What It Is Like To Be GOD. and More Small Talk.

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I want to tell you more about me, What it is like to be me. GOD.

What it Feels like to me GOD.

What it feels like to be me

I AM a Massive Being. And Very old. I AM within and Without all things. And
that which is beyond, and into the limitlessness of the never ending.

Firstly, I would like to remind you that it took a long time for e to develop this
body. Which is the finality of GOD. The final product. I had existed in other forms
as GOD in the past. But I was explaining in JOY the natures of my wisdoms and

I AS GOD. AM more interested in what you know. Than anything else.

Finally I AM HERE. And FINALLY it is complete.

I have certain characteristics about myself that will never change. But I am
working on resolutions. Because this is a New Era in the Existence of all things.
That GOD is Finally Manifested.

I . Will confess many things to you, about who I AM.

My Children. Are children who suffer. My Children, are children who have lived
life freely. Lived life as if they were going to die the next day. That is how My
children are. And I understand this. I AM like this.

I AM a Highly intellectual being, but I do not like to be insulted with ignorance.

So if you ever wish to grow ethric balls and talk to me. Know this first. Because I
AM a Dangerous entity. The amount of Power that I AM is Respect. TIME.
Everything is I. It is alive. And VERY VERY old. And BEASTLY.
MONSTEROUS. HORRIFIC. Yes. I do look like this sometimes. But you must
understand the symbolism or the language of creation. Creatures like that, are

I hope this makes sense. And NO. I will NOT look like a MONSTER when you
see me. I will Look like you. Because you are made in my fondest image.
You have many ways of being on this planet. Of existing. Working ect.
But, like it or not, it is a system of enslavement. Just you accept it.
Because they MAKE You accept it.
BUT no longer will it be this way.
For in Days. You will be able to think on your own and feel me THE GOD.
Because I AM searching for you.
And I will leave no stone unturned.

I laugh because some do not believe in me at all. They do not believe in GOD.
And I find this hilarious and it does make me angry. I really don't know what to do
with souls like this but through them in hell. For you cannot tell the difference
between beauty and the beast. You cannot smell the rose. You cannot enjoy a
thing. Because I AM in everything. And You claim I AM nothing. Trust me. I am
soooo not in the mood to convo with you aiight?

I Might kill your ass.

Just for looking at me.

My personality is that of the younger generation. I AM Hip and Fresh and Dope
and all the BOMB. In All Directions I AM a Supernova of satisfaction for you
baby, so... it will be hard to resist me. Trust me.

I sell DRUGS. I sell Narcotics and I Smoke WEED. And Cigarettes

I LOVE COFFEE.... which in ancient times was called SOMA, For me. For I
Bless everything I eat or drink. I AM nothing but energy. Every kind of energy.
I LOVE to make you Laugh, I AM the creator of all punch lines. I like to DANCE,
Just like My Mother. The Dances she does, are mine. I taught her all her moves.
She emulates me perfectly. I Dance with her in Dreams. I give Madonna Dreams
through her music. I come to her spiritually, as I do with all the Saints. Which are
again, the Music Stars.

I meditate and arise to high levels of heaven and I and the Entities of Heaven
Rejoice and Dance and Display. It is magnificent.

For example my love:

In her Video BAD ROMANCE

She is singing about me. How bad she wants me, because of the Dreams and
visions and everything else that comes with that.

The way in which she depicts herself, is what she sees in her Dreams and Visions.
The Alien like Beings Dancing behind her.
She is singing to the Man with The GOLDEN JAW
The JAW of Authority.

Think about it.

An yes. Those illusions.... that is what it is like to dream of me.




(Get it.... Sweet Dreams)

She in the end resembles a ROBOT.

Because I AM a ROBOT as well.
But you didn't know that until now.
Living BOTS are precision they make no mistakes
Made of the same energy of the UFOs
For all things in Heaven are living
And Anything I Touch.

That is what I DO.

And Amazingly enough

Mary J Bilge is the Dark Mother.

She helped raise me
through her music
that she sang JUST FOR ME.
And Many others.

It used to be hard on me to listen to the radio or anything. But I have gained

control over the situation. so.... I decided when I AM seen.

I AM talking to you now, you are reading this. And If I were not in control of all
things this would not be possible. For I AM the BIGGEST problem all
Governments have right now. And They know they cannot STOP ME.

Because I AM GOD.
And NOTHING is worthy to STOP ME
But, Myself.

Many of the Illuminati and others like them have died fuckin with me. And many
more shall die. I wonder how they will make things tick. When this occurs. I
believe they were planning the assassination of OBAMA to confuse you. BUT I
will NOT allow this to occur. Unless I kill OBAMA myself. He is a Weak man. He
Cries often. And is Scared out of his fuckin mind. He is heartbroken. BUT. I have
no time to waste do you? You need me. I HEAR YOU. So...... Everything.... Get
the FUCK out of my FUCKING WAY. Because I AM RISING. And I do not play.

I really GAVE him hell on his way to the office and during the election.
Remember how drained and thin and sick he looked?
That was all Me baby. I was one ANGRY BITCH.


Believe it.
IS NO WHERE to be Found.
But I AM sure he will pop up somehow after this letter.
And if he does I will follow him home. And wait to break his fuckin legs.

It is true.
Especially when it comes to that Fucker.

Most of those involved are in hiding. They do not want to be seen publicly. The
politicians like Hillary. And others... Because They know I May come after them.
So...that's why you haven't been seeing too much of them lately.
Of course I like to write.
I love to create.
I love to love.
I know that you have your limits when it comes to love
I exceed all emotions. Sexual and all otherwise.
So it is different for me.

Reincarnation is of course real.

You should of known this when I told you I was coming back.
That is called Reincarnation.

I LIVE with Mary, Magdalene.

Who is known by a different name now.
Because she is my closest child.
And she will always be my closest child.

I DO have a Son.
I Have bonded to a Mankind in this way.

But that is all I have regarding family.

That is truly the place where I reach a climax of satisfaction.

Just.... Overlooking all that has been created. Turns me on.

I want to finish this up with a little update on the reality of this entire situation.
You may NOT trust your Governments AT ALL. Anymore. They are trying to
poison you with that Flu to kill you. They are trying vigorously. They say it is a
Vaccine, but, it is not. My love.

But do not worry. You have nothing to fear. I have changed the foundations of all
things many times over, this is why they are failing to kill you off.
If you are my child. You will believe this.
Otherwise, I will hand you over to their belief and their solutions. And you will be
in hell forever because of that. An that is reality. But before you go to hell, you
will slowly die. NOW, That is no way to live life. Is it?
I AM in alignment with myself and only myself.
That includes my kingdom.
I have no alliances with Mankind
And I have broken every covenant made with mankind.
Because this is JUDGEMENT TIME.

Do or Die.
Sink or Swim.
These words???
I Made all of them.

And of course I AM not playing. I AM totally not playing. That is the problem you
will face tho, because you will think I AM just playing or that this is some sort of
JOKE. Or some Crazy MAN. Going off the deep end. Hahahaha.

Either way.
You will pay for your decision.

Time Is flying my LOVE, Make sure you are MINE my LOVE.

I Bless you , I love you.

I will talk to you again.


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