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The Economist Magazine or newspaper? You decide!

The Economist is a world class political, literary and general newspaper. It was founded by British
businessman and banker James Wilson in 1!". The maga#ine is owned by The Economist $ewspaper
%td, and the publication belongs to The Economist &roup, half of which is owned by 'earson '%( )ia
the *inancial Times.
The maga#ine offers analysis and opinion, while trying to co)er the main business and political e)ents
of the week. It hits the press on Thursdays simultaneously in + countries to be a)ailable to the world,s
main cities e)ery *riday- The editorial matter of the maga#ine remains the same all around the world.
howe)er, the ad)ertisements differ to incorporate local appeal. E)en though, at times, the layout and
the co)er differ, the words remain the same. also, British readers get a few e/tra pages de)oted to
British news.
The maga#ine takes a stance on classical and economic freedoms and supports free trade, globali#ation,
free immigration and socially liberal ideas, and in between 1!0 to 11"2, the maga#ine incorporated
the Bankers, &a#ette and 3ailway 4onitor. 5ighly educated readers, influential e/ecuti)es and policy6
makers are interested in what The Economist maga#ine has to offer.
James Wilson was the maga#ine,s first editor and he belie)ed in reason o)er feelings, and it was
because of reason that he was able to see the in)isible hand of the profit6bearing markets that benefited
profit6seeking indi)iduals like him and the rest. Being a manufacturer, he wanted to influence other
men of business, and insisted in putting all arguments and propositions through the test for facts. which
is why the title of the maga#ine7newspaper became apt.
Walter Bagehot, son6in6law of Wilson, considered the greatest editor in terms of intellect, because of
his political writing and articles on British constitution. 5e was responsible in e/panding the
circulation of The Economist maga#ine subscription in 8merica, and for always throwing light on
sub9ects within its range. Two of the fans at the time were %ord &ran)ille and Woodrow Wilson,
'resident of the :nited ;tates from 111" to 1121. &eoffrey (rowther was the editor from 11" to 110+
and was considered as the greatest editor since Bagehot. 5e de)eloped and impro)ed the co)erage of
foreign affairs and business, mainly that of the 8mericas, which made its authoritati)eness e)en higher.
The maga#ine has anonymous writers who speak with a collecti)e )oice. 4any issues are discussed
including that of leaders. 8nonymity is maintained to fulfill the belief that what is written is more
important than the person who writes it. (ontributors to the maga#ine included <im 'hilby, a ;o)iet
:nion spy, 5.5. 8s=uith > who later became Britain,s prime minister, &arret *it#&erald, and %uigi
Einaudi 6 president of Italy from 11! to 1100. The editor,s independence is guarded by a board of
trustees, without whose permission he cannot be remo)ed. therefore, all written articles are published
in complete truth.
The Economist digital maga#ine is a)ailable on &oogle, 8pple or 4ag#ter $ewsstand, and offers a
highly interacti)e e/perience of the world. ?igital maga#ines ha)e the option of being transported in
the cloud and therefore, can be read anywhere and at any time. With The Economist digital subscription
you can en9oy an uninterrupted supply of your weekly digital maga#ine for the whole of the year as
well. We can also do our part for mother6nature by taking the step to go green-
About the Author:
The Economist is a world class political, literary and general newspaper. ?ownload The Economist
digital subscription at, and start reading a copy of The Economist digital
maga#ine today-
The Economist > a world class political, literary and general newspaper offering analysis and opinions
on business and political e)ents of the week.
The Economist,The Economist 4aga#ine,The Economist 4aga#ine ;ubscription,The Economist
?igital 4aga#ine,The Economist ?igital ;ubscription.

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