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Gu Li, Freed from 'Last Minute Burden', 1 Win

Overall Score 2-1, 4

Match in Seoul
Gu Li recovers with this game.(Image
The rival match of the century just couldnt end with a one-sided win from one
player. In the first match of the Jubango, Lee edol, accompanied by his wife
and daughter, grabbed the historical first win. !ith the same feeling, at the end
of the "
match, #u Li, accompanied by his wife and daughter, displayed for us a
determined attitude. $erhaps than%s to the support of his family& !ith his first
win in the Jubango, bringing the overall score to '-(, #u Li closes the gap by a
The "
match of the Jubango too% place on the ")
at ')*))am +,orea time- at
.hengdu, ichuan $rovince, in .hina. Lee edol, already having grabbed two
wins, had a psychological advantage, but with this being the rival match of the
century, with trivial pros and cons for both players, such an advantage doesnt
mean much.
It was a /uintessential game between the rivals, #u Li and Lee edol. Lee edol,
from the start of the game plays provocatively time after time, however an
une0pectedly calm and composed #u Li, returned for this game. Ta%ing white,
from the start of the game, #u Li established a small but firm advantage, and
after the large capture in the bottom left, made his win clear. 1fter that, in the
chase with Lee edols group, #u Li made a few mista%es, however, nothing that
would change the result of the game. +!23esign, ((( moves-
tarting in the morning, broadcasting from Tygem, 4a 5yun 6p commented,
78rom the start of the game, #u Li gained a bit of a lead. $ermitting the lower
left made a favorable result for white, and with the capture of blac%s five stones
on the bottom, it became a decisive loss for Lee edol. Today, #u Li played
In the last two wee%s of :arch, Lee edol has successively lost three games in
the ;haoshang .up, .hunlan .up, and now the Jubango. Lee edol still leads in
the Jubango (-', but considering #u Lis upward trend, the majority opinion is
that the li%ely winner of the Jubango remains unclear. The 6
match is planned
to be held in ,orea on 1pril (<
The main sponsor of the Lee edol-#u Li Jubango is :Lily. The winner will
receive =,))),))) >uan +?@<),))),))) !on A ?@)),))) BC-. The loser will
receive ()),))) >uan +?"=,))),))) !on A ?"),))) BC- for travel e0penses.
The match time limits are 6 hours each, with <.= %omi. There is no e0tra time
allotted for lunch or other brea%s.
Match Date Winner Loser Result Score Location
Game 1 2014-01-26 Lee Sedol Gu Li B+R (251 moves) Sedol 1-0 Beijing
Game 2 2014-02-23 Lee Sedol Gu Li W+15 (2!" moves) Sedol 2-0 S#ang#ai
Game 3 2014-03-30 Gu Li Lee Sedol W+R (222 moves) Gu Li 1-2 $#engdu
Game 4 2014-04-2" %o&ea
Game 5 2014-05-25 S#ang&ila
Game 6 2014-0"-2" Liuan
Game " 2014-0!-31 Lasa
Game ! 2014-0'-2! $#ong(ing
Game ' 2014-10-26 )ong*ong
Game 10 2014-11-30 Wu#u
(Translators Note: Previous text appears to be post-game news, with the following news
appearing to be written as the game progressed.)
!hen as%ed, regarding the Jubango, about the most burdensome score situation
that could arise in the series, Lee edol replied, 7:aybe if it came to be "-), or
perhaps 6-'D the level of tension would probably pea% at that point.9 If Lee
edols remar% was correct, this match falls at the juncture of whether the score
becomes "-) or '-(. 1ccording to the result, the entire composure of the series
could change abruptly.
!ith Lee edol at (-), appearing to have an overwhelming lead, the "
match of
the <)-year Jubango is held on the :arch ")
at ')*))am +,orea Time- at
.hengdu, ichuan $rovince, in .hina.
!ith Lee edol as blac%, steadily ta%ing territory, he is playing a steady opening.
The match is going slowly compared to a typical game, having started over (
hours ago up to now at '(*()pm, having progressed just barely 6) moves.

Cespite Lee edol typically arriving first in the playing room, today #u Li is first
to sit down, trying to control his composure. !ith #u Lis daughter and wife
ma%ing an appearance, the importance hanging on this match is clear.
1t the moment, a new pattern is brea%ing out in the bottom right, and from here
on out, with both players showing spirit to overcome the other at this turning
point, they appear to be using up a considerable amount of time. The Tygem
commentator, 4a 5yun 6p e0pects, 7Lee edol seems to thin% that blac% doesnt
loo% too bad. !hat happens in this bottom right corner will decide who is in a
better position.9
The main sponsor of the Lee edol-#u Li Jubango is :Lily. The winner will
receive =,))),))) >uan +?@<),))),))) !on A ?@)),))) BC-. The loser will
receive ()),))) >uan +?"=,))),))) !on A ?"),))) BC- for travel e0penses.
The match time limits are 6 hours each, with <.= %omi. There is no e0tra time
allotted for lunch or other brea%s.
Hour 1 (Moves 1~43) !o""e# o$ Strong Moves (1%&3'(m)
) Lee Se*o" + Gu Li
Gu Li, Desperately Feeling the Importance of this Game. 1rriving early
to the match room for the "
game, #u Li calmed himself down, showing a
different attitude than usual. 5e appears to be showing an attitude that hell
play his very best for this "
game. Just as e0pected. The match started ( and a
half hours ago, but the game has hardly progressed at all. 3ight now, the two are
contending for an advantage in the lower right, and with the Lee edol-li%e
innovation of blac% "<, it loo%s li%e it will continue to ta%e a lot thin%ing time
from here. !ith blac% 6", Lee edol aims to completely capture the corner.
Tygem commentator 4a 5yun 6p comments, 7Its not a bad progression for
Hour % (Moves 43~,1) Lee Se*o" Maintains a Lea* (1&4'(m)
) Lee Se*o" + Gu Li
!ith the tight blac% , Lee edol aims to complicate the game, consolidating his
chance at victory. !ith whites cut at 66, the tussle wraps up with blac% E'.
1fter this result, the bottom right white stones still arent completely captured
+white 1 can start a %o-, but even so, its a good enough result for blac%. #u Lis
attachment at white E( shows a desperate resistance, but in capturing the two
white stones, it loo%s li%e blac% has a good chance to win. Ff course with white
settling at E@, the white stones in the corner are not yet completely dead, but its
a good enough result for blac%.
Hour 3 (Moves ,%~-4) .he Intense /att"e 0ontinues (3&%'(m)
) Lee Se*o" + Gu Li
The top right corner, having no remaining aji, is completely blac%s territory.
ome from the review room thought that, instead of white <(, invading directly
at the "-" with white <6 could have been possible. 8inally, with Lee edol
reinforcing at blac% @G, the %o was completely settled. Hven so, as the two stones
on the bottom can still be used, white still had a bit of potential in the area.
!hite G) was said to be a good move in the review room. Ilac% G' was a move
ta%ing into account the center, but with white G( and the cut at white G6,
another tussle is about to start.
Hour 4 (Moves -1~11,) 2i"" it "ive3 2i"" it *ie3 (4&%'(m)
) Lee Se*o" + Gu Li
In the battle on the left, with blac%s G= and G<, blac% ma%es the center solid. It
loo%s li%e it will be enough to compete on pointsJ blac% ')' even has the
intention of capturing the right... Iut now comes #u Lees winning se/uence.
!hite ')( pushes out with the intention of ma%ing massive territory both on the
left and on the bottom. 8rom here, white ''@ and '() clearly show the intention
of capturing the blac% stones on the bottom. Harlier, when blac% pushed at ''',
whites response at ''( also wor%ed in this conte0t. This is crucial. 3egarding
this, 4a 5yun 6p thought that it would be hard for blac% to live. 8rom here, Lee
edols plan is...&
Hour 1 (Moves 114~15%) Lee Se*o" Is Losing (1&%'(m)
) Lee Se*o" + Gu Li
In the last stages of the game, Lee edol is losing. In the lower left corner, blac%
is all captured. 1fter piercing partially into the bottom, blac% reinforced the
center blac% stones. 5owever, after losing sente, white returned to move ahead
with '=@ on the right side. 8inally, white returned to pressure the left with white
'E(. #u Li has completely and absolutely solidified his victory at this point.
Hour 5 (Moves 153~14-) nother 0hase is initiate* (5&1'(m)
) Lee Se*o" + Gu Li
!ith whites bloc% at , #u Li can again harass blac%s groupJ The atmosphere
feels that white has basically won. #u Li will either capture the blac% group, or
solidify his territory on the top K at least one of the two seems inevitable.
5owever, at the last moment, #u Li wavered. !ith the white cut at '<@, the
position became complicated. Instead of this move, simply focusing on the blac%
group on the left and playing '@= would %ill the large group. 4ow, with white
foregoing the chance to completely finish the game, the right white stones are
also captured, and blac% lives. #u Li is still ahead on points here, but blac% '@G
was a good endgame move. Its clear that #u Li is a little sha%en up now.
Gu Li6Lee Se*o" 7u8ango 3
Match Has /egun.
!ee "edols #ontemplation.
Gu Li9s 2i$e: ;u#uan: an* their <aughter. Gu Li an* his wi$e marrie* "ast #ear in 7anuar#.
(Translated b$ %rian &irb$ '(irb$b)umi* from http:,,www.t$gem.*om,news,news,viewpage.asp-

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