord 'a &one $39
+end down the rain, end down the rain "4"
+end ome more >li/ah, to pray the power down %"
+hine on me, hine on me %%0
+hining light, hining light in the valley 4,4
+hout unto the 0ord a new hout $"1
+how me your way that ( may walk with you %79
+ign me up !or the .hritian /ubilee 4,0
+ince ( met with Jeu (#ll never regret, never regret, never regret 3""
+ing ?raie unto God ing praie 4rept5 'allelu/ah, 73"
+ing till the power o! the 0ord come down 3%0
+ing Dnto -he 0ord :ew +ong $40
+ing, ing, ing to the 0ord !orever "73
+mile a while, then give your !ace a ret 7,
+ome !olk may ak me %90
+ome weet day, (#m going away ,%0
+omebody prayed !or me ,$3
+omebody prayed !or me ""%
+omebody prayed !or me, had me on their mind 3%%
+omebody touched me, omebody touched me ,7
+omebody up there love me, and ( know who 1"
+omeday, omeday, (#ll go where Jeu i ,,
+omeone i praying !or you %74
+omething 'appen $",
+omething in my heart like a tream running down ,4,
+ometime ( !eel like 'eaven come down 4,"
+omewhere beyond the blue, there# a manion !or me %
+on o! *an, +on o! *an, can thee dry bone live 107
+on o! God arie, on o! God arie "33
+oon and very oon, we are going to ee the 1ing 4,3
+pirit o! God, coming down !rom heaven 173
+pirit o! the 0iving God !all on me 1$7
+tand up and tell me i! you love my Jeu "%,
+tanding omewhere in the hadow %1
+tanding omewhere in the hadow %"%
+tay right under the blood "$4
+till got /oy, till got /oy 33"
+uppoe we don#t meet %0,
+weet Jeu, weet Jeu, what a wonder you are 47
-ake a grip my brother 430
-ake A 0ittle -ime 77%
-ake me to the water, take me to the water 4,%
-ell it, tell it, wherever you go 49"
-ell me what more, what more can Jeu do 1,1
-hank God !or the cleaning blood "7%
-hank God (#ve got it too 1%4
-hank God now, Jeu changed my li!e 494
-hank you Jeu, thank you Jeu "0%
-hank you Jeu, thank you Jeu, thank you Jeu %""
-hank you Jeu, -hank you 0ord 41
-hank you 0ord !or aving my oul 11,
-hank 8ou, 0ord, !or 8our bleing on meA $11
-hank, thank, ( give you thank %31
-hat will be glory, wonder!ul glory !or me 147
-he blood prevail, the blood o! the rien lamb ,9
-he 7lood -hat Jeu +hed $3"
-he blood will carry me, the blood will carry me 34
-he .hurch on the move !or Jeu """
-he <ountain )! *ercyG $37
-he God ( erve 34"
-he 'oly Ghot men are now needed 1$
-he 'oly Ghot power i moving /ut like a magnet 17
-he li!eboat recued me, the li!eboat recued me 19,
-he 0ion o! Judah, hall break every chain %,%
-he 0ord ha done great thing !or me 97
-he 0ord i bleing me right now, right now 9$
-he 0ord reign 3,,
-he name o! the lord i a trong tower 303
-he ?otter# 'and $3$
-he ?rayer 7%,
-he ?reence o! the 0ord i 'ere 74$
-he ?romie +ong 77"
-he reaon why (#m living thi li!e 49,
-he water i troubled my !riend, tep right in 491
-he window o! heaven are open 44
-he woman o! +amaria, the woman "91
-hen my oul hall !ear no ill 70%
-here are o many wonder!ul thing about Jeu %10
-here i a weet anointing $,0
-here i balm in Gilead %$3
-here i no ati!action without alvation 493
-here i none holy a the 0ord 71,
-here i none like 8ou 379
-here i power, power, wonder working power 400
-here i power, power, wonder working power in the blood o! the lamb 311
-here i omething deep down in me 1$4
-here i omething in my heart pringing up 11%
-here *ut 7e *ore 77$
-here#ll be a !amine, not !or !ood nor water 7
-here# a highway there and a way 4,7
-here# no one, no one like Jeu %%1
-hey are ure i! you only believe 37"
-hey -hat 3ait Dpon the 0ord 779
-hink about 'i love, think about 'i goodne %40
-hi i holy ground, we are tanding on holy ground %",
-hi ( *y .ommandment 7$$
-hi i the air ( breathe 4Cept5 741
-hi i the day, thi i the day "%$
-hi i why (#m going to continue ,1
-hi /oy that ( have got the &evil didn#t give it to me 14"
-hi mountain hall be removed "97
-hi train i bound !or glory 373
-hou art worthy, -hou art worthy %,0
-ime, time, time i winding up 4,$
-ime, time, time, time i winding up 1,
-ogether we walk 300
-otal ?raie $3%
-ouch my !inger on the golden pen "4,
-ouching Jeu, i all that really matter %30
-rouble, trouble, trouble 9"
-rut (n -he 0ord 4?roverb 35 7$0
-ry, try Jeu, try, try Jeu ,3,
-urn it over to Jeu 3%4
-urn your eye upon Jeu %"7
-wo road be!ore you, pick your choice 4,9
Dnder the Almighty wing, that# where ( mean to tay 19$
Dntil the day dawn and the hadow !lee away 190
De me 0ord, ue me !or thy glory 43%
De me 0ord, ue me !or thy glory ",7
2ictory ahead, victory ahead 4",
2ictory i mine "1,
3aiting, waiting, waiting 0ord on thee 1%3
3e are building a road, building a road 434
3e are climbing Jacob# 0adder 799
3e are healed by the 341
3e are marching in the light o! God ",$
3e are rolling on, we are rolling4moving5 on 1,,
3e are oldier in the army, we have to !ight 19"
3e are tanding on holy ground 347
3e are the temple o! the 0ord 11"
3e are together again /ut praiing the 0ord ,$0
3e bring acri!ice o! praie "1%
3e 7ring acri!ice o! praie into the houe o! the lord 4Cept5 730
3e >9alt -hee $,%
3e 'ave A 3eapon )! 3ar!are $,7
3e have come into 'i houe 33%
3e have come into 'i houe to magni!y 'i name 39$
3e li!t our hand in the anctuary 7,9
3e need to hear !rom you 333
3e )!!er 8ou ?raie $,"
3e place you at the highet place ,$9
3e prayed and God delivered %3%
3e erve a great big wonder!ul God 449
3e hall have a grand time up in heaven ,%"
3e 3anna +ee Jeu 0i!ted 'igh $,3
3e worhip and adore 8ou %73
3eeping may endure !or a night 331
3elcome, welcome, welcome ,90
3e#ll be houting on the hill o! glory 14$
3e#re gonna ing till the power o! the 0ord come down 43,
3e#re inviting you all to come along 4"0
3e#re together again, we#re praiing the 0ord 431
3e#ve come thi !ar by !aith 747
3e#ve got the ame kind o! power over here 1$3
3hat a *ighty God we erve 10$
3hat can keep me daily !rom in 1%9
3hat do you think about Jeu= 10"
3hat 'e# done !or me i o amaEing, $,,
3hat kinda .hurch i thi ""0
3hat manner o! man i thi, who gave himel! !or me ,33
3hen 'e call me ( will anwer 4"1
3hen 'e reached down 'i hand !or me %44
3hen hi wounded hand touched mine 179
3hen ( get there, when ( get there 3%7
3hen ( look around and ee "99
3hen ( look back and ee %70
3hen ( 0ook (nto 8our 'oline 7$"
3hen ( ee the blood "0$
3hen ( ee the blood "17
3hen ( think about Jeu and what heF done !or me 73,
3hen ( think o! Jeu and what 'e ha done "71
3hen ( think o! the goodne o! Jeu 7$
3hen Jeu died on the cro with hi arm outtretched ,"$
3hen my pilot come (#ll take a heavenly ride 13%
3hen peace like a river attendeth my way 3%"
3hen +atan come and knock at my heart door ,13
3hen the devil ay no, no 34,
3hen the +aint Go *arching (n 7$%
3hen -he +pirit o! -he 0ord 7$7
3hen the pirit o! the 0ord decend on me ( dance like 1ing &avid danced 31,
3hen we get to glory land 177
3hen we get together at the marriage upper %$
3hen we get together in the .hurch o! God 71
3hen 8ou#re +tandingG $,$
3here hall ( go, where hall ( go 99
3herever ( am ( praie 'im 339
3ho do men ay ( am and whence they ay ( came = 43"
3B'B) do *en ay ( am, !rom whence they ay ( came 139
3ho made the Angel ing 103
3ho made the trong wind blow, 3ho made the trong wind blow ,77
3hy dont you pray !or me ometime 17%
3hy doe +atan look o ad = ,0
3hy don#t you look around and ee 140
3hy not talk it over again, why not talk it over again 3"
3hy worry when you can pray 433
3ith my hand li!ted up %1$
3onder!ul Jeu, 7right *orning +tar 137
3onder!ul, wonder!ul Jeu i to me 197
3on#t it be a time when we get over yonder = 3$9
3orhip o my oul 7,"
3rite my name, write my name up there 1$$
8e he i mine, ye he i mine $1
8e 0ord, ye 0ord, !rom the bottom o! my heart 394
8et ( will re/oice, re/oice in the 0ord ,04
8ou are aweome in thi place, *ighty God "19
8ou are e9alted 0ord above all ele %"1
8ou Are God 7$3
8ou Are God Alone 7"4
8ou Are GoodG $33
8ou are Great 7""
8ou Are *ore -han >nough $31
8ou Are *y All (n All 7$4
8ou Are *y 1ing 7$,
8ou are my aviour, you are the 0ord 3,3
8ou are the God who healeth %"0
8ou can count on me %4
8ou can have the whole world, but give me Jeu %7
8ou can tell the world about thi 437
8ou can walk a you like, talk a you like 1"0
8ou cannot hide !rom God hi eye are watching you 13$
8ou cant make me doubt him 474
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im 3%9
8ou don#t have to lay the lamb anymore 3"7
8ou go, (#ll go with you 1"1
8ou latter will be greater $,1
8ou young people do you love the 0ord = 48e, ( urely do5 313
8ou#d better get right with God %,
8our grace and mercy brought me through ,$,
8our 0atter 3ill 7e GreaterG $3,
8our *a/ety $30
8ou#re gonna mi me houting down here ,30
8ou#ve got to keep on walking, keep on walking 133
8ou#ve got to move "77
8ou#ve 3on *y A!!ection $34
6ion ( .alling $,9
:o grave can hold my body down
:o grave can hold my body down
3hen the trumpet o! the 0ord hall ound
And the dead in .hrit hall rie
:o grave can hold my body down
)h what a glory that will be
3hen the ranomed we hall ee
3hat a hallelu/ah band
3hen we reach in 7eulah land
3hat a glory that will be
'e et me !ree one day
'e et me !ree
'e burt the bar o! prion !or me
+omeday in glory 'i !ace ( hall ee
Glory be to God, Jeu et me !ree
Jeu Jeu Jeu, (Fve got 'im on my mind,
Jeu Jeu Jeu, (Fve got 'im on my mind,
Jeu Jeu Jeu, (Fve got 'im on my mind,
(#ve got Jeu on my mind
3hen you ee me coming, (#ve got 'im on
my mind
3hen you ee me coming, (#ve got 'im on
my mind
3hen you ee me coming, (#ve got 'im on
my mind
(#ve got Jeu on my mind
3hen you hear me praying, (#ve got 'im on
my mind
3hen you hear me praying, (#ve got 'im on
my mind
3hen you hear me praying, (#ve got 'im on
my mind
(#ve got Jeu on my mind
(#ve got a longing in my heart !or Jeu
(#ve got a longing in my heart !or 'im
(#m o weary, (#m o dreary
A ( travel here below
(#ve got a longing in my heart !or 'im
+omewhere beyond the blue, there# a
manion !or me
+omewhere beyond the blue (#m longing to be
3hen ( ee my +aviourF !ace
-hen tell o! aving grace
+omewhere beyond the blue
-here#ll be a !amine, not !or !ood nor water
7ut !or the living word o! God
8ou who are outide lingering, over hill and
4or 8e who are wandering in the houe o!
Are you prepared to meet your God =
Jeu (#ll never !orget, what you#ve done !or
Jeu (Fll never !orget, how you et me !ree
Jeu (Fll never !orget, how you brought me
Jeu (#ll never !orget, no never
(! you know the 0ord i keeping you, what
you got to worry about =
(! you know the 0ord i keeping you, why
donFt you ing and hout =
Glory hallelu/ah, praie hi name
>veryday 'e# /ut the ame
(! you know the 0ord i keeping you, what
you got to worry about =
)h let the !ire !all on me my 0ord
0et the !ire !all on me
)h let the !ire !rom 'eaven, !all on me
)h let the !ire !all on me
Jeu build a !ence, all around me everyday
0ord ( want you to protect me a ( /ourney
along li!e# way
0ord ( know you will, 0ord ( know you can
<ight my battle while ( /ut keep till
7uild a !ence all around me everyday
-ime, time, time, time i winding up
-ime, time, time, time i winding up
&etruction on the land, !or God ha got a
-ime i winding up
(aiah propheied, he aw them coming down
(aiah aw them coming down
And with a wanton eye and with a tretched
!orth neck
( know they cannot hide !rom God
*y bible and (, my bible and (
3hat a wonder!ul treaure
God give without meaure
3e will travel together
*y bible and (
+omebody up there love me, and ( know who
+omebody up there love me, and ( know who
(t# Jeu .hrit o! .alvary who anwer when
( call on 'im
+omebody up there love me and ( know who
Jeu gave the water, that wa not in the well
Jeu gave the water, that wa not in the well
<or he went away inging
And he came back bringing
)ther !or the water, that wa not in the well
-he 'oly Ghot power i moving /ut like a
-he 'oly Ghot power i moving /ut like a
<or it# moving you and it# moving me
Jut like the day o! ?entecot
-he 'oly Ghot power i moving /ut like a
-he 'oly Ghot men are now needed
-o carry truth to the world
-he men whom the 0ord ha elected
3ho never go back into in
+o tand !or the truth my dear brother
-he 0ord depending on you
'e#ll give you the courage to con;uer
And never go back into in
1 keep !alling in love with 'im, over and over
and over and over again
( keep !alling in love with 'im, over and over
and over and over again
'e get weeter and weeter a the day go by
0h, what /oy ince the 0ord ha died
4)C )h what /oy between my 0ord and (5
( keep !alling in love with 'im over and over
and over and over again
3hy doe +atan look o ad =
3hy doe +atan look o ad =
3hy doe +atan look o ad =
Jut becaue he loe my oul
Jut becaue he loe my oul
Jut becaue 'e loe my oul
Jut becaue he loe my oul
-hat i why he look o ad
(! you want to ee +atan run
(! you want to ee +atan run
(! you want to ee +atan run
Jut hoot him with the gopel gun
-hi i why (#m going to continue
-hi i why (#m going to the end
-hi i why (#m running to the tower
+o that ( may teti!y o! him
-hi i why (#m keeping God#
And (#ll erve 'im to the end
+o that ( may tand be!ore the throne o! God
-o ing and hout and praie the 0ord
-hi i why (#m going to continue
-hi i why (#m going to the end
-hi i why (#m running to the tower
+o that ( may teti!y o! him
-hi i why (#m keeping God#
And truting in hi word
+o that ( may dwell among the aint o! God
-o ing and hout and praie the 0ord
+omeday, omeday, (#ll go where Jeu i
+omeday, omeday, (#ll go where Jeu i
+omeday, omeday, (#ll go where Jeu i
( hall be caught up to meet him
.aught up to greet him
.aught up to meet him in the air
( hall be caught up to meet 'im
.aught up to greet him
Joy and happine, peace i mine
omeday in glory, (#ll tell the tory
.aught up to meet him in the air
*ine, mine, mine, Jeu i mine
*ine when (#m weary
*ine when (#m dreary
*ine, mine, mine, Jeu i mine
Jeu alone i mine
<or ( hall ee 'im omeday
3hen my heart i !illed with rapture, ( hall
ee 'im omeday
)h wondrou man o! Galilee
&raw near and lay thy hand on me
(n all the world there# none like -hee
)h wondrou man o! Galilee
( believe in baptim, ( believe in baptim
( believe in baptim, in Jeu# :ame
Jeu ay we mut do it, Jeu ay we mut
do it
Jeu ay we mut do it, in 'i name
1 have a mind to live right, wherever ( go
( have a mind to live right, wherever ( go
( have a mind to live right, wherever ( go
Jeu take my by thy hand and lead me on
Guide me )h thou great Jehovah, guide me
Guide me )h thou great Jehovah, guide me
Guide me )h thou great Jehovah, guide me
-ake me by thy hand and lead me on
+omebody touched me, omebody touched
+omebody touched my oul
3hile ( wa praying, ?raying to Jeu
omebody touched my oul
0et Jeu !i9 it !or you
<or he know /ut what to do
Get down on your knee
Give God your heart
And he will !i9 it !or you
-he blood prevail, the blood o! the rien
?ower to ave
Jut like in olden day the blood prevail
:o matter what other ay
-hank God the blood prevail
)h how ( love that man o! .alvary
<or he ha done o very much !or me
'e ha taken all my in
And let the 'oly Ghot come in
)h how ( love that man o! .alvary
0ord donFt let me !ail, ( want to be the 7ride
3hen my way i dark, be thou by my ide
3hen my !aith i weak, only let me ee
+omething in my li!e that thou ha done !or
*eet me in the rapture, ome day
*eet me in the rapture, not !ar away
<or when the 0ord hall come !rom glory
(#m gonna meet 'im in the air
*eet me in the rapture, ome day
All the way to .alvary
'e went !or me, 'e went !or me, 'e went !or
All the way to .alvary
'e went !or me and now 'e et me !ree
Although ( had o many, many in
Jeu wahed them all away and 'e pardoned
Although ( hade o many, many in
Jeu wahed them all away and 'e pardoned
-he blood will carry me, the blood will carry
-he blood will carry me over
0h how wonder!ul, 0h how marvellou
-he blood will carry me over
3hy not talk it over again, why not talk it
over again
7ring your in to Jeu tell him everything
4or 0eave your cae with Jeu tell 'im
3hy not talk it over again
(t i the blood that reached my heart
(t i the blood that reached my heart
( will ing and hout and tell it all about
(t i the blood reached my heart
'ave you got it, got it the 7ibleway=
'ave you got it, got it the 7ibleway=
'ave you got it, got it the 7ibleway=
'ave you got it, thi way=
)ne 0ord, )ne <aith, )ne 7aptim
)ne 0ord, )ne <aith, )ne 7aptim
)ne 0ord, )ne <aith )ne 7aptim
'ave you got it thi way=
0ord ( hear o! hower o! bleing
+hower o! bleing o re!rehing
0et ome drop now !all on me
>ven me 0ord, even me 0ord
0et ome drop now !all on me
>ven me 0ord, even me 0ord
0et ome drop now !all on me
:obody but you 0ord, nobody but you
:obody but you 0ord, nobody but you
(n all my orrow, (n all my trouble
:obody but you 0ord, nobody but you
7e not el!ih in your doing, pa it on
'elp your brother in hi need, pa it on
(! you live !or el! you live in vain
(! !or .hrit you#ll live again
(n hi 1ingdom you hall reign, pa it on
-hank you Jeu, -hank you 0ord
-hat you ever thought o! me
-hank you Jeu, -hank you 0ord
-hat you ever thought o! me
*any are the bleing that you give unto me
Joy i over!lowing like a mighty ea
0ord ( want to thank you, thank you, thank
-hank you Jeu, -hank you 0ord, that you
ever -hought o! me
(#m running !or my li!e, (#m running !or my
(#m running !or my li!e, (#m running !or my
(! anybody ak you what# the matter with
Jut tell them that (#m aved, ancti!ied, 'oly
Ghot !illed
And water baptiEed, Jeu on my mind and
(#m running !or my li!e
(#m running !or my li!e
( lot it on .alvary# hill
(t rumbled and tumbled until
(t rolled out o! ight
( wa happy that night
( lot it on .alvary# hill
-he window o! heaven are open
-he bleing are !alling tonight
(t bring /oy, /oy, /oy in my oul
+ince Jeu made everything right
( had on an old tattered garment
'e gave me a robe o! pure white
(#m !eating on 'eavenly manna
-hat# why (#m o happy tonight
A little more oil in my lamp keep it burning
A little more oil in my lamp ( pray
A little more oil in my lamp keep it burning
1eep it burning till the break o! day
(#m one o! them praie the 0ord, (#m one o!
(#m one o! them praie the 0ord, (#m one o!
(#m one o! them praie the 0ord, (#m one o!
<or (#ve been wahed in JeuF blood and
+weet Jeu, weet Jeu, what a wonder you
8ou are brighter than the morning tar
8ou are !airer, much !airer than the lilie that
grow by the wayide
you are preciou, more preciou than gold
(#m training here !or that convention day
3hen all the aint hall meet in glory land
( want to hear thoe voice loud and clear
(#m training here !or that inging over there
(#m gonna walk on the golden treet
(#m gonna put on my golden hoe
(#m gonna walk, (#m gonna talk
(#m gonna dance about
(#m gonna walk on the golden treet
(! you reach there be!ore i do
)ver in glory land
-ell all my !riend, (#m coming too
)ver in glory land
7orn again, born again, wahed in JeuF
+aved and ancti!ied, born again, born again
3ahed in Jeu# blood and ancti!ied
7ring back thoe happy, thoe happy day
3hen the 'oly Ghot !ell on every place
3hen the love o! God wa een on very !ace
7ring back thoe happy day
<ire, !ire, !ire, !ire !all on me
<ire, !ire, !ire, !ire !all on me
0ike the day o! ?entecot, !ire !all on me
0ike the day o! ?entecot, !ire !all on me
(#m too near to my home, too near to my
heavenly home
( can#t turn back in in (#ve made my vow
-here i nothing worthwhile to look about
?raie the 0ord (#ve heaven in view
(#m too near to my heavenly home to turn
back now
(t# coming down, down, down it# coming
3hen the glory o! the 0ord i coming down
3hen the aint began to pray
And the 0ord +hall have hi way
And the glory o! the 0ord i coming down
(#ve got a manion /ut over the hill top
(n that !air land, where we#ll never grow old
And ome day yonder
3e#ll never more wander
7ut walk thoe treet, o! puret gold
Goodbye world, ( am gone, goodbye world (
am gone
<or the 'oly Ghot ha power
(t teache me to 0ove everybody
Goodbye world, goodbye world, ( am gone
Great change ince ( wa born
Great change ince ( wa born
Great change ince ( wa born
(t# been a great change ince ( wa born
-hing ( ued to do, ( do them no more
?lace ( ued to go, ( go there no more
-hing ( ued to ay, ( ay them no more
(tF been a great change ince ( wa born
(n the name o! Jeu, (n the name o! Jeu
3e will have the victory, glory, glory,
(n the name o! Jeu, (n the name o! Jeu
&emon have to !lee
+o when we pray in the name )! Jeu
-ell me who can tand be!ore u
(n the name o! Jeu, (n the name o! Jeu
3e will have the victory
)h 0ord end the power down now
)h 0ord end the power down now
)h 0ord end the power down now
And baptiEe everyone
( !eel good, good, good, ( !eel good, good,
-here i omething about the name o! Jeu
*ake me !eel good, make me !eel good
+tanding omewhere in the hadow
8ou#ll !ind Jeu
'e# a !riend who alway hear and
+tanding omewhere in -he hadow
8ou will !ind him
And youFll know 'im by the nail print in 'i
( hall know Jeu, ( hall know 'im
8ou#d better get right with God
.ome and do it now
Dnder the cro o! Jeu, ( lay my burden
8ou#d better get right 3ith God
come and do it now
Get right, get Cight, get right with God
(t wonFt be long, it wonFt be long
3e#ll oon be leaving, thi old world o! in
and woe
up above the cloud we#ll go
(t wonFt be long, o top your grieving
<or our bleed +aviour i coming to take u
8ou can count on me
(#m working !or my +aviour
<aith!ul ( will be
( will !ight with all my might
8ou can count on me
+end ome more >li/ah, to pray the power
+end ome !ire and alo end the rain
-o heal the ick, raie the dead and glori!y
God# name
( would like to hear >li/ah pray again
.arry on !or Jeu, every day, carry on
<or him while here below, tep by tep, the
Cugged .ro ( bear, .arry on !or him
8ou can have the whole world, but give me
8ou can have the whole world, but give me
8ou can have the whole world, but give me
( wont turn back, ( wont turn back
-he cro be!ore me, the world behind me
-he cro be!ore me, the world behind me
-he cro be!ore me, the world behind me
( won#t turn back, ( won#t turn back
*y Jeu aved me, and now (#m happy
*y Jeu aved me, and now (#m happy
*y Jeu aved me, and now (#m happy
( won#t turn back, ( won#t turn back
3hen we get together at the marriage upper
All the aint hall gather at the lat aemble
:o more ad parting, no more heart breaking
<arewell to orrow, victory at lat
(#m gonna walk thoe treet o! glory by and
(#m gonna walk thoe treet o! glory by and
(#m gonna walk thoe treet o! glory
(#m gonna ing redemption tory
(#m gonna walk thoe treet o! glory by and
+ailing on a ( go ailing on
+ailing on a ( go ailing on
3ith .hrit in the veel
(#ll mile at the torm,
A ( go ailing on
3hen we get together in the .hurch o! God
+inging in the ?ower o! the 'oly Ghot
-ogether we#ll it in 6ion# +chool
)beying every rule, )h glory
7ook o! book, 0awBo! 0aw
?eace and eternal li!e
'appy we#ll be and alway be
(n the bleed .hurch o! God
+mile a while, then give your !ace a ret
Caie your hand to the one you love the bet
-hen hake hand with the one your by
And greet them with a mile
7y and by when the morning come
3hen all the aint o! God are gathered home
3e will tell the tory how we overcome
3e will undertand it better by and by
7etter day are coming, by and by
3hen we reach that city in the ky
+orrow will be over
Joy will come at lat
7etter day are coming, by and by
(#m !eeling very happy
-alking about the good old way
(#m !eeling very happy
-alking about the 0ord
0et# go on, let# go on
-alking about the good old way
0et# go on, let# go on
-alking about the 0ord
John aw them coming, John aw them
John aw them coming, robed in white
-he bloodBwahed number, the bloodBwahed
John aw them coming, robed in white
)C John aw them coming, John aw them
John aw them coming, robed in white
-hey were all numbered
-hey were all numbered
-hey were all numbered, robed in white
)h the love, the love o! Jeu
)h the love, the love o! Jeu
)h the love, the love o! Jeu
Jeu love me and ( cannot tell why
Jeu aw my oul wa going down to hell
Jeu aw my oul wa going down to hell
Jeu aw my oul wa going down to hell
Jeu love me and ( cannot tell why
3hen ( think o! the goodne o! Jeu
And all he ha done !or me
*y oul crie out hallelu/ah @
-hank God !or aving me
'e wrote my name way up, way up in glory
Jeu aved my oul !rom all in and hame
( can#t !orget the day when he came
7leed Jeu wrote my name
'e# weet ( know, he# weet ( know
+torm cloud may rie and trong wind may
7ut (#ll tell the world wherever ( go
-hat (#ve !ound the +aviour
And he# weet ( know
8e he i mine, ye he i mine
Joy i in my oul, peace on my mind
8e he i mine, ye he i mine
Jeu the 0ord i mine
(#m riding with Jeu on the hallelu/ah train
(#m inging, (#m houting on the hallelu/ah
-he train ha le!t the tation
<or heaven i my detination
(#m riding with Jeu on the hallelu/ah train
(#m on my way to the manion
)n the happy #JF >9pre
And on the inide o! the engine i J > + D +
( heard a voice !rom heaven
And ( gladly anwered G8eG
(#m on my way to the manion
)n the happy #J# >9pre
'e li!ted me up !rom the miry clay
'e planted my !eet on a rock to tay
And that i the reaon why ( ing and ( hout
*y Jeu came down, 4own, down
And li!ted me, up, up, up
>veryday with Jeu i weeter than the day
>veryday with Jeu i weeter than the
>very time ( !eel him ( /ut want to ing and
>veryday with Jeu i weeter than the day
.ome on let# pread the new o! my God#
.ome on let# pread the new o! my God#
( wanna tell you how he died !or me
)n loneome .alvary
.ome on, come on, come on, come on
0et# pread the new o! my God# love
0eave 7abylon, leave 7abylon
0eave 7abylon and come
&onFt mind your !riend who laugh you to
3hen .hrit wa here they done him the very
0ook to yourel! and ee how you live
0eave 7abylon and come
<ree, !ree, !ree, ( am !rom in et !ree
( am counting on that man o! .alvary
3ho took away my in, my heavy load o! in
And now ( am re/oicing ( am !ree, !ree, !ree
*y mind# made up and ( wonFt turn back
(#m going to ee my Jeu ome day
*y mind# made up and ( wonFt turn back
(#m going to ee my Jeu ome day
(tF bubbling, bubbling, bubbling
(t# bubbling in my oul
(#m inging and (#m houting
+ince .hrit ha made me whole
+ome !olk can#t undertand it
7ut ( can#t keep it ;uiet
(t# bubbling, bubbling, bubbling
(t# bubbling in my oul
Joy, /oy, /oy, /oy in heaven with the angel
Joy, /oy, /oy, when the prodigal return
( wa lot, but Jeu !ound me
And the angel played the record
(t wa the love o! God, and communion weet
-hough the road wa rough, yet the hill wa
7ut it bring me /oy
At the cro, at the cro
3here ( !irt aw the light
And the burden o! my heart rolled away
(t wa there by !aith, ( received my ight
And now ( am happy all the way
)nce ( wa lot in in
( had no hope within
*y Jeu took me in with all my load o! in
'e rolled them back !rom me
And he give me victory
And now (#m happy a ( go
J>+D+ 4Jeu5, J>+D+ 4Jeu5
J>+D+, J>+D+, J>+D+
+A2()DC 4+aviour5, +A2()DC 4aviour5
+A2()DC, +A2()DC, +A2()DC
*8 <C(>:& 4*y !riend5, *8 <C(>:& 4*y
*8 <C(>:&, *8 <C(>:&, *8 <C(>:&
')08 G')+- 4'oly Ghot5, ')08
G')+- 4'oly Ghot5
')08 G')+-, ')08 G')+-, ')08
.)*> :)3 4.ome :ow5, .)*> :)3
4.ome :ow5
.)*> :)3, .)*> :)3, .)*> :)3
JB>B+BDB+ Jeu, Jeu, Jeu, Jeu
-rouble, trouble, trouble
-he whole world in trouble
-rouble, trouble, trouble
-he whole world in trouble
.limbing up the mountain, looking !or my
+eeking !or 1ing Jeu
Jut to tell him all my trouble too
Jeu ha gone to prepare a manion !or me
<ar, !ar away, over the ea
-here# no ickne, no orrow, no pain and
no woe
Jeu ha gone to prepare a manion !or me
-he 0ord ha done great thing !or me
3hereo! ( am glad, whereo! ( am glad
-he 0ord, ha done, great thing, !or me
3hereo! ( am glad
-he 0ord, ha done, great thing, !or me
-he 0ord ha done great thing !or me
3hereo! ( am glad
-he 0ord i bleing me right now, right now
( !eel hi preence a be!ore him ( bow
( may not be able to ee all he ha done !or
-he 0ord i bleing me right now, right now
3here hall ( go, where hall ( go
+eeking a re!uge !or my oul
( need a !riend to guide me to the end
3here hall ( go but to the 0ord
( will ay o! the 0ord, he i my re!uge
( will ay o! the 0ord, he i my !ortre
'e# a mighty God, he# a trong tower
(n him will ( put my trut
'e li!ted me, he li!ted me
Jeu came along and he li!ted me
<rom my load o! in and now (#m !ree
Glory hallelu/ah, Jeu li!ted me
0et talk about Jeu the king o! 1ing i he
-he 0ord o! all upreme throughout eternity
-he Great ( Am, -he 3ay, -he -ruth, -he
0i!e, -he &oor
0et talk about Jeu more and more
3ho made the Angel ing
And who made the /oy bell ring
And who i the king o! king
:obody but my 0ord
8e he made the world he made the ea and
<atened them together with hi mighty hand
Dnder hi control they move at hi command
:obody but my 0ord
3ho light the tar at night
3ho made the un o bright
3ho guide the moon to light
:obody but my 0ord
'old !at to Jeu and he#ll hold !at to you
Jeu i my only !riend, it# abolutely true
Cead your 7ible, ing and pray
0ook to Jeu everyday
'old !at to Jeu and he#ll hold !at to you
3hat do you think about Jeu=
'e# alright
3hat do you think about Jeu=
'e# alright
'e# alright, alright, alright
3hat do you think about the 'oly Ghot=
(t# alright
3hat do you think about the 'oly Ghot=
(t# alright
(t# alright, alright, alright
3hat do you think about the 7ible=
(t# alright
3hat do youA think about the 7ible=
(t# alright
(t# alright, alright, alright
Jeu, Jeu, Jeu, he# alright
Jeu, Jeu, Jeu, he# alright
'e# alright, alright, alright
Jeu 'e# the way maker, Jeu 'e# the way
Jeu 'e# the way maker
)ne day he made a way 0h glory
3hen ( wa lot in in he came and took me
)ne day he made a way !or me
+on o! *an, +on o! *an, can thee dry bone
&own in the valley >Eekiel prayed
)h 0ord -hou 1nowet
?rophey to thee bone, aying unto them
3oe, ye bone, hear the 3ord o! God
3hat a *ighty God we erve
3hat a *ighty God we erve
Angel bow be!ore him
'eaven and earth adore him
3hat a *ighty God we erve
God i not dead, he# yet alive
God i not dead, he# yet alive
God i not dead, he# yet alive
( can !eel him in my hand
( can !eel him in my !eet
( can !eel him all over me
Jut a little longer and the trump o! God hall
Jut a little longer and we#ll all be glory bound
0ook away to heaven our redemption draweth
Jut a little longer we hall meet him in the
?raieA him, praie him
?raie him in the morning
?raie him in the evening
?raie him, praie him
?raie him when the un goe down
-hank you 0ord !or aving my oul
-hank you 0ord !or making me whole
-hank you 0ord !or everything
)h ( want to thank you 0ord
Awake, 6ion, awake
Awake and trim your lamp
Awake, 6ion, awake
Awake and trim your lamp
<or the tar o! 'eaven hall !all
And the moon hall turn into blood
And the +on o! man hall appear
6ion awake
Get together, get together, get together in the
0et u all get together in the 0ord
0et u greet one another like iter and
0et u all get together in the 0ord
3e are the temple o! the 0ord
'allelu/ah, hallelu/ah
3e are the temple o! the 0ord
?raie hi name
)ur bodie mut be holy
7e!ore we tell the tory
3e are the temple or the 0ord
?raie hi name
-here i omething in my heart pringing up
-here i omething in my heart pringing up
(t !eel like !ire, it !eel like rain
-here i omething in my heart pringing up
Jeu ha a home !or me and when ( get there
+hower o! bleing !rom the 0ord (#ll
3alking on the treet o! hining gold
7rother where the endle age roll
3hat a glory when we all get there
(#ve got a new look !rom the 7ible
(#ve got a new look !rom the 7ible
(#ve got a new look !rom the 7ible
(#ve got a new look !rom GodF 3ard
( want a revival in my oul
( want a revival in my oul
( mut apply to the blood o! Jeu
-o get a revival in my oul
( want to go to heaven and ret
(#m tired o! taying down here
(#m tired o! trouble and trial
( want to go to heaven and ret
-ell me what more, what more can Jeu do
-ell me what more, what more can Jeu do
'e ha laid the !oundation opened wide the
-ell me what more, what more can Jeu do
3e are rolling on, we are rolling4moving5 on
Dnder the tree o! li!e, we are rolling on
0ord ( believe, .hrit to receive
Dnder the tree o! li!e we are rolling on
(! you only knew the bleing that +alvation
you would never tay away
(! you only ee the table pread with lovely
you would come to the !eat today
<or the door i opened wide
And the +aviour bid you come
-here i nothing you#ll have to pay
+o be wie and tep inide and do not be like
3ho have thrown their only chance away
(#ll praie the 0ord !orever, !orever and
(#ll praie the 0ord !orever
'e ha done o much !or me
(#ll praie the 0ord !orever, !orever and
( canFt !orget to praie 'i name
'e ha done o much !or me
(#m gonna keep right under the blood
(#m gonna keep right under the blood
(#m gonna keep right under the blood
3here the &evil can do me no harmA B
:o harm, no harm, no harm
:o harm, no harm, no harm
:o harm, no harm, no harm
3here the &evil can do me no harm
(#m walking with Jeu, he# holding my hand
(#m talking with Jeu, !or ( know he
'e never will leave me, he#ll keep to the end
-hat# why ( love him !or ( know he i my
(#m ati!ied with Jeu
(#m ati!ied with Jeu
'e aid he#ll be my com!ort
'e aid he#ll be my guide
(#ve been baptiEed in Jeu# name
-arried at the altar till the 'oly Ghot came
>ver ince that wonder!ul day
*y oul# been ati!ied
( do not know what the day will bring
)r what the !uture hold !or me
7ut thi ( know, ince Jeu aved me
( hall go home ome day
1 love the old time way
( love the old time way
( love the old time, inging, houting,
preaching, praying
( love the old time way
( wa wandering out in the wilderne
<ar away, !ar away
7ut Jeu ought me in tenderne
'appy day, happy day
(! you ak me how (#m aved, (#ll tell you how
(#m aved like the Apotle
(#m aved like .orneliu
(#ve repented o! my in
7aptiEed in Jeu# :ame
(#m !illed with the 'oly Ghot
-hat# how (#m aved
(t# di!!erent now, ince Jeu aved my oul
(t# di!!erent now, ince .hrit ha made me
+atan ha to !lee, ince .hrit ha made me
-hing are di!!erent now
8ou#ve got to keep on walking, keep on
3alking in the light o! the 0ord
8ou#ll get to heaven ome day i! you walk the
right way
3alking in the light o! the 0ord
(t oon be done, all the trouble and trial
3hen ( get home on the other ide
(#m gonna hake my hand with the elder
(#m gonna tell all the people good morning
(#m gonnaA it down beide my Jeu
(#m gonna it down and ret a little while
Anywhere he went 4Anywhere he went5
'e wa doing good 4'e wa doing good5
'e taught the 7eatitude
And he !ed the *ultitude
Anywhere he went
And when the people aw him they tarted
And they were talking a they hould
Anywhere he went, my 0ord wa doing good
3hen my pilot come (#ll take a heavenly ride
( will be o happy with Jeu by my ide
'igh above the un, the moon, the tar (#ll
3hen my pilot come (#ll take a heavenly ride
3onder!ul Jeu, 7right *orning +tar
0ily o! the 2alley that# who you are
+o glad ( know you, 0h ye ( do
3onder!ul Jeu, thou art o true
8ou cannot hide !rom God hi eye are
watching you
3hatever you do, whatever you ay
8ou cannot hide !rom God hi eye are
watching you
GodF eye are watching you
3B'B) do *en ay ( am, !rom whence they
ay ( came
&o you know the <ather, and cant thou tell
hi name
(n Jeu dwell the !ullne o! the Godhead
Jeu i the Great ( Am, and 0ord o! 0ord i
3hy donFt you look around and ee
3hat the 0ord ha done !or me
(t make me want to run all the way
+ometime my burden# heavy
+ometime ( can#t be !ree
3hy donFt you look around and ee
3hat the 0ord ha done !or me
(! ( could hear my *other pray again
(! ( could hear her tender voice and then
'ow glad (#ll be, he mean o much to me
(! ( could hear my *other pray again
<ather look where you brought me !rom
<ather look where you brought me !rom
( wa lot in the world, doing a ( pleaed
<ather look where you brought me !rom
'ide thou me, thou Cock o! Age hide thou
'ide thou me, thou Cock o! Age hide thou
3hen thi world i et on !ire, hide thou me
*y Jeu# boom to be my pillow hide thou
'e never !ailed me yet, he never !ailed me yet
Jeu .hrit never !ailed me yet
Anywhere ( go
( want the world to know
Jeu .hrit never !ailed me yet
-hi /oy that ( have got the &evil didn#t give it
to me
-hi /oy that ( have got the &evil didn#t give it
to me
-hi /oy that ( have got the &evil didn#t give it
to me
-he &evil didn#t give it, the &evil cannot take
it away
(! you have a talent ue it !or the 0ord
(! you have a talent ue it !or the 0ord
(! you do not ue it
you will urely loe it
(! you have a talent ue it !or the 0ord
-hat will be glory, wonder!ul glory !or me
3hen ( ee Jeu the one whom ( love
.lothed in hi brightne, he#ll it on hi
-hat will be glory !or me
3e#ll be houting on the hill o! glory
+houting on the hill, houting on the hill
3hen we reach the 0and o! ?eace
3e#ll tell the tory
+houting on the hill o! God
'e gave hi li!e !or you and !or me
Jeu the weet :aEarene
( know that ome day in glory hi !ace ( hall
Jeu the weet :aEarene
8ou can walk a you like, talk a you like
7ut you can#t get to heaven a you like
-he 'oly Ghot power i needed
+o get your veel right
+et your houe in order !or the power
3ill be here tonight
8ou go, (#ll go with you
)pen up your mouth and (#ll peak !or you
0ord i! ( go, wont you tell me what to ay
<or they wont believe on me
&aniel aw the tone rolling down to 7abylon
&aniel aw the tone rolling down to 7abylon
&aniel aw the tone rolling down to 7abylon
&aniel aw the tone
-he lily white tone rolling down to 7abylon
-he lily white tone rolling down to 7abylon
-he lily white tone rolling down to 7abylon
&aniel aw the tone
(t# glory to know (#m aved
(#m happy becaue (#m !ree
)nce ( wa bound by the chain o! in :ow
victoy i mine with .hrit within
>veryday with Jeu, i weeter than the day
>veryday with Jeu, ( love him more and
Jeu ave and keep me and he# the one that
( adore
>veryday with Jeu, i weeter than the day
God i getting u ready !or that great day
God i getting u ready !or that great day
God i getting u ready !or that great day
3ho hall be able to tand=
'e that hath a clean and a pure heart
'e that hath a clean and a pure heart
'e that hath a clean and a pure heart
'e hall be able to tand
7leed ;uietne holy ;uietne
3hat aurance in my oul
)ver tormy ea, my Jeu peak to me
And the billow ceae to roll
(#m moving on to a higher calling
(#m moving on with my in all gone
(#ll lay my burden at Jeu# !eet
(#m moving on, ?raie the 0ord
(#m moving on
:o in, no in at all
:o in, no in at all
:o in cannot enter there
<or heaven# o bright and !air
:o in cannot enter there
(#ve got a /oy, /oy, /oy, /oy down in my heart,
where =
&own in my heart, where =
&own in my heart
(#ve got a /oy, /oy, /oy, /oy down in my heart,
where =
&own in my heart to tay
( know the &evil doen#t like it, but it# down
in my heart
&own in my heart, where =
&own in my heart
( know the &evil doen#t like it, but it# down
in my heart
&own in my heart to tay
(#ve got a peace that paeth undertanding
down in my heart, where =
&own in my heart, where =
&own in my heart
(#ve got a peace that paeth undertanding
down in my heart, where =
&own in my heart to tay
(t# o weet to be aved
(t# o weet to be aved
And !illed with the 'oly Ghot and !ire too
(t# o weet to be aved
(#ve been to the water (#ve been baptiEed
(#ve been to the water (#ve been baptiEed
*y oul i converted, ( !eel alright
(t# o weet to be aved
>veryday will be +unday, everyday will be
>veryday will be +unday by and by
3hen we#re gonna walk the treet o! gold
And lean on Japer# wall
>veryday will be +unday by and by
Get right in the +pirit, brother cut loe !rom
Get on the !iery line
)pen up your window and the light will
come in
Jeu i there to make it right
3aiting, waiting, waiting 0ord on thee
3aiting, waiting, waiting 0ord on thee
0ord end the power, down !rom above
3hile we are waiting on thee
-hank God (#ve got it too
it# the 'oly Ghot ( mean
it# burning, burning, in my oul
thank God (#ve got it too
7orn, born, born again
-hank God (#m born again
7orn, born, born again
-hank God (#m born again
7orn o! the water, pirit and the blood
-hank God (#m born again
7orn o! the water, pirit and the blood
-hank God (#m born again
+on o! God march !orward
in the power o! the latter rain
+on o! God, march !orward
!or Jeu i ever the ane
+on o! God march !orward
we are more than .on;ueror in hi name
+on o! God march !orward
(n the power o! the latter rain
Jeu i near, he i /ut at the door
Jeu i near
'e# very near and he aid that when he# near
-here#ll be a great !alling away
Cumour o! war, rumour o! war, can you
not ee
7leed 'oly Ghot come down, !all on 6ion
7leed 'oly Ghot come down, !all on 6ion
(! you call at midnight and Jeu hear, he
will anwer
(! you call at noonBday the 'oly Ghot et
you oul on !ire
-he invitation !rom the ?reacher, ent the
inner to the alter
+et you oul on !ireA 7leed 'oly Ghot
&own !all on 6ion
3hat can keep me daily !rom in
:othing but the 3ord o! God
3hat can keep me daily !rom in
:othing but the 3ord o! God
<or it kept Joeph !rom ?oti!ar# wi!e
&aniel in the lion# den
3hat can keep me daily !rom in
:othing but the word o! God
*y God i real, real in my oul
my God i real
<or he ha cleaned and made me whole
'i love !or me, i like pure gold
*y God i real !or ( can !eel him in my oul
)h thi wide world, can never hold me
At any moment (#ll be gone
<or ( have got my tranportation
And ( have got my wedding garment on
(#ve een the 0ighthoue, Amen
(#ve een the 0ighthoue, Amen
(#ve een the 0ighthoue, it mut be Jeu
*y home i in glory, Amen
+pirit o! God, coming down !rom heaven
0ike a 0ily white dove, o !reh and !ree
'eavenly <ather end the 'oly +pirit
like a lily white dove and baptiEe me
Jeu keep me a an apple o! thine eye
'ide me under the hadow o! thy wing
<or thou alone can keep me till ( die
0ord Jeu keep me a the apple o! thine eye
Give it in love, toring above
Give it with a willing heart
Give it in love, toring above
Give it with a willing heart
3hy dent you pray !or me ometime
3hy dent you pray !or me ometime
3hy dent you pray !or me ometime
3hy dent you pray !or me
'olding on the rock and the rock hold me
'olding on the rock and the rock hold me
'olding on the rock and the rock hold me
3hy dent you pray !or me
3hen we get to glory land
.hrit will hold u by the hand
Dnited we#ll be, o happy and !ree
(n the bleed home above
we#ll tell o! hi love
what a gloriou day, when we get to glory
?uh the !ire, puh the !ire
3hile other tay outide
?uh the !ire, puh the !ire
?uh the !ire, live the li!e
&o the right and puh the !ire
3hen hi wounded hand touched mine
3hen hi wounded hand touched mine
*y Jeu et me !ree through all eternity
3hen hi wounded hand touched mine
:ever a baby like Jeu, never a baby like
?rince >mmanuel, 3onder!ul .ounellor
:ever a baby like Jeu
(aiah cried, (aiah cried
behold a virgin hall bear a on
'e hall be called the *ighty God
the >verlating <ather
and the ?rince o! ?eace
*oe aw, *oe aw the !ire burning
*oe aw, *oe aw the !ire burning
*oe aw, *oe aw the !ire burning
*oe aw, the !ire burning over there
+hining light, hining light in the valley
+hining light, hining light in the valley
+hining light, hining light in the valley
+hining light in the valley over there
3e#ve got the ame kind o! power over here
3e#ve got the ame kind o! power over here
3e#ve got *ark i9teen, i9teen
3e#ve got Act econd, thirtyBeight
3e#ve got the ame kind o! power over here
-here i omething deep down in me
-elling me to go on
-here i omething deep down in me
-elling me to go on
-here i omething deep down in me
-elling me to go on, go on, go on, go on
:ever to be remembered any more
:ever to be remembered any more
(#ve cat my record o! in!ulne
(nto the ea o! !orget!ulne
:ever to be remembered any more
Cedeemed, when my burden o! in wa high
Cedeemed, when my oul wa condemned to
Cedeemed, !or the price ( could not pay
Cedeemed, hallelu/ah, redeemed
+pirit o! the 0iving God !all on me
0et the !ire o! ?entecot !all on me
<ill me, thrill me, mould me, make me
+pirit o! the 0iving God !all on me
3rite my name, write my name up there
3rite my name, write my name up there
( put my !inger on the golden pen
)n the golden pen, on the golden pen
( put my !inger on the golden pen
3rite my name up there
&onFt board the wrong train
&onFt board the wrong train
(! +atan i the driver he#ll drive you down to
&onFt board the wrong train
&onFt board the wrong train
Jut tep o!! and tep on the other train
Dntil the day dawn and the hadow !lee
Dntil the day dawn and the hadow !lee
Guide me )h thou Great Jehovah
3e#ll be !aith!ul to the end
Dntil the day dawn and the hadow !lee
(t i ummertime in my heart
(t i ummertime in my heart
+ince Jeu aved me
:ew li!e he gave me
<or when it# winter ( have ummer in my
-he li!eboat recued me, the li!eboat recued
( wa inking !at and the li!eboat came
And the li!eboat recued me
( am under the rock, the rock i higher than (
Jehovah hideHguide me, (#m under the rock
Go tell my enemy, (#m under the rock
Jehovah hideHguide me, (#m under the rock
(#m on the battle !ield !or my 0ord
(#m on the battle !ield !or my 0ord
(#ll !ight till ( die, (#ll never run away
(#m on the battle !ield !or my 0ord
3e are oldier in the army, we have to !ight
Although we have to cry
3e#ve got to hold up the bloodBtained banner
3e#ve got to hold it up, weFve got to hold it
3e#ve got to hold it up !or li!e
(#m running up the hining way
(#m running up the hining way
-hough the &evil# on my track
And trying to turn me back
7ut (#m# running up the hining way
3onder!ul, wonder!ul Jeu i to me
.ounellor, *ighty God and the ?rince o!
?eace i he
'e# keeping me, aving me, !rom all in and
3onder!ul i my Cedeemer, ?raie hi name
Dnder the Almighty wing, that# where (
mean to tay
Dnder the Almighty wing, ( labour night and
+atan cannot harm me while ( watch and pray
Dnder the Almighty wing ( mean to tay
(#m but a tranger here, (#m going home
+ome day (#ll take my !light !or home weet
And with a ranomed throng, (#ll ing
redemption ong
( know (Fll overcome, when ( get home
.loer than a brother Jeu i to me
'e# my dearet !riend 'e# everything ( need
'e# my rock, my hield and hiding place
.loer than a brother Jeu i to me
( am going all the way with Jeu
( am going all the way with my 0ord
<or he# my hield and my everlating portion
( am going all the way with my 0ord
(#m gonna work, work, work, until the cloe o!
the day
(#m gonna work, work, work, until the *ater
(Fm gonna pread the love o! the 0ord abroad
(#m gonna work, work, work until the +aviour
Jeu 4Jeu5 he# alright
'e# got the power by day and night
?ower to keep u !rom death and the grave
Jeu 4Jeu5 he# alright
8et ( will re/oice, re/oice in the 0ord
8et ( will re/oice, re/oice in the 0ord
8et ( will re/oice, re/oice in the 0ord
Ce/oice in the God o! my +alvation
&o you know the name o! the <ather=
&o you know the name o! the +on=
&o you know the name o! the 'oly Ghot=
&onFt you know the three are one
'ear )h (rael the 0ord thy God i one
&o you know the name o! the <ather, +on and
'oly Ghot=
&onFt you know the three are one
7y and by he call me to lay my weapon
>nded i our war!are, come and take they
7y and by he call me to lay my weapon
>nded i our war!are, come and take thy
(#m going home on the morning train
(#m going home on the morning train
<or the evening train will be too late
(#m going home on the morning train
7eliever walk right in and take your eat
7eliever walk right in and take your eat
7eliever walk right in and take your eat
<or (#m going home on the morning train
0i!t Jeu higher, li!t Jeu higher
-ill he peak !rom eternity
'e aid i! ( be li!ted up !rom thi earth
( will draw all men unto me
)h ( wonder why 4( wonder why he died5
)h ( wonder why he died
'e wa high and holy he could do without me
)h ( wonder why he died
&eep, deep, deep very deep in my heart
-he love o! God i very deep in my heart
(#ve got mine my brother, (#ve got mine
( have got the 'oly Ghot and it ureIy keep
me !ine
-he &evil threw hi net at me
7ut it never reached in tine
(#ve got mine my brother, (#ve got mine
Jeu i the anwer to all the world today
Above 'im there# no other, Jeu i the way
Jeu i the anwer to all the world today
Above him there# no other, Jeu i the way
3hen +atan come and knock at my heart
And ay G:ay ( come inG=
( tell him no, no !or Jeu live there and
-here i no room !or +atan in there
And o he turn another way, and o he turn
another way
( know it wa the blood, ( know it wa the
( know it wa the blood
( know it wa the blood aved me
)ne day when ( wa lot, Jeu died upon the
( know, it wa the blood aved me
'appy, happy, happy, happy in the 0ord
1eeping God# commandment and truting in
hi 3ord
( want you to know, that God# promie i true
-hat# why ( am happy, happy in the 0ord
)ne morning bright and !air, ( will go with
Jeu there
what a day that will be when he call !or me
)ne morning bright and !air
Ceal, real, real 'e# o real to me
( love him and he give me the victory
*any people doubt him, but ( can#t do without
-hat i why ( love him o, heF o real to me
(#ll never be lonely again, never again
<or Jeu# blood i running through my vein
:o more heartache, no more pain
no more !retting or complaint
(#ll never be lonely again, never again
+ailing, ailing upon li!e# ea
+ailing on to eternity
-he raging billow are dahing againt my
7ut the hip i ever under the 0ord# control
&aniel# God, urely will deliver
&aniel# God, urely will deliver
(! you only look to him by !aith
&aniel# God, urely will deliver
+ailing, ailing, ailing along
+ailing on the gopel line
+ailing, ailing, ailing along
(#m ailing on the gopel line
<or the preacher never hide the gopel truth
!rom me
the truth !rom me, the truth !rom me
<or the preacher never hide the gopel truth
!rom me
(#m ailing on the gopel line
7reak down the wall, break down the wall
3hile we are praying let bleing come
7reak down the wall, break down the wall
7reak down the eparating wall
'ave you heard o! the 7ible .hurch o! God
A he i moving according to prophey
+he i going to con;uer !or the 0ord i her
'ave you heard o! the 7ible .hurch
(#ve got a /ubilee down in my heart
(#ve got a /ubilee down in my heart
+ince .hrit ha et me !ree
(#ve got a /ubilee
(#ve got a /ubilee down in my heart
(t hall be light in the evening time
-he path to glory you will urely !ind
-he waterway i a light to get baptiEed in
Jeu# :ame
8oung and old repent o! all your in
-hen the 'oly Ghot hall enter in
-he evening time ha come
(t i a !act that God and .hrit are one
.ome into my heart, into my heart
.ome into my heart 0ord Jeu
.ome in to tay, come in ( pray
.ome into my heart 0ord Jeu
Get on the glory road, heaven i now in view
-hough the road be rough at time
Jeu will carry you through
'olding you by the hand
0eading you through the land
Get on the glory road
+earch me )h 0ord, and know my heart each
Guide me dear Jeu in the narrow way
+ee i! there be ome wicked way in me
.leane me !rom all my in and et me !ree
Jeu hear and anwer prayer
Jeu hear and anwer prayer
Jeu hear and anwer prayer
3hen we ak in !aith
'e can break every !etter, he can break every
'e can break ever !etter, and he et u !ree
8ou#re gonna mi me houting down here
8ouFre gonna mi me houting down here
Jut take a walk up to heaven
And you#ll !ind me houting up there
( wa itting down in darkne
( wa itting down in darkne
( wa itting down in darkne
3hen my +aviour called me
3hen he call me ( will anwer
3hen he call me ( will anwer
3hen he call me ( will anwer
( will anwer to my name
-ry, try Jeu, try, try Jeu
And i! you try everything, and everything
-ry Jeu
3hat manner o! man i thi, who gave
himel! !or me
3hat manner o! man i thi, who et the
captive !ree
'e plant hi !eet upon the water
And calmed the troubled ea
3hat manner o! man i thi, who gave
himel! !or me
(#m on my way to heaven and (#m o glad
(#m on my way to heaven and (#m o glad
(#m on my way to heaven and (#m o glad
Glory hallelu/ah (#m o glad
(#m o glad, (#m o glad, (Fm o glad
(#m o glad, (Fm o glad, (Fm o glad
(#m o glad, (#m o glad, (#m o glad
(#m o glad, (#m o glad, (#m o glad
Glory hallelu/ah, (#m o glad
Jeu died !or me and (#m o glad
Jeu died !or me and (#m o glad
Jeu died !or me and (#m o glad
Glory hallelu/ah, (#m o glad
(#m o glad he laid hi hand on me
+o glad, he laid hi hand on me
<or ( wa blind, but now ( ee
+ince Jeu laid hi hand on me
(n#t he wonder!ul, wonder!ul, wonder!ul
(n#t Jeu my 0ord, wonder!ul =
>ye have een, ear have heard
(t# recorded in God# word
(n#t Jeu my 0ord wonder!ul =
)n the great /udgement morning when the
book hall be opened
3hen the book hall be opened
And the entence hall pa
8ou may light the invitation, you may ay
you donFt want him
7ut one thing you cannot repent in the grave
+inner why wont you come
+inner why wont you come
+inner why wont you come
-he 0ord w41 ble you tonight
)h .ome 0ord Jeu come, )h .ome 0ord
Jeu come
<or we love your preence and we love your
<or it# real all the time hallelu/ah
.ome 'oly Ghot come, come 'oly Ghot
.ome with all your ;uickening power
3rite thy new name, write thy new name
3rite thy new name on the table o! my heart
'eaven i better than thi, )h how what /oy
and bli
-o walk thoe treet o! hining gold
(n that land where weFll never grow old
'eaven i better than thi, )h how what /oy
and bli
( love the preaching and the tetimonie too
7ut 'eaven i better than thi
Ceach out and touch the 0ord a he pae by
8ou#ll !ind 'e# not too buy to hear your
heart cry
'e# paing by thi moment your need to
Ceach out and touch the 0ord a pae by
+omething in my heart like a tream running
*ake me !eel o happy, a happy a can be
3hen ( think o! Jeu, and all 'e# done !or
+omething in my heart, like a tream running
Jeu roe !rom upper and he laid aide hi
And he tooped and wahed hi diciple# !eet
(n the light, in the light, we are walking
in the light o! God
+ome ay good morning, and ome ay
7ut the aint o! God ay ?raie the 0ord
And that they alway do
(n the light, in the light, we are walking
in the light o! God
.ome back to Jeu, .ome back to Jeu
.ome back to Jeu, he wait to welcome you
3hy did you leave him, why did you grieve
.ome back to Jeu your +aviour and <riend
0ord Jeu receive me, no more would (
grieve thee
)h 7leed Cedeemer, ave me at the cro
7e!ore ( perih ( will pray, ( will pray
( will pray
7e!ore ( perih ( will pray, )h ave me at the
'e# my rock, my word, my hield
'e# a wheel in the middle o! a wheel
'e# the lily o! the valley, the bright and
morning tar
:o matter what ome !olk ay
(#m gonna kneel right down and pray
+tand up !or the 3ord o! God until he come
Jeu i on the main line, tell him what you
Jeu i on the main line, tell him what you
Jeu i on the main line, tell him what you
Jeu i on the main line now
(! you want the 'oly Ghot, tell him what you
(! you want the 'oly Ghot, tell him what you
(! you want the 'oly Ghot, tell him what you
Jeu i on the main line now
(! you want to be +ancti!ied, tell him what
you need
(! you want to be +ancti!ied, tell him what
you need
(! you want to be +ancti!ied, tell him what
you need
Jeu i on the main line now
A ( looked up the road and ( wondered
( wondered, ( wondered
A ( looked up the road and ( wondered
'ow !ar ( wa !rom God
And o ( buckled up my hoe and ( tarted to
( tarted to run, ( tarted to run
And o ( buckled up my hoe and ( tarted to
)n my way back home to God
And now ( am on my way re/oicing, re/oicing,
And now ( am on my way re/oicing
)n my way back home to God
7ack to the dut, back to the dut
back to the dut ( mat go
( do not mind the body, but only mind the
7ack to the dut ( mut go
)h glory be to God he li!ted me up
'e li!ted me up one day
And he tretched !orth hi hand and li!ted me
-hat# why ( love him o
( love him more and more, ( love him more
and more
And when ( tand beyond the golden hore
(#ll praie hint more and more
>veryday i a victory, everyday i a victory
>veryday i a victory, i! we put our trut
in the hand o! the 0ord
Glory 'allelu/ah
7ehold the bridegroom cometh
0iten !or the midnight cry
Dp with a hout when we all go out to meet
in the ky
3atch and pray ray brother let omeone take
your crown
<or the lukewarm and the backlider cannot
wear the marriage gown
.ome to the light #ti hining !or thee
+weetly the light hath dawned upon me
<or once ( wa blind, but now ( can ee
-he light o! the world i Jeu
Great change in me, great change in me
( am o happy, ( am o !ree
Jeu brought me out o! darkne
(nto marvellou light
)hA what a great change in me
*y heart i over!lowing with /oy
+ometime ( !eel like it down and cry
7ut it i better to pray than to it down and
*y heart i over!lowing with /oy
:ot ( that live but the .hrit that liveth in me
:ot ( that live but the .hrit that liveth in me
:ot (, not (, but the .hrit o! God that liveth
in me
+aint donFt top praying, !or the 0ord i nigh
+aint donFt top praying, 'e will hear your
3hat the 0ord ha promied, that will 'e do
+aint donFt top praying, !or 'e will anwer
3hen Jeu died on the cro with hi arm
#twa !or me he wa nailed to the tree
And the blood !rom hi wounded ide et me
-hank God Jeu died !or me
John wa in the pirit on the 0ord# day
( heard a voice !rom heaven thi i what it
(#m Alpha and )mega, the 7eginning and the
7ehold ( live !or evermoreG
7ehold ( live, behold ( live
behold ( live !orever more
7ehold ( live, behold ( live
behold ( live !orever moreG
+ome weet day, (#m going away
(#m gonna leave thi world
:o more to roam
+ome weet day, when li!e i over
+ome weet day, (#m going away
0et the 'oly Ghot come in, let the 'oly
Ghot come in
*ake the conecration truting God and then
0et the 'oly Ghot come in
.ome !orth !rom the grave
-here i power, power to ave
0ooe him and let him go
'allelu/ah, praie the 0ord
( !eel like the !ire hut up within my bone
( !eel like the !ire hut up within my bone
+inging glory, hallelu/ah
( !eel like the !ire hut up within my bone
( prayed and ( prayed, ( prayed all night long
( prayed and ( prayed, ( prayed all night long
*y oul, /ut couldn#t be contented
Jut couldn#t be contented, /ut couldn#t be
Dntil ( !ound the 0ord
3e hall have a grand time up in heaven
3e hall have a grand time up in heaven
'ave a grand time
3alking with the angel
+inging glory hallelu/ah
3e hall have a grand time up in heaven
'ave a grand time
( will not, ( will not, ( will not let thee go my
( will !ight until the break o! day
( will not let thee go
0ord ( will, ( will, ( will !ollow thee
)n the mountain top, or !ar acro the ea
3hen ( hear thy voice no matter where (#ll be
( will lay any burden down and ( will !ollow
Jeu# blood ha never lot it power
:o never, no never
Jeu blood can cleane your in !orever
and will never looe it power
(tF all over me and it# keeping me alive
1eeping me alive, keeping me alive
(tF all over me and it# keeping me alive
Jeu i keeping me alive
-he 'oly Ghot ha power and it# keeping
me alive
1eeping me alive, keeping me alive
-he 'oly Ghot ha power and it# keeping
me alive
Jeu i keeping me alive
All over the world, all over the world
All over the world, all over the world
<or the preaching o! the gopel will oon be
+oon be over, oon be over
-he preaching o! the gopel will oon be over
All over the world
Cing out thoe heavenly bell when ( get there
Cing out thoe heavenly bell when ( get there
*y orrow will be over and heavenly /oy
come over
Cing out thoe heavenly bell when ( get there
(n the rook (#ll hide
(n the hadow (#ll abide
<or when the torm o! li!e are weeping over
(n the rock (#ll hide
God i moving along he i leading the way
-he way we have never gone be!ore
-here are mountain to climb
-here are valley to cro
7e!ore we can reach an open door
'eaven now i in view, heaven now i in
(#m a child o! the king and a millionaire too
3hen ( look above with the pirit o! /oy
3hen ( ee the light hining
4or 3hen ( look up above and aw the light
coming down
3hat a wonder!ul thing my 0ord5
'eaven now i in view
Jeu rolled the water by, ye he rolled the
water by
And he made a way when there# no other
Jeu rolled the water by
Junk mail !rom +atan, we get it every day
Junk mail !rom +atan, to lead u all atray
7ut the meage o! choice
( the till mall voice
-hat keep u on the traight and narrow way
3ho made the trong wind blow, 3ho made
the trong wind blow
3ho made the trong wind blow, -o make the
ea divide =
3ho made the wall !all down, 3ho made the
wall !all down
3ho made the wall !all down, -o let God#
people in =
3ho made the lightning come, 3ho made the
lightning come
3ho made the lightning come, -o tart
>li/ah# !ire =
3ho put the big !ih there, 3ho put the big
!ih there
3ho put the big !ih there, -o change poor
Jonah# mind =
3ho ued the mall boy# lunch, 3ho ued
the mall boy# lunch
3ho ued the mall boy# lunch, -o !eed !ive
thouand more =
3ho rolled the tone away, 3ho rolled the
tone away
3ho rolled the tone away, -o let our 0ord
arie =
3ho made the earth;uake come, 3ho made
the earth;uake come
3ho made the earth;uake come, -o et the
captive !ree =
3ho wahed my in away, 3ho wahed my
in away
3ho wahed my in away, +o ( can tart
again =
3ho want me to be good, 3ho want me to
be good
3ho want me to be good, +o (#ll be happy
too =
3ho ha a place !or me, 3ho ha a place !or
3ho ha a place !or me, -o be where Je
u live =
'e that the +on hath et !ree
( !ree indeed
:o more chain o! lavery
-ruth hath triumphed with victory
3ho that the +on hath et !ree
( !ree indeed
3e li!t our hand in the anctuary
And we will praie you !or the ret o! our
( ay ye 0ord ye
-o your will and to your way
( ay ye 0ord ye
( will trut you and obey
3hen your pirit peak to me
3ith my whole heart (Fll agree
And my anwer will be Gye 0ord, yeG
3e are together again /ut praiing the 0ord
3e are together again on one accord
+omething good i going to happen
+omething good i in thi place
3e are together again /ut praiing the 0ord
)h what a wonder!ul thing, a very wonder!ul
-o be !ree !rom in and have .hrit within
-o be made a /oint heir with Jeu my 0ord
3hat a wonder!ul, wonder!ul thing
8our grace and mercy brought me through
(Fm living thi moment becaue o! you
( want to thank you and praie you too
8our grace and mercy brought me through
+omebody prayed !or me
'ad me on their mind
-ook the time to pray !or me
(Fm o glad they prayed
-ook the time to pray
(Fm o glad they prayed !or me
( am !ree praie the 0ord
(Fm !ree
:o longer bound
:o more chain holding me
*y oul i reting
(tF uch a bleing
?raie the 0ord
'allelu/ah (Fm !ree
( aw the 0ord
( aw the 0ord
'e wa high and li!ted up
And hi train !illed the temple
'igh and li!ted up
And hi train !illed the temple
-he angel cried 'oly
-he angel cried 'oly
-he angel cried 'oly i the 0ord
7leed be the name
7leed be the name
7leed be the name o! the 0ord
7leed be the name
7leed be the name
7leed be the name o! the 0ord
God i not dead 'e i till alive
God i not dead 'e i till alive
God i not dead 'e i till alive
( can !eel 'im in my hand
( can !eel 'im in my !eet
( can !eel 'im all over me
0et God arie and the enemy be cattered
0et God arie and the enemy be cattered
0et God let God arie
3e place you at the highet place
3e place you at the highet place
<or you, are the great high priet
3e place you high above all ele, all ele
And we come to you and worhip at your !eet
3elcome, welcome, welcome
7leed 'oly Ghot we welcome you
.ome with power and !ill thi temple
7leed 'oly Ghot we welcome you
7eloved, beloved, now that we are the on o!
And it doth not appear what we hall be
7ut we know when 'e hall appear
3e know when 'e hall appear
3e hall be like 'im, !or we hall ee 'im a
'e i
>9cue me while praie the 0ord
>9cue me while praie the 0ord
>9cue me while praie the 0ord
<or 'e picked me up, turned me round
?lant my !eet on higher ground
>9cue me while praie the 0ord
>9cue me while tamp my !eet
>9cue me while tamp my !eet
>9cue me while tamp my !eet
<or 'e picked me up, turned me round
?lant my !eet on higher ground
>9cue me while tamp my !eet
>9cue me while clap my hand
>9cue me while clap my hand
>9cue me while clap my hand
<or 'e picked me up, turned me round
?lant my !eet on higher ground
>9cue me while clap my hand
>9cue me while /ump !or /oy
>9cue me while /ump !or /oy
>9cue me while /ump !or /oy
<or 'e picked me up, turned me round
?lant my !eet on higher ground
>9cue me while /ump !or /oy
Goodbye world, ( can tay no longer with you
Goodbye world, ( can tay no longer with you
(#ve made up my mind to go God# way, !or
the ret o! my li!e
(#ve made up my mind to go God# way, !or
the ret o! my li!e
( am determined to hold out to the end
Jeu i with me, on 'im ( can depend
<or ( know ( have alvation
( can !eel 'im in my oul
( am determined to hold out to the end
( know where ( am going, ( know
( know where ( am going, ( know
Joy bell are ringing
'appy children are inging
( know where ( am going, ( know
'e i e9altedA the 1ing i e9alted on high
( will praie him
'e i e9altedA the 1ing i e9alted and
( will praie hi name
'e i the 0ord
!orever hi truth hall reign
'eaven and earth
re/oice in hi holy name
'e i e9altedA the 1ing i e9alted on high
0ord ( li!t your name on high
0ord ( love to ing 8our praie
(#m o glad you#re in my li!e
(#m o glad 8ou came to ave u
8ou came !rom heaven to earth, to how the
<rom the earth to the cro, my debt to pay
<rom the cro to the grave
<rom the grave to the ky
0ord ( li!t 8our name on high
0ord you are more preciou than ilver
0ord you are more cotly than gold
0ord you are more beauti!ul than diamond
And nothing that ( deire compare with you
Give thank with a grate!ul heart
Give thank to the 'oly one
Give thank !or he ha given
Jeu .hrit hi on 4Cepeat 15
And now let the weak ay ( am trong
0et the poor ay ( am rich
7ecaue o! what the 0ord ha done !or u
4Cepeat 15
Give thankA Give thank
-ogether we walk
-ogether we talk
-ogether we wah one another# !eet
+ome people ay we have no need
7ut we#re doing the 0ord# command
.elebrate Jeu, .elebrate
.elebrate Jeu, .elebrate
.elebrate Jeu, .elebrate
.elebrate Jeu, .elebrate
.elebrate Jeu, .elebrate
.elebrate Jeu, .elebrate
'e i rien, 'e i rien
And 'e live !or evermore
'e i rien, 'e i rien
.ome on and celebrate
-he reurrection o! our 0ord
7e bold be trong, !or the lord thy god i with
thee 4repeat5
( am not a!raidA ( am not dimayed
<or (#m walking in !aith and victory 4repeat5
<or the lord thy god i with thee
-he name o! the lord i a trong tower
-he righteou run into it and they are aved
7leed be the name o! the lord
7leed be the name o! the lord
7leed be the name o! the lord mot high
'oly i the name o! the lord
Glory to the name o! the lord
Anointing !all on me
Anointing !all on me
0et the power o! the 'oly Ghot !all on me
Anointing !all on me
( worhip you, Almighty God
-here i none like you
( worhip you oh prince o! peace
-hat i what ( long to do
( give you praie
<or you are my righteoune
( worhip you almighty God
-here i none like you
( wa glad when they aid
( wa glad when they aid unto me
( wa glad when they aid unto me
( wa glad when they aid unto me
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
( re/oiced when they aid unto me
( re/oiced when they aid unto me
( re/oiced when they aid unto me
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
( came running when they aid unto me
( came running when they aid unto me
( came running when they aid unto me
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
0ord you#re worthy to be praied, you are
worthy to be praied
<rom the riing o! the un to the going down
o! the ame
0ord you#re worthy to be praied, you are
worthy to be praied
3orthy to be ?CA(+>&
)h magni!y the 0ord, !or 'e i worthy to be
)h magni!y the 0ord, !or 'e i worthy to be
)h magni!y the 0ord, !or 'e i worthy to be
'oanna bleed be the rock, bleed be the
rock o! my alvation
'oanna bleed be the rock, bleed be the
rock o! my +A02A-():
1eep me true 0ord Jeu, keep me true
1eep me true 0ord Jeu, keep me true
<or there# a race that ( mut run
And a victory to be won
Give me power every hour
1eep me true
?re along aint, pre along in God# own
?re along aint, pre along in God# own
?erecution we mut bear, trial and croe
in our way
<or the hotter the battle the weeter the
-here i power, power, wonder working
power in the blood o! the lamb
-here i power, power, wonder working
power in the preciou blood o! the lamb
3hen the pirit o! the 0ord decend on me (
dance like 1ing &avid danced
3hen the pirit o! the 0ord decend on me (
dance like 1ing &avid danced
( dance, ( dance, ( dance like 1ing &avid
( dance, ( dance like 1ing &avid danced
( dance, ( dance like 1ing &avid danced
8ou young people do you love the 0ord =
48e, ( urely do5
8ou young people do you love the 0ord =
48e, ( urely do5
+ome !olk ay (#m peculiar
7ut ( am happy 'allelu/ah
8ou young people do you love the 0ord =
48e, ( urely do5
Ain#t God good 'e give u o many
bleing undeerving
-hat# what we are, we got to erve 'im, love
and trut 'im
A little bit today and a whole lot tomorrow
&on#t try to tell me that God i dead #caue 'e
woke me up thi morning
&on#t try to tell me 'e# not alive #caue 'e
live within my oul
'e opened up my blinded eye and ent me
on my way
&on#t try to tell me 'e# not alive #caue ( /ut
talk to him today
&on#t try to tell me 'e# not alive #caue 'e
live, that# why ( live today5
)h ye ( thank youA )h 0ord
8e ( thank youA )h 0ord
0ooking back in my li!e ( ee
*any thing you have done !or me
And ( thank youA )h 0ord
Jeu we love you, worhip and adore you
Glori!y your name in all the earth
Glori!y your name, glori!y your name
Glori!y your name in all the earth
Jeu you#re the centre o! my /oy
All that# good and per!ect come !rom you
8ou#re the heart o! my contentment
'ope !or all ( do
Jeu you#re the centre o! my /oy
0ord prepare me to be a anctuary
?ure and holy, tried and true
3ith thankgiving, (#ll be a living
+anctuary !or you
)h tate and ee that the 0ord i good
And 'i mercie endureth !or ever
)h tate and ee that the 0ord i good
And 'i mercie endureth !or ever
-hey are new every morning
-hey are new every morning
-hey are new every morning
-he mercie o! the 0ord
'oly, holy, holy
'oly, holy, holy
'oly i the 0ord God almighty
'oly i the 0ord God almighty
3orthy to receive glory
3orthy to receive honour
3orthy to receive all our praie today
?raie 'im, praie 'im and li!t 'im up
?raie 'im, e9alt 'i name !orever
?raie 'im, e9alt 'i name !orever
-he 0ord reign
-he 0ord reign
-he 0ord reign
0et the earth re/oice
0et the earth re/oice
0et the earth re/oice
0et the people be glad that our God reign
8ou are my aviour, you are the 0ord
8ou are the one my heart adore
-here i one thing that ( love to do
(t# giving my praie to you
(t# giving my praie to you
7e bold, be trong !or the 0ord they God i
with thee
7e bold, be trong !or the 0ord they God i
with thee
( am not a!raid, ( am not dimayed
<or ( am walking in !aith and victory
<or ( am walking in !aith and victory
<or the 0ord they God i with thee
7leed be the name o! the 0ord
7leed be the name o! the 0ordJ
7leed be the name o! the 0ord mot high
7leed be the name o! the 0ordJ
7leed be the name o! the 0ordJ
7leed be the name o! the 0ord mot high
-he name o! the 0ord i a trong tower
-he righteou run into it and they are aved
'oly i the name o! the 0ord
Glory to the name o! the 0ord
'ear my cry oh 0ord, attend unto my prayer
<rom the end o! the earth will ( cry unto -hee
3hen my heart i overwhelmed
0ead me to the rock that i higher than (
-hat i higher than (
<or -hou hat been a helter unto me
And a trong tower !rom my enemy
3hen my heart i overwhelmed
0ead me to that rock
-hat i higher than (
-hat i higher than (
'e who began a good work in me
'e who began a good work in me
3ill be !aith!ul to complete it
3ill be !aith!ul to complete it
'e who tarted the work
3ill be !aith!ul to complete it in me
0ord prepare me to be a anctuary
?ure and holy, tried and true
3ith thankgiving, (#ll be a living
+anctuary !or you
0i!t up your head to the coming 1ing
7ow be!ore 'im and adore 'im ing
-o 'i ma/ety, let your praie be
?ure and holy give 'im glory
-o the 1ing o! king
( can do all thing, through .hrit that
trengthen me
( can do all thing, 'e give me the victory
( can work, ing and hout it
And in my heart (#ll never doubt it
( can do all thing
( can do all thing, through .hrit that
trengthen me
3eeping may endure !or a night
Joy cometh in the morning
3eeping may endure !or a night
Joy cometh in the morning
'allelu/ah !or the /oy
'allelu/ah !or the /oy
'allelu/ah !or the /oy
Joy cometh in the morning
( am aved, wonder!ul aved by the blood
( am aved by the blood o! the 0amb
( am walking and talking with Jeu my 0ord
( am aved, wonder!ul aved by the blood
3e need to hear !rom you
3e need a word !rom you
(! we don#t hear !rom you, what will we do
3anting you more each day, what will we do
3anting you more each day, how u your
per!ect way
-here i no other way that we can live
)h hail 1ing Jeu, oh hail >mmanuel
1ing o! king, 0ord o! lord, bright morning
And throughout eternity, we#ll ing your
And (#ll reign with you throughout eternity
+till got /oy, till got /oy
A!ter all the thing (#ve been through, till got
3e have come into 'i houe
Gathered in 'i name to worhip 'im
3e have come into 'i houe
Gathered in 'i name to worhip 'im
3orhip 'im, .hrit the 0ord
0et# !orget about ourelve, concentrate on
And worhip 'im
0et# !orget about ourelve, concentrate on
And worhip 'im
3orhip 'im, .hrit the 0ord
0et# /ut li!t up holy hand
*agni!y 'i name and worhip 'im
0et# /ut li!t up holy hand
*agni!y 'i name and worhip 'im
3orhip 'im, .hrit the 0ord
( wa glad when they aid unto me 4935
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
( re/oiced when the aid unto me 4935
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
( came running when they aid unto me 4935
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
'e i alway looking out !or me
Alway buy opening door ( don#t even ee
( don#t have to worry, 'e take good care o!
Jeu i looking out !or me
3herever ( am ( praie 'im
3henever ( can ( praie 'im
<or 'i love urround me
0ike a ea, (#ll praie the name
o! Jeu, 0i!t up the name o!
Jeu, !or the name o! Jeu li!ted me
( !eel like preing my way
( !eel like preing my way
(#m on my way to glory and ( !eel like
preing my way
3e are healed by the
wound in 'i ide
3e are healed by the wound
in 'i ideA
3e are healed by the wound
(n the +aviour# ide
(n 'i ide
3hen the devil ay no, no
*y Jeu ay ye
3hen the devil ay no, no
*y Jeu ay ye
-he lion o! Judah hall
break every chain
3hen the devil ay no, no
*y Jeu ay ye
God ha an army marching through the land
&eliverance i their ong, and healing in their
>verlating /oy and gladne in our heart
And in thi army ( have got a part
( am bleed ( am bleed
7leed, everyday o! my li!e
( am bleed
3hen ( wake up in the morning till ( lay my
head to ret
( am bleed, ( am bleed
-he God ( erve
-he God ( erve
-he God ( erve
( a miracle, miracle
*iracle working God
'oly +pirit move me now
*ake my li!e whole again
+pirit move on me
+pirit move on me
3e are tanding on holy ground
And ( know there are angel all around
+o let# praie Jeu now
3e are tanding in 'i preence
)n holy ground
7le the 0ord, oh my oul
And all that i within me
7le 'i holy name
'e ha done great thing
'e ha done great thing
'e ha done great thing
7le 'i holy name
0ive .hritian, live
0ive a li!e o! holine
0ive .hritian, live
0ive a unto God
And i! you cannot preach you can live
And i! you cannot teach you can live
And i! you cannot ing at the top o! your
-hen live .hritian live
( wa glad when they aid unto me
( wa glad when they aid unto me
( wa glad when they aid unto me
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
( came running when they aid unto me
( came running when they aid unto me
( came running when they aid unto me
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
( re/oiced when they aid unto me
( re/oiced when they aid unto me
( re/oiced when they aid unto me
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
0et u go, let u go, let u go
0et u go, let u go, let u go
0et u go, let u go, let u go
.ome let u go into the houe o! the 0ord
(t i mine, mine
7leed be 'i name
'e ha given peace
?er!ect peace to me
(t i mine
*ine, bleed be 'i name
*ine !or all eternity
'e wrote my name way up
3ay up in glory land
Jeu aved my oul !rom all in and hame
0ord ( never !orget the day
-hat ( wa born
+ince Jeu wrote my name
'ow ( got over
'ow ( got over my oul look back and
'ow ( got over
8ou gave me my hand to reach out to man
-o how him 8our love and 8our per!ect plan
8ou gave me my ear, ( can hear 8our voice
o clear ( can hear the crie o! inner but can
( wipe away their tear=

0ord, (Fm available to 8ou *y will ( give to
8ou (Fll do what 8ou ay De me 0ord -o
how omeone the way And enable me to ay
*y torage i empty And ( am available to
8ou gave me my voice to peak 8our 3ord
-o ing all 8our praie to thoe who never
heard 7ut with my eye ( can ee a need !or
more availability (Fve een the heart that
have been broken +o many people to be !ree
:ow (Km giving back to 8ou all the tool 8ou
gave to me *y hand, my ear, my voice, my
eye o 8ou can ue me a 8ou pleae ( have
emptied out my cup o that 8ou can !ill it up
:ow (Fm !ree, ( /ut want to be more available
to 8ou
+ince ( met with Jeu (#ll never regret, never
regret, never regret
+ince ( met with Jeu (#ll never regret
Jeu, 'e never !ailed me yet
( tumble and !all
'e never !ailed me yet
( did what wa wrong
'e never !ailed me yet
Jeu, 'e never !ailed me yet
7y your blood 0ord, (#ve been redeemed
7y your blood 0ord, (#ve been et !ree
3ahed, aved, ancti!ied, renewed, been
made alive
( owe it all to Jeu
8ou don#t have to lay the lamb anymore
8ou don#t have to put the blood on the door
+omeone ha taken the place o! the lamb
Jeu the great ( am
7e till and know that ( am God
7e till and know that ( am God
7e till and know that ( am God
( am the 0ord that healeth thee
( am the 0ord that healeth thee
( am the 0ord that healeth thee
+atan you can#t get me again
+atan you can#t get me again
8ou held me down !or a very long time
( wanted to go but you wouldn#t let me go
:ow (#m !ree you keep running a!ter me
+atan you can#t get me again
+ing till the power o! the 0ord come down
+ing till the power o! the 0ord come down
0i!t up your head don#t be a!raid
+ing till the power o! the 0ord come down
Am waiting down here at the river
3ill you come 0ord Jeu =
+atan don#t want me to cro
:o, +atan don#t want me to cro
Am waiting down here at the river
3ill you come 0ord Jeu =
(! you don#t come to my recue
(! you don#t come to my recue
(#ll be lot
>9cellent Jeu e9cellent
8ou#re e9cellent in all the earth
>9cellent Jeu e9cellent
8ou#re e9cellent in all the earth
And i! the people don#t want to praie you
8ou#re e9cellent in all the earth
And i! the preacher don#t want to praie you
8ou#re e9cellent in all the earth
&o it again 0ord, do it again
+end down revival, revive u again
*any are longing !or the pirit today
&o it again 0ord, do it again
-urn it over to Jeu
-urn it over to Jeu
-urn it over to Jeu
And you can mile the ret o! your day
3hen peace like a river attendeth my way
3hen orrow like ea billow roll
3hatever my lot -hou hat taught me to ay
(t i well, it i well with my oul
(t i well 4it i well5
3ith my oul 4with my5 oul
(t i well, it i well with my oul
+omebody prayed !or me, had me on their
-ook the time to pray !or me
-hey knew without a doubt
God would bring me out
Got down on their knee and prayed !or me
(#m o glad that omeone prayed !or me
3hen ( get there, when ( get there
( will ing and hout when ( get there
'allelu/ah, praie ye the 0ord
3hen ( get there
0i!t 'im up
0i!t 'im up
'igher, higher
0i!t 'im up
0i!t 'im up
'igher, higher
And i! ( be li!ted up
( be, be li!ted up
And i! ( be li!ted up
Dp, up, up
( will draw all men unto me
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im
( know too much
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im
( know too much
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im
( know too much
-oo much about 'i goodne
-oo much about 'i love
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im
( know too much
(n your hand ( place today and tomorrow
(n your hand 0ord ( urrender all
(n your hand ( commit my /oy and orrow
(n your hand 0ord ( urrender all
'oanna, hoanna, hoanna to the highet
'oanna, hoanna, hoanna to the highet
0ord we li!t up your name with our heart
!illed with praie
3e e9alt you )h 0ord our God
'oanna to the highet
)h glory and honour
)h glory to the highet
0ord we li!t up your name
3ith our heart !illed with praie
3e e9alt you )h 0ord our God
'oanna to the highet
(t# amaEing what praie can do
'allelu/ah, hallelu/ah
(t# amaEing what praie can do, halAAleAAlu/ah
( don#t worry when thing go wrong
(n the night Jeu give me a ong
(t# amaEing what praie can do, halAAleAAlu/ah
-hi train i bound !or glory
&oen#t ever top
7etter get your ticket
(t doen#t cot a lot
-hi train i moving on
(t# moving on
*oving on up
*oving on up
*oving on up
*oving on up
-hi train i moving on
Ain#t no giving up (#ve got to go on
-hough my way get harder, ( know ( can
make it
( know ( can make it
( know ( can make it
( know ( can make it
+o ( /ut keep holding on
-hey are ure i! you only believe
-hey are ure i! you only believe
-hey are ure i! you only believe
God# promie are ure
*agni!y the 0ord !or 'e i good
<or 'e i worthy
<or 'e i worthy
<or 'e i worthy
3oke me up thi morning, tarted me on my
(n my heart ( praie 'im and thank him !or
another day
'ide me under the blood 0ord
'ide me under the blood
'ide me under the blood 0ord
'ide me under the blood
'ide me under the blood 0ord
'ide me under the blood
And ( hall be ati!ied
0et me ee -hy !ace 0ord
0et me ee -hy !ace
0et me ee -hy !ace 0ord
0et me ee -hy !ace
0et me ee -hy !ace 0ord
0et me ee -hy !ace
And ( hall be ati!ied
God don#t need no matche, 'e# !ire by
<ire by 'imel!
<ire by 'imel!
God don#t need no matche, 'e# !ire by
And 'e# keeping, keeping me alive
-here# a !ire burning deep down in my oul
-here# a !ire burning deep down in my oul
-here# a !ire burning deep down in my oul
*y oul, and it# keeping me alive
-here i none like 8ou
:o one ele can touch my heart like 8ou do
(#ve been earching throughout eternity 0ord
And !ound out there i none like you
All the way to .alvary
'e went !or me
'e went !or me
'e went !or me
All the way to .alvary
'e went !or me
And now he# et me !ree
Although ( had o many, many in
Jeu wahed them all away and 'e pardoned
Although ( had o many, many in, Jeu
wahed them all away and 'e pardoned me
Anointing !all on me
Anointing !all on me
0et the power o! the 'oly Ghot !all on me
Anointing !all on me
Jeu i all ( need
Jeu i all ( need
( !ollow wherever 'e lead me
Jeu i all ( need
Jeu got a hold o! my li!e and 'e won#t let
me go
Jeu got into my heart, 'e got into my oul
( ued to be oh o ad
7ut now (#m !ree and glad
+ince Jeu got a hold o! my li!e and 'e won#t
let me go
)h, in#t it good to be a one
0iving in per!ect harmony haring the good
thing God ha done
God ha done
God ha done
God ha miled on me, 'e ha et me !ree
God ha miled on me, 'e# been good to me
( will praie you 0ord with every breath that (
( will praie you 0ord, it# a promie ( make
And when eternity end, and tart all over
>ven then ( will praie you 0ord
( love 8ou 0ord and ( li!t my voice
-o worhip you )h my oul re/oice
-ake /oy my 1ing in what you hear
0et it be a weet, weet ound in your ear
.at your burden upon the 0ord
And 'e will utain you, 'i love ha no end
'e#ll alway be your !riend
.at your burden on the 0ord
3on#t it be a time when we get over yonder =
3on#t it be a time when we get over yonder =
3on#t it be a time when we get over yonder =
+ing and hout and dance about
3hen we get over yonder
3on#t it be a time =
God will make a way when there eem to be
no way
'e work in way we cannot ee
'e will make a way !or me
'e will be my guide, hold me cloely to 'i
3ith love and trength !or each new day
God will make a way
'e will make a way
(#m going up to high place
(#m going up to the high
?lace to tear the &evil# kingdom down
?ut your hand in the hand o! the man who
tilled the water
?ut your hand in the hand o! the man who
calmed the ea
-ake a look at yourel! and you can look at
other di!!erently
?ut your hand in the hand o! the man !rom
)h it i Jeu, oh it i Jeu
(t i Jeu in my oul
<or ( have touched the hem o! 'i garment
And 'i blood ha made me whole
8e 0ord, ye 0ord, !rom the bottom o! my
-o the depth o! my oul, ye 0ord
.ompletely and my oul ay ye
Get all e9cited, go tell everybody that Jeu
.hrit i 1ing
Get all e9cited, go tell everybody that Jeu
.hrit i 1ing
Get all e9cited, go tell everybody that Jeu
.hrit i 1ing
Jeu .hrit i till the 1ing o! king
.all 'im up, call 'im up
-ell 'im what you need
-ell 'im what you need
-ell 'im what you need
-ell 'im what you need right now
( li!t my hand to the coming 1ing, to the
great ( A*
-o you ( ing, !or you are the one who reign
3ithin my heart
All we are aying, /ut give God a chance
All we are aying, /ut give God a chance
3e have come into 'i houe to magni!y 'i
And worhip 'im
And worhip 'im
-he 0ord, worhip 'im, Jeu .hrit the 0ord
0et# !orget about ourelve, concentrate on
And worhip 'im
And worhip 'im
-he 0ord, worhip 'im, Jeu .hrit the 0ord
A the deer panteth !or the water
+o my oul longeth a!ter -hee
8ou alone are my heart# deire
And ( long to worhip 8ou
8ou alone are my trength and hield
-o you alone doe my pirit yield
8ou alone are my heart# deire
And ( long to worhip 8ou
8ou#re my !riend and you are my brother
>ven though you are my 1ing
( love you more than any other
+o much more than anything
8ou alone are my trength and hield
-o you alone doe my pirit yield
8ou alone are my heart# deire
And ( long to worhip 8ou
-here i power, power, wonder working
(n the blood o! the lamb
-here i power, power, wonder working
(n the preciou blood o! the lamb
0ord hold my hand while ( run thi race
0ord hold my hand while ( run thi race
0ord hold my hand while ( run thi race
( don#t want to run thi race
( don#t want to run thi race
( don#t want to run thi race in vain
)ne, one, one, one way to God
)ne, one, one, one way to God
)ne, one, one, one way to God
7aptiEed in Jeu name
Jeu i the only way to God
Jeu i the only way to God
7aptiEed in Jeu name
?rayer bell o! 'eaven how weetly they ring
7earing a meage to Jeu our 1ing
3hen you are burdened down with trouble
and care
Cing out an encore, God will anwer your
?raie the 0ord 'allelu/ah ( don#t care what
the &evil# gonna do
A word in !aith i my word and hield
Jeu i 0ord o! the way ( !eel
Jeu hand and !eet were bleeding
And 'i ide wa bleeding too
(t wa a grand and gloriou morning when our
0ord wa cruci!ied
Jeu took my burden ( could no longer bear
Jeu took my burden in anwer to my prayer
*y an9iou !ear ubided, my pirit wa
made trong
3hen Jeu took my burden and le!t me with
a ong
Jeu brought me out alright, alright
Jeu brought me out alright, alright
'e ha brought me out o! darkne into 'i
marvellou light
Jeu brought me out alright
Jeu gave me power !or the hour
Jeu gave me power !or the hour
Jeu gave me power !or the hour
Jeu gave me power
J>+D+ 4Jeu5, J>+D+ 4Jeu5
J>+D+, J>+D+, J>+D+
')08 G')+- 4'oly Ghot5 ')08 G')+-
4'oly Ghot5
')08 G')+-, ')08 G')+-, ')08
*8 <C(>:& 4*y <riend5, *8 <C(>:& 4*y
*8 <C(>:&, *8 <C(>:&, *8 <C(>:&
.)*> &)3: 4.ome &own5, .)*>
&)3: 4.ome &own5
.)*> &)3:, .)*> &)3:, .)*>
Jeu bid u hine with a clear pure light
0ike a little candle burning in the night
(n thi world o! darkne o we mut hine
8ou in your mall corner and ( in mine
Jeu 'e# the waymaker, Jeu 'e# the
Jeu 'e# the waymaker, one day 'e made a
way oh glory
3hen ( wa lot in in, 'e came and took me
)ne day 'e made a way !or me
JB)B8, /oy, in the 'oly Ghot
JB)B8, /oy, in the 0ord, don#t let nobody teal
your /oy
&on#t let nobody teal your /oy
&on#t let nobody teal your /oy
Joy in the 'oly Ghot
0ove i a kite !lying high !rom the catle o!
my heart
<rom the catle o! my heart, !rom the catle o!
my heart
0ove i a kite !lying high !rom the catle o!
my heart
And the 1ing i a reident there
<lying high in the ky let the whole world
0et the whole world know
0et the whole world know
<lying high in the ky let the whole world
-hat the 1ing i a reident there
0et# talk about amaEing grace
'ow weet the ound that aved a wretch like
( once wa lot but now (#m !ound
3a blind but now ( ee
*y young companion !are you well
( will not go with you to 'ell
(#m on my way to .anaan# land
( will not go, ( will not go with you
?uh the !ire, puh the !ire
3hile other tay outide, puh the !ire
?uh the !ire, puh the !ire
0ive the li!e
&o the right and puh the !ire
Cedeemed when my burden o! in wa high
Cedeemed when my oul wa condemned to
Cedeemed !or the price ( could not pay
Cedeemed 'allelu/ah, redeemed
Cing out thoe 'eaven bell when ( get there
Cing out thoe 'eaven bell when ( get there
*y orrow will be over
And 'eavenly /oy come over
Cing out thoe 'eaven bell when ( get there
CeBal, real, real, 'e# real to me
( love 'im !or 'e give me the victory
+o many people doubt 'im
7ut ( can#t do without 'im
-hi i why ( love 'im o
'e# o real to me
+ign me up !or the .hritian /ubilee
3rite my name on the roll
(#ve been changed ince the 0ord ha li!ted me
( want to be ready when Jeu come
421 I've Got Co!ide"e
3hen trouble i in my way
( can#t tell the night !rom day
( to !rom ide to ide
0ike a hip on a raging tide
( don#t worry and ( don#t !ret
God ha never !ailed me yet
-rouble comin# !rom time to time
7ut that# all right, #caue (#m not the worrying
7ecaue (, (#ve got con!idence,
God i gonna ee me through
:o matter what the cae may be
( know 'e# gonna !i9 it !or me
Job wa o ick o long
-ill the !leh !ell !rom hi bone
'i wi!e, cattle and children,
>verything that he had wa gone
7ut Job he never dipaired
'e knew that God till cared
+leeple day and leeple night
Job aid honey that# all right
+ome !olk wonder how ( mile
>ven though (#m going to trial
'ow can ( have ong
>verything i going wrong
( don#t worry and ( don#t !ret
God ha never !ailed me yet
-rouble# coming !rom time to time
-hat# all right, (#m not the worrying kind
#.aue (#ve got con!idenceAAAAA
+ailing on, the li!eboat# ailing on
+ailing on, the li!eboat# ailing on
3ith .hrit in the veel, we#ll mile at the
-he li!eboat# ailing on
+oon and very oon, we are going to ee the
+oon and very oon, we are going to ee the
+oon and very oon, we are going to ee the
1ing, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, we are going to ee the 1ing
:o more dying there, we#re going to the 1ing
:o more dying there, we#re going to the 1ing
:o more dying there, we#re going to the 1ing,
'allelu/ah, we are going to ee the 1ing
+hining light, hining light in the valley
+hining light, hining light in the valley
+hining light, hining light in the valley
+hining light in the valley over there
*oe aw, *oe aw the !ire burning
*oe aw, *oe aw the !ire burning
*oe aw, *oe aw the !ire burning
*oe aw the !ire burning over there
+ometime ( !eel like 'eaven come down
'eaven come down, 'eaven come down
+ometime ( !eel like 'eaven come down
'eaven come down on me
+ometime ( !eel like (#m going home
(#m going home, (#m going home
+ometime ( !eel like (#m going home
(#m going home to my 0ord
-ake me to the water, take me to the water
-ake me to the water to be baptiEed
(n the name o! Jeu, in the name o! Jeu
(n the name o! Jeu to be baptiEed
-here# a highway there and a way
3here orrow hall !lee away
And the night hine bright a the day
3alking up the 1ing# highway
-ime, time, time i winding up
-ime, time, time i winding up
-rouble in the land
God# gonna raie 'i hand
-ime i winding up
-wo road be!ore you, pick your choice
-wo road be!ore you, pick your choice
-wo road be!ore you, pick your choice
-here i 'ell and there i 'eaven
?ick your choice
-ake a grip my brother
-ake a grip, another grip
'old !at and never let go
:o matter what the people o! the world may
'old !at and never let go
3e#re together again, we#re praiing the 0ord
3e#re together again on one accord
+omething good i going to happen
+omething good i in thi place
3e#re together again, we#re praiing the 0ord
3e#re gonna ing till the power o! the 0ord
come down
3e#re gonna ing till the power o! the 0ord
come down
0i!t up your head, don#t be a!raid
0et u ing till the power o! the 0ord come
3hy worry when you can pray
-rut Jeu and 'e will lead the way
&on#t be like doubt!ul -homa
Jut ret upon 'i promie
3hy worry, worry when you can pray
3e are building a road, building a road
'elping the lame and the blind
3e hall mooth out the road that lead to
'eaven above
And make it eaier !or thoe behind
3ho do men ay ( am and whence they ay (
came =
&o you know the <ather and cant thou tell
'i name =
(n Jeu dwell the !ullne o! the Godhead
Jeu i the great ( am and 0ord o! lord i 'e
De me 0ord, ue me !or thy glory
De me 0ord and let me tell thy tory
0ord ( will obey, i! -hou will lead the way
De me, ue me, ue me, ue me 0ord
8ou can tell the world about thi
8ou can tell the nation about that
-ell them Jeu ha come
-ell them that the .om!orter ha come
'e bring /oy to my oul, 'e bring /oy to my
All over the world the +pirit i moving
All over the world the prophet aid it would
'allelu/ah all over the world
-here# a mighty revelation o! the glory o! the
A the water cover the ea
A little more oil in my lamp, keep it burning
A little more oil in my lamp ( pray
A little more oil in my lamp, keep it burning
1eep it burning till the break o! day
+ing 'oanna, ing 'oanna
+ing 'oanna to the 1ing o! king
+ing 'oanna, ing 'oanna, ing 'oanna to
the 1ing
7eliever get right in the pirit
.ut looe !rom in, get on the !iery line
)pen up the window and the light will hine
Jeu i there to make thing right
7etter get right with God
.ome and do it now under the cro o! Jeu
(#ll lay my burden down
7etter get right with God
.ome and do it now
Get right, get right, get right with God
>verywhere 'e went 'e wa doing good
'e gave the beatitude, 'e !ed the multitude
>verywhere 'e went when the crippled aw
'im, they tarted walking
-he dumb wa talking a they hould
>verywhere 'e went, my 0ord wa doing
>levate your mind, move up higher
>levate your mind, move up higher
>levate your mind, move up higher
*ove up higher in the 0ord
>very time ( get the chance to praie 'im, (
>very time ( get the chance to praie 'im, (
(#m going to ee my Jeu one more time
)ne more time, one more time, one more
time, one more time
(#m going to ee my Jeu one more time
>noch walked with God
>noch walked with God
>noch walked with God
And he never !ailed
'e wa tranlated becaue he wa obedient
>noch walked with God and never !ailed
( want a revival in my oul
( want a revival in my oul
( want to be wahed in the 7lood o! Jeu
( want a revival in my oul
>verybody ought to know 4ome people donFt
>verybody ought to know 4ome people donFt
>verybody ought to know 4ome people donFt
3ho Jeu i
'e# the lily o! the valley
'e# the bright and morning tar
'e# the !airet o! ten thouand
>verybody ought to know
<ree, !ree, !ree, ( am !rom in et !ree
( have !ound that man, that man !rom Galilee
3ho took away my in
*y heavy load o! in
And now ( am re/oicing #caue (#m !ree, !ree,
God i a good God, ye 'e i
God i a good God, ye 'e i
'e picked me up, turned me around
?lant my !eet on higher ground
God i a good God, ye 'e i
3e erve a great big wonder!ul God
3e erve a great big wonder!ul God
Alway victoriou, alway watching over u
A great big wonder!ul God
3e#re inviting you all to come along
3e#re having a gloriou time
3e#re going to a city where moonlight never
3e may not know, we cannot tell i! other
will be there
7ut God 'imel! will be the light to guide u
Abraham and (aac, >noch and >li/ah, *oe
Johua &aniel and hi band
?eter ?aul and 7arnaba, and a great many
more hailing to the *ater
-here are many more that ( can tell
3hen 'e call me ( will anwer
3hen 'e call me ( will anwer
3hen 'e call me ( will anwer
(#ll be omewhere litening !or my name
(#ll be omewhere litening, omewhere
+omewhere litening !or my name
(#ll be omewhere litening, omewhere
+omewhere litening !or my name
2ictory ahead, victory ahead
-hrough the blood o! Jeu
2ictory ahead
-ruting in the 0ord
( hear the con;ueror ay
7y !aith ( ee the victory ahead
( hall not, ( hall not be moved
( hall not, ( hall not be moved
Jut like a tree that i planted by the wateride
( hall not be moved
Glory, glory, glory, ( hall not be moved
Glory, glory, glory, ( hall not be moved
0ike a tree planted by the water
( hall not be moved
(n the midnight hour, ( hall not be moved
Ceting in hi power, ( hall not be moved
0ike a tree planted by the water
( hall not be moved
3hen the world aail me, ( hall not be
Jeu never !ail me, ( hall not be moved
0ike a tree planted by the water
( hall not be moved
Glory, glory, glory, ( hall not be moved
Glory, glory, glory, ( hall not be moved
0ike a tree planted by the water
(! you have the !aith and believe, my brother
(! you have the !aith and believe, my iter
8ou can ay, mountain ( want you to move
(t# a hard road to travel and a mighty long
way to go
7ut Jeu the blet +aviour will lead me all
the way ( know
)ver many a loneome valley, where many
dark water !low
(t i a hard road to travel and a mighty long
way to go
(! your concience et you !ree, pray on
(! your concience et you !ree, pray on
+ay, )ur <ather who art in 'eaven, hallowed
be thy name
-hy kingdom come, )h 0ord, -hy will be
done on earth
(! your concience et you !ree, pray on
( am in trouble, a big big trouble
( am in trouble with my +aviour and my oul
( aked a ;uetion /ut to get an anwer
:inety nine and a hal! won#t do
(#m going on right on, that# all ( know
(#m going on right on, that# all ( know
(#m going on right on to the city
3here manion are prepared !or me
( aw the light, ( aw the light
:o more in darkne, no more in night
:ow (#m o happy no orrow in ight
?raie the 0ord ( aw the light
(! we love one another, you are nicely aved
(! we hate and backbite, we#ll devour by the
(! we love we mut have coBoperation
3hen one peak, the whole church move
(#m a new creation, (#m a brand new man
)ld thing are paed away, (#m born again
*ore than a con;ueror, that# who ( am
(#m a new creation, (#m a brand new man
( really !eel the pirit moving all over me
( thank you 0ord, ( thank you 0ord
( thank you 0ord !or aving me
(#ve got a new man in me
(#ve got a new man in me
(#ve put o!! the old man and put on the new
(#ve got a new man in me
( want to make it in, that# why (#ve tarted
( want to make it in, that# why ( tart
( have Jeu in my li!e
?raie the 0ord, (#ve made it right
)h, ( want to make it in, that# why ( tart
(#m running !or my li!e
(#m running !or my li!e
(#m running !or my li!e
(#m running !or my li!e
(! anybody ak you, what# the matter with me
Jut tell them (#m aved and ancti!ied
And (#m running !or my li!e
( love 'im better every &BAB8
( love 'im better every &BAB8
.loe by 'i +B(B&B>
( will AB7B(B&B>
( love 'im better every &BAB8
(! you want to ee the glory o! the 0ord
3hy don#t you praie 'im, li!t up your hand
and praie 'im
(! you want to ee the glory o! the 0ord
3hy don#t you li!t up your hand and praie
the 0ord
?raie 'im in the morning, praie 'im in the
?raie 'im in the noontime, praie 'im all
the day long
0i!t up your hand and praie the 0ord
0i!t up your hand, li!t up your hand
0i!t up your hand and praie the 0B)BCB&
?raie 'im and the bleing will !low
0i!t up your hand and praie the 0ord
(#m on the battle!ield !or my 0ord
(#m on the battle!ield !or my 0ord
( will !ight till ( die, ( will never run away
(#m on the battle!ield !or my 0ord
( wa down in the valley, way down in the
3hen my +aviour heard my !eeble cry
'e took me up on the mountain, way up on
the mountain
&rinking !rom the !ountain that will never run
'allelu/ah, 'e# an anwering God
'allelu/ah, 'e# an anwering God
( prayed in Jeu# name
And then the anwer came
'allelu/ah, 'e# an anwering God
( love you, ( love you, ( love you 0ord today
7ecaue you care !or me in uch a pecial
And ye, ( praie you
( li!t you up, ( magni!y your name
-hat# why my heart i !illed with praieA
*y heart, my mind,
*y oul belong to 8ou
8ou paid the price !or me
3ay back on .alvary
-hatF why ( praie 8ou
( li!t 8ou up ( magni!y 8our name
-hatF why my heart i !illed with praie@
*y heart, my mind, my oul belong to you
8ou paid the price !or me, way back on
And ye ( praie you
( li!t you up, ( magni!y your name
-hat# why my heart i !illed with praie
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im in my heart,
)h no
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im
<or ( know too much about 'im
8ou can#t make me doubt 'im in my heart,
)h no
7urning !ire, it# burning in my oul
7urning !ire, it# burning in my oul
7urning in the morning
burning at noon
7urning in the evening
7urning night
7urning !ire, it# burning in my oul
&own on my knee when orrow rie
(#ll talk with Jeu, down on my knee
( promie that ( will erve 'im
( will erve 'im down on my knee
'ow much ( owe !or love divine
'ow much ( owe ince .hrit i mine
And what he i to me ( know
( cannot tell how much ( owe
(#m too near to my home
-o near to my 'eavenly home
( can#t turn back to in
(#ve made my vow
-here i nothing worthwhile to turn back to
?raie the 0ord, weet 'eaven# in view
(#m too near to my 'eavenly home to turn
back now
(t# a highway to 'eaven
:one can walk up there, but the pure in heart
(t# a highway to heaven
3alking up the 1ing# highway
3alking up the 1ing# highway
3alking up the 1ing# highway
3alking up the 1ing# highway
3alking up the 1ing# highway
3alking up the 1ing# highway
3alking up the 1ing# highway
( !eel good, good, good
( !eel good, wonder!ul good
-here i omething about the name o! Jeu
-hat make me !eel good
*ake me !eel good
Jeu i coming again, 'e# coming !or 'i
8ou#ve got to meet 'im in white
8ou#ve got to meet 'im pure
8ou#ve got to meet 'im in peace
<or 'e# the 1ing o! king
8ou#ve got to meet 'im
'oly Jeu i coming again
( have omebody with me to bear my heavy
( !eel 'i preence near me every day
3hen trouble overtake me along li!e# weary
( have omebody with me all the way
( want God# way to be my way
A ( /ourney here below
<or there i no other highway
<or a child o! God to know
Although the road be rough and long
And the enemie may be trong
( want God# way to be my way every day
'oline unto the 0ord i our watchword and
'oline unto the 0ord a we#re marching
+inging, houting loud and long
'oline unto the 0ord, now and !orever
( will enter in 'i gate with thankgiving in
my heart
( will enter in 'i court with praie
( will ay thi i the day that the 0ord ha
( will re/oice !or 'e ha made me glad
'e ha made me glad, 'e ha made me glad
( will re/oice !or 'e ha made me glad
'e ha made me glad, 'e ha made me glad
( will re/oice !or 'e ha made me glad
( got my education at the cro
( got my education at the cro
(#ve never been to college
7ut (#ve got a better knowledge
( got my education at the cro
Jeu on the inide
3orking on the outide
7ringing about a change in my li!e
Jeu on the inide
3orking on the outide
7ringing about a change in my li!e
John aw an angel coming down !rom 'eaven
'aving the key o! the bottomle pit
And a great chain in hi hand
And he laid hold o! the old, old dragon
And bound him !or a thouand year
And he laid hold o! the old, old dragon
Jeu bound him !or a thouand year
Jeu i on the mainline, tell 'im what you
Jeu i on the mainline, tell 'im what you
Jeu i on the mainline, tell 'im what you
Jeu i on the mainline now
(! you want the 'oly Ghot, tell 'im what
you need
(! you want the 'oly Ghot, tell 'im what
you need
(! you want the 'oly Ghot, tell 'im what
you need
Jeu i on the mainline now
(#m gonna give the 0ord the highet praie
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
(#m gonna give the 0ord the highet praie
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
(#m gonna magni!y 'i holy name
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
(#m gonna magni!y 'i holy name
-he water i troubled my !riend, tep right in
God# mighty power
( moving thi hour
&on#t look o ad, tand by God# right hand
-he water i troubled my !riend, tep right in
-he reaon why (#m living thi li!e
( don#t want to be lot
-he reaon why (#m living thi li!e
( don#t want to be lot
-he reaon why (#m living thi li!e
( don#t want to be lot
( don#t want to be lot when Jeu come
-here i no ati!action without alvation
-here i no ati!action without alvation
+hout it out load and clear
+hout it out load and clear
-hank God now, Jeu changed my li!e
(#m walking now in a per!ect light
*y burden o! in, (#ve laid them aide
(#m walking in a per!ect light
-ell it, tell it, wherever you go
+omeone would like to hear the glad new
you know
-ell it that the +aviour died to ave your oul
!rom in
-ell it wherever you go
God don#t need no matche
'e# !ire in 'imel!
God don#t need no matche
'e# !ire in 'imel!
God don#t need no matche
'e# !ire in 'imel!
-he 'oly Ghot i !ire in 'imel!
( cannot hold it out no longer
( cannot keep my peace, dear +aviour
( ak the +aviour to be my re!uge
( ak the +aviour to be my guide
.ome on youth, you are called today
.ome on youth, you are called today
.ome on youth, you are called today
-o tudy the word o! God
-he greatet weapon o! the youth o! our day
-he greatet weapon o! the youth o! our day
-he greatet weapon o! the youth o! our day
( to tudy the word o! God
8ou pray !or me, and (#ll pray !or you
8ou pray !or me, and (#ll pray !or you
8ou pray !or me, and (#ll pray !or you
And that will buy /oy !or all
.limbing up the mountain, reaching !or the
Almot !inihed my /ourney
(#ve reached hal!Bway
And ( /ut can#t top
At the end o! my /ourney
-here# peace and /oy
( can ee Jeu waiting !or all
( can#t top, (#m reaching !or the top
.ome let u glori!y the name o! the 0ord
.ome let u glori!y 'i name
<or 'i reurrection# power
( moving in thi hour
And Jeu you#re now glori!iedAAA
And Jeu you#re now glori!iedAAA
&on#t you know that (#m moving up the 1ing#
Dp the 1ing# highway
&on#t you know that (#m truting in amaEing
(n amaEing grace
Although +atan i on my track
(#ll never, never, never turn back
( keep moving up, moving up, moving up, )h
&o 0ord, do 0ord, do remember me
&o 0ord, do 0ord, do remember me
&o 0ord, do 0ord, do remember me
3ay beyond the blue
( take Jeu !or my +aviour
8ou take 'im too
( take Jeu !or my +aviour
8ou take 'im too
( take Jeu !or my +aviour
8ou take 'im too
3ay beyond the blue
( am a one God, apotolic, tongue talking,
holy walking, born again, 'eaven bound
(n the liberating power o! Jeu# name
(#ve been wahed in the blood, ancti!ied by
the +pirit, ( believe in holine
( ugget you do the ame
(#ve been et !ree at the ?entecotal altar on
my knee, pardon me, (#m not ahamed to be
A one god, apotolic, !orgiven, talking, holy
walking, born again, 'eaven bound believer
(n Jeu# name
7ecaue he live, ( can !ace tomorrow
7ecaue he live, all my !ear are gone
7ecaue ( know who hold the !uture
*y li!e i worth a living /ut becaue he live
&on#t you know that (#m moving up the king#
Dp the king# highway
&on#t you know that (#m truting in amaEing
AmaEing grace
&on#t you know +atan i on my track
And (#ll will never ever turn back
.aue (#m moving up, moving up, moving up
oh 0ord
Dp the king# highway
-hank you JeuA thank you Jeu
( thank you 0ord !or loving me
-hank you Jeu, thank you Jeu
-hank you 0ord !or loving me
8ou went to .alvary
7led and died !or me
( thank you 0ord !or loving me
8ou went to .alvary
7led and died !or me
-hank you 0ord !or loving me
'ave -hine own way, 0ord, have -hine own
-hou art the ?otter and ( am the clay
*ake me and mould me, a!ter -hy will
3hile ( am waiting, yielded and till
3hen ( ee the blood
3hen ( ee the blood
3hen ( ee the blood
( will pa, ( will pa over you
(t# raining all around me
( can !eel it
(t# the latter rain
Cide on Jeu
?leae end more rain until we are wet
Dntil we are oaked in the latter rain
?raie the 0ord, let u praie him
( thank him !or aving my oul
3hen ( wa ad and lonely
And didn#t know what to do
( thank him !or aving my oul
'umble yourel! and the 0ord will draw near
'umble yourel! and hi preence will cheer
'e will not walk with the proud or the
'umble yourel! and walk with God
2ictory i mine
2ictory i mine
2ictory today i mine
( told +atan to get thee behind
2ictory today i mine
Give me that old time religion
#ti the old time religion
#ti the old time religion
And it# good enough !or me
7ind u together, 0ord
7ind u together
7ind u together with cord
-hat cannot be broken
7ind u together, 0ord
7ind u together
7ind u together with love
-here i only one 7ody
-here i only one God
-here i only one 1ing
-here i only one +pirit
-hat i why together we ing
Jeu, Jeu, do you know 'im today =
?leae don#t turn 'im away
Jeu, Jeu, without 'im ( would !ail
3e bring acri!ice o! praie
Dnto the houe o! the 0ord
3e bring acri!ice o! praie
Dnto the houe o! the 0ord
And we o!!er up to 8ou
-he acri!ice o! thankgiving
And we o!!er up to 8ou
-he acri!ice o! /oy
3hen ( ee the blood
3hen ( ee the blood, when ( ee the blood
3hen ( ee the blood, ( will pa, ( will pa
over you
Jeu, you are, you are, 8ou are the *ot
'igh God
Jehovah, you are, 8ou are the *ot 'igh God
>ternal, you are, you are, 8ou are the *ot
'igh God
)ur <ather, you are, 8ou are the *ot 'igh
)h ye, you are, you are, 8ou are the *ot
'igh God
1ing o! king, you are, 8ou are the *ot
'igh God
-hat# why, you are, you are, 8ou are the
*ot 'igh God
8ou are aweome in thi place, *ighty God
8ou are aweome in thi place, Abba <ather
8ou are worthy o! all praie
-o 8ou, our heart we raie
8ou are aweome in thi place, *ighty God
<orever 'e may be
-he 0amb upon the throne
( gladly bow my knee
And worhip 'im alone
(#m o glad the 'e want me back
3ant me back
3ant me back
(#m o glad the 'e want me back
>ven a!ter all ( do
'e really didn#t have to die
'e really didn#t have to die
7ut 'e did
.ome unto me, and ( will give you ret
.ome, take my yoke upon me, hear me and be
<or ( am meek and lowly, come and trut my
.ome, my yoke i eay, and my burden# light
'e i 0ord, 'e i 0ord
'e ha 4or, i5 rien !rom the dead and 'e i
>very knee hall bow, every tongue con!e
-hat Jeu .hrit i 0ord
8ou are 0ord, 8ou are 0ord
8ou have rien !rom the dead and you are
>very knee hall bow, every tongue con!e
-hat Jeu .hrit i 0ord
( get /oy when ( think about B what 'e# done
!or me
( get /oy when ( think about B what 'e# done
!or me
( get /oy when ( think about B what 'e# done
!or me
3hat the 0ord ha done !or me
(#ll tell all the nationAAA
(#ll hout it !rom the roo!topAAA
Ain#t nobody B love me like Jeu
Ain#t nobody, no B B B love me like the 0ord
Ain#t nobody B love me like Jeu
'e# B my B !riend
8ou don#t know like ( knowAAA
( get /oy when ( think aboutAAA
'ow great i our god
'ow great i hi name
'e# the greatet one
<orever the ame
3ell 'e rolled back the water
)! the mighty Ced +ea
And 'e aid (#m gonna lead you
+o put your trut in me
De me 0ord, ue me !or thy glory
De me 0ord, let me tell the tory
0ord ( will obey, i! -hou will lead the way
De me, ue me, ue me, ue me 0ord
3e are marching in the light o! God
3e are marching in the light o! God
3e are marching in the light o! God
3e are marching in the light o! God
3e are marching, marching
3e are marching, )h
3e are marching in the light o! God
3e are marching, marching
3e are marching, )h
3e are marching in the light o! God
'e i the 1ing o! king
'e i the 0ord o! lord
'i name i Jeu, Jeu, Jeu, Jeu,
)h, 'e i the 1ing
Jeu i mine, Jeu i mine
Anywhere ( go, anywhere ( be
Jeu i mine
All over thi land, All over thi land, get
Goid# gonna end a revival all over thi land
3e#re gonna be marching to victory
3ith power in our hand
God# gonna end a revival all over thi land
Cedemption coming, ?raie the 0ord
3hat a wonder!ul !reedom, Glory to 'i
(#m out o! the bondage, and into God#
Cedemption coming, ?raie the 0ord
+on o! God arie, on o! God arie
<rom the end o! the earth arie
<ire in a hand, !ire in a mouth, !ire in a !eet
<ire, !ire, !ire !i de enemy
<ire, !ire, !ire !i de enemy
'e# a miracle working God
'e# a wonder, 'e# a miracle
'e# a miracle working God
( love that man !rom Galilee
<or 'e ha done o very much !or me
'e ha taken all my in
0et the holy Ghot come in
( love that *an, that *an, !rom Galilee
( am bleed, ( am bleed
>veryday o! my li!e ( am bleed
3hen ( wake up in the morning
( bow my head and pray
( am bleed, ( am bleed
(! you want to know the bleing o! the 0ord
3hy don#t you praie 'im
0i!t up your hand and praie 'im
(! you want to know the bleing o! the 0ord
3hy don#t you li!t up your hand
And praie the 0ord
?raie 'im in the morning
?raie 'im in the mnoontide
?raie 'im in the evening time
?raie 'im all the day long
0i!t up your hand and praie the 0ord
(t# /oy unpeakable and !ull o! glory
<ull o! glory, !ull o! glory
(t i /oy unpeakable and !ull o! glory
-he hal! ha never yet been told
( can recommend my God to any man
( can recommend my God to any man
3hen (#m ad 'e make me glad
-hat i why, that i why, ( love 'im o
( !eel good, good, good
( !eel good, good, good
>verytime ( talk about Jeu
( !eel good, good, good
Cie up @ Cie up @ .hildren o! the 0ord arie
Cie up @ Cie up @ .hildren o! the 0ord arie
-read out, tread out the enemy
Cie up, rie up in victory
-read out, tread out the enemy
Cie up, rie up in victory
-ouch my !inger on the golden pen
-he golden pen, the golden pen
-ouch my !inger on the golden pen
3rite my name up there
3rite my name, write my name up there
3rite my name, write my name up there
+atan you can#t prevail
7ecaue o! diobedience
God turned you out o! 'eaven
+atan you want to know
-hat the .hurch i moving on
+atan, +atan, +atan, you can#t Lrevail
(t i alright, alright, alright
(t i alright, alright, alright
A long a ( have my 0ord beide me it i
A long a ( have 'i hand to hold
A long a 'e watche over my oul
A long a (#m under 'i control, it i alright
+end down the rain, end down the rain
+end down the gopel rain
+end down the rain, end down the rain
+end down the gopel rain
*eet me by the river, ome day
*eet me by the river, not !ar away
)h when my 0ord hall call me home
'appy, happy, home beyond the kie
*eet me by the river, ome day
'old me in the palm o! your hand
'old me in the palm o! your hand
'old me Jeu, hold me mighty God
'old me in the palm o! your hand
.ome ble the 0ord, all ye ervant o! the
3ho tand by night, in the houe o! the 0ord
0i!t up your hand, in thi holy place
Ad ble the 0ord, and ble the 0ord
Jeu name o weet, (mmanuel name o
Jeu name o weet, (mmanuel name o
>very rock mi rock upon Jeu
Jeu name o weet
Jeu name o weet
3hat kinda .hurch i thi
-hi i a 'oly Ghot .hurch
3hat kinda .hurch i thi
-hi i a ancti!ied .hurch
(t i a hand clapping, !oot tomping
'oly ghot ancti!ied .hurch
0ook what the 0ord ha done
0ook what the 0ord ha done
'e healed my body, 'e touched my mind
'e aved me, /ut in time
(#m gonna praie 'i name
'i name i /ut the ame
(#m gonna praie 'im
0ook what the 0ord ha done
Jeu i my &eliverer
Jeu i my &eliverer
Jeu i my &eliverer
( know 'e delivered me
'ow do you know 'e deliver
'ow do you know 'e deliver
'ow do you know 'e deliver
( know 'e delivered me
Goodbye world, ( am gone
Goodbye world, ( am gone
(t i the 'oly Ghot on !ire, that# keeping me
Goodbye world, goodbye world, ( am gone
.ome bredda, ita mek wih mah dung
+atan# 1ingdom
.ome bredda, ita mek wih mah dung
+atan# 1ingdom
+atan gwaan like 'im bad
7ut we know Jeu rule
.ome bredda, ita mek wih mah dung
+atan# 1ingdom
-he .hurch on the move !or Jeu
Ain#t topping now
-he .hurch on the move !or Jeu
.hritian wave your hand, praie the 0ord
-he .hurch on the move !or Jeu
-he devil can#t top u now
And i! the devil# in your way,brM .hritian,
tep on him
+omebody prayed !or me, they had me on
their mind
-hey acri!iced their time
3ent down on their knee and prayed !or me
-hey had not doubt, that God would work it
-hat 'e would ave my li!e and et me
!ree,brM (#m o glad that omebody prayed !or
.ome thi !ar, !ind no !ault, !eel like going on
.ome thi !ar, !ind no !ault, !eel like going on
-rial, teting, trouble everywhere
.ome thi !ar, !ind no !ault, !eel like going on
(#m gonna lay down my burden
&own by the riveride
&own by the riveride
&own by the riveride
(#m gonna lay down my burden
&own by the riveride
(#m gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
(#m gonna lay down my long white robe
&own by the riveride
&own by the riveride
&own by the riveride
(#m gonna lay down my long white robe
&own by the riveride
(#m gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
(#m gonna put on my dancing hoe
&own by the riveride
&own by the riveride
&own by the riveride
(#m gonna put on my dancing hoe
&own by the riveride
(#m gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
( ain#t gonna tudy war no more
(#ve got my mind made up and ( won#t turn
( want to ee my Jeu ome day
*y mind# made up, and ( won#t turn back
( want to ee my Jeu ome day
(#m o glad, (#m a part, o! the !amily o! God
3ahed in 'i !ountain, cleaned by 'i
Joint heir with Jeu, a we travel along
(#m o glad, (#m a part, o! the !amily o! God
Jehovah Jireh, my provider
'i grace i u!!icient !or me
Jehovah Jireh, my provider
'i grace i u!!icient !or me
*y 0ord hall upply all my need
According to 'i riche in glory
'e gave 'i angel charge over me
Jehovah Jireh care !or me
Jehovah Jireh care !or me
+tand up and tell me i! you love my Jeu
+tand up and tell me i! you love my 0ord
( want to know i! you love my Jeu
( want to know i! you love my 0ord
+it down and tell me i! you love my Jeu
+it down and tell me i! you love my 0ord
( want to know i! you love my Jeu
( want to know i! you love my 0ord
.lap hand and tell me i! you love my Jeu
.lap hand and tell me i! you love my 0ord
( want to know i! you love my Jeu
( want to know i! you love my 0ord
Caie hand and tell me i! you love my Jeu
Caie hand and tell me i! you love my 0ord
( want to know i! you love my Jeu
( want to know i! you love my 0ord
*ove +atan move mek mih pa
*ove +atan move mek mih pa
( am born again, aved and ancti!ied
*ove +atan move mek mih pa
0ove i a !lag !lown high
<rom the catle o! my heart
<rom the catle o! my heart
<rom the catle o! my heart
0ove i a !lag !lown high
<rom the catle o! my heart
And the 1ing i in reidence there
+o !ly it high in the ky, let the whole world
0et the whole world know
0et the whole world know
+o !ly it high in the ky, let the whole world
-hat the 1ing i in reidence there
Joy i a !lag !lown high
<rom the catle o! my heart
<rom the catle o! my heart
<rom the catle o! my heart
Joy i a !lag !lown high
<rom the catle o! my heart
And the 1ing i in reidence there
+o !ly it high in the ky, let the whole world
0et the whole world know
0et the whole world know
+o !ly it high in the ky, let the whole world
-hat the 1ing i in reidence there
?eace i a !lag !lown high
<rom the catle o! my heart
<rom the catle o! my heart
<rom the catle o! my heart
?eace i a !lag !lown high
<rom the catle o! my heart
And the 1ing i in reidence there
+o !ly it high in the ky, let the whole world
0et the whole world know
0et the whole world know
+o !ly it high in the ky, let the whole world
-hat the 1ing i in reidence there
( !eel like running, kipping, praie the 0ord
<or what 'e ha done !or me
'e ha et my pirit !ree
( !eel like running, kipping, praie the 0ord
<or what 'e ha done !or me
(! you want to be a worker !or the 0ord
7ring your 7ible and come along
(! you want to be a worker !or the 0ord
7ring your 7ible and come
3e gonna hoit up, knock down, kick up
7ring your 7ible and come along
3e gonna hoit up, knock down, kick up
7ring your 7ible and come
( went to the enemy# camp
And ( took back what he tole !rom em
And ( took back what he tole !rom em
And ( took back what he tole !rom em
( went to the enemy# camp
And ( took back what he tole !rom em
'e# under my !eet, he# under my !eet
'e# under my !eet, he# under my !eet
+atan i under my !eet
-hi i the day, thi i the day
-hat the 0ord ha made, that the 0ord ha
3e will re/oice, we will re/oice
And be glad in it, and be glad in it
-hi i the day that the 0ord ha made
3e will re/oice and be glad in it
-hi i the day, thi i the day
-hat the 0ord ha made
( am o glad, (#ve got alvation in time
( am o glad, (#ve got alvation in time
( am o glad, (#ve got alvation in time
)h, my 0ord, oh my 0ord, what hall ( do =
'uh, huh omebody# calling my name
'uh, huh omebody# calling my name
'uh, huh omebody# calling my name
)h, my 0ord, oh my 0ord, what hall ( do =
God# not dead, 'e# alive
God# not dead, 'e# alive
God# not dead, 'e# alive
( !eel 'im living in me
( !eel 'im in my hand, ( !eel 'im in my !eet
( !eel 'im in the church, ( !eel 'im on the
( !eel 'im in the air, ( !eel 'im everywhere
( !el 'im living in me
3hen ( think about Jeu
And what 'e# done !or me
3hen ( think about Jeu
And how 'e et me !ree
(#m gonna /ump, /ump, /ump, /ump, /ump,
Jump, all night, all night
(#m gonna clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
.lap, all night, all night
(#m gonna kip, kip, kip, kip, kip, kip
+kip, all night, all night
(#m gonna hout, hout, hout, hout, hout,
+hout, all night, all night
(#m gonna wave, wave, wave, wave, wave,
3ave, all night, all night
(#ve !ound a new li!e
(#ve !ound a new li!e
(! anybody ak you
3hat# the matter with you, my !riend
-ell them that you are aved, ancti!ied
'oly Ghot !illed, water baptiEed
Jeu on my mind, (#ve !ound a new li!e
+ing, ing, ing to the 0ord !orever
+ing, ing, ing to the 0ord !orever
(#ll do my bet, (#ll do my bet, )h
(#ll do my bet !or 'im
+hout, hout, hout to the 0ord !orever
+hout, hout, hout to the 0ord !orever
(#ll do my bet, (#ll do my bet, )h
(#ll do my bet !or 'im
.lap, clap, clap to the 0ord !orever
.lap, clap, clap to the 0ord !orever
(#ll do my bet, (#ll do my bet, )h
(#ll do my bet !or 'im
&ance, dance, dance to the 0ord !orever
&ance, dance, dance to the 0ord !orever
(#ll do my bet, (#ll do my bet, )h
(#ll do my bet !or 'im
Ce/oice in the 0ord alway and again ( ay
Ce/oice in the 0ord alway and again ( ay
Ce/oice, re/oice, and again ( ay re/oice
Ce/oice, re/oice, and again ( ay re/oice
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand
'e# got you and me, baby, in 'i hand
'e# got you and me, baby, in 'i hand
'e# got you and me, baby, in 'i hand
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand
'e# got *om and &ad, in 'i hand
'e# got *om and &ad, in 'i hand
'e# got *om and &ad, in 'i hand
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand
'e# got everybody, in 'i hand
'e# got everybody, in 'i hand
'e# got everybody, in 'i hand
'e# got the whole world, in 'i hand
-hank God !or the cleaning blood
-hank God !or the cleaning blood
-hank God !or the cleaning blood
-hat wahed me white a now
8ou#ve got to move
8ou#ve got to move
8ou#ve got to move
8ou#ve got to move
3hen God get ready, you#ve got to move
8ou may be rich, you may be poor
8ou may be black, you may be white
3hen God get ready, you#ve got to move
)ne way Jeu, i alright
'e# got the power over day and night
'e# got the power over death and the
grave,brM )ne way Jeu, i alright
God i not dead, 'e# alive
God i not dead, 'e# alive
God i not dead, 'e# alive
( !eel 'im in my head, ( !eel 'im in my !eet
( !eel 'im all over me
And every eye hall look upon 'im
And every eye hall look upon 'im
And every eye hall look upon 'im
3hen 'e come, 'allelu/ah, when 'e come
And every knee hall bow be!ore 'im
And every knee hall bow be!ore 'im
And every knee hall bow be!ore 'im
3hen 'e come, 'allelu/ah, when 'e come
( will call upon the 0ord
3ho i worthy to be praied
+o hall ( be aved !rom my enemie
-he 0ord liveth, and bleed be the rock
And may the God o! my alvation be e9alted
-he 0ord liveth, and bleed be the rock
And may the God o! my alvation be e9alted
'e# able, 'e# able, ( know 'e# able
( know my God i able to carry me through
'e# able, 'e# able, ( know 'e# able
( know my God i able to carry me through
'e healed the broken hearted, 'e et the
captive !ree
'e made the lame to walk again
And caued the blind to ee
'e# able, 'e# able, ( know 'e# able
( know my God i able to carry me through
( am on the rock and ( won#t come down
( am on the rock and ( won#t come down
( am on the rock and ( won#t come down
+o why don#t you pray !or me =
8ou pray !or me and ( pray !or you
8ou pray !or me and ( pray !or you
8ou pray !or me and ( pray !or you
+o why don#t you pray !or me =
Abraham# bleing are mine
Abraham# bleing are mine
(#m bleed in the morning, bleed in the
Abraham# bleing are mine
+tay right under the blood
+tay right under the blood
+tay right under the blood
And the devil can do you no harm
:o harm, no harm, no harm
:o harm, no harm, no harm
:o harm, no harm, no harm
#caue the devil can do me no harm
*y hackle are gone, my irit i !ree
)h, praie the 0ord, 'e li!ted me
*y in are !orgiven, and now ( am !ree
)h, praie the 0ord, my hackle are gone
*y pirit i !ree
'allelu/ah anyhow
:ever, never let your problem get you down
3hen temptation come your way
0i!t your head up high and ay
'allelu/ah anyhow
0ove wonder!ul love
-he love o! .hrit !or me
0ove wonder!ul love
+o rich, o !ull, o !ree
3ide, wide a the ocean
&eep, deep a the ea
'igh, high a the heaven# above
i 'i love !or me
7leing and honour, glory and power
7e unto the ancient o! day
<rom every nation, all o! creation
7ow be!ore the ancient o! day
>very tongue in 'eaven and earth
+hall declare your glory
>very knee hall bow at thy throne in worhip
8ou will be e9alted on high
And your kingdom hall not pa away
-he ancient o! day
8our kingdom hall reign over all the earth
7e to the ancient o! day
:o king hall compare to your matchle
+ing to the ancient o! day
( like the thrill that ( !eel when ( get together
3ith God# wonder!ul people
3ith God# wonder!ul people
3ith God# wonder!ul people
(t# o nice to ee thoe happy !ace
?raiing God in heavenly place
( like the thrill that ( !eel when ( get together
3ith God# wonder!ul people
<alling in love with Jeu
<alling in love with Jeu
<alling in love with Jeu
3a the bet thing ( everBever done
(n 'i arm ( !eel protected
(n 'i arm never diconnected
(n 'i arm ( !eel protected
-here i no place ( rather, rather be
#igher #igher $Cast %our burdes
.at your burden unto Jeu
<or he care !or you
.at your burden unto Jeu
<or he care !or you
&erse 1
'igher, higher
higher, higher, higher higher, higher, higher
0i!t Jeu higher, higher
higher, higher
higher, higher, higher higher, higher, higher
0i!t Jeu higher
&erse 2
0ower, lower
lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, lower
+tamp atan lower, lower
0ower, lower
lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, lower
+tamp atan lower
&erse 3
+uper, uper,
uper, uper, uper, uper, uper, uper
+uper natural power, power
+uper, uper,
uper, uper, uper, uper, uper, uper
+uper natural power
&erse 4
?reure, preure,
?reure, preure, preure, preure,
preure, preure +atan under preure,
?reure, preure,
preure, preure, preure, preure,
preure, preure +atan under preure
0i!t Jeu higherN 4repeat5
) li!t 'im higher, 'igher, higher, higher
-he woman o! +amaria, the woman
0e!t her water pot and gone
0e!t her water pot and gone
3hen you ak her !or her huband
And he ay he ha none
0e!t her water pot and gone
0e!t her water pot and gone
*y <ather i a millionaire, (#m tepping on
*y <ather i a millionaire, (#m tepping on
>ach tep ( take, (#m tepping on gold
>ach tep ( take, (#m tepping on gold
(#m building a bridge, God gave me a plan
'e promie that 'e#ll hold my hand
(#m building it high, (#m building it low
(#m building a bridge, praie the 0ord
God gave me a plan
?raie the 0ord, praie 'im
?raie the 0ord, praie 'im
( thank 'im !or /oy and peace divine
3hen ( wa ad and lonely, ( didn#t know
what to do
( thank 'im, !or aving my oul
Cevival !ire begin to burn
Cevival !ire begin to burn
Great ign and wonder, among God# people
3hen revival !ire begin to burn
Acro the bridge, there#ll be no orrow
Acro the bridge, there#ll be no pain
-he un i hining, acro the river
And (#ll never be unhappy again
-hi mountain hall be removed
-hi mountain hall be removed
7y my pirit aith the 0ord
(t# not by might, it# not by power
7ut by my pirit aith the 0ord
(t# not by might, it# not by power
7ut by my pirit aith the 0ord
(! ever a time we need the 0ord
+urely we need 'im now
+urely we need 'im now
+urely we need 'im now
(! ever a time we need the 0ord
+urely we need 'im now
+urely we need 'im now
3hen ( look around and ee
3hat the 0ord ha done !or me
(t make me want to go all the way
+ometime my burden# heavy
+ometime my burden# light
3hen ( look around and ee
3hat the 0ord ha done !or me
(t wa on a great day, omebody touched me
(t wa on a great day, omebody touched me
(t wa on a great day, omebody touched me
+omebody touched my oul
(t wa on a *):&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a *):&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a *):&A8, omebody touched
+omebody touched my oul
(t wa on a -D>+&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a -D>+&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a -D>+&A8, omebody touched
+omebody touched my oul
(t wa on a 3>&:>+&A8, omebody
touched me
(t wa on a 3>&:>+&A8, omebody
touched me
(t wa on a 3>&:>+&A8, omebody
touched me
+omebody touched my oul
(t wa on a -'DC+&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a -'DC+&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a -'DC+&A8, omebody touched
+omebody touched my oul
(t wa on a <C(&A8, omebody touched me
(t wa on a <C(&A8, omebody touched me
(t wa on a <C(&A8, omebody touched me
+omebody touched my oul
(t wa on a +A-DC&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a +A-DC&A8, omebody touched
(t wa on a +A-DC&A8, omebody touched
+omebody touched my oul
(t wa on a +D:&A8, omebody touched me
(t wa on a +D:&A8, omebody touched me
(t wa on a +D:&A8, omebody touched me
+omebody touched my oul
Glory 'allelu/ah, omebody touched me
Glory 'allelu/ah, omebody touched me
Glory 'allelu/ah, omebody touched me
+omebody touched my oul
<ire, !ire, !ire
3hen my oul caught !ire
3hen my oul caught !ire
3hen my oul caught !ire
(t burned upon the nation
'allelu/ah, what a +aviour
3hen my oul
3hen my oul
3hen my oul
3hen my oul caught !ire
+uppoe we now meet
+uppoe we now meet
+uppoe we now meet on the /udgement day
)h what a weeping, oh what a wailing
+uppoe we now meet on the /udgement day
'e# an onBtime God, ye 'e i
'e# an onBtime God, ye 'e i
8ou may not know when you need 'im
'e# there, right on time
'e# an onBtime God, ye 'e i
'ome once more
'ome once more
-he prodigal returned to hi home once more
( leave thi world o! in and Jeu took me in
Glory be to God, ( am home once more,
'e wa wounded !or our trangreion
'e wa bruied !or our ini;uity
+urely 'e ha borne our orrow
And by 'i tripe we are healed
( have decided to !ollow Jeu
( have decided to !ollow Jeu
( have decided to !ollow Jeu
:o turning back, no turning back
-he cro be!ore, the world behind me
-he cro be!ore, the world behind me
-he cro be!ore, the world behind me
:o turning back, no turning back
-hough none go with me, yet till (#ll !ollow
-hough none go with me, yet till (#ll !ollow
-hough none go with me, yet till (#ll !ollow
:o turning back, no turning back
8ou can have the whole world, but give me
8ou can have the whole world, but give me
8ou can have the whole world, but give me
:o turning back, no turning back
(n the morning o! glory, in that heavenly
(n the beauty o! pleaure, in our heavenly
3here all the bright angel are inging and
'allelu/ah to Jeu, praie 'i wonder!ul
*y in were higher than the mountain
3hen the 0ord ancti!ied me
*y in were !lowing like a river
3hen the 0ord ancti!ied me
+inging glory, 'allelu/ah when the !ire came
3hen the !ire came down
3hen the !ire came down
+inging glory, 'allelu/ah when the !ire came
And the 0ord ancti!ied me
Coll Jordan roll, roll Jordan roll
( want to go to heaven when ( die
-o hear old Jordan roll
-here are o many wonder!ul thing about
+o many wonder!ul thing about 'im
'i name i wonder!ul
'e# the wonder!ul .ounellor
'e i the *ighty 1ing, >verlating <ather
-here are o many wonder!ul thing about
( !eel Jeu, ( !el Jeu, ( !eel Jeu in thi
And my oul doth burn within me
( !eel Jeu in thi place
.ome to my oul bleed Jeu
'ear me, )h +aviour divine
)pen the !ountain and cleane me within
Give me a heart like thine
'i voice make the di!!erence
3hen 'e peak 'e relieve my troubled
(t# the only voice ( hear that make the
And (#ll !ollow one day at a time
0earning to lean, learning to lean
(#m learning to lean on Jeu
<inding more power than ( ever dreamed
(#m learning to lean on Jeu
0earning to pray, learning to pray
(#m learning to pray on Jeu
<inding more power than ( ever dreamed
(#m learning to pray on Jeu
0earning to walk, learning to walk
(#m learning to walk on Jeu
<inding more power than ( ever dreamed
(#m learning to walk on Jeu
0earning to talk, learning to talk
(#m learning to talk on Jeu
<inding more power than ( ever dreamed
(#m learning to talk on Jeu
.reate in me a clean heart, ) 0ord
And renew a right pirit within me
.reate in me a clean heart, ) 0ord
And renew a right pirit within me
.at me not away !rom -hy preence, ) 0ord
And take not thy holy pirit !rom me
Cetore unto me the /oy o! thy alvation
And renew a right pirit within me
<ill my cup, 0ord, ( li!t it up, 0ord
.ome and ;uench thi thirting o! my oul
7read o! heaven, !eed me till ( want no more
<ill my cup, !ill it up, and make me whole
( will ble -hee, ) 0ord
( will ble -hee, ) 0ord
3ith a heart o! thankgiving
( will ble -hee, ) 0ord
3ith my hand li!ted up
And my mouth !illed with praie
3ith a heart o! thankgiving
( will ble -hee, ) 0ord
( will erve -hee, becaue ( love -hee
8ou have given li!e to me
( wa nothing, be!ore you !ound me
8ou have given li!e to me
'earthache and broken piece
Cuined live are why you died on .alvary
8our touch, wa what ( longed !or
8ou have given li!e to me
-hou art worthy, -hou art worthy
-hou art worthy, ) 0ord
-o receive glory, glory and honour
Glory and honour and praie
<or -hou hat created, all thing created
-hou hat created all thing
And !or -hy pleaure, they are created
-hou art worthy, ) 0ord
*a/ety, worhio 'i ma/ety
Dnto Jeu, be all glory, honour and praie
*a/ety, worhio 'i ma/ety
Jeu who died, now glori!ied, 'i anthem
+o e9alt, li!t up on high, the name o! Jeu
*agni!y, come glori!y, .hrit Jeu our king
*a/ety, worhio 'i ma/ety
Jeu who died, now glori!ied, 1ing o! all
Jeu who died, now glori!ied, 1ing o! all
?raie 'im, ?raie 'im
?raie 'im, ?raie 'im
<rom the riing o! the un
Dnto the going down o! the ame
Jeu i worthy, ye, 'e i worthy
'e# worthy to be praied
God i our rock, hope o! alvation
A trong deliverer, in 'im will ( put my trut
7e glori!ied
7e glori!ied
7e glori!ied
7e glori!ied
7e glori!ied in the heaven
7e glori!ied in the earth
7e glori!ied in the temple
Jeu, Jeu, be -hou glori!ied
3orhip the 0ord
( /ut want to be where you are
&welling daily in your preence
( don#t want to worhip !rom a!ar
&raw me near to where you are
( want to be where you are
&welling in your preence
<eating at your table, urrounded by your
(n your preence, that# where ( aOway want
to be
( /ut want to be, ( /ut want to be with you
.hrit hall break every !etter
.hrit hall break every !etter
.hrit hall break every !etter
And et you !ree
-he 0ion o! Judah, hall break every chain
-he 0ion o! Judah, hall break every chain
-he 0ion o! Judah, hall break every chain
And give u the victory, again and again
( want to worhip the 0ord, with all my heart
Give 'im my all, not /ut a part
0i!t up my hand, to the 1ing o! king
?raie 'im in everything
0et the 0ord have 'i way, in your li!e
-here# no /oy, there# no peace
Dntil the 0ord have 'i way
?lace your li!e in 'i hand
'e#ll ecure all your plan
0et the 0ord, let the 0ord, have 'i way
)h, 0amb o! God, weet lamb o! God
( love the holy lamb o! God
)h, wah me in 8our preciou blood
)h, Jeu .hrit, the lamb o! God
-ouching Jeu, i all that really matter
And your li!e will never be the ame
-here i only one way to touch 'im
Jut believe, when you call on 'i name
-hank, thank, ( give you thank
<or all you#ve done
( am o blet, my oul i at ret
)h, 0ord, ( give you thank
>nter my chamber, be !ree 'oly +pirit
+peak to me gently be!ore ( cloe the door
'eavenly lover, let -hy preence cover
+hekinah i all ( long !or
0ord, take me a ( am
0ord, take me a ( am
*y only plea, .hrit died !or me
0ord, take me a ( am
'e i here, hallelu/ah, 'e i here, Amen
'e i here, 'oly, 'oly, ( will ble 'i name
'e i here, liten cloely
'ear 'im calling out your name
'e i here, you can touch 'im
8ou will never be the ame
&raw me nearer, nearer, nearer bleed 0ord
-o the cro where -hou hat died
&raw me nearer, nearer, nearer bleed 0ord
-o thy preciou bleeding ide
3e prayed and God delivered
3e prayed and God topped the war
3e prayed and God delivered
God gave u one more chance
3e are to love 'im, we are to erve
7ecaue 'e gave u one more chance
'ere we are, in your preence
0i!ting holy hand to you
'ere we are praiing Jeu
<or all the thing 'e# brought u through
( long to be 'i poeion
)h, 'e i my everything
( remember my day o! darkne
3ithout unhine or ight to lead the way
7ut a whiper o! 'i voice o!tly calling
-o the arm o! my *aker to tay
'e i my reaon !or living,
)h 'e i the king o! all king
( long to be 'i poeion,
)h, 'e i my everything
A!ter the lighting and thunder
A!ter the lat bell ha rung
( want to bow down be!ore 'im
And hear 'im ay well done
'e i my reaon !or living
)h 'e i the king o! all king
( long to be 'i poeion
)h, 'e i my everything
7leed be the 0ord God almighty
3ho wa and i and i to come
7leed be the 0ord God almighty
3ho reign !or evermore
-hink about 'i love, think about 'i
-hink baout 'i grace that brought u through
<or a high a the heaven above
+o great i the meaure o! our <ather# love
Great i the meaure o! our <ather# love
'e -ouched *e
+hackled by a heavy burden
:eed the 0ord again and hame
-hen the hand o! Jeu touched me
And now ( am no longer the ame
<or 'e touched me, 'e touched me
'e touched me and what a wonder!ul /oy
3hat wonder!ul /oy that !ood my oul
+omething happened and now ( know
'e touched me and made me whole
)h ince ( met thi bleed +avior
And ince he cleaned and me me whole
)h ( never ceae, never ceae to prie 'im
(#ll hout it while eternity roll
)h 'e touched me, oh 'e touched me
And oh what a /oy that !lood my oul
+omething happened and now ( know
'e touched me and made me whole
( love you more than any other
8ou are more than li!e to me
.oming oon, Jeu in all 'i glory
:ot /ut a aviour, but the reigning king
.oming oon and the whole world will be a
Jut be ready, !or 'e i coming oon
(t i no ecret, what God can do
3hat 'e# done !or other, 'e#ll do !or you
3ith arm wide open, 'e#ll pardon you
(t i no ecret, what God can do
3hen 'e reached down 'i hand !or me
3hen 'e reached down 'i hand !or me
( wa lot and undone, without God or 'i
3hen 'e reached down 'i hand !or me
.hange my heart, ) God, make it ever true
.hange my heart, ) God, may ( be like you
8ou are the potter, ( am the clay
*ould me and make me, thi i what ( pray
.hange my heart, ) God, make it ever true
.hange my heart, ) God, may ( be like you
All ( want i more o! you
All ( want i more o! you
:othing ( deire 0ord, but more o! you
All ( want i more o! you
All ( want i more o! Jeu
:othing ( deire 0ord, but more o! you
*ore o! you, Jeu ( am thirty
3on#t you come and !ill me
>arthly thing have le!t me dry
)nly 8ou can ati!y
All ( want i more o! you
'oline, holine i what ( long !or
'oline i what ( need
'oline, holine i what 8ou want !rom me
'oline, holine i what ( long !or
'oline i what ( need
'oline, holine i what 8ou want !rom me
-ake my heart and !orm it
-ake my mind, tran!orm it
-o your, to your, ) 0ord
7rokenne, brokenne i what ( long !or
7rokenne i what ( need
7rokenne, brokenne i what 8ou want
!rom me
7rokenne, brokenne i what ( long !or
7rokenne i what ( need
7rokenne, brokenne i what 8ou want
!rom me
-ake my heart and !orm it
-ake my mind, tran!orm it
-o your, to your, ) 0ord
(! you can ue anything 0ord, you can ue me
(! you can ue anything 0ord, you can ue me
-ake my hand, 0ord, and my !eet
-ouch my heart, 0ord, peak through me
(! you can ue anything 0ord, you can ue me
*y Jeu, my +aviour, 0ord there i none like
All o! my day, ( want to praie
-he wonder o! your mighty love
*y com!ort, my helter
-ower o! re!uge and trength
0et every breath, all that ( am
:ever ceae to worhip you
+hout to the 0ord all the earth, let u ing
?ower and ma/ety, praie to the 1ing
*ountain bow down and all the ea will
At the ound o! your name
( ing !or /oy at the work o! your hand
<orever, (#ll love 8ou, !orever (#ll tand
:othing compare to the promie ( have in
8ou are the God who healeth
8ou are the God my healer
8ou ent your word and healed my dieae
8ou are the 0ord my healer
8ou are e9alted 0ord above all ele
3e place you in the highet place, above all
Cight now where we#re tanding, everywhere
we go
3e place you in the highet place
+o the world will know
8ou are a mighty warrior, dreed in armour
o! light
.ruhing the deed o! darkne
0ead u all in the !ight
-hrough the blood o! Jeu,brM 2ictoriou we
3e place you in the highet place
Above all ele in thi land
8ou are a mighty 0ord above all ele AAA
-hi i holy ground
3e#re tanding on holy ground
<or the 0ord i here, and where 'e i, i holy
-hi i holy ground
3e#re tanding on holy ground
<or the 0ord i here, and where 'e i, i holy
+earch me )h God, and know my heart today
-ry me ) +aviour, know my thought ( pray
+ee i! there be ome wicked way in me
.leane me !rom every in and et me !ree
?raie the name o! Jeu
?raie the name o! Jeu
'e# my rock, 'e# my !ortre, 'e# my
(n 'im will ( trut, praie the name o! Jeu
-hank you Jeu, thank you Jeu, thank you
-hank you Jeu, thank you Jeu, thank you
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
0ord we love 8ou, 0ord we love 8ou
0ord we love 8ou, 0ord we love 8ou
0ord we love 8ou, 0ord we love 8ou
0ord we love 8ou, 0ord we love 8ou
+tanding omewhere in the hadow
3e#ll !ind Jeu
'e# the only one, who care and undertand
+tanding omewhere in the hadow
3e will !ind 'im
And we#ll know 'im by the nailprint in 'i
( hall know Jeu, ( hall know 'im
7y the print o! the nail in 'i hand
( hall know Jeu, ( hall know 'im
7y the print o! the nail in 'i hand
-urn your eye upon Jeu
0ook !ull in 'o wonder!ul !ace
And the thing o! thi world will go trangely
(n the light o! 'i glory and grace
)h how 'e love you and me
)h how 'e love you and me
'e gave 'i li!we, what more could 'e give
)h how 'e love you, oh how 'e love me
)h how 'e love you and me
'e# all ( need, 'e# all ( need
Jeu i all ( need
'e# all ( need, 'e# all ( need
Jeu i all ( need
'e# all you need, 'e# all you need
Jeu i all you need
'e# all you need, 'e# all you need
Jeu i all you need
'e# all we need, 'e# all we need
Jeu i all we need
'e# all we need, 'e# all we need
Jeu i all we need
+hine on me, hine on me
0et the light !rom the lighthoue, hine on me
+hine on me, hine on me
0et the light !rom the lighthoue, hine on me
-here# no one, no one like Jeu
-here# no one, no one like Jeu
3ho would die !or me, /ut to et my pirit
-here# no one, no one like Jeu
Jeu, name above all name
7eauti!ul +aviour, gloriou 0ord
>mmanuel, God i with u, bleed redeemer
0iving word
Ceign Jeu, reign, reign Jeu reign
1ing o! 6ion, Judah# 0ion
Ceign Jeu reign
7e magni!ied, ) 0ord, 8ou are highly e9alted
And there i nothing 8ou can#t do, ) 0ord
*y eye are on 8ou, be magni!ied, ) 0ord
7e magni!ied
(n moment like thee, ( ing out a ong
+ing out a love ong to Jeu
(n moment like thee, ( ing out a ong
+ing out a love ong to 8ou
+inging ( love 8ou 0ord
+inging ( love 8ou 0ord
+inging ( love 8ou 0ord
( love 8ou
(n moment like thee, ( li!t up my hand
0i!t up my hand to Jeu
(n moment like thee, ( li!t up my hand
0i!t up my hand to Jeu
+inging ( love 8ou 0ord
+inging ( love 8ou 0ord
+inging ( love 8ou 0ord
( love 8ou
Jeu never !ail, Jeu never !ail
8ou might a well get thee behind me +atan
8ou cannot prevail, !or Jeu never !ail
Ceach out and touch omebody# hand
*ake thi world a better palce, i! you can
Ceach out and touch omebody# hand
*ake thi world a better palce, i! you can
'ooked on Jeu 'e i my +aviour,
'ooked on Jeu heF my !riend
'ooked on Jeu
'ow ( long
'ooked on Jeu to the very end
(Fm hooked on Jeu to the very end
(#ve never aid a prayer, 'e couldn#t anwer
(#ve never hed a tear, 'e could not dry
And when the wave o! li!e
Are o high you can#t mount them
'e will roll me over the tide
3hen ( look back and ee
3here Jeu brought me !rom
(t# been a mighty long way
<rom where ( ued to be
<or my oul, my oul wa lot
(n in and miery
7ut ( ing thi ong
<or ( know where Jeu brought me !rom
.over me, cover me
>9tend thy border o! they amntel over me
7ecaue -hou art my !airet kingman
.over me, cover me
Jut want to tell you
'ow thank!ul !or all that you have done
<or the tar and the moonlight, and the
etting un
<or when my work on earth i through
(#m coming to be with you
Jut want to tell you how (#m thank!ul !or all
3e worhip and adore 8ou
7owing down be!ore 8ou
+ong o! praie inging, hallelu/ah ringing
'allelu/ah,brM 'allelu/ah,brM 'allelu/ah,brM
+omeone i praying !or you
+omeone i praying !or you
3hen it eem you#re all alone
And your heart would break in two
Cemember omeone i praying !or you
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate 8ou
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate 8ou
( love 8ou, ( adore 8ou, ( bow down be!ore
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate 8ou
+on o! God, ( magni!y 8ou
+on o! God, ( magni!y 8ou
( love 8ou, ( adore 8ou, ( bow down be!ore
+on o! God, ( magni!y 8ou
Jeu in my li!e make all 4the5 di!!erence
Jeu in my li!e 'e change all
3hen it eem all hope are gone
And there# no need to carry on
Jeu make the di!!erence in my li!e
)nly believe, only believe
All thing are poible, only believe
)nly believe, only believe
All thing are poible, only believe
.ome /ut a you are, hear the pirit call
.ome /ut a you are, come and ee, come
.ome and live !orever
0i!e everlating, trength !or today
-ate the living water, and never thirt again
.ome /ut a you are
'ear the pirit call
+how me your way that ( may walk with you
+how me your way ( put my trut in you
-he cry o! my heart i to love you more
-o love with the touch o! your hand
+tronger each day, how me your way
+atan i real, working in pirit
8ou can !eel him and hear him
(n thi world every day
+atan i real, working in power
'e will tempt you and lead you atray
(n 'i preence, there# !ullne o! /oy
At 'i right hand, pleaure !or evermore
)h, what !ellowhip divine
(n the preence o! the 0ord there# !ullne o!
<or you ( am praying
<or you ( am praying
<or you ( am praying
(#m praying !or you
-here i balm in Gilead
-o heal the in ick oul
-here i balm in Gilead
-o heal the wounded oul
)h come let u adore 'im
)h come let u adore 'im
)h come let u adore 'im
.hrit the 0ord
<or 'e alone i worthy
<or 'e alone i worthy
<or 'e alone i worthy
.hrit the 0ord
3e give 'im all the glory
3e give 'im all the glory
3e give 'im all the glory
.hrit the 0ord
3eFll praie 'i :ame !orever
3eFll praie 'i :ame !orever
3eFll praie 'i :ame !orever
.hrit the 0ord
3e bow in adoration
3e bow in adoration
3e bow in adoration
to .hrit the 0ord
0et there be love hared among u
0et there be love in our eye
*ay now your love weep thi nation
.aue u ) 0ord to arie
Give u a !reh undertanding
)! brotherly love that i real
0et there be love hared among u
0et there be love
0ord, ( want to know more o! 8ou
0ord, ( want to know o much more o! 8ou
A a hart long !or the !lowing tream
+o my heart long !or 8ou
Ceveal yourel!, lead me into knowing more
o! 8ou
Alleluia, Alleluia !or the 0ord God almighty
Alleluia, Alleluia !or the 0ord God almighty
Alleluia, holy, holy are you 0ord God
3orthy i the lamb, worthy i the lamb
8ou are holy, holy are you 0ord God
3orthy i the lamb, worthy i the lamb, amen
7ehold 'e come, riding on the cloud
+hining like the un, at the trumpet call
0i!t your voice, it# the year o! Jubilee
And out o! 6ion# hill, alvation come
<ire !ire !ire
3hen the oul caught !ire
3hen the oul caught !ire
(t burn carnal nature
Alleluia what a aviour
3hen the oul
3hen the oul caught !ire
+ome !olk may ak me
+ome !olk may ay
3ho i thi Jeu
8ou talk about every day=
'e i my +aviour
And 'e et me !ree@
:ow liten and (#ll tell you
3hat 'e mean to meAAA
'e i my everything
'e i my all
'e i my everything
7oth great and mall
'e made my li!e complete 4)C 'e gave 'i
li!e !or me5
*ade everything new
'e i my everything
:ow how about you=
.ome, now i the time to worhip
.ome, now i the time to give your heart
.ome, /ut a you are to worhip
.ome, /ut a you are be!ore your God
)ne day every tongue will con!e you are
)ne day every knee will bow
+till the greatet treaure remain !or thoe
3ho gladly chooe you now
Jeu on the telephone
-ell 'im what you need
-ell him what you need
-ell 'im what you need
Jeu on the telephone
-ell 'im what you need
-ell him what you need right now
+ome want ilver
+ome want gold
7ut ( want Jeu in my oul
Jeu on the telephone
-ell 'im what you need
-ell him what you need right now
(! .hritF in the veel
3e can mile at the torm
+mile at the torm
+mile at the torm
(! .hritF in the veel
3e can mile at the torm
A we go ailing home
+ailing, ailing home
+ailing, ailing home
(! .hritF in the veel
3e can mile at the torm
A we go ailing home
*y 0ord i living today
*y 0ord i living today
'e i in the treet
'e i in thi place
*y 0ord i living today
( mut have the +avior with me
<or ( dare not goHwalk alone
( mut !eel 'i preence near me
And 'i arm around me thrown
-hen my oul hall !ear no ill, !ear no ill
0et 'im lead me where 'e will, where 'e
( will go without a murmur
And 'i !oottep !ollow till
0et u greet omebody in Jeu name
tell them that you love them in Jeu name
>verybody mile, Jeu love you
>verybody mile, Jeu love you
7eloved, let u love one another
!or love i o! God
and every one that loveth i born o! God, and
knoweth God
'e that loveth not, knoweth not God
<or God i love
7eloved, let u love one another
( am redeemed, bought with a price
Jeu ha aved my whole li!e
(! anybody ak you /ut who ( am, -ell them
( am redeemed
*ighty i our God
*ighty i our 1ing
*ighty i our 0ord
'e# the Culer o! ev#rything
'i name i higher
'igher than any other name
'i pow#r i greater
<or 'e ha created everything, oh everything
+ing glory
Glory to our God
Glory to our 1ing
Glory to our 0ord
<or 'e# the Culer o! ev#rything
'i name i higher
'igher than any other name
'i pow#r i greater
<or 'e ha created everything, oh everything
'ow e9cellent i 8our name, )h 0ord
'ow e9cellent i 8our name, )h 0ord
'ow e9cellent i 8our name
'ow e9cellent i 8our name
'ow e9cellent i 8our name, )h 0ord
4then with wonder!ul, marvellou, gloriou,
mighty etc5
0et u arie and hine, !or the light ha come
0et u arie and hine, !or the light ha come
0et u arie and hine in the arm o! God
0et u arie and hine, !or the light ha come
0et u arie and hine and praie to our God
A coveneant keeping God
-here i none like you
Alpha, )mega God
-here i no god like you
*y home i in 'eaven
Jut waiting !or me
And when ( reach -hee
'ow happy (#ll be
*y home i in 'eaven
:o rent to pay
<or Jeu paid it
?aid it all !or me
( am redeemed but not with ilver
( am redeemed but not with gold
( am redeemed by the blood o! Jeu
-hat !low !rom .alvary
(! you mi me, don#t come earching
(! you can#t !ind me, you#ll know (#m gone
(! you don#t hear !rom me, don#t come
knocking on my door
(#ll be gone in the twinkling o! an eye
( wih omebody oul woulda ketcha !ire
1etcha !ire, ketcha !ire
( wih omebody oul woulda ketcha !ire
7un dem wid de 'oly Ghot
7un dem
7un dem wid de 'oly Ghot
7un dem
7un dem wid de 'oly Ghot
-hen my oul hall !ear no ill
0et 'im lead me where 'e will
( will go without a murmer
And 'i !oottep !ollow till
( am redeemed
3ahed in 'i blood
Jeu ha changed my whole li!e
(! anybody ak you /ut who ( am
-ell them ( am redeemed
*y in are taken away
*y in are taken away
+inging glory to 'i name
.hrit i coming back again
*y in are taken away, praie the 0ord
0et 8our living water !low over my oul
0et 8our 'oly +pirit come and take control
)! every ituation that ha troubled my mind
All my care and burden on to 8ou ( roll
Jeu, Jeu, Jeu
<ather, <ather, <ather
+pirit, +pirit, +pirit
.ome now, 'oly +pirit, and take control
'old me in 8our loving arm and make me
3ipe away all doubt and !ear and take my
&raw me to 8our love and keep me by 8our
Give your li!e to Jeu, let 'im !ill your oul
0et 'im take you in 'i arm and make you
A you give your li!e to 'im 'e#ll et you
8ou will live and reign with 'im eternally
Jeu, 8ou#re my !irm !oundation
( know ( can tand ecure
Jeu, 8ou#re my !irm !oundation
( put my hope in your holy word
( put my hope in your holy word
( have a living hope
( have a !uture
God ha a plan !or me
)! thi (#m ure
)! thi (#m ure
8ou#re word i !aith!ul
*ighty with power
God will deliver me
)! thi (#m ure
)! thi (#m ure
8ou#re my !irm !oundation 8ou#re the rock o!
my alvation 8ou#re my !irm !oundation
0ord rend the heaven
Cain down on u now
-hat the mountain might hake
A 8our glory come down
3e#ve heard o! 8our wonder
8our work and 8our way
3e#re deperate !or 8ou 0ord
-o move in our day
*ove +pirit move
*ove +pirit move
*ove in u among u
-ouch the world through u
3ithout 8ou we can#t !ind our way
*ove +pirit move today
Jeu we need 8ou
*uch more than we know
(! we don#t have 8ou
-here where can we go
3e#re anticipating all that 8ou#ll do
-urn to our cry 0ord
3e#re turning to 8ou
*ove 'oly +pirit we#re waiting on 8ou
*ove 'oly +pirit we#re waiting on 8ou
*ove 'oly +pirit we#re waiting on 8ou
<ill our heart !ill our mind +pirit move
*ove +pirit move
*ove +pirit move
*ove in u among u
-ouch the world through u
3ithout 8ou we can#t !ind our way
*ove +pirit move
*ove +pirit move today
*ove +pirit move
*ove +pirit move
-here i none holy a the 0ord
-here i none beide -hee
:either i there any Cock like our God
-here i none holy a the 0ord
Cooted and grounded in the name o! the 0ord
Cooted and grounded in 'i holy name
And i! you want to go to 'eaven
8ou mut be rooted and grounded
Cooted and grounded in the name o! the 0ord
( am on the mountain and ( won#t come down
( am on the mountain and ( won#t come down
( am on the mountain and ( won#t come down
3hy donFt you pray !or me
8ou pray !or me and ( pray !or you
8ou pray !or me and ( pray !or you
8ou pray !or me and ( pray !or you
3hy donFt you pray !or me
( donFt know what you !eel, but ( know the
!ire i hot
( donFt know what you !eel, but ( know the
!ire i hot
( donFt know what you !eel, but ( know the
!ire i hot
( !eel like Jeremiah, ( !eel like Jeremiah
<ire in my bone@
0ord (Fm running, trying to make a hundred
:inetyBnine and a hal! wont do
(t wonFt do, !or you
:inetyBnine and a hal! wonFt do
.yrene, the man o! .yrene
.yrene the man o! .yrene
<or mi Jeu carried di cro >ighty and -wo
da da da da
( am a .
( am a .A'
( am a .A'ACA(A+A-A(AAA:
And ( have .A'ACA(A+A-
(n my 'A>AAACA-
And ( will 0A(A2A>AA>A-A>ACA:AAA0A0A8
Get a new look !rom the old book, get a new
look !rom the 7ible
Get an inward look, an upward look
An outward look !rom the old, old book
Get a new look !rom the old book, get a new
look !rom God# 3ord
( am redeemed bought with a price, Jeu ha
changed my whole li!e
(! anybody ak you /ut who ( am, tell them (
am redeemed
'e i my everything, 'e i my all
'e i my everything both great and mall
'e gave 'i li!e !or me 'e made everything
'e i my everything, how about you =
0et the redeemed o! the 0ord ay o@
0et the redeemed o! the 0ord ay o@
0et the redeemed o! the 0ord ay o@
(#m redeemed@ (#m redeemed@ ?raie the 0ord@
0et the redeemed o! the 0ord ay o 4rept P,5
(Fm redeemed, (Fm redeemed
?raie the 0ord
>nemy# .amp
3ell ( went to the enemy# camp and (
-ook back what he tole !rom me
-ook back what he tole !rom me
-ook back what he tole !rom me
3ell ( went to the enemy# camp and (
-ook back what he tole !rom me
'e# under my !eet
'e# under my !eet
'e# under my !eet
'e# under my !eet
'e# under my !eet
'e# under my !eet
+atan i under my !eetA
0ook what the 0ord ha done
0ook what the 0ord ha done
0ook what the 0ord ha done
'e healed my body
'e cleaned my mind
'e aved me /ut in time
)h (#m gonna praie 'i :ame
>ach day i /ut the ame
.ome on and praie 'im
0ook what the 0ord ha doneA
725 'orshi( ) m% *ou+
3orhip o my oul,
there i a higher place o! praie
3hen my heart i overwhelmed,
( will li!t my voice
-here i a higher place o! praie,
-o detroy the yoke today
( chooe to worhip,
worhip ) my oul
<or our 0ord God Almighty reign
Alleluia, Alleluia
<or our 0ord God Almighty reign
Alleluia, 'oly, 'oly
Are 8ou 0ord God Almighty
3orthy i the 0amb
3orthy i the 0amb
8ou are 'oly
'oly are 8ou 0ord God Almighty
3orthy i the 0amb
3orthy i the 0amb
Jeu i here right now
Jeu i here right now
'e i here to meet your need, to et the
captive !ree
Jeu i here right now
(#m trading my orrow, (#m trading my pain
(#m laying them down !or the /oy o! the 0ord
(#m trading my ickne, (#m trading my
(#m laying them down !or the /oy o! the 0ord
8e 0ord, 8e 0ord 8e 8e 0ord
8e 0ord, 8e 0ord 8e 8e 0ord
8e 0ord, 8e 0ord 8e 8e 0ord
3e li!t our hand in the anctuary
3e li!t our hand to give you the glory
3e li!t our hand to give you the praie
And we will praie you !or the ret o! our
8e, and we will praie you !or the ret o! our
3e 7ring acri!ice o! praie into the houe o!
the lord 4Cept5
And we o!!er unto you the acri!ice o!
And we o!!er unto you the acri!ice o! /oy
731 Come +ets magi!% the ,ord
.ome let magni!y the 0ord
<or he i worthy to be praied 4rept5

'oanna 7leed be the rock,
7leed be the rock o! my +alvation, 4rept5
3hen ( think about Jeu and what heF done
!or me
3hen ( think about Jeu and how he et me
(Fm gonna /ump, /ump, /ump, /ump, /ump,
/ump, /ump all night @
( !eel like running, kipping, praie the 0ord
<or what he ha done !or me he ha et my
pirit !ree
( !eel like running, kipping, praie the 0ord
<or what he ha done !or me
( !eel like preing,
( !eel like preing
( !eel like preing my way
(Fm on my way to the 1ingdom
And ( !eel like preing my way
+ing ?raie unto God ing praie 4rept5
+ing ?raie unto God ing praie 4rept5
<or God i a 1ing over all the earth +ing
praie unto him with undertanding
+o clap you hand and hout all ye people,
<or he i to be praied,
-o be praiedA
)pen the >ye o! my heart 0ord
)pen the eye o! my heart
( want to ee you 4reptA5
+ee you high and li!ted up
+hining with the light o! your glory
?our out your power and love
A we ing holy, holy, holy
'oly, holy, holy
( want to ee you
'ear thee praie !rom a grate!ul heart
>ach time ( think o! you the praie tart
( love you o much, Jeu, ( love you o much
0ord ( love you, my oul ing
(n your preence carried on your wing
( love you o much, Jeu, ( love you o much
:ow my oul, long !or you
0ong to worhip you !orever
(n your power and ma/ety
( li!t my hand, ( li!t my heart
( li!t my voice toward the heaven
<or you are my word and hield
( have made you too mall in my li!e
) lord !orgive me
And ( have believed in a lie
-hat you are unable to help me
7ut now o lord ( ee my wrong
'eal my heart and how yourel! trong
And with my li!e and with my ong
) lord be magni!ied
) lord be magni!ied
8ou are highly e9alted
And there i nothing
8ou can#t do
) lord my eye are on you
7e magni!ied, ) lord be magni!ied
( have leaned on the widom o! man
) 0ord !orgive me
And ( have reponded to them intead o! your
light and your mercy
7ut now o lord ( ee my wrong
'eal my heart and how yourel! trong
And with my li!e and with my voice
) 0ord be magni!ied, ) 0ord be magni!ied
A little talk with Jeu make it right
A little talk with Jeu make it right, all
A little talk with Jeu make it right, all
(n trial o! ev#ry kind, praie God, ( alway
A little talk with Jeu make it right, all rightA
'ere ( am waiting
Abide in me ( pray
'ere ( am longing !or you
'ide me in your love bring me to my knee
*ay ( know Jeu more and more
.ome live in me
All my li!e, take over
.ome breathe in me
And ( will rie on eagle# wing
-hi i the air ( breathe 4Cept5
8our holy preence
0iving in me
-hi i my daily bread 4Cept5
8our holy word !lowing through me
And ( am deperate !or you
And ( am lot without you
&raw me cloe to you, :ever let me go
( lay it all down again
-o hear you ay that (Fm your !riend
8ou are my deire, :o one ele will do
:othing ele could take your place
-o !eel the warmth o! your embrace
'elp me !ind the way, 7ring me back to you
8ouFre all ( want
8ouFre all (Fve ever needed
8ouFre all ( want
'elp me know you are near
-o 3orhip you ( live
0ord ( come to you
0et my heart be changed renewed
<lowing !rom the grace that ( !ound in you
0ord (#ve come to know
-he weaknee ( ee in me
3ill be wept away by the power o! your love
'old me cloe let your love urround me
7ring me nearO draw me to your ide
And a ( wait (#ll rie up like the eagle
And ( will oar with youO
your pirit lead me on
7y the power o! your love
0ord unveil my eye
0et me ee you !ace to !ace
-he knowledge o! your love
A you live in me
0ord renew my mind
A your will un!old in my li!e
(n living everyday by the power o! your love
)nly 8ou are 'oly
)nly 8ou are holy
)nly you are worthy
)nly you are wonder!ul

<or thereF no one ele like you 3ho i
!aith!ul, ever true
All my love, my heart, my li!e, i a tetimonyA
744 Alpha and )mega
8ou are alpha and omega
3e worhip you alone
8ou are worthy to be praied
4Cept vere5
3e give you all the glory
3e worhip you alone
8ou are worthy to be praied
745 Bo- .o-
7ow down and worhip 'im,
3orhip 'im
)h, worhip 'im
7ow down and worhip 'im
>nter in, )h, enter in
746 /gus .ei
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
<or the 0ord God almighty reign
'allelu/ah, hallelu/ah
<or the 0ord God almighty reign
'oly, 'oly
Are you lord God Almighty
'oly, 'oly
747 'e've "ome this !ar b% !aith
3e#ve come thi !ar by !aith
0eaning on the 0ord
-ruting in 'i holy word
'e never !ail me yet
)h, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
:o turning around
3e#ve come thi !ar by !aith
Cepeat 2ere 1Q
( will trut in the 0ord 4935
-ill ( die
( will trut in the 0ord 4935
-ill ( die
(#m gonna tay on the battle !ield 4935
-ill ( die
(#m gonna tay on the battle !ield 4935
-ill ( die
(#m gonna treat everybody right 4935
-ill ( die
(#m gonna treat everybody right 4935
-ill ( die
74$ -he ?reence o! the 0ord i 'ere
-he preence o! the 0ord i here,
-he preence o! the 0ord i here,
( !eel it in the atmophere,
-he preence o! the 0ord i here,
-he preence o! the 0ord i hereA
-he pirit o! the 0ord i here,
-he pirit o! the 0ord i here,
( !eel it in the atmophere,
-he pirit o! the 0ord i here,
-he pirit o! the 0ord i hereA
-he power o! the 0ord i here,
-he power o! the 0ord i here,
( !eel it in the atmophere,
-he power o! the 0ord i here,
-he power o! the 0ord i hereA
>verybody blow the trumpet,
And ound the alarm,
7ecaue the 0ord i in the temple,
0et everybody bow,
0et all the people praie 'im now,
-he 0ord i here@
A bleing !rom the 0ord i here,
A bleing !rom the 0ord i here,
( !eel it in the atmophere,
A bleing !rom the 0ord i here,
A bleing !rom the 0ord i hereA
>verybody blow the trumpet,
And ound the alarm,
7ecaue the 0ord i in the temple,
0et everybody bow,
0et all the people praie 'im now,
-he 0ord i here@
( can !eel the preence o! the 0ord,
And (#m gonna get my bleing right nowA
-he preence o! the 0ord i here
749 .elebrate Jeu .elebrate
.elebrate Jeu celebrate
.elebrate Jeu celebrate
.elebrate Jeu celebrate
.elebrate Jeu celebrate
'e i rien 'e i rien
And 'e live !orevermore
'e i rien 'e i rien
.ome on and celebrate
.ome on and celebrate
.ome on and celebrate
-he reurrection o! our 0ord
750 I /m a 0ried o! God
3ho am ( that 8ou are mind!ul o! me
-hat 8ou hear me when ( call
( it true that 8ou are thinking o! me
'ow 8ou love me it# amaEing
( am a !riend o! God
( am a !riend o! God
( am a !riend o! God
'e call me !riend
God Almighty, 0ord o! Glory
8ou have called me !riend
751 I am ot !orgotte
( am not !orgotten, ( am not !orgotten
( am not !orgotten, God know my name
( am not !orgotten, ( am not !orgotten
( am not !orgotten, God know my name
'e know my name
( am not !orgotten, ( am not !orgotten
( am not !orgotten, God know my name
( am not !orgotten, ( am not !orgotten
( am not !orgotten, God know my name
'e know my name
'e know my name
0ight over darkne
+trength over weakne
Joy over adne
'e know my name 4'e know my name5
<ather to the !atherle
<riend to the !riendle
'ope !or the 'opele
'e know my name 4'e know my name5
)oh, oh oh, ( will praie you, ( will praie you
( am !ear!ully and wonder!ully made
752 1esus 2here is somethig about that
Jeu, Jeu, Jeu
-here# /ut omething about that name
*ater, +avior, Jeu
0ike the !ragrance a!ter the rain
Jeu, Jeu, Jeu
0et all 'eaven and >arth proclaim
1ing and kingdom
3ill all pa away
7ut there# omething about that :ameA
753 3raise Is 'hat I do
?raie ( 3hat ( do
3hen ( wanna be cloe to you
( li!t my hand in ?raie
?raie i who ( am
( will praie him while ( can
(#ll ble him at all time
And ( vow to praie you
-hrough the good and the bad
(#ll praie you
3hether happy or ad
(#ll ?raie you
(n all that ( go through
7ecaue praie i what ( do
.aue ( owe it all to you
2ere ,
?raie i what ( do
>ven when (#m going through
(#ve learned to worhip you
:o my circumtance
&oenFt even tand a chance
*y praie outweigh my pat
.aue ( owe it all to youA
?raie i what ( do AAAAAAAAAAA(t what ( do
?raie i what ( do AAAAAAAAAAA(t what ( do
?raie i what ( doAAAAAAAAAAAA(t what ( do
praie i what ( doAAAAAAAAAAAA(t what ( do
754 4ou /re God /+oe
8ou Are God Alone
8ou are not a god
.reated by human hand
8ou are not a god
&ependant on any mortal man
8ou are not a god
(n need o! anything we can give
7y 8our plan, thatF /ut the way it i
8ou are God alone
<rom be!ore time began
8ou were on 8our throne
8our are God alone
And right now
(n the good time and bad
8ou are on 8our throne
8ou are God alone
8ouFre the only God
3hoe power none can contend
8ouFre the only God
3hoe name and praie will never end
8ouFre the only God
3hoF worthy o! everything we can give
8ou are God
And thatF /ut the way it i
Cepeat .horu
-hatF what 8ou are
755 4ou are Great
8ou deerve the glory and the honor,
( li!t my hand in worhip and ( ble 8our
'oly nameA
8ou deerve the glory and the honor,
( li!t my hand in worhip and ( ble 8our
'oly nameA
8ou are great, 8ou do miracleA
+o great, there i no one ele like 8ou,
there i no one ele like 8ouA
8ou are great, 8ou do miracleA
+o great, there i no one ele like 8ou,
there i no one eleA
-here i no one ele like 8ou
Cepeat 7ridge
Cepeat .horu
Cepeat 7ridge )ut
756 I Give 5%se+! /-a%
( give myel! away
( give myel! away
+o 8ou can ue me
( give myel! away
( give myel! away
+o 8ou can ue me
2ere 1Q
'ere ( am
'ere ( tand
0ord, my li!e i in your hand
0ord, (Fm longing to ee
8our deire revealed in me
( give myel! away
2ere ,Q
-ake my heart
-ake my li!e
A a living acri!ice
All my dream all my plan
0ord ( place them in your hand
*y li!e i not my own
-o you ( belong
( give myel!, ( give myel! to you
757 ,et 2he 'orshi((ers /rise
<ather ( ee that you are drawing a line in the
And ( want to be tanding on your ide,
holding your hand
+o let your kingdom come, let it live in me
-hi i my prayer, thi i my plea
<ather ( ee that you are drawing a line in the
And ( want to be tanding on your ide,
holding your hand
+o let your kingdom come, let it live in me
-hi i my prayer, thi i my plea
0et the worhipper arie
0et the on and the daughter ing
( urrender in my all
( urrender to the 1ing
0et the worhipper arie
0et the on and the daughter ing
( urrender in my all
( urrender to the 1ing
<ather ( hear it growing louder
-he ong o! your redeemed
A the aint o! every nation
Are awakening to ing
<rom our heart there come an anthem
)h, hear the heaven ring
-hi i our ong, a ong to our 1ing@
L.horuQI L39I
0et the worhipper arie
0et the on and the daughter ing
( urrender in my all
( urrender to the 1ing
758 #ere I am to 'orshi(
0ight o! the world, 8ou tep down into
)pened my eye let me eeA
7eauty that made thi heart adore you hope o!
a li!e pent with youA
And here ( am to worhip,
'ere ( am to bow down,
'ere ( am to ay that you#re my God,
8ou#re altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonder!ul to meA
1ing o! all day,
)h o highly e9alted Gloriou in heaven
'umbly you came to the earth you createdA
All !or love# ake became poorA
'ere ( am to worhip,
'ere ( am to bow down,
'ere ( am to ay that you#re my God,
8ou#re altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonder!ul to meA
(#ll never know how much it cot to ee my
in upon that croA
(#ll never know how much it cot to ee my
in upon that croA
And (#ll never know how much it cot to ee
my in upon that croA
:o (#ll never know how much it cot to e my
in upon that croA
'ere ( am to worhip,
'ere ( am to bow down,
'ere ( am to ay that you#re my God,
8ou#re altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonder!ul to meA
+o 'ere ( am to worhip,
'ere ( am to bow down,
'ere ( am to ay that you#re my God,
Go 759 Go 4e Ito /++ the 'or+d
<ar, !ar away, in death and darkne
*illion o! oul !orever may be lotO
3ho, who will go, alvation# tory telling,
0ooking to Jeu, heeding not the cot=
GAll power i given unto *e,
All power i given unto *e,
Go ye into all the world and preach the
And lo, ( am with you alwayAG
+ee o#er the world wide open door inviting,
+oldier o! .hrit, arie and enter in@
.hritian, awake@ your !orce all uniting,
+end !orth the Gopel, break the chain o! inA
G3hy will you die=G the voice o! God i
G3hy will you die=G reBecho in 'i :ameO
Jeu ha died to ave !rom death appalling,
0i!e and alvation, there!ore go proclaimA
God peed the day, when thoe o! every
GGlory to God@G triumphantly hall ingA
Canomed, redeemed, re/oicing in alvation,
+hout G'allelu/ah, !or the 0ord i 1ingAG
760 Beauti!u+6 beauti!u+
Jeu i beauti!ul
And Jeu make beauti!ul
-hing o! my li!eA
.are!ully touching me
.auing my eye to ee
And Jeu make beauti!ul
-hing o! my li!eA
7eauti!ul, beauti!ul
Jeu i beauti!ul
And Jeu make beauti!ul
-hing o! my li!eA
.are!ully touching me
.auing my eye to ee
And Jeu make beauti!ul
-hing o! my li!eAL3I
761 Be"ause o! 'ho 4ou /re
7ecaue o! who 8ou are, ( give 8ou glory
7ecaue o! who 8ou are, ( give 8ou praie
7ecaue o! who 8ou are, ( will li!e my voice
and ay
0ord ( worhip 8ou, becaue o! who 8ou are
0ord ( worhip 8ou, becaue o! who 8ou are
Jehovah Jireh, my ?rovider
Jehovah :ii, 0ord 8ou reign in victory
Jehovah +halom, my ?rince o! ?eace
And ( worhip 8ou, becaue o! who 8ou are
762 2he 3ra%er
( pray 8ouFll be our eye
And watch u where we go
And help u to be wie
(n time when we donFt know
0et thi be our prayer
3hen we loe our way
0ead u to a place
Guide u with 8our grace
-o a place where weFll be a!e
( pray weFll !ind 8our light
And hold it in our heart
3hen tar go out each night
Cemind u where 8ou are
0et thi be our prayer
3hen hadow !ill our day
)h 0ord, lead u to a place, oh my
Guide u with 8our grace
Give u !aith o weFll be a!e
A world where pain and orrow will be ended
And every heart thatF broken will be mended
And weFll remember we are all GodF
Ceaching out to touch you, reaching to the
3e ak that li!e be kind
And watch u !rom above
3e hope each oul will !ind
Another oul to love
0et thi be our prayer
Jut like every child
:eed to !ind a place
Guide u with 8our grace
Give u !aith o weFll be a!e
763 /+ive6 /+ive
Alive, alive, alive !orevermore
Jeu i alive, alive !orevermore
Alive, alive, alive !orevermore
Jeu i alive
+ing hallelu/ah, ing hallelu/ah
Jeu i alive !orevermore
+ing hallelu/ah, ing hallelu/ah
'e i alive !or evermore
764 /++ )! 5% .a%s
?roclaim 8our aweome power
-ell o! mighty deed
&eclare 8our !uture kingdom
)! ever lating peace
And my eye, they look unto 8ou alway
And ( am captured by 8our ma/ety
All o! my day ( will ing o! 8our greatne
All o! my day ( will peak o! 8our grace
All o! my day ( will tell o! 8our wondrou
8our love in my li!e
8our love
All 8our work will praie 8ou
8our children ble 8our name
3e peak o! all 8our goodne
3e walk in !ield o! grace
7ridgeH .horu
And my eye, they look unto 8ou al way
And ( am captured by 8our ma/ety
8our love in my li!e, 8our love
765 /-a7e ) Israe+
Awake ) (rael, ceae !rom your lumber
And the truth hall et you !ree
<or out o! 6ion come your &eliverer
(n the 8ear o! Jubilee
) hallelu/ah, ) hallelu/ah
'allelu/ah, praie the 0ord
) hallelu/ah, ) hallelu/ah
'allelu/ah, praie the 0ord
)ut o! the !urnace o! much a!!liction
( have choen thee behold
And o !or iron, ( will give ilver
And !or bra (#ll give you gold
-hou art my choen, !or ( have ought thee
-hou art graven on my palm
And ( will gather all thoe (#ve cattered
And return them to their land
766 Aweome God
)ur God
( an aweome God
'e reign
<rom 'eaven above
3ith widom,
?ower and love
)ur God
( an aweome God
767 And -hat *y +oul 1now 2ery 3ell
8ou make your !ace to hine on me
And that my oul know very well
8ou li!t me up, (#m cleaned and !ree
And that my oul know very well
3hen mountain !all, (#ll tand
7y the power o! 8our hand
And in 8our 'eart o! 'eart (#ll dwell
And that my oul know very well
4Cepeat choru5
Joy and trength each day ( !ind
And that my oul know very well
<orgivene, hope, /oy i mine
And that my oul know very well
768 B% 4our *ide
), dear God, we ak !or 8our !avour
.ome and weep through thi place
), we deire 8ou
( /ut want to be with 8ou, be where 8ou are
&well in 8our preence ), God
), ( want to walk with 8ou
And ( will climb thi mountain
And ( tep o!! the hore
And ( have choen to !ollow
And be by 8our ide !orever more
-ell me what 8ou want me to do, 0ord God
-ell me what 8ou want !or my li!e
(t# 8our, ) God it# 8our
&o 8our will, have 8our way
7e 0ord God in thi place
), ( want 8our will to be done
769 I! the ,ord *a%s I'm / B+essig
(! the 0ord ay (#m a bleing then ( am
(! the 0ord ay (#m alt, then ( am
(! the 0ord ay (#m a light
+hining in the world o bright
(! the 0ord ay ( am, then ( am
(! the 0ord ay ( am righteou then ( am
(! the 0ord ay ( am healed then ( am
(! the 0ord ay ( am more
-han a con;ueror in thi world
(! the 0ord ay ( am, then ( am
770 I Give 4ou 5% #eart
-hi i my deire
-o honor you
0ord with all my heart
( worhip you
All ( have within me
( give 8ou praie
All that ( adore i in 8ou
0ord, ( give you my heart
( give you my oul
( live !or 8ou alone
>very breath that ( take
>very moment (#m awake
0ord, have 8our way in meA
Cepeat choru
( give 8ou my heart
( give 8ou my oulA
0ord 8ou Are *ore ?reciou -han +ilver
0ord 8ou are
*ore preciou than ilver
0ord 8ou are
*ore cotly than gold
0ord 8ou are
*ore beauti!ul than diamond
And nothing ( deire
.ompare with 8ou
771 5ore o! 4ou
Jeu ( am thirty
3on#t you come and !ill me=
>arthly thing have le!t me dry
)nly 8ou can ati!y
All ( want i more o! 8ou
All ( want i more o! 8ou
All ( want i more o! 8ou
:othing ( deire, 0ord but more o! 8ou
All ( want i more o! 8ou
All ( want i more o! 8ou
:othing ( deire, 0ord
7ut more o! 8ou
*ore o! 8ou
772 5ore ,ove6 5ore 3o-er
*ore love, more power
*ore o! 8ou in my li!e
*ore love, more power
*ore o! 8ou in my li!e
And ( will worhip 8ou with all o! my heart
And ( will worhip 8ou with all o! my mind
And ( will worhip 8ou with all o! my
<or 8ou are my 0ord 4repeat all o! the above5
And ( will eek 8our !ace with all o! my heart
And ( will eek 8our !ace with all o! my mind
And ( will eek 8our !ace with all o! my
<or 8ou are my 0ord
8ou are my 0ordA
773 3sa+m 113
<rom the riing to the etting o! the un
( the name o! the 0ord to be praied
)h, praie 'im all ye ervant o! the 0ord
?raie 'i holy name
)h praie the name o! the 0ord
7leed be the name o! the 0ord
<rom thi day !orth and !orevermore
)h the 0ord i high above all nation
And 'i glory i above the heaven
)h praie the name o! the 0ord
And who i like unto the 0ord our God
3ho dwelleth on high
3ho humbleth 'imel! to behold the thing
-hat are in heaven and in the earth
<rom the riing to the etting o! the unA A A
<rom the riing to the etting o! the un
774 8e!ier's 0ire
?uri!y my heart
0et me be a gold and preciou ilver
?uri!y my heart
0et me be a gold, pure gold
Ce!iner# !ire
*y heart# one deire
( to be holy
+et apart !or 8ou 0ord
( chooe to be holy
+et apart !or 8ou my mater
Ceady to do your willA
?uri!y my heart
.leane me !rom within and make me holy
?uri!y my heart
.leane me !rom my in deep within
775 2he 3romise *og
)h i! you keep *y word
(#ll make you a a tree
?lanted by the tream o! li!e
(! you#ll ubmit to me
And i! you love the hate!ul one
3ho mitreat you contantly
-he book o! li!e hall bear your name
(! you love your enemie
8e 0ord Jeu, ye 0ord Jeu
8e 0ord Jeu, ye 0ord Jeu
And i! you do my will
(#ll make you living tone
-o build up in *y <ather# houe
(! you erve *e alone
And i! you love all men
>pecially the leat
(#ll raie you up, the lowet one
And make you king and priet
8e 0ord Jeu, ye 0ord Jeu
8e 0ord Jeu, ye 0ord Jeu
And i! you#ll eek my !ace
And et your li!e apart
(#ll let myel! be !ound by you
3hen you earch with all your heart
And i! you never turn aide
-o the le!t or to the right
(#ll be a lamp unto your !eet
And keep you on the path o! light
8e 0ord Jeu, ye 0ord Jeu
8e 0ord Jeu, ye 0ord Jeu

776 2a7e / ,itt+e 2ime
-hank you 0ord
( /ut want to thank you
( /ut want to thank you
-hank you 0ord
( /ut want to thank you
( /ut want to thank you
( /ut want to take a little time right now
-o ay thank you 0ord !or all
8ou#ve done !or me
( /ut want to take a little time right now
-o ay thank you 0ord !or all
8ou#ve done !or me
778 2here 5ust Be 5ore
0ord ( groan, 0ord ( kneel
(#m cryin# out !or omething real
#.aue ( know deep in my oul
-here mut be more
0ord (#m tired, ye (#m weak
( need your power to work in me
7ut ( can#t let go ( keep hanging on
-here mut be more
-here mut be more
-here mut be more
Civer !low, !ire burn
Civer !low, !ire burn
'oly +pirit, breathe on me
'oly +pirit, breathe on me
779 2he% 2hat 'ait 9(o the ,ord
-hey that wait upon the 0ord
+hall renew their trength
-hey hall run and not be weary
-hey hall walk and not !aint
-hey hall mount up with wing like eagle
-hey that wait upon the 0ord
-hey that wait on the 0ord
+hall be a *ount 6ion
3hich hall not be removed
7ut abideth !orever
A the mountain are round about Jerualem
+o the 0ord i around
'i people !orever
0et not the hand o! the wicked
Cet on the righteou
Dnle the righteou put !orth
-heir hand into ini;uity
&o good oh 0ord to them that are good
And unto them
-hat are upright in their heart
780 2rust I 2he ,ord :3roverbs 3;
-rut in the 0ord with all thine heart
And lean not unto thine
)wn undertanding
(n all o! thy way, acknowledge 'im
And 'e will direct
&irect your path
*y on !orget not my law
And let thine heart keep my commandment
<or length o! day and long like and peace
+hall they add unto thee
0et not mercy and truth !orake thee
7ind them on your neck
And write them on your heart
And you hall !ind !avor
(n the ight o! God and in the ight o! man
-rut in the 0ordA A A
7e not wie in thine own eye
<ear the 0ord and depart !rom evil
(t hall be health unto thy navel
And marrow to thy bone
'onor the 0ord with thy ubtance
And with the !irt !ruit o! all thine increae
+o hall thy barn be !ull
And thy pree hall burt with new wine
-rut in the 0ordA A A
781 ,et the -ea7 sa%

0et the weak ay, G( am trongAG
0et the poor ay, G( am richAG
0et the blind ay, G( can eeO
(t# what the 0ord ha done in meAG
'oanna, hoanna to the 0amb that wa lainA
'oanna, hoanna, Jeu died and roe againA
(nto the river ( will wadeA
-here my in are wahed awayA
<rom the heaven mercy tream
)! the +aviour# love !or meA
( will rie !rom water deep
(nto the aving arm o! GodA
( will ing alvation ongO
Jeu .hrit ha et me !reeA
782 4ou /re 5% <ig
(#m !orgiven, becaue 8ou were !oraken
(#m accepted, 8ou were condemned
(#m alive and well, 8our +pirit i within me
7ecaue you died and roe again
AmaEing love, how can it be
-hat 8ou my king would die !or me=
AmaEing love, ( know it# true
And (t# my /oy to honor 8ou
4(n all ( do ( honor 8ou5
8ou are my king, 8ou are my king
Jeu, 8ou are my king,
Jeu, 8ou are my king
783 4ou /re God
8ou are God o! the heaven and God o! the
8ou are God o! our +aviourF virgin birth
8ou were God on the cro and God over hell
8ou were God be!ore man and God when he
8ou, 8ou are
8ou are God
8ou are God, God, God
8ou, 8ou are
8ou are God
8ou are God, God, God
8ou are God in what eem like happentance
8ou are God in every circumtance
8ou are God when we !all and God when we
8ou are God who hold u in 8our hand
784 4ou /re 5% /++ I /++
8ou are my trength when ( am weak
8ou are the treaure that ( eek
8ou are my all in all
+eeking 8ou a a preciou Jewel
0ord, to give up (#d be a !ool
8ou are my all in all
Jeu 0amb o! God
3orthy i 8our name
Jeu 0amb o! God
3orthy i 8our name
-aking my in my cro my hame
Ciing again ( ble your name
8ou are my all in all
3hen ( !all down 8ou li!t me up
3hen ( am dry 8ou !ill my cup
8ou are my all in all
Jeu 0amb o! God
3orthy i 8our name
Jeu 0amb o! God
3orthy i 8our name
785 'he I ,oo7 Ito 4our #o+iess
3hen ( look into your holine
3hen ( gaEe into your loveline
3hen all thing that urround
7ecome hadow in the light o! 8ou
3hen (#ve !ound the /oy o! reaching your
3hen my will become enthralled in your
3hen all thing that urround
7ecome hadow in the light o! 8ou
( worhip 8ou, ( worhip 8ou
-he reaon ( live i to worhip 8ou
( worhip 8ou, ( worhip 8ou
-he reaon ( live i to worhip 8ou
786 'he the *aits Go 5ar"hig I
3e are trav#ling in the !oottep
)! thoe who#ve gone be!ore
And we#ll all be reunited,
)n a new and unlit hore,
)h, when the aint go marching in,
)h, when the aint go marching in
0ord how ( want to be in that number
3hen the aint go marching in
And when the un begin to hine
And when the un begin to hine
0ord, how ( want to be in that number
3hen the un begin to hine
)h, when the trumpet ound it call
)h, when the trumpet ound it call
0ord, how ( want to be in that number
3hen the trumpet ound it call
787 'he 2he *(irit o! 2he ,ord
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll ing like &avid ang
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll ing like &avid ang
(#ll ing, (#ll ing, (#ll ing like &avid ang
(#ll ing, (#ll ing, (#ll ing like &avid ang
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll hout and praie the 0ord
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll hout and praie the 0ord
(#ll hout, (#ll hout, (#ll hout and praie the
(#ll hout, (#ll hout, (#ll hout and praie the
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll clap and praie the 0ord
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll clap and praie the 0ord
(#ll clap, (#ll clap, (#ll clap and praie the 0ord
(#ll clap, (#ll clap, (#ll clap and praie the 0ord
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll dance like &avid danced
3hen the +pirit o! the 0ord move in my
(#ll dance like &avid danced
(#ll dance, (#ll dance, (#ll dance like &avid
(#ll dance, (#ll dance, (#ll dance like &avid
788 2his Is 5% Commadmet

-hi i the day, thi i the day
-hat the 0ord ha made, that the 0ord ha
3e will re/oice, we will re/oice
And be glad in it, and be glad in it
-hi i the day that the 0ord ha made
3e will re/oice and be glad in it
-hi i the day, thi i the day
-hat the 0ord ha madeA
-hi i my commandment that you love one
-hat your /oy may be !ull
-hi i my commandment that you love one
-hat your /oy may be !ull
-hat your /oy may be !ull
-hat your /oy may be !ull
-hi i my commandment that you love one
-hat your /oy may be !ull
789 /"iet )! .a%s
7leing and honor,
glory and power,
be unto the Ancient o! &ayA
<rom every nation,
all o! creation,
bow be!ore the Ancient o! &ayA
>very tongue in heaven and earth,
hall declare 8our glory,
every knee hall bow at 8our throne,
in worhipA
8ou will be e9alted ) God,
and 8our 1ingdom hall not pa awayA
)h Ancient o! &ayA
8our 1ingdom hall reign over all the earth,
ing unto the Ancient o! &ayA
<or none can compare to 8our matchle
ing unto the Ancient o! &ayA

790 B+essed 1esus6 #o+d m% had
7leed Jeu, 'old my hand
0ord ( need thee, every hour
-hrough thi land, pilgrim land
?rotect me, by thy, aving power
'ear my plea, !eeble plea
)h dear 0ord, 0ook down on me
3hen ( kneel in prayer, ( hope to meet you
Jeu hold my hand 8e@
A ( travel through thi land
+eeking a ( go
0ord, itF on to .alvary
-hrough the crimon !low
*any arrow pierce my oul
<rom with out and within
7ut my 0ord lead me on
-o him ( mut cling 4ye@5
790 B+essed 1esus6 #o+d m% had=&ersio 2
A ( travel through thi pilgrim land
-here i a !riend who walk with me
0ead me a!ely thru the inking and
(t i the .hrit o! .alvary
-hi would be my prayer, dear lord, each day
-o help me do the bet ( can
<or ( need thy light to guide me day and night
7leed Jeu, hold my handA
7leed Jeu, hold my hand,
8e, ( need thee every hourA
-hru thi land, thi pilgrim land
7y thy aving powerA
'ear my plea, my !eeble plea,
0ord, dear lord look down on me
3hen ( kneel prayer,
7leed /eu hold my handA
0et me travel in the light divine
-hat ( may ee the bleed wayA
1eep me that ( may be wholly thine
And ing redemptionF ong ome dayA
( will be a oldier brave and true
And ever !irmly take a tand
A ( onward go and daily meet the !oe
7leed Jeu, hold my handA
3hen ( wander thru the valley dim
-oward the etting o! the unA
0ead me a!ely to a land o! ret
(! ( a crown o! li!e have wonA
( have put my !aith in thee, dear lord
-hat ( may reach the golden trandA
-hereF no other !riend on whom i can
7leed Jeu, hold my handA
791 I am boud !or the 3romised ,ad6
( am bound !or the ?romied 0and,
(Fm bound !or the ?romied 0and,
) who will come and go with me,
( am bound !or the ?romied 0and
792 Brig 4e /++ the 2ithes
'ear the word o! cripture !rom the age
R7ring ye all the tithe into the torehoue,S
*ake a conecration that will ever lat,
-ruting !or the promied bleingA
R7ring ye all the tithe into the torehoue,
And prove me now aith the 0ord o! hotO
And ( will pour you out a bleing,
-here hall not be room enough to receive itAS
&o you eek to know the 'oly +piritF
R7ring ye all the tithe into the torehoue,S
0ive in weet communion with 'im hour by
3hile 'e give the promied bleingA
( there aught that tand between you and
your 0ord=
R7ring ye all the tithe into the torehoue,S
7ring them on condition promied in 'i
And 'eFll pour you out a bleingA
0i!t your heart thi momentQ claim 'im 0ord
and 1ingA
A ye bring the tithe into the torehoueA
-rut the bleed promie, and your praie
hall ring,
<rom the heart 'e i poeingA
0et the anthem roll in grandeur throF the
'aving brought the tithe into the torehoueO
Joyou hallelu/ah !rom our heart arie
<or we have the promied bleingA
793 Cout 5e
3hen you count the one who love the 0ord,
.ount me, count me
3hen you count up thoe who trut 'i word,
.ount me, count me
.ount me with the children o! the heavenly
.ount me with the ervant who would
ervice bring,
.ount me with the ranomed who 'i praie
.ount me, count me
3hen you count up thoe whoFre aved by
.ount me, count me
3ho have !ound in .hrit a hiding place,
.ount me, count me
3hen you count up thoe who do the right,
.ount me, count me
3ho are walking in the gopel light,
.ount me, count me
3hen you count up thoe who !orward pre,
.ount me, count me
3ho hall gain the crown o! righteoune,
.ount me, count me
794 God is +ove
RGod i love@ST'i word proclaim it,
&ay by day the truth we proveO
'eavFn and earth with /oy are telling,
>ver telling, RGod i love@S
'allelu/ah@ tell the tory,
+ung by angel choir aboveO
+ounding !orth the mighty choruT
RGod i 0ight, and God i 0ove@S
RGod i love@ST)h, tell it gladly,
'ow the +avior !rom above
.ame to eek and ave the lot one,
+howing thu the <atherF loveA
RGod i love@ST)h, boundle mercyT
*ay we all it !ullne prove@
-elling thoe who it in darkne,
RGod i 0ight, and God i 0ove@S
795 God is ot ma that #e shou+d +ie
God i not a man that 'e hould lie,
neither the +on o! *an that 'e hould repent,
ha 'e aid and hall 'e not do it=
)r ha 'e poken and it not come to pa=
7ehold ( have received commandment to
and 'e ha bleed, and ( cannot revere itA
<or God i not a man that 'e hould lie,
neither the +on o! *an that 'e hould repentA
796 God is so good
God i o good, God i o good,
God i o good, 'e# o good to meA
God anwer prayer, God anwer prayer,
God anwer prayer, 'eF o good to me!
'e care !or me,'e care !or me,
'e care !or me, 'eF o good to me@
'e took my in, 'e took my in,
'e took my in, 'e# o good to meA
:ow ( am !ree, :ow ( am !ree,
:ow ( am !ree,'e# o good to meA
God i o good, 'e took my in,
:ow ( am !ree, 'e# o good to meA
( love 'im o,( love 'im o,
( love 'im o,'eF o good to me@
(Fll do 'i will, (Fll do 'i will,
(Fll do 'i will, 'eF o good to me@
( praie 'i name, ( praie 'i name,
( praie 'i name,'eF o good to me@
( love 'im o, (Fll do 'i will,
( praie 'i name,'eF o good to me@
797 #eave+% 0ather6 I a((re"iate %ou
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate 8ou
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate 8ouA
( love 8ou, adore 8ou,
( bow down be!ore 8ouA
'eavenly <ather, ( appreciate 8ouA
+on o! God, what a wonder 8ou areA
+on o! God, what a wonder 8ou areA
8ou cleaned my oul !rom in,
8ou et the 'oly Ghot withinA
+on o! God, what a wonder 8ou areA
'oly Ghot, what a com!ort 8ou areA
'oly Ghot, what a com!ort 8ou areA
8ou lead u, 8ou guide u,
8ou live right inide uA
'oly Ghot, what a com!ort 8ou areA
798 #e is m% ever%thig
'e i my everything 'e i my all
'e i my everything both great and mall
'e gave 'i li!e !or me made everything new
'e i my everything :ow how about you
0ike honey in the rock
0ike honey in the rock
!or he tate like honey in the rock
)h tate and ee that the 0ord i good
<or he tate like honey in the rockA
799 'e are "+imbig 1a"ob's ,adder
3e are climbing JacobF ladder,
3e are climbing JacobF ladder,
3e are climbing JacobF ladder,
+oldier o! the croA
>very round goe higher, higher,
>very round goe higher, higher,
>very round goe higher, higher,
+oldier o! the croA
+inner, do you love my Jeu=
+inner, do you love my Jeu=
+inner, do you love my Jeu=
+oldier o! the croA
(! you love 'im, why not erve 'im=
(! you love 'im, why not erve 'im=
(! you love 'im, why not erve 'im=
+oldier o! the croA
800 Chage m% heart oh God
.hange my heart oh God
*ake it ever true
.hange my heart oh God
*ay ( be like 8ou
8ou are the potter
( am the clay
*old me and make me
-hi i what ( pray
.hange my heart oh God
*ake it ever true
.hange my heart oh God
*ay ( be like 8ou
801 #ave a +itt+e ta+7 -ith 1esus6
2ere 1Q
( once wa lot in in, but Jeu took me in,
And then a little light !rom heaven !illed my

(t bathed my heart in love and wrote my name
And /ut a little talk with Jeu make me
:ow let u, 'ave a little talk with Jeu,
0et u, tell 'im all about our trouble,
'e will, 'ear our !aintet cry,
And 'e will, anwer by and byO
:ow when you, <eel a little pary#r wheel
And you, know a little !ire i burningA
8ou will, <ind a little talk with Jeu make it
+ometime my path eem drear,without a ray
o! cheer,
And then a cloud o! doubt may hide the light
o! dayO
-he mit o! in may rie and hide the tarry
Jut a little talk with Jeu clear the wayA
( may have doubt and !ear, my eye be
!illed with tear,
7ut Jeu i a !riend who watche day and
( go to m in prayer, 'e know my every care,
And Jut a little talk with Jeu make it rightA
802 Come ,ets 5agig% the ,ord
.ome let# magni!y the 0ord
<or 'e i worthy, to be praied 4CeptA All5
'oannah, bleed be the Cock
7leed be the Cock o! my alvation 4CeptA
803 0aith Is 2he &i"tor%
>ncamped along the hill o! light,
8e .hritian oldier, rieA
And pre the battle ere the night
+hall veil the glowing kieA
Againt the !oe in vale below
0et all our trength be hurledA
<aith i the victory, we know,
-hat overcome the worldA
<aith i the victory@ <aith i the victory@
) gloriou victory, that overcome the worldA
'i banner over u i love,
)ur word the 3ord o! GodA
3e tread the road the aint above
3ith hout o! triumph trodA
7y !aith, they like a whirlwind# breath,
+wept on o#er every !ieldA
-he !aith by which they con;uered death
( till our hining hieldA
)n every hand the !oe we !ind
&rawn up in dread arrayA
0et tent o! eae be le!t behind,
And onward to the !rayA
+alvation# helmet on each head,
3ith truth all girt about,
-he earth hall tremble #neath our tread,
And echo with our houtA
-o him that overcome the !oe,
3hite raiment hall be giv#nA
7e!ore the angel he hall know
'i name con!eed in 'eav#nA
-hen onward !rom the hill o! light,
)ur heart with love a!lame,
3e#ll van;uih all the hot o! night,
(n Jeu# con;u#ring :ameA
804 0i++ 5% Cu( ,%ri"s
<ill my cup, let it over!low 4395,
let it over!low with loveA
0ord, let me be your intrument,
preading unhine in the landO
let men ee your work in meO
help me live the bet ( canA
(t# my deire to live !or -hee,
and to alway walk uprightA
Give me trength to !ace each day,
tay with me through each dark nightA
805 #e /+oe is 'orth%
3ho#d be !ound worthy
(n the heaven or the earth
-o pay the debt o! in !or everyone
3ho could win the victory
)ver death hell and the grave
(t# the 0ion !rom the -ribe o! Judah
Jeu .hrit the +on
'e Alone ( 3orthy
-o worhip and adore
-he 0amb o! God
*y rien 0ord
'e purchaed our redemption
)ur righteoune i 'e
>9alt the name o! Jeu
'e i worthy
Cepeat .horu
806 0or-ard> !or-ard>
<orward@ !orward@ Fti the 0ordF commandO
.hrit, our mighty .aptain, lead againt the
3e will never !alter when 'e bid u goO
-hoF 'i righteou purpoe we may never
8et weFll !ollow all the wayA
<orward@ !orward@ Fti the 0ordF commandO
<orward@ !orward@ to the promied landO
<orward@ !orward@ let the choru ringQ
3e are ure to win with .hrit, our 1ing@
+atanF !ear!ul onlaught cannot make u
3hile we trut in .hrit, our 7uckler and our
?reing ever onTthe +piritF word we
And we !ollow all the wayA
0et our gloriou banner ever be un!urledO
<rom it mighty tronghold evil hall be
.hrit, our mighty .aptain, overcome the
And we !ollow all the wayA
<ierce the battle rageTbut Ftwill not be long,
-hen triumphant, hall we /oin the bleUd
Joy!ully uniting in the victorF ongT
(! we !ollow all the wayA
807 5ove i this (+a"e6 toda%
*ove in thi place, today
-hi i my one deire
-hat 8ou would have your way
-ouch me 0ord, and ( won#t be the ame
*ove in thi place, today
4CepeatH *odulate5
*ove in thi place,
'ave 8our way in thi place
'eal in thi place
+et !ree in thi place
*ove in thi place, today
808 Give ad it -i++ "ome ba"7 to %ou
Give and it will come back to you
Good meaure preed down
+haken together and running over
Give and it will come back to you
3hen you give, give to the 0ord
Give in love give in !aith
Give the /oy and the mile on your !ace
Give a the 0ord ha given to you
'ow you give i a
Ce!lection o! your gratitude
<rom you heart give your bet
Give unto God and you will be bleed
&on#t be tingy and don#t be tight
0earn !rom the widow in the 7ible
3ho gave her lat mite
?eople rob God when they
&on#t give tithe and o!!ering
And they don#t undertand why
-hey#ve been cut o!!
<rom heavenly bleing
7ut abundant li!e and properity
7egin when you prove
8our love to God by
Giving to 'im
3hen you give
Give to the 0ord
809 #o+%6 ho+%6 ho+%6
'oly, holy, holy,
holy, holy, holy,
holy i the 0ord, God AlmightyA
3orthy to recieve glory,
worthy to recieve honor,
worthy to recieve all the praieA
?raie 'im,
praie 'im and li!t 'im upA
?raie 'im,
e9alt 'i name !oreverA
810 G+or% is "omig ad it -o't be +og
Glory i coming and it won#t be long
(#ll be inging a glad new ong
( hall be happy
'appy brave and trong
Glory i coming and it won#t be long
811 #e Brought 5e )ut
*y heart wa ditreed Fneath JehovahF
dread !rown,
And low in the pit where my in dragged me
( cried to the 0ord !rom the deep miry clay,
'e tenderly brought me out to golden dayA
'e brought me out o! the miry clayA
'e et my !eet on the Cock to tayA
'e put a ong in my oul todayA
A ong o! praie, hallelu/ah@
'e placed me upon the trong rock by 'i
*y tep were etablihed and here (#ll abideA
:o danger o! !alling while here ( remainO
7ut tand by 'i grace until the crown ( gainA
8e, 'e gave me a ongO Ftwa a new ong o!
7y day and by night it weet note ( will
)h, my heartF over!lowing, (Fm happy and
(Fll praie my Cedeemer, who ha recued meA
(Fll ing o! 'i wonder!ul mercy to meA
(Fll praie 'im till all men 'i goodne hall
(Fll ing o! alvation at home and abroad,
-ill many hall hear the truth and trut in
811 2ha7 4ou6 ,ord6 !or 4our b+essigs
o me?
A the world look upon me, a ( truggle
-hey ay ( have nothing, but they are o
(n my heart, (#m re/oicing, how ( wih they
could eeA
-hank you, 0ord, !or 8our bleing on meA
-here# a roo! up above me, (#ve a good place
to leepA
-here# !ood on my table and hoe on my
8ou gave me 8our love, 0ord, and a !ine
-hank you, 0ord, !or 8our bleing on meA
( know (#m not wealthy and thee clothe are
not newA
( don#t have much money, but 0ord ( have
-o me, that# all that matter, though the
world may not eeA
-hank you, 0ord, !or 8our bleing on meA
812 #e's *ti++ 'or7ig ) 5e
'e# till working on me
*aking me /ut what ( ought to beA
'ow loving and patient 'e mut beA
'e# till working on meA
-here really ought to be
A ign upon my heartQ
G&on#t /udge me now,
-here# an un!inihed partA
7ut (#ll be per!ect in that 0and
<ahioned by the *ater# loving handAG
'e# till working on meO
*aking me /ut what ( ought to beA
(t took 'im /ut a week
to make the *oon and the +tar,
the >arth and the +un,
and Jupiter and *arA
+till, (#m not what ( ought to beA
'e# till working on meA
'e# till working on meA
813 Get /++ @A"ited>
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu .hrit i 1ing@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu .hrit i 1ing@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu .hrit i 1ing@
Jeu .hrit i till the 1ing o! 1ing@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
'e i coming oon@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
'e i coming oon@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
'e i coming oon@
Jeu .hrit i coming very oon@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu died !or you@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu died !or you@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu died !or you@
Jeu gave 'i li!e and died !or you@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu love you o@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu love you o@
Get all e9cited@ Go and tell everybody that
Jeu love you o@
Jeu love you o very much@
815 #e's /+read% 3rovided
'e# already provided, 'e# already providedO
everything you need, 'e# already providedA
>very promie you can claim,
/ut ak it in 'i nameO
#caue everything you need,
'e# already provided it !or youA
'e# already provided, 'e# already providedO
everything you need, 'e# already providedA
>very promie you can claim,
/ut ak it in 'i nameO
#caue everything you need,
'e# already provided it !or youA
816 #o+% *(irit !i++ this room
'oly +pirit !ill thi room
+hekinah glory weet per!ume
3e need your preence we need you
'oly +pirit !ill thi room
'oly +pirit !ill thi room
+hekinah glory weet per!ume
3e need your preence we need you
'oly +pirit !ill thi room
817 God has a -a% o! -or7ig it out6
God ha a way o! working it out,
everything that you#re worried aboutA
+o don#t be dicouraged and don#t ever doubt,
#caue God ha a way o! working it outA
3hen the preure o! li!e are too hard !or
when you !eel !oraken,
nobody know what you#re going throughA
And /ut when you think you can#t take
God will alway open a door,
ye, 'e will, ye, 'e willA
3ell, ( know you !eel brokenhearted,
li!e# taken a downward pinO
but God# gonna do /ut what 'e promied,
'i word declare that we winA
God ha a way o! working it out,
everything that you#re worried aboutA
+o don#t be dicouraged and don#t ever doubt,
#caue God ha a wayAAA
#.aue God ha a way o! working it outA
God ha a way o! working it outA
818 #e's / 5ight% God
'e# A *ighty God
?ower!ul and 'oly God
'e# A *ighty God
?ower!ul and holy God 8eah
'e# a *ighty God
?ower!ul and 'oly God
'e# A *igthy God, *ighty *ighty God
<or we wretle not againt !leh and blood
but againt principalitie, in the heavenlie
And we will tand and behold our ground
!or we have all authority, power in Jeu
&on#t you worry #bout a thang

?ower!ul, *ighty V 'oly
1ing o! 1ing, 'i name i 3orthy
*ighty God, 'e# a *ighty God
&on#t 8ou 3orry #bout a thang@
819 I 7o- the (+as I have !or %ou
( know the plan ( have !or you
( know /ut what you#re going through
+o when you can#t ee
what tomorrow hold
And yeterday i through,
Cemember ( know,
the plan ( have !or you
( know the plan ( have !or you
( know /ut what you#re going through
+o when you can#t ee
what tomorrow hold
And yeterday i through,
Cemember ( know,
the plan ( have !or you
-o give you hope !or tomorrow
Joy !or your orrow
+trength !or everything you go through
Cemember ( know the plan ( have !or you
820 2here is a s-eet aoitig
-here i a weet anointing in the antuary
-here i a tillne in the atmophere
.ome and lay down
-he burden you have carried
<or in thi antuary God i here
'e i here, 'e i here
-o break the yoke and li!t the heavy burdened
'e i here, 'e i here
-o heal the hopele heart and ble the
.ome and lay down
-he burden you have carried
<or in thi antuary God i here
+peak 0ord, peak 0ord
821 4ou +atter -i++ be greater
8ou latter will be greater than your pat,
you will be bleed, more than you could akA
&epite all that ha been done, the bet i yet
to come
And your latter will be greater,
your latter will be greater,
your latter will be greater than your patA
All thing are poible,
poible, poible, poibleA
All thing are poible,
poible, poible, poibleA
2amp 1
-he bet i yet to come,
the bet i yet to come,
oh, the bet i yet to comeA
2amp ,
)ur bet i yet to come,
our bet i yet to come,
oh, our bet i yet to comeA
2amp 3
-he 1ing i oon to come,
the 1ing i oon to come,
oh, the 1ing i oon to comeA
822 'hat #e's doe !or me is so amaBig6
3hat 'e# done !or me i o amaEing,
the love 'e ha !or me ( cannot e9plainA
All ( know i ( once wa lot,
but now (#m !ound,
( wa blind, but now ( eeO
and ( know 'e will do !or you
what 'e# done !or meA
AmaEing love, amaEing loveA
AmaEing love, amaEing loveA
All ( know i ( once wa lot,
but now (#m !ound,
( wa blind, but now ( eeO
and ( know 'e will do !or you
what 'e# done !or meA
823 'e 'aa *ee 1esus ,i!ted #igh
&erse 1

3e wanna to ee Jeu li!ted high
A banner that !lie Acro thi land
-hat all men might +ee the truth and know
'e i the way to heaven


3e wanna eeNAA
3e wanna eeNAA
3e wanna ee Jeu li!ted high

&erse 2

+tep by tep 3eFre moving !orward
0ittle by little 3eFre gaining ground
>vFry prayer a power!ul weapon
+tronghold come,
tumbling down and down and down and down
and down
824 )+% 4ou are #o+%
)nly 8ou are 'oly
)nly 8ou are holy
)nly you are worthy
)nly you are wonder!ul

<or thereF no one ele like you 3ho i
!aith!ul, ever true
All my love, my heart, my li!e, i a tetimonyA
825 'e )!!er 4ou 3raise
3hat can we o!!er unto our God
-he mighty Jehovah, the aweome God
-he world and the univere are 'i art
3hat can we give to touch 'i heart
3e o!!er you praie
3e o!!er you praie
3e o!!er you praie
?leae accept our o!!ering
3hat can we give a a acri!ice
to the one who ha bleed u with breath and
3hat do we poe that can pay uch price
All we can o!!er 'im i praie
3ith muic and inging and with our dance,
'allelu/ah reounding with li!ted hand,
3e honour thi bleing o! one more chance,
another chance to o!!er 8ou our praie
'allelu, 'allelu/ahAAAA43 time5
?leae accept our o!!ering
<orever 8ou reign a our 1ing,
<orever your praie we#ll ing,
-he Great ( Am, the worthy 0amb,
o we bring thi praie o!!ering AAAA)'
826 'e @Aa+t 2hee
<or thou ) 0ord
Are high above all the earth
-hou are e9alted
<ar above all god 4Cepeat5
3e e9alt -hee,
3e e9alt -hee,
3e e9alt -hee,
) 0ord
827 'e #ave / 'ea(o )! 'ar!are
3e have a weapon o! war!are
-he praie o! God, in our mouth
3e have the word o! the +pirit
-he word o! truth, the word o! God
<or no weapon !ormed againt u will proper
<or the battle i the 0ordF and weFll not !ail
3e will go !orth and praie the name o! Jeu
And e9ecute 'i vengeance over the power
o! the air
A we clap our hand, we will mite the
A we dance with /oy, the hot o! hell will
And a we li!t our hand, 'i banner will be
And with the hout o! victory 'i name will
be praied
3e do not !ight with earthly weapon
7ut with the weapon o! the 0ord
3e are the church,
A mighty army A people o! praie, a people
o! war

828 'he 4ou're *tadigC
3hen youFre tanding on the olid rock
And you know the power that youFve got
+atan, you canFt prevail
+atan, you canFt prevail
+o praie the 0ord
?raie the 0ord
+o praie the 0ord
?raie the 0ord
829 Dio Is Ca++ig
6ion i calling me to a higher place o! praie
-o tand upon the mountain and to magni!y
'i name
-o tell all the people, every nation that 'e
6ion i calling me to a higher place o! praie

830 4our 5aEest%
( worhip 8ou
(n the beauty o! holine
( li!t my hand to 8ou
<or 8ou are my righteoune
8ou are royalty
+o ( crown 8ou 1ing o! 1ing
8our ma/ety, 8our ma/ety
( reverence 8ou
<or only -hou art holy
( bow to 8ou
(Fll !orever !eel -hy glory
831 4ou /re 5ore 2ha @ough
Jehovah Jireh, my ?rovider
8ou are more than enough !or me
Jehovah Capha, 8ouFre my 'ealer
7y 8our tripe (Fve been et !ree
Jehovah +hammah
8ou are with me
-o upply all my need
8ou are more than enough
*ore than enough
8ou are more than enough !or me
832 4our ,atter 'i++ Be GreaterC
8our latter will be greater than the pat
And you will be bleed more than you can
A!ter all that ha been done -he bet i yet to
And your latter will be greater
8our latter will be greater
8our latter will be greater than the pat
All thing are poible
?oible, poible

833 4ou /re GoodC
0ord 8ou are good
And 8our mercy endureth !orever
?eople !rom every nation and tongue
<rom generation to generation
3e worhip 8ou,
'allelu/ah, hallelu/ah,
3e worhip 8ou
<or who 8ou are 4Cepeat5
8ou are good All the time And all the time
8ou are good@

834 4ou've 'o 5% /!!e"tio
8ou#ve won my a!!ection
8ou#ve captured my heart
8ou have my devotion
*y worhip i your
8ou#ve won my a!!ection
8ou#ve captured my heart
:ow ( am your
.ompletely your !orever
835 2he B+ood 2hat 1esus *hed
-he blood
-hat Jeu hed !or me
3ay back on .alvary
-he blood -hat give me trength
<rom day to day
(t will never loe it power
<or it reache -o the highet mountain
And it !low -o the lowet valley
-he blood that give me trengthN
<rom day to day
(t will never loe it power
(t oothe
*y doubt and calm my !ear
And it drie all my tear
-he blood -hat give me trength
<rom day to day
(t will never loe it power

836 2ota+ 3raise
0ord ( will li!t
*ine eye to the hill
1nowing my help
( coming !rom 8ou
8our peace 8ou gave me
(n time o! the torm
8ou are the ource o! my trength,
8ou are the trength o! my li!e,
( li!t my hand in total praie to 8ou
ABaBaBmen, ABaBaBaBmen
ABaBaBmen, ABaBaBaBmen
ABaBaBmen, ABaBaBaBmen
ABaBaBmen, ABaBaBaBmen
837 2he 0outai )! 5er"%C
-Fwa Jeu, my +aviour, who died on a tree
-o open a !ountain !or inner like me
'i blood i that !ountain which pardon
And cleane the !oulet wherever it !low
<or the 0ion o! Judah
+hall break every chain
And give u the victory Again and Again
And when ( wa willing with all thing to
'e gave me my bounty, 'i love in my heart
+o now ( am /oined with the con;uering band
3ho are marching to glory, at JeuF
-hough round me the torm o! adverity roll
And the wave o! detruction encompa my
(n vain thi !rail veel the tempet hall to
*y hope ret aured on the blood o! the
And when the lat trumpet o! /udgement hall
And awake all the nation that leep in the
-hen, when 'eaven and earth hall be
melting away
(Fll ing o! the blood o! the cro in that day
And when with the ranomed by Jeu, my
<rom !ountain to !ountain ( then hall be led
(Fll !all at 'i !eet and 'i mercy adore
And ing o! the blood o! the cro evermore
838 2he 3otter's #ad
7eauti!ul 0ord, 3onder!ul +aviour
( know !or ure, all o! my day are
'eld in 8our hand,
.ra!ted into 8our per!ect plan
-ake me, mould me, ue me, !ill me
( give my li!e to the ?otterF hand
.all me, guide me, lead me, walk beide me
( give my li!e to the ?otterF hand
8ou gently call me into 8our preence
Guiding me by, 8our 'oly +pirit
-each me dear 0ord
-o live all my li!e through 8our eye
(Fm captured by
8our 'oly calling
+et me apart
( know 8ou are drawing
*e to yourel!
0ead me 0ord, ( pray
839 *ee 'hat 2he ,ord #as .oe
+ee what the 0ord ha done !or u,
+ee what a mighty God 'e i
+ee what the 0ord ha done !or u,
+ee what a mighty God 'e i
3all come tumbling 4tumbling down5
3all come tumbling 4tumbling down5
3all come tumbling down oh praie 'i
'oly nameA
840 *ig 9to 2he ,ord Ne- *og
+ing unto the 0ord a new ong
+ing unto the 0ord all the earth
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
&ance unto the 0ord a new dance
&ance unto the 0ord all the earth
.lap unto the 0ord a new clap
.lap unto the 0ord all the earth
841 8u 2o 4ou
8our eye i on the parrow
And your hand it com!ort me
<rom the end o! the earth
-o the depth o! my heart
0et 8our mercy and trength be een
And ( will run to 8ou,
-o 8our word o! truth
:ot by might, not by power
7ut by the +pirit o! God
8e ( will run the race
-ill ( ee 8our !ace
)h let me live in the glory o! 8our grace
8ou called me to your purpoe
A angel undertand
<or 8our glory may 8ou draw all men
A 8our love and grace demand

842 8e+ease 4our 3o-er
0ord we proclaim 8ou now
And 8our mighty power
And 8our aweome ma/ety
0ord come upon u now
And releae 8our power
And let 8our preence !all
)h 0ord
Celeae 8our power
And let 8our preence !all

843 8eig6 1esus 8eig
Ceign Jeu reign
Ceign Jeu reign
1ing o! 6ion
JudahF 0ion
Ceign Jeu reign
844 3ra%er Chages 2higs
?rayer, it change thing
you will !ind the anwer when you
?ray, ?ray
(t will work out when you pray
845 )ur God 8eigs
'ow lovely on the mountain
Are the !eet o! them
-hat bring good new, good new
?roclaiming peace,
Announcing new o! happine
-hat our God reign
)ur God reign@
)ur God reign
)ur God reign
)ur God reign
)ur God reign

846 3raise 2he ,ord 'ith 5e
.ome on and ?raie the 0ord with me
?raie the 0ord with me
?raie the 0ord with me
?raie the 0ord with me
'allelu/ahN 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ahN 'allelu/ah
.ome on and 7le the 0ord with me
7le the 0ord with me
7le the 0ord with me
7le the 0ord with me
.ome on and &ance be!ore the 0ord
&ance be!ore the 0ord
&ance be!ore the 0ord
&ance be!ore the 0ord

847 3raise #im
?raie 'im, praie 'im
?raie 'im, praie 'im
Jeu 7leed +aviour
'eF worthy to be praied
<rom the riing o! the un
Dntil the going down o! the ame
'e i worthy, Jeu i worthy
'e i worthy to be praied
?raie 'im, ?raie 'im
?raie 'im, ?raie 'im
Jeu 7leed +aviour
'eF worthy to be praied
Glory, glory
(n all thing, give 'im glory
Jeu 7leed +aviour
'eF worthy to be praied
Chorus 2
God i our Cock
'ope o! alvation
A trong deliverer
(n 'im will ( alway trut

848 )ur God Is / 'arrior
)ur God i a warrior
A warrior, a warrior 48>A'5
)ur God i a warrior
)ur God i a man o! war
.ome on children
.ome to battle 48>A'5
.ome on children
-hi i war@
'igh praie are our weapon
-he word o! God our word
-he 0ord himel! our captain
-he gate o! hell
+hall not prevail
Againt the church o! God

849 ) ,ord #o- 5aEesti" Is 4our Name
) 0ord our 0ord
'ow ma/etic i 8our :ame in all the earth
) 0ord our 0ord
'ow ma/etic i 8our :ame in all the earth
) 0ordAAAA we praie 8our name
) 0ordAAAA we magni!y 8our name
?rince o! ?eace, mighty God
) 0ord God almighty

850 ) Give 2ha7s
) give thank
Dnto the 0ord
<or 'e i good
8e, 'e i good
<or 'e i worthy, worthy
<or 'e i good
8e, 'e i good
7een good to me
7een good to me
7een good to me
+ure enough good
7een real, real, real, real, real, real goodNN

851 *hout uto the ,ord a e- shout
+hout unto the 0ord all the earth 4Cepeat5
<or the 0ord i great
And greatly to be praied

852 *omethig #a((es
+omething pecial
+upernatural about 8our name
+omething happen
when ( mention 8our name
&emon have to !lee when ( ay Jeu 4Jeu5
+ickne ha to heal when ( ay Jeu 4Jeu5
>very knee hall bow be!ore
and every tongue proclaim
3ith worthy praie
that matchle name o! Jeu
3hen ( call upon 8our name
the very atmophere will have to change
3e#ll be tran!ormed
3e#ll never be the ame
7y the power o! 8our 'oly name
853 5% 1esus Is /+ive ad 'e++C
*y Jeu i alive and well
*y Jeu i alive and well
'eF alive, 'eF alive
'eF alive, 'eF alive
'eF alive, 'eF alive and well
3ho ay that 'e i not alive=
3ho ay that 'e i not alive=
(tF a lie, (tF a lie
(tF a lie, (tF a lie
'eF alive, 'eF alive and well
854 5ight% Is )ur GodC
*ighty i our God@
*ighty i our 1ing@
*ighty i our 0ord@
Culer o! everything@
'i name i higherAAA
'igher than any other name@
'i power i greaterAAA
<or 'eF created everything@

855 5% #e+(
( will li!t up mine eye to the hill !rom
whence cometh my help,
*y help cometh !rom the 0ord,
-he 0ord which made 'eaven and >arth
'e aid 'e would not u!!er thy !oot thy !oot
to be moved
-he 0ord which keepeth thee 'e will not
lumber nor leep
)h the 0ord i thy keeper,
-he 0ord i thy hade upon thy right hand,
upon thy right hand
:o, the un hall not mite thee by day,
nor the moon by night,
'e hall preerve thy oul even !orever more
*y help, my help, my help, all o! my help
cometh !rom the 0ord
856 ,amb )! God
8our only +on, no in to hide
but you have ent 'im !rom your ide
to walk upon thi guilty od
and to become the 0amb o! God
8our gi!t o! love they cruci!ied
-hey laughed and corned 'im a 'e died
-he humble 1ing they named a !raud
and acri!iced the 0amb o! God
) 0amb o! God
+weet 0amb o! God
( love the 'oly 0amb o! God
) wah me in 8our preciou blood
*y Jeu .hrit the 0amb o! God
( wa o lot ( hould have died
but 8ou have brought me to your ide
to be lead by 8our ta!! and rod
and to be called a lamb o! God
Chorus 2
) 0amb o! God
+weet 0amb o! God
( love the 'oly 0amb o! God
) wah me in 8our preciou blood
-ill ( am /ut a 0amb o! God
857 ,ord I thirst 0or 4ou
0ord ( thirt !or 8ou
( long to be in 8our preence
*y oul will wait on 8ou
<ather draw me nearer
&raw me nearer
-o the beauty o! 8our holine
And ( will wait !or 8ou
Almighty God (n the beauty o! 8our holine
And ( will worhip 8ou Almighty God
(n the beauty o! 8our holine

858 ,ord 4ou're Beauti!u+C
0ord 8ouFre 7eauti!ul
0ord 8ouFre 3onder!ul
:ation And Generation
3ill 0i!t 8ou Dp, 0i!t 8ou Dp
:ation And Generation
3ill 0i!t 8ou Dp (n 0ove
859 ,io )! 2he 2ribe )! 1udahC
-he 0ion o! the tribe o! Judah
7reak every chain
Coar lion, C)AC@
-he 0ion o! the tribe o! Judah
-he 0ion o! the tribe o! JudahAAAA
-he 0ion o! the tribe o! JudahAAAA
860 ,ord )! 2he #arvest
8ouFre 0ord o! the harvet
And we worhip 8ou
3e worhip 8ou thi day
2ere >ternal 0ord, Cemain the ame,
Age to age
All our love, All our praie,
:ight and day
3ith thi ound, And our live,
:ow we prove
-hereF no one to take 8our place
0ord 8ou rule,
3e come to worhip 8ou
8ou are my daily, daily bread
8ou are my living, living word
8ou are my preent, preent help
8ou are, 8ou are, 8ou are 4P45

861 ,et 2he 8ai )! 4our 3rese"e
0et the rain o! 8our preence <all on me
>very day that ( live,
3ith every breath ( breathe
0et the rain o! 8our preence <all on me
>very where that ( go
0ord let 8our preence !low, Cain on me
0ove divine, /oy unpeakable
)ver!lowing in my oul
-hi heart o! mine i re!rehed and at ret
(n 8our preence, in 8our preence
862 ,et 2he 3ea"e )! God 8eig
<ather o! li!e draw me cloer
0ord, my heart i et on 8ou
0et me run the race o! time
3ith 8our li!e un!olding mine
And let the peace o! God 0et it reign
)h 'oly +pirit, 8ouFre my com!ort
+trengthen me hold my head up high
A ( tand upon 8our truth
7ringing glory unto 8ou
And let the peace o! God 0et it reign
)h lord ( hunger !or more o! 8ou
Cie up within me let me know your truth
)h 'oly +pirit, aturate my oul
And let the li!e o! God
<ill me now
0et 8our healing power
7reathe li!e and make me whole
And let the peace o! God
0et it reign
863 1ehovah 8eigs
Jehovah reign !oreverAAA
Jehovah reign !oreverAAA
Jehovah reign !orever moreAAA
Jehovah reign !oreverAAA
Jehovah reign !oreverAAA
Jehovah reign !orever moreAAA
'e i the <irt, the 0at -he Great ( Am
-he *ighty God in whom we tand
'e hold all power in 'i hand
And 'e lead u on to victory
Jehovah reignAAAA
'e i God, Jehovah 'e !orever reign@
864 I Bo- 5% <ees
( bow my knee be!ore 8our throne
( know my li!e i not my own
( o!!er up thi ong o! praie
-o bring you pleaure 0ord
( eek the Giver not the gi!t
*y heartF deire i to li!t 8ou
high above all earthly king
-o bring you pleaure 0ord
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah,
'allelu/ah Glory to the 1ing
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah,
'allelu/ah Glory to the 1ing

865 I *tad I /-e )! 4ou
8ou are beauti!ul beyond decription
-oo marvellou !or word
-oo wonder!ul !or comprehenion
0ike nothing ever een or heard
3ho can grap 8our in!inite widom=
3ho can !athom the depth o! 8our love=
8ou are beauti!ul beyond decription
*a/ety enthroned above
( tandN
( tand in awe o! 8ou
( tandN
( tand in awe o! 8ou
'oly God to whom
all praie i dueN
( tand in awe o! 8ou@

866 I 'orshi( 4ou
3hen ( look into 8our 'oline
3hen ( gaEe into 8our loveline
3hen all thing that urroundAAA
7ecome hadow in the 0ight o! 8ou
( worhip 8ou@
( worhip 8ou@
-he reaon ( liveAAA
( to worhip 8ou@
3hen (Fve !ound the /oy o! reaching 8our
3hen my will become enthroned in 8our
3hen all thing that urroundAAA
7ecome hadow in the 0ight o! 8ou

867 I'm 0orever Grate!u+
8ou did not wait !or me
-o draw nigh to 8ouN
7ut 8ou clothed 8ourel! (n !rail humanity
8ou did not wait !or me
-o cry out to 8ou
7ut 8ou let me hear
8our voice .alling me
And (Fm !orever grate!ul
-o 8ou
And (Fm !orever grate!ul
<or the .ro
And (Fm !orever grate!ul
-o 8ou
-hat 8ou came
-o eek and ave the lot
868 I @Aa+t 2hee
<or thou ) 0ord
Are high above all the earth
-hou are e9alted
<ar above all god 4Cepeat5
( e9alt -hee,
( e9alt -hee,
( e9alt -hee,
) 0ord
869 I ,i!t 9( 5% #ads
<ather ( love 8ou
And my heart i !illed
with deire to ee
8our power and 8our glory
.over the earth
a the water clothe the ea
( am urrounded
by the !ortre o! God
-otally urrendered to 8ou
( li!t up my hand
+tanding unahamed
( worhip 8ou <ather
>9alting 8our name
8ou#ve captured my heart
:ow my li!e i changed
( li!t up my hand
( li!t up my hand

870 I 'i++ Ce+ebrate
( will celebrate
+ing unto the 0ord
( will ing to 'im a new ong
( will praie 'im
( will ing to 'im a new ong
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah 'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
'allelu/ah, 'allelu/ah
<or the 0ord i great
And greatly to be praied

871 I'++ 3raise 4ou
(Fll praie 8ou, )h 0ord
(Fll praie 8ou, )h 0ord
0ooking back on my li!e ( ee
>verything 8ou have done !or me
(Fll praie 8ou, )h 0ord
(Fll thank 8ou, )h 0ord
(Fll thank 8ou, )h 0ord
0ooking back on my li!e ( ee
>verything 8ou have done !or me
(Fll thank 8ou, )h 0ord

(#m 'ungry <or 8ou
(Fm hungry !or 8ou
(Fm hungry !or 8ou
:eed 8our touch
+eek 8our !ace
:eed 8our preence
(Fm deperate !or 8ou
(Fm deperate !or 8ou
:eed 8our touch
+eek 8our !ace
:eed your preence
(Fm thirty !or 8ou
(Fm thirty !or 8ou
:eed 8our touch
+eek 8our !ace
:eed 8our preence

872 I #oour 4ou
( honour 8ou, right now
'onour 8ou, right now
( honour 8ou, right now
Jut becaue 8ouFre God 4,95
( glori!y 8our name
Glori!y 8our name
( glori!y 8our name
Jut becaue 8ouFre God 4,95
( reverence 8ou, right now
Ceverence 8ou, right now
( reverence 8ou, right now
Jut becaue 8ouFre God 4,95
( worhip 8ou, right now
3orhip 8ou, right now
( worhip 8ou, right now
Jut becaue 8ouFre God 4,95

873 I Need 4ou 2o *urvive
( need you, you need me
3eFre all a part o! GodF body
+tand with me, agree with me
3eFre all A part o! GodF body
(t i 'i will
that every need be upplied
8ou are important to me
( need you to urvive
( pray !or you, you pray !or me
( love you
( need you to urvive
( wonFt harm you with word
<rom my mouth, ( love you
( need you to urvive

874 I 'orshi( 4ou6 /+might% God
( worhip 8ou,
Almighty God
-here i none like 8ou
( worhip 8ou,
) ?rince o! ?eace,
-hat i what ( long to do,
( give 8ou praie
<or 8ou are my righteoune
( worhip 8ou,
Almighty God
-here i none like 8ou
875 #o+% /re 4ou ,ord
) how marvelou 8ou are to me
And, holy are 8ou 0ord
&eperately ( long !or more o! -hee
And holy are 8ou 0ord
) the beauty o! 8our holine
8ou ( worhip and adore
0et the nation now,
&eclare 8our word
'oly are 8ou lord
876 #o+% *(irit 8ai .o-
'oly +pirit rain down, rain down
) .om!orter and !riend,
'ow we need 8our touch again
'oly +pirit rain down, rain down
0et 8our power !all
0et 8our voice be heard
.ome and change our heart
A we tand on 8our word
'oly +pirit rain down, rain down
:o eye ha een
:o ear ha heard
:o one can know
3hat God ha in tore
+o open heaven, open it wide
)ver our church And over our live
'oly +pirit rain down
Cain downN Cain downN

877 #o+%
( will li!t my voice and ( will ing
( will ing 'oly, 'oly
-o my 0ord and +aviour, my God and king
( will ing 'oly, 'oly
( will praie the lamb o! God who it upon
the throne
( will worhip 'im and give the praie to 'im
'e who wa and i and i to come
( will ing be!ore 'i throne !orever, !orever
All the angel ing, and they bow down,
and they ing 'oly, 'oly
3e, 8our on and daughter, we praie 8ou
and we cry 'oly, 'oly
'oly, 'oly
'oly, 'oly
878 #e Is @Aa+ted
'e i e9altedN
-he 1ing i e9alted on high@
( will praie 'im@
'e i e9altedN
!orever e9altedN
And ( will praie 'i name@
'e i the 0ord@
<orever 'i truth hall reign@
'eaven and earthN
Ce/oice in 'i holy name@
'e i e9altedN
-he 1ing i e9alted on high@
879 #ear )ur 3ra%er
'ear our prayer, +pirit, come
'ow ( long !or 8our weet touch
)n my knee ( cry out
Jeu, +avior behold 8our child
0ike a deer longing !or water
*y oul yearn
)nly 8ou can !ill my deep hunger
*y heart burn, my heart burn
)cean deep, mountain high
)h my God, ( cannot live without 8our love
( cannot live without 8our love
880 #igh /d ,i!ted 9(
'igh and li!ted up in all the earth thatF who
8ou are
'igh and li!ted up in all the earth thatF who
8ou are
'igh and li!ted up in all the earth thatF who
8ou are
0ord we e9alt 8our name 4repeat5
) 0ord, we praie 8ou
) 0ord, we praie 8ou
) 0ord, we praie 8ou
) 0ord high and li!ted up
881 #o+% Is 2he ,amb
'oly, 'oly, 'oly, 'oly
'oly i the 0amb 'oly i the 0amb
.ome on and bow down be!ore 'im
0ove and adore 'im
+ing praie unto 'im
<or 'eF 'oly
?reciou, ?reciou, ?reciou, ?reciou
?reciou i the 0amb ?reciou i the 0amb
Aweome, Aweome, Aweome, Aweome
Aweome i the 0amb Aweome i the 0amb

882 #osaa
'oanna, 'oanna
'oanna in the highet
'oanna, 'oanna
'oanna in the highet
0ord we li!t up 8our name
3ith our heart !ull o! praie
3e e9alt 8ou oh 0ord our God
'oanna in the highet
Glory, Glory
Glory in the highet
Glory, Glory
Glory in the highet

883 #ea+ )ur ,ad
(! my people 3ould humble themelve
'umble themelve and pray
(! they eek my !ace And humble themelve
And turn !rom their wicked way
( will hear !rom heaven
And !orgive their in
( will hear !rom heaven
And heal their land
0ord heal our land
<ather heal our land
'ear our cry and turn our nation back to 8ou
0ord heal our land
'ear u ) 0ord and heal our land
<orgive our in and heal our broken land
0ord we bow our knee, 3e humble
'umble ourelve and pray
0ord we eek 8our !ace, 3e humble
And turn !rom our wicked way
<ather in 8our mercy
<orgive our in
<ather in 8our mercy
.ome heal or land

884 #o- Great Is )ur God
-he plendor o! a 1ing,
.lothed in ma/ety
0et all the earth re/oice,
All the earth re/oice
'e wrap himel! in light,
And darkne trie to hide
And tremble at hi voice,
And tremble at hi voice
'ow great i our God,
ing with me
'ow great i our God,
and all will ee
'ow great, 'ow great
( our God
Age to age 'e tand
And time i in 'i 'and
7eginning and the >nd,
7eginning and the >nd
-he Godhead, -hree in one
<ather, +pirit, +on
-he 0ion and the 0amb,
-he 0ion and the 0amb
:ame above all name
8ou are 3orthy o! all praie
and *y heart will ing how great
( our God
885 Give God 2he G+or%
Give God the glory
Give God the glory
Give God the glory
And 'e will give 8ou
And 'e will give 8ou
And 'e will give 8ou
-he 2ictory
+atan the blood o! Jeu i againt you
+atan the blood o! Jeu i againt you
+atan the blood o! Jeu i againt you
+o let u give God
+o let u give God
+o let u give God
All o! the praie
886 Great Is 2h% 0aith!u+ess
Great i thy !aith!ulne
) God my <ather
-here i no hadow
o! turning with -hee
-hou changet not
-hy compaion they !ail not
A -hou hat beenN
-hou !orever will be
Great i -hy !aith!ulne
Great i -hy !aith!ulne
*orning by morning
:ew mercie ( ee
All ( have needed
-hy hand hath provided
Great i -hy !aith!ulne
0ord unto me@
+ummer and winter, and
+pringtime and 'arvet
+un, moon and tar
(n their coure above
Join with all nature
in mani!old witne
-o -hy great !aith!ulne
*ercy and love
?ardon !or in and a
?eace that endureth
-hine own dear preence to
cheer and to guide
+trength !or today
And bright hope !or tomorrow
7leing all mine
3ith ten thouand beide
887 G+orious
3hen you come into 'i preence
0i!ting up the name o! Jeu
And you hear the muic playin#
And you ee the people praiin#
Jut !orget about your worrie
0et your trouble !all behind you
&on#t you wait another minute
Jut get up and on your !eet andAAA
Get to dancing, inging Jumping, leaping
Get to houting
*ake it loud and make it gloriou
+tart re/oicing, praiing 0i!ting, raiing
Get to houting
*ake it loud and make 'i praie
Gloriou, gloriou
( wa created
-o make 8our praie gloriou
( wa created
-o make 8our praie gloriou
8e ( wa, ye ( wa

888 Great Is 4our 5er"%
Great i 8our mercy tFward me
8our lovingBkindne tFward me
8our tender mercie ( ee
&ay a!ter day
<orever !aith!ul to me
Alway providing !or me
Great i 8our mercy tFward me
Great i 8our grace
889 0orever Give 4ou 3raise
0ord ( tand in 8our preence
And ( humble myel! be!ore 8our throne
*y lip will give 8ou praie A praie,
thatF /ut !or 8ou alone
0ord (Fll !orever, !orever, give 8ou praie
0ord ( bow down be!ore 8ou
(n total adoration unto 8ou
And with the angel (Fll declare -hat 8ou
Are 'oly 0ord o! all
0ord (Fll !orever, !orever, give 8ou praie
)h 0ord, my God, my ource, my trength,
my +aviour, my deliverer and redeemer
&ominion and power to the 1ing o! Glory
0ord (Fll !orever, !orever, give 8ou praie
8ouFre holy !orever 4935
8ouFre righteou !orever 493
8ouFre aweome !orever 4935
(Fll praie 8ou !orever 4935

890 0aith!u+ Is )ur God
<aith!ul, !aith!ul,
<aith!ul i our God 4P45
(#m reaping the harvet
God promied me
-ake back
what the devil tole !rom me
And ( re/oice today,
!or ( hall recover it all
8e re/oice today,
!or ( hall recover it all
'oly, holy, holy i our God 4P45
Aweome, aweome,
aweome i our God 4P45
Jeu, Jeu, Jeu i our God 4P45
And ( re/oice today 4$95
<or ( hall recover it all@

891 @ter I
3e 'ave .ome -o
3orhip -he 0ord
7ow &own 7e!ore 'im
0ove And Adore 'im
3e 'ave .ome -o
3orhip -he 0ord
>nter (nN
(nto -he 'oly ?lace
>nter (nN
And 0ook Dpon 'i <ace
'e ( 'oly, 'e ( 3orthy,
'e ( 3onder!ul
>nter (nN

892 .oAo+og%
?raie God !rom whom all bleing !low,
?raie 'im, all creature here below,
?raie 'im above ye heavenly hot,
?raie <ather, +on, and 'oly Ghot
893 Create I 5e / C+ea #eart
.reate in me a clean heart
And puri!y me, puri!y me
.reate in me a clean heart
+o ( may worhip -hee
+o that ( may worhip -hee
.at me not away !rom thy preence
?leae don#t take your +pirit !rom me
and retore the /oy o! alvation
o that ( may worhip -hee
894 Beauti!u+ *aviour
All my day
( will ing thi ong o! gladne,
Give my praie
to the <ountain o! delightO
<or in my helplene
8ou heard my cry,
And wave o! mercy
poured down on my li!eA
( will trut
in the cro o! my Cedeemer,
( will ing
o! the blood that never !ailO
)! in !orgiven,
o! concience cleaned,
)! death de!eated and li!e without endA
7eauti!ul +aviour,
3onder!ul .ounellor,
.lothed in ma/ety,
0ord o! hitory,
8ouFre the 3ay,
the -ruth, the 0i!eA
+tar o! the *orning,
gloriou in holine,
8ouFre the Cien )ne,
'eavenF .hampion,
And 8ou reign, 8ou reign over all@
( long to be where the praie i neverBending,
8earn to dwell where the glory never !adeO
3here countle worhipper will hare one
And crie o! KworthyF will honour the 0amb@

895 B+essed Be 2he Name
7leed be the :ame o! the 0ord
'e i worthy to be praied and adored,
+o we li!t up holy hand in one accord,
+inging bleed be the :ameAAA
7leed be the :ameAAA
7leed be the :ame o! the 0ord
Jeu i the :ame o! the 0ord
'e i worthy to be praied and adored,
+o we li!t up holy hand in one accord,
+inging Jeu i the :ameAAA
Jeu i the :ameAAA
Jeu i the :ame o! the 0ord
Aweome i the :ame o! the 0ord
'e i worthy to be praied and adored,
+o we li!t up holy hand in one accord,
+inging aweome i the :ameAAA
Aweome i the :ameAAA
Aweome i the :ame o! the 0ord

896 Breathe Ito 5e
)nly 8ou take my breath away
)nly 8ou take my breath away
)nly 8ou take my breath away
And then 8ou breathe new li!e into me
+o breathe into me
+o breathe into me
+o breathe into me
)nce Again

7reathe (nto *e )h 0ord
7reathe into me oh 0ord,
the breath o! li!e
+o that my pirit would be whole
And my oul made right
7reathe into me oh 0ord,
day by day
+o that my heart i pure be!ore 8ou,
alway, alway

897 Be Bo+d6 Be *trog
7e bold, be trong
<or the lord thy God i with thee
7e bold, be trong
<or the lord thy God i with thee
( am not a!raid
( am not dimayed
7ecaue (Fm walking in !aith and victory
3alking in !aith and victory
<or the 0ord thy God i with me

898 /++ #oour
All honourAAA All gloryAAA
All powerAAA -o 8ou
All honourAAA All gloryAAA
All powerAAA -o 8ou
'oly <ather we worhip 8ou
?reciou Jeu our +aviour
'oly +pirit, we wait on 8ou
'oly +pirit, we wait on 8ou
<or !ireNA <or !ireNA

899 /++ 2he #eaves
'oly, holy are you 0ord
-he whole earth i !illed
3ith 8our glory
0et the nation rie to give
'onour and praie to 8our name
0et 8our !ace +hine on u
And the world will know 8ou live
All the heaven +hout 8our praie
7eauti!ul i our God
-he univere will ing
'allelu/ah to 8ou )ur 1ing
900 /rise
)ne -hing we ak o! 8ou
)ne thing that we deire
-hat a we worhip 8ou
0ord, come and change our live
Arie, Arie, Arie, Arie
Arie, take 8our place
7e enthroned on our praie Arie,
1ing o! king 'oly God,
A we ing Arie, Arie,

Jesus, You're the sweetest name of all
Jesus, You always hear me when I call
Oh Jesus, You pick me up
Each time I fall
You're the sweetest
The sweetest name of all
Jesus, how I love to praise Your name
Jesus, You're still the first
The last, the same
Oh Jesus, You died
And took away my shame
You're the sweetest
The sweetest name of all
You're the sweetest
The sweetest name of all
Jesus, You're the soon and coming ing
Jesus, we need the love
That You can !ring
Oh Jesus, we lift our voices up and sing
You're the sweetest
The sweetest name of all
Jesus, You're the sweetest name of all
Jesus, You always hear me when I call
Oh Jesus, You pick me up
Each time I fall
You're the sweetest
The sweetest name of all
You're the sweetest
The sweetest name of all

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