ORGANISE YOUR SPEECH: Structure, Guide and Illustrate

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ORGANISE YOUR SPEECH : structure, guide and illustrate

A good speech is one that guides the public for their comfort and their interest.
The easiest technique is to signal the start, the paragraphs and the end of your speech.
- Start : Shall we get started ? May I have your attention, please ?
- Paragraph : We now come to the second point of my talk which is ....
Let me now give you a few details about ....
You may now wonder how we can manage to ....
- Important points I'd like to point out that / I'd like to focus on...
- End : Do you have any questions ?
I am ready to take your questions if you have any.
1. Signal the start
2. Signal the subject of speech
3. Signal a paragraph
4. Signal an important point
5. Signal the end
6. Signal questions
7. Signal repetition
8. Signal explanation, definition,
* I think we can start now. Let me first introduce myself. My name is....
* I will take 10 minutes of your time and I will be talking about French cuisine.
* First of all, I'd like to say a few words about traditional French cuisine.
* You may now wonder what nouvelle cuisine is all about.
* At this point, I think we should talk about fast food.
* We should bear in mind that working people have little time to prepare traditional dishes.
* I'd like to point out that nouvelle cuisine reduces the amount of fat and insists on the
aesthetic aspect of presentation.
* To conclude let me sum up the main points.
* Let me recap / sum up what I have just said.
* I am now ready to answer your questions if you have any.
* As I said before / previously
* Let me give you some famous examples: beef bourguigon, sole meunire.
* Let me give you a definition. Traditional cuisine can be defined as food prepared from
natural ingredients and cooked in sauces.
Introduction Shall we start? May I have your attention, please? Let's get started!
Before we start, let me remind you of our schedule.
Let me first introduce myself briefly.
It is a great pleasure for me to be here with you today.
The title of my talk is...I will be proposing some solutions...
We can cover those points in about 20 mns.
This will leave us 10 mns for questions before the coffee break.
Let me start with an anecdote that will illustrate my topic.
Who has not experienced / been affected by...?
Have you ever wondered how much time we waste when doing....?
Did you know that...? You will be surprised to hear that...
Let me report the words of our chairman.

Organiser et signaler les tapes
Let me now say a few words about...
We now come to the second point which is...
As I said before,...
We have just seen how... Let us now turn to...
You may now wonder how we managed to
Insister I'd like to stress/draw your attention to / focus your attention on...
We should bear in mind that... I'm convinced that....
Persuader You will agree with me that...
Just imagine what would happen if...
I suppose you're going to tell me that.
Expliquer What I mean is that.... What I am suggesting is to...
X can be classified under several types, namely...
It can be broken down into several parts, which are...
Let me explain.
This change/variety can be explained by...
Illustrer As you can see,...
I have brought with me a visual which I hope will clarify the problem.
To illustrate this, let us have a look at...
Let me tell you a story/relate an experience.
Let me give you an example. Let's take the example of...
Comparer When considering... When compared with/ to...
If we compare with...., we realise that....
To a large extent, it is very similar to... It can be compared to/with...
On the contrary, it is in sharp contrast with....It is very different from...
Conclusion To sum up / To summarize / As a conclusion, I'd like to stress
To answer the initial question, we have indentified 5 solutions.
In the course of the presentation we have explored, investigated, described...
We started with...and gradually we have realised...
What remains to be done now is We now have to decide whether...
The course of action I now suggest is....
That's about all. Do you have any questions?
I'm now ready to take your questions.
Questions et commentaires I have one question. Could we have more details about...?
I have one comment to make. This reminds me of...

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