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Evidence Plan

Unit Install PACU/CRE Components

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Effeti!e Comm"niation
Communication is the exchange of information,
messages and thoughts. o !e effective the information must
!e communicated to the right person, at the right time and in
the right manner. he person receiving the information must
also effectivel" listen, read and/or o!serve so the"
understand the communication.
Effective communication is vital in the #or$place. It
ena!les #or$ers and supervisors to #or$ together efficientl"
to meet !oth the goals of the enterprises and the needs of
customers and clients.
Effective communication helps #or$er to%
Complete a schedule of tas$s
&ollo# a set of instructions
'earn correct procedures and improve #or$ practices
(olve pro!lems
)or$ as part of a team
&ollo# the enterprises *ccupational +ealth and (afet" and environmental procedures.
W#at is Comm"niation$
Communication is the process !" #hich people attempt to share meaning% our ideas or
thoughts. hese ideas or thoughts are transmitted !" s"m!olic messages #hich ma" !e
comprise of spo$en or printed #ords or images or gestures or ,loo$s-.
(o the simplest diagram or model of communication !et#een t#o people, a sender or
a receiver of the message ma" loo$ li$e this%
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Fig"%e 1& T#e 'asi Mo(el of Comm"niation
In addition to spo$en #ords or gestures or .ust a ,loo$- such as fro#n, the s"m!olic
message ma" comprise #ritten #ords or visual images, such as a road sign or illustration in a
he communication process ma" involve different channels or s"m!ols. )e often use
t#o channels #hen #e spea$. his non/ver!al channel 0our appearance1 ma" or ma" not !e in
agreement #ith #ords #e sa". (o if #e #ant others to !elieve in #e sa", ten our facial
expressions or other gestures need to !e in agreement to our spo$en #ords.
A) *e%+al Comm"niation
In primar" industries a large proportion of
communication is ver!al or spo$en. his ma"
occur face/to/face or via telephones or t#o/
#a" radios. &or ver!al communication to !e
effective !oth the spea$er and the listener need
to !e activel" engaged in the conversation.

he spea$er should !e clear, concise and
courteous and use a st"le of language that is
appropriate to the situation and the audience. he information should !e accurate to the
!est of the spea$er-s $no#ledge .he tone of voice and the !od" language used #hen
spea$ing are often as important as the #ords themselves.
he listener should give the spea$er their full attention and !e sure that the" clearl"
understand the messages !eing conve"ed.Again2 !od" language is ver" important. 3ood
listening s$ills are necessar" #hen receiving instruction or !eing taught ne# procedures.
') Non,*e%+al Comm"niation
A significant aspect of face/to/face
communication is non/ver!al !od"
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language. his includes !od" posture, arm and hand positions, facial expressions and
e"e, hand gestures. (ometimes a conflicting message ma" !e given !ecause the
#ords spo$en do not match a spea$er-s !od" language.
3ood o!servation s$ills are needed to ,read- #hat is reall" !eing communicated
!eing a#are of cues and signals is a crucial s$ill in understanding people-s attitudes.

Personal presentation, dress and h"giene also contri!ute to the impression a person
ma$es #hen the" are communicating.
*ther forms of non/ver!al communication regularl" found in the #or$place include%
Signals- for example hand signals used #hen operating machiner"2 traffic lights.
Signs- for example safet" signs2 #or$place #arning2 men-s ladies and disa!les
toilets2 first aid posts.
.iag%ams- for example propert" maps2 diagrams in machiner" manuals.
S/m+ols, for example poison schedules2 map legends2 machiner" gears and
C) W%itten omm"niation
Agriculture, horticulture and land management
enterprises often re4uire #or$ers to use #ritten
forms of communication. his ma" involve
reading #or$place notices and instructions such
(igns and la!els
5otes, message and memos
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Roster and #or$ schedules
(afet" materials and notices
Invoices and doc$ets #ith costumer information
a!les and simple graphs
Emplo"ees ma" also !e re4uired to #rite do#n information, messages and material and
tool re4uirements. he" #ill need to fill out a variet" of #or$place forms.
o !e effective, #ritten #or$place information must !e%
6. Clea% , the hand#riting must !e legi!le and the information #ritten in a manner
that #ill not !e confusing.
7. Conise 0the message should !e #ritten in simple language using short
sentences or point form. Unnecessar" information and repetition should !e
8. Co%%et 0accurac" is ver" important I #riting do#n information. If ta$ing a
phone message, read the details !ac$ to the caller, especiall" names address
and phone num!ers. Use correct terminolog" #here appropriate.
9. Co"%teo"s / as #ith ver!al communication, the st"le of the language chosen
should !e appropriate to the situation.
Co%%etl/ i(entif/ so"%es of info%mation
Information can !e sourced internall" !" as$ing appropriate 4uestions of emplo"ers,
supervisors or colleagues. Another #a" of sourcing information is to access and read #or$place
documents. It is important to $no# #here #or$place records are $ept and to return them to the
correct place after use.
Most enterprises have a !usiness director" that contains the names, addresses, phone and
fax num!ers, email addresses and contact names for a num!er of services such as%
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he local veterinarian
rade personnel
Industr" and regulator" !odies
'ocal government

*ther external sources of information can !e sourced from the media, internet , C: R*Ms
and :;:-s ,reference material supplied !" companies and the local li!rar".
O+tain app%op%iate info%mation
*nce the source of the information has !een found, the correct information needs to !e
collected. his #ill depend on the purpose of the information, the people #ho #ill use the
information and the time availa!le or necessar" to o!tain it.
&or example, if a #or$er is as$ed to ring around the local produce stores to compare
fertili<er prices, a half/hour conversation catching up on the local gossip #ould not !e
appropriate. Conversel", if the emplo"ee responsi!le for machiner" maintenance #as sent to
loo$ at a second hand tractor, there #ould !e an expectation that sufficient time #ould !e spent
to thoroughl" assess the condition of the machine.
Information needs to !e sorted so that onl" relevant data is collected. he information must
also !e interpreted correctl" and #ritten do#n accuratel" and legi!l" .A livestoc$ carrier #ho
phones to sa" that he #ill arrive to pic$ up cattle at =am on Monda" #ill not !e impressed if the
cattle are not "arded !ecause the messages #as interpreted incorrectl" and the su!se4uentl"
note reads > Cattle truc$ coming =pm Monda"?.
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O%gani2ational Comm"niation

It is the s"stem of path#a"s through #hich messages flo#. *rgani<ational communication
sho#s the patterns of interaction among people #ho comprise an organi<ation 0#ho
communicates #ith #hom@1
T/pes of O%gani2ational Comm"niation St%"t"%e&
A) Fo%mal Comm"niation St%"t"%e
Communication through designated cannels of messages flo# !et#een organi<ation
positions usuall" found in organi<ational charts, polic" manuals, or hierarchical structures.
3 T/pes o Fo%mal Comm"niation
6. .o4n4a%( Comm"niation 0 Communication that flo#s from upper to lo#er 0such as
manager to emplo"er or superior to su!ordinate1.
"pes of message% .o! instructions, .o! rationales, procedure and practices information,
feed!ac$, and indoctrination.
7. Up4a%( Comm"niation , transmission of messages from lo#er to higher levels of the
organi<ation 0such as communication initiated !" su!ordinates #ith their
superiors1."pes of messages% performance on the .o!, .o! related pro!lems,
su!ordinates perceptions of org policies and practices, tas$s and procedure.
8. Ho%i2ontal Comm"niation A &lo# of message across functional areas at a given level
of an organi<ational 0this permits people at the same level o communicate directl"1.
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"pes of messages% facilitate pro!lem solving, info sharing across different #or$ groups, tas$s
coordination !et#een departments and pro.ect teams.
B. Info%mal Comm"niation / Episodes of interaction that do not reflect officiall" designated
channels of communication. he ,grapevine- emerges from social and personal interests of
the emplo"ees rather than the formal re4uirements of the organi<ation. Information
communication is inherent and evens a necessar" aspect of organi<ation life. >Chismis? is the
popular local #ord for informal communication.
Use o%%et p%oe("%es fo% t#e sto%age of info%mation
Use organi<ation and !usiness has a particular method for storing information. It is
important that all emplo"ees #ho need to access that information are familiar #ith the location
and the filling s"stem used. Records might !e stored in the follo#ing places%
&illing ca!inets
Computer files and data!ases
&olders on shelves in dra#ers or under counters
Pin !oards and #hite !oards
Information stored in filling ca!inet is usuall" organi<ed alpha!eticall" or under different
topic headings. Basic computer s$ills are re4uired to access computer records. +elp should
!e sought if a particular piece of information cannot !e found. All records should !e filed
correctl" and returned to the appropriate location after use.
Man" #or$places also store information #hich is confidential. An"one #ith access to these
records should not onl" use them #hen necessar" and onl" allo# distri!ution of the
information to relevant personnel or authorities.
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Me(i"m of Comm"niation
Medium pertains to the method used to communicate specific information. (ome if the
examples of such include the follo#ing%
A) Fae to fae omm"niation
*ne #a" to communicate information is !" getting the undivided attention of "our target
audience. *ften this #ill !e through some sort of presentation at a meeting or conference. his
is a great method !ecause "ou can engage "our audience in a much more active #a" than
through man" other communication mediums2 "ou can%
As$ 4uestions
(timulate discussion
3et feed!ac$
Ma$e decisions
Utili<e visual stimuli through po#er point slides, flipcharts, and handouts.
') Memo%an("m
Memorandum 0also commonl" memo1 is a !rief #ritten
record or communication used in an office, #hether
!usiness, government educational institution or legal
office the plural form is either memoranda or
memorandums. A memo has a specific format !ut ma"
!e specific to a single office, level or government, or
other institution.
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A memorandum is #ritten using a specific format, usuall" a format accepted !" the office
in #hich the memorandum is to !e used. he usual structure for a memorandum includes some
or all of the follo#ing%
TO& he person receiving the memorandum
FROM& he person #riting the memorandum
.ATE& Usuall" a formal manner of #riting the date, for example March 77nd, 6CCD
SU'6ECT& A short title descriptive of the topic in discussion in the memorandum
Int%o("tion& explaining #h" the memorandum has !een #ritten and #hat topic the
memorandum #ill discuss.
'o(/& discussing the topic in detail/explaining #hat exactl" and itemi<ing #hen possi!le.
Conl"sions& explaining #hat #ill or should happen next, #hen the follo# up #ill occur and
#h" the data is important.
Regardless of #hat a memorandum is a!out, each memo should !e a!out a single idea,
su!.ect or report. his is the accepted format of a memo so that #hen a memo is #ritten the
single sheet of paper or in the electronic office a single email can !e filed in the most
appropriate location, and the action can !e recorded on the memo in some #a" to indicate
completion of the item. I addition, some offices restrict the si<e of a memo to .ust one page,
although this is difficult to handle in an electronic office2 in those settings memos are often
restricted to DEE #ords or less
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*rgani<ation features of a memorandum tend to var" according to the context. &or
example, one of the #a"s to organi<e a legal memo #ould feature an organi<ation as follo#s%
A s"mma%/ of %ele!ant fats
S"int i(entifiation of legal iss"es
A (is"ssion of la4 %ele!ant to t#e legal iss"es- an( appliation of t#at la4
to t#e fats
A onl"sions t#at is %esponsi!e to t#e legal iss"es.
Ot#e% Me(i"ms&
hese are some great communication mediums, !ut there are man" others "ou should
not forget. (ome other communication methods include%

Personal phone calls
Mailed letter
Email message
)e! discussion forum
Press release
5e#sletter Article
Bulletin Announcements
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6. 'ist do#n the #a"s !" #hich effective communication can help #or$ers.
7. )hat is communication@
8. )hat are the !asic elements in the communication process@
9. )hat are the characteristics of effective #or$place communication@
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6. Effective communication ma" help #or$ers to%
Complete a schedule of tas$s
&ollo# a set of instructions
'earn correct procedures and improve #or$ practices
(olve pro!lems
)or$ as part of a team
&ollo# the enterprise *ccupational +ealth and (afet" and environmental procedures
7. )hat is Communication@
Communication is the process !" #hich people attempt to share meaning% our ideas and
thoughts. hese ideas or thoughts are transmitted !" s"m!olic messages #hich ma" !e
comprised of spo$en or printed #ords or images or gestures or ,loo$s-.
8. )hat are the !asic elements in communication process@
9. o !e effective, #ritten #or$place information must !e%
Clea% , the hand#riting must !e legi!le and the information #ritten in a manner
that #ill not !e confusing.
Conise 0the message should !e #ritten in simple language using short
sentences or point form. Unnecessar" information and repetition should !e
Co%%et 0accurac" is ver" important I #riting do#n information. If ta$ing a
phone message, read the details !ac$ to the caller, especiall" names address
and phone num!ers. Use correct terminolog" #here appropriate.
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Co"%teo"s / as #ith ver!al communication, the st"le of the language chosen
should !e appropriate to the situation.
SE7F,CHEC8 # 1
61 Assume that "ou #ill !e loo$ing for the follo#ing information, identif" their appropriate
Municipal 'icense fee
(pecification of a personal computer
*ffice materials
Re4uirements for the registration of a !usiness
Price of a sac$ of cement
71 Identif" #hether the follo#ing examples is% UP)AR:, :*)5)AR: *R +*RIF*5A'
(eminars and #or$shops
Exit intervie#
Inserts in pa" envelopes
3rievance procedure
elephones and intercoms
Mass meeting
Compan" pu!lication
6. he follo#ing information ma" !e sourced out from
'ocal government
rade personnel
Industries and regulator" !odies
7. "pes of organi<ational Communication
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6. )here are compan" records usuall" stored@
7. +o# is confidential information treated in the #or$place@
8. Arrange the follo#ing entries alpha!eticall".
Magallanes, Marilou C.
Morillo, Giunciano P.
A!anto, 'oraine R.
Ca!esuela, Mann" H.
+olgado, Iouana ;.
Barera, Ma. Cresela (.
Fanres, Ed Mar$ '.
'uma!an, Ianice B.
5avarro, Beverl" 5.
Petinio, :anilo
6. Compan" Records ma" !e stored in the follo#ing%
&illing ca!inets
Computer files
&olders on shelves, in dra#er or under counters
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Pin !oards and #hite !oarders
7. Man" #or$place also store information #hich is confidential. An"one #ith access to
these records should onl" use them #hen necessar" and onl" allo# distri!ution of the
information to relevant personnel or authorities.
8. Alpha!etical Arrangement%
A!anto, 'oraine R.
Barera, Ma. Cresela (.
Ca!esuela, Mann" H.
+olgado, Iouana ;.
'uma!an, Ianice B.
Magallanes, Marilou C.
Morillo,Guincian P.
5avarro,Beverl" 5.
Fanres,Ed Mar$ '.
A. Identify the terms being referred to in the following statements.
________________ 1. The method used to communicate specific information.
________________2. A brief written record of information, used in an office.
________________3. It explains will or what should happen next based from the
concern of the memorandum.
_______________. The part of the memorandum which discusses in detail its meat or
main concern.
_______________!. A short title descripti"e of the topic in discussion in the
#. $ame the other medium for communication
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%. &ead the following example of a memorandum, and then pro"ide the information
which will as' for.
%()*+T,& %()*A$-
Interoffice )emorandum
.AT,/ .ecember 0, 2112
To/ *roduct .e"elopment *ersonnel
3rom/ )iss. )argaret 4lanes
5+#6,%T/ %all for *roposal
The #oard of .irectors has appro"ed the release of an extra *p 2!, 111, 11
in incenti"e funds for product de"elopment for the coming year. A board7appointed
committee accepts proposals for the new products up to April 21, 2118 and the board
expects to appro"e as many meritorious proposals as funding allows.
To propose a new product foe de"elopment, an employee must ha"e been with
the company for the past six months.
This is a great opportunity to wor' on these exciting ideas you9"e all been
suggesting in the past year. I ha"e appro"ed wor' released time of 21 hours for proposal
writing, so there9s no reason why anyone of you can9t wor' up a pro:ect.
I would be happy to discuss your ideas with you at any time. ;ood luc'<
=ho wrote the memo
=hy was the memorandum written>
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=hat did the writer want her reader to do>
A. Identification
1. )edium
2. )emorandum
3. %onclusion
. Introduction
!. 5ub:ect
B. Other mediums of communication
*ersonal phone calls
)ailed letter
,mail message
=eb discussion form
*ress release
$ewsletter Article
#ulletin Announcements
C. Memorandum
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=ho wrote the memo>
)iss )argaret 4lanes
=hy was the memorandum written>
The memorandum was written in order to inform the people of the organi?ation that
the company has funded product proposal and that the company will be willing to
finance the production of meritorious proposals.
=hat does the writer want her reader to do>
The writer wants to inspire her readers to capitali?e on their creati"e ideas in order to
come up with a new product concept.

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