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SPQR Total WAR 8.

0 Readme
Copyright (C) 2010
v8.0 - 09/10/2010

Developers:.Lt_1956 (Main mod) and Sulla (Addon)

Special Thanks:
Alcibiades of Athens (Modeler, Skinner for SPQR)
Sinuhet (Formation maker for SPQR)
Moushey (Maker of Original Map)
Dan and RS2 Team (Map features improvement)
Promethius (greek/roman city models strat RS Map)
Pacco (Barbarian city models strat RS Map)
Lordz (Tree Models RS map)
gennosuke43 (Tree Models RS Map)
Lordbula (Garrison Script)
Andymate (Beta Tester for SPQR)
Honor&Glory (SPQR Into movie maker)
EB team and Alin (Animations from EB mod)
Pinarius (Horse Mod)
Archer (Burning Buildings)
Riczu (New Ship models)
Vrabac (Some skins)
Trigger (Signifer, eagle bearer models)
DivineHammer (Killsheet maker for SPQR)
Nahirean (Beta Tester for SPQR 6.2)
Black Francis (6.4 Beta tester)
mdibatti (6.4 Beta tester)
Jegui (Beta Tester 6.4)
Jonathold (6.4 Beta Tester)
Garbarsardar (6.4 Beta Tester)
Webbird (Some Barbarian skins)
King Louise Assurbanipal (Some models & Skins)
LordGeordie (couple Armenian skins)
maximusminimus (Carthage Skins)
Prometheus (Gladiator Skins)
Tone and RS Team (Some skins/models)
Warspite (Mercenary skins)
Ferres (Roman skins/models)
weirdshadys (Banners)
ER & Gravedigger (some traits & Triggers)
ATG (Spartan model)
Titus Andronicus (Syrian Archer model)

All the fellow modders who shared on TWC ( and the ORG
And last but not least. My hearty thanks for Creative Assembly for designing this game.


This software was developed for the Total War Center's (TWC) community in an effort to
enhance its game play experience.

The TWC's URL:

Version History:
v8.0 09-??-2010

License Agreement:

Terms of Use
This Software is FREEWARE. This software is provided "as is", without any guarantee
made as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. You are granted a non-
exclusive right and license to use the Software and the related
documentation (the "Documentation") as set forth in this Agreement.For the purposes of
protecting The Trivium and The Creative Assembly Limited trade secrets, you may not
decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer or otherwise display the Software in human-
readable form. You may not modify, translate, rent, lease, distribute or lend the
Software, and you may not sell to others the right to use the Software on your computer.
You may not remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software. You may not
copy, transfer, transmit, sublicense or assign this license or the Software except as
expressly permitted in this Agreement. You agree that the terms of this paragraph apply
to the Software or any portion thereof, whether owned by The Trivium or The Creative
Assembly Limited including without limitation Activision Corporation.

This Software may contain bugs, so use is at your own risk. We take no responsibility for
any damage that may unintentionally be caused through its use. We have verified it on
local systems and on a number of other users computers, but there is no way for us to
be able to guarantee that it will work on each and every system configuration out there.
However if you can run RTW then this should be fine. SPQR has a LONG history of being
Highly Stable and Bug Free.

You may not use this Software in a commercial product, without the express permission
of The Trivium Organization or The Creative Assembly Limited When applicable. You may

use this software in a free product as long as the Trivium is given credit and its contact
information is included. If you are interested in redistributing the Software, either in
original or modified form, or wish to use Software source code in a product, or have any
other idea of cooperation, including job offers or a donations, please send e-mail to with details.

Copyright Notice
The Trivium Organization holds valid copyright on our original work/software. Nothing in
this agreement constitutes a waiver of any rights under U.S. Copyright law or any other
federal or state law.
Installation Instructions:
1. Make sure you have a clean install of Rome: Total War on your system
2. Make Sure you installed Patch V1.3 for Rome: Total War
3. Make Sure you installed Patch V1.5 for Rome: Total War
4. Make sure you have first played Prologue BEFORE installing SPQR Or First Time play
set to FALSE in preferences.txt.
5. Install SPQR: Total War executable, making sure you have NO other Mods (RTR, etc.)
6. If you have installed your game in another directory than default, make sure you point
to that directory during install.
7. Historical Battles cannot be played with this version of SPQR: Total War and will result
in a CTD
8. If you do a manual install, make sure you delete the events.dat file.
9. The Readme, Killsheet, and Icons are installed in the default RTW directory, in the
README directory.

Special Notes:

1. This mod is not to be played with other modifications, if you do so it may cause game
2. This mod is best played on Huge Settings
3. SPQR: Total War was created for the designer and therefore reflects his view of game
4. SPQR: Total War is most challenging when you allow the AI to build up and grow
before attacking.
5. There are several bugs in the original version of Rome: Total War, some of these bugs
cannot be fixed and therefore will be in SPQR.
6. This mod was never designed to rival any other mods, nor was it done for personal
glory, etc. I play it and like it. I hope you do.
7. SPQR: Total War is not set for complete realism but is intended to enhance gameplay
with some realism added.

8. My intent is NOT to force a Player to play a certain way. If you wish to use blitz tactics
or exploits you can, whatever makes the game fun for you.
9. I have included a Spreadsheet that you can use to talley your kills and losses.

Change\ Update Log:

===== SPQR Total War: 6.4 ====

1. Added New models and skins for All Factions, including rebels
2. Cherry Vanilla Pack, Trivium mod added to this modification. It fixes a Number of RTW
Bugs dealing with VnV etc.
3. Added an expansion to CVP with adds more traits etc. GAFHMod
9. You can recruit first Cohorts, remember historically there was 1 per Legion. Try not to
build an army of them.
10. Building times have been adjusted to a more realistic build time.
11. All nations are playable in the campaign except Spain, SPQR, Briton, Scipii, Brutii and
12. All units have 0 wait time and allows you and the AI to build as much as you can
afford and the population will allow. This is what Makes SPQR unique.
13. Upkeep costs of units are lowered to allow more armies in the field at one time.
15. Siege weapons for Ballistas and Scorpions have more Artillery.
16. Spartans have unbreakable morale and will NEVER retreat off the field.
17. Head Hurlers are now an Infantry unit and no longer a missile unit, they still throw
heads before attack. Heads will do no damage, but units do frighten Foot & Horse.
18. All regulars spears have the Spear attribute, Phalanx do not, to prevent
19. Arcani, Druids, Legion Cavalry, War Dogs, Flaming Pigs, and Screeching Women are
removed from the game.
20. Archers and Slingers have increased Ammunition
21. Increased the Number of Siege Ammunition
22. Battering Rams have better Health and Flame resistance.
23. Urban Cohorts are now an upgraded Town watch, they appear after Marius Reforms.
24. Praetorian Cavalry and Infantry only belong to senate now.
25. Campaign AI has been adjusted for aggressiveness.
26. Elephants have been added to Egypt and Armenia, but they must own provinces with
that resource.
27. Elephants numbers have been reduced to a more realistic number.
28. Added Experience Bonuses to Taverns and Academies
29. Triarii now buildable when Princepes are.
30. Ships have been adjusted to sink more often
31. Chariots are improved and will not stop and go all the time like before.

32. Senate recruits only Praetorians in the campaign game from start.
33. The Better barracks for Late Legion Cohorts replaces Republican Cohort units. Only
build the barracks if you wish to build just the Late Cohorts for that city. Late Legion
Cohorts require Imperial Palace. This limits the recruiting areas and allows one to play
with early cohorts longer.
34. Barbarians have been given a loose Square formation that is better than Horde
formation but looks similar. AI reacts better than using Horde.
35. All Phalanx units have tighter side by side grouping to reflect a more accurate
Phalanx, also better protects from breaking into the phalanx.
36. Better start garrisons for other factions. Romans factions have a small legion force.
37. Rome is now at war from start of game with Macedon, Greece, Germany, Gaul,
38. Macedon and Seleucid have Militia hoplites removed, they have Levy pikemen.
39. Increased Cost of certain buildings: Palaces, Entertainment, Mines, Roads, walls,
docks, have been increased to balance money concerns with the extra provinces.
40. New Units have been added: Carthaginian Archers, Carthaginian Numidian Cavalry,
Roman Slingers, Briton Peltast, Briton Archers, Egyptian Elephants, Armenian Elephants,
Dacian Bastarnae, Pharaohs Spearmen Guards, Pharoah Swordsmen Guards, Sword
41. ALL units have been redone from scatch and are now more balanced to make the
game more enjoyable for battles.
42. Battles last a LONG time now, Movement has been reduced also.
43. Fighting in Snow, Woods, gives advantages to Barbarians, Cavalry gets penalties
fighting in woods.
44. Early Legions have been changed to reflect more accuracy for Caesars Legions, they
no longer look like Late Legion clones.
45. Carthage and Egypt now have Ballistas, Barbarians no longer have Onagers.
46. STONE throwing Ballistas added to the game, Egypt, Greeks, Roman, Carthage can
build them with Catapult Barracks. The do not have Flaming boulders, so strategy must
be used whether to use Ballistas or stone throwing ones. The later does Much more
damage to walls, but is not good against infantry.
47. Heavy Onagers removed, Regular Onagers available when you build Siege Barracks.
Still available in Custom Battles.
48. Repeating Ballistas Removed from Campaign game, Scorpions do the Job of
repeating ballistas anyway, Unrealistic siege weapon and redundant, I think the stone
throwing ones are MUCH better.
49. Scorpions are now an After Marius Reforms Item, so you will NOT see them until
Marius Reforms.
50. Large and Epic Stones walls cannot be built in Campaign game, They were not very
realistic and since CA didnt make the ladders for them as they planned, makes these
walls more like Disney land. Lol But I did leave them available to the Senate to make it
Harder to take. So only the Senate and certain capitals can build these walls now,
everyone else just Stone walls.
51. Removes all temples from Romans Except Jupiter.
52. Removed all farms from Romans except the first 3 farms.
53. Special tweaks made for population control, Temples population and experience
bonuses work only for other factions not Romans, also Taverns work on for Barbarians.

So unless the temple has a happiness or law bonus you want, it would be better to
destroy it and build the Roman Temple. If you take a province with a tavern remember it
only gives bonuses to the barbarians. You should destroy it if you are not a barbarian
faction. I believe the above changes will solve the problem for Roman population
54. Added Scutarii and Bull Warriors to slave, so Spain rebels build them now.
55. Some Minor music added to the game for the Roman factions
56. Removed annoying the Day is ours etc. from the game.
57. Removed the Gong sound when ending a campaign turn.
58. Cost rebalance for all units for Multiplayer Battles.
59. All cavalry are more effective now in flank and rear routing of units.
60. Made 3 Shades of red for Roman Factions. Senate now a dark purple.
61. Added a Zone of Recruitment for Legionary Cohorts, Princepes, and Triarii. They Only
can be built in Italy and some bordering provinces, marked by a little Roman shield for
provinces that can recruit them, cohorts, and 1st cohorts.
62. Changed speed of Roman Medium cavalry to be faster than before.
63. Adjusted Mass based off unit type and class. Heavy units now punch through light
unit lines more.
64. Increased Character Movement Points, Armies can move farther now.
65. Roads now have Law Bonus, this is to reflect civilizations Laws and culture influence.
66. Added Eastern, Greek, Numidian Legionaries to Their respective provinces for Roman
Players. Do not be fooled these units are NOT as good as Italian Legionaries, but better
than Auxillia. Black shield Icon marked provinces where they can be recruited.
67. Adjusted Ships so Roman ships cost more and reduce build time to 0, Its MUCH
harder now to keep the seas, and protect your supply lines!
68. Removed Britons from Playable faction and removed their Boats, They will now stay
on their Island like in Real life, yet that Island will be bloody to take!
69. Foreign Temples, Taverns, Caravans, Secret police, Greek theaters, Blacksmiths now
contain a Negative bonus which will hurt Population and Happiness. I recommend
destroying the Buildings.
70. Added New Loading Screen and New Intro Video. Added New menu video
71. Added new FMV Videos for Lose, Win, and Death for Roman factions.
72. Added New Judean Zealots, Judean archers, Rebel only.
73. Added New Syrian Auxillia Archers for Romans.
74. Added Stronger armies for Spanish Rebels, Bull warriors etc
75. Added Gaul Heavy Spear Infantry, since Gaul has so few units and this was
76. Raised Purchase & Upkeep cost of Mercenary units.
77. Increased abilities of mercenaries so they are more effected than their standard
78. Adjusted Sounds so Roman Soldiers say something better, plus attacks statements
are changed also.
79. Added Skymod for patch 1.5, Changes Weather and Time of day for Battles, morning,
noon, and NIGHT BATTLES!
80. Added 0ver 200 more Quotes Mod
81. Changed Campaign menu maps to reflect the color and provinces each faction owns.
82. Added new Campaign music for Egyptian faction

83. Roman players can now recruit Praetorians "IF" they have ROME and if it has an
Imperial Palace.
84. NEW FORMATION! Shield wall for Roman Infantry units, this formation replaces the
Loose Formation for Roman infantry units. Loose formation applies to all other units as
85. Added more grass to the battlefields.
86. Added Buttons to SPQR for campaign that matches the Custom buttons.
87. Tighter formations for most of the cavalry units.
88. Added new Traits for more AI command stars
89. Added New Group formations for Roman Player
90. Docks on have 1 trade fleet for Romans
91. Trading posts etc have less routes for Romans
93. Added Legion Names to 1st cohorts. Each of the 28 Regions have one 1st cohort that
has a specific unique legion name. It up to the player to play historically with 1 legion
name per legion or not.
94. Added New Triumph Trait for Romans, depends on how many enemies killed in
battle, and how many provinces you take. Minor Triumph, Triumph, Large Triumph, Great
Triumph, Spectacular Triumph.
95. Added Sinuhet's Version 3 Formations customized for SPQR mod.
96. Added New Icons on strategy map to show where Legions and imitation Legion can
be recruited. Small Shields
97. Elephants and Chariot Riders now use Javelins. Makes them more effective in the
98. Increased mining bonus, and increased purchase cost, you also need a Large town to
build the first Mine.
99. Added New Ship Models for Campaign Map from Riczu
100. Adjusted Particles to 2000 instead of 8000, much better performance for the HUGE
battles in SPQR, plus no noticeable difference in Dust. Same was done for Smoke.
101. Changed Unit sizes for all Factions, Battle more epic and Players playing on Large
settings get more balanced gameplay.
102. Besides adding new Roman fort that is fixed, I also added Forts for the Other
103. Added new campaign map from Icetorque, custom adjusted for SPQR
104. Spartans and Triarii can use Both swords and spears in battle.
105. Added New horse mod tailored for SPQR
107. Romans only ones that build Stone Roads, but other factions get Trade bonus on
dirt roads, so not penalty. Makes an area Romanized.
108. Pre-Marius Artillery added, later replaced by Post-Marius Artillery.
109. Night Battles in Campaign game and Custom Maps now work in SPQR 6.0
110. New win conditions, you must take 155 province to Win in SPQR: TW
111. NEW GARRSION SCRIPT, when running the script by clicking the ESC key and then
clicking on the ? Icon and then clicking the showme Icon under the adviser you will
activated a script that produces garrisons when the PLAYER no matter which faction he or
she plays, gets NEAR to or SIEGES the city. The script will automatically make a garrison
as if the town gathered to fight off the attack. You will need to activate the script EACH

time you LOAD a SAVED GAME. Otherwise the script doesnt have to be loaded constantly
while playing the campaign.
112. SPQR Now ported over to 1.5 Patched RTW, DO NOT Use SPQR 6.2 Unless you have
the 1.5 patch installed!
113. Scipii and Brutii factions removed, SPQR now uses a Unified Rome, with the Senate
still in control of Rome.
114. Added Special EB animation pack from Alin, That adds, Javelin for Elephant and
chariots, Roman Gladius fighting, Barbarian slashing sword (works for axemen also), foot
archers, overhand hoplites and many more. All of which can be fast or regular movement
depending on the unit.
115. Mines Produce more Money than Vanilla mines.
116. Senate starts out with 5 Legions but can recruit Praetorians anytime. Rome cannot
last long if attacked to many times, defend her well.
117. Elephants carry 4 riders now instead of 3. This makes them more effective than
118. Assassin traits adjusted, the better the Forum the better the assassin.
119. The player can now recruit Generals. The upkeep is low, but the purchase cost is
high for the Romans. All factions can recruit Generals.
120. Cost and upkeep for Diplomats, Assassins, and Spies have been raised. This allows
a More strategic use for these useful and important units. Romans cost for these units is
more than the other factions. As your empire Grows you will be able to afford more of
these special units.
121. Building Amphitheaters will allow the recruitment of Gladiators, each level allows a
different type to be built.
122. Game should be easier on Easy and Medium settings than for 6.0 version. Lower AI
chevrons, and More mixed Units in AI armies.
123. Greek_Cities and Macedon now have ability to make Elephants if they have the
124. 4 Turn per Year added to the garrison script this means if you use the script you
must always use it during your campaign or risk corrupted saved games. No more
turning the script on and off when wanted.
125. Higher level Barracks give Experience for Lower level units. Suggestion from a fan,
which was a good idea.
126. Fixed Auxilia Cavalry2, so some systems do not crash in loading battles. (Special
thanks to jegui & ferres for pointing it out)
127. Added new Loyalty traits for Roman Faction, so watch your Generals. Some
Generals with 0 Loyalty may still stand you others may not, but in any case it is wise to
watch the loyalty of your not so loyal Generals. Only taking care of the situation once it is
obvious what they are doing.
128. Added Warcry Back into SPQR barbarian units. (back by special request of some
great fans)
129. Added Original Vanilla Grass, so systems can get FPS boost. (again special request
by the low end system fans)
130. Added NEW Model/Skins for Late period Romans from Ferres.
131. New Gloss files for the Romans, Parthian Immortals, Sacred Band, and Spartans.
132. A NEW More Historical Map
133. Added New AI formations for Battle AI behavior from Sinuhet.

134. Archers Now Fire on heavy units, fixed a CA related bug that cause archers not to
shoot at very heavy infantry for AI factions. You will need Testudo!
135. Doubled Battle time so battles last twice as long as before.
136. Greek and Macedon units cost more, making a little more challenge for those
players, plus limits the massive armies they seem to wield because of money.
137. Added New events that can trigger Governor Revolts and Also a New Trigger for
allowing Characters to GAIN LOYALTY in Imperial Cities complete with all
the buildings.
138. Added new hidden traits and trigger that allow Generals that fought MANY battles to
have units under their command have battlefield bonuses.
139. ADJUSTED Imperial Legionary Skins and centurions to reflect a more Heavily
Armoured unit.
140. Cavalry has more effect on Attacking infantry from behind and in general.
141. Garrison Script changed to reflect more archers since the AI uses them more
effectively now.
142. Spartans increased in effectiveness.
143. Generals that suffers a clear defeat in more than 3 battles against the same nation
(greek, egyptian, etc.), has a 70% chance of becoming Afraid of that People.
144. Slaves are worth more now, A wise governor will see the value of Slaves.
145. Keeping more than 100K in the bank will cause Governors to become unreliable,
increasing to 250K, 500k, and 1M, Increase bad traits and possible revolts.
146. Legionaries now recruited by Province, this means Legio 1 legionaries cannot merge
with Legio 2 Legionaries. This adds more challenge to the game and is realistic.
For people that play like myself, this change will not affect game play much. But will
make others play similar to how the mod was Meant to be played.
147. Legion Numbers now listed in City details and Name. No longer will you wonder
which legion is from which province.
148. Elections are picked from leaders that are not that Loyal to your faction, so the
Senate can trust them, you may wish to keep 0 loyalty leaders for senate offices.
149. Fixed minor Navigator Bug.
150. Archer Ammo lowered because of archer fix double ammo is not needed now.
151. Adjust Ancillaries for Players, No longer will it be so easy to get ancillaries of specific
152. Adjusted General Units to the Proper strength due to changes with the Archer fix.
153. Carthage is MUCH more powerful in SPQR now.
154. Carthage under Hannibal has taken a Roman Province making them a SERIOUS
threat early in the Game.
155. Elephants are better balanced and MORE powerful, beware of them Javelinmen are
156. Adjusted Civilized Nations Cities, They now have Stone walls to reflect the OLD
WORLD before the Rise of Rome.
156. More Spartans for Sparta and Sparta starts out with No Walls.
158. Macedon Toned down a little to prevent the overwhelming of other nations.
159. Ancillaries have been adjusted or fixed.
160. Garrison Script Modified Slightly.
161. Character Traits adjusted on LOYALTY, helping the Player to get more loyal Generals
at start.

162. Adjusted Skins for Roman Units and Standards.
163. Added more mercenary units, Now there are Spartan Hoplites, Thespian Hoplites,
African Heavy Mercenaries, Judean Mercenaries, Barbarian swords, noble cavalry,
Barbarian Skirmishers, Sword Hoplites, Iberian Infantry, Cataphract Elephants
164. Added more Mercenaries Per Province, Now there are a lot more to recruit.
165. Mercenary Upkeep Lowered to Half the purchase cost with a couple exceptions.
166. Increased Siege weapon numbers
167. Increase Strength of Walls and Gates
168. Adjusted Unrest, now with the exception of a few areas will have 0%-50% unrest all
the time, some areas like Spain, Judea, and Briton will remain at 70-80% constant.
169. Added more Gloss Files for Roman standards centurions, Greek _Cities, Macedon,
Seleucid, and Carthage.
170. Gladiators are ONLY recruitable in Capua now. Historical site for the best gladiators
in Rome.
171. Added new Officer Model for Romans, More realistic Higher quality than the CA

Changes\ Update Log: 11/11/2008

===== SPQR Total War: 7.0 ====

1. Roman Generals now have missile units to prevent AI suicide charges.
2. Super faction fix, now nations will no longer form superfactions like before
3. Egyptians Walls added back into the game
4. Larger Navies added to some other factions
5. Carthage must be destroyed and you must own their lands for Marius Reforms to take
6. Generals, Diplomats can only be recruited in Italy
7. Auxilia Infantry, Syrian Archers, and late Auxilia Cavalry can only be recruited Outside
of Italy
8. Garrison Archers added to the game
9. Battlefield heights fixed no longer huge mountains to fight on.
10. New trade ships, Sieged model for campaign map, and wagons for trade.
11. Removed some population bonuses so the AI does not produce to many men all the
12. Cataphracts have saddles now.
13. Auxilia Archers can only be recruited in the Middle east Now.
14. Cost and upkeep of generals reduced
15. Roman Peasants now available for transporting recruits to other provinces.
16. As your Empire grows larger so does the possibility of Civil War, be aware it can
happen at any time when you become a Larger Empire.
17. First 2 levels of Blacksmith added to Romans, Though secondary level does not occur
until Marius reforms

18. NEVER NEVER stay in Senates Province, it is ok to pass through but do not end turn
there, you violated the Laws of Rome and they WILL attack you.
18. Many many small changes that I cannot remember now. See how many you can
notice from before. ;-)

Latest Changes\ Update Log: 09/10/2010

===== SPQR Total War: 8.0 ====

1. SPQR 1.3 Addon (Has many units added to Mod, as well as Other changes)
2. New SPQR map better battlefields based off of RS mod
3. Hiring too many mercenaries can lead to general being disloyal over time.
4. Mercenaries are not as loyal as your faction units. they cannot get paid if they are
dead so they may run.
5. New Faction added JUDEA
6. Campaign AI and Diplomacy Adjusted.
7. Several Bug fixes included Senate attack bug, Syracusa Garrsion Bug, Some model
bug fixes.

Issues, Some lower End PCs may have CTD issues with New map and New high Rez
Models for new units.

Please check SPQR forum for Help on Campaign game play.

*****SPQR Index Forum*****

About Loyalty in SPQR 8.0

SPQR will now have loyalty. Loyalty is affected by several factors.

1. A General is TOO successful on a Battlefield, Watch how many Victories your General
Gets, There is no set number for loyalty loss, but it gives you a good Idea if you have
been using him TOO much. lol
2. A General is Away from the Cities of Rome too Long. Sometimes this cannot be
avoided, but LONG campaigns can affect them a little.
3. A General is getting too Much Political Support. This is not too much of a Worry since
the Senate does not choose your faction for Offices, but it still happens.

If you are the type of player that uses one General to do battle, I should warn you to
watch his loyalty as him may not be as loyal as his was before. Also if you find a General
is getting low on Loyalty you can retire him to Governorship, there is a chance he can
regain Loyalty once he tastes the good life again. It is Possible for Characters/Generals to
Gain up to 5 Loyalty Rings by being a Governor, of course remote rich Provinces could
cause a Governor to rebel Outright. lol

Learn to Manage your Generals and Family Members, remember just because they have
0 Loyalty does not mean they would not make a good governor! Generals and Family
Members acquire Governor Traits the longer they spend in the position, so just because a
Young General is not a good governor yet, Give him time and you will see how much
better he becomes at the job!

Province City Legion No.
Venetia Patavium legion1
Lucana Paestum legion2
Viennensis Massilia legion3
Aetolia Naupactus legion4
Etruria Arretium legion5
Samnium Beneventum legion6
Tarraconensis Tarraco legion7
Bruttium Reghion legion8
Alpes_Maritime Nicaea legion9
Carpentania Toletum legion10
Alpes_Cottiae Mediolanum legion11
Umbria Arminium legion12
Liguria Genua legion13
Campania Capua legion14
Epirus_Vetus Ambrakia legion15
Narbonensis Tolosa legion16
Alpes_Poenninae Darantasia legion17
Histria Tergeste legion18
Lugdunensis_I Lugdunum legion19
Sicilia_Romanus Messana legion20
Sicilia_Graecus Syracusa legion21
Illyricum Salona legion22
Sardinia Carali legion23
Calabria Taras legion24
Sicilia_Poeni Lilybeon legion25
Epirus_Nova Apollonia legion26
Baliares Palma legion27
Picenum Asculum legion28

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