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Classical Electrodynamics

Chapter 6

Maxwell Equations ,
Macroscopic Electromagnetism,
Conservation Law

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



6.1Maxwell Equations
6.2Conservation law

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


6.1Maxwell Equations

The basic laws of electricity and magnetism
Displacement current

Maxwell equations
1. The basic laws of electricity and magnetism

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


2. Displacement current

3. Maxwell equations

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


4. In vacuum (

5. The definition of


in terms of the potentials

and satisfies identically

the two homogeneous Maxwell equations. It is convenient to restrict the
consideration to the vacuum form to the Maxwell equations. Then the
inhomogeneous equations can be written in terms of the potentials as (6.10)(6.11)

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



inserted into



2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


6. We have now reduced the set four Maxwell equations to two equations. But they are
still coupled equations. The uncoupling can be accomplished by exploiting the
arbitrariness involved in the definition of the potentials.
gauge transformation :

The freedom means that we can choose a set of potentials (A, )to satisfy the Lorenz

. This will uncouple the pair of equations (6.10) and (6.11)

and leave two inhomogeneous wave equations, one for and one for A:

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


7. Suppose that the potentials

that satisfy (6.10) and (6.11) do not satisfy Lorenz


. Then let us make a gauge transformation

and demand that

satisfy the Lorenz condition:

Thus, provided a gauge function can be found to satisfy

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


Coulomb gauge(transverse gauge)This is the gauge in which

From (6.10) we see that the scalar potential satisfies the Poisson equation,

with solution,


From (6.11)


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


With the help of the continuity equation


(6.23) it is seen that


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


In passing we note a peculiarity of the Coulomb gauge. It is well known that
electromagnetic disturbances propagate with finite speed. Yet (6.23) indicates that the
scalar potential propagates instantaneously everywhere in space. The vector potential,
on the other hand, satisfies the wave equation (6.30), with its implied finite speed of
propagation c. At first glance it is puzzling to see how obviously unphysical behavior is
avoided. A preliminary remark is that it is the fields, not the potentials, that concern us.
A further observation is that the transverse current

(6.28) extends over all space, even

if J is localized.

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


8. Green functions for the wave equation
A. Green functions of time independent

for the wave equation

The basic structure of the wave equations:

: source distribution

For the Poisson equation

, the solution

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


Fourier transform :

When the representations wave function and source distribution are
inserted into the wave equation

it is found that
the Fourier transform

satisfies the inhomogeneous Helmholtz wave


inserted into

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


The Green function

appropriate to (6.35) satisfies the inhomogeneous


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


B. Green functions of time dependent

for the wave equation


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


The Green function

is called the retarded Green function because it exhibits the

causal behavior associated with a wave disturbance. The argument of the delta function
shows that an effect observed at the point x at time t is caused by the action of a source a
distance R away at an earlier or retarded time, t = t R/c. The time difference R/c is
just the time required for propagation of the disturbance from one point to the other.

is called the advanced Green function.

(time independent)

(time dependent)

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


To specify a definite physical problem, solutions of the homogeneous equation may be
added to either of


The presence of

guarantees that at remotely early times, t, before the source has

been activated, there is no contribution from the integral. Only the specified wave

exists. The second situation is that at remotely late times (t +) the wave is given as

, a known solution of the homogeneous wave equation. Then the complete

solution for all times is

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


The commonest physical situation is described by the time retarded with

= 0. It is
sometimes written with the Green function inserted explicitly:

9. Retarded solution for the fields: Jefimenkos generalizations of the Coulomb and
Biot - Savart laws

A. Electric field (time independent)

(time dependent)


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


From Maxwell equations


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



inserted into (6.51)

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


B. Magnetic field (time independent)

(5.14) (time


From Maxwell equations



2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



inserted into (6.52)

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


6.2Conservation law


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


2. Tensor

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen




2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



ting vector)

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen




2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


In vacuum

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen


From divergence theorem

2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen



2011 Classical Electrodynamics Prof. Y. F. Chen

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