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A New-Voice for

Teachers and Education.

I will serve the members of District 12 with respect, energy and
enthusiasm. I believe that the leadership of the OSSTF must better
engage members, improve its communication and bargaining
strategies, and become a powerful voice for education in Ontario.

Politicians will only negotiate with us in times of political convenience - we must ensure that it is always
politically inconvenient to not negotiate.
I love being a teacher. I love the
unique position we hold in the
classroom. I believe that public
education is a unique force for good
and must be protected vigorously.

After being in the classroom for
thirteen years, I am troubled by
repeated attacks on education and
educators. I believe that the OSSTF
must be the primary defender of
public education in Ontario.

A changing political landscape that is
increasingly cynical, reducing
education to a tool of re-election,
requires a new approach. A proactive,
aggressive defence of public education
requires new voices in the OSSTF.

My unique background and fresh voice
can help defend education and
educators in Toronto.

for Executive Officer
OSSTF District 12
Contact me anytime at:

Honours Double Major in
Mass Communications and Linguistics
- Academic background uniquely relevant for
Federation in educations highly
politicized modern environment

OSSTF Experience:
- Current Branch President at
Dr. Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute
- Member of D12`s Collective Bargaining

Widely read articles:
Why I am Voting No (to the MOU)
OSSTFing Up Negotiations

Core Beliefs for OSSTF:
- Defending education and educators is vital in
this political environment and is central
to the OSSTFs mission
- Internal and external communications
must be greatly improved
- A proactive approach will always beat a
reactive approach
- We must work within a political framework in
the short-term but should aim to free
ourselves from politics in the long term

Politicians will only
negotiate with us in times of
political convenience. We
must ensure that it is always
politically inconvenient to
not negotiate.

Queens Park must come to
realize that exploiting
education for political gain
is non-negotiable.

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