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Simonds MTH 251

I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e| 1
According to simplified Newtonian physics, if a projectile is fired from a height of 10 m at an initial
speed of 49 m/s, then the elevation of the object (measured in m) is given by the function
( )
4.9 49 10 g t t t = + + where t is the amount of time (measured in s) that has passed since the
projectile was launched.

We define the average velocity of the projectile over the time interval [ ]
1 2
, t t to be
( ) ( )
2 1
2 1
g t g t
t t

Lets find a generalized formula for the average velocity over the interval [ ]
1 2
, t t .

Mr. Simonds MTH 251
2 | I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e
When analyzing rates of change, we sometimes find it advantageous to specify the initial time and
the length of the time interval rather than the initial and final times of the interval. In this
situation, we tend to identify the initial time as t and the length of the time interval as h. It should
be noted that technically h could be negative; in that case, t would actually be the end of the time
interval and h would be the length of the time interval.

Lets find a formula for the average velocity (using the model on page 1) in terms of t and h.

( )
4.9 49 10 g t t t = + +
Mr. Simonds MTH 251
I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e| 3
Lets use the formula ( )
4.9 49 10 g t t t = + + to determine the average velocity of the projectile
over the interval [ ] 4,7 and lets include units while making the calculation. Lets then draw a
graphical representation of the average velocity onto Figure 1.

Lets use both of our average velocity formulas to confirm the average velocity of the projectile
over [ ] 4,7 . Lets do this in a unit-less context.

Lets use both of our average velocity formulas to help us determine the (instantaneous) velocity of
the projectile exactly four seconds into its flight. Lets do this in a unit-less context.

Figure 1: g
Mr. Simonds MTH 251
4 | I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e

Lets discuss three fundamental differences between the difference quotient and the first
derivative function.

The difference quotient for the function ( ) y f x = is the expression
( ) ( ) f x h f x

The first derivative function for f is ( )
( ) ( )
f x h f x
f x

= .
Figure 2: secant line to ( ) cos y t = Figure 3: tangent line to ( ) cos y t =
Mr. Simonds MTH 251
I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e| 5

Lets use both of the definitions of the first derivative to find the first derivative formula for the
function ( )
h x x = .

Al ternate Definition
The first derivative function for ( ) y f x = is ( )
( ) ( )
t x
f t f x
f x
t x

Mr. Simonds MTH 251
6 | I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e
Lets use the alternate definition of the first derivative function to find a formula for ( ) g t where
( ) 1 2 g t t = + .

Mr. Simonds MTH 251
I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e| 7
The function ( )
w x

is shown in Figure 4. Lets use the standard definition of the first

derivative function to help us determine the equation of the tangent line to w at 1.

Figure 4: w
1 y =
3 x =
Mr. Simonds MTH 251
8 | I nt r o duc t i o n t o t he F i r s t D er i v at i v e
Stanly and Hooch are filling a large pot with water using the spigot at the back of their house.
Stanly and Hooch are only 6 and 8, so they havent yet figured out that they dont need to hold the
pot whilst it fills. Because the pot is really large and their arms not so much so, at times more
water is sloshing out of the pot than is flowing in from the spigot.

The rate at which the volume of water in the pot is changing (measured in gal/min) is given by the
formula ( ) ( ) ( ) 5cos 3sin 2 R t t t = + where t is the amount of time (min) that has elapsed since
the boys began to fill the pot.

It can be shown that ( ) ( ) ( ) 5sin 3cos R t t t = . Lets approximate the values of ( ) 3.7 R and
( ) 3.7 R to the nearest 10
(including their units) and then write sentences that convey the
meaning of the values in the context of this problem.

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