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In this bulletin you will hear about some of the

work Inclusion North is doing and information

about what is happening across the country.
Find Inclusion North on Facebook and Twitter
You can find out more about all the work we are doing
by following us on Facebook and twitter at:
Twitter: @InclusionNorth
Understanding your Rights and Responsibilities
Inclusion North will be running two workshops on rights and
The dates for these workshops are:
Wednesday 1th !une in Newcastle
"riday #$th !une in %ork
Inclusion North ulletin
Issue Number !"
$ay %&'(
%ou can see the flyer for these workshops on our website
%ou only need to come to one of these workshops.
If you would like to come along( please contact )arie at:
or by calling *11+ #,#,-*..
Institutional )buse *elpline
The /espond helpline was originally set up for the people
that had been at Winterbourne 0iew and their families.
It has now been opened up to anyone who has
e1perienced institutional abuse( their friends and their
This is a confidential helpline run by trained 2olunteers.
%ou can call the helpline on a Thursday
3etween 1*am and -pm
The number to ring is ** * *$**
%ou can see the flyer that tells you more about it here:'!
New Resources from United Response
The following new reports are a2ailable.
Transforming 4are:
This is a checklist for supporting people to mo2e from
5ssessment and Treatment 6nits or &ong 7tay Institutions
to their local community.
%ou can read it here:,18r#
9ositi2e 3eha2iour 7upport and 5cti2e 7upport
This is about achie2ing real change in ser2ices
for people whose beha2iour is described as challenging
%ou can read it here:
Re+ised )d+ocacy ,uality -erformance $ark
The re2ised 5d2ocacy :uality 9erformance )ark was
launched on the +rd of 5pril by the National ;e2elopment
Team for Inclusion.
The :uality 9erformance )ark is a tool for pro2iders of
independent ad2ocacy to show their commitment and
ability to pro2ide high <uality ad2ocacy ser2ices.
This is essential for people to ha2e their 2oices heard( to
e1ercise choice and control and to li2e independently.
5 new website has been sat up where people can get more
information about the :uality 9erformance )ark:
%ou can also find out more about the launch here:>t
.ye /octors 0etting 0tandards to *elp -atients
The royal 4ollege of ?phthalmologists ha2e de2eloped
some <uality standards for patients with learning
?phthalmologists are doctors who specialise in knowing a
lot about eyes.
The idea of these standards is that they can be used to
impro2e the <uality of ser2ice that people are getting.
%ou can read the standards here:
There is some more information about them here:"sa1g
Take the *ealth 1are 0ur+ey
&earning ;isability 4arers ha2e produced a sur2ey to find
out how many people are getting their annual health@
checks for people and to see how good they are.
They are asking for people and their supporters to
complete the sur2ey e2en if they ha2enAt had an annual
health check.
&earning ;isability 4arers will tell e2eryone about the
findings of the sur2ey when it is complete.
%ou can take the sur2ey online by going to:
Inspection of radford /istrict N*0 1are Trust
The 4are :uality 4ommission will be inspecting 3radford
;istrict NB7 4are Trust( which pro2ides mental health(
learning disability and community health ser2ices to people
in 3radford( 5iredale and 4ra2en.
This will be taking place from 1#
The inspection team would be 2ery interested to hear from
anyone who has used any of these ser2ices in this trust in
the last 1# months.
The inspection team are keen to hear the e2idence from
local 2oluntary and community groups about the <uality and
safety of care at this community health trust.
%ou can send reports( peoples stories of care or other
e2idence your group holds about peopleAs care to
or you can ring
*+*** ,1,1,1.
9lease put the name of the trust you are sending
information about in the title of the email to help pass it to
the right inspection team.
There will also be public listening e2ents taking place.
%ou can find out more about these by going to:
eing 0afe in York
%ork Independent &i2ing Network are running an e2ent for
people to talk about crime and safety in %ork and what
needs to be done to impro2e the reporting of crime.
!ulia )ulligan( the 9olice and 4rime 4ommissioner for
North %orkshire will be there.
This takes place at %ork 407 on:
)onday 1#
"rom 1*.**am to 1.**pm
&unch is pro2ided
%ou can see the e2ent flyer here:,
If you want to book a place you can get a booking form
?r you can call Bealthwatch %ork on
*1.*- ,#11++
Fulfilling 2i+es
The 9eopleAs &earning ;isability 9arliament C4ounty
;urhamD are holding a "ulfilling &i2es e2ent on:
Wednesday 1-th )ay #*1-
It starts at 1*am and will finish at 1pm
It will be at the ;urham Town Ball
The day will include a 2ariety of informal engagement
methods tailored for people with learning disabilities to help
make it clearer what contributes towards leading a fulfilled
It is free to attend.
The e2ent is for people with learning disabilities and their
%ou can see the press release here:
5nd the e2ent poster here:
If you would like more information you can contact
9aul /ichard !ames on *+*** #,EE#1 or *+*** #,E--+
2ocal )rea 1oordination Network Newsletter
The 7pring #*1- Issue of the &ocal 5rea 4oordination
Network Newsletter is out now.
It contains information about the #
&ocal 5rea
4oordination Network 8athering and the following articles:
7er2iceland is not a place that anyone would choose
to li2e
=at for the Bungry
)ichelleAs 7tory
Who 4aresF The Importance of supporti2e
&earning from Winterbourne.
%ou can read the newsletter online here:;y9
?r you can download it at:>*3#4
Training 1ourses in 2eeds
4onnect in the North are running the following training
courses :
)aking )eetings =ffecti2e
Eth !une
4onfronting 4onflict 4reati2ely
1*th !une
&ooking out to get in
#,th !une
5ll of the courses start at ..+*am and finish at -pm
%ou can see the flyer and booking form here:$B
"or more information contact 7arah on
*11+ #$* +#++
or email
1elebrating Tyne 3 4ear5s 0uccess
This e2ent will be a showcase for Tyne and WearAs
achie2ements for people in an acute care setting.
It will include presentations from the ;irectors of Nursing
and the 5ccess to 5cute network members.
The e2ent is on
"rom 1#.1Epm to -.+*pm
%ou can see the in2ite here:
9laces for this e2ent are on a first come first ser2ed basis.
To reser2e a place( contact
Northern 6ames for -eople with /isabilities
The /otary 4lub of Teeside West will be running the
Northern 8ames for 9eople with ;isabilities.
9eople can take part either by applying as a group from
any organisation or by applying as an indi2idual.
This will take place on:
7unday !uly 1+th
%ou can see the flyer here:
5nd there is some more information here:"W.#
To find out more or to get an application form contact:
)ike =eles on *1,-# E-.#
?r email:
If you would like any information on any of our
meetings7 training or pro8ects you can contact the
office on:
Tel: *11+ #,# ,-*.
?r you can write to us at:
Inclusion North
1.1 3elle 0ue /oad
&7+ 1B8
%ou can 2isit our website at:
?r you can contact any member of the Inclusion North
7amantha 4lark
Tel: *$#+ E+, ,*+
7cott 4unningham
Tel: *$$,$ $$, 1#E
Gellie Woodley
Tel: *$$, 1-E +.*
&ucy 0irgo
=mail: &

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