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SECTION A ( 30 %)

Answer all questions. Every question is followed y four o!tions A" #" C and $.
Cir%le t&e %orre%t answer.
Figure 1
'. Why do ancient men live in caves?
A To help them grow quickly
# To help them find food
C To protect themselves from earthquakes
$ To protect themselves from danger, the Sun and rain
Figure 2
(. ased on Figure 2, what happens after a few days?
A The mosquito larva grows !igger"
# # mosquito appears at the surface of the water"
C The num!er of mosquito larvae increases"
$ The mosquito larva dies"
3. Which of the following shows the !ehaviour of a snail that protects it from enemies?
A $uns very fast
# %as a !ad smell
C %ides its head and !ody in its hard shell
$ $eleases poison from its !ody
layer of oil
mosquito larva
Figure &
Which of the la!elled parts is the !reathing structure of the caterpillar?
). Which of the following are !ad ha!its of humans?
' $eading
'' Smoking
''' Taking drugs
'( )rinking cola
A ' and '' only
# ' and '( only
C '' and ''' only
$ '' and '( only
*. The figure * !elow shows the main organs that are
involved in !reathing"

Figure *
Which organ a!sor!s o+ygen during !reathin
A ,
# -
C $
$ S
+. Which of the following shows the path of air during inhalation?
A .ose windpipe lungs
# .ose mouth lungs
C /outh lungs windpipe
$ /outh nose lungs
,. Which of the following activities increase the rate of !reathing?
' 0ogging
'' Singing
''' Sleeping
'( /arching
A ' and '' only
# '' and ''' only
C ', '' and ''' only
Figure 1
-. The following figure 1 shows the process of !reathing in a human" Which of the
following is true a!out this process?
' The volume of the chest cavity increases"
'' The chest moves inwards and downwards"
''' The air is slightly warm"
A ' and '' only
# ' and ''' only
C '' and ''' only
$ ', '' and '''
'0. The animals shown in the list a!ove have a special characteristic to protect
themselves from enemies" What is the special characteristic?
A Sting
# 2amouflage
C ad smell
$ %ard skin
2aterpillar ,raying mantis
utterfly 3rasshopper
Figure 6
''. Why is plant # unhealthy compared to plant ?
A ,lant # has dull leaves"
# ,lant # does not like to !e in a small space"
C ,lant # does not get enough sunlight"
$ ,lant # has caterpillars on its leaves"
Figure 7
'(. Which !asic need of the plant is the most difficult to get in the region shown a!ove?
A Water
# #ir
C Sunlight
$ Food
Figure 8
'3. Figure 4 shows a part of the grass !eing covered with a wooden plank" #fter two
days, it is o!served that the part of the grass covered with the wooden plank turns
yellow" Why does this happen?
A The grass covered with the wooden plank does not get water"
# The grass covered with the wooden plank does not get food"
C The grass covered with the wooden plank cannot !reathe"
$ The grass covered with the wooden plank does not get sunlight"
'.. What is the effect of alcohol on a person?
A The person5s response to stimuli will !e delayed"
# The alcohol will strengthen muscles"
C The hearing of the person !ecomes sharper"
$ The person cannot !reathe well"
Figure 15
'). What is the e+cretory organ of the a!ove animal?
A 3ills
# Skin
C 6idneys
$ 7ungs
Figure 16
/i0ure '*
'*. Figure 18 shows a fish" Which of the following parts, la!eled A, #, C or $, e+cretes
waste materials from the fish?
'+. The !reathing structures that ena!le frogs to !reathe on land and in water are the9
' gills"
'' skin"
''' lungs"
'( tracheal structures"
A ' and '' only
# ' and ''' only
C '' and ''' only
$ ''' and '( only
',. #ll of the following animals !reathe through tracheal structures e1%e!t9
A #
C $
'-. # grasshopper with its head immersed in water will not die !y drowning" This is
!ecause 9
A the grasshopper can !reathe in water"
# there is air for !reathing in water""
C its !reathing structure is located in the a!domen"
$ it can live in water and on land"
(0. Which of the following animals !reathes using gills?
A The crocodile # The tadpole
C The frog $ The mosquito
('. Which of the following plants reproduces !y spores?

(( The picture !elow shows a !anana plant"
Figure 1:
What is the name of the part la!eled ;?
A <nderground stem
# ,arent plant
C Sucker
$ Shoot
(3. The information !elow is a!out an animal"
What is the animal mentioned a!ove?
A 2ra!
# 2ockroach
C Frog
$ )olphin
(.. The picture !elow shows a mimosa plant"
Figure 1=
This plant can respond to9
' water"
'' touch"
''' sunlight"
A ' and '' only
# ' and ''' only
C '' and ''' only
$ ', '' and '''
(). Which of the following animals gives !irth to the young?
A The li>ard
# The crocodile
C The frog
$ The whale
(*. Which of the following animals produce offspring which look different from their
A Fish"
# Snake
C /osquito"
$ 3rasshopper

Figure 19
(+. The graph in Figure 14 shows the process of9
A growth"
# !reathing"
C movement"
$ reproduction
(,. Which of the following are living things in groups ; and ??
A utterfly, mosquito 2ra!, turtle
# @tter, monitor 2rocodile, whale
C /osquito, frog
2rocodile, turtle
$ Snake, frog Turtle, otter
7iving things in group ; live on land !ut lay eggs in water"
7iving things in group ? live in water !ut lay eggs on land"
.um!er of animals
2AA2 2AA1 2AAA
30. Which of the following animals e+cretes its waste products through gills?
A Frog
# /ouse
C ,rawn
$ Barthworm
SECTION B ( 20%)
Answer a !"e #ues!i$ns%

efore e+ercise #fter e+ercise
Figure 1
'. Figure 1 shows the physical conditions of a pupil !efore and after e+ercise"
CaD What is your o!servation from the picture given?
C 1 markD
C!D Which part of the !ody produces this e+cretory product?
C 1 markD
CcD .ame two other products of human e+cretion and the organs involved !esides
the one given in CaDi"
3rodu%t of &u4an
C * /arks D
CdD %umans also get rid of faeces through EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
C 1 markD
(. The following figure shows the main organs involved in !reathing"
Figure 2
CaD .ame the organs that are la!eled ,, -, $ and S"
C!D 2omplete the chart !elow to show the passage of air during inhalation"
C 1 markD
CcD State two differences !etween inhaled air and e+haled air"
C 2 marksD
.um!er of )ays %eight of plant C cmD
2 2
* &
8 *
Ta!le 1

The ta!le shows the height of a plant"
aD What is the aim of the fair testC e+perimentD a!ove?
C 1 markD
!D State what do you need
C 2 marksD
cD What is the relationship !etween the two varia!les in the fair test a!ove?
C 1 markD
$hinoceros Scorpion #nteater
Figure &
.. Figure & shows three kinds of animals which have special characteristics and
!ehaviour to protect themselves from danger"
CaD .ame a special characteristic of the rhinoceros that protect it from danger"
C 1 markD
C!D %ow does anteater protect itself from its enemies?

C 1 markD
CcD 3ive a animal that protect itself in the same way as a scorpion"
C 1 markD

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